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|20140919||theregister.co.uk||[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/09/19/fbi_overseas_hacking_powers/TOR users become FBI's No.1 hacking target after legal power grab - Be afeared, me hearties, these scoundrels be spying our signals]||[[TOR]]
|20140822||bbc.co.uk||[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-28886465Tor Project's struggle to keep the dark net in the shadows]||[[TOR]]
|20140822||bbc.co.uk||[http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-28886465Tor Project's struggle to keep the dark net in the shadows]||[[TOR]]

Revision as of 15:30, 22 September 2014

Articles / Events / Situations


Date Source Title Tags
20140919 theregister.co.uk users become FBI's No.1 hacking target after legal power grab - Be afeared, me hearties, these scoundrels be spying our signals TOR
20140822 bbc.co.uk Project's struggle to keep the dark net in the shadows TOR
20140822 bbc.co.uk NSA and GCHQ agents 'leak Tor bugs', alleges developer TOR
20140731 spiegel.de Anonymes Internet: Tor-Betreiber warnen vor möglicher Enttarnung TOR
20140725 heise.de Russland: 3,9 Millionen Rubel für De-Anonymisierung von Tor TOR / RU
20140722 pando.com Hall of Mirrors: Wikileaks volunteer helped build Tor, was funded by Pentagon APPELBAUM, JACOB / WIKILEAKS / TOR
20140716 daserste.ndr.de NSA-Opfer angehört NSA / DE / TOR / HAHN, SEBASTIAN / CCC
20140703 netzpolitik.org NSA überwacht Tor-Infrastruktur und alle Nutzer – auch Betreiber in Deutschland TOR / NSA
20140703 spiegel.de Tor-Netzwerk: Aktivisten trotzen der NSA TOR
201402 internetsociety.org The Sniper Attack: Anonymously Deanonymizing and Disabling the Tor Network TOR


Date Source Title Tags
20131228 heise.de 30C3: Keine Hintertüren in Tor 30C3 / TOR
20131113 heise.de BKA-Herbsttagung: Bitcoin, Silk Road und TOR beschäftigen die Kriminalistik 2.0 BKA / BITCOIN / SILK ROAD / TOR / ZIERKE, JOERG / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20131004 washingtonpost.com Talk by Roger Dingledine of Torproject.org at the NSA NSA / TOR / DINGLEDINE, ROGER
20131004 rt.com Tor anonymizer network among NSA’s targets, Snowden leaks reveal NSA / TOR
20130919 dailydot.com Privacy group demands answers about government's influence on Tor TOR
20130907 rt.com Tor anonymity network could be ‘easily compromised,’ researcher says TOR
20130905 blog.torproject.org How to handle millions of new Tor clients TOR
20130829 spiegel.de Anonymes Surfen: Nutzung des Tor-Netzwerks verdoppelt sich TOR
201308016 rt.com Russia’s FSB mulls ban on ‘Tor’ online anonymity network TOR / FSB
20130713 chip.de Tor-Proxy: Fritzbox als Tarnkappen-Router: Tor für die Fritzbox TOR
20130702 spiegel.de Tor-Router zum Selberbauen: Internet-Tarnkappe für 65 Euro TOR


Date Source Title Tags
11.09.2012 cryptome.org BROADCASTING BOARD OF GOVERNORS: US Top Propaganda Board Tor-Funder Meet TOR
