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|20130822||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/aug/23/uk-government-independent-military-base Snowden: UK government now leaking documents about itself: The NSA whistleblower says: 'I have never spoken with, worked with, or provided any journalistic materials to the Independent']||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[NSA]] / [[THE INDEPENDENT]]
|20130822||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/aug/23/uk-government-independent-military-base Snowden: UK government now leaking documents about itself: The NSA whistleblower says: 'I have never spoken with, worked with, or provided any journalistic materials to the Independent']||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[NSA]] / [[THE INDEPENDENT]] / [[UK]] / [[GCHQ]]
|20130820||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/media/greenslade/2013/aug/20/alanrusbridger-press-freedom How the press reacted to Guardian editor's revelation about security pressure - Or should that be - how newspapers didn't react?]||[[GUARDIAN]] / [[FREEDOM OF PRESS]] / [[GCHQ]] / [[DAILY TELEGRAPH]] / [[THE TIMES]] / [[THE INDEPENDENT]] / [[DAILY MAIL]] / [[WASHINGTON POST]] / [[USA TODAY]] / [[NEW YORK TIMES]] / [[WALL STREET JOURNAL]] / [[LE MONDE]] / [[RUSSIA TODAY]]
|20130820||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/media/greenslade/2013/aug/20/alanrusbridger-press-freedom How the press reacted to Guardian editor's revelation about security pressure - Or should that be - how newspapers didn't react?]||[[GUARDIAN]] / [[FREEDOM OF PRESS]] / [[GCHQ]] / [[DAILY TELEGRAPH]] / [[THE TIMES]] / [[THE INDEPENDENT]] / [[DAILY MAIL]] / [[WASHINGTON POST]] / [[USA TODAY]] / [[NEW YORK TIMES]] / [[WALL STREET JOURNAL]] / [[LE MONDE]] / [[RUSSIA TODAY]]

Revision as of 15:26, 23 August 2013