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|20230227||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/572134-russia-strikes-intelligence-center-kiev/ Russia strikes intelligence center near Kiev / A special operations center in Western Ukraine was also hit, according to Moscow]||[[RUSSIAN ARMY]]
|20220422||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ukraine-krieg-russischer-general-veroeffentlicht-plaene-zur-eroberung-der-suedukraine-a-c467fe76-179e-4c9e-a6c3-989e470ae350 Putins Invasion Russischer General veröffentlicht Pläne zur Eroberung der Südukraine]||[[RUSSIAN ARMY]] / [[UA]]
|20220407||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/possible-evidence-of-russian-atrocities-german-intelligence-intercepts-radio-traffic-discussing-the-murder-of-civilians-in-bucha-a-0a191c96-634f-4d07-8c5c-c4a772315b0d Possible Evidence of Russian Atrocities German Intelligence Intercepts Radio Traffic Discussing the Murder of Civilians]||[[BND]] / [[UA]] / [[RU ARMY]]
|20220407||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/553500-pentagon-russia-phone-silent/ Pentagon says Russian military won't pick up the phone / The dearth of communication between the armed forces of Russia and the US continues]||[[US ARMY]] / [[RU ARMY]]
|20220407||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/553500-pentagon-russia-phone-silent/ Pentagon says Russian military won't pick up the phone / The dearth of communication between the armed forces of Russia and the US continues]||[[US ARMY]] / [[RU ARMY]]

Revision as of 22:39, 1 March 2023


Date Source Title Tags
20230227 rt.com Russia strikes intelligence center near Kiev / A special operations center in Western Ukraine was also hit, according to Moscow RUSSIAN ARMY
20220422 spiegel.de Putins Invasion Russischer General veröffentlicht Pläne zur Eroberung der Südukraine RUSSIAN ARMY / UA
20220407 spiegel.de Possible Evidence of Russian Atrocities German Intelligence Intercepts Radio Traffic Discussing the Murder of Civilians BND / UA / RU ARMY
20220407 rt.com Pentagon says Russian military won't pick up the phone / The dearth of communication between the armed forces of Russia and the US continues US ARMY / RU ARMY
20220403 rt.com Russia denies Ukraine war-crimes allegations / Moscow claims accusations of Bucha massacre by Russian forces are fake news BUCHA / UA / RUSSIAN ARMY
20220403 spiegel.de Hinrichtungen in der Ukraine »Human Rights Watch« veröffentlicht Beweise für mutmaßliche Kriegsverbrechen HRW / UA / RUSSIAN ARMY
20220403 hrw.org Ukraine: Apparent War Crimes in Russia-Controlled Areas / Summary Executions, Other Grave Abuses by Russian Forces HRW / UA / RUSSIAN ARMY
20220403 spiegel.de »Das ist brutaler, blutrünstiger Mord« Russen begehen in Kiewer Vorort offenbar massive Kriegsverbrechen / Nach einem Monat Belagerung haben ukrainische Truppen den Ort Butscha bei Kiew zurückerobert. Auf den Straßen finden sie viele tote Zivilisten. Alles spricht für ein russisches Kriegsverbrechen. Die Bilder sind entsetzlich. BUCHA / UA / RUSSIAN ARMY
20220302 rt.com Ukrainekrieg Moskau meldet 498 getötete russische Soldaten RU / RUSSIAN ARMY / UA
20201225 rt.com The real Gerasimov Doctrine: Russian Army chief says Moscow won't be drawn into arms race as Kremlin looks to cut defense costs RUSSIAN ARMY