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|20130622||globalresearch.ca||[http://www.globalresearch.ca/snowden-becomes-eighth-person-to-be-charged-with-violating-the-espionage-act-under-obama/5340030 Snowden Becomes Eighth Person to Be Charged with Violating the Espionage Act Under Obama]||[[ESPIONAGE ACT]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]]
|20130622||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/22/edward-snowden-nsa-whistleblower-julian-assange Support NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, says Julian Assange - WikiLeaks founder releases statement after former contract worker is charged with espionage by US prosecutors]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]]
|20130622||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/22/edward-snowden-nsa-whistleblower-julian-assange Support NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, says Julian Assange - WikiLeaks founder releases statement after former contract worker is charged with espionage by US prosecutors]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]]

Revision as of 07:32, 23 June 2013

Offical Coordinates


Date Source Title Tags
20130622 globalresearch.ca Snowden Becomes Eighth Person to Be Charged with Violating the Espionage Act Under Obama ESPIONAGE ACT / OBAMA, BARACK
20130622 guardian.co.uk Support NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, says Julian Assange - WikiLeaks founder releases statement after former contract worker is charged with espionage by US prosecutors SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASSANGE, JULIAN / OBAMA, BARACK
20130620 mcclatchydc.com Obama’s crackdown views leaks as aiding enemies of U.S. LEAKS / SECRECY / OBAMA, BARACK
20130619 guardian.co.uk Obama's approval takes a hit over NSA leaks - Declining public trust in his administration over the surveillance revelations should worry the president, but not based on one poll OBAMA, BARACK / NSA
20130619 guardian.co.uk Barack Obama: NSA is not rifling through ordinary people's emails: US president is confident intelligence services have 'struck appropriate balance', he tells journalists in Berlin NSA / OBAMA, BARACK / MERKEL, ANGELA
20130619 spiegel.de Obamas Rede im Wortlaut (engl.): "We have history to make" OBAMA, BARACK
20130619 spiegel.de Gespräch mit Merkel: Obama verteidigt Abhöraktion Prism OBAMA, BARACK / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA
20130619 welt.de Berlin-Besuch: Einmal klingt Obama doch wie ein Merkel-Kritiker OBAMA, BARACK
20130617 wsj.com Snowden Says Obama’s Failed Promises Motivated Leaks SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / OBAMA, BARACK
20130617 cnn.com CNN Poll: Obama approval falls amid controversies OBAMA, BARACK
20130614 spiegel.de Syriens Bürgerkrieg: Obama greift ein SY / US / OBAMA, BARACK
20130612 guardian.co.uk James Clapper: Obama stands by intelligence chief as criticism mounts - Admission that James Clapper gave 'least truthful answer' on domestic surveillance could become a problem for the president http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jun/12/james-clapper-intelligence-chief-criticism CLAPPER, JAMES / OBAMA, BARACK
20130611 guardian.co.uk Obama pressured over NSA snooping as US senator denounces 'act of treason': Information chiefs worldwide sound alarm while US senator Dianne Feinstein orders NSA to review monitoring program US / NSA / OBAMA, BARACK
20130611 spiegel.de US-Spitzelei: Obama jagt die Geheimnisverräter US / OBAMA, BARACK / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / WHISTLEBLOWING
20130610 spiegel.de Späh-Programm der NSA: Merkel will Prism-Skandal bei Obama-Besuch ansprechen US / DE / NSA / MERKEL, ANGELA / OBAMA, BARACK
20130607 rt.com Obama on NSA surveillance: Can't have 100% security and 100% privacy OBAMA, BARACK
20130531 globalresearch.ca US Attorney General Eric Holder Personally Approved Obama’s Secret Effort to Seize Email and Phone Records of News Reporters HOLDER, ERIC / OBAMA, BARACK / ASSOCIATED PRESS
20130530 guardian.co.uk President Obama uses a sledgehammer against dissent: From Jeremy Hammond to Bradley Manning and the AP, Obama's 'assault on journalism' is a threat to our democracy JOURNALISM / OBAMA, BARACK / HOLDER, ERIC / HAMMOND, JEREMY / MANNING, BRADLEY / ASSOCIATED PRESS / NOOR-ELDEEN, NAMIR / CHMAGH, SAEED
20130524 spiegel.de Obama-Rede: Vermächtnis eines Drohnenkriegers DRONES / OBAMA, BARACK
20130523 spiegel.de Grundsatzrede zur US-Außenpolitik: Obama schränkt Drohnenkrieg massiv ein OBAMA, BARACK / DRONES
20130523 spiegel.de Überraschendes Eingeständnis: US-Drohnen töteten Amerikaner im Ausland DRONES / OBAMA, BARACK
20130523 thebureauinvestigates.com Obama frames covert drone war as necessary evil OBAMA, BARACK / DRONES
20130523 mediaite.com The Nation’s Jeremy Scahill To CNN: Obama Terrorism Speech A ‘Rebranding Of Bush Era Policies’ DRONES / OBAMA, BARACK
20130516 spiegel.de Abgeschöpfte Telefondaten: Obama verteidigt Aktion gegen Associated Press ASSOCIATED PRESS / OBAMA, BARACK
20130517 talkingpointsmemo.com Silvio Berluconis Parties featured woman dressed as Barack Obama BERLUSCONI, SILVIO / OBAMA, BARACK
20130425 countytimes.com Pentagon Papers Attorney James Goodale of Washington Looks Back in New Book GOODALE, JAMES / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / MANNING, BRADLEY / PENTAGON PAPERS / OBAMA, BARACK
20130417 spiegel.de Weißes Haus: Giftbrief an Präsident Obama abgefangen RIZIN / OBAMA, BARACK
20130402 spiegel.de US-Reaktion auf Drohungen: Obama will Kim abschrecken KP / CN / US / OBAMA, BARACK
20130322 spiegel.de Bilanz der Nahost-Reise: Obama erobert die Herzen der Israelis OBAMA, BARACK / IL
20130321 spiegel.de Obamas Limousine falsch betankt: Das Biest hat sich verschluckt OBAMA, BARACK / IL
20130321 spiegel.de Nahost-Konflikt: Obama ruft Israelis und Palästinenser zum Frieden auf OBAMA, BARACK / IL / US / PS
20130321 spiegel.de Obama-Besuch bei Abbas: Der unerwünschte Präsident OBAMA, BARACK / IL / US / PS
20130321 spiegel.de Staatsbesuch in Israel: Obamas Baum sorgt für Ärger IL / OBAMA, BARACK
20130321 spiegel.de Nahost-Konflikt: Obama überrascht mit deutlicher Kritik an Israel US / IL / OBAMA, BARACK
20130107 spiegel.de US-Militärpolitik: Obamas neue Schattenkrieger US / OBAMA, BARACK / HAGEL, CHUCK / BRENNAN, JOHN / CIA
20130306 spiegel.de Reaktionen auf Chávez' Tod: Das wünscht Obama Venezuela CHAVEZ, HUGO / US / OBAMA, BARACK
20130106 spiegel.de Newtown-Massaker: Obama will Waffengesetze massiv verschärfen WEAPONTRADE / OBAMA, BARACK
20121117 spiegel.de Gaza-Streifen: USA unterstützen israelische Luftangriffe IL / PS / OBAMA, BARACK / MERKEL, ANGELA / MURSI, MOHAMED
20121114 guardian.co.uk Obama praises Petraeus's record as lawmakers quiz FBI director Mueller: Republicans on Capitol Hill suggest an election week coverup of FBI's investigation into former CIA director's personal life PETRAEUS, DAVID / ALLEN, JOHN / FBI / OBAMA, BARACK
20121115 guardian.co.uk Hamas says 'gates of hell opened' as Israel kills military leader in Gaza: Ahmed al-Jabari's assassination in missile strike marks 'start of broader operation' that may involve ground troops, says Israel HAMAS / IL / PS / OBAMA, BARACK / NETANJAHU, BENJAMIN
20121114 spiegel.de Obamas Haushaltstrategie: Präsident Eisenherz OBAMA, BARACK
20121113 spiegel.de Petraeus-Affäre: Obama stellt sich hinter Top-Kommandeur Allen ALLEN, JOHN / OBAMA, BARACK
25.09.2012 spiegel.de Uno-Vollversammlung: Obama warnt Iran OBAMA, BARACK / US / IR / SY
26.07.2012 spiegel.de Kino-Amoklauf: Obama legt sich mit Waffenlobby an WEAPONS / US / OBAMA, BARACK
18.07.2012 afp Obama, Clinton 'prejudiced' WikiLeaks suspect's case MANNING, BRADLEY / OBAMA, BARACK / CLINTON, HILLARY
25.06.2012 buzzfeed.com White House Warned Not To Delete “Leak” Emails The investigations heat up, and the staff is warned. No shredding allow OBAMA, BARACK LEAKS
08.06.2012 foreignpolicy.com Good Leak, Bad Leak: A look at the Obama administration's hot-and-cold approach to secrets OBAMA, BARACK LEAKS SECRECY
25.05.2012 spiegel.de Höchste Geheimhaltungsstufe: Bin-Laden-Film bringt Obama in Bedrängnis OBAMA, BARACK SECRECY
20.05.2012 cryptome.org Obama Discloses OBL Kill CIA Staff Photos OBAMA, BARACK
04.02.2012 cryptome.org Obama Phones



Date Source Title Tags
16.07.2012 cryptome.org Obama Protection 47 OBAMA, BARACK
08.07.2012 cryptome.org Obama Protection 46 OBAMA, BARACK
20110501 cryptome.org White House Obama bin Laden Kill Gaps BIN LADEN, OSAMA / OBAMA, BARACK
