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|20170510||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/james-comey-gefeuert-geschasster-fbi-chef-wollte-russland-ermittlungen-ausweiten-a-1147062.html Geschasster FBI-Chef Comey wollte Russland-Ermittlungen offenbar ausweiten]||[[COMEY, JAMES]] / [[FBI]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170510||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/387891-lavrov-tillerson-meeting-washington/ Lavrov: Trump admin are business people, dialogue free from ideological bias]||[[RU-US]] / [[US]] / [[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170510||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/387891-lavrov-tillerson-meeting-washington/ Lavrov: Trump admin are business people, dialogue free from ideological bias]||[[RU-US]] / [[US]] / [[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]

Revision as of 06:17, 11 May 2017




Date Source Title Tags
20170510 spiegel.de Geschasster FBI-Chef Comey wollte Russland-Ermittlungen offenbar ausweiten COMEY, JAMES / FBI / TRUMP, DONALD
20170510 rt.com Lavrov: Trump admin are business people, dialogue free from ideological bias RU-US / US / LAVROV, SERGEY / TRUMP, DONALD
20170509 nytimes.com F.B.I. Director James Comey Is Fired by Trump US / COMEY, JAMES / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20170423 nytimes.com Floyd Abrams Sees Trump’s Anti-Media Tweets as Double-Edged Swords FREEDOM OF PRESS / ABRAMS, FLOYD / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20170422 zerohedge.com Yale Psychiatrists Just Warned There Is Something Seriously Wrong With Trump TRUMP, DONALD
20170421 independent.co.uk Donald Trump on US charging Julian Assange: 'It's OK with me' TRUMP, DONALD / US / ASSANGE, JULIAN / SESSIONS, JEFF
20170416 patribotics.blog Carter Page Went to Moscow With a Tape of Donald Trump Offering Treason For Hacking PAGE, CARTER / MANAFORT, PAUL / EPSHTEYN, BORIS / TRUMP, DONALD
20170416 spiegel.de "Tax Day" in den USA Demonstranten fordern Trumps Steuerunterlagen TRUMP, DONALD
20170415 spiegel.de Besuch bei der Queen Trump besteht auf Fahrt in goldener Kutsche TRUMP, DONALD / GB
20170415 rt.com Trump dumps campaign pledges, goes ballistic in Syria & Afghanistan TRUMP, DONALD / SY / AF
20170414 rt.com Surprise: Trump has suddenly found a way to use anti-Russia talking points in his favor TRUMP, DONALD / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20170414 spiegel.de USA Trump schränkt Transparenz im Weißen Haus ein TRUMP, DONALD / WHITE HOUSE
20170413 spiegel.de Trump gegen Assad Ein bisschen Krieg - Ein paar "Tomahawks" - und schon wird Trump von seinen schärfsten Kritikern gelobt. Wer Bomben wirft, der wird geliebt. So irre ist unsere Welt. Der US-Präsident wird sich das merken - und wir werden es bereuen. TRUMP, DONALD
20170413 spiegel.de Trump und Russland Britischer Geheimdienst soll früh vor Kontakten nach Moskau gewarnt haben GCHQ / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / HANNIGAN, ROBERT / BRENNAN, JOHN
20170413 zerohedge.com WTF Headline Of The Day: NATO General Says Trump Has Been "Very Consistent" On NATO Support NATO / TRUMP, DONALD / STOLTENBERG, JENS
20170413 rt.com US & Russia ‘will work out fine’: Trump promises ‘lasting peace’ TRUMP, DONALD
20170412 vox.com Trump on North Korea: “After listening for 10 minutes, I realized it’s not so easy” TRUMP, DONALD / JINPING, XI / US / KP
20170411 spiegel.de Nach US-Militärschlag Trump berät mit Merkel und May über Lage in Syrien SY / TRUMP, DONALD / MERKEL, ANGELA / MAY, THERESA
20170411 rt.com Trump approves Montenegro's NATO membership ME / NATO / TRUMP, DONALD
20170410 rt.com Ex-MI6 chief fears Trump will launch catastrophic war on North Korea SAWERS, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD / US / KP
20170409 rt.com Trump considering sanctions against Russia & Iran over Syria – US envoy to UN HALEY, NIKKI / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / IR
20170408 medium.com Don’t Forget Your Base SHADOW BROKERS / TRUMP, DONALD / NSA
20170409 independent.co.uk Trump faces 'open warfare' with Breitbart if Bannon is fired, says former executive of the far-right website TRUMP, DONALD / BANNON, STEVE / BARDELLA, KURT
20170408 spiegel.de Trump-Inszenierung in Florida Gipfelkulisse und Kanonendonner JINPING, XI / TRUMP, DONALD / SY
20170407 rt.com ‘Another Neo-Con puppet’: Trump’s former backers jump ship after Syria airstrike TRUMP, DONALD / INFOWARS / WATSON, PAUL JOSEPH / INGRAHAM, LAURA
20710407 theintercept.com The Spoils of War: Trump Lavished With Media and Bipartisan Praise For Bombing Syria TRUMP, DONALD / SY / US
20170407 spiegel.de Luftschlag in Syrien Trump verprellt seine treuesten Anhänger TRUMP, DONALD / SY
20170406 independent.co.uk Donald Trump's travel expenses in 10 weeks cost US taxpayers as much as Barack Obama spent in two years TRUMP, DONALD
20170406 spiegel.de Trump und Syrien Reality-Star trifft Realität TRUMP, DONALD
20170405 spiegel.de Chinas Präsident Xi bei Trump Tacheles unter Palmen JINPING, XI / TRUMP, DONALD
20170405 spiegel.de Trump nach Giftgasangriff "Meine Einstellung zu Syrien und Assad hat sich sehr verändert" TRUMP, DONALD / SY
20170403 theintercept.com White House Meeting With Egypt’s Tyrant Highlights Key Trump Effect: Unmasking U.S. Policy EG / TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK / US-EG
20170401 bangkokpost.com Thailand on Trump's trade hit list TRUMP, DONALD / TH


Date Source Title Tags
20170331 washingtonpost.com Here’s what we know so far about Team Trump’s ties to Russian interests TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170331 thehill.com Journalists sue Trump over 'kill list' designations: report TRUMP, DONALD / ALJAZEERA
20170331 spiegel.de Trump will US-Kultursubventionen streichen Der Präsident gegen die Künste TRUMP, DONALD
20170330 spiegel.de 'Donald Trump is the fifth straight American president to bomb Iraq TRUMP, DONALD / US / IQ
20170329 washingtonpost.com Who is ‘Source D’? The man said to be behind the Trump-Russia dossier’s most salacious claim. MILLIAN, SERGEI / TRUMP, DONALD / STEELE, CHRISTOPHER / PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE
20170328 dailycaller.com Exxon Urges Trump To Stay In Paris Climate Agreement EXXON / CLIMATE / TRUMP, DONALD / GAS
20170324 spiegel.de Umstrittene Gesundheitsrefom Abstimmung über "Trumpcare" abgesagt US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170323 spiegel.de US-Präsident vs. FBI: Trump und die Russen-Disco TRUMP, DONALD / FBI / RU
20170323 spiegel.de Schlappe für Trump Republikaner verschieben Abstimmung über Abschaffung von Obamacare US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170322 spiegel.de Ausschuss-Chef Trump vielleicht zufällig im Geheimdienst-Visier NUNES, DEVINE / TRUMP, DONALD
20170321 spiegel.de Im April Nato-Generalsekretär Stoltenberg trifft Trump STOLTENBERG, JENS / TRUMP, DONALD / NATO
20170321 spiegel.de Abhörvorwürfe gegen Obama Fox News nimmt Experten vom Sender NAPOLITANO, ANDREW / CNN / OBAMA, BARACK / TRUMP, DONALD / GCHQ
20170321 spiegel.de Vorwürfe gegen Trump-Team Ex-BND-Chef nennt Untersuchung in Russland-Affäre "absolut gravierend" HANNING, AUGUST / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170321 spiegel.de Trump vs. FBI Im Spiegelkabinett der Lügen TRUMP, DONALD
20170320 rt.com FBI confirms probe into Trump’s alleged ties with Moscow during 2016 election campaign FBI / COMEY, JAMES / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170320 spiegel.de FBI-Chef widerspricht Trump Öffentliche Demontage COMEY, JAMES / FBI / TRUMP, DONALD
20170320 rt.com FBI & NSA chiefs testify in Congress on Trump, Russia, wiretapping (WATCH LIVE) FBI / NSA / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / COMEY, JAMES / ROGERS, MIKE
20170319 rt.com Trump billboard with Nazi-like dollar signs, nuclear mushroom clouds erected in US (VIDEO) USD / TRUMP, DONALD
20170319 theguardian.com Ex-UK ambassador calls White House wiretap claims 'gratuitously damaging' WESTMACOTT, PETER / GCHQ / TRUMP, DONALD
20170318 tagesschau.de Trump nach Merkel-Besuch "Deutschland schuldet NATO riesige Summen" TRUMP, DONALD / NATO / DE / MERKEL, ANGELA
20170317 theguardian.com GCHQ dismisses 'utterly ridiculous' claim it helped wiretap Trump GCHQ / SPICER, SEAN / TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK
20170317 bbc.com US will 'not repeat' claims GCHQ wiretapped Donald Trump GCHQ / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170317 spiegel.de Washington: Trump behauptet weiter, Obama habe ihn abhören lassen TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK
20170317 spiegel.de Treffen von Trump und Merkel Muss halt - Erstmals treffen sich Donald Trump und Angela Merkel. Die Gespräche im Weißen Haus verlaufen ohne größere Unfälle. Aber hier und da wird klar, wie schwierig das werden könnte mit den beiden. MERKEL, ANGELA / TRUMP, DONALD
20170316 spiegel.de US-Kongress Geheimdienstausschuss hat keine Beweise für Trumps Abhörvorwürfe TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK
20170316 spiegel.de Trumps Haushaltsplan Etats für Außen- und Umweltpolitik sollen sinken, Militärausgaben steigen US / TRUMP, DONALD
20130314 spiegel.de Vorwürfe gegen Obama Trump meinte nicht Abhören, als er Abhören twitterte SPICER, SEAN / TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK
20170314 rt.com Trump gave CIA power to authorize drone strikes – report CIA / PENTAGON / TRUMP, DONALD / US / DRONES / ASSASSINATIONS
20170311 spiegel.de Preet Bharara US-Bundesanwalt wurde offenbar "gefeuert" BHARARA, PREET / TRUMP, DONALD
20170310 rt.com Trump’s state visit to Britain could be postponed to let ‘the heat die down’ TRUMP, DONALD / GB
20170310 rt.com In light of CIA cyber arsenal, Trump’s wiretap claims are totally plausible TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170310 rt.com 'Time has come' for peace deal: Trump finally speaks with Abbas, invites him to White House ABBAS, MAHMOUD / TRUMP, DONALD / PS / IL
20170308 thinkprogress.org Trump personally met with Russian ambassador during campaign - Trump has repeatedly denied meeting with any Russian officials as a candidate KISLYAK, SERGEY / TRUMP, DONALD
20170305 spiegel.de Weißes Haus US-Kongress soll Abhörvorwürfe gegen Obama untersuchen US / TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK
20170304 spiegel.de USA Obama-Sprecher weist Trumps Abhörvorwürfe zurück OBAMA, BARACK / TRUMP, DONALD
20170304 rt.com ‘This is McCarthyism!’ Trump accuses Obama of wire tapping Trump Tower before election win TRUMP, DONALD
20170304 spiegel.de US-Präsident Trump wirft Obama Abhören seines Telefons vor TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK / KISLJAK, SERGEY IVANOVICH
20170303 spiegel.de Trump und Russland Obamas Gift OBAMA, BARACK / TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU
20170302 theintercept.com Trump May Choose “Alternative Intelligence” to Support His “Alternative Facts,” Former Agents Warn BAKOS, NADA / TRUMP, DONALD / INTELLIGENCE
20170302 spiegel.de WTO Trump stellt Regeln der Welthandelsorganisation infrage WTO / TRUMP, DONALD
201703 theatlantic.com How to Build an Autocracy - The preconditions are present in the U.S. today. Here’s the playbook Donald Trump could use to set the country down a path toward illiberalism. TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20170227 tagesschau.de Trump will Wehretat ausbauen "Wir müssen wieder Kriege gewinnen" TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170225 spiegel.de Weißes Haus Trump will nicht zu traditionellem Presse-Dinner TRUMP, DONALD / JOURNALISM
20170221 spiegel.de USA Trump will noch viel mehr Einwanderer ausweisen US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170221 spiegel.de Neuer US-Sicherheitsberater McMaster Trump entscheidet sich - und erntet Lob MCMASTERS, HERBERT RAYMOND / TRUMP, DONALD
20170220 spiegel.de Britische Anti-Trump-Proteste Zu peinlich für die Queen GB / TRUMP, DONALD
20170218 spiegel.de Nato-Finanzierung Münchner Unsicherheitskonferenz MSC / NATO / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170217 rt.com Trump on Russia: Getting along is great, sinking their ship isn’t TRUMP, DONALD
20170217 cbsnews.com Trump yells at CIA director over reports intel officials are keeping info from him TRUMP, DONALD / POMPEO, MIKE / CIA
20170216 rt.com US intel agencies keep Trump in dark citing alleged ‘Russian contacts’ – media US / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170216 spiegel.de Chaotische US-Regierung Präsident Trump steckt in seiner ersten echten Krise TRUMP, DONALD
20170215 newsweek.com U.S. - U.S. Allies Conduct Intelligence Operation Against Trump Staff and Associates, Intercepted Communications US / TRUMP, DONALD / FLYNN, MICHAEL / KISLYAK, SERGEY / DUTERTE, RODRIGO / ANTONIO, JOSE E.B. / NATO / MAY, THERESA / MERKEL, ANGELA / TILLERSON, REX / SECHIN, IGOR
20170215 politico.com FBI releases files on Trump apartments' race discrimination probe in '70s TRUMP, DONALD / FBI / RACISM
20170210 rt.com Trump speaks with China’s Xi, agrees to uphold ‘One China’ policy JINPING, XI / CN / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170208 spiegel.de Leaks über Donald Trump Hilferufe aus dem Weißen Haus WHITE HOUSE / TRUMP, DONALD
20170207 khamenei.ir We thank Trump for exposing the reality of the U.S.: Ayatollah Khamenei KHAMENEI, AYATOLLAH / IR / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170205 rt.com ‘You think our country is so innocent?’ – Trump asks after O’Reilly calls Putin ‘a killer’ TRUMP, DONALD
20170205 rt.com Trump is a ‘fraud’ who’ll ‘sell out middle & working class’ – Bernie Sanders SANDERS, BERNIE / TRUMP, DONALD
20170204 rt.com ‘Big mistake’: Florida heroin bust reveals bags stamped with Donald Trump’s face (PHOTOS) HEROIN / TRUMP, DONALD
20170203 rt.com ‘I haven’t eased anything,’ Trump says after Treasury amends sanctions on Russian FSB TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / FSB
20170202 rt.com ‘Worst so far’: Trump ‘hangs up’ on Australian PM after heated call, report says AU / US / TURNBULL, MALCOLM / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20170131 spiegel.de Nach Kritik an Einreiseverbot Trump entlässt kommissarische Justizministerin Yates YATES, SALLY / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170128 spiegel.de Dekret des US-Präsidenten Trump verhängt Einreisestopp für sieben muslimische Staaten TRUMP, DONALD / US / REFUGEES / SY / IQ / SD / LY / SO / YE / IR
20170128 rt.com Trump’s executive order bars Syrian refugee program, halts entry for citizens of 7 Arab countries TRUMP, DONALD / US / REFUGEES / SY / IQ / SD / LY / SO / YE / IR
20170127 spiegel.de Berlins Bürgermeister zu Trump "Dear Mr. President, don't build this wall" MUELLER, MICHAEL / BERLIN / TRUMP, DONALD
20170127 spiegel.de Donald Trump trifft Theresa May "Der Brexit wird fantastisch" MAY, THERESA / TRUMP, DONALD / BREXIT
20170127 rt.com Trump committed to NATO but would like to fight ISIS with Putin TRUMP, DONALD / US / NATO / ISIS / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20170127 spiegel.de Regieren per Erlass Was kann, was darf Präsident Trump? TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170126 twitter.com Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who should never have been released from prison, is now calling President Obama a weak leader. Terrible! TRUMP, DONALD / MANNING, CHELSEA
20170126 spiegel.de Mexiko reagiert auf Trumps Mauerbau Wie eine Kriegserklärung TRUMP, DONALD / US / MX
20170126 spiegel.de Trumps Skandale Lauter leise Knaller TRUMP, DONALD
20170125 spiegel.de Umweltpolitik Trump will Klimaseite der Umweltbehörde schließen CLIMATE / TRUMP, DONALD / EPA
20170124 washingtonpost.com The true, correct story of what happened at Donald Trump’s inauguration TRUMP, DONALD
20170124 bbc.com Trump executive order pulls out of TPP trade deal TRUMP, DONALD / TPP / US
20170123 spiegel.de Weigerung des US-Präsidenten Wikileaks sucht nach Trumps Steuererklärung WIKILEAKS / TRUMP, DONALD
20170123 spiegel.de Trumps Pressesprecher "Es ist unsere Absicht, Sie nie anzulügen" SPICER, SEAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20170123 themoscowtimes.com Russian State TV Praises Trump for Avoiding ‘Democracy’ in Inauguration Speech: The Kremlin's ‘chief propagandist’ welcomes America's new president and slams his millions of critics TRUMP, DONALD / RU / KISEYOV, DMITRY
20170123 cbsnews.com Sources say Trump's CIA visit made relations with intel community worse CIA / TRUMP, DONALD
20170123 spiegel.de Freihandelsabkommen Trump besiegelt Ausstieg aus TPP TRUMP, DONALD / TPP / US
20170121 docs.google.com President Trump Remarks Given at CIA Headquarters (as delivered) TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20170121 rt.com Trump to CIA: Media made it sound like I had a feud with intelligence community TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20170121 spiegel.de Donald Trump Versöhnungsbesuch im CIA-Hauptquartier TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20170121 spiegel.de Trumps Amerika Day One - Donald Trump macht Ernst: Schon am ersten Amtstag beginnt er damit, das politische Erbe seines Vorgängers auszuradieren: "Wir spielen nicht mehr rum." TRUMP, DONALD
20170120 whitehouse.gov Making Our Military Strong Again CYBERWAR / TRUMP, DONALD
20170120 rt.com Trump admin outlines policy priorities for first 100 days on revamped WH website TRUMP, DONALD
20170120 huffingtonpost.com Climate Change Disappears From White House Website Under Trump CLIMATE / TRUMP, DONALD
20170119 zerohedge.com Trump Versus The CIA CIA / TRUMP, DONALD
20170119 zerohedge.com "He Is Going To Fail": Georges Soros Slams "Would Be Dictator" Trump SOROS, GEORGE / TRUMP, DONALD
20170117 rt.com Putin Says Doesn’t Believe Trump Met Prostitutes in Russia PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD
20170117 rt.com ‘Worse than prostitutes’: Putin slams those behind Trump ‘leak’ PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD
20170116 rt.com Trump calls CIA chief ‘fake news leaker’ after Brennan warns him about ‘talking & tweeting’ BRENNAN, JOHN / CIA / TRUMP, DONALD
20170116 rt.com Trump: US may lift Russian sanctions in exchange for nuclear reduction deal – Times, Bild TRUMP, DONALD
20170116 spiegel.de Künftiger US-Präsident Trump nennt Nato "obsolet" TRUMP, DONALD
20170115 spiegel.de Nach Kritik an Geheimdiensten Scheidender CIA-Direktor watscht Trump ab BRENNAN, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD
20170115 spiegel.de Vor Amtsantritt Bürgerrechtsikone Lewis bezeichnet Trump als illegitimen Präsidenten LEWIS, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD
20170114 rt.com Beijing to Trump: ‘One China’ principle non-negotiable TRUMP, DONALD / US / CN
20170114 rt.com Intelligence insiders call Russian dossier ‘complete fraud’ – Trump TRUMP, DONALD
20170114 businessinsider.com Report: CIA set up task-force in 2016 to investigate possible Russian funding of Trump's campaign TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / RU
20170113 rt.com Mystery order: Troops providing inauguration security to lose commanding general mid-ceremony US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170113 foxnews.com Glenn Greenwald: Democrats hoping intelligence agencies will 'undermine and subvert' Trump presidency TRUMP, DONALD / GREENWALD, GLENN / US / CIA
20170112 spiegel.de Wilde Sex-Vorwürfe gegen Trump "Wall Street Journal" enttarnt britischen Ex-Agenten als Quelle STEELE, CHRISTOPHER / ORBIS INTELLIGENCE / TRUMP, DONALD
20170112 spiegel.de Kommentare zu Trumps Pressekonferenz "Wie ein Hund, der zu seinem Erbrochenen zurückkehrt" TRUMP, DONALD
20170111 wsj.com Christopher Steele, Ex-British Intelligence Officer, Said to Have Prepared Dossier on Trump - Former spy is director of London-based Orbis Intelligence Ltd. STEELE, CHRISTOPHER / ORBIS INTELLIGENCE / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170111 theguardian.com The story of the Trump dossier: secret sources, an airport rendezvous, and John McCain TRUMP, DONALD / RU / FBI / MCCAIN, JOHN / CORN, DAVID / COMEY, JAMES
20170111 theintercept.com The Deep State Goes to War with President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer TRUMP, DONALD
20170111 cnn.com Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170111 buzzfeed.com These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / KOMPROMAT
20170108 spiegel.de Hacking-Verdacht Abgeordnete zweifeln an Trumps Kuschelkurs mit Russland TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / CIA / FBI / NSA
20170106 rt.com ‘Who gave them this and why?’ Trump blasts leaks of secret report on ‘Russian hacking’ TRUMP, DONALD
20170105 spiegel.de Trump vs. China Das nächste Pulverfass TRUMP, DONALD / CN
20170105 rt.com Trump says he’s ‘big fan’ of intelligence amid criticism of his agency restructuring plans TRUMP, DONALD
20170105 spiegel.de Senator Dan Coats Früherer Botschafter in Deutschland soll US-Geheimdienstdirektor werden COATS, DAN / US / TRUMP, DONALD / DNI
20170105 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Wende Trump und Assange - eine merkwürdige Allianz ASSANGE, JULIAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20170105 cbsnews.com Key Trump surrogates once led fight vs. WikiLeaks and Assange WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / KING, PETER / WOOLSEY, JAMES / GINGRICH, NEWT / PALIN, SARAH / TRUMP, DONALD
20170104 spiegel.de SEC Trump macht Wall-Street-Anwalt zum Chef der Börsenaufsicht CLAYTON, JAY / SEC / TRUMP, DONALD
20170101 rt.com Trump questions claim of Russia hacking DNC, says he ‘knows things other people don’t’ TRUMP, DONALD / DNC



Date Source Title Tags
20161231 spiegel.de Trumps Neujahrsgrüße "Liebe!" TRUMP, DONALD
20161230 spiegel.de Ärger um US-Sanktionen Trump schwärmt von Putin US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20161223 rt.com ‘So correct’: Trump responds to Putin’s holiday letter TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20161222 spiegel.de Auf Twitter Trump fordert atomare Aufrüstung der USA TRUMP, DONALD
20161219 spiegel.de USA Wahlleute wählen Donald Trump zum US-Präsidenten US / TRUMP, DONALD
20161218 debka.com Mossad, Shin Bet heads brief Trump team TRUMP, DONALD / MOSSAD / SHIN BET / COHEN, YOSSI / NAGEL, YAAKOV / DERMER, RON
20161217 rt.com FBI chief agrees with CIA on Russia’s alleged election help for Trump – report US / FBI / CIA / RU / TRUMP, DONALD
20161216 spiegel.de Israel-Botschafter der USA Friedman soll US-Botschafter werden - in Jerusalem FRIEDMAN, DAVID / TRUMP, DONALD / IL / US / JERUSALEM
20161216 spiegel.de Radio-Interview Obama kündigt Vergeltung für russische Hackerangriffe an PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20161215 huffingtonpost.com Bigger Than Watergate? Legitimate Concerns That Anti-Clinton Faction Within FBI May Have Conspired To Hand Election To Trump FBI / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20161215 spiegel.de US-Demokraten Putin soll in Hackerangriff involviert gewesen sein PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20161215 nbcnews.com U.S. Officials: Putin Personally Involved in U.S. Election Hack PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / MCFAUL, MICHAEL
20161214 spiegel.de Trump-Treffen mit Tech-Bossen "Ruft mich einfach an" TRUMP, DONALD
20161213 washingtonpost.com Scientists are frantically copying U.S. climate data, fearing it might vanish under Trump CLIMATE / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20161213 reuters.com Exclusive: Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking - sources CIA / RU / ODNI / TRUMP, DONALD
20161213 independent.co.uk Donald Trump could be like John F Kennedy, says Bill Gates GATES, BILL / TRUMP, DONALD
20161213 cnet.com Bill Gates says Donald Trump has chance to inspire like JFK GATES, BILL / TRUMP, DONALD
20161212 spiegel.de Trump legt im Streit mit China nach TRUMP, DONALD / CN
20161212 rt.com White House attacks Trump over connections to Russia and RT EARNEST, JOSH / WHITE HOUSE / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20161212 spiegel.de Angebliche Hilfe aus Moskau Der Russland-Krimi belastet Trump TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / RU
20161211 politico.com Trump: I don't need daily briefings TRUMP, DONALD
20161211 rt.com ‘It’s ridiculous’: Trump on CIA claims that Moscow helped him win US Presidency TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / RU
20161211 spiegel.de Angebliche Wahlhilfe durch Russland Trump nennt CIA-Bericht "lächerlich" TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / RU
20161210 theguardian.com CIA concludes Russia interfered to help Trump win election, say reports CIA / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20161210 spiegel.de Hacker-Angriffe Moskau wollte laut CIA Trump zum Sieg verhelfen CIA / RU / US / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20161210 spiegel.de USA-Newsblog Trump kommuniziert offenbar weiterhin unverschlüsselt TRUMP, DONALD
20161209 spiegel.de Neues US-Kabinett Trump nominiert Burgerketten-Chef als Arbeitsminister PUZDER, ANDREW / TRUMP, DONALD
20161209 washingtonpost.com National Security: Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House CIA / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161209 nytimes.com Russia Hacked Republican Committee but Kept Data, U.S. Concludes RNC / RU / US / WIKILEAKS / TRUMP, DONALD
20161208 spiegel.de Twitter-Chef über Donald Trump "Es ist kompliziert" DORSEY, JACK / TWITTER / TRUMP, DONALD / THIEL, PETER
20161203 dasmagazin.ch Ich habe nur gezeigt, dass es die Bombe gibt - Der Psychologe Michal Kosinski hat eine Methode entwickelt, um Menschen anhand ihres Verhaltens auf Facebook minutiös zu analysieren. Und verhalf so Donald Trump mit zum Sieg. KOSINSKI, MICHAL / FACEBOOK / TRUMP, DONALD / PSYCHOMETRICS / ASHBURNER NIX, ALEXANDER JAMES / CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA / KOGAN, ALEKSANDR / STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION LABORATORIES
20161203 rt.com US sells weapons, but I can't get a call? Trump baffled about outrage over his Taiwan phone call ING-WEN, TSAI / TRUMP, DONALD / TW / US / WEAPONTRADE
20161203 theguardian.com Trump's Taiwan phone call preceded by hotel development inquiry ING-WEN, TSAI / TRUMP, DONALD / TW / US / CN
20161203 spiegel.de Taiwan-Telefonat: Trumps erster Affront gegen Peking ING-WEN, TSAI / TRUMP, DONALD / TW / US / CN
20161203 spiegel.de Handelsbeziehungen Trump telefoniert mit Taiwan - und provoziert China ING-WEN, TSAI / TRUMP, DONALD / TW / US / CN
20161202 spiegel.de Telefongespräch Trump lädt Duterte ins Weiße Haus ein DUTERTE, RODRIGO / TRUMP, DONALD
20161202 rt.com 'New era of peace': Trump vows to stop US toppling of regimes during 1st stop of 'Thank You' tour TRUMP, DONALD
20161201 politico.com Russia accuses Ukraine of sabotaging Trump: A Foreign Ministry official says Ukrainian officials hampered Trump by targeting Manafort. MANAFORT, PAUL / TRUMP, DONALD / UA / RU
20161201 rt.com Trump taps 'Mad Dog' Mattis to be secretary of defense MATTIS, JAMES / TRUMP, DONALD
20161201 spiegel.de US-Wirtschaft Trump warnt Firmen vor Abwanderung ins Ausland TRUMP, DONALD / CARRIER
20161201 spiegel.de Künftiges US-Kabinett Trumps Klub der Milliardäre TRUMP, DONALD / ROMNEY, MITT / DEVOS, BETSY / ROSS, WILBUR / MNUCHIN, STEVEN / RICKETTS, TODD


Date Source Title Tags
20161128 spiegel.de Debatte um Neuauszählung Jetzt streut selbst Trump Zweifel am Wahlergebnis TRUMP, DONALD
20161121 spiegel.de Neuer US-Präsident Trump zieht ohne Ehefrau und Sohn ins Weiße Haus TRUMP, DONALD
20161119 spiegel.de Treffen mit Widersacher Trump und Romney halten sich bedeckt ROMNEY, MITT / TRUMP, DONALD
20161119 rt.com ‘If you don’t like Trump, leave the country,’ US judge tells new citizens US / TRUMP, DONALD
20161118 spiegel.de US-Berichte Trump will Ex-Geheimdienstchef als Sicherheitsberater FLYNN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20161117 washingtonpost.com The Intersect: Facebook fake-news writer: ‘I think Donald Trump is in the White House because of me’ FACEBOOK / TRUMP, DONALD
20161116 slatestarcodex.com You Are Still Crying Wolf TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161115 rt.com Assange may ask Trump to end probe ASSANGE, JULIAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20161115 spiegel.de Milliardengeschäfte von Donald Trump Beispielloser Interessenkonflikt TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161115 spiegel.de USA und Russland Putin telefoniert erstmals mit Trump TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20161114 nypost.com Trump wants his kids to have top security clearance TRUMP, DONALD
20161114 talkingpointsmemo.com WSJ: Team Trump 'Unaware' That They'd Have To Replace West Wing Staff OBAMA, BARACK / TRUMP, DONALD
20161114 spiegel.de China vs. USA Präsident Xi setzt auf Zusammenarbeit mit Trump JINPING, XI / CN / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20161113 cbsnews.com President-elect Trump speaks to a divided country on 60 Minutes TRUMP, DONALD
20161113 spiegel.de TV-Interview Trump will zwei bis drei Millionen Migranten abschieben TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161113 spiegel.de Globale Sicherheit Nato mahnt Trump zur Bündnistreue NATO / TRUMP, DONALD / STOLTENBERG, JENS
20161112 nos.nl Clinton-adviseur: overwinning Trump is staatsgreep van FBI BLUMENTHAL, SIDNEY / FBI / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20161112 spiegel.de Pläne des neuen US-Präsidenten Wie Trump das Klima vergiften will TRUMP, DONALD
20161112 rt.com Trump praises Clintons, vows to keep parts of Obamacare in 1st post-vote TV interview TRUMP, DONALD
20161112 spiegel.de Mutmaßliches Trump-Opfer "Ich lasse mich nicht zum Schweigen bringen" ZERVOS, SUMMER / TRUMP, DONALD
20161112 rt.com NATO mulls worst-case scenario in case Trump pulls US troops out of Europe – report NATO / TRUMP, DONALD
20161112 rt.com Trump won’t last four years before being impeached or resigning - Michael Moore MOORE, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20161112 spiegel.de Militär-Bündnis Nato verschiebt Gipfeltreffen wegen Trump NATO / TRUMP, DONALD
20161111 nytimes.com Donald Trump Says He’d ‘Absolutely’ Require Muslims to Register TRUMP, DONALD / ISLAM
20161111 spiegel.de Die Trumps Bleibt alles in der Familie TRUMP, DONALD / TRUMP, DONALD JR. / TRUMP, IVANKA / TRUMP, ERIC / KUSHNER, JARED / TRUMP, LARA YUNASKA / TRUMP, TIFFANY
20161111 linkedin.com Peter Thiel To Join Trump Transition Team THIEL, PETER / TRUMP, DONALD
20161110 breitbart.com Trump’s Victory: A Rebellion Against Silicon Valley US / TRUMP, DONALD / THIEL, PETER
20161110 spiegel.de US-Wahl Russland hatte Kontakt zu Trumps Wahlkampfteam TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20161110 spiegel.de Gespräch im Weißen Haus Obama nennt Treffen mit Trump "exzellent" TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK
20161110 spiegel.de Newsblog zur US-Wahl Trump löscht zentrale Forderungen von seiner Website TRUMP, DONALD
20161110 spiegel.de Trumps Rechtsstreitigkeiten Ein gewählter Präsident, 75 offene Verfahren TRUMP, DONALD
20161110 spiegel.de Donald Trump: triumphiert Sieg des Zerstörers TRUMP, DONALD
20161110 rt.com Nationwide anti-Trump protests rock the US US / TRUMP, DONALD
20161109 wired.com Trump’s Win Signals Open Season for Russia’s Political Hackers TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20161109 theguardian.com Trump has 'every intention' of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / TRUMP, DONALD / IL / PS / JERUSALEM
20161109 spiegel.de Nächster US-Präsident Trump Der Moment seines Lebens TRUMP, DONALD
20161109 washingtonpost.com Intelligence community is already feeling a sense of dread about Trump US / TRUMP, DONALD / HAYDEN, MICHAEL
20161109 rt.com ‘I hope he’ll be a successful president’: Clinton says Americans ‘owe’ Trump chance to lead CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20161109 spiegel.de Reaktionen in Presse und Netz "Sind die USA ein gescheiterter Staat?" TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161109 rt.com Congratulations not celebrations: Countries who slammed Trump send best wishes TRUMP, DONALD
20161109 rt.com Trump campaign manager does not rule out special prosecutor for Hillary Clinton - MSNBC CONWAY, KELLYANNE / TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161109 rt.com Putin on Trump victory: Russia is ready to restore relations with US PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / US
20161108 theintercept.com Donald Trump Recruits Corporate Lobbyists to Select His Future Administration TRUMP, DONALD
20161104 spiegel.de USA vor der Wahl Stürzt die Welt zurück in die Dreißiger? TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161103 thedailybeast.com Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy - Trump supporters with strong ties to the agency kept talking about surprises and leaks to come—and come they did. GIULIANI, RUDOLPH W. / FBI / TRUMP, DONALD
20161103 independent.co.uk Donald Trump child sex abuse claims: Woman who accused Trump of raping her as a 13-year-old to speak for first time TRUMP, DONALD
20161101 spiegel.de Operation Alamo So plant Trump seine Zeit nach der Wahl TRUMP, DONALD
20161101 theintercept.com the Problem With the Story Connecting Russia to Donald Trump’s Email Server TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20161031 slate.com Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia? TRUMP, DONALD
20161031 motherjones.com A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump TRUMP, DONALD / RU / FBI
20161101 rt.com Trump leads with 46% while Clinton trails at 45% after FBI reboots email scandal investigation TRUMP, DONALD
20161031 nytimes.com Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia TRUMP, DONALD / FBI / RU
20161029 spiegel.de Trump zu Clintons Syrien-Politik "Dann gibt es einen Dritten Weltkrieg" TRUMP, DONALD
20161028 newmatilda.com Inside The Invisible Government: John Pilger On War, Propaganda, Clinton And Trump PROPAGANDA / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20161025 rt.com Obama should be investigated over Clinton emails – Trump TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161025 thedailybeast.com ‘So Much Fun’: Inside Donald Trump’s One-Stop Parties: Attendees Recall Cocaine and Very Young Models TRUMP, DONALD
20161018 spiegel.de Überraschende Filmpremiere "Michael Moore in Trumpland" MOORE, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20161017 washingtonpost.com Election officials brace for fallout from Trump’s claims of a ‘rigged’ vote US / TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161015 spiegel.de US-Wahlkampf Trump will Drogentest vor TV-Debatte TRUMP, DONALD
20161014 spiegel.de Vorwürfe gegen Trump Weitere Frauen berichten von sexuellen Übergriffen TRUMP, DONALD
20161013 theguardian.com If Trump leaks are OK and Clinton leaks aren't, there's a problem TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS
20161013 spiegel.de Michelle Obama reagiert auf Donald Trump "Es reicht" OBAMA, MICHELLE / TRUMP, DONALD / NEW YORK TIMES
20161013 spiegel.de US-Präsidentschaftswahl Trump gibt umkämpften Bundesstaat Virginia verloren TRUMP, DONALD
20161013 rt.com Donald Trump’s ‘woman problem’ continues to grow TRUMP, DONALD
20161012 motherjones.com Trump Says He'll Imprison Clinton's Lawyers, Too - Jailing her isn't enough. He wants to prosecute the lawyers who advised her on her emails. TRUMP, DONALD
20161009 rawstory.com Producer: There’s video of Trump saying the N-word but it’ll cost $5 million to get it TRUMP, DONALD
20161009 huffingtonpost.com Angry Trump Declares War On GOP TRUMP, DONALD
20161009 washingtonpost.com The Fix: 35 Republicans have now called for Donald Trump to drop out TRUMP, DONALD / REPUBLICAN PARTY
20161008 washingtonpost.com The Fix: Donald Trump just retweeted Juanita Broaddrick calling Bill Clinton a rapist. All bets are now off. TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY / CLINTON, BILL / BROADDRICK, JUANITA
20161008 spiegel.de US-Wahl Video mit vulgären Trump-Äußerungen aufgetaucht TRUMP, DONALD
20161003 michaelmoore.com Is trump purposely sabotaging his campaign? TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20160926 rt.com Trump vows to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital after meeting Netanyahu NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / TRUMP, DONALD / JERUSALEM / IL
20160925 rt.com Bill Clinton’s former lover says she’ll attend presidential debate as Donald Trump’s guest FLOWER, GENNIFER / CLINTON, BILL / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20160923 spiegel.de "Anhalten und filzen" Wie Trump Chicago das Morden austreiben will TRUMP, DONALD
20160917 spiegel.de Entwaffnung von Leibwächtern Trump deutet erneut Gewalt gegen Clinton an TRUMP, DONALD
20160916 lawnewz.com ‘Jane Doe’ Plans to Re-File Sexual Assault Lawsuit Against Trump With ‘Additional Witness’ TRUMP, DONALD / EPSTEIN, JEFFREY
20160916 spiegel.de US-Präsidentschaftswahlkampf Trump halbiert sein Billionen-Versprechen TRUMP, DONALD
20160915 spiegel.de Europaparlamentschef Schulz "Trump ist ein Problem für die ganze Welt" SCHULZ, MARTIN / TRUMP, DONALD
20160915 spiegel.de Gesundheit im US-Wahlkampf Trump veröffentlicht Brief seines Leibarztes TRUMP, DONALD
20160914 rt.com US presidential campaign generating 'ridiculous & dangerous' charges against Vladimir Putin RUSSIA TODAY / TRUMP, DONALD / WAGNER, DANIEL
20160914 spiegel.de Geleakte Emails Ex-Außenminister Powell nennt Trump "nationale Schande" POWELL, COLIN / TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160912 rt.com Trump says health will be an election issue after Clinton falls ill at 9/11 memorial TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160910 theguardian.com predicts demographics make 2016 'last election Republicans can win' TRUMP, DONALD
20160902 reuters.com Mexican senator to propose anti-Trump expropriation law MX / TRUMP, DONALD / US


Date Source Title Tags
20160831 spiegel.de US-Wahlkampf: Clinton fast so unbeliebt wie Trump US / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20160830 spiegel.de USA: Früherer Ku-Klux-Klan-Anführer ruft zur Trump-Wahl auf TRUMP, DONALD / DUKE, DAVID / KKK
20160826 rt.com Assange slams Clinton for ‘Russian hysteria’ & US media for politicized election coverage ASSANGE, JULIAN / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20160823 rt.com Trump more psychopathic than Hitler, Oxford study finds TRUMP, DONALD
20160822 thedailybeast.com ‘MY GOAL’ - Steve Bannon, Trump's Top Guy, Told Me He Was 'A Leninist' Who Wants To ‘Destroy the State’ BANNON, STEVE / TRUMP, DONALD
20160817 rt.com No more Mr. Nice Trump: Candidate shuffles campaign, hires Breitbart exec TRUMP, DONALD / CONWAY, KELLYANNE / BANNON, STEPHEN K. / BREITBART
20160816 spiegel.de Enthüllungen über Chefberater: Trumps geheime Russland-Connection TRUMP, DONALD / MANAFORT, PAUL / RU
20160809 varianceexplained.org analysis of Trump's tweets confirms he writes only the (angrier) Android half TRUMP, DONALD / TWITTER
20160809 spiegel.de Rede über Waffenbesitz: Trump fabuliert über Schüsse auf Clinton TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160808 spiegel.de Trumps Wirtschaftspolitik: Der Fantast TRUMP, DONALD
20160806 spiegel.de US-Präsidentschaftswahl: Donald Trump und die Furcht vorm Atom-Affekt TRUMP, DONALD / NUCLEAR WEAPONS / NUCLEAR FOOTBALL
20160806 spiegel.de Versöhnungskurs: Trump macht Zugeständnisse an Republikaner TRUMP, DONALD
20160805 spiegel.de Angebliches Beweisvideo: Donald Trump gesteht Fehler ein TRUMP, DONALD / US / IR
20160805 spiegel.de US-Präsidentschaftskandidat: Trumps Kernschmelze TRUMP, DONALD
20160805 spiegel.de US-Elite-Studenten: Harvard-Republikaner wenden sich gegen Trump TRUMP, DONALD
20160804 spiegel.de USA: Kasino Trump Taj Mahal schließt TRUMP, DONALD
20160804 rt.com Trump calls Hillary Clinton 'founder of ISIS,’ crowd cheers ‘lock her up’ TRUMP, DONALD
20160802 rt.com Who does the Kremlin want to win: Clinton or Trump? RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20160802 rt.com Trump warns US presidential election will be ‘rigged’, calls Hillary Clinton ‘the Devil’ TRUMP, DONALD
20160801 spiegel.de Nach Hackerangriff: Clinton wirft russischen Geheimdiensten Partei-Ausspähung vor CLINTON, HILLARY / RU / WIKILEAKS / DNC / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20160731 spiegel.de Mutter von gefallenem US-Soldaten: "Trump hat einen schwarzen Charakter" US / TRUMP, DONALD
20160728 spiegel.de US-Präsidentschaftskandidat: Trump schließt Anerkennung der Krim-Annexion nicht aus TRUMP, DONALD
20160727 spiegel.de US-Präsidentschaftswahl: Trump fordert Russland zum E-Mail-Hack auf TRUMP, DONALD
20160727 abcnews.go.com Trump Says Russia Should Find Clinton's Missing Emails TRUMP, DONALD / RU / CLINTON, HILLARY / DNC
20160724 nytimes.com As Democrats Gather, a Russian Subplot Raises Intrigue DNC / WIKILEAKS / RU / TRUMP, DONALD
20160723 breitbart.com Hungarian PM Orban Becomes First EU Leader To Endorse Trump ORBAN, VIKTOR / TRUMP, DONALD
20160722 rt.com ‘I am your voice!’: Trump vows to put 'America first’ in RNC nomination acceptance speech TRUMP, DONALD / RNC
20160707 nytimes.com Would Donald Trump Quit if He Wins the Election? He Doesn’t Rule It Out TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20160630 vice.com 2016 US Election: The president of France says if Brexit won, so can Donald Trump HOLLANDE, FRANCOIS / TRUMP, DONALD
20160630 thedailybeast.com The Billionaire Pedophile Who Could Bring Down Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY / EPSTEIN, JEFFREY / CLINTON, BILL
20160625 rt.com Erdogan calls for swift removal of Trump name from Istanbul Towers over The Donald’s - ‘Islamophobia’ ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TRUMP, DONALD
20160624 rt.com Trump on Brexit: EU break-up on the cards, people want their borders back TRUMP, DONALD / BREXIT
20160623 haaretz.com Exclusive Trump Would Support Israeli Annexation of Parts of West Bank, Says Adviser TRUMP, DONALD / IL / PS
20160622 rt.com Donald Trump accused of raping 13yo girl in new lawsuit TRUMP, DONALD / EPSTEIN, JEFFREY
20160621 nationalreview.com Is There Anything to a Lawsuit Accusing Donald Trump of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl with Bill Clinton’s Billionaire Sex Buddy? TRUMP, DONALD / EPSTEIN, JEFFREY / CLINTON, BILL
20160617 spiegel.de Rekord-Gagen für Reden: Deutsche Bank überweist Millionenbetrag an Clintons DEUTSCHE BANK / CLINTON, HILLARY / CLINTON, BILL / TRUMP, DONALD
20160603 vox.com Donald Trump is blatantly racist — and the media is too scared to call him out on it TRUMP, DONALD / RACISM
20160601 spiegel.de Politiker versus Medien: Trumps neuer Feind Nummer eins TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20160528 washingtonpost.com Judge bashed by Trump orders release of company records TRUMP, DONALD
20165028 sputniknews.com #ChickenTrump: Twitter Pounds Candidate for Backing Down on Sanders Debate SANDERS, BERNIE / TRUMP, DONALD
20160527 qz.com Photos: This Chinese mask factory is betting Donald Trump will be the next US president TRUMP, DONALD
20160526 rt.com Trump reaches magic number of delegates, officially presumptive GOP nominee TRUMP, DONALD
20160524 spiegel.de Donald Trump und Wladimir Putin: Liebesgrüße aus Moskau PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD
20160524 spiegel.de Gesprächsangebot an Kim Jong Un: Nordkoreas Uno-Botschafter nennt Trumps Worte Unsinn KP / TRUMP, DONALD
20160513 spiegel.de Donald Trump inkognito: Der Mann, der jede haben kann TRUMP, DONALD
20160510 fortune.com Silicon Valley Titan Peter Thiel Is Backing Donald Trump THIEL, PETER / TRUMP, DONALD
20160509 rt.com US will never default on debt 'because you print the money' – Trump TRUMP, DONALD
20160505 spiegel.de Trumps Schlachtplan im US-Wahlkampf: Erst die Partei, dann das Land TRUMP, DONALD
20160505 spiegel.de Streit mit den Rolling Stones: Trump can't always get what he wants TRUMP, DONALD
20160504 spiegel.de Trumps Triumph über Cruz: Der Knockout TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20160419 spiegel.de Trump-Fauxpas: 9/11 oder 7/11, ist doch egal TRUMP, DONALD
20160417 theguardian.com Artist threatened with lawsuits if she sells nude Donald Trump painting TRUMP, DONALD / GORE, ILLMA
20160408 rt.com Trump is ‘offensive, absurd & dangerous’ – Alex Salmond SALMOND, ALEX / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20160331 mirror.co.uk Donald Trump refuses to rule out nuclear strike on Europe TRUMP, DONALD
20160323 spiegel.de Reaktionen nach Brüssel-Anschlägen: Trump will wieder foltern BRUSSELS / TRUMP, DONALD / TORTURE
20160322 spiegel.de Milliardenkredite: Wenn Donald Trump Geld braucht, wählt er die Deutsche Bank TRUMP, DONALD / DEUTSCHE BANK
20160322 spiegel.de US-Wahlkampf: Trump fabuliert von "Drittem Weltkrieg mit Russland" TRUMP, DONALD / AIPAC / IL / PS / JERUSALEM / UN
20160321 washingtonpost.com A transcript of Donald Trump’s meeting with The Washington Post editorial board TRUMP, DONALD
20160321 washingtonpost.com We met with Donald Trump. Electing him will still be a radical risk. TRUMP, DONALD
20160316 bangkokpost.com Trump warns of possible 'riots' if he doesn't get White House nod TRUMP, DONALD
20160316 rt.com George Soros pumping millions into Democrats, alarmed by Trump’s rise SOROS, GEORGE / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20160312 spiegel.de Chaos bei Trump-Veranstaltung: Der Hass bricht aus TRUMP, DONALD / CHICAGO
20160304 spiegel.de TV-Debatte der Republikaner: "Donald - lern mal ruhig zu bleiben" TRUMP, DONALD
20160303 newsthump.com Psychiatric hospitals filling up with time travellers sent back to kill Donald Trump TRUMP, DONALD / US


Date Source Title Tags
20160224 spiegel.de US-Vorwahl der Republikaner: Erste Hochrechnungen sehen Trump in Nevada vorn TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20160101 bangkokpost.com Al-Qaeda video features Trump TRUMP, DONALD / AL QAEDA


Date Source Title Tags
20151230 rt.com Trump may be barred from Britain for 'public good' as petition gains 656,000 signatures TRUMP, DONALD / GB
20151220 spiegel.de Republikaner: Trump akzeptiert Putins Komplimente - "im Namen unseres Landes" TRUMP, DONALD
20151209 spiegel.de Bemerkungen über "radikalisierte Gegenden": Jetzt legt sich Trump auch mit London an TRUMP, DONALD
20151208 spiegel.de Kampf gegen IS: Trump will das Internet "dichtmachen" TRUMP, DONALD
20151207 spiegel.de Republikanischer Präsidentschaftsbewerber: Trump fordert Einreiseverbot für Muslime TRUMP, DONALD / US
20151126 spiegel.de Terror-Hype und Islamophobie: Amerikas Hassprediger drehen auf US / HATE SPEECH / TRUMP, DONALD
20151125 buzzfeed.com Court Papers: Trump Ate At Jeffrey Epstein’s House EPSTEIN, JEFFREY / TRUMP, DONALD
20151012 spiegel.de Interview im US-Fernsehen: Trump nennt Merkels Flüchtlingspolitik "irrsinnig" TRUMP, DONALD
20151006 telesurtv.net El Chapo Puts $100 Millon Bounty on Trump, Dead or Alive GUZMAN, JOAQUIN / TRUMP, DONALD
20150829 spiegel.de Eintrittsgeld für Trump-Rede: "Bitte halten Sie Bargeld bereit" TRUMP, DONALD
20150816 businessinsider.com Donald Trump just had one of his most combative interviews yet TRUMP, DONALD
20150816 spiegel.de Trump und Clinton in Iowa: Kotelett am Stiel muss sein TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY / IOWA
20150813 dilbert.com Clown Genius TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20000123 washingtonpost.com Sunday In The Loop TRUMP, DONALD / KOMPROMAT


Date Source Title Tags
19900901 vanityfair.com After The Gold Rush: Unfortunately for Donald and Ivana Trump, all that glittered wasn’t gold. TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
201600620 scribd.com JANE DOE, proceeding under a pseudonym, Plaintiff, v. DONALD J. TRUMP and JEFFREY E. EPSTEIN EPSTEIN, JEFFREY / TRUMP, DONALD

