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(Created page with "= Articles = {|border=1 |- |Date||Source||Title||Tags |- |27.08.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/weissrussland-deutschland-soll-polizei-ausruestung-g...")
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BELARUS (White Russia)
= Articles =
= Articles =
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|20240523||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/598156-putin-lukashenko-nuclear-drills/ Putin to discuss ‘second phase’ of nuclear drills with key ally / The Russian president has arrived in Belarus for talks on cooperation in areas including security and energy]||[[RU]] / [[BY]] / [[NUCLEAR WEAPONS]] / [[RU MOD]]
|20220227||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/550766-belarus-war-russia-sanctions/ Belarus’ Lukashenko warns of WWIII - The Belarusian leader called on the West to show “restraint” when it comes to sanctions against Moscow]||[[LUKASCHENKO, ALEXANDER]]
/ [[BY]] / [[BY-RU]]
|20210602||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/belarus-aktivist-stsiapan-latypau-nach-selbstverletzung-vor-gericht-in-stabilem-zustand-a-11bc306c-6ea4-4b05-a4a8-b7b279ec2557 Selbstverletzung vor Gericht Oppositioneller belarussischer Aktivist offenbar in stabilem Zustand]||[[BY]]
|20210526||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/belarus-behoerden-draengten-ryanair-jet-zur-landung-schon-vor-eingang-der-vermeintlichen-bombendrohung-a-cb779e8a-c3ce-47dd-9745-d2e5030c2797 Interne E-Mail Belarus drängte Ryanair-Jet zur Landung – schon vor Eingang der vermeintlichen Bombendrohung]||[[BY]]
|20210526||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/belarus-alexander-lukaschenko-verteidigt-erzwungene-flugzeuglandung-als-rechtmaessig-a-4cd384a1-8ff1-4a15-95b2-e9c557316aee Gekaperte Ryanair-Maschine Lukaschenko verteidigt erzwungene Flugzeuglandung]||[[LUKASCHENKO, ALEXANDER]] / [[BY]]
|20210526||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/524827-hamas-belarus-ryanair-flight/ Leave us out of it! Hamas slams Belarus over claims group was behind bomb threat that grounded Ryanair flight carrying activist]||[[BY]] / [[HAMAS]]
|20210525||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/524731-belarus-ryanair-similar-incidents/ Disgust at Belarus’ grounding of Ryanair jet selective given lack of concern about similar incidents involving West & its clients]||[[BY]]
|20210524||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/belarus-usa-fordern-sofortige-freilassung-des-festgenommenen-bloggers-a-a270728c-48a2-44f6-bbb1-fd91aa321651 Abgefangene Ryanair-Maschine USA fordern von Belarus sofortige Freilassung des festgenommenen Bloggers]||[[BY]]
|20210524||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/524614-belarus-jet-landing-reaction/ ‘Shocking act’: US & EU denounce emergency plane landing in Belarus that led to arrest of wanted editor of Telegram channel]||[[BY]]
|20210524||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ryanair-maschine-in-belarus-abgefangen-litauen-leitet-ermittlungen-wegen-entfuehrung-ein-a-4bd5b9d4-3548-4ba7-9c99-b2080ec7dc2f In Belarus abgefangene Ryanair-Maschine Litauen leitet Ermittlungen wegen Entführung eines Flugzeugs ein]||[[PROTASEVICH, ROMAN]] / [[LT]] / [[BY]]
|20210523||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/belarus-ryanair-maschine-zur-landung-in-minsk-gezwungen-a-48d28972-5457-4385-8f7a-14c919833727 Flughafen Minsk in Belarus Ryanair-Maschine zur Landung gezwungen – Regimekritiker festgenommen]||[[BY]]
|20210523||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ryanair-flug-nach-landung-in-belarus-ohne-roman-protasewitsch-fortgesetzt-a-275663a3-fe0c-4a81-863c-14c27406fbe2 In Belarus zur Landung gezwungene Ryanair-Maschine Flug fortgesetzt, ein Passagier fehlt]||[[RYANAIR]] / [[BY]]
|20210523||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/belarus-sends-mig-fighters-divert-commercial-plane-arrests-anti-lukashenko-journalist "Shocking Act" Of "State Hijacking" Of Civilian Plane: US & EU Demand Belarusian Journalist's Immediate Release]||[[BY]] / [[PROTASEVICH, ROMAN]]
|20210523||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/524595-belarus-opposition-journalist-arrested/ 'Bomb scare' forces Ryanair jet to make emergency landing in Belarus, authorities detain wanted editor of banned Telegram channel]||[[BY]]
|20210220||thegrazyone.com||[https://thegrayzone.com/2021/02/20/reuters-bbc-uk-foreign-office-russian-media/ Reuters, BBC, and Bellingcat participated in covert UK Foreign Office-funded programs to “weaken Russia,” leaked docs reveal]||[[REUTERS]] / [[BBC]] / [[BELLINGCAT]] / [[FCO]] / [[THOMSON REUTERS FOUNDATION]] / [[ZINC NETWORK]] / [[ALBANY COMMUNICATIONS]] / [[MI6]] / [[VILLE, MONIQUE]] / [[GB]] / [[RU]] / [[BY]] / [[UA]] / [[OMIDYAR, PIERRE]] / [[TOLOKONNIKOVA, NADYA]] / [[HIGGINS, ELIOT]]
|20210206||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/514829-germany-pledges-millions-belarusian-opposition/ ‘Genie’s out of the bottle’: German FM pledges €21 million to help Belarusian opposition, ‘oppressed people’]||[[MAAS, HEIKO]] / [[DE]] / [[BY]] / [[DE-BY]] / [[DE-RU]]
|20200813||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/aug/13/belarus-nobel-prize-winner-tells-lukashenko-leave-before-its-too-late Belarus Nobel-prize winner tells Lukashenko: 'Leave before it's too late' - Svetlana Alexievich warns of ‘civil war’ after unrest that followed Sunday’s disputed election result]||[[BY]]
|20200812||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/belarus-alexander-lukaschenko-will-den-protest-mit-gewalt-brechen-a-38537f5f-1d9c-4f35-8b8c-343accd284a0 Wieder Gewalt in Belarus Lukaschenko will den Protest von der Straße prügeln]||[[BY]]
|20200812||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/497795-belarus-police-firearms-protest/ Belarusian police use LIVE FIRE against protestors overnight, 1 person injured]||[[BY]]
|20200811||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/aug/11/belarus-president-cuts-off-internet-amid-widespread-protests Belarus president cuts off internet amid widespread protests - Alexander Lukashenko hopes communications blackout will disrupt protests over elections]||[[LUKASHENKO, ALEKSANDR]] / [[BY]]
|20200811||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/belarus-interview-mit-maria-kalesnikawa-ueber-die-plaene-der-opposition-und-die-gewalt-im-land-a-e00d201c-99bb-47d4-b9dc-04e9245889ad Oppositionelle Kalesnikawa "Wir Belarussen haben das Recht auf friedlichen Protest"]||[[BY]]
|20200811||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/belarussische-oppositionskandidatin-swetlana-tichanwoskaja-nach-litauen-ausgereist-minister-a-de7d179e-d6dc-4299-8545-d7777ea5ee01 Swetlana Tichanowskaja Belarussische Oppositionskandidatin nach Litauen ausgereist]||[[BY]]
|20200810||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/497643-belarus-protester-killed-minsk/ One KILLED during massive protests in Minsk as demonstrators clash with Belarus police]||[[BY]]
|20200810||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/497627-belarus-election-protests-arrests/ Police shoot grenades and tear-gas at protesters against presidential election results in Belarus]||[[BY]]
|20200809||netblocks.org||[https://netblocks.org/reports/internet-disruption-hits-belarus-on-election-day-YAE2jKB3 Internet disruption hits Belarus on election day]||[[BY]]
|20200809||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/497543-minsk-protest-lukashenko-election/ Violent clashes with riot police in Belarus as protesters rally over projected Lukashenko landslide victory (VIDEOS, PHOTOS)]||[[BY]]
|20200801||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/weissrussland-alexander-lukaschenko-geht-nach-festnahmen-mutmasslicher-soeldner-auf-konfrontationskurs-mit-russland-a-365e8d2e-2bc1-48b5-977e-c0663600b39b Söldner auf der Durchreise? Lukaschenko geht nach Festnahmen auf Konfrontationskurs zu Russland]||[[LUKASHENKO, ALEKSANDR]] / [[BY]]
|20200729||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/496580-belarus-president-russian-mercenaries/ Lukashenko ‘demands answers’ as KGB chief briefs him on ‘Russian mercenaries’ detained in Belarus]||[[LUKASHENKO, ALEKSANDR]] / [[BY]]
|20200201||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/479852-belarus-pompeo-oil-competitive-price/ Pompeo says US can cover 100% of Belarus' oil needs amid Minsk row with Moscow]||[[BY]] / [[OIL]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[US]] / [[RU]]
|20170609||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/391625-russia-belarus-zapad-exercise/ Russia allays fears over Belarus drill after Lithuanian ‘hysteria’]||[[LT]] / [[RU]] / [[BY]]
|20160626||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/netz-flashmob-in-weissrussland-ausziehenundarbeiten-a-1099704.html Netz-Flashmob in Weißrussland: "Raus aus den Klamotten, ran an die Arbeit!"]||[[BY]] / [[INTERNET]]
|20151011||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/weissrussland-lukaschenko-erneut-zum-praesidenten-gewaehlt-a-1057272.html Präsidentschaftswahl in Weißrussland: Lukaschenko holt mehr als 80 Prozent]||[[BY]]
|20150322||welt.de||[http://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article138652406/Wie-Pofalla-die-Beziehung-zu-Russland-retten-soll.html Wie Pofalla die Beziehung zu Russland retten soll]||[[POFALLA, RONALD]] / [[MERKEL, ANGELA]] / [[PETERSBURGER DIALOG]] / [[DEUTSCHE BAHN]] / [[BY]] / [[LUKASCHENKO, ALEXANDER]] / [[KOSULIN, ALEXANDER]] / [[BECK, MARIELUISE]] / [[IWANOW, SERGEJ]] / [[SCHROEDER, GERHARD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[DE MAZIERE, LOTHAR]] / [[HEINRICH-BOELL-STIFTUNG]] / [[KONRAD-ADENAUER-STIFTUNG]] / [[POLENZ, RUPRECHT]] / [[STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER]] / [[PLATZECK, MATTHIAS]] / [[GRUHE, RUEDIGER]]
|01.11.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/polizisten-aus-weissrussland-lernten-auch-bei-gsg-9-a-864849.html Kooperation mit Diktator Lukaschenko: GSG 9 schulte weißrussische Polizisten]||[[BY]] / [[BUNDESPOLIZEI]]
|18.09.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/bka-gab-software-kurse-in-weissrussland-a-856417.html Polizeisoftware: BKA gab Computer-Nachhilfe für Weißrussland]||[[BKA]] / [[BY]]
|27.08.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/weissrussische-opposition-entsetzt-ueber-polizeihilfe-fuer-lukaschenko-a-852289.html Weißrussland: Opposition entsetzt über deutsche Polizeihilfe]||[[BY]] / [[DE]]
|27.08.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/weissrussland-deutschland-soll-polizei-ausruestung-geliefert-haben-a-852200.html Hilfe für Lukaschenko: Deutschland soll Weißrussen Schlagstöcke geliefert haben]||[[DE]] / [[BY]] / [[WEAPONS]]
|27.08.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/weissrussland-deutschland-soll-polizei-ausruestung-geliefert-haben-a-852200.html Hilfe für Lukaschenko: Deutschland soll Weißrussen Schlagstöcke geliefert haben]||[[DE]] / [[BY]] / [[WEAPONS]]
|30.07.2012||[[POFALLA, RONALD]]@faz.net||[http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/europaeische-union/ronald-pofalla-ueber-weissrussland-diktatur-in-europa-11838028.html Ronald Pofalla über Weißrussland: Diktatur in Europa]||[[BY]]
[[Category:Countries]] [[Category:BY]]
= Resources =
* https://belarus.liveuamap.com/
[[Category:Countries]] [[Category:BY]] [[Category:CIS]]

Latest revision as of 09:26, 24 May 2024

BELARUS (White Russia)


Date Source Title Tags
20240523 rt.com Putin to discuss ‘second phase’ of nuclear drills with key ally / The Russian president has arrived in Belarus for talks on cooperation in areas including security and energy RU / BY / NUCLEAR WEAPONS / RU MOD
20220227 rt.com Belarus’ Lukashenko warns of WWIII - The Belarusian leader called on the West to show “restraint” when it comes to sanctions against Moscow LUKASCHENKO, ALEXANDER

/ BY / BY-RU

20210602 spiegel.de Selbstverletzung vor Gericht Oppositioneller belarussischer Aktivist offenbar in stabilem Zustand BY
20210526 spiegel.de Interne E-Mail Belarus drängte Ryanair-Jet zur Landung – schon vor Eingang der vermeintlichen Bombendrohung BY
20210526 spiegel.de Gekaperte Ryanair-Maschine Lukaschenko verteidigt erzwungene Flugzeuglandung LUKASCHENKO, ALEXANDER / BY
20210526 rt.com Leave us out of it! Hamas slams Belarus over claims group was behind bomb threat that grounded Ryanair flight carrying activist BY / HAMAS
20210525 rt.com Disgust at Belarus’ grounding of Ryanair jet selective given lack of concern about similar incidents involving West & its clients BY
20210524 spiegel.de Abgefangene Ryanair-Maschine USA fordern von Belarus sofortige Freilassung des festgenommenen Bloggers BY
20210524 rt.com ‘Shocking act’: US & EU denounce emergency plane landing in Belarus that led to arrest of wanted editor of Telegram channel BY
20210524 spiegel.de In Belarus abgefangene Ryanair-Maschine Litauen leitet Ermittlungen wegen Entführung eines Flugzeugs ein PROTASEVICH, ROMAN / LT / BY
20210523 spiegel.de Flughafen Minsk in Belarus Ryanair-Maschine zur Landung gezwungen – Regimekritiker festgenommen BY
20210523 spiegel.de In Belarus zur Landung gezwungene Ryanair-Maschine Flug fortgesetzt, ein Passagier fehlt RYANAIR / BY
20210523 zerohedge.com "Shocking Act" Of "State Hijacking" Of Civilian Plane: US & EU Demand Belarusian Journalist's Immediate Release BY / PROTASEVICH, ROMAN
20210523 rt.com 'Bomb scare' forces Ryanair jet to make emergency landing in Belarus, authorities detain wanted editor of banned Telegram channel BY
20210220 thegrazyone.com Reuters, BBC, and Bellingcat participated in covert UK Foreign Office-funded programs to “weaken Russia,” leaked docs reveal REUTERS / BBC / BELLINGCAT / FCO / THOMSON REUTERS FOUNDATION / ZINC NETWORK / ALBANY COMMUNICATIONS / MI6 / VILLE, MONIQUE / GB / RU / BY / UA / OMIDYAR, PIERRE / TOLOKONNIKOVA, NADYA / HIGGINS, ELIOT
20210206 rt.com ‘Genie’s out of the bottle’: German FM pledges €21 million to help Belarusian opposition, ‘oppressed people’ MAAS, HEIKO / DE / BY / DE-BY / DE-RU
20200813 theguardian.com Belarus Nobel-prize winner tells Lukashenko: 'Leave before it's too late' - Svetlana Alexievich warns of ‘civil war’ after unrest that followed Sunday’s disputed election result BY
20200812 spiegel.de Wieder Gewalt in Belarus Lukaschenko will den Protest von der Straße prügeln BY
20200812 rt.com Belarusian police use LIVE FIRE against protestors overnight, 1 person injured BY
20200811 theguardian.com Belarus president cuts off internet amid widespread protests - Alexander Lukashenko hopes communications blackout will disrupt protests over elections LUKASHENKO, ALEKSANDR / BY
20200811 spiegel.de Oppositionelle Kalesnikawa "Wir Belarussen haben das Recht auf friedlichen Protest" BY
20200811 spiegel.de Swetlana Tichanowskaja Belarussische Oppositionskandidatin nach Litauen ausgereist BY
20200810 rt.com One KILLED during massive protests in Minsk as demonstrators clash with Belarus police BY
20200810 rt.com Police shoot grenades and tear-gas at protesters against presidential election results in Belarus BY
20200809 netblocks.org Internet disruption hits Belarus on election day BY
20200809 rt.com Violent clashes with riot police in Belarus as protesters rally over projected Lukashenko landslide victory (VIDEOS, PHOTOS) BY
20200801 spiegel.de Söldner auf der Durchreise? Lukaschenko geht nach Festnahmen auf Konfrontationskurs zu Russland LUKASHENKO, ALEKSANDR / BY
20200729 rt.com Lukashenko ‘demands answers’ as KGB chief briefs him on ‘Russian mercenaries’ detained in Belarus LUKASHENKO, ALEKSANDR / BY
20200201 rt.com Pompeo says US can cover 100% of Belarus' oil needs amid Minsk row with Moscow BY / OIL / POMPEO, MIKE / US / RU
20170609 rt.com Russia allays fears over Belarus drill after Lithuanian ‘hysteria’ LT / RU / BY
20160626 spiegel.de Netz-Flashmob in Weißrussland: "Raus aus den Klamotten, ran an die Arbeit!" BY / INTERNET
20151011 spiegel.de Präsidentschaftswahl in Weißrussland: Lukaschenko holt mehr als 80 Prozent BY
01.11.2012 spiegel.de Kooperation mit Diktator Lukaschenko: GSG 9 schulte weißrussische Polizisten BY / BUNDESPOLIZEI
18.09.2012 spiegel.de Polizeisoftware: BKA gab Computer-Nachhilfe für Weißrussland BKA / BY
27.08.2012 spiegel.de Weißrussland: Opposition entsetzt über deutsche Polizeihilfe BY / DE
27.08.2012 spiegel.de Hilfe für Lukaschenko: Deutschland soll Weißrussen Schlagstöcke geliefert haben DE / BY / WEAPONS
30.07.2012 POFALLA, RONALD@faz.net Ronald Pofalla über Weißrussland: Diktatur in Europa BY
