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|20240908||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/603676-cia-mi6-chiefs-threats-world-order/ CIA and MI6 chiefs warn of threats to ‘world order’ / The US and UK spy bosses have named China and Russia as the main challengers to the status quo]||[[MOORE, RICHARD]] / [[MI6]] / [[BURNS, WILLIAM]] / [[CIA]]
|20230227||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/572129-russia-spy-chief-cia-hubris/ Russian spy chief reacts to claim by CIA Director / William Burns suggested that Sergey Naryshkin showed signs of “hubris” during talks in Ankara last November]||[[NARYSHKIN, SERGEY]] / [[BURNS, WILLIAM]]
|20220505||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/cia-director-traveled-secret-meeting-saudi-crown-prince-heal-souring-ties CIA Director Traveled For Secret Meeting With Saudi Crown Prince To Heal Souring Ties]||[[BURNS, WILLIAM]] / [[MBS]]
|20220309||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/cia-chef-william-burns-wladimir-putin-ist-im-moment-wuetend-und-frustriert-a-ee4e9b98-6fb5-4e2f-b1e8-b8c2264e45e4 CIA-Chef Burns »Putin ist im Moment wütend und frustriert«]||[[BURNS, WILLIAM]] / [[CIA]]
|20210318||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-senat-bestaetigt-william-burns-als-cia-chef-a-9065acbb-b8ee-40f0-9d9a-42b9dd8e762f Ehemaliger Vize-Außenminister US-Senat bestätigt William Burns als CIA-Chef]||[[BURNS, WILLIAM]]
|20210318||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-senat-bestaetigt-william-burns-als-cia-chef-a-9065acbb-b8ee-40f0-9d9a-42b9dd8e762f Ehemaliger Vize-Außenminister US-Senat bestätigt William Burns als CIA-Chef]||[[BURNS, WILLIAM]]

Latest revision as of 08:26, 11 September 2024


Date Source Title Tags
20240908 rt.com CIA and MI6 chiefs warn of threats to ‘world order’ / The US and UK spy bosses have named China and Russia as the main challengers to the status quo MOORE, RICHARD / MI6 / BURNS, WILLIAM / CIA
20230227 rt.com Russian spy chief reacts to claim by CIA Director / William Burns suggested that Sergey Naryshkin showed signs of “hubris” during talks in Ankara last November NARYSHKIN, SERGEY / BURNS, WILLIAM
20220505 zerohedge.com CIA Director Traveled For Secret Meeting With Saudi Crown Prince To Heal Souring Ties BURNS, WILLIAM / MBS
20220309 spiegel.de CIA-Chef Burns »Putin ist im Moment wütend und frustriert« BURNS, WILLIAM / CIA
20210318 spiegel.de Ehemaliger Vize-Außenminister US-Senat bestätigt William Burns als CIA-Chef BURNS, WILLIAM
20210204 spiegel.de Neue US-Regierung Biden nominiert früheren Vizeaußenminister Burns als CIA-Direktor BURNS, WILLIAM / CIA
20210112 rt.com Too good to be true? Biden’s pick as new CIA chief signals that it may do less overthrowing of regimes and a bit more diplomacy BURNS, WILLIAM
20210111 rt.com William Burns, ex-envoy to Russia who accused Putin of using judo-like tactics to ‘sow chaos’ in US, named as Biden’s CIA director BURNS, WILLIAM / CIA
20210111 buildbackbetter.gov President-elect Biden Announces Ambassador William J. Burns as his Nominee for CIA Director BIDEN, JOSEPH / BURNS, WILLIAM
20170107 nytimes.com How We Fool Ourselves on Russia - By William J. Burns BURNS, WILLIAM