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= Articles =
= Articles =
== 2017 ==
== 2024 ==
=== 201708 ===
|20240908||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/603671-putin-offended-me-trump/ Putin has offended me – Trump / The US presidential candidate has said he doesn’t know why Putin has “endorsed” his rival]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240830||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/tulsi-gabbard-reveals-real-reason-behind-endorsing-trump-personal-me Tulsi Gabbard Reveals The Real Reason Behind Endorsing Trump: 'This Is Personal For Me']||[[GABBARD, TULSI]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240813||apnews.com||[https://apnews.com/article/trump-vance-leak-media-wikileaks-e30bdccbdd4abc9506735408cdc9bf7b# News outlets were leaked insider material from the Trump campaign. They chose not to print it]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240812||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/big-question-how-are-ukraine-stakeholders-cia-us-intel-community-going-stop-donald-trump Big Question: How Are Ukraine Stakeholders, CIA, & The US Intel Community Going To Stop Donald Trump?]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240728||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/donald-trump-provoziert-mit-aeusserung-zu-wahl-in-vier-jahren-werdet-nicht-mehr-waehlen-muessen-a-bdde321d-8f6a-4ac6-b1eb-5b05e90a63c3 »Ihr werdet nicht mehr wählen müssen« - Trump provoziert mit Äußerung zu Wahl in vier Jahren / Sie sollen für ihn stimmen, nur einmal, rief US-Präsidentschaftskandidat Donald Trump konservativen Christen zu. Beim nächsten Mal sei dies dann nicht mehr erforderlich. Empörte Reaktionen folgen prompt.]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240719||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/secret-service-whistleblowers-emerge-following-trump-assassination-attempt Secret Service Whistleblowers Emerge Following Trump Assassination Attempt]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] /  [[US SECRET SERVICE]]
|20240715||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/us-republikaner-vor-dem-parteitag-in-milwaukee-liebe-und-frieden-was-trumps-neue-rhetorik-bewirkt-a-e058a86c-98f9-4b73-8886-beb5d6c8cf11 US-Republikaner vor dem Parteitag in Milwaukee / »Liebe« und »Frieden« – Trumps überraschende neue Rhetorik / Der Anschlag auf Donald Trump hat dem Wahlkampf eine merkwürdige Windstille beschert: Der Ex-Präsident hält sich zurück, auch viele Republikaner geben sich gemäßigt. Ist es ihnen wirklich ernst?]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240714||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/donald-trump-fbi-gibt-identitaet-des-mutmasslichen-schuetzen-bekannt-a-968fca06-a7f8-46da-8829-ef9abb350708 Schüsse auf Trump: FBI gibt Identität des mutmaßlichen Täters bekannt: 20 Jahre alt, aus einer Vorstadt von Pittsburgh, registrierter Republikaner: Was über den Mann bekannt ist, der die Schüsse auf Donald Trump abgegeben haben soll.]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CROOKS, THOMAS MATTHEW]]
|20240714||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/donald-trump-ueber-attacke-ich-spuerte-sofort-wie-die-kugel-die-haut-durchbohrte-a-e8c406c8-35ef-4bba-a6ac-ca801974a718 Trump über Attacke »Ich spürte sofort, wie sich die Kugel durch die Haut bohrte« / Donald Trump äußert sich selbst zu dem Angriff auf ihn: Er sei von einer Kugel am Ohr getroffen worden, es sei viel Blut geflossen. Die Schilderungen verbindet er mit Dank an den Secret Service.]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240714||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/donald-trump-schuesse-bei-wahlkampf-auftritt-was-wir-ueber-den-angriff-wissen-und-was-nicht-a-91bcfc4d-c935-41b0-98f2-e436d64ab979 Schüsse bei Wahlkampfauftritt in Pennsylvania / Attentat auf Donald Trump – was über den Angriff bekannt ist]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240711||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/600882-nato-worried-biden-trump/ NATO more nervous about Biden than Trump – Politico / The bloc’s members are fretting over the US president’s gaffes while ignoring the implications of a win by the GOP candidate]||[[NATO]] / [[BIDEN, JOSEPH]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240711||politico.com||[https://www.politico.com/news/2024/07/11/nato-allies-weakened-biden-trump-return-00167424 ‘You’re worried if he knows which direction he’s going’: Nervous world leaders greet Biden at NATO - Biden’s solo press conference Thursday will be the most critical set piece of the NATO Summit, both for the president and the alliance.]||[[NATO]] / [[BIDEN, JOSEPH]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240606||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/598897-us-spooks-fear-arrest-trump/ US spy community fears being jailed by Trump – ex-FBI official / Andrew McCabe has suggested that former intel and law enforcement officials may have to flee the country]||[[MCCABE, ANDREW]] /  [[FBI]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240531||manager-magazin.de||[https://www.manager-magazin.de/politik/bill-ackman-und-co-diese-us-milliardaere-und-wall-street-groessen-stuetzen-donald-trump-a-1aafa91d-2cac-4d53-8e89-3b083f7a7f8e "Wir werden reicher, wenn er gewinnt" Diese Milliardäre stützen Donald Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240531||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/donald-trump-schuldspruch-im-liveticker-ivanka-reagiert-via-instagram-i-love-you-dad-a-62921fd7-be39-4182-be42-76b18f51263b Schuldig in allen 34 Anklagepunkten: Donald Trumps Tochter Ivanka war selbst nicht im Gerichtssaal, meldet sich aber via Instagram zu Wort. Auch Stormy Daniels reagiert emotional – aber wohl aus anderen Gründen. Die News.]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240531||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/donald-trump-im-gefaengnis-der-secret-service-kaeme-mit-a-bcd756f4-5a39-404b-acf6-7fd90b9f9fe7 Neuland für die US-Justiz Donald Trump im Gefängnis? Der Secret Service käme mit / Auch in Haft hätte Donald Trump als ehemaliger US-Präsident Anrecht auf Personenschutz. Juristen machen sich nun Gedanken, wie der Ernstfall aussehen könnte.]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240530||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/598492-musk-trump-talks-adviser-white-house/ Musk and Trump in secret talks – WSJ / The ex-president and Tesla CEO are exploring ways of giving the billionaire “formal input and influence” on government policies]||[[MUSK, ELON]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240530||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/donald-trump-in-historischem-schweigegeld-prozess-schuldig-gesprochen-a-6b828c52-6f8b-45f2-b0cc-ed1e3495eeb6 Trump in Schweigegeld-Prozess in allen Punkten schuldig gesprochen / Nach zweitägiger Beratung sind die Geschworenen zu einem einstimmigen Urteil gekommen: Donald Trump ist schuldig gesprochen, die Schweigegeldzahlung an die Pornodarstellerin Stormy Daniels vertuscht zu haben.]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240530||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ukraine-krieg-joe-biden-erlaubt-ukraine-offenbar-angriffe-auf-russische-ziele-a-54836263-3f82-4c23-8fee-254feb5d11c5 Verteidigung von Charkiw Biden erlaubt Ukraine begrenzten Einsatz von US-Waffen in Russland / Kurswechsel im Weißen Haus: US-Präsident Biden gibt der Ukraine grünes Licht, US-Waffen auch gegen Ziele in Russland einzusetzen – allerdings nur zur Verteidigung der ostukrainischen Großstadt Charkiw.]||[[US-RU]] / [[NATO]] / [[NATO-RU]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240530||cnn.com||[https://edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/trump-hush-money-trial-05-30-24/index.html Donald Trump guilty on all 34 felony charges]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240523||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/598154-putin-trump-no-contact/ Kremlin comments on Putin-Trump ‘contacts’ / The statement follows a claim by the former US president that the Russian leader would release an American detainee “for me”]||[[KREMLIN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[GERSHKOVICH, EVAN]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20240514||foxnews.com||[https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/morning-glory-trumps-veepstakes-close-wrapping Morning Glory: Trump’s veepstakes is close to wrapping up / Some very smart people have anointed North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum and it seems headed that way, but…]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240425||reuters.com||[https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-20-how-us-allies-are-working-iron-out-bugs-2024-04-24/ Trump 2.0: How US allies are preparing for a second term]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240508||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/donald-trump-stormy-daniels-sagt-gegen-ex-praesident-aus-a-21cb0b5b-02ad-434c-a0bc-0a938d2731e7 Schweigegeldprozess gegen Donald Trump / Und dann betritt Stormy Daniels den Saal – klack, klack, klack - Die Aussage von Ex-Pornodarstellerin Stormy Daniels im Prozess gegen Donald Trump war mit Spannung erwartet worden. Die Szenen im Gerichtssaal waren dann selbst für die Trump-Ära surreal. Der SPIEGEL war dabei.]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240503||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/596981-trump-pays-fine-gag-order/Trump pays fine for gag order violations / The former US president had been sanctioned for his public comments about his hush money trial]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240413||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/erinnerungen-eines-managers-donald-trump-soll-ueber-china-sprechen-poltert-aber-lieber-gegen-stormy-daniels-a-54a8ad75-aa21-46ca-b3ac-988b812d9cfd Erinnerungen eines US-Managers Trump sollte über China sprechen – polterte aber wohl lieber gegen Pornodarstellerin]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240413||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/595869-trump-ukraine-part-russia/ Trump thought Ukraine ‘must be part of Russia’ – former adviser / Fiona Hill has claimed that the ex-president did not understand the concept of an independent Ukraine]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[UA]]
|20240328||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/595058-trump-soros-wealth-list/ Trump richer than Soros – Bloomberg / The former US president’s net worth has jumped $4 billion this year, according to the agency’s Billionaires Index]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240323||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/donald-trump-widerspricht-eigenen-anwaelten-habe-fast-500-millionen-dollar-in-cash-a-ef580cca-f14a-4a3b-b8ed-9f5d7cdb8891 Nach Urteil wegen Betrugs »Habe fast 500 Millionen Dollar in Cash« – Trump widerspricht eigenen Anwälten]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240317||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/594378-zelensky-greatest-salesman-trump/ Zelensky ‘one of the greatest salesmen in history’ – Trump / The White House should stop giving Kiev cash and start lending it, the former US president has insisted]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[ZELENSKY, VOLODYMYR]]
|20240315||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/594335-trump-cia-china-influence-campaign/ Trump ordered CIA operation against China – report / The social media influencing campaign was intended to foster ‘paranoia’ among top leaders in Beijing, Reuters reported]||[[CIA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[DISINFORMATION]]
|20240217||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/donald-trump-zu-zahlung-in-hoehe-von-mehr-als-350-millionen-dollar-verurteilt-a-3344c7f8-62cd-4dc4-bcc4-dc7792139a72 Prozess in New York Trump zu Zahlung in Höhe von mehr als 350 Millionen Dollar verurteilt / In einem Betrugsverfahren musste sich Donald Trump vor einem Gericht in New York verantworten. Das Urteil kommt ihn teuer zu stehen.]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240126||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/donald-trump-muss-83-3-millionen-dollar-schadensersatz-an-e-jean-carroll-zahlen-a-f93c74d3-cd28-48df-97f3-564adc5b8c4c Urteil in Zivilprozess Donald Trump muss 83,3 Millionen Dollar Schadensersatz an Autorin E. Jean Carroll zahlen]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240103||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/trump-geht-juristisch-gegen-ausschluss-von-vorwahlen-in-maine-vor-a-f1b2906a-86d4-4fb0-b018-3b3b10fd19bc Kampf um Präsidentschaftskandidatur: Trump geht juristisch gegen Ausschluss von Vorwahlen in Maine vor]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
== 2023 ==
|20231216||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/589175-cnn-trump-russia-documents/ Top secret Russia documents went missing, American spies claim / Former President Donald Trump wanted to declassify the files, but the FBI and CIA fought to prevent this]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FBI]] / [[CIA]] / [[CLASSIFICATION]] / [[RUSSIAGATE]] / [[GRENELL, RICHARD]]
|20231205||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/donald-trump-wie-eine-diktatur-unter-ihm-aussehen-koennte-a-2a144342-af78-4b9e-94a6-18bd493119ed US-Wahlkampf / Wie eine Trump-Diktatur aussehen könnte - Loyale Justiz, gefügiges Militär, entmachteter Kongress: Donald Trump könnte nach einem Wahlsieg versuchen, in den USA als Alleinherrscher zu regieren. Wer kann ihn noch stoppen?]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20231206||cnn.com||[https://edition.cnn.com/2023/12/06/politics/kash-patel-trump-administration/index.html New Trump admin would try to prosecute journalists, former Trump adviser says]||[[PATEL, KASH]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20231110||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/usa-trump-erwaegt-im-fall-einer-wiederwahl-fbi-einsatz-gegen-seine-gegner-a-6e999943-d05d-4810-b90a-3b819f1c1f29 Ehemaliger US-Präsident Trump erwägt im Fall einer Wiederwahl FBI-Einsatz gegen seine Gegner]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20231109||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/586924-trump-carlson-vice-president/ Trump open to Tucker Carlson for VP / The former Fox News host has “great common sense,” the ex-president has said]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CARLSON, TUCKER]]
|20230811||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/trump-coming-back-already-spooking-western-elites Trump Coming Back Is Already Spooking Western Elites]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20230810||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/federal-court-declares-trump-flight-risk-secret-subpoena-decision Federal Court Declares Trump A Flight Risk In Secret Subpoena Decision]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20230809||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/09/trump-lawyers-request-classified-documents-mar-a-lago Trump requests to review classified documents at Mar-a-Lago ahead of trial - Trump’s lawyers asked for a secure facility to be reinstalled at the same Mar-a-Lago club where he hoarded classified documents]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SCIF]]
|20230808||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trump-trashes-bidenomics-asserts-i-care-about-enriching-your-family Trump Trashes 'Bidenomics'; Asserts "I Care About Enriching Your Family"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20230403||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/donald-trump-vor-gericht-er-will-new-yorker-staatsanwalt-aufmischen-a-31ff6ee1-8414-4a4e-ae39-79c80b55a736 Anklage gegen Ex-US-Präsident Trump will New Yorker Staatsanwalt »aufmischen« / Die Anklage steht, am Dienstag wird Donald Trump in New York vor Gericht erwartet. Im Vorfeld provoziert er Staatsanwalt Alvin Bragg – und könnte sich damit noch weiter schaden.]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20230331||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/donald-trump-nutzt-anklage-zu-spendenaufruf-a-8432c4e9-0618-48f8-9156-13a2391d0a21 24 Dollar oder mehr Trump nutzt Anklage zu Spendenaufruf]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20230331||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/donald-trump-anklage-soll-wohl-kommenden-dienstag-verlesen-werden-a-49e60dfb-7462-4b66-8416-c6d42dbbe76f Schweigegeldaffäre um Pornodarstellerin Anklage gegen Trump soll wohl kommenden Dienstag verlesen werden]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20230324||independent.co.uk||[https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-baseball-bat-alvin-bragg-b2307193.html Anger as Trump posts picture of himself wielding baseball bat next to Alvin Bragg’s head / Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg is leading probe into hush money payments allegedly made to Stormy Daniels]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20230324||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/573514-trump-arrest-death-destruction/ Trump warns of ‘death and destruction’ / The former president says there is potential for disastrous consequences if he’s changed by New York prosecutors]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20230318||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/573170-trump-security-preparations-indictment/ US security forces brace for possible Trump ‘arrest’ – media / The former leader could face charges as early as next week, multiple senior officials told US media]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20230214||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/571485-trump-firing-squad-executions/ Trump wants firing squads and televised executions – Rolling Stone / While the former president’s team called the report “fake news,” Trump is a firm proponent of the death penalty]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20230116||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/adam-schiff-admits-possible-national-security-jeopardized-biden-documents Adam Schiff Admits Possible National Security Jeopardized With Biden Documents]||[[SCHIFF, ADAM]] / [[BIDEN, JOSEPH]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
== 2022 ==
|20221115||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/gen-flynn-warns-fbi-perjury-trap-trump-they-tried-set-me Gen. Flynn Warns Of An FBI Perjury Trap For Trump, 'Like They Tried To Set Me Up']||[[FLYNN, MICHAEL]] / [[FBI]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20220828||rollingstone.com||[https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/donald-trump-emmanuel-macron-maralago-fbi-raid-1234582465/ Trump Bragged He Had ‘Intelligence’ on Macron’s Sex Life - The FBI seized a document with “info” on the French president during the Mar-a-Lago raid, and that has officials in both countries hunting for answers]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MACRON, EMMANUEL]]
|20220130||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/547759-border-invasion-migrants-troops/ Trump says Biden sending troops to wrong border - Former US president urged Biden to secure US border first before “talking about invasions of other countries”]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
== 2021 ==
=== 202112 ===
|20211222||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/544005-donald-trump-assange-snowden-pardons/ Trump reveals why he didn’t pardon Snowden or Assange]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]]
|20211215||msnbc.com||[https://www.msnbc.com/opinion/julian-assange-extradition-could-mean-even-more-legal-trouble-donald-n1285880 Julian Assange extradition could mean even more legal trouble for Donald Trump - The WikiLeaks founder could say how much Trump knew about Russian election interference.]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FIGLIUZZI, FRANK]]
=== 202107 ===
|20210707||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/donald-trump-will-twitter-facebook-und-google-verklagen-a-735ec4ec-36a7-47b2-90a5-b2f90cd218a2 Ärger über gesperrte Accounts Trump verklagt Twitter, Facebook und Google]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[TWITTER]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[GOOGLE]]
|20210701||vanityfair.com||[https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2021/07/allen-weisselberg-trump-organization-spreadsheets Oops: The Trump Organization Kept Literal Spreadsheets of Its Crimes]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 202101 ===
|20210120||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/513104-assange-snowden-pardon-trump/ Assange pardon could have been Trump’s lasting legacy. He failed to secure a place in history]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210120||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-143-begnadigungen-in-letzter-minute-a-c510082c-4749-4e7b-a141-cc056addaccf Trumps finale Gnadenwelle Du kommst aus dem Gefängnis frei]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210120||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/trump-pardons-lil-wayne-steve-bannon-not-himself-or-julian-assange Trump Pardons Lil Wayne, Steve Bannon, But Not Himself, Or Julian Assange]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210120||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/513034-trump-pardons-143-people/ Trump pardons ex-strategist Bannon & rapper Lil Wayne along with scores of others in 11th-hour clemency spree]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210120||whitehouse.gov||[https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefings-statements/statement-press-secretary-regarding-executive-grants-clemency-012021/ Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding Executive Grants of Clemency]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210120||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/513027-trump-declassify-russiagate-docs/ Trump declassifies ‘binder of materials’ related to Russiagate probe, but caves to FBI & keeps saucy bits secret]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[HASPEL, GINA]]
|20210120||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/513025-trump-pressure-pardon-assange/ With time running out, pressure grows on Trump to pardon Assange amid reports aides persuaded him not to]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210119||whitehouse.gov||[https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-taking-additional-steps-address-national-emergency-respect-significant-malicious-cyber-enabled-activities/ Executive Order on Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency with Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210119||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/snowden-and-assange-there-still-time-trump-do-right-thing Snowden And Assange: There Is Still Time For Trump To Do The Right Thing]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210119||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/512928-trump-pardon-list-assange-snowden/ Who will Trump pardon? As pundits and activists continue to make the case for Assange, Joe Exotic’s reportedly on the list]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210118||henrymakow.com||[https://www.henrymakow.com/2021/01/Tempering-our-Expectations-of-Trump.html We Told You Trump Was Sexually Compromised]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210118||cnn.com||[https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/17/politics/trump-pardons-expected/index.html Trump to issue around 100 pardons and commutations Tuesday, sources say]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210117||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/17/us/politics/trump-pardons.html Prospect of Pardons in Final Days Fuels Market to Buy Access to Trump - The president’s allies have collected tens of thousands of dollars — and potentially much more — from people seeking pardons.]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210116||rollingstone.com||[https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-meets-my-pillow-ceo-mark-lindell-martial-law-1115519/ Trump Calls in Pillow Salesman to Discuss Possibility of Instituting Martial Law - Turns out you can have good ideas for pillows and still have bad opinions about fascism]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210116||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-donald-trump-verhaengt-neue-sanktionen-gegen-china-kuba-und-iran-a-2d9b2233-ecaf-4835-891b-3f31444a127c Kurz vor Amtsende: Trump will Warenkauf aus China unterbinden]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[US-CN]] / [[US-CU]] / [[US-IR]]
|20210115||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trump-declassifies-foot-high-stack-russiagate-obamagate-documents-set-release-within-days Trump Declassifies 'Foot-High' Stack Of Russiagate, Obamagate Documents; Set For Release Within Days]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210113||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/donald-trump-hat-via-twitter-regiert-neuer-herrscher-typus-social-media-leader-a-464ed40e-4b8e-4b19-96cd-4a3e61c32648 Neuer Herrschertypus "Social Media Leader" Trump hat via Twitter regiert]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210113||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/512338-youtube-suspends-trump-channel/ YouTube SUSPENDS Trump’s channel for ‘inciting violence,’ becoming 3rd major platform after Twitter & Facebook to do so]||[[YOUTUBE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210111||axios.com||[https://www.axios.com/platforms-social-media-ban-restrict-trump-d9e44f3c-8366-4ba9-a8a1-7f3114f920f1.html All the platforms that have banned or restricted Trump so far]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210109||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-demokraten-verfassen-entwurf-fuer-impeachment-a-55c8dc72-e899-4b3b-ad3b-2489efb4b5a4 Wegen »Anstiftung zum Aufstand« Demokraten wollen Impeachment einleiten]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210109||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/twitter-sperrt-account-von-donald-trump-dauerhaft-a-dddf8e38-869c-4c4a-a3ae-86a313edba93 US-Präsident Twitter sperrt Trump-Account dauerhaft]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[TWITTER]]
|20210107||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/511809-iraq-trump-arrest-warrant/ Iraqi court issues ARREST WARRANT for Trump over killing of Soleimani & local militia leader]||[[IQ]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210107||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/schumer-calls-trump-be-removed-office-immediately "This Is An Emergency": Pelosi Calls For 25th Amendment To Be Invoked On Trump, Says Congress Prepared To Proceed With Impeachment]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210107||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/donald-trump-facebook-und-instagram-sperren-trumps-accounts-noch-laenger-a-c4e0ab16-fd8d-4ffa-b565-0c46485786fe Ankündigung von Mark Zuckerberg Facebook und Instagram sperren Trumps Accounts bis zum Ende seiner Amtszeit]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[ZUCKERBERG, MARK]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[INSTAGRAM]]
|20210107||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/its-over-trump-promises-orderly-transition-jan-20-after-biden-win-certified It's Over: Trump Promises "Orderly Transition" On Jan. 20 After Biden Win Certified]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
== 2020 ==
=== 202012 ===
|20201230||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/irak-begnadigungen-von-blackwater-soeldnern-verstossen-laut-uno-gegen-voelkerrecht-a-293f85cb-6759-44d7-b141-55483c0bc619 Uno-Menschenrechtsexperten Begnadigungen von Blackwater-Söldnern verstoßen gegen Völkerrecht]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201229||standard.co.uk||[https://www.standard.co.uk/news/uk/donald-trump-julian-assange-wikileaks-extradition-nobel-prize-b551027.html Trump pardon for Julian Assange would ‘secure President’s legacy as defender of free speech’ - Nobel laureates]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20201224||cnn.com||[https://edition.cnn.com/2020/12/23/politics/trump-pardons-stone-manafort-kushner/index.html Trump issues 26 new pardons, including for Stone, Manafort and Charles Kushner]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201223||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/510574-trump-swamp-hitler-wrong/ Caitlin Johnstone: EVERYONE was wrong about Trump]||[[JOHNSTONE, CAITLIN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201223||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/kultur/donald-trumps-abgang-er-macht-es-schrecklich-a-2fa46417-73ea-4127-8421-bbb8e4f489d3 Trumps langsamer Abgang Er macht es schrecklich]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201223||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/510524-outrage-trump-pardon-blackwater/ Trump ‘killed justice’ with pardon of ‘war criminals’: Twitter erupts with disgust as Blackwater contractors walk free]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201216||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/509829-ulbricht-assange-snowden-pardon-trump/ ‘Drug dealers’ or whistleblowers? Report that Trump may pardon Silk Road founder Ulbricht sparks debate over who deserves clemency]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201216||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/509811-trump-mcconnell-biden-win/ ‘Too soon to give up’: Trump slams Senator Mitch McConnell for congratulating Biden, urges Republicans to ‘learn to fight’]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201202||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-klage-gegen-donald-trump-soll-vernichtung-von-schriftverkehr-verhindern-a-c15f443f-651e-47f4-9228-a83480d2924e Presidential Records Act Klage gegen Trump soll Vernichtung von Schriftverkehr verhindern]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 202011 ===
|20201128||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/todesstrafe-in-den-usa-donald-trumps-regierung-erlaubt-zusaetzliche-hinrichtungsmethoden-a-3201334f-74ae-41b0-a4d9-16604ea80b16 Todesstrafe in den USA Trumps Regierung erlaubt zusätzliche Hinrichtungsmethoden]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20201120||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-einladung-an-abgeordnete-aus-michigan-neue-taktik-fuer-machterhalt-a-0c42c86d-7b65-4629-9ec9-43420cdf04e5 Einladung an Abgeordnete aus Michigan Trumps neue Taktik für den Machterhalt]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201119||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/507228-giuliani-powell-trump-election-fraud/ Trump lawyers allege ‘MASSIVE’ election fraud, point to sworn statements & efforts to threaten and silence them (VIDEO)]||[[GIULIANI, RUDOLPH W.]] / [[POWELL, SIDNEY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201115||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/15/us/politics/trump-voter-fraud-claims.html?smid=tw-share Behind Trump’s Yearslong Effort to Turn Losing Into Winning]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201113||vanityfair.com||[https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/11/donald-trump-self-pardon?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=onsite-share&utm_brand=vanity-fair&utm_social-type=earned Report: Trump Has Repeatedly Asked If He Can “Preemptively” Pardon Himself]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201111||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/506342-brennan-trump-declassify-everything/Brennan & other spooks go full conspiracy theorist over suggestion ‘cornered’ Trump will indeed ‘DECLASSIFY EVERYTHING’]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201110||zeroehdge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/ex-cia-chief-under-obama-urges-palace-coup-against-trump-so-he-doesnt-declassify Ex-CIA Chief Under Obama Urges Palace Coup Against Trump So He Doesn't "Declassify Everything"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201104||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/505507-trump-steal-big-win/ Trump calls results ‘big WIN’ & accuses opponents of ‘trying to STEAL’ election, gets ‘misleading’ label from Twitter]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201104||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-offen-gesagt-wie-haben-diese-wahl-gewonnen-a-453d6204-e878-4bd2-a491-153f16ff6fe3 "Offen gesagt, wir haben gewonnen" Trump reklamiert Wahlsieg – obwohl das Ergebnis nicht feststeht]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 202010 ===
|20201010||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/mike-pompeo-us-aussenminister-will-e-mails-von-hillary-clinton-veroeffentlichen-a-548f1589-5cac-4069-bde8-b73b7a8abc9e US-Außenminister Mike Pompeo will E-Mails von Hillary Clinton veröffentlichen]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20201006||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/502650-trump-first-statement-hospital/ ‘Don’t let Covid-19 dominate you’: Trump tells Americans to ‘get out’ & ‘be careful’ in first statement after hospital stay]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201006||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-ist-aus-krankenhaus-entlassen-a-a661c953-6f2e-462a-acc9-f714a3400acd Erkrankter US-Präsident Donald Trump ist aus Krankenhaus entlassen]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201006||telepolis.de||[https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Auf-dem-Narrenschiff-4921044.html Auf dem Narrenschiff]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201005||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/502634-trump-discharge-monday-evening/'I feel better than I did 20 years ago': Trump announces he's ready to leave the hospital Monday evening]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201005||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-praesident-noch-nicht-ueber-den-berg-a-077cc14f-e6f0-4d01-b75a-750656765671 Bulletin von Trumps Leibarzt US-Präsident ist noch nicht "über den Berg" - Trumps Behandlung könne im Weißen Haus fortgesetzt werden, sagt sein Arzt Sean Conley. Doch für eine endgültige Entwarnung sei es noch zu früh.]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201004||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-wurde-seine-corona-videobotschaft-bearbeitet-a-13e5dc82-d977-4c96-b95e-0b343184c1ee Corona-kranker US-Präsident Filmprofis halten Trumps Videobotschaft für bearbeitet]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201003||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/502432-trump-remdesivir-no-supplemental-oxygen/ Trump does NOT require ‘any supplemental oxygen’, but started on Remdesivir antiviral therapy – White House physician]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201003||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/502431-trump-circle-covid-positive/ White House superspreader event? Sens. Thom Tillis & Mike Lee, ex-Trump aide Kellyanne Conway latest to test positive for Covid-19]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20201002||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/502396-trump-campaign-covid-boost/ Trump's campaign was half dead. Catching Covid might just be the boost he needs to win the election]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201002||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2020-10-02/trump-faking-covid-19-result-escape-debate-conspiracy-theorists Trump Faking COVID-19 Result To Escape The Debate: Conspiracy Theorists]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201002||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trump-faking-covid-michael-moore-other-leftists-peddle-new-conspiracy-theory Trump Faking Covid? Michael Moore, Other Leftists Peddle New Conspiracy Theory]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MOORE, MICHAEL]]
|20201002||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/president-trump-has-covid-19-here-what-happens-next Trump Heads To Walter Reed Military Hospital As "Precautionary Measure"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201002||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-begibt-sich-nach-corona-infektion-in-krankenhaus-a-e5a1cd3a-e91c-4ddc-acca-555b1863f493 Erkrankter US-Präsident Trump soll mehrere Nächte im Krankenhaus verbringen]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201002||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-setzt-persoenliche-wahlkampfauftritte-nach-corona-infektion-aus-a-2be22ee0-a0fd-4965-9db7-e00c381b7943 Nach Corona-Infektion Trump setzt persönliche Wahlkampfauftritte aus]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201002||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/502421-trump-walter-reed-covid/ Trump being moved to Walter Reed military hospital as 'precautionary measure' for Covid-19, White House says]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201002||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/502417-trump-fatigued-antibody-cocktail/ Trump ‘fatigued but in good spirits’ after Covid diagnosis, treated with experimental antibody cocktail – doctor]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201002||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-zeigt-milde-erkaeltungssymptome-a-dbf709c2-fbf0-4018-8702-b959fe2a1477 Corona-Test bei US-Präsident Trump zeigt offenbar leichte Symptome]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201002||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-seine-corona-erkrankung-auf-diesen-terminen-war-der-us-praesident-zuletzt-a-516be881-e3b7-437a-ae24-e515cfc7a4ec US-Präsident mit Corona infiziert Auf diesen Terminen war Trump zuletzt]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201002||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-hat-covid-19-der-ernstfall-fuer-den-us-wahlkampf-a-c7464fb0-9250-4a31-b720-9092f2947e2d Donald Trump hat Covid-19 Der amerikanische Patient]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201002||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/502305-trump-aide-hicks-covid/ Trump & Melania ‘will begin quarantine process’ pending test results after close aide Hope Hicks contracts Covid-19]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20201002||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-und-melania-trump-positiv-auf-corona-getestet-a-20559f6a-6e51-4492-94ca-74be0ea882e4 US-Präsident infiziert Donald und Melania Trump positiv auf Corona getestet]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[TRUMP, MELANIA]] / [[COVID-19]]
=== 202009 ===
|20200930||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/will-you-shut-man-debate-post-mortem "Will You Shut Up Man?" - Debate Post-Mortem: Trump Dominant But Biden Better Than Expected]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[BIDEN, JOSEPH]]
|20200929||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/donald-trump-und-seine-steuern-praesident-im-schuldenpalast-a-d66532ee-2acc-46a1-ba0c-013df2d954cb Steuervorwürfe gegen Trump Präsident im Schuldenpalast]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200927||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/27/new-york-times-trump-tax-returns-key-findings Six key findings from the New York Times' Trump taxes bombshell]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200927||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/27/new-york-times-publishes-donald-trumps-tax-returns-election New York Times publishes details of Donald Trump's tax returns]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200918||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3102164/trump-offered-pardon-assange-if-he-provided-source Trump offered to pardon Assange if he provided source for Democratic emails, London court hears]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[ROHRABACHER, DANA]] / [[JOHNSON, CHARLES]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[DNC]]
|20200918||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/501039-trump-assange-pardon-dnc-2016/ Trump offered Julian Assange a PARDON deal in return for 2016 DNC emails source disclosure, lawyer says]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[ROHRABACHER, DANA]] / [[JOHNSON, CHARLES]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[DNC]]
|20200917||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/500978-trump-patriotic-education-1776-commission/ Trump announces creation of national '1776 Commission' to promote 'patriotic education']||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200917||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3101989/i-was-his-grip-donald-trumps-latest-sexual-assault ‘I was in his grip’: Donald Trump’s latest sexual assault accuser details incident at US Open tennis tournament]||[[DORRIS, AMY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200916||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3101743/trump-americans-will-develop-herd-mentality Trump: Americans will develop ‘herd mentality’, coronavirus vaccine weeks away]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200915||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3101550/trump-ad-asks-people-support-troops-it-uses-picture Trump ad asks people to support US troops. But it uses a picture of Russian jets]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200912||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/sep/12/trump-mueller-russia-investigation-phone-records Trump attacks Robert Mueller's 'hit squad' in row over 'wiped' phones]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[FBI]] / [[HOROWITZ, MICHAEL]] / [[STRZOK, PETER]] / [[DURHAM, JOHN]]
|20200909||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/500213-zucker-offers-trump-show/ CNNgate? CNN chief Jeff Zucker offered Trump ‘WEEKLY SHOW’ & gave ‘the boss’ tips for presidential debate in leaked 2016 audio]||[[ZUCKER, JEFF]] / [[CNN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200909||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/buch-von-bob-woodward-donald-trump-kannte-angeblich-schon-im-februar-die-toedliche-corona-gefahr-a-408083f5-f861-4b1e-a3ec-fe26c063a4c2 Neues Woodward-Buch Trump kannte angeblich schon im Februar die tödliche Corona-Gefahr]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 202008 ===
|20200904||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3100171/donald-trump-tells-supporters-try-vote-twice Donald Trump tells supporters to try to vote twice, sparking uproar]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200824||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ehemaliger-trump-anwalt-cohen-soll-buchmanuskript-im-gefaengnis-verbrannt-haben-a-dc76d225-81b3-401d-869f-8ae7d5300956 "Vanity Fair"-Bericht Ehemaliger Trump-Anwalt Cohen soll Buchmanuskript im Gefängnis verbrannt haben]||[[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200820||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-ueber-qanon-verschwoerungstheoretiker-sie-moegen-mich-offensichtlich-a-4c755847-175f-4431-92fb-1fafda1e1fb1 Trump über QAnon-Verschwörungstheoretiker "Sie mögen mich offensichtlich"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[QANON]]
|20200818||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-gratulierte-wladimir-putin-ich-bin-ein-grosser-fan-a-9832778b-8403-4c04-b805-e8af00190fdb Trump-Brief an Putin "Ich bin ein großer Fan"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20200818||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-bericht-stellt-russische-einmischung-in-us-wahlkampf-2016-fest-a-02527b0d-07b4-4ce0-b139-fa0453cad011 Bericht zu russischer Manipulation der US-Wahl "Offen für Einflussnahme und Manipulation"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MANAFORT, PAUL]] / [[STONE, ROGER]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]]
|20200818||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/498271-trump-very-important-pardon/ If not Flynn or Snowden, then who? Trump teases upcoming pardon for ‘VERY IMPORTANT’ person]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200816||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-will-begnadigung-von-edward-snowden-pruefen-a-60eb1274-b891-43d2-aedf-3318df92368f Whistleblower Trump will Begnadigung von Snowden prüfen]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]]
|20200816||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/498130-edward-snowden-pardon-trump/ ‘Seems to be a split decision’: Trump says he’ll take ‘a very good look’ at idea of pardoning Snowden]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]]
|20200815||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/aug/15/edward-snowden-trump-pardon Trump says he will 'take a look' at pardon for Edward Snowden]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200815||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/15/us/politics/trump-snowden-esper.html Trump Says He’ll Look Into a Pardon for Edward Snowden]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]]
|20200815||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trump-pardon-edward-snowden Trump To Pardon Edward Snowden?]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]]
|20200814||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/israel-und-vereinigte-arabische-emirate-mohammed-bin-zayed-will-einen-strategischen-frieden-a-912f9a21-7781-4910-95a4-d6142d0696d8 Mohammed bin Zayed schließt Frieden mit Israel Der Schattenherrscher]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[BIN ZAYED AL-NAHYAN, MOHAMED]] / [[AE]]
|20200814||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-us-praesident-raeumt-blockade-gegen-briefwahl-offen-ein-a-d50d500b-a337-49de-9a0d-d4b1f7c9ef79 Kein Geld für die Post US-Präsident Trump räumt Blockade der Briefwahl offen ein]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20200813||nypost.com||[https://nypost.com/2020/08/13/trump-a-lot-of-people-think-edward-snowden-not-being-treated-fairly/ Trump: ‘A lot of people’ think Edward Snowden ‘not being treated fairly’]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200813||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/497940-israel-uae-deal-trump-palestine/ Trump says ‘historic’ Israel-UAE deal on diplomatic ties will ‘suspend’ Israeli annexation of Palestinian lands]||[[IL]] / [[PS]] / [[AE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200809||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/08/magazine/us-russia-intelligence.html Feature: Unwanted Truths: Inside Trump’s Battles With U.S. Intelligence Agencies - Last year, intelligence officials gathered to write a classified report on Russia’s interest in the 2020 election. An investigation from the magazine uncovered what happened next.]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[DNI]] / [[CIA]]
|20200806||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/facebook-loescht-beitrag-von-donald-trump-wegen-falschinformation-zum-coronavirus-a-07b74527-5732-45cf-8d54-53fcf6758d0f Kinder und das Virus "Schädliche" Falschinformation - Facebook und Twitter gehen gegen Trump-Beitrag vor]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[TWITTER]]
|20200805||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/497216-trump-facebook-covid-misinformation/‘Harmful Covid-19 misinformation’: Facebook scrubs Trump post stating children ‘virtually immune’ to coronavirus]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MISINFORMATION]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[TWITTER]]
|20200802||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/deutsche-bank-launches-investigation-personal-banker-trump-kushner-over-2013-transaction Deutsche Bank Launches Investigation Into Personal Banker To Trump, Kushner Over 2013 Transaction]||[[VRABLIC, ROSEMARY]] / [[DEUTSCHE BANK]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[KUSHNER, JARED]]
=== 202007 ===
|20200730||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/496584-germany-withdrawl-troops-gas/ Trump says US won’t protect Germany as it ‘pays Russia billions for energy’ in 1st tweet after Pentagon announces troop withdrawal]||[[US ARMY]] / [[DE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200722||spiegel.de||[https://www.rt.com/usa/495559-trump-china-consulates-possible/ Trump says ‘always possible’ he’ll shut down more Chinese consulates after Beijing vows retaliation for Houston facility closure]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US-CN]]
|20200722||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/donald-trump-wuenscht-ghislaine-maxwell-alles-gute-a-b3cbdddc-3f2b-4a32-b9e5-b617d9c5bfaa Fall Jeffrey Epstein Trump wünscht Ghislaine Maxwell alles Gute]||[[MAXWELL, GHISLAINE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200716||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/trump-secretly-authorized-cia-run-very-aggressive-cyberwar-ops-no-oversight Trump Secretly Authorized CIA To Run "Very Aggressive" Cyberwar Ops With No Oversight]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[CYBERWAR]] / [[CIA]]
|20200711||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/494497-trump-arrest-christopher-steele/ Trump wants Christopher Steele, UK spy behind ‘Russiagate’ dossier ‘tried and thrown into jail’]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[STEELE, CHRISTOPHER]]
|20200711||heise.de||[https://www.heise.de/news/Trump-bestaetigt-Cyberangriff-gegen-Russland-2018-4841542.html Trump bestätigt Cyberangriff gegen Russland 2018 - US-Präsident Donald Trump bestätigt im Interview einen Cyberangriff gegen Russland. Die Einmischung Russlands zugunsten von Trump bestreitet der Präsident.]||[[INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY]] / [[CYBERWAR]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20200711||reuters.com||[https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-stone/trump-mulls-commuting-longtime-adviser-roger-stones-sentence-source-says-idUSKBN24B351 'A free man': Trump commutes longtime adviser Roger Stone's prison sentence]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[STONE, ROGER]]
|20200708||the-sun.com||[https://www.the-sun.com/news/1101106/donald-trump-jeffrey-epstein-maxwell-victim-lawsuit/ TRUMP ‘NAMED’ Epstein ‘victim’ alleges she was ‘paraded in front of Trump at Mar-a-Lago when she was 14’, lawsuit claims]||[[EPSTEIN, JEFFREY]] / [[MAXWELL, GHISLAINE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200702||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/twitter-entfernt-foto-aus-trump-tweet-a-03dae5ac-8eda-4b22-a6ea-d3752315a0a7 US-Präsident missachtet Urheberrecht Twitter entfernt Foto aus Trump-Tweet]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200701||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/trump-beleidigte-merkel-a-f5330b02-4a52-495c-9208-339b695cea43 Laut CNN-Bericht: Trump beleidigte Merkel]||[[CNN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MERKEL, ANGELA]]
|20200701||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/kopfgeld-affaere-in-den-usa-donald-trump-brueskiert-das-militaer-a-1e8895fe-7f84-4a52-82dc-eb16f0210d1d Streit in den USA um Kopfgeld-Affäre Trump brüskiert das Militär]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[TALIBAN]]
=== 202006 ===
|20200618||businessinsider.com||[https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-said-journalists-deserve-to-be-executed-during-mattis-meeting-2020-6?r=DE&IR=T Trump said journalists deserve to be executed during a meeting with former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, according to a former aide]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200612||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3088708/donald-trump-authorises-sanctions-against Donald Trump authorises sanctions against International Criminal Court]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[ICC]]
|20200606||politicsusa.com||[https://www.politicususa.com/2020/06/06/trump-contaminates-swab-factory.html Trump Contaminates Swab Factory By Refusing To Wear A Mask]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200606||cnn.com||[https://www.cnn.com/2020/06/06/politics/us-protests-george-floyd-world-moral-leader-intl/index.html Is the US still the world's moral leader? Not after what Trump just did this week]||[[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200605||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/fall-george-floyd-die-wichtigsten-news-und-entwicklungen-in-den-usa-und-weltweit-a-5f9ffaf8-46be-4f1e-86a1-7530e9dbaa09 Bürgerrechtler verklagen Trump wegen Polizeieinsatzes gegen Demonstranten]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200603||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/donald-trump-seine-strategien-fuer-den-staatsstreich-kolumne-a-ab1efdca-874c-4af9-9a02-2241be3467c1 US-Wahl 2020 Donald Trumps Strategien für den Staatsstreich]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200602||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/fall-george-floyd-donald-trump-droht-demonstranten-mit-militaer-a-13f5abac-ecaa-424a-8a33-aa494e87cede Möglicher Militäreinsatz gegen Demonstranten Trump spielt Diktator]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20200602||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/trump-droht-mit-einsatz-des-militaers-gegen-us-buerger-a-227bd055-d86b-47ab-9001-a85f61316a23 Rede vor dem Weißen Haus Trump droht mit Einsatz des Militärs gegen US-Bürger]||[[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200602||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/01/trump-george-floyd-protests-military-deploy Trump threatens to deploy army as teargas fired so he can pose at church]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 202005 ===
|20200530||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/usa-new-yorks-buergermeister-verurteilt-harten-polizei-einsatz-in-seiner-stadt-a-7e08b058-fa12-4a92-b093-5b291834d043 Nach Protesten gegen Polizeigewalt New Yorks Bürgermeister verurteilt harten Polizei-Einsatz in seiner Stadt]||[[US]] / [[DE BLASIO, BILL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200530||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/china/article/3086791/donald-trump-says-us-terminating-its-relationship-world-health Donald Trump says the US is ‘terminating’ its relationship with the World Health Organisation]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[WHO]]
|20200529||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/490070-trump-minneapolis-protesters-riots/ ‘When the looting starts, the shooting starts’: Trump says military is ready to act against Minneapolis ‘THUGS’]||[[MINNEAPOLIS]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200528||whitehouse.gov||[https://www.whitehouse.gov/presidential-actions/executive-order-preventing-online-censorship/ Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship]||[[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SOCIAL MEDIA]] / [[FREEDOM OF SPEECH]]
|20200528||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/490061-trump-executive-order-twitter-230/ Two can play Section 230 game: Trump’s EO uses key statute against social media censorship]||[[SOCIAL MEDIA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20200528||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/weisses-haus-kuendigt-trump-verfuegung-zu-sozialen-medien-an-a-276ef04c-a226-4432-9c3e-a5aafd98e30d Nach Twitter-Disput Weißes Haus kündigt Trump-Verfügung zu sozialen Medien an]||[[TWITTER]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200527||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/election-meddling-rule-enforcing-twitter-execs-under-fire-anti-trump-postings Trump To Sign Social Media Executive Order On Thursday After 'Fact-Check', Political Bias Exposed]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200527||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/twitter-zerpflueckt-trump-tweet-in-erstem-faktencheck-a-4646dc3c-3a0f-4f80-bcb6-8d5fcd94f660 Behauptungen über Briefwahl Twitter zerpflückt Trump-Tweet in erstem Faktencheck]||[[TWITTER]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200526||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/unprecedented-move-twitter-tags-two-trump-tweets-misinformation In Unprecedented Move, Twitter Tags Trump Tweets As 'Misinformation]||[[TWITTER]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200522||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/trump-schliesst-neuen-lockdown-der-usa-aus-a-5d1ba8e9-bc06-4f09-9999-572c4b02a3be Auch bei zweiter Viruswelle Weißes Haus schließt neuen Lockdown der USA aus]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20200519||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-kritik-an-fragwuerdiger-corona-prophylaxe-einfach-leichtsinnig-a-ebf022fd-0569-47b9-9a34-c8895ca78473 Kritik an Trumps fragwürdiger Corona-Prophylaxe "Leichtsinnig, einfach leichtsinnig"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200516||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/trump-fires-obama-appointed-state-department-ig Trump Fires Obama-Appointed State Department IG.]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[LINICK, STEVE]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]]
|20200514||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/488666-trump-end-relationship-china/ ‘We’ll cut off the whole relationship’ – Trump throws some signature shade at China in new interview]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US-CN]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
=== 202004 ===
|20200424||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/486816-trump-injecting-disinfectant-media-fail/ No, Trump did NOT suggest injecting disinfectant to treat Covid-19]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200424||politico.com||[https://www.politico.com/news/2020/04/24/trump-biden-china-debt-205475 Trump owes tens of millions to the Bank of China — and the loan is due soon]||[[BANK OF CHINA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200424||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/486840-trump-disinfectant-sarcastic-response/ Trump says his 'injecting disinfectant' comments about Covid-19 were 'sarcastic question to reporters' (VIDEO)]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20200424||bbc.com||[https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-52407177 Coronavirus: Outcry after Trump suggests injecting disinfectant as treatment]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20200419||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/coronavirus-donald-trump-droht-china-wegen-ausbruch-der-pandemie-mit-konsequenzen-a-5f81c322-97bb-412e-9c46-b416fef573fc Pandemie in den USA Trump droht China wegen Coronavirus mit Konsequenzen]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200418||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/befreit-minnesota-befreit-michigan-a-1a6cc50b-8401-44a9-8deb-2da8a192c9a2 Trumps Twitter-Attacken "Befreit Minnesota! Befreit Michigan!"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200407||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/485201-who-blew-it-china-trump/ ‘WHO blew it!’ Trump accuses global health watchdog of being CHINA-CENTRIC despite ‘largely US-funded’]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[WHO]]
|20020404||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/03/im-not-going-to-do-it-trump-refutes-his-own-administrations-advice-on-masks 'I'm not going to do it': Trump rejects his own administration's advice on masks - The CDC has issued new guidance on wearing non-medical masks as a voluntary public health measure – and the first lady supports it]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 202003 ===
|20200304||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/coronakrise-donald-trump-ruft-die-deutsche-bank-zu-hilfe-a-67988b6a-4191-4e49-b437-cf73c063ae05 Eigene Firma in der Coronakrise Donald Trump ruft die Deutsche Bank zu Hilfe]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[DEUTSCHE BANK]]
|20200331||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/484623-russia-coronavirus-aid-us/ Russian Covid-19 aid plane to US: Putin asked Trump if he needed help & he accepted, Kremlin spokesman says]||[[RU]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200327||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/corona-krise-donald-trump-und-xi-jinping-wollen-zusammenarbeiten-a-4fa94840-9bf2-4796-bf44-94f7ea4af451 USA und China in Coronakrise Trump und Xi beteuern Bereitschaft zur Zusammenarbeit]||[[JINPING, XI]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200324||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/streit-um-wuhan-virus-a-6bb570bb-9f2b-4cd1-a895-fdeabf53f6b4 US-Regierung torpediert G7-Erklärung Streit über "Wuhan-Virus"]||[[G7]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200324||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/trump-und-das-coronavirus-praesident-im-panikmodus-a-c755d52c-dd23-4f6f-8e65-abd952059722 Trump und die Coronakrise Präsident im Panikmodus]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[COVID-19]] / [[US]]
|20200318||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/483371-trump-china-virus-conspiracy/ US military ‘did not give it to ANYBODY’, coronavirus came from CHINA: Trump gets involved in bioweapon conspiracy spat]||[[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[COVID-19]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 202002 ===
|20200228||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-bestaetigt-baldige-unterzeichnung-abkommen-mit-den-taliban-a-02dcc0f2-c35a-4e03-a769-7b97c4301cc7 Afghanistan Trump bestätigt baldige Unterzeichnung von Abkommen mit den Taliban]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[TALIBAN]] / [[AF]]
|20200226||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/481690-assange-arrest-grenell-trump-order/ Acting DNI chief Grenell ‘was taking orders’ from Trump when he sought to secure Assange’s arrest, leaked call suggests]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[GRENELL, RICHARD]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[SCHWARTZ, ARTHUR]] / [[FAIRBANKS, CASSANDRA]]
|20200220||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/richard-grenell-bisheriger-us-botschafter-in-berlin-wird-geheimdienstkoordinator-a-0d16dd38-4c13-4603-a1fb-efeda1e4e014 Wechsel nach DC Berlin-Botschafter Grenell wird Trumps Geheimdienstkoordinator]||[[DNI]] / [[GRENELL, RICHARD]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200220||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/481248-trump-grenell-intelligence-boss/ Trump ‘hitman’ Richard Grenell tapped to take over as US intelligence boss]||[[DNI]] / [[GRENELL, RICHARD]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200219||tagesschau.de||[https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/assange-usa-trump-101.html Vor Auslieferungsverfahren Assange beschuldigt Trump]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[ROHRABACHER, DANA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200219||bbc.com||[https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-51566470 Julian Assange: Trump 'offered pardon for Russia denial']||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[ROHRABACHER, DANA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[GRISHAM, STEPHANIE]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]]
|20200219||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/assange-lawyer-says-trump-offered-pardon-exonerating-russia-over-leaks-white-house-denies Assange Lawyer Says Trump Offered Pardon For Exonerating Russia Over Leaks; White House Denies]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[ROHRABACHER, DANA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200219||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/media/2020/feb/19/donald-trump-offered-julian-assange-pardon-russia-hack-wikileaks Donald Trump 'offered Julian Assange a pardon if he denied Russia link to hack']||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[ROHRABACHER, DANA]] / [[KELLY, JOHN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200219||bloomberg.com||[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-02-19/assange-lawyers-say-trump-offered-a-pardon-if-he-played-ball Assange Lawyers Say Trump Offered a Pardon If He ‘Played Ball’]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200217||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/feb/17/trumps-chief-of-staff-to-meet-cummings-for-huawei-5g-talks Huawei row: Trump chief of staff to meet Dominic Cummings - Mick Mulvaney is expected to demand that UK drop Huawei from 5G networks]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MULVANEY, MICK]] / [[HUAWEI]]
|20200217||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3050934/us-president-donald-trump-warns-germany-huawei-5g-deals-will US President Donald Trump warns Germany Huawei 5G deals will put intelligence sharing at risk]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[HUAWEI]] / [[GRENELL, RICHARD]] / [[DE]]
|20200205||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/watch-live-senate-votes-trump-impeachment Donald Trump Acquitted In Senate Impeachment Trial]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200205||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/480169-senate-acquits-trump-impeachment/ Impeachment over: Senate votes to acquit Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200205||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-senat-spricht-trump-vom-vorwurf-des-amtsmissbrauchs-frei-a-a74b0ce0-faff-47bb-9232-649a3867997f Impeachment-Verfahren US-Senat spricht Trump von allen Vorwürfen frei]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200203||thedailybeast.com||[https://www.thedailybeast.com/man-who-bankrolled-brexit-boasted-of-wikileaks-backchannel Leak: Man Who Bankrolled Brexit Boasted of WikiLeaks Backchannel]||[[BANKS, AARON]] / [[FARAGE, NIGEL]] / [[BREXIT]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA]]
|20200202||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/479893-trumps-questionably-viable-mideast-plan/ Trump's ‘deal of the century’ contradicts UN resolutions - Kremlin]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN]] / [[IL]] / [[PS]] / [[UN]] / [[RU]]
|20200201||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/01/palestinians-cut-ties-israel-us-trump-peace-plan Palestinian territories: Palestinians cut ties with Israel and US after rejecting Trump peace plan]||[[LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PS]] / [[ABBAS, MAHMOUD]]
|20200201||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/feb/01/trump-al-qaida-leader-yemen-qassim-al-rimi Donald Trump: Trump appears to confirm killing of al-Qaida leader in Yemen - New York Times reports Qassim al-Rimi of AQAP believed dead - President retweets intelligence analyst and reporter]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[TARGETED KILLING]] / [[AL-RIMI, QASSIM]] / [[AQAP]]
|20200201||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/479858-arab-league-rejects-palestine-deal/ Arab League rejects Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ at Cairo summit with Abbas]||[[LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PS]] / [[ABBAS, MAHMOUD]]
=== 202001 ===
|20200131||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-impeachment-steuert-auf-entscheidende-phase-zu-a-7f5c2a5b-4433-4f8b-9077-49d12aee2d9d Trump-Impeachment Senatoren stimmen über zentrale Streitfragen ab]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200129||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/479428-trump-middle-east-plan-war/ ‘Take it or leave it’: Trump’s empire-style plan to bring war rather than peace to Middle East]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN]] / [[IL]] / [[PS]]
|20200129||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trumps-nahost-vorhaben-ein-plan-der-zorn-saet-a-74a9e720-22ea-4cbf-9e50-8a1656141e26 Trumps Nahost-Vorhaben Ein Plan, der Zorn sät - Benjamin Netanyahu und Donald Trump feiern ihren Nahostplan. Doch das Vorhaben sorgt bei Palästinensern für Entsetzen - auch nicht alle Israelis halten es für eine gerechte Lösung.]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN]] / [[IL]] / [[PS]]
|20200128||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-verteidiger-vergleichen-impeachment-mit-putsch-a-8d8e2036-2084-4bf5-b2b6-923d3121d901 Abschlussplädoyer im Senat Trumps Verteidiger vergleichen Impeachment mit Putsch]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200128||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/479419-abbas-peace-deal-palestine/ 'Jerusalem is not for sale, your conspiracy deal will not pass' – Abbas reacts to Trump's Middle East peace deal]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN]] / [[US]] / [[IL]] / [[PS]] / [[ABBAS, MAHMOUD]]
|20200128||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-reaktionen-auf-friedensplan-jerusalem-steht-nicht-zum-verkauf-a-bfe9344a-946c-4ef9-a3fd-bf00a5076626 Palästinenserpräsident Abbas lehnt Trumps Friedensplan als "Verschwörung" ab]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN]] / [[US]] / [[IL]] / [[PS]] / [[ABBAS, MAHMOUD]]
|20200128||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/479434-deal-middle-east-peace-trump/ ‘Deal of the century’: What’s in Trump’s peace plan for Israel and Palestine]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN]] / [[US]] / [[IL]] / [[PS]]
|20200128||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-benjamin-netanyahu-faules-friedensangebot-an-palaestinenser-a-609011dd-a4db-49c5-abd2-9b8b7df4fc8c Trumps Nahost-Plan Fauler Frieden]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN]] / [[US]] / [[IL]] / [[PS]]
|20200128||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ploetzlich-wankt-trumps-verteidigung-a-4f13e3fa-ee79-4d14-8b26-ab8178de3c3f Explosives Buch von John Bolton: Plötzlich wankt Trumps Verteidigung]||[[BOLTON, JOHN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200127||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/guess-who-was-charge-reviewing-boltons-leaked-book-nsc Guess Who Was In Charge Of Reviewing Bolton's Leaked Book At The NSC?]||[[BOLTON, JOHN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US NSC]]
|20200127||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ex-sicherheitsberater-john-bolton-belastet-donald-trump-schwer-a-7891969f-1550-49f6-b864-f8f1182c9e16 Ukrainekrise Ex-Sicherheitsberater Bolton belastet Trump schwer - Ein Schlag für Donald Trump im laufenden Amtsenthebungsverfahren: Sein Ex-Sicherheitsberater John Bolton widerspricht laut "New York Times" der wichtigsten Verteidigungslinie des Präsidenten.]||[[BOLTON, JOHN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200126||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/26/us/politics/trump-bolton-book-ukraine.html Trump Tied Ukraine Aid to Inquiries He Sought, Bolton Book Says - Drafts of the book outline the potential testimony of the former national security adviser if he were called as a witness in the president’s impeachment trial.]||[[BOLTON, JOHN]]/ [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200126||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/schiff-demands-bolton-witness-after-explosive-revelation-manuscript-leaked-nyt Schiff 'Demands' Bolton As Witness After "Explosive Revelation" Manuscript Leaked To NYT]||[[SCHIFF, ADAM]] / [[BOLTON, JOHN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200126||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/leiter-des-anklageteams-wertet-trump-tweet-als-drohung-a-32c36f02-7e2d-4f4a-9c91-82f35d89abe8 Impeachment-Verfahren Leiter des Anklageteams wertet Trump-Tweet als Drohung]||[[SCHIFF, ADAM]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200125||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/479194-netanyahu-gantz-deal-trump-palestine/ ‘Once in a lifetime opportunity for Israel’: Netanyahu to join Trump – but no Palestinians – to unveil ‘deal of the century’]||[[NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200122||realclearinvestigations.com||[https://www.realclearinvestigations.com/articles/2020/01/22/whistleblower_was_overheard_in_17_discussing_with_ally_how_to_remove_trump_121701.html Whistleblower Was Overheard in '17 Discussing With Ally How to Remove Trump]||[[CIARAMELLA, ERIC]] / [[MISKO, SEAN]] / [[SCHIFF, ADAM]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / / [[ATKINSON, MICHAEL]] / [[MCCORD, MARY]] / [[GOHMERT, LOUIE]]
|20200112||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jan/12/donald-trump-impeachment-nancy-pelosi-articles-senate-trial Trump impeachment - Impeachment: Trump fumes as Pelosi prepares to send articles to the Senate]||[[PELOSI, NANCY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200111||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jan/11/john-bolton-impeachment-testimony-donald-trump John Bolton impeachment testimony will be blocked, Donald Trump says]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[BOLTON, JOHN]]
|20200110||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/id-see-them-call-me-how-trump-used-encrypted-swiss-fax-machine-defuse-iran-crisis "I'd Like To See Them Call Me": How Trump Used An Encrypted Swiss Fax Machine To Defuse The Iran Crisis]||[[US]] / [[IR]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CH]]
== 2019 ==
=== 201912 ===
|20191210||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/475509-trump-articles-impeachment-released/ House releases articles of impeachment against Trump (READ THEM HERE)]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20191203||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/house-intel-panel-releases-trump-impeachment-report House Intel Democrats Releases Trump Impeachment Report]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20191202||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/trump-verweigert-teilnahme-an-impeachment-anhoerung-a-1299189.html Absage des Weißen Hauses Trump verweigert Teilnahme an Impeachment-Anhörung]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201911 ===
|20191108||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/soziales/handelsstreit-donald-trump-will-zollsenkungen-nicht-zugestimmt-haben-a-1295648.html Handelsstreit mit China Donald Trump will Zollsenkungen nicht zugestimmt haben]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201910 ===
|20191031||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/472314-trump-impeachment-inquiry-vote/ Congress approves ‘impeachment’ resolution authorizing Schiff’s secret probe of Trump]||[[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SCHIFF, ADAM]]
|20191031||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/472331-trump-brexit-deal-no-trade/ Trump invades Brexit: ‘We can’t make’ US-UK trade pact with current EU deal & Corbyn’s ‘so bad’ for Britain, he tells Farage]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[BREXIT]]
|20191031||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-us-repraesentantenhaus-stuetzt-impeachment-ermittlungen-a-1294300.html Förmlicher Beschluss US-Repräsentantenhaus stützt mit Votum Impeachment-Ermittlungen gegen Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20191022||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ukraineaffaere-us-botschafter-in-der-ukraine-belastet-donald-trump-a-1292823.html Ukraineaffäre US-Diplomat in der Ukraine belastet Trump schwer]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[UA]] / [[BIDEN, JOSEPH]]
|20191018||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/471260-trump-secured-the-oil-syria/ What does THAT mean? Trump says US ‘secured the oil’ in Syria, causes confusion]||[[SY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20191010||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-will-in-nordsyrien-deal-zwischen-tuerkei-und-kurden-vermitteln-a-1290998.html Offensive in Nordsyrien Trump will "Deal" zwischen Türkei und Kurden vermitteln]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[TR]] / [[SY]] / [[KURDS]]
|20191009||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/watch-turkish-troops-tanks-travel-syria-us-backs-away Trump Again Threatens To "Wipe Out" Turkey's Economy As Full Ground Invasion Begins]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[TR]]
=== 201909 ===
|20190921||washingtontimes.com||[https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/sep/21/donald-trump-defers-wikileaks-question-as-doj-seek/ Trump defers WikiLeaks question as DOJ seeks Assange extradition]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190920||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/trumps-raetselhafte-ukraine-verbindung-whistleblower-fall-elektrisiert-washington-a-1287717.html Rätselhafte Ukraine-Verbindung Whistleblower-Fall um Trump elektrisiert Washington]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190919||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/trump-robert-o-brien-ist-neuer-sicherheitsberater-raet-er-zum-angriff-auf-iran-a-1287513.html Sicherheitsberater O'Brien Der nächste Hardliner - rät er Trump zum Angriff auf Iran?]||[[O'BRIEN, ROBERT]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190913||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/468716-trump-bigger-hawk-bolton/ ‘Bolton held me back!’ Trump says he’s a BIGGER hawk on Venezuela & Cuba than fired adviser]||[[BOLTON, JOHN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201908 ===
|20190817||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-08-17/trump-reviews-controversial-us-taliban-peace-deal-which-critics-call-betrayal Trump Reviews Controversial US-Taliban Peace Deal Which Critics Call A "Betrayal"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[TALIBAN]]
|20190816||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/israel-rashida-tlaib-darf-familie-im-westjordanland-besuchen-a-1282245.html Nach umstrittenem Einreiseverbot Israel erlaubt US-Abgeordneter Besuch im Westjordanland]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[IL]] / [[OMAR, ILHAN]] / [[TLAIB, RASHIDA]]
|20190816||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/israel-hickhack-um-die-reise-von-ilhan-omar-und-rashida-tlaib-a-1282298.html Streit um Israel-Reise zweier US-Abgeordneter Ungebeten unbequem]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[IL]] / [[OMAR, ILHAN]] / [[TLAIB, RASHIDA]]
|20190815||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/466588-israel-bars-us-lawmakers/ Trump says jump, Netanyahu asks ‘how high?’ US lawmakers denied entry to Israel after WH pressure]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN]]
|20190815||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/trump-mischt-sich-in-hongkong-konflikt-ein-moegliches-treffen-mit-xi-jinping-a-1281986.html Treffen mit Xi Jinping vorgeschlagen Trump mischt sich in Hongkong-Konflikt ein]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190813||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/466433-trump-cant-imagine-hong-kong/ ‘Can’t imagine why’: Trump has no idea why anyone would relate Hong Kong protests to US meddling]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[HK]]
|20190813||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hongkong-donald-trump-berichtet-von-chinesischem-truppenaufmarsch-a-1281798.html Soldaten gegen Demonstranten? Trump berichtet von chinesischem Truppenaufmarsch vor Hongkong]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[HK]] / [[CN]]
|20190813||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/trump-will-legale-zuwanderung-in-die-usa-drastisch-erschweren-a-1281635.html Green Cards und US-Staatsbürgerschaft Trump will legale Zuwanderung drastisch erschweren]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[IMMIGRATION]] / [[US]]
|20190811||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-08-11/trump-privately-urged-israel-bar-entry-reps-omar-tlaib-report Trump Privately Urged Israel To Bar Entry To Reps. Omar & Tlaib: Report]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[IL]] / [[OMAR, ILHAN]] / [[TLAIB, RASHIDA]]
|20190809||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-08-09/epstein-document-dump-hits-accuser-says-trump-didnt-partake-any-sex-any-us Epstein Documents Hit; Accuser Says Trump 'Didn't Partake In Any Sex With Any Of Us']||[[EPSTEIN, JEFFREY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|201090802||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-zieht-kandidat-fuer-leitung-der-us-geheimdienste-zurueck-a-1280308.html USA Trump zieht Kandidat für Leitung der Geheimdienste zurück]||[[RATCLIFFE, JOHN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190801||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/465609-europe-take-back-terrorists/ Trump threatens to release 2,500 captured ISIS fighters ‘back into Europe’]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[ISLAMIC STATE]]
=== 201907 ===
|20190729||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-was-hinter-der-baltimore-attacke-des-us-praesidenten-steckt-a-1279421.html Streit über US-Metropole Was hinter Trumps Baltimore-Attacke steckt ]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CUMINGS, ELIJAH]] / [[BALTIMORE]]
|20190727||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/erneut-rassismus-vorwurf-gegen-donald-trump-a-1279358.html US-Präsident Trump attackiert afroamerikanischen Abgeordneten]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CUMINGS, ELIJAH]] / [[BALTIMORE]]
|20190726||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/a-ap-rocky-trump-attackiert-schweden-wegen-inhaftiertem-rapper-a-1279062.html Fall A$AP Rocky Trump attackiert Schweden wegen inhaftierten Rappers]||[[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US-SE]] / [[SE]] / [[A$AP ROCKY]]
|20190725||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-legt-veto-ein-gruenes-licht-fuer-waffengeschaefte-mit-saudi-arabien-a-1278879.html Veto gegen Kongressblockade Trump gibt grünes Licht für Waffengeschäfte mit Saudi-Arabien]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[WEAPONTRADE]] / [[SA]]
|20190724||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/robert-mueller-donald-trump-nicht-durch-ermittlungsbericht-entlastet-a-1278808.html US-Sonderermittler Mueller verweigert Trump Entlastung in der Russlandaffäre]||[[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190722||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-07-22/comey-under-doj-investigation-misleading-trump-while-targeting-him-fbi-probe Comey Under DOJ Investigation For Misleading Trump While Targeting Him In FBI Probe]||[[COMEY, JAMES]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190716||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-07-16/trump-turkey-were-not-going-sell-you-f-35-after-russian-missile-purchase Trump To Turkey: "We're Not Going To Sell You The F-35" After Russian Missile Purchase]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[TR]] / [[US-TR]]
|20190716||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-demokratinnen-kritisieren-agenda-weisser-nationalisten-a-1277461.html Demokratinnen kritisieren Trump "Das ist die Agenda weißer Nationalisten"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190711||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/463934-trump-white-house-social-media-summit/ ‘Fake news less important than social media,’ says Trump ahead of WH social media summit]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SOCIAL MEDIA]]
|20190709||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/463739-trump-darroch-uk-memos-stupid/ ‘Wacky, very stupid, foolish & pompous’: Trump tears into May & UK envoy amid leaked memo scandal]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[MAY, THERESA]] / [[GB]] / [[DARROCH, KIM]]
|20190709||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-nennt-britischen-botschafter-sehr-dummen-typen-a-1276572.html Nach Depeschen-Leak Trump wütend, weil May an Botschafter festhält]||[[DARROCH, KIM]] / [[GB]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20190708||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-britischer-aussenminister-distanziert-sich-von-botschafter-a-1276294.html Diplomaten-Kritik an Trump Britischer Außenminister distanziert sich von Botschafter]||[[DARROCH, KIM]] / [[GB]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20190708||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/463672-leak-uk-ambassadors-trump/ Leak of UK ambassador’s Trump views shows honesty has no place in international relations]||[[DARROCH, KIM]] / [[GB]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
=== 201906 ===
|20190628||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/462923-trump-humiliates-pm-pedro-sanchez/ ‘Take a seat’: Trump ‘humiliates’ Spanish PM at G20, says outraged Spanish press (VIDEO)]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[G20]] / [[SANCHEZ, PEDRO]]
|20190628||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/462886-trump-joke-russia-meddling/ Trump trolls press, ‘orders’ Putin not to meddle in US elections (VIDEO)]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190626||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/us-praesident-donald-trump-droht-iran-mit-ausloeschung-a-1274296.html Zuspitzung des Konflikts Trump droht Iran mit "Auslöschung"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[ROHANI, HASSAN]] / [[IR]]
|20190625||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/462651-trump-iran-overwhelming-obliteration/ Trump threatens Iran with ‘OBLITERATION’ by ‘overwhelming force’ if it attacks ‘anything American’]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190623||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/462521-trump-bolton-fight-world-iran/ Trump: If it was up to John Bolton we’d be fighting WHOLE WORLD at once]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[BOLTON, JOHN]]
|20190621||heise.de||[https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Trump-zog-Genehmigung-fuer-Attacke-auf-den-Iran-wieder-zurueck-4453029.html Trump zog Genehmigung für Attacke auf den Iran wieder zurück]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[IR]]
|20190621||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-21/trump-backs-down-military-strike-iran-last-minute "We Were Cocked & Loaded": Trump Explains Why He Called Off Iran Strikes In Last Moment]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[IR]]
|20190620||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-20/trump-says-doj-investigating-whether-obama-tapped-his-phone Trump Says DOJ Investigating Whether Obama Tapped His Phone]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]]
|20190617||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/462085-eu-trump-fire-bolton-iran/ Trump not in control of Iran policy, should perhaps fire Bolton – EU foreign policy chief’s adviser]||[[EU]] / [[MOGHERINI, FEDERICA]] / [[TOCCI, NATHALIE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[BOLTON, JOHN]]
|20190617||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/462020-trump-heights-golan-netanyahu/ Netanyahu opens Trump Heights – a non-existent settlement in illegally-occupied Golan]||[[NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN]] / [[IL]] / [[GOLAN HEIGHTS]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190617||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-17/trump-i-think-i-know-who-was-behind-911-attacks Trump: "I Think I Know" Who Was Behind 9/11 Attacks]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US 20010911]]
|20190617||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/462094-trump-knows-who-did-911/ Trump ‘thinks he knows’ who was behind 9/11]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US 20010911]]
|20190616||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-16/trump-excoriates-nyt-story-claiming-us-cyber-operation-against-russia-hidden-him "Treason!" NYT Story Reveals US Cyber Ops Against Russian Power Grid Hidden From Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CYBERWAR]] / [[US]] / [[RU]]
|20190612||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-erwaegt-verlegung-von-us-truppen-nach-polen-a-1272143.html Nato-Partner Trump erwägt, US-Truppen von Deutschland nach Polen zu verlegen]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US ARMY]] / [[DE]] / [[PL]]
|20190612||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-12/give-me-break-trump-says-foreign-sourced-political-dirt-not-election-interference "Give Me A Break": Trump Says Foreign 'Dirt' Not Election Interference; Would Listen If Offered]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190610||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/461471-huawei-trade-deal-mnuchin/ Mnuchin confirms Trump could use 'security threat' Huawei as bargaining chip in trade war]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MNUCHIN, STEVEN]] / [[HUAWEI]]
|20190606||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/d-day-gedenken-mit-donald-trump-und-emmanuel-macron-in-der-normandie-a-1271213.html D-Day-Gedenken in der Normandie Geschichtsstunde für Donald Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[EU]]
|20190605||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/05/irish-funeral-firm-rents-out-four-limousines-to-trump-for-1m?CMP=share_btn_tw Irish funeral firm rents out four limousines to Trump for $1m: Cars could be used for short jaunt to Doonbeg at a cost of $116,879 per mile – or not at all]||[[IE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201905 ===
|20190531||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05-30/leftist-professor-who-nailed-last-9-elections-says-trump-wins-2020-unless-democrats Leftist Professor Who Nailed Last 9 Elections Says Trump Wins 2020 Unless Democrats Impeach]||[[LICHTMAN, ALLAN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190529||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/460560-trump-mueller-case-closed/ 'Case closed!' Trump tweets nothing's changed as resigned Mueller says charging him wasn't an option]||[[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190524||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05-23/trump-attacks-military-industrial-complex-urges-infrastructure-investments-middle Trump Attacks Military Industrial Complex, Urges Infrastructure Investments In Middle East]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190523||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05-23/trump-orders-fbi-cia-fully-cooperate-barr-authorizes-full-and-complete-authority Trump Orders FBI, CIA To "Fully Cooperate" With Barr; Grants "Full And Complete Authority To Declassify"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FBI]] / [[CIA]] / [[BARR, WILLIAM]]
|20190517||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-reformiert-visa-vergabe-wunderbare-neue-einwanderer-welt-a-1267871.html Reform der Visa-Vergabe Trumps wunderbare neue Einwanderer-Welt]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[IMMIGRATION]] / [[US]]
|20190511||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05-10/trump-pulls-trigger-begins-process-raising-tariffs-all-remaining-300-billion-china Trump Pulls The Trigger: Begins Process Of Raising Tariffs On All Remaining $300 Billion China Imports]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[CN]]
|20190508||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-will-us-kongress-kompletten-mueller-bericht-verwehren-a-1266454.html Russlandaffäre Trump will Kongress kompletten Mueller-Bericht verwehren]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]]
|20190504||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/business/458341-russia-us-trade-trump-putin/US is going to ‘trade a lot’ with Russia, Trump says, after ‘long & very good’ phone call with Putin]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190504||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/458383-trump-paul-watson-ban-infowars/ Trump defends Facebook banned ‘extremists,’ attacks ‘radical left-wing’ media]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FREEDOM OF SPEECH]] / [[FACEBOOK]]
|20190503||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/458330-trump-reacts-facebook-ban/ We have FREEDOM OF SPEECH in America! Trump reacts to Facebook ban]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FREEDOM OF SPEECH]] / [[FACEBOOK]]
=== 201904 ===
|20190428||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/457739-trump-dnc-biden-biased/ Trump says DNC ‘working its magic again’ to destroy Sanders in favor of Biden]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[DNC]]
|20190426||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-26/trump-makes-post-mueller-vow-release-devastating-fisa-docs Trump Makes Post-Mueller Vow To Release "Devastating" FISA Docs]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FISA]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]]
|20190426||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/457645-international-arms-trade-treaty/ Trump announces US withdrawing from UN Arms Trade Treaty]||[[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[WEAPONTRADE]] / [[UN ARMS TRADE TREATY]]
|20190424||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-zu-weiteren-russland-ermittlungen-es-reicht-a-1264264.html Trump zu weiteren Ermittlungen "Es reicht"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190424||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/457376-trump-aides-democrats-obstruction-probes/ Enough is enough? Trump opposes aides testifying to Congress in post-Mueller probes]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190419||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-in-japan-neuer-kaiser-naruhito-empfaengt-ihn-als-ersten-staatsgast-a-1263659.html Staatsbesuch im Mai Japans neuer Kaiser empfängt Trump als ersten Staatsgast]||[[JP]] / [[JP-US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190418||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-was-robert-mueller-wirklich-herausgefunden-hat-a-1263647.html Bericht zur Russlandaffäre Was Robert Mueller wirklich über Donald Trump herausgefunden hat]||[[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190417||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/456826-cia-chief-sick-children-manipulation/ CIA showed Trump photos of sick kids & dead ducks so he would expel Russian diplomats – NYT]||[[HASPEL, GINA]] / [[CIA]] / [[SKRIPAL, SERGEJ]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190417||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-legt-veto-gegen-resolution-zu-us-militaerhilfe-im-jemen-ein-a-1263231.html Präsident gegen Kongress Trump hält US-Militärhilfe im Jemen per Veto aufrecht]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[YE]]
|20190416||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/soziales/donald-trump-clan-deutsche-bank-soll-beweise-fuer-russen-connection-liefern-a-1263128.html Trump-Clan Deutsche Bank soll Beweise für Russen-Connection liefern]||[[DEUTSCHE BANK]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190412||apnews.com||[https://www.apnews.com/9924500d5f2640429cca64f8dc80566f ‘I know nothing’ - Trump changes his tune on WikiLeaks]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190411||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/media/2019/apr/12/hatred-love-cold-indifference-julian-assange-trump-wikileaks From hatred to love to cold indifference: Trump's changing tune on Wikileaks]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190410||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/456129-trump-russia-probe-coup/ Those who started Russia probe were attempting a ‘coup’, AG must start investigation – Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[BARR, WILLIAM]]
|20190410||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/456142-spying-trump-campaign-barr/ ‘Spying did occur’ by intelligence agencies on Trump campaign – AG Barr]||[[BARR, WILLIAM]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190405||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-05/dear-mr-president-warning Dear Mr. President, A Warning...]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201903 ===
|20190331||pjmedia.com||[https://pjmedia.com/rogerlsimon/trump-was-not-just-spied-upon-but-entrapped/ "Trump Was Not Just Spied Upon, It Was Entrapment"]||[[CROSSFIRE HURRICANE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RU]] / [[FBI]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]]
|20190326||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-startet-rachefeldzug-nach-mueller-bericht-a-1259813.html Nach Mueller-Bericht Trumps Rachefeldzug]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190325||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/454711-trump-signs-golan-heights/ Trump signs declaration recognizing Israel's sovereignty over disputed Golan Heights]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[IL]]
|20190325||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-der-bericht-von-robert-mueller-alles-in-bester-ordnung-oder-a-1259491.html Donald Trump und der Mueller-Bericht Ist doch eine gute Nachricht]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]]
|20190325||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-fordert-nach-mueller-bericht-konsequenzen-fuer-gegner-a-1259636.html Nach Mueller-Bericht Trump fordert Konsequenzen für seine Gegner]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190325||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-was-robert-mueller-herausfand-und-was-nicht-a-1259450.html Trump und die Russlandaffäre Was Mueller herausfand - und was nicht]||[[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190324||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/bericht-von-robert-mueller-us-praesident-trump-offenbar-entlastet-a-1259441.html Zusammenfassung des Mueller-Berichts Sonderermittler sieht keinen Beweis für Absprachen zwischen Trump und Russland ]||[[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190324||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-03-24/lawmakers-recieve-mueller-findings Trump "Totally Exonerated", Calls For Investigation Into "Illegal Takedown That Failed"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190321||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/454428-us-israel-golan-recognize/ It’s time for US to fully recognize Israel’s ‘sovereignty’ over disputed Golan Heights – Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[IL]]
|20190311||newyorker.com||[https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/03/11/the-making-of-the-fox-news-white-house The Making of the Fox News White House - Fox News has always been partisan. But has it become propaganda?]||[[DANIELS, STORMY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FOX NEWS]] / [[HANNITY, SEAN]] / [[MURDOCH, RUPERT]] / [[SHINE, BILL]]
|20190305||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/business/453025-trump-india-trade-benefits/ Trump to terminate India trade benefits, demands ‘equitable & reasonable’ access to its markets]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[IN]]
|20190305||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-fox-news-wusste-laut-new-yorker-schon-2016-von-stormy-daniels-affaere-a-1256252.html Bericht des "New Yorker" Fox News wusste offenbar schon vor US-Wahl von Stormy-Daniels-Affäre]||[[DANIELS, STORMY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FOX NEWS]]
|20190304||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-demokraten-im-repraesentantenhaus-leiten-untersuchung-ein-a-1256234.html US-Repräsentantenhaus Justizausschuss leitet größere Untersuchung gegen Trump ein]||[[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD JR.]]
|20190301||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-03-01/expose-cohen-lies-trump-says-congress-must-demand-transcript-michaels-new-book To Expose Cohen Lies, Trump Says "Congress Must Demand Transcript Of Michael's New Book"]||[[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201902 ===
|20190227||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/michael-cohen-rechnet-im-us-kongress-mit-donald-trump-ab-a-1255444.html Ex-Anwalt Michael Cohen Abrechnung mit Trump im US-Kongress]||[[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190227||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-02-27/he-racist-he-conman-he-cheat-most-explosive-claims-cohens-prepared-testimony The Most Explosive Claims From Cohen's Prepared Testimony]||[[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190226||politico.com||[https://www.politico.com/story/2019/02/26/cohen-trump-racist-conman-cheat-1189951 Cohen testimony on Trump: 'He is a racist. He is a conman. He is a cheat.' - The president's former lawyer will also tell Congress that Roger Stone told Trump he'd spoken with WikiLeaks about disclosing Democratic emails.]||[[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190217||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-shinzo-abe-soll-us-praesident-fuer-friedensnobelpreis-vorgeschlagen-haben-a-1253659.html Auf Bitte der USA Abe schlug Trump für Friedensnobelpreis vor]||[[ABE, SHINZO]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190213||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-02-13/trump-sign-border-deal-averting-2nd-shutdown-cnn Border Deal Hits Snag As Trump Says He Will Look For "Landmines"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190213||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-us-senat-findet-vorerst-wohl-keine-beweise-in-russland-ermittlungen-a-1252974.html Russland-Ermittlungen US-Senat findet vorerst wohl keine Beweise gegen Trump]||[[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190201||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/450287-trump-reverses-intel-assessment/ Trump praises US intelligence a day after telling them to ‘go back to school’ over Iran nukes]]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201901 ===
|20190131||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/impeachment-tom-steyer-wirbt-fuer-amtsenthebung-von-donald-trump-a-1250683.html US-Milliardär Tom Steyer 100 Millionen Dollar, um Trump aus dem Amt zu jagen]||[[STEYER, TOM]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190125||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-warum-sich-der-us-praesident-in-venezuela-einmischt-a-1249860.html Ablenkung, Öl, Wählerstimmen Warum sich Trump in Venezuela einmischt]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[VE]]
|20190123||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-23/inside-fbis-police-state-operation-against-trump Inside The FBI's 'Police State' Operation Against Trump]||[[FBI]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190123||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-23/trump-tells-pelosi-he-will-deliver-state-union-speech-planned Pelosi Blocks Trump's "State Of The Union" Speech]||[[PELOSI, NANCY]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190123||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/nancy-pelosi-trump-soll-erst-nach-beendigung-des-shutdowns-rede-halten-duerfen-a-1249611.html Streit über Rede zur Lage der Nation Pelosi sperrt Trump aus dem Repräsentantenhaus aus]||[[PELOSI, NANCY]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190122||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-01-22/trump-told-sarah-sanders-not-bother-press-briefings-anymore Trump Told Sarah Sanders "Not To Bother" With Press Briefings Anymore]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190114||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2019/01/14/us/politics/nato-president-trump.html Trump Discussed Pulling U.S. From NATO, Aides Say Amid New Concerns Over Russia]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[NATO]]
|20190114||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-weicht-frage-zu-russland-kontakten-aus-a-1247867.html Trump in der Kritik "Herr Präsident, arbeiten Sie für Russland?"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190102||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/447970-trump-public-watchdog-insane/ Trump wants 'insane' public releases of Pentagon watchdog reports to end]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
== 2018 ==
=== 201812 ===
|20181225||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-12-24/ex-nato-commander-wesley-clark-cnn-did-erdogan-blackmail-trump Ex-NATO Commander Wesley Clark To CNN: Did Erdogan Blackmail Trump?]||[[CLARK, WESLEY]] / [[ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181221||rollingstone.com||[https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-syria-withdrawal-772177/ We Know How Trump’s War Game Ends]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[AF]] / [[SY]]
|20181221||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/a-tumultuous-week-began-with-a-phone-call-between-trump-and-the-turkish-president/2018/12/21/8f49b562-0542-11e9-9122-82e98f91ee6f_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.313997b19c5c National Security: A tumultuous week began with a phone call between Trump and the Turkish president]||[[ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SY]]
|20181218||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/446776-clinton-steele-election-challenge-russia/ Trump-Russia dossier was created so Clinton could challenge 2016 election results – Steele]||[[STEELE, CHRISTOPHER]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RU]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20181216||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/tuerkei-fordert-konkrete-schritte-zur-guelen-auslieferung-a-1244014.html Nach angeblicher Trump-Aussage Türkei fordert "konkrete Schritte" zur Gülen-Auslieferung]||[[GUELEN, FETHULLAH]] / [[TR]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181214||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/schiff-says-house-intelligence-panel-will-examine-possible-foreign-funding-of-trumps-inaugural-committee/2018/12/14/723ea1da-ffe8-11e8-ad40-cdfd0e0dd65a_story.html Schiff says House Intelligence panel will examine possible foreign funding of Trump’s inaugural committee]||[[US HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE]] / [[SCHIFF, ADAM]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181214||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/14/us/politics/trump-cohen-interview.html Michael Cohen Says ‘Of Course’ Trump Knew Hush Payments Were Wrong]||[[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181214||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/446477-mueller-investigation-israel-saudi/ Israelgate? As Russia probe runs dry, Mueller may turn to Middle East to pursue Trump ‘collusion’]||[[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[AE]] / [[SA]] / [[IL]]
|20181214||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-12-14/explosive-interview-cohen-says-mueller-has-substantial-evidence-against-trump In Explosive Interview, Cohen Says Mueller Has "Substantial" Evidence Against Trump]||[[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181213||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-12-13/futures-tumble-report-trump-present-during-enquirer-hush-money-meeting Futures Tumble On Report Trump Present During Enquirer Hush Money Meeting]||[[NATIONAL ENQUIRER]] / [[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MCDOUGAL, KAREN]]
|20181212||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-12-12/national-enquirer-publisher-admits-trump-hush-money-scheme-hours-after-cohen National Enquirer Publisher Admits To Trump Hush-Money Scheme Hours After Cohen Sentenced]||[[NATIONAL ENQUIRER]] / [[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MCDOUGAL, KAREN]]
|20181207||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-12-07/trump-slams-fbi-and-lyin-comey-ahead-critical-moment-russia-probe In Furious Tweetstorm, Trump Slams FBI And "Lyin'" Comey Ahead Of Critical Moment In Russia Probe]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[MANAFORT, PAUL]] / [[COHEN, MICHAEL]]
|20181205||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/445680-trump-clintons-bush41-funeral/ Trump ignores stone-faced Hillary, greets Obamas as all sit awkwardly together at Bush 41’s funeral]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
=== 201811 ===
|20181204||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/palm-beach-trial-could-reveal-details-of-billionaires-alleged-abuse-of-teen-girls/2018/12/03/f42e0c4e-f4d0-11e8-bc79-68604ed88993_story.html Palm Beach trial could reveal details of billionaire’s alleged abuse of teen girls]||[[EPSTEIN, JEFFREY]] / [[EDWARDS, BRADLEY]] / [[DERSHOWITZ, ALAN]] / [[STARR, KENNETH]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[BLOOM, LISA]]
|20181130||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/g20-gipfel-in-argentinien-donald-trump-sagt-wladimir-putin-ab-und-brueskiert-ihn-a-1241143.html Kein Treffen beim G20-Gipfel Trumps Absage in letzter Minute brüskiert Putin]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[G20]]
|20181129||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-11-29/putin-was-get-50-million-penthouse-trump-tower-moscow-michael-cohen-and-fbi Putin Was To Get $50 Million Penthouse In Trump Tower Moscow; Michael Cohen And FBI Informant Negotiated Failed Deal]||[[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20181128||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-anwaelte-von-paul-manafort-und-donald-trump-sollen-sich-ausgetauscht-haben-a-1240808.html Ermittlungen zur Russland-Affäre Manafort-Anwälte gaben Mueller-Ergebnisse an Trumps Anwälte weiter]||[[MANAFORT, PAUL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]]
|20181122||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/444603-trump-traffic-jam-saudis/ Trump takes credit for Thanksgiving traffic jams, because his Saudi friendship makes gas so cheap]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181122||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/22/us/politics/trump-saudi-thanksgiving.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage Rebuffing C.I.A., Trump Says It Only Has ‘Feelings’ About Khashoggi Killing]||[[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[SA]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]]
|20181122||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-brushes-aside-cia-assertion-that-crown-prince-ordered-killing-defends-him-and-saudi-arabia/2018/11/22/d3bdf23c-ee70-11e8-96d4-0d23f2aaad09_story.html Trump brushes aside CIA assertion that crown prince ordered killing, defends him and Saudi Arabia]||[[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[SA]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]]
|20181122||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-11-22/buchanan-are-saudi-princes-true-friends Buchanan: Are The Saudi Princes True Friends?]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20181121||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2018/11/21/trumps-amoral-saudi-statement-is-a-pure-and-honest-expression-of-decades-old-u-s-values-and-foreign-policy-orthodoxies/ Trump’s Amoral Saudi Statement Is a Pure Expression of Decades-Old “U.S. Values” and Foreign Policy Orthodoxies]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[SA]] / [[US-SA]]
|20181121||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/444593-trump-saudi-arabia-oil-tweet-backlash/ Trump slammed after thanking Riyadh for low oil prices amid Khashoggi drama]||[[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181121||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/444510-trump-assange-not-know/ Trump says he ‘does not know anything’ about Assange, gets called out on hypocrisy]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181121||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/444497-trump-mueller-questions-sumbits/ Trump hands over written responses to Mueller's Russia probe questions]||[[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[FBI]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181120||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/for-trump-the-bottom-line-on-saudi-arabia-takes-precedence-over-human-rights/2018/11/20/a8813bb0-ecf4-11e8-baac-2a674e91502b_story.html For Trump, the bottom line on Saudi Arabia takes precedence over human rights]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181120||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/trumps-latest-statement-on-khashoggi-was-a-betrayal-of-american-values/2018/11/20/f4efdd80-ecef-11e8-baac-2a674e91502b_story.html Trump slanders Khashoggi and betrays American values]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181120||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/20/opinion/trump-khashoggi-saudi-arabia-salman.html Trump Stands Up for Saudi Arabian Values]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181120||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/20/world/middleeast/trump-saudi-khashoggi.html In Extraordinary Statement, Trump Stands With Saudis Despite Khashoggi Killing]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181120||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/fall-khashoggi-donald-trump-steht-zu-saudi-arabien-a-1239505.html Fall Khashoggi Trump schwört Saudi-Arabien die Treue]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181120||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-tweets-stuerzen-usa-in-krise-mit-pakistan-a-1239430.html Schlagabtausch mit Premier Imran Khan Trump-Tweets stürzen USA in Krise mit Pakistan]||[[KHAN, IMRAN]] / [[PK]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20181118||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/nov/18/jamal-khashoggi-killers-may-have-taken-body-parts-out-of-turkey-in-luggage Trump refuses to listen to audio tape of Jamal Khashoggi's 'vicious' murder: Turkish defence minister says killers of Khashoggi may have taken his dismembered body out of Turkey in a luggage]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[TR]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181118||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-will-sich-tonband-vom-mord-an-jamal-khashoggi-nicht-anhoeren-a-1239101.html "Sehr gewalttätig, sehr schrecklich" Trump will sich Tonband vom Khashoggi-Mord nicht anhören]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]]
|20181118||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/444320-trump-khashoggi-killing-tape-saudi/ ‘It’s a suffering tape’: Sensitive Trump says he won’t listen to audio record of Khashoggi killing]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]]
|20181118||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/444280-no-conclusion-khashoggi-murder/ Premature but possible? Trump awaits ‘full report’ on Khashoggi murder after CIA implicates MbS]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[CIA]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]]
|20181117||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-says-hell-speak-with-cia-about-khashoggi-killing/2018/11/17/f5150774-ea72-11e8-bd89-eecf3b178206_story.html Trump says he’ll speak with CIA about Khashoggi killing]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181117||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/17/us/politics/trump-khashoggi-saudi-arabia.html?action=click&module=Latest&pgtype=Homepage ‘We Were Told That He Did Not Play a Role’ in Khashoggi Killing, Trump Says of Saudi Crown Prince]||[[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[CIA]]
|20181116||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-will-fragen-von-sonderermittler-robert-mueller-beantwortet-haben-a-1238967.html Russlandaffäre Trump will Fragen von Sonderermittler Mueller beantwortet haben]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]]
|20181113||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/443834-trump-macron-learn-german/ 'They were starting to learn German in Paris before US came along' – Trump taunts Macron]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MACRON, EMMANUEL]]
|20181113||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-11-13/trump-mocks-macron-they-were-starting-learn-german-paris-us-came-along Trump Mocks Macron: "They Were Starting To Learn German In Paris Before The US Came Along"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MACRON, EMMANUEL]]
|20181110||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/trump-und-marcon-begruessen-sich-mit-daumen-hoch-geste-a-1237775.html Spannungsgeladenes Treffen Trump und Marcon begrüßen sich mit Daumen-hoch-Geste]||[[MACRON, EMMANUEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181109||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-wirft-emmanuel-macron-beleidigung-vor-a-1237748.html Pläne für europäische Armee US-Präsident wirft Macron Beleidigung vor]||[[MACRON, EMMANUEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181107||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/attorney-general-jeff-sessions-resigns-at-trumps-request/2018/11/07/d1b7a214-e144-11e8-ab2c-b31dcd53ca6b_story.html Attorney General Jeff Sessions resigns at Trump’s request]||[[SESSIONS, JEFF]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[US]]
|20181105||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/443099-trump-saudis-weapons-yemen/ Saudis ‘don’t know how to use’ US bombs: Trump condemns deadly Yemen school bus strike… kind of]||[[SA]] / [[WEAPONTRADE]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201810 ===
|20181029||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/oct/29/trump-czechoslovakia-communism-spying Czechoslovakia ramped up spying on Trump in late 1980s, seeking US intel]||[[CZ]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[STB]] / [[KGB]]
|20181024||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/24/us/politics/trump-phone-security.html When Trump Phones Friends, the Chinese and the Russians Listen and Learn]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181024||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/442186-trump-saudi-prince-khashoggi-murder/ Saudi prince may be involved, but I want to believe he's not – Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SA]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[BIN ABDULAZIZ AL SAUD, SALMAN]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]]
|20181023||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/russland-was-donald-trumps-ausstieg-aus-dem-inf-vertrag-fuer-wladimir-putin-bedeutet-a-1234759.html Sicherheitsberater Bolton in Moskau Was Trumps Drohung für Putin bedeutet]||[[NUCLEAR WEAPONS]] / [[BOLTON, JOHN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20181023||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-23/worst-coverup-ever-trump-slams-saudis-over-khashoggi-murder "Worst Coverup Ever": Trump Blasts Saudis Over Khashoggi Murder; US To Revoke Visas]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[COVERUP]]
|20181020||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/441790-trump-khashoggi-saudi-explanation/ Trump finds Saudi version of Khashoggi death ‘credible,’ touts arms deals with ‘great ally’]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SA]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]]
|20181020||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/441790-trump-khashoggi-saudi-explanation/ Trump says Khashoggi death ‘unacceptable’, but he ‘prefers’ to keep defense contracts with Saudis]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SA]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]]
|20181019||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/441670-trump-khashoggi-dead-consequences/ ‘It certainly looks like’ Khashoggi is dead, consequences will be ‘severe’ – Trump]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181019||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/jamal-khashoggi-donald-trump-rechnet-mit-dem-tod-des-journalisten-a-1234010.html US-Präsident Trump zum Fall Khashoggi "Bad stuff"]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181018||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/18/us/politics/trump-khashoggi-dead.html In Shift on Khashoggi Killing, Trump Edges Closer to Acknowledging a Saudi Role]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181018||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/fall-khashoggi-us-demokraten-fordern-aufklaerung-von-donald-trump-a-1233852.html Fall Khashoggi US-Demokraten fordern Aufklärung über Trumps Geschäfte mit Saudi-Arabien]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181017||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/jamal-khashoggi-donald-trump-nimmt-saudi-arabien-in-schutz-g7-wollen-aufklaerung-a-1233659.html Verschwundener Journalist Khashoggi Trump nimmt Saudi-Arabien in Schutz]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SA]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]]
|20181016||aljazeera.com||[https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/pompeo-khashoggi-problem-mbs-created-181016145309417.html Pompeo, Khashoggi and the problem MBS created - US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is on a quest to sell an utterly unbelievable story about Jamal Khashoggi's death.]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]]
|20181016||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/441435-saudi-us-sanctions-murder/ Trump spins cover-up for Saudi killing, signaling no ‘turning-point’ in US relations]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SA]]
|20181016||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-mohammed-bin-salman-bestreitet-wissen-im-fall-jamal-khashoggi-a-1233643.html Telefonat mit Trump: Saudischer Kronprinz bestreitet Kenntnis im Fall Khashoggi]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[BIN ABDULAZIZ AL SAUD, SALMAN]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181016||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/fall-jamal-khashoggi-donald-trump-meidet-klare-haltung-zu-saudi-arabien-a-1233457.html Verschwundener Journalist Trumps Taktieren im Fall Khashoggi]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181015||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/441333-trump-rogue-killers-khashoggie/ Rogue killers or state murder? Riyadh gets benefit of doubt from Trump where Russia doesn’t]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SA]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]]
|20181015||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/441292-rogue-killers-saudi-journalist/ 'Rogue killers' might have killed Saudi journalist - Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SA]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]]|
|20181015||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-schickt-wegen-jamal-khashoggi-mike-pompeo-nach-riad-a-1233427.html Verschwundener Journalist Khashoggi Trump schickt Außenminister nach Saudi-Arabien]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[SA]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]]
|20181015||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-haelt-verstrickung-von-wladimir-putin-in-attentate-fuer-moeglich-a-1233236.html Interview-Aussagen Trump hält Verstrickung Putins in Attentate für möglich]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181014||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/saudi-arabia-rejectsthreats-after-trump-vows-severe-punishment-on-khashoggi-disappearance/2018/10/14/d8c6a2be-ce55-11e8-ad0a-0e01efba3cc1_story.html Saudi Arabia rejects ‘threats’ after Trump vows ‘severe punishment’ on Khashoggi disappearance]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20181013||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-vows-severe-punishment-if-us-determines-saudi-arabia-killed-khashoggi/2018/10/13/dbefa658-cee0-11e8-920f-dd52e1ae4570_story.html Trump vows ‘severe punishment’ if U.S. determines Saudi Arabia killed Khashoggi]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[SA]]
|20181011||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/10/11/trumps-billion-arms-sales-saudi-arabia-still-fake/ Trump’s $110 billion in arms sales to Saudi Arabia: still fake]]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[SA]] / [[WEAPONTRADE]]
|20181010||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-schaltet-sich-in-fall-jamal-khashoggi-ein-a-1232619.html Verschwundener Journalist Khashoggi Trump verschärft Ton gegenüber Saudi-Arabien]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201809 ===
|20180908||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/amtseinfuehrung-von-donald-trump-fotos-wurden-von-behoerden-bearbeitet-a-1227163.html Amtseinführung von Donald Trump US-Behörde hat Fotos nachträglich bearbeitet]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180906||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-09-06/mueller-reportedly-offers-trump-legal-team-formula-person-interview Mueller Reportedly Offers Trump Legal Team "Formula" For In-Person Interview]||[[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201808 ===
|20180824||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/436785-trump-cancels-pompeo-north-korea/ Trump cancels Pompeo’s N. Korea trip but sends ‘warmest regards’ to Kim]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[KP]]
|20180824||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/allen-weisselberg-finanzchef-der-trump-organization-erhielt-immunitaet-a-1224872.html Cohen-Ermittlungen Trump-Finanzchef erhielt Immunität für Aussage in Schweigegeld-Affäre]||[[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[WEISSELBERG, ALLEN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180824||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/436739-trump-social-media-censorship/ Trump accuses social media giants of censorship, says ‘millions’ being silenced]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[TWITTER]]
|20180823||cnbc.com||[https://www.cnbc.com/2018/08/23/trump-says-the-stock-market-would-crash-if-he-were-impeached.html Trump says the stock market would crash if he were impeached: 'Everybody would be very poor']||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180823||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/436688-trump-impeachment-cohen/ Trump impeachment: Is it possible – and how would it play out?]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180822||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/aug/22/worst-hour-for-trump-after-convictions-for-manafort-and-cohen Donald Trump: 'worst hour' for president as Manafort and Cohen guilty]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180822||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/wie-sich-donald-trump-in-der-michael-cohen-affaere-verteidigt-a-1224490.html US-Präsident unter Druck Wie sich Trump in der Cohen-Affäre verteidigt]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180822||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-unter-druck-paul-manafort-verurteilt-michael-cohen-packt-aus-a-1224307.html Paul Manafort und Michael Cohen vor Gericht Ein schwarzer Tag für Donald Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MANAFORT, PAUL]] / [[COHEN, MICHAEL]]
|20180818||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-18/white-house-counsel-cooperating-extensively-obstruction-probe-spent-30-hours White House Counsel "Cooperating Extensively" With Obstruction Probe, Trump Says He Allowed It]||[[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180815||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-15/trump-revokes-security-clearance-former-cia-director-john-brennan Brennan Lashes Out After "Tyrant" Trump Revokes Security Clearance: "Americans Should Gravely Worry"]||[[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180815||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/436054-trump-revokes-cia-brennan-clearance/ Trump revokes clearance of former CIA chief Brennan]||[[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180812||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-12/real-reason-why-trump-cancelled-iran-deal The Real Reason Why Trump Cancelled The Iran Deal]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SUNNI ISLAM]] / [[SA]] / [[IR]] / [[CA]] / [[SHIA ISLAM]]
|20180812||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-12/trump-gives-mueller-three-weeks-sitdown-wsj Trump Gives Mueller Three Weeks For Sitdown: WSJ]||[[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180811||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-11/trump-slams-sessions-he-scared-stiff-and-missing-action Trump Slams Sessions: "He Is Scared Stiff And Missing In Action"]||[[SESSIONS, JEFF]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180811||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/nordkorea-schiesst-gegen-mike-pompeo-und-john-bolton-a-1222717.html Streit um Atomprogramm Nordkorea schreibt Wutbrief an US-Regierung]||[[KP]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[BOLTON, JOHN]]
|20180809||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/435549-us-sanctions-russia-trump/ US State Dept sanctions against Russia aimed at 'undercutting' Trump, analysts say]||[[US]] / [[RU]] / [[SANCTIONS]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PAUL, RAND]]
|20180801||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-01/mueller-wants-ask-trump-about-obstruction-justice Mueller Wants To Ask Trump About Obstruction Of Justice]||[[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180801||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-donald-trump-fordert-ende-der-russland-ermittlung-von-jeff-sessions-a-1221272.html Twitter-Tirade Trump drängt Justizminister zu Intervention in Russlandermittlungen]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[SESSIONS, JEFF]]
|20180801||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-08-01/trump-urges-ag-sessions-stop-dirty-democrats-rigged-witch-hunt-right-now Trump Tells Jeff Sessions To End Mueller Investigation "Right Now"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[SESSIONS, JEFF]]
=== 201807 ===
|20180731||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/iran-donald-trump-ohne-vorbedingungen-zu-treffen-mit-hassan-ruhani-bereit-a-1220903.html "Ohne Vorbedingungen" Trump zu Treffen mit iranischer Führung bereit]||[[IR]] / [[ROHANI, HASSAN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180729||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-new-york-times-verleger-a-g-sulzberger-warnt-us-praesidenten-a-1220716.html Treffen zwischen Sulzberger und US-Präsident "New York Times"-Verleger warnt Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SULZBERGER, ARTHUR GREGG]] / [[NEW YORK TIMES]]
|20180727||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-sonderermittler-robert-mueller-untersucht-tweets-a-1220425.html Russlandaffäre Sonderermittler Mueller untersucht Trumps Tweets]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180726||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-26/mueller-digging-through-trumps-tweets-make-obstruction-case Mueller Digging Through Trump's Tweets To Make Obstruction Case]||[[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180724||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-24/secret-trump-cohen-tape-leaks-revealing-discussion-over-playboy-model-claim CNN Leaks Confidential Trump-Cohen Recording]||[[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180720||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-20/michael-cohen-secretly-taped-trump-discussing-playboy-model-payoff Michael Cohen Secretly Taped Trump Discussing Playboy Model Payoff]||[[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FBI]]
|20180720||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/michael-cohen-nahm-gespraech-mit-donald-trump-ueber-zahlung-an-playboy-model-auf-a-1219495.html Mögliche Zahlungen an Playboy-Model Brisante Tonaufnahmen könnten Trump in Bedrängnis bringen]||[[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FBI]]
|20180720||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/20/us/politics/michael-cohen-trump-tape.html Michael Cohen Secretly Taped Trump Discussing Payment to Playboy Model]||[[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FBI]]
|20180719||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/433746-trump-invites-putin-washington/ Trump invites Putin to Washington this autumn - White House]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20180719||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/433686-trump-war-russia-media-putin/ Trump: ‘Reckless’ media pushing for ‘major confrontation with Russia that could lead to war’]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[RU]]
|20180718||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/433628-russia-target-us-no/ Trump: No, Russia isn't targeting US]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180718||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/433564-trump-putin-no-boxing-match/ Haters would rather ‘go to war’ than see me getting along with Putin – Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20180717||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-17/paul-craig-roberts-president-trump-traitor-because-he-wants-peace-russia Paul Craig Roberts: "Is President Trump A Traitor Because He Wants Peace With Russia?"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[US-RU]]
|20180717||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-17/pat-buchanan-trump-calls-cold-war-ii Pat Buchanan: "Trump Calls Off Cold War II"]||[[BUCHANAN, PATRICK]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180717||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/433539-lights-go-out-secret-services/ Lights go out at White House as Trump pledges loyalty to US intelligence (VIDEO)]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20180717||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-donald-trump-raeumt-russische-einmischung-in-us-wahl-ein-a-1218958.html Nach Kritik Präsident Trump räumt russische Einmischung in jüngster US-Wahl ein]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180717||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-17/trump-clarifies-putin-summit-i-accept-intelligence-conclusion-russia-meddled-2016 Trump Reverses: "I Accept Intelligence Conclusion That Russia Meddled In 2016"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180717||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/wladimir-putin-bei-fox-news-habe-kein-belastendes-material-ueber-donald-trump-a-1218791.html Putin über Russlandermittlungen der USA "Sie interessieren mich kein bisschen"]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[DNC]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180717||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-17/mish-mass-hysteria Mish: "Mass Hysteria"]||[[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US-RU]]
|20180716||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/433397-wanted-trump-to-win-putin/ I wanted Trump to win - Putin (VIDEO)]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180716||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/433370-putin-meeting-trump-good/ One-on-one meeting with Putin a ‘good start,’ Trump says after over 2 hours of tete-a-tete talks]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20180716||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-trifft-wladimir-putin-alle-entwicklungen-im-liveblog-a-1218628.html Minutenprotokoll So lief das Gipfeltreffen zwischen Trump und Putin]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[US-RU]]
|20180716||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-gipfel-mit-wladimir-putin-hat-beziehungen-zu-russland-verbessert-a-1218740.html Gipfeltreffen US-Präsident Trump lobt verbesserte Beziehungen zu Russland]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[US-RU]]
|20180716||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-attackiert-barack-obama-und-lobt-sich-selbst-a-1218623.html Tweets vor Treffen mit Putin Trump macht Obama für schlechtes Verhältnis zu Russland verantwortlich]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]] / [[RU]]
|20180716||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-16/john-brennan-blasts-trumps-press-conference-nothing-short-treasonous John Brennan Blasts Trump's Press Conference As "Nothing Short Of Treasonous"]||[[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180715||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/433148-may-sue-eu-trump/ UK PM Theresa May says Donald Trump told her to sue the EU]||[[MAY, THERESA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180713||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/432973-trump-soviet-agent-putin/ Putin on the Trump: ‘New York’ dons tinfoil hat, claims Soviet-era kompromat on The Donald]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180713||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-theresa-may-hat-den-brexit-verbockt-a-1218189.html Donald Trump in Großbritannien "Theresa May hat den Brexit verbockt"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[GB]] / [[JOHNSON, BORIS]] / [[MAY, THERESA]]
|20180713||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/432945-trump-uk-visit-may/ Trump arrives in the UK wielding a Brexit dagger, 'a true friend stabs you in the front']||[[GB]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180713||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/sigmar-gabriel-kritisiert-donald-trump-fuer-verhalten-beim-nato-gipfel-a-1218196.html Ex-Außenminister Sigmar Gabriel fordert härtere Gangart gegenüber Trump]||[[GABRIEL, SIGMAR]] / [[DE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180712||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/432908-trump-boris-johnson-great-pm/ Trump says his ‘talented’ friend Boris Johnson would be a ‘great’ PM, ahead of meeting with UK’s May]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[JOHNSON, BORIS]] / [[MAY, THERESA]]
|20180711||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/trump-bei-der-nato-es-tut-noch-nicht-weh-genug-a-1217715.html Trump bei der Nato: Es tut noch nicht weh genug]||[[NATO]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180709||talkingpointsmemo.com||[https://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/trump-merkel-owe-me-one-trillion-dollars Trump, In First Meeting With Merkel: ‘You Owe Me One Trillion Dollars’]||[[MERKEL, ANGELA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180708||nymag.com||[http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/07/trump-putin-russia-collusion.html Will Trump Be Meeting With His Counterpart — Or His Handler? A plausible theory of mind-boggling collusion.]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RU]]
|20180706||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/business/431928-iran-trump-oil-prices/ ‘Trump's attempt to control oil prices is the beginning of chaos’ – economist]||[[IR]] / [[OIL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[OPEC]]
|20180704||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/431723-trump-considered-venezuela-invasion/ Trump considered invading Venezuela at height of political crisis – reports]||[[VE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201806 ===
|20180629||businessinsider.de||[https://www.businessinsider.de/anthony-kennedy-son-loaned-president-trump-over-a-billion-dollars-2018-6?r=US&IR=T Trump's business career is more connected to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy than we ever knew]||[[KENNEDY, ANTHONY]] / [[KENNEDY, JUSTIN]] / [[DEUTSCHE BANK]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180628||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/28/us/politics/trump-anthony-kennedy-retirement.html Inside the White House’s Quiet Campaign to Create a Supreme Court Opening]||[[KENNEDY, ANTHONY]] / [[SUPREME COURT]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180628||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-28/rosenstein-refuses-discuss-whether-obama-spied-trump-campaign Rosenstein Refuses To Discuss Whether Obama Spied On Trump Campaign]||[[ROSENSTEIN, ROD]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180627||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/431063-putin-trump-meeting-us-russia/ Date & venue of Putin-Trump meeting agreed – presidential adviser]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20180627||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-wladimir-putin-kreml-kuendigt-gipfeltreffen-an-a-1215360.html Donald Trump und Wladimir Putin Kreml kündigt Gipfeltreffen an]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20180627||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-27/not-my-watch-trump-warns-left-over-escalating-confrontations-tells-voters-time "Not On My Watch": Trump Warns Left Over Escalating Confrontations, Tells Voters "Time To Defend Our Principles"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180616||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/soziales/donald-trump-und-seine-interessenkonflikte-herrschaft-der-kleptokraten-a-1213319.html Interessenkonflikte des Trump-Clans Herrschaft der Kleptokraten]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180616||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-verbreitet-eigene-fotos-vom-g7-gipfel-a-1213324.html Via Twitter Trump verbreitet eigene Fotos vom G7-Gipfel]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180615||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/politics/429876-state-duma-trump-crimea/ ‘Prove that you are independent’: Russian MP Poklonskaya invites Trump to Crimea]||[[POKLONSKAYA, NATALIA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180615||msn.com||[https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/new-york-files-suit-against-trump-alleging-his-charity-engaged-in-%E2%80%98illegal-conduct%E2%80%99/ar-AAyDZhc?ocid=spartandhp New York files suit against Trump, alleging his charity engaged in ‘illegal conduct’]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[TRUMP FOUNDATION]]
|20180615||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-15/trump-comey-was-ringleader-den-thieves-what-he-did-was-criminal Trump: "Comey Was The Criminal Ringleader Of A Den Of Thieves"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180615||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-witzelt-ueber-folgsame-nordkoreaner-und-exekutionen-a-1213228.html USA US-Präsident witzelt über folgsame Nordkoreaner - und Exekutionen]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[JONG UN, KIM]]
|20180614||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/429809-trump-north-korea-salute/ Treason or respect? Trump draws ire for returning North Korean general’s salute (VIDEO)]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180612||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/429460-trump-presser-talks-kim/ North Korea sanctions to 'remain in effect’ – Trump]||[[JONG UN, KIM]] / [[KP]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20180612||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-kim-die-erklaerung-im-originalen-wortlaut-a-1212461.html Trump und Kim in Singapur Die Erklärung im Wortlaut (englisch)]||[[JONG UN, KIM]] / [[KP]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20180612||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-nach-gipfel-mit-kim-jong-un-a-1212432.html Koreanische Halbinsel Trump kündigt Stopp der Militärmanöver an]||[[JONG UN, KIM]] / [[KP]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20180612||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-kim-jong-un-einigen-sich-auf-vereinbarung-a-1212405.html Gipfel in Singapur Trump und Kim unterzeichnen Vereinbarung]||[[JONG UN, KIM]] / [[KP]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20180612||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/429447-trump-kim-singapore-summit/ Historic handshake: Kim, Trump face off at Singapore summit (VIDEO, PHOTOS)]||[[JONG UN, KIM]] / [[KP]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20180612||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-kim-jong-un-historischer-handschlag-in-singapur-a-1212395.html Historisches Treffen in Singapur Trump sagt "großartige Beziehung" zu Kim voraus]||[[JONG UN, KIM]] / [[KP]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20180611||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/429360-place-in-hell-trudeau-trump-adviser/ ‘There’s a special place in hell’ for Trudeau for backstabbing Trump, White House trade adviser says]||[[TRUDEAU, JUSTIN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180610||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2018/06/10/more-than-just-russia-theres-a-strong-case-for-the-trump-team-colluding-with-saudi-arabia-israel-and-the-uae/ More Than Just Russia — There’s a Strong Case for the Trump Team Colluding With Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the UAE]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SA]] / [[IL]] / [[AE]]
|20180609||washingtonexaminer.com||[https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/justin-trudeau-trolls-trump-with-framed-photo-of-his-grandfathers-canadian-brothel Justin Trudeau trolls Trump with framed photo of his grandfather's Canadian brothel]||[[TRUDEAU, JUSTIN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180609||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-kim-jong-un-in-singapur-die-vertrauensfrage-a-1211882.html Trump und Kim in Singapur Die Vertrauensfrage]||[[JONG UN, KIM]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180607||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/laut-rudolph-giuliani-hat-kim-jong-un-um-treffen-mit-donald-trump-gebettelt-a-1211606.html Interviews von Anwalt Giuliani Kim soll um Treffen mit Trump "gebettelt" haben]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[GIULIANI, RUDOLPH W.]] / [[JONG UN, KIM]]
|20180607||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-kim-jong-un-us-praesident-zum-gipfel-in-singapur-a-1211818.html Trump über Gipfel mit Kim "Ich glaube nicht, dass ich mich sehr vorbereiten muss"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[JONG UN, KIM]]
|20180606||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-warum-robert-mueller-den-us-praesidenten-nervoes-macht-a-1211410.html Russland-Ermittlungen Warum Donald Trump wirklich nervös ist]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[GIULIANI, RUDOLPH W.]]
|20180605||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-05/feud-between-mike-pompeo-and-john-bolton-intensifies-ahead-north-korea-summit Will Trump Fire John Bolton Next?]||[[BOLTON, JOHN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201805 ===
|20180531||wiwo.de||[https://www.wiwo.de/unternehmen/auto/importzoelle-trump-will-daimler-vom-us-markt-aussperren/22620470.html Trump will Daimler vom US-Markt aussperren]||[[DAIMLER BENZ]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180525||spectator.org||[https://spectator.org/the-london-to-langley-spy-ring/ Special Report: The London-to-Langley Spy Ring]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MI6]] / [[CIA]]
|20180525||wsj.com||[https://online.wsj.com/public/resources/documents/PsyGroupPresentation05-25-2018.pdf?mod=article_inline Donald Trump´s 2016 Presidential Campaign - Analysis]||[[PSY-GROUP]] / [[CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[TWITTER]]
|20180525||wsj.com||[https://www.wsj.com/articles/israeli-intelligence-firms-election-meddling-analysis-comes-under-muellers-scrutiny-1527288767?mod=article_inline Israeli Intelligence Firm’s Election-Meddling Analysis Comes Under Mueller’s Scrutiny - Psy-Group presentation outlines ways Trump campaign was helped by fake social media accounts]||[[PSY-GROUP]] / [[CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[TWITTER]]
|20180524||defenseone.com||[https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2018/05/word-derailed-trump-kim-summit/148479/?oref=d-river The Word That Derailed the Trump-Kim Summit]||[[KP]] / [[KR]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[LY]]
|20180523||wsj.com||[https://www.wsj.com/articles/israeli-intelligence-company-formed-venture-with-trump-campaign-firm-cambridge-analytica-1527030765?mod=cx_politics&cx_navSource=cx_politics&cx_tag=contextual&cx_artPos=2#cxrecs_s Israeli Intelligence Company Formed Venture With Trump Campaign Firm Cambridge Analytica  -Psy-Group is owned by entrepreneur Joel Zamel, who has been questioned by special-counsel investigators]||[[PSY-GROUP]] / [[ZAMEL, JOEL]] / [[CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[TWITTER]]
|20180519||wsj.com||[https://www.wsj.com/articles/mueller-probe-expands-to-israeli-entrepreneur-with-u-a-e-ties-1526763816?mod=cx_politics&cx_navSource=cx_politics&cx_tag=contextual&cx_artPos=4#cxrecs_s Mueller Probe Expands to Israeli Entrepreneur With U.A.E. Ties - Investigation has sought testimony regarding work of Joel Zamel, founder of several private consulting firms]||[[PSY-GROUP]] / [[ZAMEL, JOEL]] / [[CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[TWITTER]]
|20180525||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-us-praesident-erklaert-gipfeltreffen-mit-nordkorea-koennte-stattfinden-a-1209592.html Nach Absage an Nordkorea Gipfeltreffen könnte laut Trump doch noch stattfinden]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180523||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-23/trump-lawyer-received-400000-secret-payment-arrange-talks-between-ukraine-president Trump Lawyer Received $400,000 "Secret Payment" To Arrange Meeting Between Ukraine President And Trump]||[[POROSHENKO, PETRO]] / [[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180522||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-22/second-spy-tried-infiltrate-trump-campaign-says-former-adviser-just-beginning Second Spy Tried To Infiltrate Trump Campaign Says Former Adviser: "This Is Just The Beginning"]||[[CAPUTO, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180522||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-zwingt-russland-ermittlern-seinen-willen-auf-a-1208842.html Angeblicher "FBI-Spion" Trump zwingt Russland-Ermittlern seinen Willen auf]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US DOJ]] / [[FBI]]
|20180521||politico.com||[https://www.politico.com/story/2018/05/21/trump-phone-security-risk-hackers-601903 ‘Too inconvenient’: Trump goes rogue on phone security]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180521||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-21/white-house-statement-trump-meeting-rosenstein-wray-congress-get-all-highly Trump Meeting With Rosenstein, Wray On Spying Concludes: Congress To See All "Highly Classified" Information]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US DOJ]] / [[FBI]]
|20180520||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-20/trump-demands-doj-surrender-documents-fbi-campaign-infiltrator-congress DoJ Confirms Inspector General Will Probe "Impropriety, Political Motivation" Of Obama FBI Spying On Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US DOJ]] / [[FBI]]
|20180520||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-laesst-fbi-untersuchen-angebliche-ueberwachung-im-wahlkampf-a-1208759.html Angebliche Überwachung im Wahlkampf Trump will Rolle des FBI prüfen lassen]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FBI]]
|20180519||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-19/fbi-spy-op-exposed-trump-campaign-infiltrated-longtime-cia-and-mi6-asset FBI Spy-Op Exposed, Trump Campaign Infiltrated By Longtime CIA And MI6 Asset]||[[HALPER, STEFAN]] / [[CIA]] / [[MI6]] / [[PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE]] / [[PAGE, CARTER]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180519||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/427217-stefan-halper-spy/Stefan Halper – Latest character in Russiagate drama spied for the CIA in the 80s]||[[HALPER, STEFAN]] / [[CIA]] / [[FBI]] / [[PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE]] / [[PAGE, CARTER]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180519||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-saudi-arabien-und-vae-wollten-bei-us-wahl-helfen-a-1208700.html Treffen im Trump Tower Golfmonarchien boten Trump Hilfe für Wahl an]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[AE]] / [[SA]] / [[PRINCE, ERIK]] / [[ZAMEL, JOEL]]
|20180519||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/soziales/donald-trump-bei-den-iran-sanktionen-schwingt-er-die-dollar-keule-a-1208524.html Iran-Sanktionen Trumps Dollar-Keule]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[SANCTIONS]] / [[IR]]
|20180517||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-mueller-soll-us-praesident-immunitaet-eingeraeumt-haben-a-1208183.html Sonderermittler zu Russland Mueller soll eingeräumt haben, dass Trump Immunität genießt]||[[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180515||bloomberg.com||[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/features/2018-05-15/the-gun-law-loophole-that-entices-tycoons-and-criminals-to-play-c How Scott Adams Got Hypnotized by Trump]||[[ADAMS, SCOTT]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180510||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/michael-cohen-novartis-raeumt-millionenzahlung-an-donald-trump-anwalt-ein-a-1207115.html Michael Cohen Novartis räumt Millionenzahlung an Trumps Anwalt ein]||[[NOVARTIS]] / [[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180508||cnn.com||[https://edition.cnn.com/2018/05/08/politics/robert-mueller-russian-oligarch-payments-michael-cohen/index.html Exclusive: Mueller's team questions Russian oligarch about payments to Cohen]||[[VEKSELBERG, VIKTOR]] / [[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[ESSENTIAL CONSULTING]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180508||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-08/stormy-daniels-lawyer-claims-putin-linked-oligarch-reimbursed-cohen-hush-payment Stormy Daniels Lawyer's Bombshell Claim: Putin-Linked Oligarch Paid Cohen $500K For "Hush" Payment]||[[VEKSELBERG, VIKTOR]] / [[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[ESSENTIAL CONSULTING]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180508||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-08/watch-live-president-trump-announces-his-decision-iran-nuclear-deal Trump Pulls US Out Of "Unacceptable, Defective" Iran Deal; Obama Slams Decision As "So Misguided]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[IR]]
|20180508||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-der-iran-deal-die-erklaerung-des-weissen-hauses-im-wortlaut-a-1206906.html USA vs. Iran Die Erklärung des Weißen Hauses im Wortlaut (englisch)]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[IR]]
|20180508||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-verkuendet-ausstieg-aus-iran-atomabkommen-und-sanktionen-a-1206893.html Atom-Deal Trump verkündet Ausstieg aus Iran-Abkommen]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[IR]]
|20180508||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/iran-droht-mit-neuer-uran-anreicherung-als-reaktion-auf-donald-trump-a-1206907.html Reaktion auf Trump Iran droht mit Uran-Anreicherung "in den nächsten Wochen"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[IR]]
|20180508||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-die-iran-entscheidung-einfach-brandgefaehrlich-kommentar-a-1206908.html Trumps Iran-Entscheidung Einfach brandgefährlich]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[IR]]
|20180505||thehill.com||[http://thehill.com/policy/international/386393-trump-aides-hired-israeli-private-intelligence-firm-to-dig-up-dirt-on Trump aides hired Israeli private intelligence firm to dig up dirt on Obama officials: report]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[IL]] / [[IR]]
|20180505||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/may/05/trump-team-hired-spy-firm-dirty-ops-iran-nuclear-deal Revealed: Trump team hired spy firm for ‘dirty ops’ on Iran arms deal]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[IL]] / [[IR]]
|20180506||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-in-russlandaffaere-rudolph-giuliani-raet-zu-aussageverweigerung-a-1206476.html Trump vor Mueller-Kommission Giuliani schließt Aussageverweigerung nicht aus]||[[GIULIANI, RUDOLPH W.]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180506||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-vs-stormy-daniels-trump-wird-zum-ruecktritt-gezwungen-sein-a-1206471.html Anwalt von Stormy Daniels "Trump wird zum Rücktritt gezwungen sein"]||[[DANIELS, STORMY]] / [[AVENATTI, MICHAEL]] / [[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201804 ===
|20180428||docs.house.gov||[https://osint.info/files/2018/HRPT-115-1.pdf House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Report on Russian Active Measures]||[[US]] / [[RU]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20180428||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-28/secret-trump-russia-investigation-continues-50-million-group-mystery-wealthy-donors Mystery Group Of "Wealthy Donors" And Soros Spends $50 Million For "Private Trump-Russia Investigation"]||[[SOROS, GEORGE]] / [[FUSION GPS]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RU]]
|20180423||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-23/trump-asked-netanyahu-do-you-actually-care-about-peace Trump Asked Netanyahu: "Do You Actually Care About Peace?"]||[[NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180420||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-20/trump-counter-dnc-lawsuit-seeks-servers-clinton-emails-and-pakistani-mystery-man Trump To "Counter" DNC Lawsuit; Seeks Servers, Clinton Emails And "Pakistani Mystery Man]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[DNC]] / [[WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, DEBBIE]] / [[AWAN, IMRAN]] / [[MALIK, REHMAN]]
|20180420||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-wahlkampfteam-nennt-vorwuerfe-von-demokraten-wertlos-a-1204115.html Verschwörungsklage der US-Demokraten Trumps Wahlkampfteam nennt Vorwürfe "wertlos" und "albern"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[DNC]]
|20180420||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-demokraten-verklagen-sein-team-und-russland-wegen-verschwoerung-a-1204082.html Vorwurf der Wahlbeeinflussung Demokraten verklagen Russland und Trumps Team wegen Verschwörung]||[[DNC]] / [[RU]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20180420||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/democratic-party-files-lawsuit-alleging-russia-the-trump-campaign-and-wikileaks-conspired-to-disrupt-the-2016-campaign/2018/04/20/befe8364-4418-11e8-8569-26fda6b404c7_story.html Democratic Party files lawsuit alleging Russia, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks conspired to disrupt the 2016 campaign]||[[DNC]] / [[RU]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20180419||globaltimes.cn||[http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1098836.shtml As Macron heads to US, 'strong relationship' with Trump under test]||[[MACRON, EMMANUEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180416||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-16/trump-holds-plan-more-russia-sanctions-russian-stocks-ruble-jump Trump Halts Plan For More Russia Sanctions; Russian Stocks, Ruble Jump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SANCTIONS]] / [[RU]]
|20180416||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ex-fbi-chef-james-comey-ueber-donald-trump-moralisch-ungeeignet-a-1203046.html Interview für US-Fernsehsender Ex-FBI-Chef nennt Trump "moralisch  ungeeignet" fürs Präsidentenamt]||[[COMEY, JAMES]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180415||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-syrien-das-sagt-die-internationale-presse-zum-us-angriff-a-1202988.html Pressestimmen zu US-Luftschlägen "Trump ist eine Belastung für Amerika und die Welt"]||[[SY]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180415||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-enthuellungsbuch-von-james-comey-die-rache-des-juristen-a-1202990.html Trump-Enthüllungsbuch von James Comey Die Rache des Juristen]||[[COMEY, JAMES]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180413||politico.com||[https://www.politico.com/story/2018/04/13/rnc-deputy-finance-chair-broidy-resigns-522867 RNC fundraiser resigns after report of $1.6 million Playmate payoff]||[[BROIDY, ELLIOTT]] / [[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180413||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/james-comey-ex-fbi-chef-rechnet-mit-donald-trump-ab-a-1202740.html Trump-Enthüllungsbuch von Ex-FBI-Chef Vernichtung auf 384 Seiten]||[[COMEY, JAMES]] / [[FBI]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180412||nypost.com||[https://nypost.com/2018/04/12/comey-trump-asked-me-to-investigate-pee-tape-to-reassure-melania/ Comey: Trump asked me to investigate ‘pee tape’ to reassure Melania]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180412||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trumps-allies-worry-that-federal-investigators-may-have-seized-recordings-made-by-his-attorney/2018/04/12/16d6345a-3e89-11e8-912d-16c9e9b37800_story.html Trump’s allies worry that federal investigators may have seized recordings made by his attorney]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180412||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/us-einsatz-in-syrien-donald-trumps-sprecherin-sagt-alle-optionen-seien-noch-offen-a-1202474.html Möglicher US-Angriff in Syrien Trumps Sprecherin: "Noch ist nichts entschieden"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[SY]]
|20180411||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/russland-kritisiert-donald-trump-nach-drohung-gegen-syrien-a-1202440.html Moskaus Antwort auf Trump-Drohung "Wir beteiligen uns nicht an Twitter-Diplomatie"]||[[PESKOW, DMITRI]] / [[RU]] / [[SY]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180411||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-11/ luongo-coup-complete-trump-doneLuongo: "The Coup Is Complete - Trump Is Done"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180411||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/business/423813-us-stock-market-trump-russia/ Stocks plunge, gold spikes after Trump taunts Russia with missile strikes in Syria]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180411||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/423802-trump-get-ready-russia-missiles/Trump: Get ready Russia, missiles will be coming at Syria, nice and new and ‘smart’!]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RU]] / [[SY]]
|20180411||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-11/trump-get-ready-russia-missiles-will-be-coming-nice-and-new-and-smart Trump: 'Get Ready Russia', Missiles Will Be Coming 'Nice' and 'New' and 'Smart']||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[SY]] / [[RU]]
|20180411||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-die-vertuschung-seiner-sex-affaeren-die-honigfalle-a-1202368.html Schweigegeld für Stormy Daniels Verhängnisvolle Affäre]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[NATIONAL ENQUIRER]]
|20180410||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-haelt-sich-fuer-befugt-ermittler-robert-mueller-zu-entlassen-a-1202253.html Weißes Haus Trump hält sich für befugt, Ermittler Mueller zu entlassen]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]]
|20180410||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/423645-trump-lawyer-cohen-fbi-raid/ FBI raids Trump's private lawyer in what he calls ‘total witch hunt’]||[[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[FBI]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180409||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-fbi-durchsucht-buero-von-anwalt-michael-cohen-a-1202037.html Stormy-Daniels-Affäre FBI durchsucht Büro von Trumps Anwalt]||[[COHEN, MICHAEL]] / [[FBI]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180405||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/business/423337-trump-china-tariffs-retaliation/ Trump threatens China with $100bn more in tariffs as response to Beijing’s ‘unfair retaliation’]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[CN]]
|20180403||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ivanka-trump-und-jared-kushner-sind-sie-bei-donald-trump-abgemeldet-a-1200936.html Jared Kushner und Ivanka Trump Das Power-Paar gerät ins Abseits]||[[KUSHNER, JARED]] / [[TRUMP, IVANKA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201803 ===
|20180326||thedailybeast.com||[https://www.thedailybeast.com/stormy-daniels-legal-strategy-strongly-suggests-she-has-photos-of-donald-trump?ref=home Stormy Daniels’ Legal Strategy Strongly Suggests She Has Photos of Donald Trump]||[[DANIELS, STORMY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[KOMPROMAT]]
|20180326||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/422346-expulsion-60-russian-diplomats/ Trump orders expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats, closure of Seattle consulate]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[RU]]
|20180325||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/422286-trump-mexico-wall-military/ Trump suggests American military may pay for US-Mexico border wall since it’s now 'rich']||[[US]] / [[MX]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180324||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/soziales/donald-trump-erhebt-strafzoelle-und-attackiert-damit-die-wto-a-1199584.html Strategie der Strafzölle Trumps Attacke auf den Welthandel]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[WTO]]
|20180322||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-03-22/now-im-f-ing-doing-it-my-way-trump-prepares-war-mueller "Now I’m F---ing Doing It My Way": Trump Prepares For War With Mueller]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]]
|20180322||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/422050-house-intel-russia-probe/ 'No collusion': House Intel Committee votes to end Russia probe]||[[US]] / [[RU]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20180321||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-der-zufall-und-ein-tv-produzent-machten-ihn-zum-superstar-a-1197363.html Amerika-Serie Der Trump-Moment]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180320||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/donald-trump-und-der-facebook-skandal-um-cambridge-analytica-a-1199047.html Datenskandal Trumps Wahlerfolg und das Facebook-Rätsel]||[[KUSHNER, JARED]] / [[BANNON, STEVE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA]] /
|20180320||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/cambridge-analytica-das-steckt-hinter-der-datenanalyse-firma-a-1198962.html Skandal um Datensammlung Was treibt eigentlich Cambridge Analytica?]||[[CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[MERCER, ROBERT]] / [[BANNON, STEVE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180315||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/421423-skripal-salisbury-trump-blames/ ‘Looks like Russians were behind spy poisoning’ - Trump]||[[SKRIPAL, SERGEJ]] / [[RU]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180313||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/421156-trump-pompeo-tillerson-relation/ Different mindset with Tillerson, good chemistry with Pompeo - Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[TILLERSON, REX]]
|20180313||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-03-13/trump-fires-personal-assistant-due-issue-his-background Trump Personal Assistant Fired, Escorted Out Of White House, Under Investigation For "Serious Financial Crimes"]||[[MCENTEE, JOHN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180313||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-persoenlicher-assistent-offenbar-aus-weissem-haus-eskortiert-a-1197916.html Nächster Rauswurf: Trumps persönlicher Assistent offenbar aus Weißem Haus eskortiert]||[[MCENTEE, JOHN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180313||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-entlaesst-rex-tillerson-cia-chef-mike-pompeo-uebernimmt-a-1197876.html USA Trump entlässt Außenminister Rex Tillerson]||[[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[TILLERSON, REX]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[HASPEL, GINA]] / [[CIA]]
|20180313||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/13/us/politics/trump-tillerson-pompeo.html Rex Tillerson Out as Trump’s Secretary of State, Replaced by Mike Pompeo]||[[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[TILLERSON, REX]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[HASPEL, GINA]] / [[CIA]]
|20180311||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2018/03/10/a-felon-pleaded-his-case-on-fox-friends-days-later-trump-pardoned-him/ A felon pleaded his case on ‘Fox & Friends.’ Days later, Trump pardoned him.]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201802 ===
|20180222||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/419506-trump-school-massacres-arming-teachers/ Trump suggests arming teachers & staff could prevent school massacres]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20180214||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2018/02/14/dana-rohrabacher-trump-russia-wikileaks-julian-assange/ Congressman Says He Tried to Brief Trump on WikiLeaks and Russia After Meeting With Julian Assange, But John Kelly Blocked Him]||[[ROHRABACHER, DANA]] / [[JOHNSON, CHARLES]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180212||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/418593-trump-budget-trillions-wars/ Trump back to slamming Middle East wars as he pushes infrastructure spending]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20180210||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/418380-trump-unable-declasify-democratic-memo/ ‘National security concerns’: Trump returns ‘sensitive’ memo to House Democrats for revision]||[[SCHIFF, ADAM]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180206||people.com||[http://people.com/politics/apprentice-creators-donald-trump-scam/ 'What We Did Was a Scam': The Apprentice Creators Give Behind the Scenes Reveal of Trump's Show]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180203||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-das-memo-zum-fbi-wie-belastbar-ist-das-geheimpapier-wirklich-a-1191249.html Trump versus FBI Der Memo-Krieg]||[[FISA]] / [[NUNES, DEVIN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180203||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-die-russland-affaere-fbi-chef-nimmt-mitarbeiter-in-schutz-a-1191276.html Memo zur Russlandaffäre FBI-Chef nimmt Mitarbeiter in Schutz]||[[FBI]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[WRAY, CHRISTOPHER]]
|20180202||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-02-02/fisa-memo-released-heres-what-it-says FISA Memo Released: Here's What It Says]||[[NUNES, DEVIN]] / [[FBI]] / [[FISA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180201||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-02-01/trump-release-memo-friday-morning-without-redactions Trump to Release Memo Friday Morning Without Redactions]||[[FBI]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201801 ===
|20180131||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-fbi-warnt-vor-veroeffentlichung-von-geheimbericht-zur-russland-affaere-a-1190826.html Russland-Affäre FBI warnt vor Veröffentlichung von Geheimbericht]||[[US]] / [[FBI]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180130||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-30/second-trump-dossier-emerges-one-day-after-fisa-memo-vote Second "Trump Dossier" Emerges One Day After FISA Memo Vote]||[[SHEARER, CODY]] / [[FSB]] / [[STEELE, CHRISTOPHER]] / [[FUSION GPS]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180130||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-30/disinformation-dossier On Disinformation & The Dossier]||[[DISINFORMATION]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FUSION GPS]] / [[STEELE, CHRISTOPHER]] / [[PAGE, CARTER]]
|20180126||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/soziales/donald-trump-in-davos-selbstgespraech-statt-dialog-a-1190070.html Donald Trump in Davos Selbstgespräch auf der Weltbühne]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180125||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-24/trump-officially-restores-cold-war Trump Officially Restores Cold War]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[CN]]
|20180118||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/416233-trump-fake-news-awards/ Trump reveals ‘Fake News Awards,’ website crashes]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FAKE NEWS]]
|20180117||gop.com||[https://gop.com/the-highly-anticipated-2017-fake-news-awards/ The Highly-Anticipated 2017 Fake News Awards]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FAKE NEWS]]
|20180113||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/415784-moby-trump-cia-russia-collusion/ ‘CIA friends’ asked Moby to spread word of Trump-Russia collusion on social media]||[[MOBY]] / [[CIA]] / [[TWITTER]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RU]]
|20180113||bbc.com||[http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-42670715 Donald Trump must apologise for comments - African Union]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RACISM]]
|20180112||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-edge/415739-trump-may-us-uk-visit/ Trump cancels UK visit… so much for the ‘special relationship’]||[[US-GB]] / [[US]] / [[GB]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180112||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-12/why-would-we-come-norwegians-respond-trumps-immigration-offer "Why Would We Come?" Norwegians Respond To Trump's Immigration Offer]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RACISM]] / [[NO]]
|20180112||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/415678-trump-visit-london-cancelled/ 'Security concerns’ or ugly embassy? Trump cancels UK visit with ANOTHER odd Tweet]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[GB]] / [[LONDON]]
|20180111||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-enthuellungen-ueber-russland-verbindungen-durch-christopher-steele-a-1187244.html "Steele-Dossier" über Trump "Von einer feindlichen Staatsmacht kompromittiert"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[STEELE, CHRISTOPHER]] / [[SIMPSON, GLENN]] / [[FUSION GPS]] / [[FEINSTEIN, DIANNE]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE]] / [[LEVY, JOSHUA]]
|20180111||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/415549-assange-trump-crackdown-whistleblowers/ ‘Trump intensified war on whistleblowers, wants Assange’s head on a platter’ – fmr CIA officer to RT]||[[KIRIAKOU, JOHN]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180111||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-befragung-in-russland-affaere-unwahrscheinlich-a-1187238.html Trump und die Russlandaffäre Befragung durch Ermittler Mueller "eher unwahrscheinlich"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[FBI]] / [[US]]
|20180108||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-donald-trump-droht-befragung-von-sonderermittlern-a-1186836.html Russlandaffäre Sonderermittler Mueller will Trump persönlich befragen]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[FBI]] / [[US]]
|20180108||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-verschiebt-fake-news-award-a-1186687.html Streit mit Medien Trump verschiebt "Fake News Award"]||[[FAKE NEWS]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180106||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-06/bizarre-tweetstorm-trump-defends-his-sanity-i-am-very-stable-genius In Bizarre Tweetstorm, Trump Defends His Sanity: "I Am A Very Stable Genius"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180106||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/trump-feiert-sich-selbst-als-mental-gefestigtes-genie-a-1186544.html Reaktion auf Skandalbuch Trump feiert sich selbst als "mental gefestigtes Genie"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180104||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/414969-blair-trump-spy-britain/ Did Britain spy on Trump? Tony Blair thinks so… or so he allegedly told a senior White House aide]||[[GB]] / [[BLAIR, TONY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[WOLFF, MICHAEL]]
|20180103||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/stephen-bannon-attackiert-donald-trump-junior-in-russlandaffaere-a-1186092.html Buch zur Russlandaffäre Steve Bannon attackiert Trump junior]||[[BANNON, STEVE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180103||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/414916-trump-bannon-lost-mind/ Trump disavows Bannon, says former campaign strategist ‘lost his mind’]||[[BANNON, STEVE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180103||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-reagiert-auf-kim-jong-un-mein-atomknopf-ist-groesser-als-seiner-a-1185950.html Trump reagiert auf Kims Drohung "Mein Atomwaffenknopf ist größer als seiner"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[JONG UN, KIM]] / [[KP]]
|20180103||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-us-praesident-verschaerft-wegen-russlandaffaere-kampagne-gegen-das-fbi-a-1185954.html Russland-Ermittlungen Trump verschärft seine Kampagne gegen das FBI]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FBI]] / [[ABEDIN, HUMA]] / [[COMEY, JAMES]]
|20180102||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-02/huma-abedin-forwarded-top-secret-passwords-yahoo-account-hacked-russian-odd-clinton Huma Abedin Forwarded Top Secret Passwords To Yahoo Account Hacked By Russian With Odd Clinton Connection]||[[ABEDIN, HUMA]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[RU]] / [[YAHOO]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
== 2017 ==
=== 201712 ===
|20171230||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2017/12/30/us/politics/how-fbi-russia-investigation-began-george-papadopoulos.html How the Russia Inquiry Began: A Campaign Aide, Drinks and Talk of Political Dirt]||[[PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE]] / [[MIFSUD, JOSEPH]] / [[RU]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CLOVIS, SAM]] / [[POLONSKAYA, OLGA]] / [[TIMOFEEV, IVAN]] / [[VALDAI DISCUSSION CLUB]] / [[IVANOV, IGOR S.]] / [[SESSIONS, JEFF]] / [[MILLER, STEPHEN]] / [[PAGE, CARTER]]
|20171224||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-24/wife-fusion-gps-founder-admits-her-husband-was-behind-fake-russiagate-story Wife Of Fusion GPS Founder Admits Her Husband Was Behind Fake "RussiaGate" Story]||[[STEELE, CHRISTOPHER]] / [[FUSION GPS]] / [[JACOBY, MARY]] / [[SIMPSON, GLENN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20171220||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-19/cold-cia-gesture-indicates-thawing-us-russia-ties In From The Cold: CIA Gesture Indicates Thawing US-Russia Ties]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]]
|20171218||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/413506-russia-china-us-competitors-strategy/ Trump’s new security strategy to keep Russia & China as main competitors]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[CN]]
|20171217||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/413459-putin-trump-cia-information/ Putin thanked Trump for CIA tip-off which helped Russia prevent terror attack]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FSB]] / [[CIA]] / [[ST. PETERSBURG]]
|20171217||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/413471-trump-russia-foil-terror/ Trump to Putin: US was glad to save many lives in Russia by helping foil major terrorist attack]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]]
|20171210||wnd.com||[http://www.wnd.com/2017/12/cia-veterans-spooks-know-names-of-dnc-leakers/ CIA veterans: Spooks know names of DNC leakers - 'WikiLeaks can't protect their sources – we have too many ways to uncover those sources']||[[DNC]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[RUSTMANN, FRED]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[ROHRABACHER, DANA]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20171206||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-erkennt-jerusalem-als-hauptstadt-israels-an-a-1182096.html Trotz Sorge um Stabilität im Nahen Osten Trump erkennt Jerusalem als Hauptstadt Israels an]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[IL]] / [[PS]] / [[JERUSALEM]]
|20171205||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-setzt-in-russlandaffaere-zur-offensive-an-a-1181730.html Russlandaffäre Trump ist noch lange nicht am Ende]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20171205||foreignaffairs.com||[https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/2017-12-05/how-stand-kremlin How to Stand Up to the Kremlin: Defending Democracy Against Its Enemies]||[[BIDEN, JOSEPH]] / [[CARPENTER, MICHAEL]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[RS]] / [[GE]] / [[UA]] / [[KG]] / [[MD]] / [[ME]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY]] / [[NL]] / [[IT]] / [[ES]] / [[CATALONIA]] / [[AFD]] / [[NORTHERN LEAGUE]] / [[LE PEN, MARINE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]]
|20171205||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/412013-trump-abbas-jerusalem-embassy/ Trump informs Abbas of intention to move US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[IL]] / [[PS]] / [[JERUSALEM]]
|20171201||ynetnews.com||[https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-4906642,00.html US intel sources warn Israel against sharing secrets with Trump administration]||[[IL]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20171201||zeit.de||[http://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2017-12/mike-pompeo-rex-tillerson-usa-aussenminister Mike Pompeo: Der Mann nach dem Rexit]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US STATE DEPARTMENT]] / [[TILLERSON, REX]]
=== 201711 ===
|20171130||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/rex-tillerson-us-aussenminister-soll-durch-cia-chef-mike-pompeo-ersetzt-werden-a-1181135.html "New York Times"-Bericht Ex Tillerson]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US STATE DEPARTMENT]] / [[TILLERSON, REX]]
|20171129||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-empoerung-ueber-anti-muslim-tweets-a-1180941.html Briten empört über Trumps Anti-Muslim-Tweets "Er ist weder ein Verbündeter noch ein Freund"]||[[FRANSEN, JAYDA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[GB]]
|20171129||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-retweetet-videos-rechtsextremer-politikerin-aus-grossbritannien-a-1180908.html Anti-Islam-Videos Donald Trump verbreitet Tweets britischer Rechtsextremistin ]||[[FRANSEN, JAYDA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20171120||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/410431-trump-declares-north-korea-terrorism/ Trump declares North Korea state sponsor of terrorism]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[KP]]
|20171115||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2017/11/15/wikileaks-julian-assange-donald-trump-jr-hillary-clinton/?comments=1 Julian Assange’s Hatred of Hillary Clinton Was No Secret. His Advice to Donald Trump Was.]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[BROWN, BARRETT]]
|20171114||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-fazit-der-asienreise-amerika-dankt-ab-a-1177835.html Fazit zu Trumps Asienreise Amerika dankt ab]||[[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20171113||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/409683-mnuchin-russia-election-impact/ ‘Nobody thinks Russia had impact on election’ – US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin]||[[MNUCHIN, STEVEN]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20171112||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/409608-trump-mixed-signals-russian-meddling/ Trump believed Putin ‘means it when he says no’ to meddling claims, now sides with US intel agencies]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20171107||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-begruesst-festnahmen-in-saudi-arabien-a-1176749.htmln Nach Dutzenden Festnahmen Trump stellt sich hinter saudischen König und Kronprinz]||[[SA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]]
|20171105||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/saudi-aramco-donald-trump-wirbt-fuer-boersenplatz-new-york-a-1176533.html Größter Börsengang der Welt Trump will Ölkonzern Saudi Aramco nach New York locken]||[[SA]] / [[SAUDI ARAMCO]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20171101||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-feuert-er-sonderermittler-robert-mueller-a-1175840.html Russlandaffäre Trumps mögliche Exit-Strategie]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]]
=== 201710 ===
|20171030||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-beklagt-hexenjagd-in-russland-affaere-a-1175542.html Vorwürfe gegen Ermittler Trump beklagt "Hexenjagd" in Russlandaffäre]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[FLYNN, MICHAEL]] / [[MANAFORT, PAUL]]
|20171027||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/john-f-kennedy-attentat-donald-trump-gibt-akten-nur-teilweise-frei-a-1174933.html Kennedy-Attentat US-Nationalarchiv gibt Geheimakten frei - aber nur teilweise]||[[KENNEDY, JOHN F.]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20171026||apnews.com||[https://apnews.com/020bfc7fb4d5438f9cd7c8c1695cf099/The-Latest:-Wikileaks-confirms-approach-from-Trump-campaign The Latest: Trump_ It’s disgrace Democrats paid for dossier]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20171019||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-richter-prueft-seine-geschaefte-a-1173795.html New York Richter befasst sich mit Trump-Deals]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20171015||nbcnews.com||[https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/president-trump-subpoenaed-over-sexual-misconduct-allegations-n810871 President Trump Subpoenaed Over Sexual Misconduct Allegations]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20171014||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/larry-flynt-porno-produzent-bietet-millionen-fuer-amtsenthebung-von-donald-trump-a-1172950.html Anzeige in "Washington Post" Porno-Produzent bietet zehn Millionen Dollar für Material gegen Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FLYNT, LARRY]]
|20171012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/fake-news-donald-trump-stellt-lizenz-fuer-tv-sender-nbc-infrage-a-1172520.html Kritik an Fake News Trump stellt Lizenzen für TV-Sender infrage]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FREEDOM OF PRESS]] / [[NBC]]
|20171001||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-watscht-rex-tillerson-wegen-nordkorea-ab-a-1170849.html "Zeitverschwendung" Nordkorea-Sondierungen - Trump brüskiert seinen Außenminister]||[[TILLERSON, REX]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[KP]]
=== 201709 ===
|20170924||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/sport/sonst/donald-trump-bekommt-gegenwind-aus-dem-sport-in-den-usa-a-1169548.html Sportler gegen Präsident Diesen Gegner hat Trump unterschätzt]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170921||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-muss-umfangreiche-unterlagen-zur-russland-affaere-herausgeben-a-1169013.html Sonderermittler zur Russland-Affäre Trump muss umfangreiche Unterlagen herausgeben]||[[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[COMEY, JAMES]] / [[FLYNN, MICHAEL]]
|20170920||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-die-russland-affaere-holt-den-us-praesidenten-wieder-ein-a-1168819.html USA Die Russland-Affäre holt Trump wieder ein]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170919||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-vor-der-uno-auszuege-aus-der-rede-a-1168800.html Trumps Rede im Wortlaut "Rocket Man On A Suicide Mission"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170919||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-droht-nordkorea-mit-voelliger-zerstoerung-a-1168745.html Rede vor der Uno Trump droht Nordkorea mit "völliger Zerstörung"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170919||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-bei-der-uno-vollversammlung-a-1168791.html Trump bei der Uno Amerika, Amerika. Und dann der Rest der Welt]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170919||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/403823-manafort-hacked-fbi-trump/ ‘Trump was right!’ Twitter goes wild after CNN admits FBI wiretapped Trump aide Manafort]||[[MANAFORT, PAUL]] / [[FBI]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20170918||wasshingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/the-presidential-pardon-power-is-not-absolute/2017/09/18/09d3497c-9ca5-11e7-9083-fbfddf6804c2_story.html?utm_term=.0f6e5b4edf97 Trump’s pardon of Arpaio can — and should — be overturned]||[[ARPAIO, JOE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170915||thehill.com||[http://thehill.com/policy/cybersecurity/350953-gop-rep-proposed-deal-with-white-house-on-wikileaks-report GOP rep proposed Assange pardon deal: report]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[ROHRABACHER, DANA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170915||washingtonexaminer.com||[http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/rep-dana-rohrabacher-someone-leaked-very-important-call-with-john-kelly-concerning-wikileaks/article/2634632 Rep. Dana Rohrabacher: Someone leaked 'very important' call with John Kelly concerning WikiLeaks]||[[ROHRABACHER, DANA]] / [[KELLY, JOHN]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170914||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-kongressabgeordnete-fordert-medizinische-untersuchung-interview-a-1167560.html Trumps Gesundheitszustand "Er erscheint verwirrt"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170909||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/402600-assange-climate-change-us/ ‘US taboo’: Assange rubbishes climate change denial in hurricane tweet]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CLIMATE]]
|20170904||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/401947-china-trump-trade-threat/ 'Unacceptable': China slams Trump's threat to end commerce with N. Korea's trade partners]||[[CN]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[KP]]
|20170902||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-us-ministerium-hat-keine-beweise-fuer-lauschangriff-auf-trump-tower-a-1165861.html USA Ministerium hat keine Beweise für Lauschangriff auf Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170902||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-robert-mueller-liegt-brief-zur-entlassung-von-james-comey-vor-a-1165802.html Entlassung von FBI-Chef Comey Sonderermittler untersucht Trump-Brief]||[[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[COMEY, JAMES]]
|20170901||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-vs-russland-donald-trump-uebt-kalten-krieg-a-1165596.html Konflikt zwischen USA und Russland Trump gibt den Kalten Krieger]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201708 ===
|20170831||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-edge/401638-russian-consulate-us-deepstate/ 'Russian consulate shutdown: Deep State victory or Trump’s attempt to avoid impeachment?']||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170831||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/401529-princess-diana-conspiracy-theories/ Trump to discuss Assange & DNC hack in Rohrabacher ‘rendezvous’]||[[ROHRABACHER, DANA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20170830||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/401440-trump-nkorea-talking-not-answer/ ‘Talking is not the answer’ for North Korea, Trump tweets]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[KP]]
|20170827||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-so-reagieren-die-usa-auf-die-begnadigung-von-sheriff-joe-arpaio-a-1164759.html Begnadigung für Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio Blankoscheck für Trumps Vasallen]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[ARPAIO, JOE]]
|20170824||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/400778-trump-blasts-clapper-lying-to-congress/ 'Lying to Congress': Trump lashes out at former spymaster over CNN comments]||[[CLAPPER, JAMES]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170823||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/400692-cia-agent-buy-twitter/ Outed CIA agent seeks to raise $1bn to buy Twitter and ban Trump]||[[PLAME WILSON, VALERIE]] / [[CIA]] / [[TWITTER]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170819||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/donald-trump-boerse-und-politik-fuerchten-den-trump-crash-a-1163609.html Regierungschaos in Washington Angst vor dem Trump-Crash]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[COHN, GARY]]
|20170818||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/400141-trump-cybercom-elevate-cocom/ Trump elevates US Cyber Command to independent status]||[[CYBERWAR]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170817||latimes.com||[http://www.latimes.com/politics/essential/la-pol-ca-essential-politics-updates-rep-dana-rohrabacher-met-with-1502940957-htmlstory.html California politics updates: Rohrabacher says he'll take info he learned from Julian Assange back to President Trump]||[[ROHRABACHER, DANA]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170816||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/air-berlin-fluggesellschaft-meldet-insolvenz-an-a-1162831.html Trumps Pressekonferenz im Wortlaut Die Verharmlosung des Hasses]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170816||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/399773-trump-north-korea-guam/ Kim Jong-un 'made very wise & well reasoned decision' over Guam - Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[KP]]
|20170816||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/donald-trump-nach-charlottesville-lehrstunde-in-nazi-verharmlosung-kolumne-a-1163074.html Trumps Pressekonferenz Lehrstunde in Nazi-Verharmlosung]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170815||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-relativiert-ausschreitungen-von-charlottesville-a-1163031.html Gewalt in Charlottesville Trump sieht Schuld weiter bei Rechten und Linken]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170814||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/399520-trump-statement-reaction-condemnation/ White House says Trump condemns KKK & neo-Nazis after Charlottesville statement backlash]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170814||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-zu-charlottesville-rassismus-ist-boese-a-1162838.html Trump zu Charlottesville "Rassismus ist böse"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170809||buzzfeed.com||[https://www.buzzfeed.com/albertonardelli/this-is-why-european-diplomats-think-donald-trump-is This Is What European Diplomats Really Think About Donald Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[EU]]
|20170808||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-chicago-verklagt-regierung-wegen-einwanderungspolitik-a-1161803.html Streit um Einwanderungspolitik Chicago klagt gegen Trump-Regierung]||[[CHICAGO]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170808||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-nur-ein-viertel-der-amerikaner-glaubt-nachrichten-aus-dem-weissen-haus-a-1161821.html Umfrage Nur jeder vierte Amerikaner glaubt Nachrichten aus dem Weißen Haus]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20170808||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-droht-nordkorea-indirekt-mit-militaerischer-gewalt-a-1161963.html Atomkonflikt Trump droht Nordkorea mit "Feuer, Wut und Macht"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[KP]]
|20170803||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-die-russland-sanktionen-liebesgruesse-an-moskau-a-1161126.html Trump und die Russland-Sanktionen Liebesgrüße an Moskau]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170802||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-unterschreibt-gesetz-zu-russland-sanktionen-a-1161078.html Weißes Haus Donald Trump unterschreibt Gesetz zu Russlandsanktionen]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[SANCTIONS]]
|20170802||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/398346-trump-russia-sanctions-flawed/ Trump: Newly-signed Russia sanctions law ‘significantly flawed’]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[SANCTIONS]]
|20170801||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-entlaesst-anthony-scaramucci-analyse-zum-chaos-im-weissen-haus-a-1160804.html Chaos im Weißen Haus Feuer frei]||[[SCARAMUCCI, ANTHONY]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201707 ===
|20170731||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-07-31/trump-saw-disturbing-video-then-he-shut-down-cias-covert-syria-program Trump Saw A Disturbing Video, Then He Shut Down The CIA's Covert Syria Program]||[[CIA]] / [[SY]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170721||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/21/us/politics/sean-spicer-resigns-as-white-house-press-secretary.html Sean Spicer Resigns as White House Press Secretary]||[[SPICER, SEAN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[SCARAMUCCI, ANTHONY]]
|20170721||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-natalija-wesselnizkaja-arbeitete-auch-fuer-den-fsb-a-1159195.html Russlandaffäre Trump-Kontakt war Anwältin des russischen Geheimdiensts FSB]||[[VESELNITSKAYA, NATALIA]] / [[FSB]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170816||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/donald-trump-nach-charlottesville-lehrstunde-in-nazi-verharmlosung-kolumne-a-1163074.html Trumps Pressekonferenz Lehrstunde in Nazi-Verharmlosung]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170719||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/19/us/politics/trump-interview-sessions-russia.html Citing Recusal, Trump Says He Wouldn’t Have Hired Sessions]||[[SESSIONS, JEFF]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170808||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-chicago-verklagt-regierung-wegen-einwanderungspolitik-a-1161803.html Streit um Einwanderungspolitik Chicago klagt gegen Trump-Regierung]||[[CHICAGO]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170719||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-ends-covert-cia-program-to-arm-anti-assad-rebels-in-syria-a-move-sought-by-moscow/2017/07/19/b6821a62-6beb-11e7-96ab-5f38140b38cc_story.html?utm_term=.6737d843efcf Trump ends covert CIA program to arm anti-Assad rebels in Syria, a move sought by Moscow]||[[SY]] / [[CIA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170808||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-nur-ein-viertel-der-amerikaner-glaubt-nachrichten-aus-dem-weissen-haus-a-1161821.html Umfrage Nur jeder vierte Amerikaner glaubt Nachrichten aus dem Weißen Haus]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20170712||huffingtonpost.com||[http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-clay-aiken-apprentice_us_5965370ae4b09b587d6307b4 Trump Didn’t Even Decide Who Got Fired On ‘The Apprentice,’ Clay Aiken Says - “NBC made those decisions,” the former contestant said.]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170808||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-droht-nordkorea-indirekt-mit-militaerischer-gewalt-a-1161963.html Atomkonflikt Trump droht Nordkorea mit "Feuer, Wut und Macht"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[KP]]
|20170803||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-die-russland-sanktionen-liebesgruesse-an-moskau-a-1161126.html Trump und die Russland-Sanktionen Liebesgrüße an Moskau]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170802||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-unterschreibt-gesetz-zu-russland-sanktionen-a-1161078.html Weißes Haus Donald Trump unterschreibt Gesetz zu Russlandsanktionen]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[SANCTIONS]]
|20170802||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/398346-trump-russia-sanctions-flawed/ Trump: Newly-signed Russia sanctions law ‘significantly flawed’]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[SANCTIONS]]
|20170801||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-entlaesst-anthony-scaramucci-analyse-zum-chaos-im-weissen-haus-a-1160804.html Chaos im Weißen Haus Feuer frei]||[[SCARAMUCCI, ANTHONY]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
=== 201707 ===
|20170731||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-07-31/trump-saw-disturbing-video-then-he-shut-down-cias-covert-syria-program Trump Saw A Disturbing Video, Then He Shut Down The CIA's Covert Syria Program]||[[CIA]] / [[SY]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170721||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/21/us/politics/sean-spicer-resigns-as-white-house-press-secretary.html Sean Spicer Resigns as White House Press Secretary]||[[SPICER, SEAN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[SCARAMUCCI, ANTHONY]]
|20170721||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-natalija-wesselnizkaja-arbeitete-auch-fuer-den-fsb-a-1159195.html Russlandaffäre Trump-Kontakt war Anwältin des russischen Geheimdiensts FSB]||[[VESELNITSKAYA, NATALIA]] / [[FSB]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170719||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-ends-covert-cia-program-to-arm-anti-assad-rebels-in-syria-a-move-sought-by-moscow/2017/07/19/b6821a62-6beb-11e7-96ab-5f38140b38cc_story.html?utm_term=.6737d843efcf Trump ends covert CIA program to arm anti-Assad rebels in Syria, a move sought by Moscow]||[[SY]] / [[CIA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170708||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/395702-trump-putin-meeting-tremendous/ Trump: Meeting with Putin was ‘tremendous’]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20170708||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/395702-trump-putin-meeting-tremendous/ Trump: Meeting with Putin was ‘tremendous’]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
Line 176: Line 1,917:
|20170518||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/388810-trump-russia-probe-greatest-witch-hunt/ Trump: Russia probe is greatest witch hunt of a politician in US history]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[RU]]
|20170518||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/388810-trump-russia-probe-greatest-witch-hunt/ Trump: Russia probe is greatest witch hunt of a politician in US history]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[RU]]
|20170518||cosmopolitan.com||[http://www.cosmopolitan.com/politics/a9653830/cassandra-fairbanks-donald-trump-deplorable/ Cassandra Fairbanks Loved Bernie Sanders. Now She's a Donald Trump Superfan.]||[[FAIRBANKS, CASSANDRA]] / [[SPUTNIK]] / [[CERNOVICH, MIKE]] / [[SANDERS, BERNIE]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170517||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/house-majority-leader-to-colleagues-in-2016-i-think-putin-pays-trump/2017/05/17/515f6f8a-3aff-11e7-8854-21f359183e8c_story.html House majority leader to colleagues in 2016: ‘I think Putin pays’ Trump]||[[MCCARTHY, KEVIN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RU]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[ROHRABACHER, DANA]]
|20170517||gulli.com||[http://www.gulli.com/news/28319-michael-moore-dokumentation-ueber-donald-trump-mit-grossen-ambitionen-in-arbeit-2017-05-17 Michael Moore: Dokumentation über Donald Trump mit großen Ambitionen in Arbeit]||[[MOORE, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170517||gulli.com||[http://www.gulli.com/news/28319-michael-moore-dokumentation-ueber-donald-trump-mit-grossen-ambitionen-in-arbeit-2017-05-17 Michael Moore: Dokumentation über Donald Trump mit großen Ambitionen in Arbeit]||[[MOORE, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
Line 224: Line 1,969:
|20170509||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/09/us/politics/james-comey-fired-fbi.html?smid=tw-nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=0 F.B.I. Director James Comey Is Fired by Trump]||[[US]] / [[COMEY, JAMES]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170509||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/09/us/politics/james-comey-fired-fbi.html?smid=tw-nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=0 F.B.I. Director James Comey Is Fired by Trump]||[[US]] / [[COMEY, JAMES]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170508||vanityfair.com||[https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/05/eric-trump-russia-investment-golf-course From Russia With Love: Eric Trump Reportedly Bragged About Access to $100 Million in Russian Money - “We don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.]||[[TRUMP, ERIC]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RU]]
Line 566: Line 2,313:
|20161230||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-lobt-wladimir-putin-ich-wusste-immer-dass-er-smart-ist-a-1128098.html Ärger um US-Sanktionen Trump schwärmt von Putin]||[[US]] / [[RU]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20161230||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-lobt-wladimir-putin-ich-wusste-immer-dass-er-smart-ist-a-1128098.html Ärger um US-Sanktionen Trump schwärmt von Putin]||[[US]] / [[RU]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20161229||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/372114-trump-russia-sanctions-hack/ Russia sanctions? Trump says US needs to ‘get on with our lives’ instead]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RU]] / [[SANCTIONS]]
|20161223||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/371524-trump-putin-holiday-letter/ ‘So correct’: Trump responds to Putin’s holiday letter]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20161223||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/371524-trump-putin-holiday-letter/ ‘So correct’: Trump responds to Putin’s holiday letter]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
Line 777: Line 2,526:
|20161025||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/364094-trump-obama-investigated-emails/ Obama should be investigated over Clinton emails – Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161025||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/364094-trump-obama-investigated-emails/ Obama should be investigated over Clinton emails – Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]]
|20161025||thedailybeast.com||[http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/10/24/inside-donald-trump-s-one-stop-parties-attendees-recall-cocaine-and-very-young-models.html ‘So Much Fun’: Inside Donald Trump’s One-Stop Parties: Attendees Recall Cocaine and Very Young Models]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20161024||thedailybeast.com||[http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2016/10/24/inside-donald-trump-s-one-stop-parties-attendees-recall-cocaine-and-very-young-models.html ‘So Much Fun’: Inside Donald Trump’s One-Stop Parties: Attendees Recall Cocaine and Very Young Models]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PLAZA HOTEL NEW YORK]] / [[COCAINE]]
|20161018||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/kino/michael-moore-veroeffentlicht-film-ueber-donald-trump-a-1117246.html Überraschende Filmpremiere "Michael Moore in Trumpland"]||[[MOORE, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20161018||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/kino/michael-moore-veroeffentlicht-film-ueber-donald-trump-a-1117246.html Überraschende Filmpremiere "Michael Moore in Trumpland"]||[[MOORE, MICHAEL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
Line 930: Line 2,679:
|20160625||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/348390-erdogan-trump-tower-istanbul/ Erdogan calls for swift removal of Trump name from Istanbul Towers over The Donald’s - ‘Islamophobia’]||[[ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20160625||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/348390-erdogan-trump-tower-istanbul/ Erdogan calls for swift removal of Trump name from Istanbul Towers over The Donald’s - ‘Islamophobia’]||[[ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20160624||jezebel.com||[https://jezebel.com/heres-how-that-wild-lawsuit-accusing-trump-of-raping-a-1782447083 Here's How That Wild Lawsuit Accusing Trump of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl Hit The Headlines]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20160624||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/348161-trump-scotland-brexit-praise/ Trump on Brexit: EU break-up on the cards, people want their borders back]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[BREXIT]]
|20160624||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/348161-trump-scotland-brexit-praise/ Trump on Brexit: EU break-up on the cards, people want their borders back]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[BREXIT]]
Line 1,074: Line 2,825:
|20150813||dilbert.com||[http://blog.dilbert.com/post/126589300371/clown-genius Clown Genius]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20150813||dilbert.com||[http://blog.dilbert.com/post/126589300371/clown-genius Clown Genius]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20150106||dailymail.co.uk||[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2897836/How-Prince-Andrew-s-sex-abuser-friend-Jeffrey-Epstein-kept-list-nicknamed-Holy-Grail-great-good-Bill-Clinton-Tony-Blair-Mick-Jagger-Donald-Trump.html Revealed: Bill Clinton, Mick Jagger and Donald Trump were in black book of Prince Andrew’s sex abuser friend Jeffrey Epstein]||[[EPSTEIN, JEFFREY]] / [[CLINTON, BILL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
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* https://cryptome.org/2016-info/trump-protect/trump-protect-01.htm
* https://cryptome.org/2016-info/trump-protect/trump-protect-01.htm
= Videos =
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yW8nIA33-zY Full Presidential Debate: President Trump and Joe Biden / WSJ]
* 20210120 Departure Ceremony https://youtu.be/9dN50YBrB3U
= Resources =
= Resources =
Line 1,115: Line 2,873:
* https://narf-archive.com/pix/666f709c44fd0df311a10a50c1f7e4048a4ff97f.webm
* https://narf-archive.com/pix/666f709c44fd0df311a10a50c1f7e4048a4ff97f.webm
* https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/778016283342307328
* https://twitter.com/DonaldJTrumpJr/status/778016283342307328
* https://bsky.app/profile/trumpjet.grndcntrl.net
[[Category:Persons]] [[Category:US]]
[[Category:Persons]] [[Category:US]]

Latest revision as of 08:18, 9 September 2024



Date Source Title Tags
20240908 rt.com Putin has offended me – Trump / The US presidential candidate has said he doesn’t know why Putin has “endorsed” his rival TRUMP, DONALD
20240830 zerohedge.com Tulsi Gabbard Reveals The Real Reason Behind Endorsing Trump: 'This Is Personal For Me' GABBARD, TULSI / TRUMP, DONALD
20240813 apnews.com News outlets were leaked insider material from the Trump campaign. They chose not to print it TRUMP, DONALD
20240812 zerohedge.com Big Question: How Are Ukraine Stakeholders, CIA, & The US Intel Community Going To Stop Donald Trump? TRUMP, DONALD
20240728 spiegel.de »Ihr werdet nicht mehr wählen müssen« - Trump provoziert mit Äußerung zu Wahl in vier Jahren / Sie sollen für ihn stimmen, nur einmal, rief US-Präsidentschaftskandidat Donald Trump konservativen Christen zu. Beim nächsten Mal sei dies dann nicht mehr erforderlich. Empörte Reaktionen folgen prompt. TRUMP, DONALD
20240719 zerohedge.com Secret Service Whistleblowers Emerge Following Trump Assassination Attempt TRUMP, DONALD / US SECRET SERVICE
20240715 spiegel.de US-Republikaner vor dem Parteitag in Milwaukee / »Liebe« und »Frieden« – Trumps überraschende neue Rhetorik / Der Anschlag auf Donald Trump hat dem Wahlkampf eine merkwürdige Windstille beschert: Der Ex-Präsident hält sich zurück, auch viele Republikaner geben sich gemäßigt. Ist es ihnen wirklich ernst? TRUMP, DONALD
20240714 spiegel.de Schüsse auf Trump: FBI gibt Identität des mutmaßlichen Täters bekannt: 20 Jahre alt, aus einer Vorstadt von Pittsburgh, registrierter Republikaner: Was über den Mann bekannt ist, der die Schüsse auf Donald Trump abgegeben haben soll. TRUMP, DONALD / CROOKS, THOMAS MATTHEW
20240714 spiegel.de Trump über Attacke »Ich spürte sofort, wie sich die Kugel durch die Haut bohrte« / Donald Trump äußert sich selbst zu dem Angriff auf ihn: Er sei von einer Kugel am Ohr getroffen worden, es sei viel Blut geflossen. Die Schilderungen verbindet er mit Dank an den Secret Service. TRUMP, DONALD
20240714 spiegel.de Schüsse bei Wahlkampfauftritt in Pennsylvania / Attentat auf Donald Trump – was über den Angriff bekannt ist TRUMP, DONALD
20240711 rt.com NATO more nervous about Biden than Trump – Politico / The bloc’s members are fretting over the US president’s gaffes while ignoring the implications of a win by the GOP candidate NATO / BIDEN, JOSEPH / TRUMP, DONALD
20240711 politico.com ‘You’re worried if he knows which direction he’s going’: Nervous world leaders greet Biden at NATO - Biden’s solo press conference Thursday will be the most critical set piece of the NATO Summit, both for the president and the alliance. NATO / BIDEN, JOSEPH / TRUMP, DONALD
20240606 rt.com US spy community fears being jailed by Trump – ex-FBI official / Andrew McCabe has suggested that former intel and law enforcement officials may have to flee the country MCCABE, ANDREW / FBI / TRUMP, DONALD
20240531 manager-magazin.de "Wir werden reicher, wenn er gewinnt" Diese Milliardäre stützen Donald Trump TRUMP, DONALD
20240531 spiegel.de Schuldig in allen 34 Anklagepunkten: Donald Trumps Tochter Ivanka war selbst nicht im Gerichtssaal, meldet sich aber via Instagram zu Wort. Auch Stormy Daniels reagiert emotional – aber wohl aus anderen Gründen. Die News. TRUMP, DONALD
20240531 spiegel.de Neuland für die US-Justiz Donald Trump im Gefängnis? Der Secret Service käme mit / Auch in Haft hätte Donald Trump als ehemaliger US-Präsident Anrecht auf Personenschutz. Juristen machen sich nun Gedanken, wie der Ernstfall aussehen könnte. TRUMP, DONALD
20240530 rt.com Musk and Trump in secret talks – WSJ / The ex-president and Tesla CEO are exploring ways of giving the billionaire “formal input and influence” on government policies MUSK, ELON / TRUMP, DONALD
20240530 spiegel.de Trump in Schweigegeld-Prozess in allen Punkten schuldig gesprochen / Nach zweitägiger Beratung sind die Geschworenen zu einem einstimmigen Urteil gekommen: Donald Trump ist schuldig gesprochen, die Schweigegeldzahlung an die Pornodarstellerin Stormy Daniels vertuscht zu haben. TRUMP, DONALD
20240530 spiegel.de Verteidigung von Charkiw Biden erlaubt Ukraine begrenzten Einsatz von US-Waffen in Russland / Kurswechsel im Weißen Haus: US-Präsident Biden gibt der Ukraine grünes Licht, US-Waffen auch gegen Ziele in Russland einzusetzen – allerdings nur zur Verteidigung der ostukrainischen Großstadt Charkiw. US-RU / NATO / NATO-RU / TRUMP, DONALD
20240530 cnn.com Donald Trump guilty on all 34 felony charges TRUMP, DONALD
20240523 rt.com Kremlin comments on Putin-Trump ‘contacts’ / The statement follows a claim by the former US president that the Russian leader would release an American detainee “for me” KREMLIN / TRUMP, DONALD / GERSHKOVICH, EVAN / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20240514 foxnews.com Morning Glory: Trump’s veepstakes is close to wrapping up / Some very smart people have anointed North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum and it seems headed that way, but… TRUMP, DONALD
20240425 reuters.com Trump 2.0: How US allies are preparing for a second term TRUMP, DONALD
20240508 spiegel.de Schweigegeldprozess gegen Donald Trump / Und dann betritt Stormy Daniels den Saal – klack, klack, klack - Die Aussage von Ex-Pornodarstellerin Stormy Daniels im Prozess gegen Donald Trump war mit Spannung erwartet worden. Die Szenen im Gerichtssaal waren dann selbst für die Trump-Ära surreal. Der SPIEGEL war dabei. TRUMP, DONALD
20240503 rt.com pays fine for gag order violations / The former US president had been sanctioned for his public comments about his hush money trial TRUMP, DONALD
20240413 spiegel.de Erinnerungen eines US-Managers Trump sollte über China sprechen – polterte aber wohl lieber gegen Pornodarstellerin TRUMP, DONALD
20240413 rt.com Trump thought Ukraine ‘must be part of Russia’ – former adviser / Fiona Hill has claimed that the ex-president did not understand the concept of an independent Ukraine TRUMP, DONALD / UA
20240328 rt.com Trump richer than Soros – Bloomberg / The former US president’s net worth has jumped $4 billion this year, according to the agency’s Billionaires Index TRUMP, DONALD
20240323 spiegel.de Nach Urteil wegen Betrugs »Habe fast 500 Millionen Dollar in Cash« – Trump widerspricht eigenen Anwälten TRUMP, DONALD
20240317 rt.com Zelensky ‘one of the greatest salesmen in history’ – Trump / The White House should stop giving Kiev cash and start lending it, the former US president has insisted TRUMP, DONALD / ZELENSKY, VOLODYMYR
20240315 rt.com Trump ordered CIA operation against China – report / The social media influencing campaign was intended to foster ‘paranoia’ among top leaders in Beijing, Reuters reported CIA / TRUMP, DONALD / DISINFORMATION
20240217 spiegel.de Prozess in New York Trump zu Zahlung in Höhe von mehr als 350 Millionen Dollar verurteilt / In einem Betrugsverfahren musste sich Donald Trump vor einem Gericht in New York verantworten. Das Urteil kommt ihn teuer zu stehen. TRUMP, DONALD
20240126 spiegel.de Urteil in Zivilprozess Donald Trump muss 83,3 Millionen Dollar Schadensersatz an Autorin E. Jean Carroll zahlen TRUMP, DONALD
20240103 spiegel.de Kampf um Präsidentschaftskandidatur: Trump geht juristisch gegen Ausschluss von Vorwahlen in Maine vor TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20231216 rt.com Top secret Russia documents went missing, American spies claim / Former President Donald Trump wanted to declassify the files, but the FBI and CIA fought to prevent this TRUMP, DONALD / FBI / CIA / CLASSIFICATION / RUSSIAGATE / GRENELL, RICHARD
20231205 spiegel.de US-Wahlkampf / Wie eine Trump-Diktatur aussehen könnte - Loyale Justiz, gefügiges Militär, entmachteter Kongress: Donald Trump könnte nach einem Wahlsieg versuchen, in den USA als Alleinherrscher zu regieren. Wer kann ihn noch stoppen? TRUMP, DONALD / US
20231206 cnn.com New Trump admin would try to prosecute journalists, former Trump adviser says PATEL, KASH / TRUMP, DONALD
20231110 spiegel.de Ehemaliger US-Präsident Trump erwägt im Fall einer Wiederwahl FBI-Einsatz gegen seine Gegner TRUMP, DONALD
20231109 rt.com Trump open to Tucker Carlson for VP / The former Fox News host has “great common sense,” the ex-president has said TRUMP, DONALD / CARLSON, TUCKER
20230811 zerohedge.com Trump Coming Back Is Already Spooking Western Elites TRUMP, DONALD
20230810 zerohedge.com Federal Court Declares Trump A Flight Risk In Secret Subpoena Decision TRUMP, DONALD
20230809 theguardian.com Trump requests to review classified documents at Mar-a-Lago ahead of trial - Trump’s lawyers asked for a secure facility to be reinstalled at the same Mar-a-Lago club where he hoarded classified documents TRUMP, DONALD / SCIF
20230808 zerohedge.com Trump Trashes 'Bidenomics'; Asserts "I Care About Enriching Your Family" TRUMP, DONALD
20230403 spiegel.de Anklage gegen Ex-US-Präsident Trump will New Yorker Staatsanwalt »aufmischen« / Die Anklage steht, am Dienstag wird Donald Trump in New York vor Gericht erwartet. Im Vorfeld provoziert er Staatsanwalt Alvin Bragg – und könnte sich damit noch weiter schaden. TRUMP, DONALD
20230331 spiegel.de 24 Dollar oder mehr Trump nutzt Anklage zu Spendenaufruf TRUMP, DONALD
20230331 spiegel.de Schweigegeldaffäre um Pornodarstellerin Anklage gegen Trump soll wohl kommenden Dienstag verlesen werden TRUMP, DONALD
20230324 independent.co.uk Anger as Trump posts picture of himself wielding baseball bat next to Alvin Bragg’s head / Manhattan district attorney Alvin Bragg is leading probe into hush money payments allegedly made to Stormy Daniels TRUMP, DONALD
20230324 rt.com Trump warns of ‘death and destruction’ / The former president says there is potential for disastrous consequences if he’s changed by New York prosecutors TRUMP, DONALD
20230318 rt.com US security forces brace for possible Trump ‘arrest’ – media / The former leader could face charges as early as next week, multiple senior officials told US media TRUMP, DONALD
20230214 rt.com Trump wants firing squads and televised executions – Rolling Stone / While the former president’s team called the report “fake news,” Trump is a firm proponent of the death penalty TRUMP, DONALD
20230116 zerohedge.com Adam Schiff Admits Possible National Security Jeopardized With Biden Documents SCHIFF, ADAM / BIDEN, JOSEPH / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20221115 zerohedge.com Gen. Flynn Warns Of An FBI Perjury Trap For Trump, 'Like They Tried To Set Me Up' FLYNN, MICHAEL / FBI / TRUMP, DONALD
20220828 rollingstone.com Trump Bragged He Had ‘Intelligence’ on Macron’s Sex Life - The FBI seized a document with “info” on the French president during the Mar-a-Lago raid, and that has officials in both countries hunting for answers TRUMP, DONALD / MACRON, EMMANUEL
20220130 rt.com Trump says Biden sending troops to wrong border - Former US president urged Biden to secure US border first before “talking about invasions of other countries” TRUMP, DONALD



Date Source Title Tags
20211222 rt.com Trump reveals why he didn’t pardon Snowden or Assange TRUMP, DONALD / ASSANGE, JULIAN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20211215 msnbc.com Julian Assange extradition could mean even more legal trouble for Donald Trump - The WikiLeaks founder could say how much Trump knew about Russian election interference. ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / TRUMP, DONALD / FIGLIUZZI, FRANK


Date Source Title Tags
20210707 spiegel.de Ärger über gesperrte Accounts Trump verklagt Twitter, Facebook und Google TRUMP, DONALD / TWITTER / FACEBOOK / GOOGLE
20210701 vanityfair.com Oops: The Trump Organization Kept Literal Spreadsheets of Its Crimes TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20210120 rt.com Assange pardon could have been Trump’s lasting legacy. He failed to secure a place in history TRUMP, DONALD
20210120 spiegel.de Trumps finale Gnadenwelle Du kommst aus dem Gefängnis frei TRUMP, DONALD
20210120 zerohedge.com Trump Pardons Lil Wayne, Steve Bannon, But Not Himself, Or Julian Assange TRUMP, DONALD
20210120 rt.com Trump pardons ex-strategist Bannon & rapper Lil Wayne along with scores of others in 11th-hour clemency spree TRUMP, DONALD
20210120 whitehouse.gov Statement from the Press Secretary Regarding Executive Grants of Clemency TRUMP, DONALD
20210120 rt.com Trump declassifies ‘binder of materials’ related to Russiagate probe, but caves to FBI & keeps saucy bits secret TRUMP, DONALD / HASPEL, GINA
20210120 rt.com With time running out, pressure grows on Trump to pardon Assange amid reports aides persuaded him not to TRUMP, DONALD
20210119 whitehouse.gov Executive Order on Taking Additional Steps to Address the National Emergency with Respect to Significant Malicious Cyber-Enabled Activities TRUMP, DONALD
20210119 zerohedge.com Snowden And Assange: There Is Still Time For Trump To Do The Right Thing TRUMP, DONALD
20210119 rt.com Who will Trump pardon? As pundits and activists continue to make the case for Assange, Joe Exotic’s reportedly on the list TRUMP, DONALD
20210118 henrymakow.com We Told You Trump Was Sexually Compromised TRUMP, DONALD
20210118 cnn.com Trump to issue around 100 pardons and commutations Tuesday, sources say TRUMP, DONALD
20210117 nytimes.com Prospect of Pardons in Final Days Fuels Market to Buy Access to Trump - The president’s allies have collected tens of thousands of dollars — and potentially much more — from people seeking pardons. TRUMP, DONALD
20210116 rollingstone.com Trump Calls in Pillow Salesman to Discuss Possibility of Instituting Martial Law - Turns out you can have good ideas for pillows and still have bad opinions about fascism TRUMP, DONALD
20210116 spiegel.de Kurz vor Amtsende: Trump will Warenkauf aus China unterbinden TRUMP, DONALD / US / US-CN / US-CU / US-IR
20210115 zerohedge.com Trump Declassifies 'Foot-High' Stack Of Russiagate, Obamagate Documents; Set For Release Within Days TRUMP, DONALD
20210113 spiegel.de Neuer Herrschertypus "Social Media Leader" Trump hat via Twitter regiert TRUMP, DONALD
20210113 rt.com YouTube SUSPENDS Trump’s channel for ‘inciting violence,’ becoming 3rd major platform after Twitter & Facebook to do so YOUTUBE / TRUMP, DONALD
20210111 axios.com All the platforms that have banned or restricted Trump so far TRUMP, DONALD
20210109 spiegel.de Wegen »Anstiftung zum Aufstand« Demokraten wollen Impeachment einleiten TRUMP, DONALD
20210109 spiegel.de US-Präsident Twitter sperrt Trump-Account dauerhaft TRUMP, DONALD / TWITTER
20210107 rt.com Iraqi court issues ARREST WARRANT for Trump over killing of Soleimani & local militia leader IQ / TRUMP, DONALD
20210107 zerohedge.com "This Is An Emergency": Pelosi Calls For 25th Amendment To Be Invoked On Trump, Says Congress Prepared To Proceed With Impeachment TRUMP, DONALD
20210107 spiegel.de Ankündigung von Mark Zuckerberg Facebook und Instagram sperren Trumps Accounts bis zum Ende seiner Amtszeit TRUMP, DONALD / ZUCKERBERG, MARK / FACEBOOK / INSTAGRAM
20210107 zerohedge.com It's Over: Trump Promises "Orderly Transition" On Jan. 20 After Biden Win Certified TRUMP, DONALD



Date Source Title Tags
20201230 spiegel.de Uno-Menschenrechtsexperten Begnadigungen von Blackwater-Söldnern verstoßen gegen Völkerrecht TRUMP, DONALD
20201229 standard.co.uk Trump pardon for Julian Assange would ‘secure President’s legacy as defender of free speech’ - Nobel laureates TRUMP, DONALD / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20201224 cnn.com Trump issues 26 new pardons, including for Stone, Manafort and Charles Kushner TRUMP, DONALD
20201223 rt.com Caitlin Johnstone: EVERYONE was wrong about Trump JOHNSTONE, CAITLIN / TRUMP, DONALD
20201223 spiegel.de Trumps langsamer Abgang Er macht es schrecklich TRUMP, DONALD
20201223 rt.com Trump ‘killed justice’ with pardon of ‘war criminals’: Twitter erupts with disgust as Blackwater contractors walk free TRUMP, DONALD
20201216 rt.com ‘Drug dealers’ or whistleblowers? Report that Trump may pardon Silk Road founder Ulbricht sparks debate over who deserves clemency TRUMP, DONALD
20201216 rt.com ‘Too soon to give up’: Trump slams Senator Mitch McConnell for congratulating Biden, urges Republicans to ‘learn to fight’ TRUMP, DONALD
20201202 spiegel.de Presidential Records Act Klage gegen Trump soll Vernichtung von Schriftverkehr verhindern TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20201128 spiegel.de Todesstrafe in den USA Trumps Regierung erlaubt zusätzliche Hinrichtungsmethoden TRUMP, DONALD / US
20201120 spiegel.de Einladung an Abgeordnete aus Michigan Trumps neue Taktik für den Machterhalt TRUMP, DONALD
20201119 rt.com Trump lawyers allege ‘MASSIVE’ election fraud, point to sworn statements & efforts to threaten and silence them (VIDEO) GIULIANI, RUDOLPH W. / POWELL, SIDNEY / TRUMP, DONALD
20201115 nytimes.com Behind Trump’s Yearslong Effort to Turn Losing Into Winning TRUMP, DONALD
20201113 vanityfair.com Report: Trump Has Repeatedly Asked If He Can “Preemptively” Pardon Himself TRUMP, DONALD
20201111 rt.com & other spooks go full conspiracy theorist over suggestion ‘cornered’ Trump will indeed ‘DECLASSIFY EVERYTHING’ TRUMP, DONALD
20201110 zeroehdge.com Ex-CIA Chief Under Obama Urges Palace Coup Against Trump So He Doesn't "Declassify Everything" TRUMP, DONALD
20201104 rt.com Trump calls results ‘big WIN’ & accuses opponents of ‘trying to STEAL’ election, gets ‘misleading’ label from Twitter TRUMP, DONALD
20201104 spiegel.de "Offen gesagt, wir haben gewonnen" Trump reklamiert Wahlsieg – obwohl das Ergebnis nicht feststeht TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20201010 spiegel.de US-Außenminister Mike Pompeo will E-Mails von Hillary Clinton veröffentlichen TRUMP, DONALD / POMPEO, MIKE / CLINTON, HILLARY
20201006 rt.com ‘Don’t let Covid-19 dominate you’: Trump tells Americans to ‘get out’ & ‘be careful’ in first statement after hospital stay TRUMP, DONALD
20201006 spiegel.de Erkrankter US-Präsident Donald Trump ist aus Krankenhaus entlassen TRUMP, DONALD
20201006 telepolis.de Auf dem Narrenschiff TRUMP, DONALD
20201005 rt.com feel better than I did 20 years ago': Trump announces he's ready to leave the hospital Monday evening TRUMP, DONALD
20201005 spiegel.de Bulletin von Trumps Leibarzt US-Präsident ist noch nicht "über den Berg" - Trumps Behandlung könne im Weißen Haus fortgesetzt werden, sagt sein Arzt Sean Conley. Doch für eine endgültige Entwarnung sei es noch zu früh. TRUMP, DONALD
20201004 spiegel.de Corona-kranker US-Präsident Filmprofis halten Trumps Videobotschaft für bearbeitet TRUMP, DONALD
20201003 rt.com Trump does NOT require ‘any supplemental oxygen’, but started on Remdesivir antiviral therapy – White House physician TRUMP, DONALD
20201003 rt.com White House superspreader event? Sens. Thom Tillis & Mike Lee, ex-Trump aide Kellyanne Conway latest to test positive for Covid-19 TRUMP, DONALD / WHITE HOUSE
20201002 rt.com Trump's campaign was half dead. Catching Covid might just be the boost he needs to win the election TRUMP, DONALD
20201002 zerohedge.com Trump Faking COVID-19 Result To Escape The Debate: Conspiracy Theorists TRUMP, DONALD
20201002 zerohedge.com Trump Faking Covid? Michael Moore, Other Leftists Peddle New Conspiracy Theory TRUMP, DONALD / MOORE, MICHAEL
20201002 zerohedge.com Trump Heads To Walter Reed Military Hospital As "Precautionary Measure" TRUMP, DONALD
20201002 spiegel.de Erkrankter US-Präsident Trump soll mehrere Nächte im Krankenhaus verbringen TRUMP, DONALD
20201002 spiegel.de Nach Corona-Infektion Trump setzt persönliche Wahlkampfauftritte aus TRUMP, DONALD
20201002 rt.com Trump being moved to Walter Reed military hospital as 'precautionary measure' for Covid-19, White House says TRUMP, DONALD
20201002 rt.com Trump ‘fatigued but in good spirits’ after Covid diagnosis, treated with experimental antibody cocktail – doctor TRUMP, DONALD
20201002 spiegel.de Corona-Test bei US-Präsident Trump zeigt offenbar leichte Symptome TRUMP, DONALD
20201002 spiegel.de US-Präsident mit Corona infiziert Auf diesen Terminen war Trump zuletzt TRUMP, DONALD
20201002 spiegel.de Donald Trump hat Covid-19 Der amerikanische Patient TRUMP, DONALD
20201002 rt.com Trump & Melania ‘will begin quarantine process’ pending test results after close aide Hope Hicks contracts Covid-19 TRUMP, DONALD
20201002 spiegel.de US-Präsident infiziert Donald und Melania Trump positiv auf Corona getestet TRUMP, DONALD / TRUMP, MELANIA / COVID-19


Date Source Title Tags
20200930 zerohedge.com "Will You Shut Up Man?" - Debate Post-Mortem: Trump Dominant But Biden Better Than Expected TRUMP, DONALD / BIDEN, JOSEPH
20200929 spiegel.de Steuervorwürfe gegen Trump Präsident im Schuldenpalast TRUMP, DONALD
20200927 theguardian.com Six key findings from the New York Times' Trump taxes bombshell TRUMP, DONALD
20200927 theguardian.com New York Times publishes details of Donald Trump's tax returns TRUMP, DONALD
20200918 scmp.com Trump offered to pardon Assange if he provided source for Democratic emails, London court hears TRUMP, DONALD / ROHRABACHER, DANA / JOHNSON, CHARLES / ASSANGE, JULIAN / DNC
20200918 rt.com Trump offered Julian Assange a PARDON deal in return for 2016 DNC emails source disclosure, lawyer says TRUMP, DONALD / ROHRABACHER, DANA / JOHNSON, CHARLES / ASSANGE, JULIAN / DNC
20200917 rt.com Trump announces creation of national '1776 Commission' to promote 'patriotic education' TRUMP, DONALD
20200917 scmp.com ‘I was in his grip’: Donald Trump’s latest sexual assault accuser details incident at US Open tennis tournament DORRIS, AMY / TRUMP, DONALD
20200916 scmp.com Trump: Americans will develop ‘herd mentality’, coronavirus vaccine weeks away TRUMP, DONALD
20200915 scmp.com Trump ad asks people to support US troops. But it uses a picture of Russian jets TRUMP, DONALD
20200912 theguardian.com Trump attacks Robert Mueller's 'hit squad' in row over 'wiped' phones TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT / FBI / HOROWITZ, MICHAEL / STRZOK, PETER / DURHAM, JOHN
20200909 rt.com CNNgate? CNN chief Jeff Zucker offered Trump ‘WEEKLY SHOW’ & gave ‘the boss’ tips for presidential debate in leaked 2016 audio ZUCKER, JEFF / CNN / TRUMP, DONALD
20200909 spiegel.de Neues Woodward-Buch Trump kannte angeblich schon im Februar die tödliche Corona-Gefahr TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20200904 scmp.com Donald Trump tells supporters to try to vote twice, sparking uproar TRUMP, DONALD
20200824 spiegel.de "Vanity Fair"-Bericht Ehemaliger Trump-Anwalt Cohen soll Buchmanuskript im Gefängnis verbrannt haben COHEN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20200820 spiegel.de Trump über QAnon-Verschwörungstheoretiker "Sie mögen mich offensichtlich" TRUMP, DONALD / QANON
20200818 spiegel.de Trump-Brief an Putin "Ich bin ein großer Fan" TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20200818 spiegel.de Bericht zu russischer Manipulation der US-Wahl "Offen für Einflussnahme und Manipulation" TRUMP, DONALD / MANAFORT, PAUL / STONE, ROGER / MUELLER, ROBERT
20200818 rt.com If not Flynn or Snowden, then who? Trump teases upcoming pardon for ‘VERY IMPORTANT’ person TRUMP, DONALD
20200816 spiegel.de Whistleblower Trump will Begnadigung von Snowden prüfen TRUMP, DONALD / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20200816 rt.com ‘Seems to be a split decision’: Trump says he’ll take ‘a very good look’ at idea of pardoning Snowden TRUMP, DONALD / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20200815 theguardian.com Trump says he will 'take a look' at pardon for Edward Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / TRUMP, DONALD
20200815 nytimes.com Trump Says He’ll Look Into a Pardon for Edward Snowden TRUMP, DONALD / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20200815 zerohedge.com Trump To Pardon Edward Snowden? TRUMP, DONALD / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20200814 spiegel.de Mohammed bin Zayed schließt Frieden mit Israel Der Schattenherrscher TRUMP, DONALD / BIN ZAYED AL-NAHYAN, MOHAMED / AE
20200814 spiegel.de Kein Geld für die Post US-Präsident Trump räumt Blockade der Briefwahl offen ein TRUMP, DONALD / US
20200813 nypost.com Trump: ‘A lot of people’ think Edward Snowden ‘not being treated fairly’ SNOWDEN, EDWARD / TRUMP, DONALD
20200813 rt.com Trump says ‘historic’ Israel-UAE deal on diplomatic ties will ‘suspend’ Israeli annexation of Palestinian lands IL / PS / AE / TRUMP, DONALD
20200809 nytimes.com Feature: Unwanted Truths: Inside Trump’s Battles With U.S. Intelligence Agencies - Last year, intelligence officials gathered to write a classified report on Russia’s interest in the 2020 election. An investigation from the magazine uncovered what happened next. TRUMP, DONALD / DNI / CIA
20200806 spiegel.de Kinder und das Virus "Schädliche" Falschinformation - Facebook und Twitter gehen gegen Trump-Beitrag vor TRUMP, DONALD / FACEBOOK / TWITTER
20200805 rt.com Covid-19 misinformation’: Facebook scrubs Trump post stating children ‘virtually immune’ to coronavirus TRUMP, DONALD / MISINFORMATION / FACEBOOK / TWITTER
20200802 zerohedge.com Deutsche Bank Launches Investigation Into Personal Banker To Trump, Kushner Over 2013 Transaction VRABLIC, ROSEMARY / DEUTSCHE BANK / TRUMP, DONALD / KUSHNER, JARED


Date Source Title Tags
20200730 rt.com Trump says US won’t protect Germany as it ‘pays Russia billions for energy’ in 1st tweet after Pentagon announces troop withdrawal US ARMY / DE / TRUMP, DONALD
20200722 spiegel.de Trump says ‘always possible’ he’ll shut down more Chinese consulates after Beijing vows retaliation for Houston facility closure TRUMP, DONALD / US-CN
20200722 spiegel.de Fall Jeffrey Epstein Trump wünscht Ghislaine Maxwell alles Gute MAXWELL, GHISLAINE / TRUMP, DONALD
20200716 zerohedge.com Trump Secretly Authorized CIA To Run "Very Aggressive" Cyberwar Ops With No Oversight TRUMP, DONALD / US / CYBERWAR / CIA
20200711 rt.com Trump wants Christopher Steele, UK spy behind ‘Russiagate’ dossier ‘tried and thrown into jail’ TRUMP, DONALD / STEELE, CHRISTOPHER
20200711 heise.de Trump bestätigt Cyberangriff gegen Russland 2018 - US-Präsident Donald Trump bestätigt im Interview einen Cyberangriff gegen Russland. Die Einmischung Russlands zugunsten von Trump bestreitet der Präsident. INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY / CYBERWAR / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20200711 reuters.com 'A free man': Trump commutes longtime adviser Roger Stone's prison sentence TRUMP, DONALD / STONE, ROGER
20200708 the-sun.com TRUMP ‘NAMED’ Epstein ‘victim’ alleges she was ‘paraded in front of Trump at Mar-a-Lago when she was 14’, lawsuit claims EPSTEIN, JEFFREY / MAXWELL, GHISLAINE / TRUMP, DONALD
20200702 spiegel.de US-Präsident missachtet Urheberrecht Twitter entfernt Foto aus Trump-Tweet TRUMP, DONALD
20200701 spiegel.de Laut CNN-Bericht: Trump beleidigte Merkel CNN / TRUMP, DONALD / MERKEL, ANGELA
20200701 spiegel.de Streit in den USA um Kopfgeld-Affäre Trump brüskiert das Militär TRUMP, DONALD / TALIBAN


Date Source Title Tags
20200618 businessinsider.com Trump said journalists deserve to be executed during a meeting with former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, according to a former aide TRUMP, DONALD
20200612 scmp.com Donald Trump authorises sanctions against International Criminal Court TRUMP, DONALD / POMPEO, MIKE / ICC
20200606 politicsusa.com Trump Contaminates Swab Factory By Refusing To Wear A Mask TRUMP, DONALD
20200606 cnn.com Is the US still the world's moral leader? Not after what Trump just did this week US / TRUMP, DONALD
20200605 spiegel.de Bürgerrechtler verklagen Trump wegen Polizeieinsatzes gegen Demonstranten TRUMP, DONALD
20200603 spiegel.de US-Wahl 2020 Donald Trumps Strategien für den Staatsstreich TRUMP, DONALD
20200602 spiegel.de Möglicher Militäreinsatz gegen Demonstranten Trump spielt Diktator TRUMP, DONALD / US
20200602 spiegel.de Rede vor dem Weißen Haus Trump droht mit Einsatz des Militärs gegen US-Bürger US / TRUMP, DONALD
20200602 theguardian.com Trump threatens to deploy army as teargas fired so he can pose at church TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20200530 spiegel.de Nach Protesten gegen Polizeigewalt New Yorks Bürgermeister verurteilt harten Polizei-Einsatz in seiner Stadt US / DE BLASIO, BILL / TRUMP, DONALD
20200530 scmp.com Donald Trump says the US is ‘terminating’ its relationship with the World Health Organisation TRUMP, DONALD / US / WHO
20200529 rt.com ‘When the looting starts, the shooting starts’: Trump says military is ready to act against Minneapolis ‘THUGS’ MINNEAPOLIS / TRUMP, DONALD
20200528 whitehouse.gov Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship US / TRUMP, DONALD / SOCIAL MEDIA / FREEDOM OF SPEECH
20200528 rt.com Two can play Section 230 game: Trump’s EO uses key statute against social media censorship SOCIAL MEDIA / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20200528 spiegel.de Nach Twitter-Disput Weißes Haus kündigt Trump-Verfügung zu sozialen Medien an TWITTER / TRUMP, DONALD
20200527 zerohedge.com Trump To Sign Social Media Executive Order On Thursday After 'Fact-Check', Political Bias Exposed TRUMP, DONALD
20200527 spiegel.de Behauptungen über Briefwahl Twitter zerpflückt Trump-Tweet in erstem Faktencheck TWITTER / TRUMP, DONALD
20200526 zerohedge.com In Unprecedented Move, Twitter Tags Trump Tweets As 'Misinformation TWITTER / TRUMP, DONALD
20200522 spiegel.de Auch bei zweiter Viruswelle Weißes Haus schließt neuen Lockdown der USA aus TRUMP, DONALD / US
20200519 spiegel.de Kritik an Trumps fragwürdiger Corona-Prophylaxe "Leichtsinnig, einfach leichtsinnig" TRUMP, DONALD
20200516 zerohedge.com Trump Fires Obama-Appointed State Department IG. TRUMP, DONALD / LINICK, STEVE / POMPEO, MIKE
20200514 rt.com ‘We’ll cut off the whole relationship’ – Trump throws some signature shade at China in new interview TRUMP, DONALD / US-CN / ATTRIBUTION


Date Source Title Tags
20200424 rt.com No, Trump did NOT suggest injecting disinfectant to treat Covid-19 TRUMP, DONALD
20200424 politico.com Trump owes tens of millions to the Bank of China — and the loan is due soon BANK OF CHINA / TRUMP, DONALD
20200424 rt.com Trump says his 'injecting disinfectant' comments about Covid-19 were 'sarcastic question to reporters' (VIDEO) TRUMP, DONALD / US
20200424 bbc.com Coronavirus: Outcry after Trump suggests injecting disinfectant as treatment TRUMP, DONALD / US
20200419 spiegel.de Pandemie in den USA Trump droht China wegen Coronavirus mit Konsequenzen TRUMP, DONALD
20200418 spiegel.de Trumps Twitter-Attacken "Befreit Minnesota! Befreit Michigan!" TRUMP, DONALD
20200407 rt.com ‘WHO blew it!’ Trump accuses global health watchdog of being CHINA-CENTRIC despite ‘largely US-funded’ TRUMP, DONALD / WHO
20020404 theguardian.com 'I'm not going to do it': Trump rejects his own administration's advice on masks - The CDC has issued new guidance on wearing non-medical masks as a voluntary public health measure – and the first lady supports it TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20200304 spiegel.de Eigene Firma in der Coronakrise Donald Trump ruft die Deutsche Bank zu Hilfe TRUMP, DONALD / DEUTSCHE BANK
20200331 rt.com Russian Covid-19 aid plane to US: Putin asked Trump if he needed help & he accepted, Kremlin spokesman says RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20200327 spiegel.de USA und China in Coronakrise Trump und Xi beteuern Bereitschaft zur Zusammenarbeit JINPING, XI / TRUMP, DONALD
20200324 spiegel.de US-Regierung torpediert G7-Erklärung Streit über "Wuhan-Virus" G7 / TRUMP, DONALD / POMPEO, MIKE / ATTRIBUTION / COVID-19
20200324 spiegel.de Trump und die Coronakrise Präsident im Panikmodus TRUMP, DONALD / COVID-19 / US
20200318 rt.com US military ‘did not give it to ANYBODY’, coronavirus came from CHINA: Trump gets involved in bioweapon conspiracy spat ATTRIBUTION / COVID-19 / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20200228 spiegel.de Afghanistan Trump bestätigt baldige Unterzeichnung von Abkommen mit den Taliban TRUMP, DONALD / TALIBAN / AF
20200226 rt.com Acting DNI chief Grenell ‘was taking orders’ from Trump when he sought to secure Assange’s arrest, leaked call suggests TRUMP, DONALD / GRENELL, RICHARD / ASSANGE, JULIAN / SCHWARTZ, ARTHUR / FAIRBANKS, CASSANDRA
20200220 spiegel.de Wechsel nach DC Berlin-Botschafter Grenell wird Trumps Geheimdienstkoordinator DNI / GRENELL, RICHARD / TRUMP, DONALD
20200220 rt.com Trump ‘hitman’ Richard Grenell tapped to take over as US intelligence boss DNI / GRENELL, RICHARD / TRUMP, DONALD
20200219 tagesschau.de Vor Auslieferungsverfahren Assange beschuldigt Trump ASSANGE, JULIAN / ROHRABACHER, DANA / TRUMP, DONALD
20200219 bbc.com Julian Assange: Trump 'offered pardon for Russia denial' ASSANGE, JULIAN / ROHRABACHER, DANA / TRUMP, DONALD / GRISHAM, STEPHANIE / WHITE HOUSE
20200219 zerohegde.com Assange Lawyer Says Trump Offered Pardon For Exonerating Russia Over Leaks; White House Denies ASSANGE, JULIAN / ROHRABACHER, DANA / TRUMP, DONALD
20200219 theguardian.com Donald Trump 'offered Julian Assange a pardon if he denied Russia link to hack' ASSANGE, JULIAN / ROHRABACHER, DANA / KELLY, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD
20200219 bloomberg.com Assange Lawyers Say Trump Offered a Pardon If He ‘Played Ball’ ASSANGE, JULIAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20200217 theguardian.com Huawei row: Trump chief of staff to meet Dominic Cummings - Mick Mulvaney is expected to demand that UK drop Huawei from 5G networks TRUMP, DONALD / MULVANEY, MICK / HUAWEI
20200217 scmp.com US President Donald Trump warns Germany Huawei 5G deals will put intelligence sharing at risk TRUMP, DONALD / HUAWEI / GRENELL, RICHARD / DE
20200205 zerohedge.com Donald Trump Acquitted In Senate Impeachment Trial TRUMP, DONALD
20200205 rt.com Impeachment over: Senate votes to acquit Trump TRUMP, DONALD
20200205 spiegel.de Impeachment-Verfahren US-Senat spricht Trump von allen Vorwürfen frei TRUMP, DONALD
20200203 thedailybeast.com Leak: Man Who Bankrolled Brexit Boasted of WikiLeaks Backchannel BANKS, AARON / FARAGE, NIGEL / BREXIT / TRUMP, DONALD / CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA
20200202 rt.com Trump's ‘deal of the century’ contradicts UN resolutions - Kremlin TRUMP, DONALD / NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / IL / PS / UN / RU
20200201 theguardian.com Palestinian territories: Palestinians cut ties with Israel and US after rejecting Trump peace plan LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES / TRUMP, DONALD / PS / ABBAS, MAHMOUD
20200201 theguardian.com Donald Trump: Trump appears to confirm killing of al-Qaida leader in Yemen - New York Times reports Qassim al-Rimi of AQAP believed dead - President retweets intelligence analyst and reporter TRUMP, DONALD / TARGETED KILLING / AL-RIMI, QASSIM / AQAP
20200201 rt.com Arab League rejects Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ at Cairo summit with Abbas LEAGUE OF ARAB STATES / TRUMP, DONALD / PS / ABBAS, MAHMOUD


Date Source Title Tags
20200131 spiegel.de Trump-Impeachment Senatoren stimmen über zentrale Streitfragen ab TRUMP, DONALD
20200129 rt.com ‘Take it or leave it’: Trump’s empire-style plan to bring war rather than peace to Middle East TRUMP, DONALD / NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / IL / PS
20200129 spiegel.de Trumps Nahost-Vorhaben Ein Plan, der Zorn sät - Benjamin Netanyahu und Donald Trump feiern ihren Nahostplan. Doch das Vorhaben sorgt bei Palästinensern für Entsetzen - auch nicht alle Israelis halten es für eine gerechte Lösung. TRUMP, DONALD / NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / IL / PS
20200128 spiegel.de Abschlussplädoyer im Senat Trumps Verteidiger vergleichen Impeachment mit Putsch TRUMP, DONALD
20200128 rt.com 'Jerusalem is not for sale, your conspiracy deal will not pass' – Abbas reacts to Trump's Middle East peace deal TRUMP, DONALD / NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / US / IL / PS / ABBAS, MAHMOUD
20200128 spiegel.de Palästinenserpräsident Abbas lehnt Trumps Friedensplan als "Verschwörung" ab TRUMP, DONALD / NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / US / IL / PS / ABBAS, MAHMOUD
20200128 rt.com ‘Deal of the century’: What’s in Trump’s peace plan for Israel and Palestine TRUMP, DONALD / NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / US / IL / PS
20200128 spiegel.de Trumps Nahost-Plan Fauler Frieden TRUMP, DONALD / NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / US / IL / PS
20200128 spiegel.de Explosives Buch von John Bolton: Plötzlich wankt Trumps Verteidigung BOLTON, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD
20200127 zerohedge.com Guess Who Was In Charge Of Reviewing Bolton's Leaked Book At The NSC? BOLTON, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD / US NSC
20200127 spiegel.de Ukrainekrise Ex-Sicherheitsberater Bolton belastet Trump schwer - Ein Schlag für Donald Trump im laufenden Amtsenthebungsverfahren: Sein Ex-Sicherheitsberater John Bolton widerspricht laut "New York Times" der wichtigsten Verteidigungslinie des Präsidenten. BOLTON, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD
20200126 nytimes.com Trump Tied Ukraine Aid to Inquiries He Sought, Bolton Book Says - Drafts of the book outline the potential testimony of the former national security adviser if he were called as a witness in the president’s impeachment trial. BOLTON, JOHN/ TRUMP, DONALD
20200126 zerohedge.com Schiff 'Demands' Bolton As Witness After "Explosive Revelation" Manuscript Leaked To NYT SCHIFF, ADAM / BOLTON, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD
20200126 spiegel.de Impeachment-Verfahren Leiter des Anklageteams wertet Trump-Tweet als Drohung SCHIFF, ADAM / TRUMP, DONALD
20200125 rt.com ‘Once in a lifetime opportunity for Israel’: Netanyahu to join Trump – but no Palestinians – to unveil ‘deal of the century’ NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / TRUMP, DONALD
20200122 realclearinvestigations.com Whistleblower Was Overheard in '17 Discussing With Ally How to Remove Trump CIARAMELLA, ERIC / MISKO, SEAN / SCHIFF, ADAM / TRUMP, DONALD / / ATKINSON, MICHAEL / MCCORD, MARY / GOHMERT, LOUIE
20200112 theguardian.com Trump impeachment - Impeachment: Trump fumes as Pelosi prepares to send articles to the Senate PELOSI, NANCY / TRUMP, DONALD
20200111 theguardian.com John Bolton impeachment testimony will be blocked, Donald Trump says TRUMP, DONALD / BOLTON, JOHN
20200110 zerohedge.com "I'd Like To See Them Call Me": How Trump Used An Encrypted Swiss Fax Machine To Defuse The Iran Crisis US / IR / TRUMP, DONALD / CH



Date Source Title Tags
20191210 rt.com House releases articles of impeachment against Trump (READ THEM HERE) TRUMP, DONALD
20191203 zerohedge.com House Intel Democrats Releases Trump Impeachment Report TRUMP, DONALD
20191202 spiegel.de Absage des Weißen Hauses Trump verweigert Teilnahme an Impeachment-Anhörung TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20191108 spiegel.de Handelsstreit mit China Donald Trump will Zollsenkungen nicht zugestimmt haben TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20191031 rt.com Congress approves ‘impeachment’ resolution authorizing Schiff’s secret probe of Trump US / TRUMP, DONALD / SCHIFF, ADAM
20191031 rt.com Trump invades Brexit: ‘We can’t make’ US-UK trade pact with current EU deal & Corbyn’s ‘so bad’ for Britain, he tells Farage TRUMP, DONALD / BREXIT
20191031 spiegel.de Förmlicher Beschluss US-Repräsentantenhaus stützt mit Votum Impeachment-Ermittlungen gegen Trump TRUMP, DONALD
20191022 spiegel.de Ukraineaffäre US-Diplomat in der Ukraine belastet Trump schwer TRUMP, DONALD / UA / BIDEN, JOSEPH
20191018 rt.com What does THAT mean? Trump says US ‘secured the oil’ in Syria, causes confusion SY / TRUMP, DONALD
20191010 spiegel.de Offensive in Nordsyrien Trump will "Deal" zwischen Türkei und Kurden vermitteln TRUMP, DONALD / US / TR / SY / KURDS
20191009 zerohedge.com Trump Again Threatens To "Wipe Out" Turkey's Economy As Full Ground Invasion Begins TRUMP, DONALD / TR


Date Source Title Tags
20190921 washingtontimes.com Trump defers WikiLeaks question as DOJ seeks Assange extradition ASSANGE, JULIAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20190920 spiegel.de Rätselhafte Ukraine-Verbindung Whistleblower-Fall um Trump elektrisiert Washington TRUMP, DONALD
20190919 spiegel.de Sicherheitsberater O'Brien Der nächste Hardliner - rät er Trump zum Angriff auf Iran? O'BRIEN, ROBERT / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20190913 rt.com ‘Bolton held me back!’ Trump says he’s a BIGGER hawk on Venezuela & Cuba than fired adviser BOLTON, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20190817 zerohedge.com Trump Reviews Controversial US-Taliban Peace Deal Which Critics Call A "Betrayal" TRUMP, DONALD / US / TALIBAN
20190816 spiegel.de Nach umstrittenem Einreiseverbot Israel erlaubt US-Abgeordneter Besuch im Westjordanland TRUMP, DONALD / IL / OMAR, ILHAN / TLAIB, RASHIDA
20190816 spiegel.de Streit um Israel-Reise zweier US-Abgeordneter Ungebeten unbequem TRUMP, DONALD / IL / OMAR, ILHAN / TLAIB, RASHIDA
20190815 rt.com Trump says jump, Netanyahu asks ‘how high?’ US lawmakers denied entry to Israel after WH pressure TRUMP, DONALD / NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN
20190815 spiegel.de Treffen mit Xi Jinping vorgeschlagen Trump mischt sich in Hongkong-Konflikt ein TRUMP, DONALD
20190813 rt.com ‘Can’t imagine why’: Trump has no idea why anyone would relate Hong Kong protests to US meddling TRUMP, DONALD / HK
20190813 spiegel.de Soldaten gegen Demonstranten? Trump berichtet von chinesischem Truppenaufmarsch vor Hongkong TRUMP, DONALD / HK / CN
20190813 spiegel.de Green Cards und US-Staatsbürgerschaft Trump will legale Zuwanderung drastisch erschweren TRUMP, DONALD / IMMIGRATION / US
20190811 zerohedge.com Trump Privately Urged Israel To Bar Entry To Reps. Omar & Tlaib: Report TRUMP, DONALD / IL / OMAR, ILHAN / TLAIB, RASHIDA
20190809 zerohedge.com Epstein Documents Hit; Accuser Says Trump 'Didn't Partake In Any Sex With Any Of Us' EPSTEIN, JEFFREY / TRUMP, DONALD
201090802 spiegel.de USA Trump zieht Kandidat für Leitung der Geheimdienste zurück RATCLIFFE, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD
20190801 rt.com Trump threatens to release 2,500 captured ISIS fighters ‘back into Europe’ TRUMP, DONALD / ISLAMIC STATE


Date Source Title Tags
20190729 spiegel.de Streit über US-Metropole Was hinter Trumps Baltimore-Attacke steckt TRUMP, DONALD / CUMINGS, ELIJAH / BALTIMORE
20190727 spiegel.de US-Präsident Trump attackiert afroamerikanischen Abgeordneten TRUMP, DONALD / CUMINGS, ELIJAH / BALTIMORE
20190726 spiegel.de Fall A$AP Rocky Trump attackiert Schweden wegen inhaftierten Rappers US / TRUMP, DONALD / US-SE / SE / A$AP ROCKY
20190725 spiegel.de Veto gegen Kongressblockade Trump gibt grünes Licht für Waffengeschäfte mit Saudi-Arabien TRUMP, DONALD / WEAPONTRADE / SA
20190724 spiegel.de US-Sonderermittler Mueller verweigert Trump Entlastung in der Russlandaffäre MUELLER, ROBERT / TRUMP, DONALD
20190722 zerohedge.com Comey Under DOJ Investigation For Misleading Trump While Targeting Him In FBI Probe COMEY, JAMES / TRUMP, DONALD
20190716 zerohedge.com Trump To Turkey: "We're Not Going To Sell You The F-35" After Russian Missile Purchase TRUMP, DONALD / US / TR / US-TR
20190716 spiegel.de Demokratinnen kritisieren Trump "Das ist die Agenda weißer Nationalisten" TRUMP, DONALD
20190711 rt.com ‘Fake news less important than social media,’ says Trump ahead of WH social media summit TRUMP, DONALD / SOCIAL MEDIA
20190709 rt.com ‘Wacky, very stupid, foolish & pompous’: Trump tears into May & UK envoy amid leaked memo scandal TRUMP, DONALD / US / MAY, THERESA / GB / DARROCH, KIM
20190709 spiegel.de Nach Depeschen-Leak Trump wütend, weil May an Botschafter festhält DARROCH, KIM / GB / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20190708 spiegel.de Diplomaten-Kritik an Trump Britischer Außenminister distanziert sich von Botschafter DARROCH, KIM / GB / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20190708 rt.com Leak of UK ambassador’s Trump views shows honesty has no place in international relations DARROCH, KIM / GB / TRUMP, DONALD / US


Date Source Title Tags
20190628 rt.com ‘Take a seat’: Trump ‘humiliates’ Spanish PM at G20, says outraged Spanish press (VIDEO) TRUMP, DONALD / G20 / SANCHEZ, PEDRO
20190628 rt.com Trump trolls press, ‘orders’ Putin not to meddle in US elections (VIDEO) TRUMP, DONALD
20190626 spiegel.de Zuspitzung des Konflikts Trump droht Iran mit "Auslöschung" TRUMP, DONALD / US / ROHANI, HASSAN / IR
20190625 rt.com Trump threatens Iran with ‘OBLITERATION’ by ‘overwhelming force’ if it attacks ‘anything American’ TRUMP, DONALD
20190623 rt.com Trump: If it was up to John Bolton we’d be fighting WHOLE WORLD at once TRUMP, DONALD / BOLTON, JOHN
20190621 heise.de Trump zog Genehmigung für Attacke auf den Iran wieder zurück TRUMP, DONALD / IR
20190621 zerohedge.com "We Were Cocked & Loaded": Trump Explains Why He Called Off Iran Strikes In Last Moment TRUMP, DONALD / IR
20190620 zerohedge.com Trump Says DOJ Investigating Whether Obama Tapped His Phone TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK
20190617 rt.com Trump not in control of Iran policy, should perhaps fire Bolton – EU foreign policy chief’s adviser EU / MOGHERINI, FEDERICA / TOCCI, NATHALIE / TRUMP, DONALD / BOLTON, JOHN
20190617 rt.com Netanyahu opens Trump Heights – a non-existent settlement in illegally-occupied Golan NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / IL / GOLAN HEIGHTS / TRUMP, DONALD
20190617 zerohedge.com Trump: "I Think I Know" Who Was Behind 9/11 Attacks TRUMP, DONALD / US 20010911
20190617 rt.com Trump ‘thinks he knows’ who was behind 9/11 TRUMP, DONALD / US 20010911
20190616 zerohedge.com "Treason!" NYT Story Reveals US Cyber Ops Against Russian Power Grid Hidden From Trump TRUMP, DONALD / CYBERWAR / US / RU
20190612 spiegel.de Nato-Partner Trump erwägt, US-Truppen von Deutschland nach Polen zu verlegen TRUMP, DONALD / US ARMY / DE / PL
20190612 zerohedge.com "Give Me A Break": Trump Says Foreign 'Dirt' Not Election Interference; Would Listen If Offered TRUMP, DONALD
20190610 rt.com Mnuchin confirms Trump could use 'security threat' Huawei as bargaining chip in trade war TRUMP, DONALD / MNUCHIN, STEVEN / HUAWEI
20190606 spiegel.de D-Day-Gedenken in der Normandie Geschichtsstunde für Donald Trump TRUMP, DONALD / US / EU
20190605 theguardian.com Irish funeral firm rents out four limousines to Trump for $1m: Cars could be used for short jaunt to Doonbeg at a cost of $116,879 per mile – or not at all IE / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20190531 zerohedge.com Leftist Professor Who Nailed Last 9 Elections Says Trump Wins 2020 Unless Democrats Impeach LICHTMAN, ALLAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20190529 rt.com 'Case closed!' Trump tweets nothing's changed as resigned Mueller says charging him wasn't an option MUELLER, ROBERT / TRUMP, DONALD
20190524 zerohedge.com Trump Attacks Military Industrial Complex, Urges Infrastructure Investments In Middle East TRUMP, DONALD
20190523 zerohedge.com Trump Orders FBI, CIA To "Fully Cooperate" With Barr; Grants "Full And Complete Authority To Declassify" TRUMP, DONALD / FBI / CIA / BARR, WILLIAM
20190517 spiegel.de Reform der Visa-Vergabe Trumps wunderbare neue Einwanderer-Welt TRUMP, DONALD / IMMIGRATION / US
20190511 zerohedge.com Trump Pulls The Trigger: Begins Process Of Raising Tariffs On All Remaining $300 Billion China Imports TRUMP, DONALD / US / CN
20190508 spiegel.de Russlandaffäre Trump will Kongress kompletten Mueller-Bericht verwehren TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT
20190504 rt.com is going to ‘trade a lot’ with Russia, Trump says, after ‘long & very good’ phone call with Putin TRUMP, DONALD
20190504 rt.com Trump defends Facebook banned ‘extremists,’ attacks ‘radical left-wing’ media TRUMP, DONALD / FREEDOM OF SPEECH / FACEBOOK
20190503 rt.com We have FREEDOM OF SPEECH in America! Trump reacts to Facebook ban TRUMP, DONALD / FREEDOM OF SPEECH / FACEBOOK


Date Source Title Tags
20190428 rt.com Trump says DNC ‘working its magic again’ to destroy Sanders in favor of Biden TRUMP, DONALD / DNC
20190426 zerohedge.com Trump Makes Post-Mueller Vow To Release "Devastating" FISA Docs TRUMP, DONALD / FISA / MUELLER, ROBERT
20190426 rt.com Trump announces US withdrawing from UN Arms Trade Treaty US / TRUMP, DONALD / WEAPONTRADE / UN ARMS TRADE TREATY
20190424 spiegel.de Trump zu weiteren Ermittlungen "Es reicht" TRUMP, DONALD
20190424 rt.com Enough is enough? Trump opposes aides testifying to Congress in post-Mueller probes TRUMP, DONALD
20190419 spiegel.de Staatsbesuch im Mai Japans neuer Kaiser empfängt Trump als ersten Staatsgast JP / JP-US / TRUMP, DONALD
20190418 spiegel.de Bericht zur Russlandaffäre Was Robert Mueller wirklich über Donald Trump herausgefunden hat MUELLER, ROBERT / TRUMP, DONALD
20190417 rt.com CIA showed Trump photos of sick kids & dead ducks so he would expel Russian diplomats – NYT HASPEL, GINA / CIA / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / TRUMP, DONALD
20190417 spiegel.de Präsident gegen Kongress Trump hält US-Militärhilfe im Jemen per Veto aufrecht TRUMP, DONALD / US / YE
20190416 spiegel.de Trump-Clan Deutsche Bank soll Beweise für Russen-Connection liefern DEUTSCHE BANK / TRUMP, DONALD
20190412 apnews.com ‘I know nothing’ - Trump changes his tune on WikiLeaks ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / TRUMP, DONALD
20190411 theguardian.com From hatred to love to cold indifference: Trump's changing tune on Wikileaks ASSANGE, JULIAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20190410 rt.com Those who started Russia probe were attempting a ‘coup’, AG must start investigation – Trump TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT / BARR, WILLIAM
20190410 rt.com ‘Spying did occur’ by intelligence agencies on Trump campaign – AG Barr BARR, WILLIAM / MUELLER, ROBERT / TRUMP, DONALD
20190405 zerohedge.com Dear Mr. President, A Warning... ASSANGE, JULIAN / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20190331 pjmedia.com "Trump Was Not Just Spied Upon, It Was Entrapment" CROSSFIRE HURRICANE / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / FBI / MUELLER, ROBERT
20190326 spiegel.de Nach Mueller-Bericht Trumps Rachefeldzug TRUMP, DONALD
20190325 rt.com Trump signs declaration recognizing Israel's sovereignty over disputed Golan Heights TRUMP, DONALD / IL
20190325 spiegel.de Donald Trump und der Mueller-Bericht Ist doch eine gute Nachricht TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT
20190325 spiegel.de Nach Mueller-Bericht Trump fordert Konsequenzen für seine Gegner TRUMP, DONALD
20190325 spiegel.de Trump und die Russlandaffäre Was Mueller herausfand - und was nicht MUELLER, ROBERT / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20190324 spiegel.de Zusammenfassung des Mueller-Berichts Sonderermittler sieht keinen Beweis für Absprachen zwischen Trump und Russland MUELLER, ROBERT / TRUMP, DONALD
20190324 zerohedge.com Trump "Totally Exonerated", Calls For Investigation Into "Illegal Takedown That Failed" TRUMP, DONALD
20190321 rt.com It’s time for US to fully recognize Israel’s ‘sovereignty’ over disputed Golan Heights – Trump TRUMP, DONALD / IL
20190311 newyorker.com The Making of the Fox News White House - Fox News has always been partisan. But has it become propaganda? DANIELS, STORMY / TRUMP, DONALD / FOX NEWS / HANNITY, SEAN / MURDOCH, RUPERT / SHINE, BILL
20190305 rt.com Trump to terminate India trade benefits, demands ‘equitable & reasonable’ access to its markets TRUMP, DONALD / US / IN
20190305 spiegel.de Bericht des "New Yorker" Fox News wusste offenbar schon vor US-Wahl von Stormy-Daniels-Affäre DANIELS, STORMY / TRUMP, DONALD / FOX NEWS
20190304 spiegel.de US-Repräsentantenhaus Justizausschuss leitet größere Untersuchung gegen Trump ein US / TRUMP, DONALD / TRUMP, DONALD JR.
20190301 zerohedge.com To Expose Cohen Lies, Trump Says "Congress Must Demand Transcript Of Michael's New Book" COHEN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20190227 spiegel.de Ex-Anwalt Michael Cohen Abrechnung mit Trump im US-Kongress COHEN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20190227 zerohedge.com The Most Explosive Claims From Cohen's Prepared Testimony COHEN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20190226 politico.com Cohen testimony on Trump: 'He is a racist. He is a conman. He is a cheat.' - The president's former lawyer will also tell Congress that Roger Stone told Trump he'd spoken with WikiLeaks about disclosing Democratic emails. COHEN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20190217 spiegel.de Auf Bitte der USA Abe schlug Trump für Friedensnobelpreis vor ABE, SHINZO / TRUMP, DONALD
20190213 zerohegde.com Border Deal Hits Snag As Trump Says He Will Look For "Landmines" TRUMP, DONALD
20190213 spiegel.de Russland-Ermittlungen US-Senat findet vorerst wohl keine Beweise gegen Trump US / TRUMP, DONALD
20190201 rt.com Trump praises US intelligence a day after telling them to ‘go back to school’ over Iran nukes] TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20190131 spiegel.de US-Milliardär Tom Steyer 100 Millionen Dollar, um Trump aus dem Amt zu jagen STEYER, TOM / TRUMP, DONALD
20190125 spiegel.de Ablenkung, Öl, Wählerstimmen Warum sich Trump in Venezuela einmischt TRUMP, DONALD / US / VE
20190123 zerohedge.com Inside The FBI's 'Police State' Operation Against Trump FBI / TRUMP, DONALD
20190123 zerohedge.com Pelosi Blocks Trump's "State Of The Union" Speech PELOSI, NANCY / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20190123 spiegel.de Streit über Rede zur Lage der Nation Pelosi sperrt Trump aus dem Repräsentantenhaus aus PELOSI, NANCY / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20190122 zerohedge.com Trump Told Sarah Sanders "Not To Bother" With Press Briefings Anymore TRUMP, DONALD
20190114 nytimes.com Trump Discussed Pulling U.S. From NATO, Aides Say Amid New Concerns Over Russia TRUMP, DONALD / NATO
20190114 spiegel.de Trump in der Kritik "Herr Präsident, arbeiten Sie für Russland?" TRUMP, DONALD
20190102 rt.com Trump wants 'insane' public releases of Pentagon watchdog reports to end TRUMP, DONALD



Date Source Title Tags
20181225 zerohedge.com Ex-NATO Commander Wesley Clark To CNN: Did Erdogan Blackmail Trump? CLARK, WESLEY / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TRUMP, DONALD
20181221 rollingstone.com We Know How Trump’s War Game Ends TRUMP, DONALD / US / AF / SY
20181221 washingtonpost.com National Security: A tumultuous week began with a phone call between Trump and the Turkish president ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TRUMP, DONALD / SY
20181218 rt.com Trump-Russia dossier was created so Clinton could challenge 2016 election results – Steele STEELE, CHRISTOPHER / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / CLINTON, HILLARY
20181216 spiegel.de Nach angeblicher Trump-Aussage Türkei fordert "konkrete Schritte" zur Gülen-Auslieferung GUELEN, FETHULLAH / TR / TRUMP, DONALD
20181214 washingtonpost.com Schiff says House Intelligence panel will examine possible foreign funding of Trump’s inaugural committee US HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE / SCHIFF, ADAM / TRUMP, DONALD
20181214 nytimes.com Michael Cohen Says ‘Of Course’ Trump Knew Hush Payments Were Wrong COHEN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20181214 rt.com Israelgate? As Russia probe runs dry, Mueller may turn to Middle East to pursue Trump ‘collusion’ MUELLER, ROBERT / TRUMP, DONALD / AE / SA / IL
20181214 zerohedge.com In Explosive Interview, Cohen Says Mueller Has "Substantial" Evidence Against Trump COHEN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20181213 zerohedge.com Futures Tumble On Report Trump Present During Enquirer Hush Money Meeting NATIONAL ENQUIRER / COHEN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD / MCDOUGAL, KAREN
20181212 zerohedge.com National Enquirer Publisher Admits To Trump Hush-Money Scheme Hours After Cohen Sentenced NATIONAL ENQUIRER / COHEN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD / MCDOUGAL, KAREN
20181207 zerohedge.com In Furious Tweetstorm, Trump Slams FBI And "Lyin'" Comey Ahead Of Critical Moment In Russia Probe TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT / MANAFORT, PAUL / COHEN, MICHAEL
20181205 rt.com Trump ignores stone-faced Hillary, greets Obamas as all sit awkwardly together at Bush 41’s funeral TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY


Date Source Title Tags
20181204 washingtonpost.com Palm Beach trial could reveal details of billionaire’s alleged abuse of teen girls EPSTEIN, JEFFREY / EDWARDS, BRADLEY / DERSHOWITZ, ALAN / STARR, KENNETH / TRUMP, DONALD / BLOOM, LISA
20181130 spiegel.de Kein Treffen beim G20-Gipfel Trumps Absage in letzter Minute brüskiert Putin TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / G20
20181129 zerohedge.com Putin Was To Get $50 Million Penthouse In Trump Tower Moscow; Michael Cohen And FBI Informant Negotiated Failed Deal COHEN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20181128 spiegel.de Ermittlungen zur Russland-Affäre Manafort-Anwälte gaben Mueller-Ergebnisse an Trumps Anwälte weiter MANAFORT, PAUL / TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT
20181122 rt.com Trump takes credit for Thanksgiving traffic jams, because his Saudi friendship makes gas so cheap TRUMP, DONALD
20181122 nytimes.com Rebuffing C.I.A., Trump Says It Only Has ‘Feelings’ About Khashoggi Killing BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / SA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20181122 washingtonpost.com Trump brushes aside CIA assertion that crown prince ordered killing, defends him and Saudi Arabia BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / SA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20181122 zerohedge.com Buchanan: Are The Saudi Princes True Friends? KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20181121 theintercept.com Trump’s Amoral Saudi Statement Is a Pure Expression of Decades-Old “U.S. Values” and Foreign Policy Orthodoxies TRUMP, DONALD / US / SA / US-SA
20181121 rt.com Trump slammed after thanking Riyadh for low oil prices amid Khashoggi drama BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / TRUMP, DONALD
20181121 rt.com Trump says he ‘does not know anything’ about Assange, gets called out on hypocrisy ASSANGE, JULIAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20181121 rt.com Trump hands over written responses to Mueller's Russia probe questions MUELLER, ROBERT / FBI / TRUMP, DONALD
20181120 washingtonpost.com For Trump, the bottom line on Saudi Arabia takes precedence over human rights KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / TRUMP, DONALD
20181120 washingtonpost.com Trump slanders Khashoggi and betrays American values KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / TRUMP, DONALD
20181120 nytimes.com Trump Stands Up for Saudi Arabian Values KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / TRUMP, DONALD
20181120 nytimes.com In Extraordinary Statement, Trump Stands With Saudis Despite Khashoggi Killing KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / TRUMP, DONALD
20181120 spiegel.de Fall Khashoggi Trump schwört Saudi-Arabien die Treue KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / TRUMP, DONALD
20181120 spiegel.de Schlagabtausch mit Premier Imran Khan Trump-Tweets stürzen USA in Krise mit Pakistan KHAN, IMRAN / PK / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20181118 theguardian.com Trump refuses to listen to audio tape of Jamal Khashoggi's 'vicious' murder: Turkish defence minister says killers of Khashoggi may have taken his dismembered body out of Turkey in a luggage KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / TR / TRUMP, DONALD
20181118 spiegel.de "Sehr gewalttätig, sehr schrecklich" Trump will sich Tonband vom Khashoggi-Mord nicht anhören TRUMP, DONALD / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL
20181118 rt.com ‘It’s a suffering tape’: Sensitive Trump says he won’t listen to audio record of Khashoggi killing TRUMP, DONALD / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL
20181118 rt.com Premature but possible? Trump awaits ‘full report’ on Khashoggi murder after CIA implicates MbS TRUMP, DONALD / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / CIA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL
20181117 washingtonpost.com Trump says he’ll speak with CIA about Khashoggi killing TRUMP, DONALD
20181117 nytimes.com ‘We Were Told That He Did Not Play a Role’ in Khashoggi Killing, Trump Says of Saudi Crown Prince BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / TRUMP, DONALD / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / CIA
20181116 spiegel.de Russlandaffäre Trump will Fragen von Sonderermittler Mueller beantwortet haben TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT
20181113 rt.com 'They were starting to learn German in Paris before US came along' – Trump taunts Macron TRUMP, DONALD / MACRON, EMMANUEL
20181113 zerohedge.com Trump Mocks Macron: "They Were Starting To Learn German In Paris Before The US Came Along" TRUMP, DONALD / MACRON, EMMANUEL
20181110 spiegel.de Spannungsgeladenes Treffen Trump und Marcon begrüßen sich mit Daumen-hoch-Geste MACRON, EMMANUEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20181109 spiegel.de Pläne für europäische Armee US-Präsident wirft Macron Beleidigung vor MACRON, EMMANUEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20181107 washingtonpost.com Attorney General Jeff Sessions resigns at Trump’s request SESSIONS, JEFF / TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT / US
20181105 rt.com Saudis ‘don’t know how to use’ US bombs: Trump condemns deadly Yemen school bus strike… kind of SA / WEAPONTRADE / US / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20181029 theguardian.com Czechoslovakia ramped up spying on Trump in late 1980s, seeking US intel CZ / TRUMP, DONALD / STB / KGB
20181024 nytimes.com When Trump Phones Friends, the Chinese and the Russians Listen and Learn TRUMP, DONALD
20181024 rt.com Saudi prince may be involved, but I want to believe he's not – Trump TRUMP, DONALD / SA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / BIN ABDULAZIZ AL SAUD, SALMAN / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED
20181023 spiegel.de Sicherheitsberater Bolton in Moskau Was Trumps Drohung für Putin bedeutet NUCLEAR WEAPONS / BOLTON, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20181023 zerohedge.com "Worst Coverup Ever": Trump Blasts Saudis Over Khashoggi Murder; US To Revoke Visas KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / TRUMP, DONALD / COVERUP
20181020 rt.com Trump finds Saudi version of Khashoggi death ‘credible,’ touts arms deals with ‘great ally’ TRUMP, DONALD / SA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL
20181020 rt.com Trump says Khashoggi death ‘unacceptable’, but he ‘prefers’ to keep defense contracts with Saudis TRUMP, DONALD / SA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL
20181019 rt.com ‘It certainly looks like’ Khashoggi is dead, consequences will be ‘severe’ – Trump KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / TRUMP, DONALD
20181019 spiegel.de US-Präsident Trump zum Fall Khashoggi "Bad stuff" KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / TRUMP, DONALD
20181018 nytimes.com In Shift on Khashoggi Killing, Trump Edges Closer to Acknowledging a Saudi Role KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / TRUMP, DONALD
20181018 spiegel.de Fall Khashoggi US-Demokraten fordern Aufklärung über Trumps Geschäfte mit Saudi-Arabien KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / TRUMP, DONALD
20181017 spiegel.de Verschwundener Journalist Khashoggi Trump nimmt Saudi-Arabien in Schutz TRUMP, DONALD / SA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL
20181016 aljazeera.com Pompeo, Khashoggi and the problem MBS created - US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is on a quest to sell an utterly unbelievable story about Jamal Khashoggi's death. KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / POMPEO, MIKE / TRUMP, DONALD / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED
20181016 rt.com Trump spins cover-up for Saudi killing, signaling no ‘turning-point’ in US relations TRUMP, DONALD / SA
20181016 spiegel.de Telefonat mit Trump: Saudischer Kronprinz bestreitet Kenntnis im Fall Khashoggi KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / BIN ABDULAZIZ AL SAUD, SALMAN / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / POMPEO, MIKE / TRUMP, DONALD
20181016 spiegel.de Verschwundener Journalist Trumps Taktieren im Fall Khashoggi KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / TRUMP, DONALD
20181015 rt.com Rogue killers or state murder? Riyadh gets benefit of doubt from Trump where Russia doesn’t TRUMP, DONALD / SA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL
20181015 rt.com 'Rogue killers' might have killed Saudi journalist - Trump TRUMP, DONALD / SA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL|
20181015 spiegel.de Verschwundener Journalist Khashoggi Trump schickt Außenminister nach Saudi-Arabien KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / TRUMP, DONALD / US / SA / POMPEO, MIKE
20181015 spiegel.de Interview-Aussagen Trump hält Verstrickung Putins in Attentate für möglich TRUMP, DONALD
20181014 washingtonpost.com Saudi Arabia rejects ‘threats’ after Trump vows ‘severe punishment’ on Khashoggi disappearance KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / TRUMP, DONALD
20181013 washingtonpost.com Trump vows ‘severe punishment’ if U.S. determines Saudi Arabia killed Khashoggi KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / TRUMP, DONALD / US / SA
20181011 washingtonpost.com Trump’s $110 billion in arms sales to Saudi Arabia: still fake] TRUMP, DONALD / US / SA / WEAPONTRADE
20181010 spiegel.de Verschwundener Journalist Khashoggi Trump verschärft Ton gegenüber Saudi-Arabien KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20180908 spiegel.de Amtseinführung von Donald Trump US-Behörde hat Fotos nachträglich bearbeitet TRUMP, DONALD
20180906 zerohegde.com Mueller Reportedly Offers Trump Legal Team "Formula" For In-Person Interview MUELLER, ROBERT / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20180824 rt.com Trump cancels Pompeo’s N. Korea trip but sends ‘warmest regards’ to Kim TRUMP, DONALD / POMPEO, MIKE / KP
20180824 spiegel.de Cohen-Ermittlungen Trump-Finanzchef erhielt Immunität für Aussage in Schweigegeld-Affäre COHEN, MICHAEL / WEISSELBERG, ALLEN / TRUMP, DONALD
20180824 rt.com Trump accuses social media giants of censorship, says ‘millions’ being silenced TRUMP, DONALD / FACEBOOK / GOOGLE / TWITTER
20180823 cnbc.com Trump says the stock market would crash if he were impeached: 'Everybody would be very poor' TRUMP, DONALD
20180823 rt.com Trump impeachment: Is it possible – and how would it play out? TRUMP, DONALD
20180822 theguardian.com Donald Trump: 'worst hour' for president as Manafort and Cohen guilty TRUMP, DONALD
20180822 spiegel.de US-Präsident unter Druck Wie sich Trump in der Cohen-Affäre verteidigt TRUMP, DONALD
20180822 spiegel.de Paul Manafort und Michael Cohen vor Gericht Ein schwarzer Tag für Donald Trump TRUMP, DONALD / MANAFORT, PAUL / COHEN, MICHAEL
20180818 zerohegde.com White House Counsel "Cooperating Extensively" With Obstruction Probe, Trump Says He Allowed It MUELLER, ROBERT / WHITE HOUSE / TRUMP, DONALD
20180815 zerohedge.com Brennan Lashes Out After "Tyrant" Trump Revokes Security Clearance: "Americans Should Gravely Worry" BRENNAN, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD
20180815 rt.com Trump revokes clearance of former CIA chief Brennan BRENNAN, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD
20180812 zerohedge.com The Real Reason Why Trump Cancelled The Iran Deal TRUMP, DONALD / SUNNI ISLAM / SA / IR / CA / SHIA ISLAM
20180812 zerohegde.com Trump Gives Mueller Three Weeks For Sitdown: WSJ MUELLER, ROBERT / TRUMP, DONALD
20180811 zerohegde.com Trump Slams Sessions: "He Is Scared Stiff And Missing In Action" SESSIONS, JEFF / TRUMP, DONALD
20180811 spiegel.de Streit um Atomprogramm Nordkorea schreibt Wutbrief an US-Regierung KP / US / TRUMP, DONALD / POMPEO, MIKE / BOLTON, JOHN
20180809 rt.com US State Dept sanctions against Russia aimed at 'undercutting' Trump, analysts say US / RU / SANCTIONS / TRUMP, DONALD / PAUL, RAND
20180801 zerohedge.com Mueller Wants To Ask Trump About Obstruction Of Justice MUELLER, ROBERT / TRUMP, DONALD
20180801 spiegel.de Twitter-Tirade Trump drängt Justizminister zu Intervention in Russlandermittlungen TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT / SESSIONS, JEFF
20180801 zerohegde.com Trump Tells Jeff Sessions To End Mueller Investigation "Right Now" TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT / SESSIONS, JEFF


Date Source Title Tags
20180731 spiegel.de "Ohne Vorbedingungen" Trump zu Treffen mit iranischer Führung bereit IR / ROHANI, HASSAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20180729 spiegel.de Treffen zwischen Sulzberger und US-Präsident "New York Times"-Verleger warnt Trump TRUMP, DONALD / SULZBERGER, ARTHUR GREGG / NEW YORK TIMES
20180727 spiegel.de Russlandaffäre Sonderermittler Mueller untersucht Trumps Tweets TRUMP, DONALD
20180726 zerohedge.com Mueller Digging Through Trump's Tweets To Make Obstruction Case MUELLER, ROBERT / TRUMP, DONALD
20180724 zerohedge.com CNN Leaks Confidential Trump-Cohen Recording COHEN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20180720 zerohegde.com Michael Cohen Secretly Taped Trump Discussing Playboy Model Payoff COHEN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD / FBI
20180720 spiegel.de Mögliche Zahlungen an Playboy-Model Brisante Tonaufnahmen könnten Trump in Bedrängnis bringen COHEN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD / FBI
20180720 nytimes.com Michael Cohen Secretly Taped Trump Discussing Payment to Playboy Model COHEN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD / FBI
20180719 rt.com Trump invites Putin to Washington this autumn - White House TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20180719 rt.com Trump: ‘Reckless’ media pushing for ‘major confrontation with Russia that could lead to war’ TRUMP, DONALD / US / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20180718 rt.com Trump: No, Russia isn't targeting US TRUMP, DONALD
20180718 rt.com Haters would rather ‘go to war’ than see me getting along with Putin – Trump TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20180717 zerohegde.com Paul Craig Roberts: "Is President Trump A Traitor Because He Wants Peace With Russia?" TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / US-RU
20180717 zerohedge.com Pat Buchanan: "Trump Calls Off Cold War II" BUCHANAN, PATRICK / TRUMP, DONALD
20180717 rt.com Lights go out at White House as Trump pledges loyalty to US intelligence (VIDEO) TRUMP, DONALD / US
20180717 spiegel.de Nach Kritik Präsident Trump räumt russische Einmischung in jüngster US-Wahl ein TRUMP, DONALD
20180717 zerohedge.com Trump Reverses: "I Accept Intelligence Conclusion That Russia Meddled In 2016" TRUMP, DONALD
20180717 spiegel.de Putin über Russlandermittlungen der USA "Sie interessieren mich kein bisschen" PUTIN, VLADIMIR / DNC / TRUMP, DONALD
20180717 zerohedge.com Mish: "Mass Hysteria" US / TRUMP, DONALD / US-RU
20180716 rt.com I wanted Trump to win - Putin (VIDEO) PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD
20180716 rt.com One-on-one meeting with Putin a ‘good start,’ Trump says after over 2 hours of tete-a-tete talks TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20180716 spiegel.de Minutenprotokoll So lief das Gipfeltreffen zwischen Trump und Putin TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US-RU
20180716 spiegel.de Gipfeltreffen US-Präsident Trump lobt verbesserte Beziehungen zu Russland TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US-RU
20180716 spiegel.de Tweets vor Treffen mit Putin Trump macht Obama für schlechtes Verhältnis zu Russland verantwortlich TRUMP, DONALD / US / OBAMA, BARACK / RU
20180716 zerohedge.com John Brennan Blasts Trump's Press Conference As "Nothing Short Of Treasonous" BRENNAN, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD
20180715 rt.com UK PM Theresa May says Donald Trump told her to sue the EU MAY, THERESA / TRUMP, DONALD
20180713 rt.com Putin on the Trump: ‘New York’ dons tinfoil hat, claims Soviet-era kompromat on The Donald TRUMP, DONALD
20180713 spiegel.de Donald Trump in Großbritannien "Theresa May hat den Brexit verbockt" TRUMP, DONALD / GB / JOHNSON, BORIS / MAY, THERESA
20180713 rt.com Trump arrives in the UK wielding a Brexit dagger, 'a true friend stabs you in the front' GB / TRUMP, DONALD
20180713 spiegel.de Ex-Außenminister Sigmar Gabriel fordert härtere Gangart gegenüber Trump GABRIEL, SIGMAR / DE / TRUMP, DONALD
20180712 rt.com Trump says his ‘talented’ friend Boris Johnson would be a ‘great’ PM, ahead of meeting with UK’s May TRUMP, DONALD / JOHNSON, BORIS / MAY, THERESA
20180711 spiegel.de Trump bei der Nato: Es tut noch nicht weh genug NATO / TRUMP, DONALD
20180709 talkingpointsmemo.com Trump, In First Meeting With Merkel: ‘You Owe Me One Trillion Dollars’ MERKEL, ANGELA / TRUMP, DONALD
20180708 nymag.com Will Trump Be Meeting With His Counterpart — Or His Handler? A plausible theory of mind-boggling collusion. TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20180706 rt.com ‘Trump's attempt to control oil prices is the beginning of chaos’ – economist IR / OIL / TRUMP, DONALD / OPEC
20180704 rt.com Trump considered invading Venezuela at height of political crisis – reports VE / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20180629 businessinsider.de Trump's business career is more connected to Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy than we ever knew KENNEDY, ANTHONY / KENNEDY, JUSTIN / DEUTSCHE BANK / TRUMP, DONALD
20180628 nytimes.com Inside the White House’s Quiet Campaign to Create a Supreme Court Opening KENNEDY, ANTHONY / SUPREME COURT / WHITE HOUSE / TRUMP, DONALD
20180628 zerohedge.com Rosenstein Refuses To Discuss Whether Obama Spied On Trump Campaign ROSENSTEIN, ROD / OBAMA, BARACK / TRUMP, DONALD
20180627 rt.com Date & venue of Putin-Trump meeting agreed – presidential adviser TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20180627 spiegel.de Donald Trump und Wladimir Putin Kreml kündigt Gipfeltreffen an TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20180627 zerohegde.com "Not On My Watch": Trump Warns Left Over Escalating Confrontations, Tells Voters "Time To Defend Our Principles" TRUMP, DONALD
20180616 spiegel.de Interessenkonflikte des Trump-Clans Herrschaft der Kleptokraten TRUMP, DONALD
20180616 spiegel.de Via Twitter Trump verbreitet eigene Fotos vom G7-Gipfel TRUMP, DONALD
20180615 rt.com ‘Prove that you are independent’: Russian MP Poklonskaya invites Trump to Crimea POKLONSKAYA, NATALIA / TRUMP, DONALD
20180615 msn.com New York files suit against Trump, alleging his charity engaged in ‘illegal conduct’ TRUMP, DONALD / TRUMP FOUNDATION
20180615 zerohegde.com Trump: "Comey Was The Criminal Ringleader Of A Den Of Thieves" TRUMP, DONALD
20180615 spiegel.de USA US-Präsident witzelt über folgsame Nordkoreaner - und Exekutionen TRUMP, DONALD / JONG UN, KIM
20180614 rt.com Treason or respect? Trump draws ire for returning North Korean general’s salute (VIDEO) TRUMP, DONALD
20180612 rt.com North Korea sanctions to 'remain in effect’ – Trump JONG UN, KIM / KP / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20180612 spiegel.de Trump und Kim in Singapur Die Erklärung im Wortlaut (englisch) JONG UN, KIM / KP / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20180612 spiegel.de Koreanische Halbinsel Trump kündigt Stopp der Militärmanöver an JONG UN, KIM / KP / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20180612 spiegel.de Gipfel in Singapur Trump und Kim unterzeichnen Vereinbarung JONG UN, KIM / KP / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20180612 rt.com Historic handshake: Kim, Trump face off at Singapore summit (VIDEO, PHOTOS) JONG UN, KIM / KP / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20180612 spiegel.de Historisches Treffen in Singapur Trump sagt "großartige Beziehung" zu Kim voraus JONG UN, KIM / KP / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20180611 rt.com ‘There’s a special place in hell’ for Trudeau for backstabbing Trump, White House trade adviser says TRUDEAU, JUSTIN / TRUMP, DONALD
20180610 theintercept.com More Than Just Russia — There’s a Strong Case for the Trump Team Colluding With Saudi Arabia, Israel, and the UAE TRUMP, DONALD / SA / IL / AE
20180609 washingtonexaminer.com Justin Trudeau trolls Trump with framed photo of his grandfather's Canadian brothel TRUDEAU, JUSTIN / TRUMP, DONALD
20180609 spiegel.de Trump und Kim in Singapur Die Vertrauensfrage JONG UN, KIM / TRUMP, DONALD
20180607 spiegel.de Interviews von Anwalt Giuliani Kim soll um Treffen mit Trump "gebettelt" haben TRUMP, DONALD / GIULIANI, RUDOLPH W. / JONG UN, KIM
20180607 spiegel.de Trump über Gipfel mit Kim "Ich glaube nicht, dass ich mich sehr vorbereiten muss" TRUMP, DONALD / JONG UN, KIM
20180606 spiegel.de Russland-Ermittlungen Warum Donald Trump wirklich nervös ist TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT / GIULIANI, RUDOLPH W.
20180605 zerohedge.com Will Trump Fire John Bolton Next? BOLTON, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20180531 wiwo.de Trump will Daimler vom US-Markt aussperren DAIMLER BENZ / TRUMP, DONALD
20180525 spectator.org Special Report: The London-to-Langley Spy Ring TRUMP, DONALD / MI6 / CIA
20180525 wsj.com Donald Trump´s 2016 Presidential Campaign - Analysis PSY-GROUP / CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA / TRUMP, DONALD / FACEBOOK / TWITTER
20180525 wsj.com Israeli Intelligence Firm’s Election-Meddling Analysis Comes Under Mueller’s Scrutiny - Psy-Group presentation outlines ways Trump campaign was helped by fake social media accounts PSY-GROUP / CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA / TRUMP, DONALD / FACEBOOK / TWITTER
20180524 defenseone.com The Word That Derailed the Trump-Kim Summit KP / KR / US / TRUMP, DONALD / LY
20180523 wsj.com Israeli Intelligence Company Formed Venture With Trump Campaign Firm Cambridge Analytica -Psy-Group is owned by entrepreneur Joel Zamel, who has been questioned by special-counsel investigators PSY-GROUP / ZAMEL, JOEL / CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA / TRUMP, DONALD / FACEBOOK / TWITTER
20180519 wsj.com Mueller Probe Expands to Israeli Entrepreneur With U.A.E. Ties - Investigation has sought testimony regarding work of Joel Zamel, founder of several private consulting firms PSY-GROUP / ZAMEL, JOEL / CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA / TRUMP, DONALD / FACEBOOK / TWITTER
20180525 spiegel.de Nach Absage an Nordkorea Gipfeltreffen könnte laut Trump doch noch stattfinden TRUMP, DONALD
20180523 zerohedge.com Trump Lawyer Received $400,000 "Secret Payment" To Arrange Meeting Between Ukraine President And Trump POROSHENKO, PETRO / COHEN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20180522 zerohegde.com Second Spy Tried To Infiltrate Trump Campaign Says Former Adviser: "This Is Just The Beginning" CAPUTO, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20180522 spiegel.de Angeblicher "FBI-Spion" Trump zwingt Russland-Ermittlern seinen Willen auf TRUMP, DONALD / US DOJ / FBI
20180521 politico.com ‘Too inconvenient’: Trump goes rogue on phone security TRUMP, DONALD
20180521 zerohegde.com Trump Meeting With Rosenstein, Wray On Spying Concludes: Congress To See All "Highly Classified" Information TRUMP, DONALD / US DOJ / FBI
20180520 zerohegde.com DoJ Confirms Inspector General Will Probe "Impropriety, Political Motivation" Of Obama FBI Spying On Trump TRUMP, DONALD / US DOJ / FBI
20180520 spiegel.de Angebliche Überwachung im Wahlkampf Trump will Rolle des FBI prüfen lassen TRUMP, DONALD / FBI
20180519 zerohedge.com FBI Spy-Op Exposed, Trump Campaign Infiltrated By Longtime CIA And MI6 Asset HALPER, STEFAN / CIA / MI6 / PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE / PAGE, CARTER / TRUMP, DONALD
20180519 rt.com Halper – Latest character in Russiagate drama spied for the CIA in the 80s HALPER, STEFAN / CIA / FBI / PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE / PAGE, CARTER / TRUMP, DONALD
20180519 spiegel.de Treffen im Trump Tower Golfmonarchien boten Trump Hilfe für Wahl an TRUMP, DONALD / AE / SA / PRINCE, ERIK / ZAMEL, JOEL
20180519 spiegel.de Iran-Sanktionen Trumps Dollar-Keule TRUMP, DONALD / US / SANCTIONS / IR
20180517 spiegel.de Sonderermittler zu Russland Mueller soll eingeräumt haben, dass Trump Immunität genießt MUELLER, ROBERT / TRUMP, DONALD
20180515 bloomberg.com How Scott Adams Got Hypnotized by Trump ADAMS, SCOTT / TRUMP, DONALD
20180510 spiegel.de Michael Cohen Novartis räumt Millionenzahlung an Trumps Anwalt ein NOVARTIS / COHEN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20180508 cnn.com Exclusive: Mueller's team questions Russian oligarch about payments to Cohen VEKSELBERG, VIKTOR / COHEN, MICHAEL / ESSENTIAL CONSULTING / TRUMP, DONALD
20180508 zerohegde.com Stormy Daniels Lawyer's Bombshell Claim: Putin-Linked Oligarch Paid Cohen $500K For "Hush" Payment VEKSELBERG, VIKTOR / COHEN, MICHAEL / ESSENTIAL CONSULTING / TRUMP, DONALD
20180508 zerohedge.com Trump Pulls US Out Of "Unacceptable, Defective" Iran Deal; Obama Slams Decision As "So Misguided TRUMP, DONALD / IR
20180508 spiegel.de USA vs. Iran Die Erklärung des Weißen Hauses im Wortlaut (englisch) TRUMP, DONALD / US / IR
20180508 spiegel.de Atom-Deal Trump verkündet Ausstieg aus Iran-Abkommen TRUMP, DONALD / US / IR
20180508 spiegel.de Reaktion auf Trump Iran droht mit Uran-Anreicherung "in den nächsten Wochen" TRUMP, DONALD / US / IR
20180508 spiegel.de Trumps Iran-Entscheidung Einfach brandgefährlich TRUMP, DONALD / US / IR
20180505 thehill.com Trump aides hired Israeli private intelligence firm to dig up dirt on Obama officials: report TRUMP, DONALD / IL / IR
20180505 theguardian.com Revealed: Trump team hired spy firm for ‘dirty ops’ on Iran arms deal TRUMP, DONALD / IL / IR
20180506 spiegel.de Trump vor Mueller-Kommission Giuliani schließt Aussageverweigerung nicht aus GIULIANI, RUDOLPH W. / TRUMP, DONALD
20180506 spiegel.de Anwalt von Stormy Daniels "Trump wird zum Rücktritt gezwungen sein" DANIELS, STORMY / AVENATTI, MICHAEL / COHEN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20180428 docs.house.gov House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence: Report on Russian Active Measures US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20180428 zerohegde.com Mystery Group Of "Wealthy Donors" And Soros Spends $50 Million For "Private Trump-Russia Investigation" SOROS, GEORGE / FUSION GPS / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20180423 zerohedge.com Trump Asked Netanyahu: "Do You Actually Care About Peace?" NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / TRUMP, DONALD
20180420 zerohedge.com Trump To "Counter" DNC Lawsuit; Seeks Servers, Clinton Emails And "Pakistani Mystery Man TRUMP, DONALD / DNC / WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, DEBBIE / AWAN, IMRAN / MALIK, REHMAN
20180420 spiegel.de Verschwörungsklage der US-Demokraten Trumps Wahlkampfteam nennt Vorwürfe "wertlos" und "albern" TRUMP, DONALD / DNC
20180420 spiegel.de Vorwurf der Wahlbeeinflussung Demokraten verklagen Russland und Trumps Team wegen Verschwörung DNC / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20180420 washingtonpost.com Democratic Party files lawsuit alleging Russia, the Trump campaign and WikiLeaks conspired to disrupt the 2016 campaign DNC / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20180419 globaltimes.cn As Macron heads to US, 'strong relationship' with Trump under test MACRON, EMMANUEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20180416 zerohedge.com Trump Halts Plan For More Russia Sanctions; Russian Stocks, Ruble Jump TRUMP, DONALD / SANCTIONS / RU
20180416 spiegel.de Interview für US-Fernsehsender Ex-FBI-Chef nennt Trump "moralisch ungeeignet" fürs Präsidentenamt COMEY, JAMES / TRUMP, DONALD
20180415 spiegel.de Pressestimmen zu US-Luftschlägen "Trump ist eine Belastung für Amerika und die Welt" SY / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20180415 spiegel.de Trump-Enthüllungsbuch von James Comey Die Rache des Juristen COMEY, JAMES / TRUMP, DONALD
20180413 politico.com RNC fundraiser resigns after report of $1.6 million Playmate payoff BROIDY, ELLIOTT / COHEN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20180413 spiegel.de Trump-Enthüllungsbuch von Ex-FBI-Chef Vernichtung auf 384 Seiten COMEY, JAMES / FBI / TRUMP, DONALD
20180412 nypost.com Comey: Trump asked me to investigate ‘pee tape’ to reassure Melania TRUMP, DONALD
20180412 washingtonpost.com Trump’s allies worry that federal investigators may have seized recordings made by his attorney TRUMP, DONALD
20180412 spiegel.de Möglicher US-Angriff in Syrien Trumps Sprecherin: "Noch ist nichts entschieden" TRUMP, DONALD / US / SY
20180411 spiegel.de Moskaus Antwort auf Trump-Drohung "Wir beteiligen uns nicht an Twitter-Diplomatie" PESKOW, DMITRI / RU / SY / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20180411 zerohedge.com luongo-coup-complete-trump-doneLuongo: "The Coup Is Complete - Trump Is Done" TRUMP, DONALD
20180411 rt.com Stocks plunge, gold spikes after Trump taunts Russia with missile strikes in Syria TRUMP, DONALD
20180411 rt.com Get ready Russia, missiles will be coming at Syria, nice and new and ‘smart’! TRUMP, DONALD / RU / SY
20180411 zerohedge.com Trump: 'Get Ready Russia', Missiles Will Be Coming 'Nice' and 'New' and 'Smart' TRUMP, DONALD / SY / RU
20180411 spiegel.de Schweigegeld für Stormy Daniels Verhängnisvolle Affäre TRUMP, DONALD / NATIONAL ENQUIRER
20180410 spiegel.de Weißes Haus Trump hält sich für befugt, Ermittler Mueller zu entlassen TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT
20180410 rt.com FBI raids Trump's private lawyer in what he calls ‘total witch hunt’ COHEN, MICHAEL / FBI / TRUMP, DONALD
20180409 spiegel.de Stormy-Daniels-Affäre FBI durchsucht Büro von Trumps Anwalt COHEN, MICHAEL / FBI / TRUMP, DONALD
20180405 rt.com Trump threatens China with $100bn more in tariffs as response to Beijing’s ‘unfair retaliation’ TRUMP, DONALD / USCN
20180403 spiegel.de Jared Kushner und Ivanka Trump Das Power-Paar gerät ins Abseits KUSHNER, JARED / TRUMP, IVANKA / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20180326 thedailybeast.com Stormy Daniels’ Legal Strategy Strongly Suggests She Has Photos of Donald Trump DANIELS, STORMY / TRUMP, DONALD / KOMPROMAT
20180326 rt.com Trump orders expulsion of 60 Russian diplomats, closure of Seattle consulate TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU
20180325 rt.com Trump suggests American military may pay for US-Mexico border wall since it’s now 'rich' US / MX / TRUMP, DONALD
20180324 spiegel.de Strategie der Strafzölle Trumps Attacke auf den Welthandel TRUMP, DONALD / US / WTO
20180322 zerohedge.com "Now I’m F---ing Doing It My Way": Trump Prepares For War With Mueller TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT
20180322 rt.com 'No collusion': House Intel Committee votes to end Russia probe US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20180321 spiegel.de Amerika-Serie Der Trump-Moment TRUMP, DONALD
20180320 spiegel.de Datenskandal Trumps Wahlerfolg und das Facebook-Rätsel KUSHNER, JARED / BANNON, STEVE / TRUMP, DONALD / FACEBOOK / CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA /
20180320 spiegel.de Skandal um Datensammlung Was treibt eigentlich Cambridge Analytica? CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA / FACEBOOK / MERCER, ROBERT / BANNON, STEVE / TRUMP, DONALD
20180315 rt.com ‘Looks like Russians were behind spy poisoning’ - Trump SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / RU / TRUMP, DONALD
20180313 rt.com Different mindset with Tillerson, good chemistry with Pompeo - Trump TRUMP, DONALD / POMPEO, MIKE / TILLERSON, REX
20180313 zerohedge.com Trump Personal Assistant Fired, Escorted Out Of White House, Under Investigation For "Serious Financial Crimes" MCENTEE, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD
20180313 spiegel.de Nächster Rauswurf: Trumps persönlicher Assistent offenbar aus Weißem Haus eskortiert MCENTEE, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD
20180313 spiegel.de USA Trump entlässt Außenminister Rex Tillerson US / TRUMP, DONALD / TILLERSON, REX / POMPEO, MIKE / HASPEL, GINA / CIA
20180313 nytimes.com Rex Tillerson Out as Trump’s Secretary of State, Replaced by Mike Pompeo US / TRUMP, DONALD / TILLERSON, REX / POMPEO, MIKE / HASPEL, GINA / CIA
20180311 washingtonpost.com A felon pleaded his case on ‘Fox & Friends.’ Days later, Trump pardoned him. TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20180222 rt.com Trump suggests arming teachers & staff could prevent school massacres TRUMP, DONALD / US
20180214 theintercept.com Congressman Says He Tried to Brief Trump on WikiLeaks and Russia After Meeting With Julian Assange, But John Kelly Blocked Him ROHRABACHER, DANA / JOHNSON, CHARLES / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20180212 rt.com Trump back to slamming Middle East wars as he pushes infrastructure spending TRUMP, DONALD / US
20180210 rt.com ‘National security concerns’: Trump returns ‘sensitive’ memo to House Democrats for revision SCHIFF, ADAM / TRUMP, DONALD
20180206 people.com 'What We Did Was a Scam': The Apprentice Creators Give Behind the Scenes Reveal of Trump's Show TRUMP, DONALD
20180203 spiegel.de Trump versus FBI Der Memo-Krieg FISA / NUNES, DEVIN / TRUMP, DONALD
20180203 spiegel.de Memo zur Russlandaffäre FBI-Chef nimmt Mitarbeiter in Schutz FBI / TRUMP, DONALD / WRAY, CHRISTOPHER
20180202 zerohedge.com FISA Memo Released: Here's What It Says NUNES, DEVIN / FBI / FISA / TRUMP, DONALD
20180201 zerohedge.com Trump to Release Memo Friday Morning Without Redactions FBI / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20180131 spiegel.de Russland-Affäre FBI warnt vor Veröffentlichung von Geheimbericht US / FBI / TRUMP, DONALD
20180130 zerohedge.com Second "Trump Dossier" Emerges One Day After FISA Memo Vote SHEARER, CODY / FSB / STEELE, CHRISTOPHER / FUSION GPS / TRUMP, DONALD
20180130 zerohedge.com On Disinformation & The Dossier DISINFORMATION / TRUMP, DONALD / FUSION GPS / STEELE, CHRISTOPHER / PAGE, CARTER
20180126 spiegel.de Donald Trump in Davos Selbstgespräch auf der Weltbühne TRUMP, DONALD
20180125 zerohedge.com Trump Officially Restores Cold War TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / CN
20180118 rt.com Trump reveals ‘Fake News Awards,’ website crashes TRUMP, DONALD / FAKE NEWS
20180117 gop.com The Highly-Anticipated 2017 Fake News Awards TRUMP, DONALD / FAKE NEWS
20180113 rt.com ‘CIA friends’ asked Moby to spread word of Trump-Russia collusion on social media MOBY / CIA / TWITTER / PROPAGANDA / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20180113 bbc.com Donald Trump must apologise for comments - African Union TRUMP, DONALD / RACISM
20180112 rt.com Trump cancels UK visit… so much for the ‘special relationship’ US-GB / US / GB / TRUMP, DONALD
20180112 zerohedge.com "Why Would We Come?" Norwegians Respond To Trump's Immigration Offer TRUMP, DONALD / RACISM / NO
20180112 rt.com 'Security concerns’ or ugly embassy? Trump cancels UK visit with ANOTHER odd Tweet TRUMP, DONALD / GB / LONDON
20180111 spiegel.de "Steele-Dossier" über Trump "Von einer feindlichen Staatsmacht kompromittiert" TRUMP, DONALD / STEELE, CHRISTOPHER / SIMPSON, GLENN / FUSION GPS / FEINSTEIN, DIANNE / MUELLER, ROBERT / PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE / LEVY, JOSHUA
20180111 rt.com ‘Trump intensified war on whistleblowers, wants Assange’s head on a platter’ – fmr CIA officer to RT KIRIAKOU, JOHN / ASSANGE, JULIAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20180111 spiegel.de Trump und die Russlandaffäre Befragung durch Ermittler Mueller "eher unwahrscheinlich" TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT / FBI / US
20180108 spiegel.de Russlandaffäre Sonderermittler Mueller will Trump persönlich befragen TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT / FBI / US
20180108 spiegel.de Streit mit Medien Trump verschiebt "Fake News Award" FAKE NEWS / TRUMP, DONALD
20180106 zerohedge.com In Bizarre Tweetstorm, Trump Defends His Sanity: "I Am A Very Stable Genius" TRUMP, DONALD
20180106 spiegel.de Reaktion auf Skandalbuch Trump feiert sich selbst als "mental gefestigtes Genie" TRUMP, DONALD
20180104 rt.com Did Britain spy on Trump? Tony Blair thinks so… or so he allegedly told a senior White House aide GB / BLAIR, TONY / TRUMP, DONALD / WOLFF, MICHAEL
20180103 spiegel.de Buch zur Russlandaffäre Steve Bannon attackiert Trump junior BANNON, STEVE / TRUMP, DONALD
20180103 rt.com Trump disavows Bannon, says former campaign strategist ‘lost his mind’ BANNON, STEVE / TRUMP, DONALD
20180103 spiegel.de Trump reagiert auf Kims Drohung "Mein Atomwaffenknopf ist größer als seiner" TRUMP, DONALD / US / JONG UN, KIM / KP
20180103 spiegel.de Russland-Ermittlungen Trump verschärft seine Kampagne gegen das FBI TRUMP, DONALD / FBI / ABEDIN, HUMA / COMEY, JAMES
20180102 zerohedge.com Huma Abedin Forwarded Top Secret Passwords To Yahoo Account Hacked By Russian With Odd Clinton Connection ABEDIN, HUMA / CLINTON, HILLARY / RU / YAHOO / TRUMP, DONALD



Date Source Title Tags
20171224 zerohedge.com Wife Of Fusion GPS Founder Admits Her Husband Was Behind Fake "RussiaGate" Story STEELE, CHRISTOPHER / FUSION GPS / JACOBY, MARY / SIMPSON, GLENN / TRUMP, DONALD
20171220 zerohedge.com In From The Cold: CIA Gesture Indicates Thawing US-Russia Ties PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20171218 rt.com Trump’s new security strategy to keep Russia & China as main competitors TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / CN
20171217 rt.com Putin thanked Trump for CIA tip-off which helped Russia prevent terror attack PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD / FSB / CIA / ST. PETERSBURG
20171217 rt.com Trump to Putin: US was glad to save many lives in Russia by helping foil major terrorist attack PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / POMPEO, MIKE
20171210 wnd.com CIA veterans: Spooks know names of DNC leakers - 'WikiLeaks can't protect their sources – we have too many ways to uncover those sources' DNC / CIA / WIKILEAKS / RUSTMANN, FRED / POMPEO, MIKE / ROHRABACHER, DANA / ASSANGE, JULIAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20171206 spiegel.de Trotz Sorge um Stabilität im Nahen Osten Trump erkennt Jerusalem als Hauptstadt Israels an TRUMP, DONALD / US / IL / PS / JERUSALEM
20171205 spiegel.de Russlandaffäre Trump ist noch lange nicht am Ende TRUMP, DONALD
20171205 foreignaffairs.com How to Stand Up to the Kremlin: Defending Democracy Against Its Enemies BIDEN, JOSEPH / CARPENTER, MICHAEL / US / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RS / GE / UA / KG / MD / ME / WIKILEAKS / INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY / NL / IT / ES / CATALONIA / AFD / NORTHERN LEAGUE / LE PEN, MARINE / TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT
20171205 rt.com Trump informs Abbas of intention to move US Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem TRUMP, DONALD / US / IL / PS / JERUSALEM
20171201 ynetnews.com US intel sources warn Israel against sharing secrets with Trump administration IL / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20171201 zeit.de Mike Pompeo: Der Mann nach dem Rexit POMPEO, MIKE / TRUMP, DONALD / US STATE DEPARTMENT / TILLERSON, REX


Date Source Title Tags
20171130 spiegel.de "New York Times"-Bericht Ex Tillerson POMPEO, MIKE / TRUMP, DONALD / US STATE DEPARTMENT / TILLERSON, REX
20171129 spiegel.de Briten empört über Trumps Anti-Muslim-Tweets "Er ist weder ein Verbündeter noch ein Freund" FRANSEN, JAYDA / TRUMP, DONALD / GB
20171129 spiegel.de Anti-Islam-Videos Donald Trump verbreitet Tweets britischer Rechtsextremistin FRANSEN, JAYDA / TRUMP, DONALD
20171120 rt.com Trump declares North Korea state sponsor of terrorism TRUMP, DONALD / US / KP
20171115 theintercept.com Julian Assange’s Hatred of Hillary Clinton Was No Secret. His Advice to Donald Trump Was. ASSANGE, JULIAN / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD / BROWN, BARRETT
20171114 spiegel.de Fazit zu Trumps Asienreise Amerika dankt ab US / TRUMP, DONALD
20171113 rt.com ‘Nobody thinks Russia had impact on election’ – US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin MNUCHIN, STEVEN / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20171112 rt.com Trump believed Putin ‘means it when he says no’ to meddling claims, now sides with US intel agencies TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20171107 spiegel.de Nach Dutzenden Festnahmen Trump stellt sich hinter saudischen König und Kronprinz SA / TRUMP, DONALD / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED
20171105 spiegel.de Größter Börsengang der Welt Trump will Ölkonzern Saudi Aramco nach New York locken SA / SAUDI ARAMCO / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20171101 spiegel.de Russlandaffäre Trumps mögliche Exit-Strategie TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT


Date Source Title Tags
20171030 spiegel.de Vorwürfe gegen Ermittler Trump beklagt "Hexenjagd" in Russlandaffäre TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT / FLYNN, MICHAEL / MANAFORT, PAUL
20171027 spiegel.de Kennedy-Attentat US-Nationalarchiv gibt Geheimakten frei - aber nur teilweise KENNEDY, JOHN F. / TRUMP, DONALD
20171026 apnews.com The Latest: Trump_ It’s disgrace Democrats paid for dossier TRUMP, DONALD
20171019 spiegel.de New York Richter befasst sich mit Trump-Deals TRUMP, DONALD
20171015 nbcnews.com President Trump Subpoenaed Over Sexual Misconduct Allegations TRUMP, DONALD
20171014 spiegel.de Anzeige in "Washington Post" Porno-Produzent bietet zehn Millionen Dollar für Material gegen Trump TRUMP, DONALD / FLYNT, LARRY
20171012 spiegel.de Kritik an Fake News Trump stellt Lizenzen für TV-Sender infrage TRUMP, DONALD / FREEDOM OF PRESS / NBC
20171001 spiegel.de "Zeitverschwendung" Nordkorea-Sondierungen - Trump brüskiert seinen Außenminister TILLERSON, REX / TRUMP, DONALD / US / KP


Date Source Title Tags
20170924 spiegel.de Sportler gegen Präsident Diesen Gegner hat Trump unterschätzt TRUMP, DONALD
20170921 spiegel.de Sonderermittler zur Russland-Affäre Trump muss umfangreiche Unterlagen herausgeben MUELLER, ROBERT / TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / COMEY, JAMES / FLYNN, MICHAEL
20170920 spiegel.de USA Die Russland-Affäre holt Trump wieder ein TRUMP, DONALD
20170919 spiegel.de Trumps Rede im Wortlaut "Rocket Man On A Suicide Mission" TRUMP, DONALD
20170919 spiegel.de Rede vor der Uno Trump droht Nordkorea mit "völliger Zerstörung" TRUMP, DONALD
20170919 spiegel.de Trump bei der Uno Amerika, Amerika. Und dann der Rest der Welt TRUMP, DONALD
20170919 rt.com ‘Trump was right!’ Twitter goes wild after CNN admits FBI wiretapped Trump aide Manafort MANAFORT, PAUL / FBI / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170918 wasshingtonpost.com Trump’s pardon of Arpaio can — and should — be overturned ARPAIO, JOE / TRUMP, DONALD
20170915 thehill.com GOP rep proposed Assange pardon deal: report ASSANGE, JULIAN / ROHRABACHER, DANA / TRUMP, DONALD
20170915 washingtonexaminer.com Rep. Dana Rohrabacher: Someone leaked 'very important' call with John Kelly concerning WikiLeaks ROHRABACHER, DANA / KELLY, JOHN / ASSANGE, JULIAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20170914 spiegel.de Trumps Gesundheitszustand "Er erscheint verwirrt" TRUMP, DONALD
20170909 rt.com ‘US taboo’: Assange rubbishes climate change denial in hurricane tweet ASSANGE, JULIAN / TRUMP, DONALD / CLIMATE
20170904 rt.com 'Unacceptable': China slams Trump's threat to end commerce with N. Korea's trade partners CN / US / TRUMP, DONALD / KP
20170902 spiegel.de USA Ministerium hat keine Beweise für Lauschangriff auf Trump TRUMP, DONALD
20170902 spiegel.de Entlassung von FBI-Chef Comey Sonderermittler untersucht Trump-Brief MUELLER, ROBERT / TRUMP, DONALD / COMEY, JAMES
20170901 spiegel.de Konflikt zwischen USA und Russland Trump gibt den Kalten Krieger TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20170831 rt.com 'Russian consulate shutdown: Deep State victory or Trump’s attempt to avoid impeachment?' TRUMP, DONALD
20170831 rt.com Trump to discuss Assange & DNC hack in Rohrabacher ‘rendezvous’ ROHRABACHER, DANA / TRUMP, DONALD / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20170830 rt.com ‘Talking is not the answer’ for North Korea, Trump tweets TRUMP, DONALD / KP
20170827 spiegel.de Begnadigung für Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio Blankoscheck für Trumps Vasallen TRUMP, DONALD / ARPAIO, JOE
20170824 rt.com 'Lying to Congress': Trump lashes out at former spymaster over CNN comments CLAPPER, JAMES / TRUMP, DONALD
20170823 rt.com Outed CIA agent seeks to raise $1bn to buy Twitter and ban Trump PLAME WILSON, VALERIE / CIA / TWITTER / TRUMP, DONALD
20170819 spiegel.de Regierungschaos in Washington Angst vor dem Trump-Crash TRUMP, DONALD / US / COHN, GARY
20170818 rt.com Trump elevates US Cyber Command to independent status CYBERWAR / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170817 latimes.com California politics updates: Rohrabacher says he'll take info he learned from Julian Assange back to President Trump ROHRABACHER, DANA / ASSANGE, JULIAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20170816 spiegel.de Trumps Pressekonferenz im Wortlaut Die Verharmlosung des Hasses TRUMP, DONALD
20170816 rt.com Kim Jong-un 'made very wise & well reasoned decision' over Guam - Trump TRUMP, DONALD / US / KP
20170816 spiegel.de Trumps Pressekonferenz Lehrstunde in Nazi-Verharmlosung TRUMP, DONALD
20170815 spiegel.de Gewalt in Charlottesville Trump sieht Schuld weiter bei Rechten und Linken TRUMP, DONALD
20170814 rt.com White House says Trump condemns KKK & neo-Nazis after Charlottesville statement backlash TRUMP, DONALD
20170814 spiegel.de Trump zu Charlottesville "Rassismus ist böse" TRUMP, DONALD
20170809 buzzfeed.com This Is What European Diplomats Really Think About Donald Trump TRUMP, DONALD / EU
20170808 spiegel.de Streit um Einwanderungspolitik Chicago klagt gegen Trump-Regierung CHICAGO / TRUMP, DONALD
20170808 spiegel.de Umfrage Nur jeder vierte Amerikaner glaubt Nachrichten aus dem Weißen Haus TRUMP, DONALD / PROPAGANDA
20170808 spiegel.de Atomkonflikt Trump droht Nordkorea mit "Feuer, Wut und Macht" TRUMP, DONALD / US / KP
20170803 spiegel.de Trump und die Russland-Sanktionen Liebesgrüße an Moskau TRUMP, DONALD
20170802 spiegel.de Weißes Haus Donald Trump unterschreibt Gesetz zu Russlandsanktionen TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / SANCTIONS
20170802 rt.com Trump: Newly-signed Russia sanctions law ‘significantly flawed’ TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / SANCTIONS
20170801 spiegel.de Chaos im Weißen Haus Feuer frei SCARAMUCCI, ANTHONY / WHITE HOUSE / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20170731 zerohedge.com Trump Saw A Disturbing Video, Then He Shut Down The CIA's Covert Syria Program CIA / SY / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170721 nytimes.com Sean Spicer Resigns as White House Press Secretary SPICER, SEAN / TRUMP, DONALD / US / SCARAMUCCI, ANTHONY
20170721 spiegel.de Russlandaffäre Trump-Kontakt war Anwältin des russischen Geheimdiensts FSB VESELNITSKAYA, NATALIA / FSB / TRUMP, DONALD
20170719 nytimes.com Citing Recusal, Trump Says He Wouldn’t Have Hired Sessions SESSIONS, JEFF / TRUMP, DONALD
20170719 washingtonpost.com Trump ends covert CIA program to arm anti-Assad rebels in Syria, a move sought by Moscow SY / CIA / TRUMP, DONALD
20170712 huffingtonpost.com Trump Didn’t Even Decide Who Got Fired On ‘The Apprentice,’ Clay Aiken Says - “NBC made those decisions,” the former contestant said. TRUMP, DONALD
20170708 rt.com Trump: Meeting with Putin was ‘tremendous’ TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20170707 spiegel.de Syrien Russland und USA einigen sich auf neue Waffenruhe PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD / SY
20170707 spiegel.de Trump trifft Putin Turtelnde Machos G20 / TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20170706 spiegel.de Besuch in Polen Trump wirft Russland destabilisierendes Verhalten vor TRUMP, DONALD
20170706 spiegel.de Gesundheit des Präsidenten Leidet Donald Trump an Demenz? TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20170630 spiegel.de Attacken, Affronts, Drohungen Trump eskaliert seinen Krieg gegen die Medien TRUMP, DONALD
20170628 thehill.com NSA director frustrated Trump won't accept Russia interfered in election: report ROGERS, MIKE / NSA / TRUMP, DONALD
20170627 spiegel.de US-Einreiseverbot Trumps zynisches Spiel TRUMP, DONALD
20170624 spiegel.de Russische Wahleinmischung Trump wirft Obama Untätigkeit vor TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK
20170619 rt.com Data used by Trump campaign on 198mn Americans found exposed online BIG DATA / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170618 rt.com ‘Grave concerns’ prompt new probe into Trump admin’s proposed cuts to civil rights enforcement US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170618 spiegel.de Russlandaffäre Trumps Anwalt bestreitet Berichte über Ermittlungen TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170618 spiegel.de Neue US-Sanktionen Russland verurteilt Trumps Kuba-Wende US / CU / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170617 spiegel.de Finanzen des US-Präsidenten Trump hat mehrere Hundert Millionen Dollar Schulden TRUMP, DONALD
20170616 rt.com US ethics office releases Trump financial disclosure forms TRUMP, DONALD
20170615 spiegel.de Ermittlungen gegen Trump Tatort Weißes Haus TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT / US
20170615 spiegel.de US-Sonderermittler Mueller ermittelt nun offenbar gegen Trump persönlich MUELLER, ROBERT / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170612 thehill.com Trump friend says president considering firing Mueller RUDDY, CHRIS / TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT
20170612 spiegel.de Hotelgeschäfte Generalstaatsanwälte erheben Anklage gegen Präsident Trump TRUMP, DONALD
20170612 thedailybeast.com White House: When Trump Said He’d Testify, He Didn’t Mean to Congress TRUMP, DONALD
20170612 haaretz.com Israel Successfully Hacked ISIS Computers; Trump Leaked It to the Russians, NYT Reports ISLAMIC STATE / IL / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170611 politico.com White House: Trump gives Priebus until July 4th to clean up White House PRIEBUS, REINCE / TRUMP, DONALD
20170611 huffingtonpost.com Trump Says Qatar Funds Terror. Here’s His Record Of Trying To Get It To Fund Him. TRUMP, DONALD / QA
20170609 spiegel.de Keine Auskunft für US-Demokraten Deutsche Bank verweigert Informationen zu Trumps Krediten DEUTSCHE BANK / TRUMP, DONALD
20170609 spiegel.de Nach Comey-Vorwürfen Trump in Russland-Affäre zu Aussage unter Eid bereit TRUMP, DONALD / COMEY, JAMES
20170609 rt.com Qatar has 'historically been a funder of terrorism at a very high level' ‒ Trump QA / TRUMP, DONALD / TILLERSON, REX
20170608 resistancereport.com Trump ‘may not have known’ Qatar hosts 11,000 US troops when he attacked the nation on Twitter QA / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170608 rt.com Trump’s lawyer calls for investigation of Comey for leaking 'privileged communications' KASOWITZ, MARC / TRUMP, DONALD / COMEY, JAMES
20170608 tagesschau.de Ex-FBI-Chef Public Viewing bei Comey-Aussage COMEY, JAMES / TRUMP, DONALD
20170608 spiegel.de Senatsanhörung im Liveblog und im Livestream Ex-FBI-Chef Comey nennt Trump "Lügner" COMEY, JAMES / TRUMP, DONALD
20170607 spiegel.de Früherer FBI-Chef Comey bekräftigt Vorwürfe gegen Trump COMEY, JAMES / TRUMP, DONALD
20170607 spiegel.de Medienbericht Aufzeichnungen von US-Geheimdienstdirektor sollen Trump belasten COATS, DAN / TRUMP, DONALD / COMEY, JAMES
20170605 politico.com Trump National Security Team Blindsided by NATO Speech NATO / TRUMP, DONALD
20170602 yahoo.com How the Trump administration’s secret efforts to ease Russia sanctions fell short TRUMP, DONALD / FRIED, DAN / SANCTIONSUS / RU
20170601 rt.com Trump announces US withdrawal from Paris climate change deal CLIMATE / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170601 theguardian.com Nigel Farage is 'person of interest' in FBI investigation into Trump and Russia FARAGE, NIGEL / TRUMP, DONALD / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20170601 lemonde.fr Le FBI s’intéresse aux relations entre Nigel Farage, l’équipe Trump et Julian Assange FARAGE, NIGEL / TRUMP, DONALD / ASSANGE, JULIAN


Date Source Title Tags
20170531 spiegel.de Rätselhafte Wortschöpfung Ist Trump beim Twittern eingeschlafen? TRUMP, DONALD
20170530 apnews.com Trump’s cellphone diplomacy raises security concerns TRUMP, DONALD
20170528 spiegel.de Merkel nach Gipfel mit Trump "Die Zeiten, in denen wir uns auf andere völlig verlassen konnten, sind ein Stück vorbei" MERKEL, ANGELA / G7 / DE / TRUMP, DONALD
20170528 spiegel.de Russlandaffäre "War Room" soll Vorwürfe gegen Trump abwehren WHITE HOUSE / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / PRIEBUS, REINCE / BANNON, STEVE
20170525 spiegel.de Gipfel in Brüssel Trump fordert von Nato-Partnern "enorme Mengen Geld" NATO / TRUMP, DONALD
20170525 spiegel.de Trump im Nato-Hauptquartier Er will alles, und er will es jetzt TRUMP, DONALD / NATO
20170525 spiegel.de Trump in Brüssel "Die Deutschen sind böse, sehr böse" TRUMP, DONALDDE
20170525 spiegel.de Im Telefongespräch mit Duterte Trump soll Atom-U-Boot-Tabu gebrochen haben DUTERTE, RODRIGO / TRUMP, DONALD / KP / US
20170524 theintercept.com Read the Full Transcript of Trump’s Call With Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte DUTERTE, RODRIGO / TRUMP, DONALD
20170524 yahoo.com The Pope gave Donald Trump a 192-page letter he wrote on climate change BERGOGLIO, JORGE MARIO / TRUMP, DONALD / CLIMATE
20170523 spiegel.de Trumps Etat-Plan Weniger für die Armen, mehr fürs Militär TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170523 spiegel.de US-Präsident besucht Bethlehem Trump will Frieden, Abbas einen Staat TRUMP, DONALD / ABBAS, MAHMOUD / PS / IL
20170522 mcclatchydc.com Saudis gave the U.S. $360b in deals. Now they want Trump to rescind 9/11 lawsuit law. US / US 20010911 / TRUMP, DONALD / SA
20170522 rt.com Widow of 9/11 victim to Trump: Saudis should be held accountable for ‘role in murdering 3,000’ US / US 20010911 / TRUMP, DONALD / SA
20170522 spiegel.de Trump sieht neue Hoffnung auf Frieden in Nahost TRUMP, DONALD / IL
20170521 spiegel.de Grundsatzrede in Riad Donald Trump und wie er den Islam sieht TRUMP, DONALD / ISLAM / SA
20170520 spiegel.de Trumps Reiseauftakt in Saudi-Arabien ...und dann ein "unglaublicher Tag" beim König TRUMP, DONALD / SA / US / WEAPONTRADE
20170520 rt.com Trump strikes arms deal with Saudis worth $350bn, $110bn to take effect immediately SA / TRUMP, DONALD / US / WEAPONTRADE
20170520 inpedendent.co.uk Donald Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner 'person of interest in Russia investigation' FBI / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / KUSHNER, JARED
20170519 spiegel.de Russland-Affäre Enger Trump-Mitarbeiter offenbar im Visier der Ermittler FBI / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170519 spiegel.de Medienbericht Trump nennt Ex-FBI-Chef Comey einen "Spinner" TRUMP, DONALD / COMEY, JAMES
20170518 spiegel.de Sympathie für Trump Der Wuschelkopf im Weißen Haus AUGSTEIN, JAKOB / TRUMP, DONALD
20170518 rt.com Trump: Russia probe is greatest witch hunt of a politician in US history TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU
20170518 cosmopolitan.com Cassandra Fairbanks Loved Bernie Sanders. Now She's a Donald Trump Superfan. FAIRBANKS, CASSANDRA / SPUTNIK / CERNOVICH, MIKE / SANDERS, BERNIE / TRUMP, DONALD
20170517 washingtonpost.com House majority leader to colleagues in 2016: ‘I think Putin pays’ Trump MCCARTHY, KEVIN / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / ROHRABACHER, DANA
20170517 gulli.com Michael Moore: Dokumentation über Donald Trump mit großen Ambitionen in Arbeit MOORE, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20170517 rt.com Putin ready to provide records of Trump-Lavrov talks to prove no secrets were leaked PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / US / TRUMP, DONALD / LAVROV, SERGEY
20170517 spiegel.de USA Putin bietet Mitschrift von Trump-Lawrow-Treffen an LAVROV, SERGEY / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD
20170516 spiegel.de Trump-Leak Ausgeplauderte Informationen stammen offenbar aus Israel TRUMP, DONALD / IL
20170516 spiegel.de Trump-Leak Top-Republikaner wünscht sich "weniger Drama" im Weißen Haus TRUMP, DONALD
20170516 spiegel.de Kopflos im Weißen Haus Trump gegen Trump TRUMP, DONALD
20170516 spiegel.de Weißes Haus Trump gibt Weitergabe von Informationen an Russland zu TRUMP, DONALD
20170516 spiegel.de Medienberichte Trump soll streng geheime Informationen an Russen weitergegeben haben TRUMP, DONALD
20170515 washingtonpost.com Trump revealed highly classified information to Russian foreign minister and ambassador TRUMP, DONALD
20170515 theguardian.com Edward Snowden and others urge Trump to drop case against Assange ASSANGE, JULIAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20170513 spiegel.de Papst zum Trump-Besuch "Es gibt immer Türen, die nicht geschlossen sind" BERGOGLIO, JORGE MARIO / TRUMP, DONALD
20170513 spiegel.de Entlassung von James Comey Trump will neuen FBI-Chef rasch nominieren TRUMP, DONALD / FBI
20170512 alternet.org Donald Trump's Financial Ties to Russian Oligarchs and Mobsters Detailed In Explosive New Documentary from the Netherlands: Dutch TV did what no American TV network dares, suggesting Trump's past includes illegal racketeering. SATER, FELIX / TRUMP, DONALD
20170512 rt.com WikiLeaks trolls Trump hard over president’s ‘Comey tapes’ tweet TRUMP, DONALD / COMEY, JAMES / WIKILEAKS
20170512 spiegel.de Geheimdienst-Ausschuss zur Russland-Affäre Comey sagt ab TRUMP, DONALD / COMEY, JAMES / KOMPROMAT
20170512 rt.com ‘Comey better hope there are no tapes of our conversations’ before leaking to press – Trump TRUMP, DONALD / COMEY, JAMES / KOMPROMAT
20170511 rt.com ‘Trump’s only ideology is ‘me’, deeply authoritarian & very dangerous’ – Noam Chomsky CHOMSKY, NOAM / US / REPUBLICAN PARTY / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20170511 spiegel.de Präsident vs. FBI Trumps vier große Problemfelder TRUMP, DONALD / COMEY, JAMES / FBI
20170511 spiegel.de Rauswurf von FBI-Chef Comey Trump tritt nach COMEY, JAMES / TRUMP, DONALD
20170510 spiegel.de Der Comey-Skandal Trump, Russland und das FBI FBI / COMEY, JAMES / TRUMP, DONALD / FLYNN, MICHAEL / MANAFORT, PAUL / PAGE, CARTER / STONE, ROGER
20170510 spiegel.de Der Comey-Skandal Trump, Russland und das FBI TRUMP, DONALD / FBI / RU / COMEY, JAMES
20170510 spiegel.de Geschasster FBI-Chef Comey wollte Russland-Ermittlungen offenbar ausweiten COMEY, JAMES / FBI / TRUMP, DONALD
20170510 rt.com Lavrov: Trump admin are business people, dialogue free from ideological bias RU-US / US / LAVROV, SERGEY / TRUMP, DONALD
20170509 nytimes.com F.B.I. Director James Comey Is Fired by Trump US / COMEY, JAMES / TRUMP, DONALD
20170508 vanityfair.com From Russia With Love: Eric Trump Reportedly Bragged About Access to $100 Million in Russian Money - “We don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia. TRUMP, ERIC / TRUMP, DONALD / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20170423 nytimes.com Floyd Abrams Sees Trump’s Anti-Media Tweets as Double-Edged Swords FREEDOM OF PRESS / ABRAMS, FLOYD / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20170422 zerohedge.com Yale Psychiatrists Just Warned There Is Something Seriously Wrong With Trump TRUMP, DONALD
20170421 independent.co.uk Donald Trump on US charging Julian Assange: 'It's OK with me' TRUMP, DONALD / US / ASSANGE, JULIAN / SESSIONS, JEFF
20170416 patribotics.blog Carter Page Went to Moscow With a Tape of Donald Trump Offering Treason For Hacking PAGE, CARTER / MANAFORT, PAUL / EPSHTEYN, BORIS / TRUMP, DONALD
20170416 spiegel.de "Tax Day" in den USA Demonstranten fordern Trumps Steuerunterlagen TRUMP, DONALD
20170415 spiegel.de Besuch bei der Queen Trump besteht auf Fahrt in goldener Kutsche TRUMP, DONALD / GB
20170415 rt.com Trump dumps campaign pledges, goes ballistic in Syria & Afghanistan TRUMP, DONALD / SY / AF
20170414 rt.com Surprise: Trump has suddenly found a way to use anti-Russia talking points in his favor TRUMP, DONALD / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20170414 spiegel.de USA Trump schränkt Transparenz im Weißen Haus ein TRUMP, DONALD / WHITE HOUSE
20170413 spiegel.de Trump gegen Assad Ein bisschen Krieg - Ein paar "Tomahawks" - und schon wird Trump von seinen schärfsten Kritikern gelobt. Wer Bomben wirft, der wird geliebt. So irre ist unsere Welt. Der US-Präsident wird sich das merken - und wir werden es bereuen. TRUMP, DONALD
20170413 spiegel.de Trump und Russland Britischer Geheimdienst soll früh vor Kontakten nach Moskau gewarnt haben GCHQ / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / HANNIGAN, ROBERT / BRENNAN, JOHN
20170413 zerohedge.com WTF Headline Of The Day: NATO General Says Trump Has Been "Very Consistent" On NATO Support NATO / TRUMP, DONALD / STOLTENBERG, JENS
20170413 rt.com US & Russia ‘will work out fine’: Trump promises ‘lasting peace’ TRUMP, DONALD
20170412 vox.com Trump on North Korea: “After listening for 10 minutes, I realized it’s not so easy” TRUMP, DONALD / JINPING, XI / US / KP
20170411 spiegel.de Nach US-Militärschlag Trump berät mit Merkel und May über Lage in Syrien SY / TRUMP, DONALD / MERKEL, ANGELA / MAY, THERESA
20170411 rt.com Trump approves Montenegro's NATO membership ME / NATO / TRUMP, DONALD
20170410 rt.com Ex-MI6 chief fears Trump will launch catastrophic war on North Korea SAWERS, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD / US / KP
20170409 rt.com Trump considering sanctions against Russia & Iran over Syria – US envoy to UN HALEY, NIKKI / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / IR
20170408 medium.com Don’t Forget Your Base SHADOW BROKERS / TRUMP, DONALD / NSA
20170409 independent.co.uk Trump faces 'open warfare' with Breitbart if Bannon is fired, says former executive of the far-right website TRUMP, DONALD / BANNON, STEVE / BARDELLA, KURT
20170408 spiegel.de Trump-Inszenierung in Florida Gipfelkulisse und Kanonendonner JINPING, XI / TRUMP, DONALD / SY
20170407 rt.com ‘Another Neo-Con puppet’: Trump’s former backers jump ship after Syria airstrike TRUMP, DONALD / INFOWARS / WATSON, PAUL JOSEPH / INGRAHAM, LAURA
20710407 theintercept.com The Spoils of War: Trump Lavished With Media and Bipartisan Praise For Bombing Syria TRUMP, DONALD / SY / US
20170407 spiegel.de Luftschlag in Syrien Trump verprellt seine treuesten Anhänger TRUMP, DONALD / SY
20170406 independent.co.uk Donald Trump's travel expenses in 10 weeks cost US taxpayers as much as Barack Obama spent in two years TRUMP, DONALD
20170406 spiegel.de Trump und Syrien Reality-Star trifft Realität TRUMP, DONALD
20170405 spiegel.de Chinas Präsident Xi bei Trump Tacheles unter Palmen JINPING, XI / TRUMP, DONALD
20170405 spiegel.de Trump nach Giftgasangriff "Meine Einstellung zu Syrien und Assad hat sich sehr verändert" TRUMP, DONALD / SY
20170403 theintercept.com White House Meeting With Egypt’s Tyrant Highlights Key Trump Effect: Unmasking U.S. Policy EG / TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK / US-EG
20170401 bangkokpost.com Thailand on Trump's trade hit list TRUMP, DONALD / TH


Date Source Title Tags
20170331 washingtonpost.com Here’s what we know so far about Team Trump’s ties to Russian interests TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170331 thehill.com Journalists sue Trump over 'kill list' designations: report TRUMP, DONALD / ALJAZEERA
20170331 spiegel.de Trump will US-Kultursubventionen streichen Der Präsident gegen die Künste TRUMP, DONALD
20170330 spiegel.de 'Donald Trump is the fifth straight American president to bomb Iraq TRUMP, DONALD / US / IQ
20170329 washingtonpost.com Who is ‘Source D’? The man said to be behind the Trump-Russia dossier’s most salacious claim. MILLIAN, SERGEI / TRUMP, DONALD / STEELE, CHRISTOPHER / PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE
20170328 dailycaller.com Exxon Urges Trump To Stay In Paris Climate Agreement EXXON / CLIMATE / TRUMP, DONALD / GAS
20170324 spiegel.de Umstrittene Gesundheitsrefom Abstimmung über "Trumpcare" abgesagt US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170323 spiegel.de US-Präsident vs. FBI: Trump und die Russen-Disco TRUMP, DONALD / FBI / RU
20170323 spiegel.de Schlappe für Trump Republikaner verschieben Abstimmung über Abschaffung von Obamacare US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170322 spiegel.de Ausschuss-Chef Trump vielleicht zufällig im Geheimdienst-Visier NUNES, DEVINE / TRUMP, DONALD
20170321 spiegel.de Im April Nato-Generalsekretär Stoltenberg trifft Trump STOLTENBERG, JENS / TRUMP, DONALD / NATO
20170321 spiegel.de Abhörvorwürfe gegen Obama Fox News nimmt Experten vom Sender NAPOLITANO, ANDREW / CNN / OBAMA, BARACK / TRUMP, DONALD / GCHQ
20170321 spiegel.de Vorwürfe gegen Trump-Team Ex-BND-Chef nennt Untersuchung in Russland-Affäre "absolut gravierend" HANNING, AUGUST / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170321 spiegel.de Trump vs. FBI Im Spiegelkabinett der Lügen TRUMP, DONALD
20170320 rt.com FBI confirms probe into Trump’s alleged ties with Moscow during 2016 election campaign FBI / COMEY, JAMES / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170320 spiegel.de FBI-Chef widerspricht Trump Öffentliche Demontage COMEY, JAMES / FBI / TRUMP, DONALD
20170320 rt.com FBI & NSA chiefs testify in Congress on Trump, Russia, wiretapping (WATCH LIVE) FBI / NSA / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / COMEY, JAMES / ROGERS, MIKE
20170319 rt.com Trump billboard with Nazi-like dollar signs, nuclear mushroom clouds erected in US (VIDEO) USD / TRUMP, DONALD
20170319 theguardian.com Ex-UK ambassador calls White House wiretap claims 'gratuitously damaging' WESTMACOTT, PETER / GCHQ / TRUMP, DONALD
20170318 tagesschau.de Trump nach Merkel-Besuch "Deutschland schuldet NATO riesige Summen" TRUMP, DONALD / NATO / DE / MERKEL, ANGELA
20170317 theguardian.com GCHQ dismisses 'utterly ridiculous' claim it helped wiretap Trump GCHQ / SPICER, SEAN / TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK
20170317 bbc.com US will 'not repeat' claims GCHQ wiretapped Donald Trump GCHQ / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170317 spiegel.de Washington: Trump behauptet weiter, Obama habe ihn abhören lassen TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK
20170317 spiegel.de Treffen von Trump und Merkel Muss halt - Erstmals treffen sich Donald Trump und Angela Merkel. Die Gespräche im Weißen Haus verlaufen ohne größere Unfälle. Aber hier und da wird klar, wie schwierig das werden könnte mit den beiden. MERKEL, ANGELA / TRUMP, DONALD
20170316 spiegel.de US-Kongress Geheimdienstausschuss hat keine Beweise für Trumps Abhörvorwürfe TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK
20170316 spiegel.de Trumps Haushaltsplan Etats für Außen- und Umweltpolitik sollen sinken, Militärausgaben steigen US / TRUMP, DONALD
20130314 spiegel.de Vorwürfe gegen Obama Trump meinte nicht Abhören, als er Abhören twitterte SPICER, SEAN / TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK
20170314 rt.com Trump gave CIA power to authorize drone strikes – report CIA / PENTAGON / TRUMP, DONALD / US / DRONES / ASSASSINATIONS
20170311 spiegel.de Preet Bharara US-Bundesanwalt wurde offenbar "gefeuert" BHARARA, PREET / TRUMP, DONALD
20170310 rt.com Trump’s state visit to Britain could be postponed to let ‘the heat die down’ TRUMP, DONALD / GB
20170310 rt.com In light of CIA cyber arsenal, Trump’s wiretap claims are totally plausible TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170310 rt.com 'Time has come' for peace deal: Trump finally speaks with Abbas, invites him to White House ABBAS, MAHMOUD / TRUMP, DONALD / PS / IL
20170308 thinkprogress.org Trump personally met with Russian ambassador during campaign - Trump has repeatedly denied meeting with any Russian officials as a candidate KISLYAK, SERGEY / TRUMP, DONALD
20170305 spiegel.de Weißes Haus US-Kongress soll Abhörvorwürfe gegen Obama untersuchen US / TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK
20170304 spiegel.de USA Obama-Sprecher weist Trumps Abhörvorwürfe zurück OBAMA, BARACK / TRUMP, DONALD
20170304 rt.com ‘This is McCarthyism!’ Trump accuses Obama of wire tapping Trump Tower before election win TRUMP, DONALD
20170304 spiegel.de US-Präsident Trump wirft Obama Abhören seines Telefons vor TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK / KISLJAK, SERGEY IVANOVICH
20170303 spiegel.de Trump und Russland Obamas Gift OBAMA, BARACK / TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU
20170302 theintercept.com Trump May Choose “Alternative Intelligence” to Support His “Alternative Facts,” Former Agents Warn BAKOS, NADA / TRUMP, DONALD / INTELLIGENCE
20170302 spiegel.de WTO Trump stellt Regeln der Welthandelsorganisation infrage WTO / TRUMP, DONALD
201703 theatlantic.com How to Build an Autocracy - The preconditions are present in the U.S. today. Here’s the playbook Donald Trump could use to set the country down a path toward illiberalism. TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20170227 tagesschau.de Trump will Wehretat ausbauen "Wir müssen wieder Kriege gewinnen" TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170225 spiegel.de Weißes Haus Trump will nicht zu traditionellem Presse-Dinner TRUMP, DONALD / JOURNALISM
20170221 spiegel.de USA Trump will noch viel mehr Einwanderer ausweisen US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170221 spiegel.de Neuer US-Sicherheitsberater McMaster Trump entscheidet sich - und erntet Lob MCMASTERS, HERBERT RAYMOND / TRUMP, DONALD
20170220 spiegel.de Britische Anti-Trump-Proteste Zu peinlich für die Queen GB / TRUMP, DONALD
20170218 spiegel.de Nato-Finanzierung Münchner Unsicherheitskonferenz MSC / NATO / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170217 rt.com Trump on Russia: Getting along is great, sinking their ship isn’t TRUMP, DONALD
20170217 cbsnews.com Trump yells at CIA director over reports intel officials are keeping info from him TRUMP, DONALD / POMPEO, MIKE / CIA
20170216 rt.com US intel agencies keep Trump in dark citing alleged ‘Russian contacts’ – media US / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170216 spiegel.de Chaotische US-Regierung Präsident Trump steckt in seiner ersten echten Krise TRUMP, DONALD
20170215 newsweek.com U.S. - U.S. Allies Conduct Intelligence Operation Against Trump Staff and Associates, Intercepted Communications US / TRUMP, DONALD / FLYNN, MICHAEL / KISLYAK, SERGEY / DUTERTE, RODRIGO / ANTONIO, JOSE E.B. / NATO / MAY, THERESA / MERKEL, ANGELA / TILLERSON, REX / SECHIN, IGOR
20170215 politico.com FBI releases files on Trump apartments' race discrimination probe in '70s TRUMP, DONALD / FBI / RACISM
20170210 rt.com Trump speaks with China’s Xi, agrees to uphold ‘One China’ policy JINPING, XI / CN / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170208 spiegel.de Leaks über Donald Trump Hilferufe aus dem Weißen Haus WHITE HOUSE / TRUMP, DONALD
20170207 khamenei.ir We thank Trump for exposing the reality of the U.S.: Ayatollah Khamenei KHAMENEI, AYATOLLAH / IR / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170205 rt.com ‘You think our country is so innocent?’ – Trump asks after O’Reilly calls Putin ‘a killer’ TRUMP, DONALD
20170205 rt.com Trump is a ‘fraud’ who’ll ‘sell out middle & working class’ – Bernie Sanders SANDERS, BERNIE / TRUMP, DONALD
20170204 rt.com ‘Big mistake’: Florida heroin bust reveals bags stamped with Donald Trump’s face (PHOTOS) HEROIN / TRUMP, DONALD
20170203 rt.com ‘I haven’t eased anything,’ Trump says after Treasury amends sanctions on Russian FSB TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / FSB
20170202 rt.com ‘Worst so far’: Trump ‘hangs up’ on Australian PM after heated call, report says AU / US / TURNBULL, MALCOLM / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20170131 spiegel.de Nach Kritik an Einreiseverbot Trump entlässt kommissarische Justizministerin Yates YATES, SALLY / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170128 spiegel.de Dekret des US-Präsidenten Trump verhängt Einreisestopp für sieben muslimische Staaten TRUMP, DONALD / US / REFUGEES / SY / IQ / SD / LY / SO / YE / IR
20170128 rt.com Trump’s executive order bars Syrian refugee program, halts entry for citizens of 7 Arab countries TRUMP, DONALD / US / REFUGEES / SY / IQ / SD / LY / SO / YE / IR
20170127 spiegel.de Berlins Bürgermeister zu Trump "Dear Mr. President, don't build this wall" MUELLER, MICHAEL / BERLIN / TRUMP, DONALD
20170127 spiegel.de Donald Trump trifft Theresa May "Der Brexit wird fantastisch" MAY, THERESA / TRUMP, DONALD / BREXIT
20170127 rt.com Trump committed to NATO but would like to fight ISIS with Putin TRUMP, DONALD / US / NATO / ISIS / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20170127 spiegel.de Regieren per Erlass Was kann, was darf Präsident Trump? TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170126 twitter.com Ungrateful TRAITOR Chelsea Manning, who should never have been released from prison, is now calling President Obama a weak leader. Terrible! TRUMP, DONALD / MANNING, CHELSEA
20170126 spiegel.de Mexiko reagiert auf Trumps Mauerbau Wie eine Kriegserklärung TRUMP, DONALD / US / MX
20170126 spiegel.de Trumps Skandale Lauter leise Knaller TRUMP, DONALD
20170125 dailykos.com Does Donald Trump Now Hold a Significant Stake in Rosneft? TRUMP, DONALD / ROSNEFT
20170125 spiegel.de Umweltpolitik Trump will Klimaseite der Umweltbehörde schließen CLIMATE / TRUMP, DONALD / EPA
20170124 washingtonpost.com The true, correct story of what happened at Donald Trump’s inauguration TRUMP, DONALD
20170124 bbc.com Trump executive order pulls out of TPP trade deal TRUMP, DONALD / TPP / US
20170123 spiegel.de Weigerung des US-Präsidenten Wikileaks sucht nach Trumps Steuererklärung WIKILEAKS / TRUMP, DONALD
20170123 spiegel.de Trumps Pressesprecher "Es ist unsere Absicht, Sie nie anzulügen" SPICER, SEAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20170123 themoscowtimes.com Russian State TV Praises Trump for Avoiding ‘Democracy’ in Inauguration Speech: The Kremlin's ‘chief propagandist’ welcomes America's new president and slams his millions of critics TRUMP, DONALD / RU / KISEYOV, DMITRY
20170123 cbsnews.com Sources say Trump's CIA visit made relations with intel community worse CIA / TRUMP, DONALD
20170123 spiegel.de Freihandelsabkommen Trump besiegelt Ausstieg aus TPP TRUMP, DONALD / TPP / US
20170121 docs.google.com President Trump Remarks Given at CIA Headquarters (as delivered) TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20170121 rt.com Trump to CIA: Media made it sound like I had a feud with intelligence community TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20170121 spiegel.de Donald Trump Versöhnungsbesuch im CIA-Hauptquartier TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20170121 spiegel.de Trumps Amerika Day One - Donald Trump macht Ernst: Schon am ersten Amtstag beginnt er damit, das politische Erbe seines Vorgängers auszuradieren: "Wir spielen nicht mehr rum." TRUMP, DONALD
20170120 whitehouse.gov Making Our Military Strong Again CYBERWAR / TRUMP, DONALD
20170120 rt.com Trump admin outlines policy priorities for first 100 days on revamped WH website TRUMP, DONALD
20170120 huffingtonpost.com Climate Change Disappears From White House Website Under Trump CLIMATE / TRUMP, DONALD
20170119 zerohedge.com Trump Versus The CIA CIA / TRUMP, DONALD
20170119 zerohedge.com "He Is Going To Fail": Georges Soros Slams "Would Be Dictator" Trump SOROS, GEORGE / TRUMP, DONALD
20170117 rt.com Putin Says Doesn’t Believe Trump Met Prostitutes in Russia PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD
20170117 rt.com ‘Worse than prostitutes’: Putin slams those behind Trump ‘leak’ PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD
20170116 rt.com Trump calls CIA chief ‘fake news leaker’ after Brennan warns him about ‘talking & tweeting’ BRENNAN, JOHN / CIA / TRUMP, DONALD
20170116 rt.com Trump: US may lift Russian sanctions in exchange for nuclear reduction deal – Times, Bild TRUMP, DONALD
20170116 spiegel.de Künftiger US-Präsident Trump nennt Nato "obsolet" TRUMP, DONALD
20170115 spiegel.de Nach Kritik an Geheimdiensten Scheidender CIA-Direktor watscht Trump ab BRENNAN, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD
20170115 spiegel.de Vor Amtsantritt Bürgerrechtsikone Lewis bezeichnet Trump als illegitimen Präsidenten LEWIS, JOHN / TRUMP, DONALD
20170114 rt.com Beijing to Trump: ‘One China’ principle non-negotiable TRUMP, DONALD / US / CN
20170114 rt.com Intelligence insiders call Russian dossier ‘complete fraud’ – Trump TRUMP, DONALD
20170114 businessinsider.com Report: CIA set up task-force in 2016 to investigate possible Russian funding of Trump's campaign TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / RU
20170113 rt.com Mystery order: Troops providing inauguration security to lose commanding general mid-ceremony US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170113 foxnews.com Glenn Greenwald: Democrats hoping intelligence agencies will 'undermine and subvert' Trump presidency TRUMP, DONALD / GREENWALD, GLENN / US / CIA
20170112 spiegel.de Wilde Sex-Vorwürfe gegen Trump "Wall Street Journal" enttarnt britischen Ex-Agenten als Quelle STEELE, CHRISTOPHER / ORBIS INTELLIGENCE / TRUMP, DONALD
20170112 spiegel.de Kommentare zu Trumps Pressekonferenz "Wie ein Hund, der zu seinem Erbrochenen zurückkehrt" TRUMP, DONALD
20170111 wsj.com Christopher Steele, Ex-British Intelligence Officer, Said to Have Prepared Dossier on Trump - Former spy is director of London-based Orbis Intelligence Ltd. STEELE, CHRISTOPHER / ORBIS INTELLIGENCE / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20170111 theguardian.com The story of the Trump dossier: secret sources, an airport rendezvous, and John McCain TRUMP, DONALD / RU / FBI / MCCAIN, JOHN / CORN, DAVID / COMEY, JAMES
20170111 theintercept.com The Deep State Goes to War with President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer TRUMP, DONALD
20170111 cnn.com Intel chiefs presented Trump with claims of Russian efforts to compromise him US / TRUMP, DONALD
20170111 buzzfeed.com These Reports Allege Trump Has Deep Ties To Russia TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / KOMPROMAT
20170108 spiegel.de Hacking-Verdacht Abgeordnete zweifeln an Trumps Kuschelkurs mit Russland TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / CIA / FBI / NSA
20170106 rt.com ‘Who gave them this and why?’ Trump blasts leaks of secret report on ‘Russian hacking’ TRUMP, DONALD
20170105 spiegel.de Trump vs. China Das nächste Pulverfass TRUMP, DONALD / CN
20170105 rt.com Trump says he’s ‘big fan’ of intelligence amid criticism of his agency restructuring plans TRUMP, DONALD
20170105 spiegel.de Senator Dan Coats Früherer Botschafter in Deutschland soll US-Geheimdienstdirektor werden COATS, DAN / US / TRUMP, DONALD / DNI
20170105 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Wende Trump und Assange - eine merkwürdige Allianz ASSANGE, JULIAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20170105 cbsnews.com Key Trump surrogates once led fight vs. WikiLeaks and Assange WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / KING, PETER / WOOLSEY, JAMES / GINGRICH, NEWT / PALIN, SARAH / TRUMP, DONALD
20170104 spiegel.de SEC Trump macht Wall-Street-Anwalt zum Chef der Börsenaufsicht CLAYTON, JAY / SEC / TRUMP, DONALD
20170101 rt.com Trump questions claim of Russia hacking DNC, says he ‘knows things other people don’t’ TRUMP, DONALD / DNC



Date Source Title Tags
20161231 spiegel.de Trumps Neujahrsgrüße "Liebe!" TRUMP, DONALD
20161230 spiegel.de Ärger um US-Sanktionen Trump schwärmt von Putin US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20161229 rt.com Russia sanctions? Trump says US needs to ‘get on with our lives’ instead TRUMP, DONALD / RU / SANCTIONS
20161223 rt.com ‘So correct’: Trump responds to Putin’s holiday letter TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20161222 spiegel.de Auf Twitter Trump fordert atomare Aufrüstung der USA TRUMP, DONALD
20161219 spiegel.de USA Wahlleute wählen Donald Trump zum US-Präsidenten US / TRUMP, DONALD
20161218 debka.com Mossad, Shin Bet heads brief Trump team TRUMP, DONALD / MOSSAD / SHIN BET / COHEN, YOSSI / NAGEL, YAAKOV / DERMER, RON
20161217 rt.com FBI chief agrees with CIA on Russia’s alleged election help for Trump – report US / FBI / CIA / RU / TRUMP, DONALD
20161216 spiegel.de Israel-Botschafter der USA Friedman soll US-Botschafter werden - in Jerusalem FRIEDMAN, DAVID / TRUMP, DONALD / IL / US / JERUSALEM
20161216 spiegel.de Radio-Interview Obama kündigt Vergeltung für russische Hackerangriffe an PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20161215 huffingtonpost.com Bigger Than Watergate? Legitimate Concerns That Anti-Clinton Faction Within FBI May Have Conspired To Hand Election To Trump FBI / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20161215 spiegel.de US-Demokraten Putin soll in Hackerangriff involviert gewesen sein PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20161215 nbcnews.com U.S. Officials: Putin Personally Involved in U.S. Election Hack PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / MCFAUL, MICHAEL
20161214 spiegel.de Trump-Treffen mit Tech-Bossen "Ruft mich einfach an" TRUMP, DONALD
20161213 washingtonpost.com Scientists are frantically copying U.S. climate data, fearing it might vanish under Trump CLIMATE / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20161213 reuters.com Exclusive: Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking - sources CIA / RU / ODNI / TRUMP, DONALD
20161213 independent.co.uk Donald Trump could be like John F Kennedy, says Bill Gates GATES, BILL / TRUMP, DONALD
20161213 cnet.com Bill Gates says Donald Trump has chance to inspire like JFK GATES, BILL / TRUMP, DONALD
20161212 spiegel.de Trump legt im Streit mit China nach TRUMP, DONALD / CN
20161212 rt.com White House attacks Trump over connections to Russia and RT EARNEST, JOSH / WHITE HOUSE / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20161212 spiegel.de Angebliche Hilfe aus Moskau Der Russland-Krimi belastet Trump TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / RU
20161211 politico.com Trump: I don't need daily briefings TRUMP, DONALD
20161211 rt.com ‘It’s ridiculous’: Trump on CIA claims that Moscow helped him win US Presidency TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / RU
20161211 spiegel.de Angebliche Wahlhilfe durch Russland Trump nennt CIA-Bericht "lächerlich" TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / RU
20161210 theguardian.com CIA concludes Russia interfered to help Trump win election, say reports CIA / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20161210 spiegel.de Hacker-Angriffe Moskau wollte laut CIA Trump zum Sieg verhelfen CIA / RU / US / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20161210 spiegel.de USA-Newsblog Trump kommuniziert offenbar weiterhin unverschlüsselt TRUMP, DONALD
20161209 spiegel.de Neues US-Kabinett Trump nominiert Burgerketten-Chef als Arbeitsminister PUZDER, ANDREW / TRUMP, DONALD
20161209 washingtonpost.com National Security: Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House CIA / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161209 nytimes.com Russia Hacked Republican Committee but Kept Data, U.S. Concludes RNC / RU / US / WIKILEAKS / TRUMP, DONALD
20161208 spiegel.de Twitter-Chef über Donald Trump "Es ist kompliziert" DORSEY, JACK / TWITTER / TRUMP, DONALD / THIEL, PETER
20161203 dasmagazin.ch Ich habe nur gezeigt, dass es die Bombe gibt - Der Psychologe Michal Kosinski hat eine Methode entwickelt, um Menschen anhand ihres Verhaltens auf Facebook minutiös zu analysieren. Und verhalf so Donald Trump mit zum Sieg. KOSINSKI, MICHAL / FACEBOOK / TRUMP, DONALD / PSYCHOMETRICS / ASHBURNER NIX, ALEXANDER JAMES / CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA / KOGAN, ALEKSANDR / STRATEGIC COMMUNICATION LABORATORIES
20161203 rt.com US sells weapons, but I can't get a call? Trump baffled about outrage over his Taiwan phone call ING-WEN, TSAI / TRUMP, DONALD / TW / US / WEAPONTRADE
20161203 theguardian.com Trump's Taiwan phone call preceded by hotel development inquiry ING-WEN, TSAI / TRUMP, DONALD / TW / US / CN
20161203 spiegel.de Taiwan-Telefonat: Trumps erster Affront gegen Peking ING-WEN, TSAI / TRUMP, DONALD / TW / US / CN
20161203 spiegel.de Handelsbeziehungen Trump telefoniert mit Taiwan - und provoziert China ING-WEN, TSAI / TRUMP, DONALD / TW / US / CN
20161202 spiegel.de Telefongespräch Trump lädt Duterte ins Weiße Haus ein DUTERTE, RODRIGO / TRUMP, DONALD
20161202 rt.com 'New era of peace': Trump vows to stop US toppling of regimes during 1st stop of 'Thank You' tour TRUMP, DONALD
20161201 politico.com Russia accuses Ukraine of sabotaging Trump: A Foreign Ministry official says Ukrainian officials hampered Trump by targeting Manafort. MANAFORT, PAUL / TRUMP, DONALD / UA / RU
20161201 rt.com Trump taps 'Mad Dog' Mattis to be secretary of defense MATTIS, JAMES / TRUMP, DONALD
20161201 spiegel.de US-Wirtschaft Trump warnt Firmen vor Abwanderung ins Ausland TRUMP, DONALD / CARRIER
20161201 spiegel.de Künftiges US-Kabinett Trumps Klub der Milliardäre TRUMP, DONALD / ROMNEY, MITT / DEVOS, BETSY / ROSS, WILBUR / MNUCHIN, STEVEN / RICKETTS, TODD


Date Source Title Tags
20161128 spiegel.de Debatte um Neuauszählung Jetzt streut selbst Trump Zweifel am Wahlergebnis TRUMP, DONALD
20161121 spiegel.de Neuer US-Präsident Trump zieht ohne Ehefrau und Sohn ins Weiße Haus TRUMP, DONALD
20161119 spiegel.de Treffen mit Widersacher Trump und Romney halten sich bedeckt ROMNEY, MITT / TRUMP, DONALD
20161119 rt.com ‘If you don’t like Trump, leave the country,’ US judge tells new citizens US / TRUMP, DONALD
20161118 spiegel.de US-Berichte Trump will Ex-Geheimdienstchef als Sicherheitsberater FLYNN, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20161117 washingtonpost.com The Intersect: Facebook fake-news writer: ‘I think Donald Trump is in the White House because of me’ FACEBOOK / TRUMP, DONALD
20161116 slatestarcodex.com You Are Still Crying Wolf TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161115 rt.com Assange may ask Trump to end probe ASSANGE, JULIAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20161115 spiegel.de Milliardengeschäfte von Donald Trump Beispielloser Interessenkonflikt TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161115 spiegel.de USA und Russland Putin telefoniert erstmals mit Trump TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20161114 nypost.com Trump wants his kids to have top security clearance TRUMP, DONALD
20161114 talkingpointsmemo.com WSJ: Team Trump 'Unaware' That They'd Have To Replace West Wing Staff OBAMA, BARACK / TRUMP, DONALD
20161114 spiegel.de China vs. USA Präsident Xi setzt auf Zusammenarbeit mit Trump JINPING, XI / CN / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20161113 cbsnews.com President-elect Trump speaks to a divided country on 60 Minutes TRUMP, DONALD
20161113 spiegel.de TV-Interview Trump will zwei bis drei Millionen Migranten abschieben TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161113 spiegel.de Globale Sicherheit Nato mahnt Trump zur Bündnistreue NATO / TRUMP, DONALD / STOLTENBERG, JENS
20161112 nos.nl Clinton-adviseur: overwinning Trump is staatsgreep van FBI BLUMENTHAL, SIDNEY / FBI / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20161112 spiegel.de Pläne des neuen US-Präsidenten Wie Trump das Klima vergiften will TRUMP, DONALD
20161112 rt.com Trump praises Clintons, vows to keep parts of Obamacare in 1st post-vote TV interview TRUMP, DONALD
20161112 spiegel.de Mutmaßliches Trump-Opfer "Ich lasse mich nicht zum Schweigen bringen" ZERVOS, SUMMER / TRUMP, DONALD
20161112 rt.com NATO mulls worst-case scenario in case Trump pulls US troops out of Europe – report NATO / TRUMP, DONALD
20161112 rt.com Trump won’t last four years before being impeached or resigning - Michael Moore MOORE, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20161112 spiegel.de Militär-Bündnis Nato verschiebt Gipfeltreffen wegen Trump NATO / TRUMP, DONALD
20161111 nytimes.com Donald Trump Says He’d ‘Absolutely’ Require Muslims to Register TRUMP, DONALD / ISLAM
20161111 spiegel.de Die Trumps Bleibt alles in der Familie TRUMP, DONALD / TRUMP, DONALD JR. / TRUMP, IVANKA / TRUMP, ERIC / KUSHNER, JARED / TRUMP, LARA YUNASKA / TRUMP, TIFFANY
20161111 linkedin.com Peter Thiel To Join Trump Transition Team THIEL, PETER / TRUMP, DONALD
20161110 breitbart.com Trump’s Victory: A Rebellion Against Silicon Valley US / TRUMP, DONALD / THIEL, PETER
20161110 spiegel.de US-Wahl Russland hatte Kontakt zu Trumps Wahlkampfteam TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20161110 spiegel.de Gespräch im Weißen Haus Obama nennt Treffen mit Trump "exzellent" TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK
20161110 spiegel.de Newsblog zur US-Wahl Trump löscht zentrale Forderungen von seiner Website TRUMP, DONALD
20161110 spiegel.de Trumps Rechtsstreitigkeiten Ein gewählter Präsident, 75 offene Verfahren TRUMP, DONALD
20161110 spiegel.de Donald Trump: triumphiert Sieg des Zerstörers TRUMP, DONALD
20161110 rt.com Nationwide anti-Trump protests rock the US US / TRUMP, DONALD
20161109 wired.com Trump’s Win Signals Open Season for Russia’s Political Hackers TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20161109 theguardian.com Trump has 'every intention' of recognizing Jerusalem as Israel's capital NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / TRUMP, DONALD / IL / PS / JERUSALEM
20161109 spiegel.de Nächster US-Präsident Trump Der Moment seines Lebens TRUMP, DONALD
20161109 washingtonpost.com Intelligence community is already feeling a sense of dread about Trump US / TRUMP, DONALD / HAYDEN, MICHAEL
20161109 rt.com ‘I hope he’ll be a successful president’: Clinton says Americans ‘owe’ Trump chance to lead CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20161109 spiegel.de Reaktionen in Presse und Netz "Sind die USA ein gescheiterter Staat?" TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161109 rt.com Congratulations not celebrations: Countries who slammed Trump send best wishes TRUMP, DONALD
20161109 rt.com Trump campaign manager does not rule out special prosecutor for Hillary Clinton - MSNBC CONWAY, KELLYANNE / TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161109 rt.com Putin on Trump victory: Russia is ready to restore relations with US PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD / RU / US
20161108 theintercept.com Donald Trump Recruits Corporate Lobbyists to Select His Future Administration TRUMP, DONALD
20161104 spiegel.de USA vor der Wahl Stürzt die Welt zurück in die Dreißiger? TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161103 thedailybeast.com Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy - Trump supporters with strong ties to the agency kept talking about surprises and leaks to come—and come they did. GIULIANI, RUDOLPH W. / FBI / TRUMP, DONALD
20161103 independent.co.uk Donald Trump child sex abuse claims: Woman who accused Trump of raping her as a 13-year-old to speak for first time TRUMP, DONALD
20161101 spiegel.de Operation Alamo So plant Trump seine Zeit nach der Wahl TRUMP, DONALD
20161101 theintercept.com the Problem With the Story Connecting Russia to Donald Trump’s Email Server TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20161031 slate.com Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia? TRUMP, DONALD
20161031 motherjones.com A Veteran Spy Has Given the FBI Information Alleging a Russian Operation to Cultivate Donald Trump TRUMP, DONALD / RU / FBI
20161101 rt.com Trump leads with 46% while Clinton trails at 45% after FBI reboots email scandal investigation TRUMP, DONALD
20161031 nytimes.com Investigating Donald Trump, F.B.I. Sees No Clear Link to Russia TRUMP, DONALD / FBI / RU
20161029 spiegel.de Trump zu Clintons Syrien-Politik "Dann gibt es einen Dritten Weltkrieg" TRUMP, DONALD
20161028 newmatilda.com Inside The Invisible Government: John Pilger On War, Propaganda, Clinton And Trump PROPAGANDA / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20161025 rt.com Obama should be investigated over Clinton emails – Trump TRUMP, DONALD / OBAMA, BARACK / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161024 thedailybeast.com ‘So Much Fun’: Inside Donald Trump’s One-Stop Parties: Attendees Recall Cocaine and Very Young Models TRUMP, DONALD / PLAZA HOTEL NEW YORK / COCAINE
20161018 spiegel.de Überraschende Filmpremiere "Michael Moore in Trumpland" MOORE, MICHAEL / TRUMP, DONALD
20161017 washingtonpost.com Election officials brace for fallout from Trump’s claims of a ‘rigged’ vote US / TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY
20161015 spiegel.de US-Wahlkampf Trump will Drogentest vor TV-Debatte TRUMP, DONALD
20161014 spiegel.de Vorwürfe gegen Trump Weitere Frauen berichten von sexuellen Übergriffen TRUMP, DONALD
20161013 theguardian.com If Trump leaks are OK and Clinton leaks aren't, there's a problem TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS
20161013 spiegel.de Michelle Obama reagiert auf Donald Trump "Es reicht" OBAMA, MICHELLE / TRUMP, DONALD / NEW YORK TIMES
20161013 spiegel.de US-Präsidentschaftswahl Trump gibt umkämpften Bundesstaat Virginia verloren TRUMP, DONALD
20161013 rt.com Donald Trump’s ‘woman problem’ continues to grow TRUMP, DONALD
20161012 motherjones.com Trump Says He'll Imprison Clinton's Lawyers, Too - Jailing her isn't enough. He wants to prosecute the lawyers who advised her on her emails. TRUMP, DONALD
20161009 rawstory.com Producer: There’s video of Trump saying the N-word but it’ll cost $5 million to get it TRUMP, DONALD
20161009 huffingtonpost.com Angry Trump Declares War On GOP TRUMP, DONALD
20161009 washingtonpost.com The Fix: 35 Republicans have now called for Donald Trump to drop out TRUMP, DONALD / REPUBLICAN PARTY
20161008 washingtonpost.com The Fix: Donald Trump just retweeted Juanita Broaddrick calling Bill Clinton a rapist. All bets are now off. TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY / CLINTON, BILL / BROADDRICK, JUANITA
20161008 spiegel.de US-Wahl Video mit vulgären Trump-Äußerungen aufgetaucht TRUMP, DONALD
20161003 michaelmoore.com Is trump purposely sabotaging his campaign? TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20160926 rt.com Trump vows to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital after meeting Netanyahu NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / TRUMP, DONALD / JERUSALEM / IL
20160925 rt.com Bill Clinton’s former lover says she’ll attend presidential debate as Donald Trump’s guest FLOWER, GENNIFER / CLINTON, BILL / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20160923 spiegel.de "Anhalten und filzen" Wie Trump Chicago das Morden austreiben will TRUMP, DONALD
20160917 spiegel.de Entwaffnung von Leibwächtern Trump deutet erneut Gewalt gegen Clinton an TRUMP, DONALD
20160916 lawnewz.com ‘Jane Doe’ Plans to Re-File Sexual Assault Lawsuit Against Trump With ‘Additional Witness’ TRUMP, DONALD / EPSTEIN, JEFFREY
20160916 spiegel.de US-Präsidentschaftswahlkampf Trump halbiert sein Billionen-Versprechen TRUMP, DONALD
20160915 spiegel.de Europaparlamentschef Schulz "Trump ist ein Problem für die ganze Welt" SCHULZ, MARTIN / TRUMP, DONALD
20160915 spiegel.de Gesundheit im US-Wahlkampf Trump veröffentlicht Brief seines Leibarztes TRUMP, DONALD
20160914 rt.com US presidential campaign generating 'ridiculous & dangerous' charges against Vladimir Putin RUSSIA TODAY / TRUMP, DONALD / WAGNER, DANIEL
20160914 spiegel.de Geleakte Emails Ex-Außenminister Powell nennt Trump "nationale Schande" POWELL, COLIN / TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160912 rt.com Trump says health will be an election issue after Clinton falls ill at 9/11 memorial TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160910 theguardian.com predicts demographics make 2016 'last election Republicans can win' TRUMP, DONALD
20160902 reuters.com Mexican senator to propose anti-Trump expropriation law MX / TRUMP, DONALD / US


Date Source Title Tags
20160831 spiegel.de US-Wahlkampf: Clinton fast so unbeliebt wie Trump US / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20160830 spiegel.de USA: Früherer Ku-Klux-Klan-Anführer ruft zur Trump-Wahl auf TRUMP, DONALD / DUKE, DAVID / KKK
20160826 rt.com Assange slams Clinton for ‘Russian hysteria’ & US media for politicized election coverage ASSANGE, JULIAN / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20160823 rt.com Trump more psychopathic than Hitler, Oxford study finds TRUMP, DONALD
20160822 thedailybeast.com ‘MY GOAL’ - Steve Bannon, Trump's Top Guy, Told Me He Was 'A Leninist' Who Wants To ‘Destroy the State’ BANNON, STEVE / TRUMP, DONALD
20160817 rt.com No more Mr. Nice Trump: Candidate shuffles campaign, hires Breitbart exec TRUMP, DONALD / CONWAY, KELLYANNE / BANNON, STEPHEN K. / BREITBART
20160816 spiegel.de Enthüllungen über Chefberater: Trumps geheime Russland-Connection TRUMP, DONALD / MANAFORT, PAUL / RU
20160809 varianceexplained.org analysis of Trump's tweets confirms he writes only the (angrier) Android half TRUMP, DONALD / TWITTER
20160809 spiegel.de Rede über Waffenbesitz: Trump fabuliert über Schüsse auf Clinton TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY
20160808 spiegel.de Trumps Wirtschaftspolitik: Der Fantast TRUMP, DONALD
20160806 spiegel.de US-Präsidentschaftswahl: Donald Trump und die Furcht vorm Atom-Affekt TRUMP, DONALD / NUCLEAR WEAPONS / NUCLEAR FOOTBALL
20160806 spiegel.de Versöhnungskurs: Trump macht Zugeständnisse an Republikaner TRUMP, DONALD
20160805 spiegel.de Angebliches Beweisvideo: Donald Trump gesteht Fehler ein TRUMP, DONALD / US / IR
20160805 spiegel.de US-Präsidentschaftskandidat: Trumps Kernschmelze TRUMP, DONALD
20160805 spiegel.de US-Elite-Studenten: Harvard-Republikaner wenden sich gegen Trump TRUMP, DONALD
20160804 spiegel.de USA: Kasino Trump Taj Mahal schließt TRUMP, DONALD
20160804 rt.com Trump calls Hillary Clinton 'founder of ISIS,’ crowd cheers ‘lock her up’ TRUMP, DONALD
20160802 rt.com Who does the Kremlin want to win: Clinton or Trump? RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20160802 rt.com Trump warns US presidential election will be ‘rigged’, calls Hillary Clinton ‘the Devil’ TRUMP, DONALD
20160801 spiegel.de Nach Hackerangriff: Clinton wirft russischen Geheimdiensten Partei-Ausspähung vor CLINTON, HILLARY / RU / WIKILEAKS / DNC / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20160731 spiegel.de Mutter von gefallenem US-Soldaten: "Trump hat einen schwarzen Charakter" US / TRUMP, DONALD
20160728 spiegel.de US-Präsidentschaftskandidat: Trump schließt Anerkennung der Krim-Annexion nicht aus TRUMP, DONALD
20160727 spiegel.de US-Präsidentschaftswahl: Trump fordert Russland zum E-Mail-Hack auf TRUMP, DONALD
20160727 abcnews.go.com Trump Says Russia Should Find Clinton's Missing Emails TRUMP, DONALD / RU / CLINTON, HILLARY / DNC
20160724 nytimes.com As Democrats Gather, a Russian Subplot Raises Intrigue DNC / WIKILEAKS / RU / TRUMP, DONALD
20160723 breitbart.com Hungarian PM Orban Becomes First EU Leader To Endorse Trump ORBAN, VIKTOR / TRUMP, DONALD
20160722 rt.com ‘I am your voice!’: Trump vows to put 'America first’ in RNC nomination acceptance speech TRUMP, DONALD / RNC
20160707 nytimes.com Would Donald Trump Quit if He Wins the Election? He Doesn’t Rule It Out TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20160630 vice.com 2016 US Election: The president of France says if Brexit won, so can Donald Trump HOLLANDE, FRANCOIS / TRUMP, DONALD
20160630 thedailybeast.com The Billionaire Pedophile Who Could Bring Down Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY / EPSTEIN, JEFFREY / CLINTON, BILL
20160625 rt.com Erdogan calls for swift removal of Trump name from Istanbul Towers over The Donald’s - ‘Islamophobia’ ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TRUMP, DONALD
20160624 jezebel.com Here's How That Wild Lawsuit Accusing Trump of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl Hit The Headlines TRUMP, DONALD
20160624 rt.com Trump on Brexit: EU break-up on the cards, people want their borders back TRUMP, DONALD / BREXIT
20160623 haaretz.com Exclusive Trump Would Support Israeli Annexation of Parts of West Bank, Says Adviser TRUMP, DONALD / IL / PS
20160622 rt.com Donald Trump accused of raping 13yo girl in new lawsuit TRUMP, DONALD / EPSTEIN, JEFFREY
20160621 nationalreview.com Is There Anything to a Lawsuit Accusing Donald Trump of Raping a 13-Year-Old Girl with Bill Clinton’s Billionaire Sex Buddy? TRUMP, DONALD / EPSTEIN, JEFFREY / CLINTON, BILL
20160617 spiegel.de Rekord-Gagen für Reden: Deutsche Bank überweist Millionenbetrag an Clintons DEUTSCHE BANK / CLINTON, HILLARY / CLINTON, BILL / TRUMP, DONALD
20160603 vox.com Donald Trump is blatantly racist — and the media is too scared to call him out on it TRUMP, DONALD / RACISM
20160601 spiegel.de Politiker versus Medien: Trumps neuer Feind Nummer eins TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20160528 washingtonpost.com Judge bashed by Trump orders release of company records TRUMP, DONALD
20165028 sputniknews.com #ChickenTrump: Twitter Pounds Candidate for Backing Down on Sanders Debate SANDERS, BERNIE / TRUMP, DONALD
20160527 qz.com Photos: This Chinese mask factory is betting Donald Trump will be the next US president TRUMP, DONALD
20160526 rt.com Trump reaches magic number of delegates, officially presumptive GOP nominee TRUMP, DONALD
20160524 spiegel.de Donald Trump und Wladimir Putin: Liebesgrüße aus Moskau PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD
20160524 spiegel.de Gesprächsangebot an Kim Jong Un: Nordkoreas Uno-Botschafter nennt Trumps Worte Unsinn KP / TRUMP, DONALD
20160513 spiegel.de Donald Trump inkognito: Der Mann, der jede haben kann TRUMP, DONALD
20160510 fortune.com Silicon Valley Titan Peter Thiel Is Backing Donald Trump THIEL, PETER / TRUMP, DONALD
20160509 rt.com US will never default on debt 'because you print the money' – Trump TRUMP, DONALD
20160505 spiegel.de Trumps Schlachtplan im US-Wahlkampf: Erst die Partei, dann das Land TRUMP, DONALD
20160505 spiegel.de Streit mit den Rolling Stones: Trump can't always get what he wants TRUMP, DONALD
20160504 spiegel.de Trumps Triumph über Cruz: Der Knockout TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20160419 spiegel.de Trump-Fauxpas: 9/11 oder 7/11, ist doch egal TRUMP, DONALD
20160417 theguardian.com Artist threatened with lawsuits if she sells nude Donald Trump painting TRUMP, DONALD / GORE, ILLMA
20160408 rt.com Trump is ‘offensive, absurd & dangerous’ – Alex Salmond SALMOND, ALEX / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20160331 mirror.co.uk Donald Trump refuses to rule out nuclear strike on Europe TRUMP, DONALD
20160323 spiegel.de Reaktionen nach Brüssel-Anschlägen: Trump will wieder foltern BRUSSELS / TRUMP, DONALD / TORTURE
20160322 spiegel.de Milliardenkredite: Wenn Donald Trump Geld braucht, wählt er die Deutsche Bank TRUMP, DONALD / DEUTSCHE BANK
20160322 spiegel.de US-Wahlkampf: Trump fabuliert von "Drittem Weltkrieg mit Russland" TRUMP, DONALD / AIPAC / IL / PS / JERUSALEM / UN
20160321 washingtonpost.com A transcript of Donald Trump’s meeting with The Washington Post editorial board TRUMP, DONALD
20160321 washingtonpost.com We met with Donald Trump. Electing him will still be a radical risk. TRUMP, DONALD
20160316 bangkokpost.com Trump warns of possible 'riots' if he doesn't get White House nod TRUMP, DONALD
20160316 rt.com George Soros pumping millions into Democrats, alarmed by Trump’s rise SOROS, GEORGE / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD
20160312 spiegel.de Chaos bei Trump-Veranstaltung: Der Hass bricht aus TRUMP, DONALD / CHICAGO
20160304 spiegel.de TV-Debatte der Republikaner: "Donald - lern mal ruhig zu bleiben" TRUMP, DONALD
20160303 newsthump.com Psychiatric hospitals filling up with time travellers sent back to kill Donald Trump TRUMP, DONALD / US


Date Source Title Tags
20160224 spiegel.de US-Vorwahl der Republikaner: Erste Hochrechnungen sehen Trump in Nevada vorn TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20160101 bangkokpost.com Al-Qaeda video features Trump TRUMP, DONALD / AL QAEDA


Date Source Title Tags
20151230 rt.com Trump may be barred from Britain for 'public good' as petition gains 656,000 signatures TRUMP, DONALD / GB
20151220 spiegel.de Republikaner: Trump akzeptiert Putins Komplimente - "im Namen unseres Landes" TRUMP, DONALD
20151209 spiegel.de Bemerkungen über "radikalisierte Gegenden": Jetzt legt sich Trump auch mit London an TRUMP, DONALD
20151208 spiegel.de Kampf gegen IS: Trump will das Internet "dichtmachen" TRUMP, DONALD
20151207 spiegel.de Republikanischer Präsidentschaftsbewerber: Trump fordert Einreiseverbot für Muslime TRUMP, DONALD / US
20151126 spiegel.de Terror-Hype und Islamophobie: Amerikas Hassprediger drehen auf US / HATE SPEECH / TRUMP, DONALD
20151125 buzzfeed.com Court Papers: Trump Ate At Jeffrey Epstein’s House EPSTEIN, JEFFREY / TRUMP, DONALD
20151012 spiegel.de Interview im US-Fernsehen: Trump nennt Merkels Flüchtlingspolitik "irrsinnig" TRUMP, DONALD
20151006 telesurtv.net El Chapo Puts $100 Millon Bounty on Trump, Dead or Alive GUZMAN, JOAQUIN / TRUMP, DONALD
20150829 spiegel.de Eintrittsgeld für Trump-Rede: "Bitte halten Sie Bargeld bereit" TRUMP, DONALD
20150816 businessinsider.com Donald Trump just had one of his most combative interviews yet TRUMP, DONALD
20150816 spiegel.de Trump und Clinton in Iowa: Kotelett am Stiel muss sein TRUMP, DONALD / CLINTON, HILLARY / IOWA
20150813 dilbert.com Clown Genius TRUMP, DONALD
20150106 dailymail.co.uk Revealed: Bill Clinton, Mick Jagger and Donald Trump were in black book of Prince Andrew’s sex abuser friend Jeffrey Epstein EPSTEIN, JEFFREY / CLINTON, BILL / TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
20000123 washingtonpost.com Sunday In The Loop TRUMP, DONALD / KOMPROMAT


Date Source Title Tags
19900901 vanityfair.com After The Gold Rush: Unfortunately for Donald and Ivana Trump, all that glittered wasn’t gold. TRUMP, DONALD


Date Source Title Tags
201600620 scribd.com JANE DOE, proceeding under a pseudonym, Plaintiff, v. DONALD J. TRUMP and JEFFREY E. EPSTEIN EPSTEIN, JEFFREY / TRUMP, DONALD


