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= Places =
= Persons Involved =
= Persons Involved =
* see [[:Category:CIA]]
= Sources =
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= Articles =
= Articles =
== 2024 ==
|20240908||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/603676-cia-mi6-chiefs-threats-world-order/ CIA and MI6 chiefs warn of threats to ‘world order’ / The US and UK spy bosses have named China and Russia as the main challengers to the status quo]||[[MOORE, RICHARD]] / [[MI6]] / [[BURNS, WILLIAM]] / [[CIA]]
|20240829||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/taylor-swift-konzertabsage-in-wien-verhinderte-laut-cia-zehntausende-tote-a-72f5d6c9-ea7b-4f6e-b7e7-29c7f11a8ec5 Bericht der CIA Absage von Taylor-Swift-Konzerten in Wien soll Zehntausende Tote verhindert haben / Rund drei Wochen ist es her, dass Taylor Swift ihre Auftritte in Wien wegen islamistischen Terrorverdachts absagen musste. Jetzt heißt es von der CIA: Die mutmaßlichen Attentäter planten ein großes Blutbad.]||[[TAYLOR SWIFT]] / [[CIA]]
|20240815||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/new-nord-stream-sabotage-narrative-says-zelenskys-top-general-went-rogue New 'Official' Nord Stream Sabotage Narrative Says Zelensky's Top General Went Rogue]||[[ZALUZHNY, VALERY]] / [[NORD STREAM]] / [[UA]] / [[ZELENSKY, VOLODYMYR]] / [[CIA]] / [[WSJ]] / [[HMX]] / [[MIVD]] / [[CIA]] / [[DE]] / [[SE]] / [[PL]] / [[HANNING, AUGUST]] / [[ZELENSKY, VOLODYMYR]] / [[DUDA, ANDRZEJ]] / [[PODOLYAK, MYKHAILO]]
|20240815||wsj.com||[https://www.wsj.com/world/europe/nord-stream-pipeline-explosion-real-story-da24839c A Drunken Evening, a Rented Yacht: The Real Story of the Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage]||[[NORD STREAM]] / [[ZELENSKY, VOLODYMYR]] / [[ZALUZHNY, VALERY]] / [[CIA]] / [[MIVD]]  / [[PL]] / [[BND]]
|20240815||welt.de||[https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/video253030040/Nord-Stream-Anschlaege-Bin-sehr-sicher-dass-Herr-Selenskyj-davon-gewusst-hat-sagt-der-Ex-BND-Chef.html?icid=search.product.onsitesearch „Bin sehr sicher, dass Herr Selenskyj davon gewusst hat“, sagt Ex-BND-Chef Hanning]||[[HANNING, AUGUST]] / [[ZELENSKY, VOLODYMYR]] / [[DUDA, ANDRZEJ]] / [[NORD STREAM]] / [[STATE TERRORISM]] / [[CIA]] / [[UA-PL]] / [[UA-DE]] / [[PL-DE]]
|20240815||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/602634-ukraine-us-nord-stream/ Zelensky gave initial order for Nord Stream attack – WSJ / The paper claims the CIA pressured the Ukrainian leader to withdraw permission to target the key pipelines in 2022]||[[ZELENSKY, VOLODYMYR]] / [[UA]] / [[NORD STREAM]] / [[CIA]] / [[ZALUZHNY, VALERY]] / [[WSJ]]
|20240813||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/fall-von-kabul-mutig-ausdauernd-tapfer-a-14365a41-714e-4ba9-907f-3f2e63f4c4a6 Fall von Kabul / Sie kämpften mit dem Westen gegen die Taliban. Dann wurden sie im Stich gelassen]||[[AF]] / [[CIA]] / [[BND]]
|20240730||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/601856-ned-regime-change-grayzone/ Leaked emails reveal ‘civil war’ at CIA regime-change cutout / An embarrassing interview has exposed rifts at the National Endowment for Democracy]||[[NED]] / [[CIA]] / [[UA]]
|20240619||elpais.com||[https://english.elpais.com/international/2024-06-19/files-disappear-from-the-phone-of-the-former-spanish-soldier-who-spied-on-julian-assange-for-the-cia.html# Files disappear from the phone of the former Spanish soldier who spied on Julian Assange for the CIA / The police did not hand over David Morales’ WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Proton Mail and Skype conversations to the judge. The magistrate has ordered their immediate recovery]||[[MORALES, DAVID]] / [[UC GLOBAL]] / [[CIA]]
|20240527||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/twitter-files-cia-exposing-secret-effort-us-intelligence-seize-control-social-media Exposing The CIA's Secret Effort To Seize Control Of Social Media]||[[JANKOWICZ, NINA]] / [[CIA]] / [[SOCIAL MEDIA]]
|20240401||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/havanna-syndrom-setzten-russische-agenten-mikrowellenwaffen-gegen-us-diplomaten-ein-a-1d5d1c2e-ed83-44c8-a446-45bb50f712d5 Rätselhaftes Havanna-Syndrom / Setzten russische Agenten Mikrowellenwaffen gegen US-Diplomaten ein? Rasender Kopfschmerz, Übelkeit, Schwindel: US-Diplomaten und Spione wurden in den vergangenen Jahren offenbar Opfer mysteriöser Attacken. SPIEGEL-Recherchen zeigen nun, dass russische Geheimdienste damit zu tun haben könnten]||[[HAVANA SYNDROME]] / [[POLYMEROPOULOS, MARC]] / [[CIA]]
|20240330||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/595132-us-cia-burns-russia/ How America’s top spymaster sees the world and why it’s so disappointing / The CIA head’s vision for the future of America’s ongoing confrontation with Russia is depressingly shortsighted]||[[CIA]]
|20240328||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/595059-us-intelligence-crocus-nyt/ US didn’t share full intelligence on Moscow terror attack – NYT / Washington’s “adversarial relationship” with Russia prevented full disclosure of what it knew, sources told the newspaper]||[[RU 20240322]] / [[CIA]]
|20240315||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/594335-trump-cia-china-influence-campaign/ Trump ordered CIA operation against China – report / The social media influencing campaign was intended to foster ‘paranoia’ among top leaders in Beijing, Reuters reported]||[[CIA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[DISINFORMATION]]
|20240225||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/593155-cia-spy-network-ukraine-russia/ CIA has built vast anti-Russian spy network in Ukraine – NYT / The US intelligence agency has aided Kiev in setting 12 secret bases along the border, the paper has reported]||[[CIA]] / [[UA]] / [[UA-RU]] / [[KONDRATIUK, VALERY]] / [[NALIVAICHENKO, VALENTIN]]
|20240221||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/592878-spy-who-compromised-me/Notorious: The story of the biggest CIA failure in history and the man behind it / Thirty years ago, one man’s greed almost destroyed the information network of one of the world’s most powerful intelligence services. His love of the good life led to the greatest KGB success of the ‘80s.]||[[AMES, ALDRICH]] / [[CIA]]
|20240208||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/592121-putin-us-blew-up-nord-stream/ US behind Nord Stream sabotage – Putin / The Russian president said the CIA is to blame for blowing up the Baltic Sea gas pipelines in 2022]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[NORD STREAM]] / [[CIA]]
|20240202||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/591679-cia-whistleblower-sentenced-wikileaks/ CIA staffer sentenced to 40 years for ‘espionage’]||[[SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20240202||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/ex-hacker-der-cia-muss-40-jahre-ins-gefaengnis-a-f230f905-7295-44d8-b42e-07d25c2eed20 Daten an WikiLeaks übergeben Ex-Hacker der CIA muss 40 Jahre ins Gefängnis]||[[SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20240201||cnn.com||[https://edition.cnn.com/2024/02/01/politics/joshua-schulte-sentence-cia-leak/index.html Former CIA employee sentenced to 40 years in prison after carrying out largest data leak in agency’s history]||[[SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20240201||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/cia-wirbt-mit-emotionalem-video-um-russische-informanten-a-6916a126-b436-4472-ba76-ab61fb1060c0 Kampagne in sozialen Medien CIA wirbt mit emotionalem Video um russische Informanten]||[[CIA]]
== 2023 ==
|20231216||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/589175-cnn-trump-russia-documents/ Top secret Russia documents went missing, American spies claim / Former President Donald Trump wanted to declassify the files, but the FBI and CIA fought to prevent this]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FBI]] / [[CIA]] / [[CLASSIFICATION]] / [[RUSSIAGATE]] / [[GRENELL, RICHARD]]
|20231215||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/589099-naryshkin-virtual-russia-cia/ Russia’s top spy warns of new CIA scheme / US spooks are considering the creation of a fake Russian government-in-exile, Sergey Naryshkin has claimed]||[[NARYSHKIN, SERGEY]] / [[CIA]] / [[RU]]
|20231128||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/588160-ufo-retrieved-cia-whistleblowers/ CIA retrieved ‘intact’ UFOs – Daily Mail - A “secretive” office of the US spy agency has reportedly recovered nine “non-human craft”]||[[UFO]] / [[OGA]] / [[CIA]]
|20231110||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ukraines-cia-backed-military-intelligence-boasts-new-car-bombing-assassination Ukraine's CIA-Backed Military Intelligence Boasts Of New Car Bombing Assassination]||[[UA]] / [[CIA]]
|20231023||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2023/10/23/ukraine-cia-shadow-war-russia/ Ukrainian spies with deep ties to CIA wage shadow war against Russia]||[[CIA]] / [[MI6]] / [[UA]] / [[GUR]] / [[SBU]] / [[DUGINA, DARYA]]
|20230421||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/575103-cia-head-biden-election/ Former CIA head reveals efforts to help Biden win 2020 election / Dozens of former intelligence officials penned a letter falsely claiming the Hunter Biden laptop story was likely “Russian disinformation”]||[[BIDEN, HUNTER]] / [[BIDEN, JOSEPH]] / [[CIA]] / [[MORELL, MIKE]]
|20230417||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/574852-mexico-portillo-cia-kennedy/ Former Mexican president worked for CIA – declassified papers / The revelation comes as the US releases more documents relating to the probe into the John F. Kennedy assassination]||[[LOPEZ PORTILLO, JOSE]] / [[CIA]]
|20230323||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/573481-ukraine-cia-satellite-specops/ Ukrainian special forces getting military targets from CIA satellite – Times / The data is used to launch drone attacks against Russian servicemen, a unit commander told the outlet]||[[UA]] / [[CIA]] / [[US-RU]]
|20230225||tareqhaddad.com||[https://www.tareqhaddad.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/2023.02.23-Der-Spiegel-Is-the-CIA-hunting-Assanges-supporters.pdf Is the CIA hunting Assange's supporters?]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20230223||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/mutmassliche-jagd-auf-julian-assanges-unterstuetzer-im-schleppnetz-a-403c1e32-939d-4534-985d-2dd8e30573d7 Druck auf Helfer des WikiLeaks-Gründers / Jagt die CIA Assanges Unterstützer? - Einbrüche, Observationen, Abhöraktionen: In der Unterstützerszene des WikiLeaks-Gründers Julian Assange häufen sich seit Jahren Merkwürdigkeiten. Wer dahintersteckt, ist unklar – aber die Betroffenen haben Vermutungen.]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
== 2022 ==
|20221123||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/567011-cia-spies-recruit-russians/ CIA reveals plan for disgruntled Russians / The US spy agency wants to recruit disaffected Russian officials and business executives]||[[CIA]]
|20220929||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/sep/29/cia-websites-security-sources-communication-safety Covert CIA websites could have been found by an ‘amateur’, research finds]||[[CIA]]
|20220927||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/beschaedigte-gasleitungen-cia-warnte-bundesregierung-vor-anschlag-auf-ostsee-pipelines-a-3ab0a183-8af6-4fb2-bae4-d134de0b3d57 CIA warnte Bundesregierung vor Anschlag auf Ostsee-Pipelines / Es verdichten sich die Anzeichen auf eine geplante Attacke gegen die beiden Nord-Stream-Gasleitungen. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen gab es bereits im Vorfeld Hinweise darauf aus den USA.]||[[NORD STREAM 1]] / [[NORD STREAM 2]] / [[CIA]]
|20220925||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/563489-cia-75-anniversary-history/ From respect to resentment: My history with the CIA / The US Central Intelligence Agency recently turned 75. I have my reasons to wish it doesn’t see another birthday]||[[RITTER, SCOTT]] / [[CIA]]
|20220912||covertactionmagazine.com||[https://covertactionmagazine.com/2022/09/12/ukraine-the-cias-75-year-old-proxy/ Ukraine: The CIA’s 75-year-old Proxy]||[[UA]] / [[CIA]]
|20220816||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/julian-assange-anwaeltinnen-verklagen-cia-und-mike-pompeo-a-88ba7b20-1b70-477f-8538-51b3da23455c Unerlaubte Bespitzelung Anwältinnen von Julian Assange verklagen CIA und deren Ex-Chef Pompeo]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CIA]]
|20220816||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/560908-assange-lawyers-journalists-sue-cia/ Assange’s lawyers and journalists sue CIA / A new lawsuit alleges that America’s top spy agency snooped on visitors to Julian Assange]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CIA]]
|20220815||newsweek.com||[https://www.newsweek.com/cia-spying-assange-illegally-swept-us-lawyers-journalists-lawsuit-1731570 CIA spying on Assange "illegally" swept up US lawyers, journalists: Lawsuit]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CIA]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]]
|20220606||newyorker.com||[https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2022/06/13/the-surreal-case-of-a-cia-hackers-revenge The Surreal Case of a C.I.A. Hacker’s Revenge]||[[CIA]] / [[OSB]] / [[SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM]]
|20220603||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/556551-pompeo-court-kill-assange/ Ex-CIA director called to testify on US plot to kill Assange — media / A Spanish court has summoned Mike Pompeo, according to ABC]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CIA]]
|20220505||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/cia-trying-contact-russians-who-are-against-ukraine-war-dark-web CIA Trying To Contact Russians Who Are Against Ukraine War Via Dark Web]||[[CIA]]
|20220502||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/ukrainekrieg-cia-raet-menschen-aus-russland-sie-ueber-das-darknet-zu-kontaktieren-a-8b45d344-ef6d-412d-9733-7b091b1ffd0a US-Geheimdienst Die CIA bietet Russen Kontaktaufnahme über das Darknet an]||[[CIA]] / [[TOR]]
|20220309||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/cia-chef-william-burns-wladimir-putin-ist-im-moment-wuetend-und-frustriert-a-ee4e9b98-6fb5-4e2f-b1e8-b8c2264e45e4 CIA-Chef Burns »Putin ist im Moment wütend und frustriert«]||[[BURNS, WILLIAM]] / [[CIA]]
|20220210||senate.gov||[https://www.wyden.senate.gov/news/press-releases/wyden-and-heinrich-newly-declassified-documents-reveal-previously-secret-cia-bulk-collection-problems-with-cia-handling-of-americans-information Wyden and Heinrich: Newly Declassified Documents Reveal Previously Secret CIA Bulk Collection, Problems With CIA Handling of Americans’ Information Senators Call for Critically Needed Transparency About CIA Bulk Collection; Documents Declassified at Wyden and Heinrich’s Request]||[[CIA]]
|20220125||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/litauen-verkauft-ehemaliges-cia-foltergefaengnis-bei-vilnius-detention-site-violet-a-4d6772cb-f2e1-4205-90a3-c1013c7cac9a »Detention Site Violet« Litauen verkauft ehemaliges CIA-Foltergefängnis]||[[LT]] / [[CIA]] / [[TORTURE]]
|20220121||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/pop-culture/546528-mission-impossible-cia-hollywood/ New ‘Mission: Impossible’ invokes decades-old CIA-Hollywood link]||[[CIA]]
|20220114||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/546041-cia-special-troops-ukraine-invasion/ CIA-trained special ops could fight Russians in case of Ukrainian invasion – report / The rigorous program has seen Kiev’s forces receive elite training]||[[CIA]] / [[UA]]
== 2021 ==
|20211230||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/cia-experimented-100s-orphans-torturing-them-reveal-psychopathic-traits-report CIA Experimented On 100s Of Orphans, Torturing Them To Reveal Psychopathic Traits; Report]||[[CIA]] / [[DK]]
|20211229||thefreethoughtproject.com||[https://thefreethoughtproject.com/cia-torturous-experiments-children-orphan-psychology/ CIA Experimented on Hundreds of Orphans, Torturing Them to Reveal Psychopathic Traits—Report]||[[CIA]] / [[DK]]
|20211207||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/542459-cia-detention-program-afghanistan/ Papers reveal what CIA did to captives in Afghanistan]||[[CIA]] / [[AF]]
|20211202||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/541932-cia-hushed-up-own-child/ CIA hushed up own child sex crimes, newly-released documents reveal]||[[CIA]]
|20211128||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/541558-guardian-assange-embassy-spying/ Guardian accused of sitting on bombshell story about Assange]||[[GUARDIAN]] / [[CIA]] / [[KIRCHGAESSNER, STEPHANIE]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20211126||yahoo.com||[https://news.yahoo.com/us-stonewalls-probe-into-security-firm-that-allegedly-spied-on-assange-for-cia-says-spanish-judge-191433247.html U.S. stonewalls probe into security firm that allegedly spied on Assange for CIA, says Spanish judge]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CIA]] / [[ES]]
|20211125||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/541273-cia-warn-havana-syndrome/ CIA warns Russia over ‘Havana Syndrome’ – report]||[[CIA]] / [[US EMBASSY HAVANA]] / [[US-RU]]
|20211022||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/538219-congress-investigating-cia-kill-assange/ Congress is investigating CIA plans to kidnap & kill Julian Assange – but don't hold your breath for the truth coming out]||[[CIA]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[US]]
|20211019||yahoo.com||[https://news.yahoo.com/adam-schiff-asks-intelligence-agencies-for-information-about-ci-as-targeting-of-wiki-leaks-210324848.html?guccounter=1 Adam Schiff asks intelligence agencies for information about CIA's targeting of WikiLeaks]||[[SCHIFF, ADAM]] / [[CIA]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20211006||yahoo.com||[https://news.yahoo.com/us-prosecution-of-alleged-wiki-leaks-vault-7-source-hits-multiple-roadblocks-235450811.html U.S. prosecution of alleged WikiLeaks 'Vault 7' source hits multiple roadblocks]||[[CIA]] / [[SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20211005||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/536689-cia-informants-lost/ CIA informants overseas get killed, captured or compromised by dozens, according to media citing TOP SECRET cable]||[[CIA]]
|20210930||yahoo.com||[https://news.yahoo.com/pompeo-sources-for-yahoo-news-wiki-leaks-report-should-all-be-prosecuted-234907037.html Pompeo: Sources for Yahoo News WikiLeaks report 'should all be prosecuted']||[[CIA]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20210928||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/cia-us-geheimdienst-soll-laut-eines-berichts-entfuehrung-von-assange-erwogen-haben-a-a7a67231-c588-4522-8781-54c32b957e38 US-Geheimdienst CIA soll Bericht zufolge Ermordung von Assange erwogen haben]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CIA]]
|20210926||jornada.com.mx||[https://www.jornada.com.mx/notas/2021/09/26/mundo/revelan-que-la-cia-planeo-secuestrar-y-asesinar-a-assange-en-londres/ Revelan que la CIA planeó secuestrar y asesinar a Assange en Londres]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CIA]]
|20210926||freedom.press||[https://freedom.press/news/after-shocking-story-about-cia-illegal-acts-biden-admin-must-drop-assange-charges-immediately/ After shocking story about CIA illegal acts, Biden admin must drop Assange charges immediately]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CIA]]
|20210926||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/535871-cia-war-assange-yahoo/ CIA was ready to wage gun battle in London streets against Russian operatives to kill or snatch Assange, bombshell report claims]||[[CIA]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20210926||dailymail.co.uk||[https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10030397/CIA-secret-plans-kidnap-assassinate-Julian-Assange-2017-ex-officials-say.html?ito=social-twitter_mailonline CIA 'made secret plans to kidnap or assassinate Julian Assange after Wikileaks published sensitive hacking tools - and even plotted to shoot plane tires if he tried to flee embassy in 2017']||[[CIA]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20210926||news.yahoo.com||[https://news.yahoo.com/kidnapping-assassination-and-a-london-shoot-out-inside-the-ci-as-secret-war-plans-against-wiki-leaks-090057786.html?guccounter=1 Kidnapping, assassination and a London shoot-out: Inside the CIA's secret war plans against WikiLeaks]||[[CIA]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20210824||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/cia-chief-met-secretly-taliban-leader-monday CIA Chief Met "Secretly" With Taliban Leader On Monday]||[[CIA]]
|20210621||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/527187-ben-affleck-cia-agency/ Documents reveal how Ben Affleck got into the CIA, promising to ‘do the Agency proud’]||[[AFFLECK, BEN]] / [[CIA]]
|20210204||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-joe-biden-nominiert-frueheren-vize-aussenminister-william-burns-als-cia-direktor-a-60ce27ca-8afa-4819-a741-ee719f83b971 Neue US-Regierung Biden nominiert früheren Vizeaußenminister Burns als CIA-Direktor]||[[BURNS, WILLIAM]] / [[CIA]]
|20210127||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/jan/27/russian-esp-experiments-cia-memo CIA file on Russian ESP experiments released – but you knew that, didn't you?]||[[CIA]] / [[ESP]]
|20210111||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/512136-biden-cia-director-william-burns-russia/ William Burns, ex-envoy to Russia who accused Putin of using judo-like tactics to ‘sow chaos’ in US, named as Biden’s CIA director]||[[BURNS, WILLIAM]] / [[CIA]]
|20210106||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/cia-das-absurde-verwirrspiel-um-ein-neues-geheimdienst-logo-a-2f20b990-adcc-49d4-8a82-91a263306341 Verwirrspiel um neues Logo Darum wird die CIA plötzlich in einem Atemzug mit Techno und Porno genannt]||[[CIA]]
== 2020 ==
|20200918||thegrayzone.com||[https://thegrayzone.com/2020/09/18/mainstream-us-reporters-silent-spied-cia-contractor-assange/ Mainstream US reporters silent about being spied on by apparent CIA contractor that targeted Assange]||[[UNDERCOVER GLOBAL S.L.]] / [[CIA]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[NAKASHIMA, ELLEN]]
|20200914||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/cia-threat-memo-says-iran-plotting-assassinate-ambassador-revenge-soleimani CIA Threat Memo Says Iran Plotting To Assassinate Ambassador In Revenge For Soleimani]||[[CIA]]
|20200820||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/cia-versus-kennedys The CIA Versus The Kennedys]||[[CIA]] / [[KENNEDY, JOHN F.]]
|20200818||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-ehemaliger-cia-mitarbeiter-soll-fuer-china-spioniert-haben-a-9409622e-1280-465b-9538-3b6b5ea9d188 US-Geheimdienst Ehemaliger CIA-Mitarbeiter soll für China spioniert haben]||[[MA, ALEXANDER YUK CHING]] / [[CIA]]
|20200817||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/498261-former-cia-spy-china-arrested/ Former CIA officer arrested & charged with spying for China, told FBI sting op he wanted ‘the motherland’ to succeed]||[[MA, ALEXANDER YUK CHING]] / [[CIA]]
|20200814||strategic-culture.org||[https://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2020/08/14/cia-behind-guccifer-russiagate-a-plausible-scenario/CIA Behind Guccifer & Russiagate – a Plausible Scenario]||[[BINNEY, WILLIAM]] / [[CIA]] / [[GUCCIFER 2.0]] / [[DNC]]
|20200811||yahoo.com||[https://news.yahoo.com/cia-built-nuclear-bird-drone-124500313.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly92Y2hhdC5iZXJsaW4uY2NjLmRlLw&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAACtxS7Rinpwe8OPJ5Vdv1-aY21E8wYIRr15fd8DJ6CEo84hGIY2C95onlGeiVMXNV0UuIPgxvsHuFVr8W_QQFVCBK4fNLBF89bPrGyZ43DosxAeVoR1e9xcWnYceuR9MBD6_biugc8bmXgkfY5LBwCppZ-2-iM5fHfleKHn33CLA The CIA Built a Nuclear Bird Drone to Spy on Communists. Now It's Declassified.]||[[CIA]] / [[DRONES]]
|20200809||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/08/magazine/us-russia-intelligence.html Feature: Unwanted Truths: Inside Trump’s Battles With U.S. Intelligence Agencies - Last year, intelligence officials gathered to write a classified report on Russia’s interest in the 2020 election. An investigation from the magazine uncovered what happened next.]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[DNI]] / [[CIA]]
|20200805||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/music/2020/aug/05/stewart-copeland-father-miles-cia-spy-the-police Interview: Coups, lies, dirty tricks: The Police's Stewart Copeland on his CIA agent father]||[[CIA]] / [[COPELAND, MILES]]
|20200720||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/iran-angeblicher-cia-mossad-agent-hingerichtet-a-b82bb7f7-237d-4dd8-8911-a6e214ceb00e Iran Angeblicher CIA-Mossad-Agent hingerichtet]||[[MADSCHID, MAHMUD MUSSAWI]] / [[CIA]] / [[IR]]
|20200716||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/trump-secretly-authorized-cia-run-very-aggressive-cyberwar-ops-no-oversight Trump Secretly Authorized CIA To Run "Very Aggressive" Cyberwar Ops With No Oversight]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[CYBERWAR]] / [[CIA]]
|20200715||yahoo.com||[https://news.yahoo.com/secret-trump-order-gives-cia-more-powers-to-launch-cyberattacks-090015219.html Exclusive: Secret Trump order gives CIA more powers to launch cyberattacks]||[[CIA]]
|20200622||heise.de/tp||[https://www.heise.de/tp/features/CIA-Spanischer-Sozialdemokrat-Gonzalez-war-Senor-X-der-Todesschwadronen-4784545.htm  - CIA: Spanischer Sozialdemokrat González war "Señor X" der Todesschwadronen]||[[PSOE]] / [[GONZALEZ, FELIPE]] / [[GAL]] / [[CIA]]
|20200617||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/492186-cia-vault7-report-russiagate/ Who needs ‘Russian hackers’? Report reveals CIA incompetence to blame for Vault 7 breach]||[[CIA]]
|20200617||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/cia-amerikas-profi-hacker-nahmen-es-mit-der-eigenen-it-sicherheit-nicht-so-genau-a-b19fce78-0ace-434f-8644-e7db397f2c76 Datendiebstahl bei US-Geheimdienst CIA-System offenbar besorgniserregend schlecht geschützt]||[[CIA]]
|20200616||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/technology/cia-was-so-focused-developing-cyber-weapons-woefully-lax-security-led-vault-7-leak CIA Was So Focused On Developing Cyber Weapons That "Woefully Lax" Security Led To Vault 7 Leak]||[[CIA]]
|20200326||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/25/us/politics/robert-levinson-cia-iran.html Ex-F.B.I. Agent Who Vanished on C.I.A. Mission to Iran Is Most Likely Dead, U.S. Concludes - The retired agent, Robert Levinson, was said to be the longest-held American hostage in history. A scandal erupted inside the C.I.A. over his disappearance.]||[[LEVINSON, ROBERT]] / [[CIA]] / [[IR]] / [[DERIPASKA, OLEG]]
|20200312||granma.cu||[http://en.granma.cu/mundo/2020-03-12/operation-condor-the-cia-is-not-innocent Operation Condor: The CIA is not innocent - Recent disclosures linked to the Crypto AG company confirm that the CIA did not learn about Operation Condor via espionage. The gruesome extermination plan was planned, advised and implemented by U.S. intelligence services]||[[OPERATION CONDOR]] / [[CIA]] / [[CRYPTO AG]]
|20200310||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/482696-cia-technician-vault-7-mistrial/ Assange trial rehearsal? Hung jury results in mistrial for former CIA tech accused of handing ‘Vault 7’ docs to WikiLeaks]||[[SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM]] / [[CIA]]
|20200305||theregister.co.uk||[https://www.theregister.co.uk/2020/03/05/cia_leak_trial/ Alleged Vault 7 leaker trial finale: Want to know the CIA's password for its top-secret hacking tools? 123ABCdef - Tales of terrible security, poor compartmentalization, and more, emerge from the Schulte hearings]||[[CIA]] / [[SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM]]
|20200303||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/482243-cia-hacking-china-vault7/ CIA has been hacking China for 11 YEARS, says Chinese cybersecurity firm citing Vault 7 leak]||[[CIA]] / [[CN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20200303||zdnet.com||[https://www.zdnet.com/article/chinese-security-firm-says-cia-hacked-chinese-targets-for-the-past-11-years/ Chinese security firm says CIA hacked Chinese targets for the past 11 years - Qihoo 360 becomes second Chinese security vendor to blame the CIA for hacks against its civil aviation sector.]||[[CIA]] / [[CN]]
|20200302||360.cn||[http://blogs.360.cn/post/APT-C-39_CIA_EN.html The CIA Hacking Group (APT-C-39) Conducts Cyber-Espionage Operation on China's Critical Industries for 11 Years]||[[CIA]] / [[CN]] / [[SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM]]
|20200302||apnews.com||[https://apnews.com/05bb58e44d5cd72943650f5799d9f121 Coder charged in massive CIA leak portrayed as vindictive]||[[SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM]] / [[CIA]]
|20200212||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/480627-cia-spied-swiss-firm/ ‘Intel coup of the century’: CIA used Swiss encryption firm to spy on dozens of nations for decades – reports]||[[CRYPTO AG]] / [[CIA]] / [[BND]]
|20200211||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/world/national-security/cia-crypto-encryption-machines-espionage/?itid=pm_pop ‘The intelligence coup of the century’ - For decades, the CIA read the encrypted communications of allies and adversaries.]||[[CRYPTO AG]] / [[CIA]] / [[BND]]
|20200211||zdf.de||[https://www.zdf.de/nachrichten/politik/cryptoleaks-bnd-cia-operation-rubikon-100.html "Operation 'Rubikon'" - #Cryptoleaks: Wie BND und CIA alle täuschten]||[[CRYPTO AG]] / [[CIA]] / [[BND]]
|20200125||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jan/25/some-folks-were-tearful-cia-waterboarding-on-trial-in-guantanamo Guantánamo Bay: Chilling role of 'the Preacher' confirmed at CIA waterboarding hearing in Guantánamo - Two contractors give evidence of ‘The Preacher’, one of three authorised to carry out torture method, who has still not been identified after 17 years]||[[CIA]] / [[TORTURE]] / [[GUANTANAMO BAY]]
|20200113||thehill.com||[https://thehill.com/opinion/criminal-justice/477939-will-cia-misbehavior-set-julian-assange-free Will alleged CIA misbehavior set Julian Assange free?]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CIA]] / [[UNDERCOVER GLOBAL S.L.]] / [[ELLSBERG, DANIEL]]
== 2019 ==
|20191104||rt.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/turkish-backed-jihadists-filmed-using-cia-supplied-missiles-against-syrian-kurds Turkish-Backed Jihadists Filmed Using CIA-Supplied Missiles Against Syrian Kurds]||[[CIA]] / [[SY]]
|20191101||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/472343-cia-afghan-paramilitaries-war-crimes/ CIA-backed paramilitary ‘death squads’ guilty of war crimes in Afghanistan – HRW]||[[CIA]] / [[AF]] / [[HRW]]
|20191031||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/anti-trump-cia-whistleblower-invited-meddling-dnc-operative-obama-white-house-2015 Anti-Trump CIA Whistleblower Invited 'Meddling' DNC Operative To Obama White House In 2015]||[[CIARAMELLA, ERIC]] / [[CIA]] / [[DNC]]
|20191021||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/geschichte/cia-das-heldenimage-und-voelkerrechtswidrige-aktionen-a-1290656.html Geheimdienst CIA / »Eindeutig völkerrechtswidrige Aktionen« - Wie legal agiert der Geheimdienst CIA? Wie kamen US-Spione zu ihrem Heldenimage – und sind Geheimagenten überhaupt mit der Demokratie zu vereinbaren? Der Historiker Philipp Gassert hat Antworten.]||[[CIA]]
|20191009||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/470489-security-firm-embassy-assange/ Security firm at Ecuadorian embassy created ‘profiles’ on Russian & American visitors to Julian Assange, gave info to CIA – report]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UNDERCOVER GLOBAL S.L.]] / [[MORALES, DAVID]] / [[CIA]]
|20191009||elpais.com||[https://elpais.com/internacional/2019/10/08/actualidad/1570551203_762494.html Detenido el director de la empresa de seguridad española que espió a Assange - El propietario de UC Global quedó en libertad condicional y está siendo investigado por violar el secreto de las reuniones del ciberactivista con sus abogados]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UNDERCOVER GLOBAL S.L.]] / [[MORALES, DAVID]] / [[CIA]]
|20191004||medium.com||[https://medium.com/discourse/the-cias-war-on-wikileaks-founder-julian-assange-4a26b78fa042 The CIA’s War On WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UC GLOBAL]] / [[MORALES, DAVID]]
|20190930||qianxin.com||[https://ti.qianxin.com/blog/articles/network-weapons-of-cia/ 美国中央情报局网络武器库分析与披露]||[[CIA]]
|20190927||dw.com||[https://www.dw.com/en/spanish-security-firm-spied-on-julian-assange-for-cia-report/a-50617356 Spanish security firm spied on Julian Assange for CIA — report]||[[UNDERCOVER GLOBAL S.L.]] / [[MORALES, DAVID]] / [[CIA]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20190806||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-08-05/more-british-complicity-exposed-latest-cia-torture-unredacted-report More British Complicity Exposed In Latest "CIA Torture Unredacted" Report]||[[TORTURE]] / [[CIA]] / [[GB]]
|20190806||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/465905-cia-torture-british-intelligence/ Britain’s ‘central & widespread’ role in CIA torture program exposed in damning report]||[[CIA]] / [[TORTURE]]
|20190728||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-07-28/no-accountability-washington-cia-wants-hide-all-its-assets No Accountability In Washington. The CIA Wants To Hide All Its 'Assets]||[[CIA]] / [[IIPA]]
|20190723||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/464881-cia-intelligence-act-kiriakou/ Intelligence act will protect CIA agents who ‘commit war crimes,’ whistleblower Kiriakou tells RT]||[[KIRIAKOU, JOHN]] / [[CIA]] / [[IIPA]]
|20190722||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/464727-iranian-media-photos-spies/ Iranian media releases 1st PHOTOS of ‘captured CIA-linked spies’]||[[IR]] / [[CIA]]
|20190722||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/iran-will-cia-netzwerk-aufgedeckt-haben-a-1278458.html Konflikt mit den USA Iran will CIA-Netzwerk aufgedeckt haben]||[[IR]] / [[CIA]]
|20190722||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/464722-iran-spy-ring-cia/ Iran busted 17 spies linked to CIA, some received death sentence – media]||[[IR]] / [[CIA]]
|20190722||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-07-22/cia-wants-make-it-easier-jail-journalists-congress-isnt-stopping-it CIA Wants To Make It Easier To Jail Journalists, & Congress Isn't Stopping It]||[[CIA]] / [[IIPA]]
|20190717||techdirt.com||[https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20190716/09185242595/cia-wants-to-make-it-easier-to-jail-journalists-no-one-congress-is-stopping-it-happening.shtml The CIA Wants To Make It Easier To Jail Journalists And No One In Congress Is Stopping It From Happening]||[[CIA]] / [[FREEDOM OF PRESS]] / [[SCHIFF, ADAM]] / [[IIPA]]
|20190627||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-27/cia-finances-another-group-fraudsters-venezuelan-opposition CIA Finances Another Group Of Fraudsters: The Venezuelan "Opposition"]||[[CIA]] / [[VE]] / [[GUAIDO, JUAN]]
|20190628||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-28/have-you-heard-cias-iran-mission-centerHave You Heard Of The CIA’s Iran Mission Center?]||[[CIA]] / [[IR]]
|20190617||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/462075-iran-persian-gulf-security-cia/ Iranian admiral urges ‘destabilizing’ US to leave Persian Gulf, reveals arrests of CIA-run agents]||[[IR]] / [[US]] / [[CIA]]
|20190602||politico.com||[https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/02/julian-assange-cia-leak-1349425 Assange won’t face charges over role in devastating CIA leak]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM]] / [[US DOJ]]
|20190523||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05-23/trump-orders-fbi-cia-fully-cooperate-barr-authorizes-full-and-complete-authority Trump Orders FBI, CIA To "Fully Cooperate" With Barr; Grants "Full And Complete Authority To Declassify"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FBI]] / [[CIA]] / [[BARR, WILLIAM]]
|20190516||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05-15/fbi-cia-dispute-erupts-over-whether-comey-or-brennan-pushed-steele-dossier FBI-CIA Dispute Erupts Over Whether Comey Or Brennan Pushed Steele Dossier]||[[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[COMEY, JAMES]] / [[FBI]] / [[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[CIA]] / [[STEELE, CHRISTOPHER]]
|20190512||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-05-11/cia-has-warned-khashoggi-colleagues-saudis-targeting-them CIA Briefed Colleagues Of Khashoggi That Saudis Are Now Targeting Them]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[CIA]]
|20190511||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/459015-venezuela-coup-general-cia/ Venezuela's Maduro says turncoat general 'recruited by CIA' was mastermind of failed coup]||[[VE]] / [[CIA]]
|20190503||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/458270-papadopoulos-describes-intelligence-collusion-turkey/ Papadopoulos describes intel agency’s scavenging for scraps on Russian collusion in Trump campaign]||[[PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE]] / [[FBI]] / [[CIA]] / [[HONEYPOT]] / [[TURK, AZRA]] / [[TR]]
|20190502||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/02/us/politics/fbi-government-investigator-trump.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share F.B.I. Sent Investigator Posing as Assistant to Meet With Trump Aide in 2016]||[[HALPER, STEFAN]] / [[FBI]] / [[CIA]] / [[PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE]] / [[TURK, AZRA]]
|20190422||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-22/watergates-woodward-fbi-cia-handling-dossier-needs-be-investigated Watergate's Woodward: FBI, CIA Handling Of Dossier "Needs To Be Investigated"]||[[STEELE, CHRISTOPHER]] / [[FBI]] / [[CIA]] / [[WOODWARD, BOB]]
|20190421||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/457170-patino-ecuador-moreno-vassal-cia/ Assange arrest shows Moreno is ‘CIA asset,’ turning Ecuador into ‘vassal’ – former FM]||[[PATINO, RICARDO]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[MORENO, LENIN]] / [[CIA]]
|20190424||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/457452-pompeo-cia-moment-honest-interviews/ ‘We lied, we cheated, we stole’: Pompeo offers honest, if disturbing admission about CIA activity]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[CIA]]
|20190421||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-04-21/i-was-cia-director-we-lied-we-cheated-we-stole "I Was The CIA Director - We Lied, We Cheated, We Stole"]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[CIA]]
|20190417||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/456826-cia-chief-sick-children-manipulation/ CIA showed Trump photos of sick kids & dead ducks so he would expel Russian diplomats – NYT]||[[HASPEL, GINA]] / [[CIA]] / [[SKRIPAL, SERGEJ]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20190329||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/455102-chile-extradite-arms-dealer-cia/ US asks Chile to extradite arms dealer who sold weapons to Iraq... in deals ‘set up by CIA’]||[[CARDOEN, CARLOS]] / [[CIA]] / [[IQ]] / [[HUSSEIN, SADDAM]] / [[WEAPONTRADE]]
|20190329||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-03-29/8-cases-prove-fbi-cia-were-out-control-long-russiagate 8 Cases That Prove The FBI & CIA Were Out Of Control Long Before Russiagate]||[[CIA]] / [[FBI]]
|20190328||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-03-28/cia-linked-nellie-ohr-did-extensive-anti-trump-research-while-husband-was-4-doj CIA-Linked Nellie Ohr Gave Extensive Anti-Trump Research To High-Ranking DOJ Husband: Transcripts]||[[OHR, NELLIE]] / [[OHR, BRUCE]] / [[CIA]] / [[FUSION GPS]]
|20190316||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/453973-embassy-cia-dissident-group/ Dissident group unrelated to CIA: WaPo pitches new version of N.Korea embassy break-in]||[[KP]] / [[CIA]] / [[WASHINGTON POST]]
|20190314||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/spanien-cia-moeglicherweise-in-angriff-auf-nordkoreanische-botschaft-verwickelt-a-1257746.html "El País"-Bericht CIA könnte in Angriff auf nordkoreanische Botschaft verwickelt sein]||[[CIA]] / [[ES]] / [[KP]]
|20190313||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-03-13/cia-implicated-especially-violent-attack-north-korean-embassy-madrid CIA Implicated In 'Especially Violent' Attack On North Korean Embassy In Madrid]||[[CIA]] / [[ES]] / [[KP]]
|20190313||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/453742-cia-spain-north-korea/ CIA may be behind February attack on North Korean embassy in Spain – reports]||[[CIA]] / [[ES]] / [[KP]]
|20190313||elpais.com||[https://elpais.com/elpais/2019/03/13/inenglish/1552464196_279320.html CIA implicated in attack on North Korean embassy in Madrid: According to Spanish investigators, two of the men who broke into the diplomatic headquarters have connections to the US intelligence service]||[[CIA]] / [[ES]] / [[KP]]
|20190214||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-02-14/us-company-smuggled-weapons-venezuela-linked-cia-black-site-renditions US Company That Smuggled Weapons Into Venezuela Linked To CIA "Black Site" Renditions]||[[VE]] / [[N881YV]] / [[21 AIR]] / [[GEMINI AIR CARGO]] / [[MORENO, ADOLFO]] / [[STEINKE, MICHAEL]] / [[CIA]]
|20190214||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/451469-cia-mbs-khashoggi-us-relations-unchanged/ CIA says MBS ordered Khashoggi hit, but don’t expect Saudi-US  relations to change – John Kiriakou]||[[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[CIA]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]]
== 2018 ==
|20181214||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/446437-filaret-awards-jack-devine/ ‘Thanks for independence’: Ukraine’s schismatic Patriarch bestows highest award on ex-CIA ops chief]||[[DEVINE, JACK]] / [[UA]] / [[CIA]]
|20181210||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-12-10/former-cia-chief-disguise-explains-how-spy-agency-trains-agents-act-perfectly Former CIA Chief Of Disguise Explains How Spy Agency Trains Agents To Blend In]||[[CIA]]
|20181210||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/446081-corsi-sues-mueller-wikileaks-trump/ Blackmailed to lie? Roger Stone associate sues Mueller, intel agencies for $350mn]||[[CORSI, JEROME]] / [[STONE, ROGER]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[PODESTA, JOHN]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]] / [[FBI]] / [[CIA]] / [[NSA]]
|20181205||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/jamal-khashoggi-us-senatoren-beschuldigen-kronprinz-mohammed-bin-salman-a-1241984.html "Er ist gefährlich" US-Senatoren beschuldigen saudischen Kronprinz im Fall Khashoggi]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[CIA]] / [[US]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]]
|20181204||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-12-04/senators-convinced-cias-smoking-saw-evidence-crown-prince-orchestrated-khashoggi Senators Convinced By CIA's "Smoking Saw" Evidence Crown Prince Orchestrated Khashoggi Murder]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[CIA]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]]
|20181204||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/445584-senate-cia-khashoggi-saudi/ ‘Smoking saw’: After CIA briefing, Senators confident MBS behind Khashoggi killing]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[CIA]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]]
|20181202||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/02/us/politics/crown-prince-mohammed-qahtani-intercepts.html Intercepts Solidify C.I.A. Assessment That Saudi Prince Ordered Khashoggi Killing]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[CIA]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]]
|20181201||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/jamal-khashoggi-neue-cia-dokumente-belasten-mohammed-bin-salman-a-1241488.html Mordfall Khashoggi Neue CIA-Dokumente belasten saudischen Kronprinzen]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[CIA]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]]
|20181129||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/445177-assange-politico-guardian-greenwald-manafort/ Russia again! Twitter mocks nameless CIA agent who blames Kremlin for dubious Manafort-Assange story]||[[FINLEY, ALEX]] / [[CIA]] / [[POLITICO]] / [[MANAFORT, PAUL]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[GUARDIAN]] / [[HARDING, LUKE]] / [[COLLYNS, DAN]]
|20181122||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/22/us/politics/trump-saudi-thanksgiving.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage Rebuffing C.I.A., Trump Says It Only Has ‘Feelings’ About Khashoggi Killing]||[[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[SA]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]]
|20181122||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/trump-brushes-aside-cia-assertion-that-crown-prince-ordered-killing-defends-him-and-saudi-arabia/2018/11/22/d3bdf23c-ee70-11e8-96d4-0d23f2aaad09_story.html Trump brushes aside CIA assertion that crown prince ordered killing, defends him and Saudi Arabia]||[[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[SA]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]]
|20181122||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/jamal-khashoggi-cia-soll-tonband-besitzen-das-mohammed-bin-salman-schwer-belastet-a-1239800.html Fall Khashoggi CIA soll Tonband besitzen, das saudischen Kronprinzen schwer belasten]||[[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[CIA]]
|20181118||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/444280-no-conclusion-khashoggi-murder/ Premature but possible? Trump awaits ‘full report’ on Khashoggi murder after CIA implicates MbS]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[CIA]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]]
|20181117||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/17/us/politics/trump-khashoggi-saudi-arabia.html?action=click&module=Latest&pgtype=Homepage ‘We Were Told That He Did Not Play a Role’ in Khashoggi Killing, Trump Says of Saudi Crown Prince]||[[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[CIA]]
|20181117||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/jamal-khashoggi-cia-sieht-saudischen-kronprinz-hinter-ermordung-a-1238984.html Mohammed bin Salman CIA macht saudischen Kronprinzen für Khashoggi-Mord verantwortlich]||[[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[CIA]]
|20181116||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/16/us/politics/cia-saudi-crown-prince-khashoggi.html C.I.A. Concludes That Saudi Crown Prince Ordered Khashoggi Killed]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[CIA]]
|20181116||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/444216-cia-saudi-khashoggi-assassination/ CIA ‘concludes with high confidence’ Saudi Crown Prince ordered Khashoggi murder – reports]||[[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[CIA]]
|20181116||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-11-16/cia-believes-saudi-crown-prince-ordered-khashoggis-killing-wapo CIA Believes Saudi Crown Prince Ordered Khashoggi's Killing: WaPo]||[[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[CIA]]
|20181116||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/cia-concludes-saudi-crown-prince-ordered-jamal-khashoggis-assassination/2018/11/16/98c89fe6-e9b2-11e8-a939-9469f1166f9d_story.html CIA concludes Saudi crown prince ordered Jamal Khashoggi’s assassination]||[[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[CIA]]
|20181103||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/443010-iran-google-cia-network/ CIA’s secret communication network was cracked by Iranians using… Google Search?]||[[CIA]] / [[IR]]
|20181102||zerohegde.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-11-02/obamas-cia-secretly-intercepted-congressional-communications-about-whistleblowers Obama's CIA Secretly Intercepted Congressional Communications About Whistleblowers]||[[CIA]]
|20181031||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/442785-cia-coder-prison-torture/ Coder charged with leaking CIA hacking secrets to WikiLeaks says he’s being tortured in prison]||[[SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM]] / [[TORTURE]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[WHISTLEBLOWING]]
|20181028||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-10-28/regime-change-riyadh-cia-has-just-publicly-dumped-mbs Regime Change In Riyadh? The CIA Has Just Publicly Dumped MbS]||[[SA]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[CIA]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]]
|20181022||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/cia-director-flies-to-turkey-amid-growing-controversy-over-jamal-khashoggi-killing/2018/10/22/47d406d9-9f36-49fc-a187-a9a495b70a62_story.html CIA director flies to Turkey amid growing controversy over Jamal Khashoggi killing]||[[HASPEL, GINA]] / [[CIA]] / [[US]] / [[SA]] / [[TR]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]]
|20180824||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/24/us/politics/cia-russia-midterm-elections.html Kremlin Sources Go Quiet, Leaving C.I.A. in the Dark About Putin’s Plans for Midterms]||[[CIA]] / [[RU]]
|20180815||foreignpolicy.com||[https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/08/15/botched-cia-communications-system-helped-blow-cover-chinese-agents-intelligence/ Botched CIA Communications System Helped Blow Cover of Chinese Agents]||[[CIA]] / [[OPSEC]]
|20180810||counterpunch.org||[https://www.counterpunch.org/2018/08/10/the-cias-double-standard-revisited/ The CIA’s Double Standard Revisited]||[[CIA]]
|20180720||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-20/democratic-institutions-10-lessons-history-will-destroy-your-trust-cia "Democratic Institutions?" – 10 Lessons From History That Will Destroy Your Trust In The CIA]||[[CIA]]
|20180619||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/wikileaks-enthuellungen-vault-7-anklage-gegen-ex-cia-mitarbeiter-a-1213749.html WikiLeaks-Enthüllungen "Vault 7" Ex-CIA-Mitarbeiter wegen Datenweitergabe angeklagt]||[[SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM]] / [[CIA]]
|20180619||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/430166-wikileaks-cia-tools-source-charges/ Alleged WikiLeaks source who helped expose CIA hacking tricks faces 135 years in prison]||[[SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM]] / [[CIA]]
|20180618||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-06-18/cia-indicts-vault-7-leak-suspect-wikileaks-release-was-largest-breach-agency DOJ Indicts "Vault 7" Leak Suspect; WikiLeaks Release Was Largest Breach In CIA History]||[[SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM]] / [[CIA]]
|20180618||justice.gov||[https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/joshua-adam-schulte-charged-unauthorized-disclosure-classified-information-and-other Joshua Adam Schulte Charged With The Unauthorized Disclosure Of Classified Information And Other Offenses Relating To The Theft Of Classified Material From The Central Intelligence Agency]||[[SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM]] / [[CIA]]
|20180606||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/einestages/acoustic-kitty-wie-die-cia-eine-katze-zum-lauschangriff-schickte-a-1210269.html Mieze mit Mission Die Cyborg-Katze der CIA]||[[CIA]]
|20180525||spectator.org||[https://spectator.org/the-london-to-langley-spy-ring/ Special Report: The London-to-Langley Spy Ring]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[MI6]] / [[CIA]]
|20180522||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-22/ron-paul-haspel-not-problemthe-cia-problem Ron Paul: Haspel Is Not The Problem...The CIA Is The Problem]||[[PAUL, RON]] / [[CIA]] / [[HASPEL, GINA]]
|20180519||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-19/fbi-spy-op-exposed-trump-campaign-infiltrated-longtime-cia-and-mi6-asset FBI Spy-Op Exposed, Trump Campaign Infiltrated By Longtime CIA And MI6 Asset]||[[HALPER, STEFAN]] / [[CIA]] / [[MI6]] / [[PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE]] / [[PAGE, CARTER]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180519||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/427217-stefan-halper-spy/Stefan Halper – Latest character in Russiagate drama spied for the CIA in the 80s]||[[HALPER, STEFAN]] / [[CIA]] / [[FBI]] / [[PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE]] / [[PAGE, CARTER]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20180517||motherboard.vice.com||[https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/qvn83q/joshua-schulte-cia-vault-7-wikileaks-opsec Alleged CIA Leaker Joshua Schulte Has Some of the Worst Opsec I’ve Ever Seen]||[[SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM]] / [[CIA]]
|20180517||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-senat-bestaetigt-gina-haspel-als-cia-chefin-a-1208366.html Trumps Kandidatin US-Senat bestätigt Gina Haspel als neue CIA-Chefin]||[[HASPEL, GINA]] / [[CIA]]
|20180515||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/us-identifies-suspect-in-major-leak-of-cia-hacking-tools/2018/05/15/5d5ef3f8-5865-11e8-8836-a4a123c359ab_story.html National Security - U.S. identifies suspect in major leak of CIA hacking tools]||[[CIA]] / [[SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20180509||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-09/mastermind-behind-911-attacks-wants-chime-haspel-cia-confirmation Mastermind Behind 9/11 Attacks Wants To Chime In On Haspel CIA Confirmation]||[[SHEIKH MOHAMMED, KHALID]] / [[HASPEL, GINA]] / [[CIA]] / [[US]]
|20180509||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/cia-designierte-chefin-gina-haspel-schwoert-foltermethoden-ab-a-1207088.html Gina Haspel Designierte CIA-Chefin schwört Foltermethoden ab]||[[HASPEL, GINA]] / [[CIA]]
|20180427||aclu.org||[https://www.aclu.org/blog/national-security/torture/cia-gives-highly-sanitized-view-gina-haspel-while-keeping-her-torture The CIA Gives a Highly Sanitized View of Gina Haspel While Keeping Her Torture Record Secret]||[[HASPEL, GINA]] / [[CIA]] / [[TORTURE]]
|20180408||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/423517-skripals-cia-us-relocation/ CIA & MI6 may offer Skripals new IDs, relocation to Five Eyes country – report]||[[SKRIPAL, SERGEJ]] / [[SKRIPAL, YULIA]] / [[CIA]] / [[MI6]]
|20180315||propublica.org||[https://www.propublica.org/article/cia-cables-detail-its-new-deputy-directors-role-in-torture Correction: Trump’s Pick to Head CIA Did Not Oversee Waterboarding of Abu Zubaydah]||[[ZUBAYDAH, ABU]] / [[TORTURE]] / [[CIA]] / [[TH]] / [[HASPEL, GINA]] / [[AL-RAHIM AL-NASHIRI, ABD]]
|20180314||bangkokpost.com||[https://www.bangkokpost.com/news/general/1427606/new-cia-chief-ran-thailands-secret-waterboarding-site New CIA chief ran Thailand's secret waterboarding site]||[[HASPEL, GINA]] / [[CIA]] / [[TORTURE]] / [[TH]]
|20180313||thecipherbrief.com||[https://www.thecipherbrief.com/article/north-america/haspel-nominated-lead-cia-pompeo-replace-tillerson Haspel Nominated to Lead CIA, Pompeo to Replace Tillerson]||[[HASPEL, GINA]] / [[CIA]]
|20180313||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-entlaesst-rex-tillerson-cia-chef-mike-pompeo-uebernimmt-a-1197876.html USA Trump entlässt Außenminister Rex Tillerson]||[[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[TILLERSON, REX]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[HASPEL, GINA]] / [[CIA]]
|20180313||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/13/us/politics/trump-tillerson-pompeo.html Rex Tillerson Out as Trump’s Secretary of State, Replaced by Mike Pompeo]||[[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[TILLERSON, REX]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[HASPEL, GINA]] / [[CIA]]
|20180217||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-02-17/cia-argues-public-cant-see-classified-information-it-has-already-leaked-favored CIA Argues The Public Can't See Classified Information It Has Already Leaked To Favored Reporters]||[[LEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20180217||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/02/17/sunday-review/russia-isnt-the-only-one-meddling-in-elections-we-do-it-too.html Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too.]||[[CIA]] / [[RU]] / [[JOHNSON, LOCH K.]] / [[HALL, STEVEN L.]] / [[ELECTIONS]]
|20180213||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/418611-russia-cia-working-together/ ‘If we don’t work together we should be fired’: Ex-CIA agent calls for closer ties with Russia]||[[CIA]] / [[MOWATT-LARSSEN, ROLF]] / [[RU]]
|20180210||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/418385-nsa-cia-paid-russian/ US spies paid ‘Russians’ $100k for stolen NSA tools, but got dud ‘Trump secrets’ they didn’t want?]||[[SHADOW BROKERS]] / [[NSA]] / [[CIA]] / [[RU]]
|20180209||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2018/02/09/donald-trump-russia-election-nsa/ U.S. Secretly Negotiated With Russians to Buy Stolen NSA Documents — and the Russians Offered Trump-Related Material, Too]||[[SHADOW BROKERS]] / [[NSA]] / [[CIA]] / [[BERLIN]] / [[RU]]
|20180206||politico.com||[https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/02/06/john-brennan-james-claper-michael-hayden-former-cia-media-216943/ The Spies Who Came in to the TV Studio - Former intelligence officials are enjoying second acts as television pundits. Here’s why that should bother us.]||[[CIA]] / [[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[NBC]] / [[CLAPPER, JAMES]] / [[CNN]] / [[HAYDEN, MICHAEL]] / [[ROSENBERG, CHUCK]] / [[DEA]] / [[FBI]] / [[FIGLIUZZI, FRANK]] / [[ZARATE, JUAN]] / [[TOWNSEND, FRAN]]
|20180205||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/417937-cia-john-brennan-nbc/ ‘News directly from the CIA’: Ex-director Brennan hired by NBC https://www.rt.com/usa/417937-cia-john-brennan-nbc/]||[[CIA]] / [[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[NBC]]
|20180204||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/datenlese/cia-fitness-app-strava-enttarnt-militaerbasen-a-1190998.html Enttarnte Militärbasen Fitness-Leaks: Eine Fitness-App hat diese Woche wohl für Panik und Wutausbrüche im Pentagon, bei der CIA und anderswo gesorgt. Strava hat versehentlich geheime Standorte verraten - aber noch weit mehr enthüllt.]||[[CIA]]
|20180203||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-02-03/cia-fbi-agents-respond-nunes-memo CIA, FBI Agents Respond To Nunes' Memo]||[[FISA]] / [[NUNES, DEVIN]] / [[CIA]] / [[FBI]] / [[MCGOVERN, RAY]]
|20180125||reuters.com||[https://www.reuters.com/article/us-netherlands-russia-cybercrime/dutch-intelligence-agency-spied-on-russian-hacking-group-media-idUSKBN1FE34W? Dutch intelligence agency spied on Russian hacking group: media]||[[AIVD]] / [[COZY BEAR]] / [[DNC]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[RU]] / [[CIA]] / [[NSA]]
|20180119||telegraph.co.uk||[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2018/01/19/british-15-year-old-gained-access-intelligence-operations-afghanistan/ British 15-year-old gained access to intelligence operations in Afghanistan and Iran by pretending to be head of CIA, court hears]||[[CIA]] / [[SOCIAL ENGENEERING]] / [[GAMBLE, KANE]]
|20180117||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/416135-ex-cia-officer-arrested-china-spy/ Ex-CIA officer arrested for trying to pass classified information to China]||[[CIA]] / [[CN]] / [[LEE, JERRY CHUN SHING]]
|20180116||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-16/ex-cia-officer-suspected-helping-china-assassinate-us-informants-arrested-jfk Ex-CIA Officer Suspected Of Helping China Assassinate US Informants Arrested At JFK]||[[CIA]] / [[CN]] / [[LEE, JERRY CHUN SHING]]
|20180113||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/415784-moby-trump-cia-russia-collusion/ ‘CIA friends’ asked Moby to spread word of Trump-Russia collusion on social media]||[[MOBY]] / [[CIA]] / [[TWITTER]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RU]]
|20180112||pitchfork.com||[https://pitchfork.com/news/moby-says-cia-agents-asked-him-to-spread-the-word-about-trump-and-russia/ Moby Says CIA Agents Asked Him to Spread the Word About Trump and Russia]||[[MOBY]] / [[CIA]]
|20180112||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-12/we-know-who-they-are-putin-claims-state-provocateur-behind-terrorist-drones-syria "We Know Who They Are": Putin Claims "State Provocateur" Behind "Terrorist Drones" In Syria]||[[SY]] / [[US]] / [[DRONES]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[RU]] / [[TR]] / [[CIA]] / [[MORELL, MICHAEL]]
== 2017 ==
|20171225||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/kremlin-trolls-burned-across-the-internet-as-washington-debated-options/2017/12/23/e7b9dc92-e403-11e7-ab50-621fe0588340_story.html?utm_term=.1a2cfdd017fe National Security: Kremlin trolls burned across the Internet as Washington debated options]||[[PROPAGANDA]] / [[DONOVAN, ALICE]] / [[INFLUENCE OPERATIONS]] / [[FBI]] / [[CIA]] / [[NATO]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]] / [[RT]]
|20171220||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-19/cold-cia-gesture-indicates-thawing-us-russia-ties In From The Cold: CIA Gesture Indicates Thawing US-Russia Ties]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]]
|20171217||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/413459-putin-trump-cia-information/ Putin thanked Trump for CIA tip-off which helped Russia prevent terror attack]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[FSB]] / [[CIA]] / [[ST. PETERSBURG]]
|20171217||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/413471-trump-russia-foil-terror/ Trump to Putin: US was glad to save many lives in Russia by helping foil major terrorist attack]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]]
|20171211||politico.com||[https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/12/11/the-full-transcript-michael-morell-216061 Ex-Spy Chief: Russia’s Election Hacking Was An ‘Intelligence Failure’]||[[MORELL, MICHAEL]] / [[RU]] / [[DNC]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[CIA]]
|20171210||wnd.com||[http://www.wnd.com/2017/12/cia-veterans-spooks-know-names-of-dnc-leakers/ CIA veterans: Spooks know names of DNC leakers - 'WikiLeaks can't protect their sources – we have too many ways to uncover those sources']||[[DNC]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[RUSTMANN, FRED]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[ROHRABACHER, DANA]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20171203||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/411801-pompeo-wikileaks-assange-sources-secrets/ ‘Assange shouldn’t be confident of protecting WikiLeaks sources’ - CIA Chief Pompeo]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20171120||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-11-20/amazon-announces-aws-secret-service-cia-us-intelligence Amazon Announces "AWS Secret" Service For The CIA, US Intelligence]||[[AMAZON]] / [[CIA]]
|20171110||scmagazine.com||[https://www.scmagazine.com/wikileaks-cia-impersonated-kaspersky-labs-as-a-cover-for-its-malware-operations/article/706789/ WikiLeaks: CIA impersonated Kaspersky Labs as a cover for its malware operations]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[KASPERSKY]]
|20171110||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/409405-kaspersky-lab-spy-agencies-crosshairs/ ‘Kaspersky Lab in crosshairs since exposing US & Israeli spies behind Stuxnet’ – fmr MI5 agent]||[[KASPERSKY]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[STUXNET]]
|20171109||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/409376-cia-wrote-code-to-impersonate-kaspersky/ CIA wrote code 'to impersonate' Russia’s Kaspersky Lab anti-virus company, WikiLeaks says]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[KASPERSKY]]
|20171107||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2017/11/07/dnc-hack-trump-cia-director-william-binney-nsa/ CIA Director Met Advocate of Disputed DNC Hack Theory — at Trump’s Request]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[CIA]] / [[BINNEY, WILLIAM]] / [[DNC]] / [[RICH, SETH]]
|20171101||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/408410-assange-cia-arms-terrorists/ Manhattan attack wouldn't have happened if CIA ‘spent less time’ arming terrorists – Assange]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CIA]]
|20171020||washingtontimes.com||[https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/oct/20/cia-working-take-down-wikileaks-threat-agency-chie/ CIA ‘working to take down’ WikiLeaks threat, agency chief says]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20171018||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-10-17/cia-urges-trump-delay-release-3000-never-seen-documents-jfk-assassination CIA Urges Trump To Delay Release Of 3,000 Never-Before-Seen Documents On JFK Assassination]||[[KENNEDY, JOHN F.]] / [[CIA]]
|20170930||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/405094-cia-job-russians-unveil-truth/ 'Doublethink required?' Twitterati mock CIA’s Russian-speaker recruitment drive]||[[CIA]]
|20170917||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-09-17/ex-cia-head-proposed-law-would-make-reading-leaked-material-crime Ex-CIA Head Proposed Law That Would Make Reading Leaked Material A Crime]||[[CASEY, WILLIAM]] / [[CIA]] / [[LEAKS]]
|20170916||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/cia-will-eigenen-drohnenkrieg-in-afghanistan-starten-a-1167993.html Gegen Einwände des Pentagons CIA will eigenen Drohnenkrieg starten]||[[CIA]] / [[DRONES]] / [[US]] / [[AF]]
|20170831||heise.de||[https://www.heise.de/tp/news/CIA-Warnung-zu-Anschlaegen-in-Barcelona-gefaelscht-3819205.html CIA-Warnung zu Anschlägen in Barcelona gefälscht?]||[[BARCELONA]] / [[CIA]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20170831||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/401568-cia-hacks-angelfire-wikileaks/ CIA sneak undetectable ‘malicious’ implants onto Windows OS - WikiLeaks]||[[CIA]]
|20170825||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/wikileaks-vault-7-cia-soll-partner-mit-software-expresslane-ausgespaeht-haben-a-1164626.html WikiLeaks-Enthüllung CIA soll Partnerbehörden mit Schnüffelsoftware ausgespäht haben]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[BIOMETRICS]]
|20170824||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/at-cia-a-watchful-eye-on-mike-pompeo-the-presidents-ardent-ally/2017/08/24/18c1d716-7ed0-11e7-9d08-b79f191668ed_story.html?utm_term=.f020dd597243 At CIA, a watchful eye on Mike Pompeo, the president’s ardent ally]||[[US]] / [[CIA]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[RU]] / [[MUELLER, ROBERT]] 
|20170824||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/400743-cia-expresslane-data-wikileaks/ CIA’s secret spy tool helps agency steal data from NSA & FBI, WikiLeaks reveals]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[BIOMETRICS]]
|20170823||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/400692-cia-agent-buy-twitter/ Outed CIA agent seeks to raise $1bn to buy Twitter and ban Trump]||[[PLAME WILSON, VALERIE]] / [[CIA]] / [[TWITTER]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170803||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-08-03/wikileaks-reveals-dumbo-tool-allows-cia-shut-down-cameras-and-microphones Wikileaks Reveals "Dumbo": Tool That Allows CIA To Shut Down Cameras And Microphones]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170802||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-08-02/seymour-hersh-%E2%80%98russiagate%E2%80%99-cia-planted-lie-revenge-against-trump Seymour Hersh: "RussiaGate Is A CIA-Planted Lie, Revenge Against Trump"]||[[HERSH, SEYMOUR M.]] / [[CIA]]
|20170801||muckrock.com||[https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2017/aug/01/cia-ig-bm/?utm_content=buffer52197&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer In internal memos, CIA Inspector General portrayed the media as Agency’s “principal villains”]||[[CIA]]
|20170731||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-07-31/trump-saw-disturbing-video-then-he-shut-down-cias-covert-syria-program Trump Saw A Disturbing Video, Then He Shut Down The CIA's Covert Syria Program]||[[CIA]] / [[SY]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20210721||washingtontimes.com||[https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jul/21/wikileaks-will-take-down-america-any-way-they-can-/ WikiLeaks will ‘take down America any way they can’: Mike Pompeo, CIA Director]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]]
|20170721||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/397153-cia-operation-syria-end/ US special operations chief confirms end of CIA support for anti-Assad forces in Syria]||[[SY]] / [[CIA]]
|20170719||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/trump-ends-covert-cia-program-to-arm-anti-assad-rebels-in-syria-a-move-sought-by-moscow/2017/07/19/b6821a62-6beb-11e7-96ab-5f38140b38cc_story.html?utm_term=.6737d843efcf Trump ends covert CIA program to arm anti-Assad rebels in Syria, a move sought by Moscow]||[[SY]] / [[CIA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170719||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/396748-cia-nara-leaks/ CIA plans to destroy old files related to leaks]||[[CIA]]
|20170714||[[DMITRY, BAXTER]]/informationclearinghouse.info||[http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/47440.htm CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9/11’]||[[US 20010911]] / [[CIA]] / [[HOWARD, MALCOLM]]
|20170628||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/394405-wikileaks-elsa-vault7-cia/ CIA can hack & track Windows devices via their wifi connections]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170623||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2017/world/national-security/obama-putin-election-hacking/?utm_term=.6dab5d77367f Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault]||[[US]] / [[CIA]] / [[RU]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[JOHNSON, JEH]] / [[BORTNIKOV, ALEXANDER]] / [[HAINES, AVRIL]] / [[RICE, SUSAN]] / [[MCDONOUGH, DENIS]] / [[NSA]] / [[FBI]] / [[CYBERWAR]]
|20170621||buzzfeed.com||[https://www.buzzfeed.com/jasonleopold/cia-vending-thefts A Bunch Of CIA Staff Got Fired For Stealing Snacks From Vending Machines]||[[CIA]]
|20170616||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/392628-state-department-cia-iran/ Documents shedding light on CIA-orchestrated Iranian coup of ’53 released by State Dept]||[[IR]] / [[US]] / [[CIA]]
|20170615||repubblica.it||[http://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2017/06/15/news/wikileaks_rivela_cherry_blossom_il_malware_della_cia_per_compromettere_i_router-168154954/?ref=RHRS-BH-I0-C6-P8-S1.6-T1 WikiLeaks rivela Cherry Blossom, il malware della Cia per compromettere i router]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170603||dailymail.co.uk||[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4568194/Putin-says-hacking-Democrats-false-flag.html Putin tells NBC's Megyn Kelly that hacking of Democratic Party during last year's election may have been CIA-run false flag operation designed to incriminate Russia]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[RU]] / [[US]] / [[DNC]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[CIA]]
|20170602||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-edge/390624-macron-hacking-election-russia/ ‘WikiLeaks’ Vault 7 cache shows US – not Russia – hacked past French elections’]||[[MACHON, ANNIE]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20170601||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/390467-vault7-cias-pandemic-wikileaks/ #Vault7: CIA’s ‘Pandemic’ turns file servers into ‘Patient Zero’]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170601||repubblica.it||[http://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2017/06/01/news/wikileaks_pandemia_cia-166958951/?ref=RHRS-BH-I0-C6-P11-S1.6-T1 Wikileaks rivela la pandemia creata dalla Cia]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170523||washingtonpost.com||[http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/may/23/the-latest-intel-director-wont-detail-trump-conver/ The Latest: Ex-CIA head says he warned Russia about meddling]||[[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[CIA]] / [[RU]]
|201705||zeitgeschichte-online.de||[http://www.zeitgeschichte-online.de/sites/default/files/documents/igel0710_0.pdf Linksterrorismus fremdgesteuert ? Die Kooperation von RAF, Roten Brigaden, CIA und KGB]||[[BRIGATE ROSSE]] / [[RAF]] / [[CIA]] / [[KGB]]
|20170520||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/20/world/asia/china-cia-spies-espionage.html?_r=0 Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations]||[[CIA]] / [[CN]] / [[US]]
|20170519||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/388935-vault7-athena-cia-windows-wikileaks/ #Vault7 ‘Athena’: CIA’s anti-Windows malware ‘better than bombing things’]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[SIEGE TECHNOLOGIES]] / [[MICROSOFT]]
|20170516||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/388595-cia-assange-incompetent-spy/ CIA is world’s most dangerously incompetent spy agency – Assange]||[[CIA]] / [[HORNIAK, HEATHER FRITZ]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[MCGOVERN, RAY]]
|20170510||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/387928-cia-north-korea-mission-center/ CIA consolidates assets, expertise & ‘creativity’ against ‘North Korea target’]||[[US]] / [[CIA]] / [[KP]]
|20170505||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/387222-kim-biochemical-assassination-plot/ ‘Vicious plot’: Pyongyang claims CIA planning biochem attack against Kim Jong-un]||[[JONG UN, KIM]] / [[KP]] / [[CIA]]
|20170505||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/387216-wikileaks-cia-vault-7/ Archimedes: WikiLeaks drops latest #Vault7 batch detailing network hacking tool]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170505||mediapart.fr||[https://www.mediapart.fr/journal/international/050517/comment-la-cia-sattaque-aux-reseaux-internes-des-entreprises Comment la CIA s'attaque aux réseaux internes des entreprises]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170505||repubblica.it||[http://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2017/05/05/news/archimedes_l_infiltrato_della_cia_nei_computer_di_universita_e_aziende-164665378/?ref=RHRS-BH-I0-C6-P2-S1.6-T1 Archimedes, l'infiltrato della Cia nei computer di università e aziende]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170429||democracynow.org||[https://www.democracynow.org/2017/4/26/chomsky_cia_targeting_of_julian_assange Chomsky: CIA Targeting of Julian Assange of WikiLeaks is "Disgraceful Act"]||[[CHOMSKY, NOAM]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20170428||repubblica.it||[http://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2017/04/28/news/wikileaks_beffa_la_cia_rivelato_scribbles_il_software_che_doveva_proteggerla_da_fughe_e_furti_di_documenti_segreti-164090326/ WikiLeaks beffa la Cia: rivelato Scribbles, il software che doveva proteggerla da fughe e furti di documenti segreti]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170425||cnn.com||[http://edition.cnn.com/2017/04/24/politics/kfile-mike-pompeo-wikileaks/index.html?sr=twpol042517kfile-mike-pompeo-wikileaks0600AMVODtopLink&linkId=36862680 CIA director Mike Pompeo repeatedly cited WikiLeaks to attack Clinton during campaign]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170422||newshub.co.nz||[http://www.newshub.co.nz/home/new-zealand/2017/04/cia-plane-spotted-in-wellington.html CIA plane spotted in Wellington]||[[CIA]] / [[10030]] / [[NZ]] / [[FIVE EYES]]
|20170421||liberation.fr||[http://www.liberation.fr/futurs/2017/04/21/wikileaks-comment-le-mi5-et-la-cia-ont-transforme-des-teles-samsung-en-micros-espions_1564260?xtor=rss-450&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter WikiLeaks : comment le MI5 et la CIA ont transformé des télés Samsung en micros espions]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[MI5]] / [[SAMSUNG]]
|20170421||repubblica.it||[http://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2017/04/21/news/wikileaks_rivela_il_manuale_segreto_per_spiare_le_smart_tv-163532254/?ref=RHRS-BH-I0-C6-P27-S1.6-T2 Wikileaks rivela il manuale segreto per spiare le smart tv]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[MI5]]
|20170420||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/justice-dept-debating-charges-against-wikileaks-members-in-revelations-of-diplomatic-cia-materials/2017/04/20/32b15336-2548-11e7-a1b3-faff0034e2de_story.html National Security - Justice Dept. debating charges against WikiLeaks members in revelations of diplomatic, CIA materials]||[[US DOJ]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[US STATE DEPARTMENT]] / [[CIA]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]]
|20170420||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/385350-cia-traitor-fbi-wikileaks-manhunt/ Manhunt underway for CIA ‘traitor’ who leaked ‘Vault 7’ to WikiLeaks – report]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170419||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2017/04/19/intercepted-podcast-julian-assange-speaks-out-as-trumps-cia-director-threatens-to-end-wikileaks/ Intercepted Podcast: Julian Assange Speaks Out as Trump’s CIA Director Threatens to “End” WikiLeaks]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CIA]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]]
|20170419||cbsnews.com||[http://www.cbsnews.com/news/cia-fbi-on-manhunt-for-leaker-who-gave-top-secret-documents-to-wikileaks/ CIA, FBI launch manhunt for leaker who gave top-secret documents to WikiLeaks]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170414||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/384708-assange-cia-pompeo-wikileaks/ ‘Brought to you by agency which produced Al-Qaeda & ISIS' – Assange trolls CIA chief]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170414||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/384719-wikileaks-vault7-cia-hive/ ‘Top secret CIA virus control system’: WikiLeaks releases ‘Hive’ from #Vault7 series]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170414||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-edge/384765-wikileaks-snowden-pompeo-cia/ ‘CIA chief Pompeo treats American people as enemies’]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170414||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/cia-chef-pompeo-nennt-wikileaks-feindlichen-geheimdienst-a-1143374.html Hackerangriffe CIA-Chef nennt WikiLeaks "feindlichen Geheimdienst"]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20170413||washingtontimes.com||[https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/apr/13/cia-chief-wikileaks-hostile-intelligence-service/ Mike Pompeo, CIA chief, calls WikiLeaks ‘a hostile intelligence service’]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170413||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-04-13/cia-director-accuses-wikileaks-being-non-state-hostile-intelligence-service CIA Director Accuses Wikileaks Of Being A "Hostile Intelligence Service"]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170413||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/384667-cia-assange-wikileaks-critisize/ WikiLeaks 'hostile intel,' Assange & his followers 'demons': CIA chief goes rogue]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20170410||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-04-10/1983-cia-document-reveals-plan-destroy-syria-foreshadows-current-crisis 1983 CIA Document Reveals Plan To Destroy Syria, Foreshadows Current Crisis]||[[CIA]] / [[SY]]
|20170410||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/384218-cia-hacking-wikileaks-vault7/ 40 targets in 16 countries: Scale of CIA-linked #Vault7 hacking tools revealed by Symantec]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170410||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/wikileaks-vault-7-sicherheitsexperten-koennten-cia-hackergruppe-enttarnt-haben-a-1142643.html Durch WikiLeaks-Dokumente - Sicherheitsexperten könnten CIA-Hackergruppe enttarnt haben]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170410||vice.com||[https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/cias-alleged-hacking-tools-now-linked-to-40-hacks-around-the-world Vault 7: CIA's Alleged Hacking Tools Now Linked to 40 Hacks Around the World]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170410||symantec.com||[https://www.symantec.com/connect/blogs/longhorn-tools-used-cyberespionage-group-linked-vault-7 Longhorn: Tools used by cyberespionage group linked to Vault 7]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170408||thenextweb.com||[https://thenextweb.com/security/2017/04/07/wikileaks-reveals-grasshopper-cias-windows-hacking-tool/ WikiLeaks reveals Grasshopper, the CIA’s Windows hacking tool]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[MICROSOFT]]
|20170408||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/fall-khaled-el-masri-ermittlungen-gegen-mutmassliche-cia-agenten-eingestellt-a-1142391.html Entführungsfall el-Masri Ermittlungen gegen mutmaßlichen CIA-Agenten eingestellt]||[[EL-MASRI, KHALED]] / [[CIA]] / [[DE]]
|20170408||newsweek.com||[http://www.newsweek.com/privacy-experts-cia-americans-open-cyber-attacks-580659 Tech & Science: Privacy Experts Say CIA Left Americans Open to Cyber Attacks]||[[IT SECURITY]] / [[CIA]] / [[US]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170407||twitlonger.com||[http://www.twitlonger.com/show/n_1spp2sa?new_post=true James Bamford to La Repubblica on #WikiLeaks #CIA #Vault7]||[[BAMFORD, JAMES]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170407||mediapart.fr||[https://www.mediapart.fr/journal/international/070417/wikileaks-devoile-les-methodes-de-la-cia-pour-percer-les-defenses-de-windows Wikileaks, nuovo colpo alla Cia: "Ecco come riesce a infettare tanti computer senza farsi scoprire]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170407||repubblica.it||[http://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2017/04/07/news/wikileaks_nuovo_colpo_alla_cia_ecco_come_riesce_a_infettare_tanti_computer_senza_farsi_scoprire_-162400369/?ref=RHPPLF-BH-I0-C8-P5-S1.8-T1 Wikileaks, nuovo colpo alla Cia: "Ecco come riesce a infettare tanti computer senza farsi scoprire]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170403||heise.de||[https://www.heise.de/security/meldung/Vault-7-Von-Wikileaks-veroeffentlichte-CIA-Werkzeuge-koennten-Geheimoperationen-enttarnen-3673845.html Vault 7: Von Wikileaks veröffentlichte CIA-Werkzeuge könnten Geheimoperationen enttarnen]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20170403||bbc.com||[http://www.bbc.com/news/business-39478967 CIA operations may be disrupted by new Wikileaks' data release]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20170403||zdnet.de||[http://www.zdnet.de/88291326/wikileaks-macht-tool-zur-erkennung-von-cia-malware-oeffentlich/ Wikileaks macht Tool zur Erkennung von CIA-Malware öffentlich]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20170402||arstechnica.com||[https://arstechnica.com/security/2017/04/wikileaks-releases-code-that-could-unmask-cia-hacking-operations/ Risk Assessment — Wikileaks releases code that could unmask CIA hacking operations]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20170331||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/wikileaks-latest-release-of-cia-cyber-tools-could-blow-the-cover-on-agency-hacking-operations/2017/03/31/63fc3616-1636-11e7-833c-503e1f6394c9_story.html?utm_term=.618e79007b56 National Security - WikiLeaks’ latest release of CIA cyber-tools could blow the cover on agency hacking operations]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20170331||steemit.com||[https://steemit.com/wikileaks/@rebelskum/wikileaks-vault-7-part-iii-marble-framework-the-cia-s-cloaking-device-for-hackers WikiLeaks Vault 7 part III - Marble Framework - The CIA's cloaking device for hackers]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170331||liberation.fr||[http://www.liberation.fr/futurs/2017/03/31/wikileaks-joue-a-cache-cache-avec-la-cia_1559706 Espionnage: WikiLeaks joue à cache-cache avec la CIA]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170331||repubblica.it||[http://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2017/03/31/news/wikileaks_usa_cia_spionaggio_depistaggio-161859197/?ref=RHPPLF-BL-I0-C8-P4-S1.8-T1 WikiLeaks, così la Cia depista i raid nei computer: svelato il 'Marble Framework']||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170331||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/382940-wikileaks-vault7-marble-framework/ #Vault7: WikiLeaks reveals ‘Marble’ tool could mask CIA hacks with Russian, Chinese, Arabic]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170324||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/gadgets/apple-cia-angriff-per-thunderbolt-vor-jahren-abgewehrt-a-1140329.html Reaktion auf Wikileaks-Enthüllung CIA-Angriff funktionierte nur bei Uralt-iPhones]||[[CIA]] / [[APPLE]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170324||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2017/03/24/apple-says-it-fixed-cia-vulnerabilities-years-ago/ Apple Says It Fixed CIA Vulnerabilities Years Ago]||[[APPLE]] / [[CIA]]
|20170324||heise.de||[https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Apple-Keine-Verhandlungen-mit-Wikileaks-ueber-Vault-7-3663486.html Apple: Keine Verhandlungen mit Wikileaks über "Vault 7"]||[[APPLE]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170324||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/382237-wikileaks-apple-fix-claim-darkmatter/ #DarkMatter: Apple’s fix for CIA hacks disputed by WikiLeaks]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[APPLE]] / [[CIA]]
|20170324||bangkokpost.com||[http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/world/1220021/cia-also-can-bug-your-apple-wikileaks CIA also can bug your Apple - WikiLeaks]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[APPLE]]
|20170323||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/23/technology/cia-spying-mac-computers-wikileaks.html?_r=0 C.I.A. Developed Tools to Spy on Mac Computers, WikiLeaks Disclosure Shows]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[APPLE]]
|20170323||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/382093-wikileaks-cia-apple-sonic-screwdriver/ Apple’s achilles heel: CIA hacks Macbook computers with ‘Sonic Screwdriver’]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[APPLE]]
|20170323||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/382080-nightskies-cia-infiltrate-iphone/ CIA’s NightSkies tool can hack, remotely control iPhones without user knowing]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[APPLE]]
|20170323||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/382095-darkseaskies-cia-mackbook-darkmatter/ #DarkSeaSkies: CIA’s tool to hack MacBook Air in under 29 seconds exposed]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[APPLE]]
|20170323||reddit.com||[https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiLeaks/comments/60pl63/what_is_the_bakery/ What is the bakery?]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170323||repubblica.it||[http://www.repubblica.it/tecnologia/sicurezza/2017/03/23/news/wikileaks_i_primi_segreti_dal_vaul_7_ecco_come_la_cia_entrava_nelle_smart_tv_e_nei_mac-161216101/ Wikileaks, i primi segreti dal "Vault 7": ecco come la Cia entrava nelle Smart Tv e nei Mac]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[APPLE]]
|20170323||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/382025-wikileaks--cia-hacking-vault7/ #Vault7: WikiLeaks releases ‘Dark Matter’ batch of CIA hacking tactics for Apple products]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[APPLE]] / [[CIA]]
|20170323||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/wikileaks-enthuellung-vault-7-so-soll-die-cia-auf-apple-geraete-zugreifen-a-1140065.html WikiLeaks-Enthüllung: So kann die CIA angeblich auf Apple-Laptops zugreifen]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[APPLE]]
|20170320||extremetech.com||[https://www.extremetech.com/internet/246203-300-cisco-switches-models-vulnerable-cia-hack More than 300 Cisco switch models vulnerable to CIA hack]||[[CISCO]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170320||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/nsu-ausschuss-anwaeltin-befeuert-geheimdienst-geruechte-um-kiesewetter-mord-a-1139666.html NSU-Ausschuss Anwältin befeuert Geheimdienst-Gerüchte um Kiesewetter-Mord]||[[KIESEWETTER, MICHELE]] / [[MIT]] / [[CIA]] / [[K., MEVLUET]]
|20170315||arstechnica.com||[https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2017/03/the-cia-uses-board-games-to-train-officers-and-i-got-to-play-them/ The CIA uses board games to train officers—and I got to play them - Also: why the CIA embraces training game cheaters, whether El Chapo hit a fire alarm.]||[[CIA]]
|20170314||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/380600-cia-drone-strike-authorization/ Trump gave CIA power to authorize drone strikes – report]||[[CIA]] / [[PENTAGON]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[DRONES]] / [[ASSASSINATIONS]]
|20170313||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-edge/380511-cia-wikileaks-hayden-young/ 'CIA dilemma: Must hire millennials, very group that respects the Constitution’]||[[MCGOVERN, RAY]] / [[CIA]]
|20170311||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/380326-vault7-wikileaks-cia-hacking-surveillance/ #Vault7: Key revelations from WikiLeaks’ release of CIA hacking tools]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170311||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/380335-cia-hacking-wikileaks-morell/ #Vault7 hacking leak clearly an 'inside job' – former CIA deputy director]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[MORELL, MIKE]]
|20170311||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-11/weve-created-monster-ron-paul-says-its-fantastic-wikileaks-exposed-cia We've Created A Monster - Ron Paul Says It's "Fantastic" That WikiLeaks Exposed The CIA]||[[PAUL, RON]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170311||heise.de||[https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Kommentar-Vault-7-ein-Erdbebchen-3650058.html Kommentar: Vault 7 – ein Erdbebchen]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[DE]]
|20170310||economist.com||[http://www.economist.com/blogs/gulliver/2017/03/fly-spy?fsrc=scn/tw/te/bl/ed/ Fly like a spy: Leaked travel advice for spooks from the CIA]||[[AIRPORT SECURITY]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170310||heise.de||[https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Vault-7-Leaks-Apple-will-verbliebene-Luecken-stopfen-3649528.html "Vault 7"-Leaks: Apple will verbliebene Lücken stopfen]||[[APPLE]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170310||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-edge/380130-trump-cia-wikileaks-vault7/ In light of CIA cyber arsenal, Trump’s wiretap claims are totally plausible]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170310||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/380083-mcafee-vault7-cia-exploits/ McAfee on #Vault7: The CIA has failed its mandate to protect the American people]||[[MCAFEE, JOHN]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170310||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/380221-zakharova-russia-us-wikileaks-cia/ ‘Great threat to global security’: Russia urges US to explain CIA hacking exposed by WikiLeaks]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[RU]]
|20170310||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/media/2017/mar/10/wikileaks-julian-assange-silicon-valley-response-cia-russia Silicon Valley shrugs off Julian Assange's help – and questions his motives]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20170310||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/cia-leak-tech-firmen-hadern-offenbar-mit-wikileaks-angebot-a-1138268.html Details zu CIA-Werkzeugen Tech-Firmen hadern mit WikiLeaks-Angebot]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20170310||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/380152-vault7-wikileaks-pence-force/ #Vault7: US will use ‘full force of law’ if WikiLeaks dump contains factual info, Pence warns]||[[PENCE, MIKE]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170310||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-edge/380151-cia-privacy-wikileaks-vault7/ ‘CIA is now a paramilitary, cyber-military organization’ – ex-CIA officer Kiriakou]||[[KIRIAKOU, JOHN]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170309||apnews.com||[https://apnews.com/19cd7a1693c4483b97b0ef83f9679102 WikiLeaks: We'll work with tech firms to defeat CIA hacking]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170309||zeit.de||[http://www.zeit.de/digital/2017-03/wikileaks-cia-hackermethoden-julian-assange-technologieunternehmen Assange will CIA-Informationen an Hersteller weitergeben]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[CIA]]
|20170309||zeit.de||[http://www.zeit.de/digital/datenschutz/2017-03/usa-cia-wikileaks-cyberspionage-datenschutz WikiLeaks: CIA sieht US-Bürger in Gefahr]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[HORNIAK, HEATHER]]
|20170309||faz.net||[http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/durch-wikileaks-sind-cia-cyberwaffen-oeffentlich-14915671.html Wikileaks-Enthüllungen Jetzt kann jeder NSA]||[[GAYCKEN, SANDRO]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170309||pcworld.com||[http://www.pcworld.com/article/3179348/security/after-cia-leak-intel-security-releases-detection-tool-for-efi-rootkits.html?sf61342414=1 After CIA leak, Intel Security releases detection tool for EFI rootkits]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[INTEL]]
|20170309||heise.de||[https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Vault-7-Wikileaks-will-von-CIA-gefundene-Sicherheitsluecken-an-Hersteller-geben-3648697.html Vault 7: Wikileaks will von CIA gefundene Sicherheitslücken an Hersteller geben]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170309||infowars.com||[https://www.infowars.com/truman-was-right-about-the-cia/ Truman Was Right About the CIA: Regretted creation of Agency during his administration]||[[TRUMAN, HARRY]] / [[CIA]]
|20170309||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/380010-wikileaks-cia-leaks-vault7/ WikiLeaks will give tech companies exclusive access to CIA #Vault7 hacking tools - Assange (VIDEO)]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170309||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/380047-cia-wikileaks-vault7-cyberspying/ ‘Not exactly a bastion of truth’: CIA hits back at Assange after WikiLeaks #Vault7 release]||[[CIA]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170309||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/379986-china-us-hacking-wikileaks/ China urges US to stop hacking other countries following #Vault7 release]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[CN]]
|20170309||washingtontimes.com||[http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/mar/9/china-blasts-cia-after-wikileaks-reveals-extent-ag/ China blasts CIA after WikiLeaks reveals extent of agency’s hacking abilities]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[CN]]
|20170309||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/wikileaks-cia-warnt-vor-gefahr-fuer-us-buerger-a-1137956.html WikiLeaks-Enthüllungen CIA sieht US-Bürger in Gefahr]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170309||faz.net||[http://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/netzwirtschaft/wikileaks-und-cia-wie-sicher-sind-smartphone-und-pc-14916456.html?printPagedArticle=true#pageIndex_2 Nach Wikileaks-Enthüllungen Ist es paranoid, die eigene Webcam abzukleben?]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170309||faz.net||[http://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/netzwirtschaft/wikileaks-enthuellungen-ist-ein-hackerangriff-auf-ein-auto-moeglich-14916347.html Wikileaks-Enthüllungen Ist ein Hackerangriff auf ein Auto möglich?]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170308||orf.at||[https://fm4v3.orf.at/stories/1777646/index.html CIA als neue Großmacht für Schadsoftware]||[[CIA]]
|20170308||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2017/03/08/cias-new-digital-innovation-division-cant-seem-to-keep-its-own-secrets/ CIA’s New “Digital Innovation” Division Can’t Seem to Keep Its Own Secrets]||[[CIA]]
|20170308||zeit.de||[http://www.zeit.de/digital/datenschutz/2017-03/wikileaks-cia-vault7-android-iphone-hacker WikiLeaks: Die CIA kann jedes Telefon hacken, aber nicht gleichzeitig]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[VEP]] / [[BND]] / [[ANINSKI]]
|20170308||[[ZETTER, KIM]]/theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2017/03/08/wikileaks-files-show-the-cia-repurposing-foreign-hacking-code-to-save-time-not-to-frame-russia/ WikiLeaks Files Show the CIA Repurposing Hacking Code To Save Time, Not To Frame Russia]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170308||notepad-plus-plus.org||[https://notepad-plus-plus.org/news/notepad-7.3.3-fix-cia-hacking-issue.html Notepad v 7.3.3 - Fix CIA Hacking Notepad++ Issue]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170308||webfoundation.org||[http://webfoundation.org/2017/03/governments-should-be-protecting-our-online-privacy-not-destroying-it/ Governments should be protecting our online privacy, not destroying it]||[[WEB FOUNDATION]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170308||heise.de||[https://www.heise.de/tp/features/WikiLeaks-stellt-CIA-wegen-umfangreicher-Hackprogramme-an-den-Pranger-3646552.html WikiLeaks stellt CIA wegen umfangreicher Hackprogramme an den Pranger]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170308||faz.net||[http://www.faz.net/aktuell/wirtschaft/netzwirtschaft/cia-informierte-hersteller-nicht-ueber-sicherheitsluecken-14914952.html "Zero Day Exploits" Schwunghafter Handel mit Sicherheitslücken]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170308||wsj.com||[https://www.wsj.com/articles/new-wikileaks-documents-fuel-tension-between-intelligence-agencies-tech-sector-1488935711?mod=e2twd New WikiLeaks Documents Fuel Tension Between Intelligence Agencies, Tech Sector - Documents renew questions about what responsibility the government has to notify companies of security flaws in their products]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[APPLE]] / [[GOOGLE]] / [[MICROSOFT]] / [[SAMSUNG]]
|20170308||ft.com||[https://www.ft.com/content/1bb83d10-03d9-11e7-ace0-1ce02ef0def9 WikiLeaks revelations: Samsung looking into security of devices after WikiLeaks report]||[[SAMSUNG]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170308||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/379897-germany-wikileaks-frankfurt-cia/ German prosecutor ‘looking carefully’ into WikiLeaks CIA files, could launch probe]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[DE]]
|20170308||reuters.com||[http://www.reuters.com/article/us-wikileaks-products-idUSKBN16F22M Wikileaks' CIA hacking dump sends tech firms scrambling for fixes]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170308||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/wikileaks-zu-cia-wie-gefaehrlich-sind-die-cyberwaffen-des-us-geheimdienstes-a-1137843.html WikiLeaks-Enthüllungen zu "Vault 7" Wie gefährlich sind die Cyberwaffen der CIA?]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170308||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/379856-wikileaks--cia-hacking-vault7/ WikiLeaks says just 1% of #Vault7 covert documents released so far]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170308||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/379839-cia-listen-samsung-tvs/ CIA, MI5 turned Samsung TVs into spying devices, even when switched off]||[[SAMSUNG]] / [[CIA]] / [[MI5]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170308||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/379864-vault7-pocket-putin-cia/ #Vault7: ‘Pocket Putin’ – CIA’s covert listening tool revealed]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20170308||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/379906-wikileaks-wrap-vault7-cia/ CIA knew #Vault7 was coming, focus turns to contractors as source of leak - officials]||[[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170308||faz.net||[http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/wikileaks-geheimdienst-cia-ueberwacht-das-internet-der-dinge-14915084-p2.html?printPagedArticle=true#pageIndex_2 CIA entblößt Im Bett mit dem Spion]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170307||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2017/03/07/cia-has-an-impressive-list-of-ways-to-hack-into-your-smartphone-wikileaks-files-indicate/ CIA Has an “Impressive List” of Ways to Hack Into Your Smartphone, WikiLeaks Files Indicate]||[[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170307||zeit.de||[http://www.zeit.de/digital/2017-03/wikileaks-cia-dokumente-cyberspionage-hacking Wikileaks: CIA steuert angeblich von Frankfurt aus Hackerangriffe]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170307||wikileaks.org||[https://wikileaks.com/ciav7p1/cms/page_26607630.html#efmAaiAcG Flying United:  My condolences, but at least you are earning a United leg towards a status increase.]||[[CIA]] / [[UNITED AIRLINES]]
|20170307||wsj.com||[https://www.wsj.com/articles/wikileaks-posts-thousands-of-purported-cia-cyberhacking-documents-1488905823?mod=e2tw WikiLeaks Dumps Trove of Purported CIA Hacking Tools]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170307||bbc.com||[http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-39193008 Wikileaks: CIA has tools to snoop via TVs]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170307||milo.yiannopoulos.net||[https://milo.yiannopoulos.net/2017/03/vault-7-tldr/ Vault 7: What you need to know]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170307||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/379779-vault7-cia-hacking-fingerprints/#Vault7: How the CIA steals hacking fingerprints to cover its tracks]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20170307||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2017/03/07/wikileaks-dump-shows-cia-could-turn-smart-tvs-into-listening-devices/ Wikileaks Dump Shows CIA Could Turn Smart TVs into Listening Devices]||[[CIA]] / [[SAMSUNG]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170307||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/379769-snowden-responds-wikileaks-dump/ Snowden on WikiLeaks Year Zero: Evidence US govt pays to keep 'software unsafe']||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20170307||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/379757-your-whole-life-is-hacked/ Apple, Samsung, Microsoft: WikiLeaks blows lid on scale of CIA’s hacking arsenal]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[APPLE]] / [[SAMSUNG]] / [[MICROSOFT]]
|20170307||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-07/snowden-what-cia-revelations-show-reckless-beyond-words Snowden: What The Wikileaks Revelations Show Is "Reckless Beyond Words"]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[CIA]]
|20170307||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-07/wikileaks-hold-press-conference-vault-7-release-8am-eastern Wikileaks Unveils 'Vault 7': "The Largest Ever Publication Of Confidential CIA Documents"; Another Snowden Emerges]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170307||tagesschau.de||[http://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/wikileaks-113.html WikiLeaks-Enthüllung CIA betreibt offenbar Hacker-Einheit in Frankfurt]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[FRANKFURT]]
|20170307||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/379724-wikileaks-assange-cia-hacking/ WikiLeaks publishes 'entire hacking capacity of the CIA']||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170307||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2017/03/07/world/europe/wikileaks-cia-hacking.html?_r=0 Europe: WikiLeaks Releases Trove of Alleged C.I.A. Hacking Documents]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170307||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/wikileaks-enthuellung-vault-7-cia-soll-auch-von-deutschland-aus-spionieren-a-1137580.html Neue WikiLeaks-Enthüllungen CIA-Hacker spionieren offenbar von Frankfurt aus]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[FRANKFURT]]
|20170307||repubblica.it||[http://www.repubblica.it/esteri/2017/03/07/news/wikileaks_files_reveal_major_security_breach_at_the_cia-159969039/ WikiLeaks' files reveal major security breach at the CIA]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]]
|20170228||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/feb/28/ex-cia-agent-sabrina-de-sousa-pardoned-abu-omar Ex-CIA officer pardoned for role in 2003 kidnapping of terrorism suspect]||[[DE SOUSA, SABRINA]] / [[CIA]] / [[IT]]
|20170224||justsecurity.org||[https://www.justsecurity.org/38111/case-cia-officer-extradited-italy-role-2003-rendition/ A Look at the Case of the ex-CIA Officer Being Extradited to Italy for Her Role in a 2003 Rendition]||[[DE SOUSA, SABRINA]] / [[CIA]] / [[IT]] / [[PT]] / [[LADY, ROBERT SELDON]] / [[PA]] / [[US]]
|20170220||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/i-didnt-think-id-ever-leave-the-cia-but-because-of-trump-i-quit/2017/02/20/fd7aac3e-f456-11e6-b9c9-e83fce42fb61_story.html I didn’t think I’d ever leave the CIA. But because of Trump, I quit.]||[[PRICE, EDWARD]] / [[CIA]]
|20170219||telepolis.de||[https://www.heise.de/tp/features/CIA-Chef-Pompeo-zeichnet-Saudi-Arabien-aus-3630534.html CIA-Chef Pompeo zeichnet Saudi-Arabien aus]||[[POMPEO, MICHAEL]] / [[US]] / [[CIA]] / [[SA]] / [[BIN NAYEF, MUHAMMAD]]
|20170218||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-edge/377781-trump-leaks-independent-probe/ ‘CIA leaks like a sieve, Obama’s holdovers should be probed' - Roger Stone, former Trump adviser]||[[STONE, ROGER]] / [[CIA]] / [[RU]] / [[US]] / [[FLYNN, MICHAEL]]
|20170217||cbsnews.com||[http://www.cbsnews.com/news/trump-yells-at-cia-director-over-reports-intel-officials-are-keeping-information-from-him/ Trump yells at CIA director over reports intel officials are keeping info from him]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[CIA]]
|20170203||bangkokpost.com||[http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/special-reports/1192053/seasoned-spymaster-named-deputy-cia-director Seasoned spymaster named deputy CIA director]||[[CIA]] / [[TH]] / [[HASPEL, GINA]] / [[TORTURE]] / [[BLACKSITES]]
|20170202||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2017/02/02/trumps-cia-chief-selects-major-torture-operative-to-be-agencys-deputy-director/ Gina Haspel, Trump’s Pick for CIA Director, Ran a Black Site for Torture]||[[HASPEL, GINA]] / [[CIA]] / [[TORTURE]]
|20170123||cbsnews.com||[http://www.cbsnews.com/news/sources-say-theres-a-sense-of-unease-in-intel-community-after-trump-cia-visit/ Sources say Trump's CIA visit made relations with intel community worse]||[[CIA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170121||docs.google.com||[https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jSf6Uxm2u2aPjyQsms-Iir6_0R2aMznB8ttribH9-R0/preview President Trump Remarks Given at CIA Headquarters (as delivered)]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]]
|20170121||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/374643-trump-intelligence-media-cia/ Trump to CIA: Media made it sound like I had a feud with intelligence community]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]]
|20170121||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-besucht-am-ersten-amtstag-cia-hauptquartier-a-1131109.html Donald Trump Versöhnungsbesuch im CIA-Hauptquartier]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]]
|20170120||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/374399-cia-argentina-falklands-war/ CIA planned to hand Falklands to Argentina & airlift islanders to Scotland]||[[CIA]]
|20170119||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-01-19/trump-versus-cia Trump Versus The CIA]||[[CIA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170116||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/373790-cia-brennan-trump-russia/ Trump calls CIA chief ‘fake news leaker’ after Brennan warns him about ‘talking & tweeting’]||[[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[CIA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20170114||businessinsider.com||[http://www.businessinsider.com/trump-russia-dossier-claims-cia-2017-1 Report: CIA set up task-force in 2016 to investigate possible Russian funding of Trump's campaign]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]] / [[RU]]
|20170113||foxnews.com||[http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/01/13/glenn-greenwald-democrats-hoping-intelligence-agencies-will-undermine-and-subvert-trump-presidency.html Glenn Greenwald: Democrats hoping intelligence agencies will 'undermine and subvert' Trump presidency]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[GREENWALD, GLENN]] / [[US]] / [[CIA]]
|20170108||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-trumps-russlandkurs-trifft-auf-skepsis-beider-parteien-a-1129086.html Hacking-Verdacht Abgeordnete zweifeln an Trumps Kuschelkurs mit Russland]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[CIA]] / [[FBI]] / [[NSA]]
== 2016 ==
|20161217||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/370596-ron-paul-cia-russia-fake-news/ CIA meddled in ‘hundreds’ of elections: Ron Paul talks Russia-blaming, fake news and more on RT]||[[PAUL, RON]] / [[CIA]]
|20161217||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/370641-fbi-cia-agree-russia/ FBI chief agrees with CIA on Russia’s alleged election help for Trump – report]||[[US]] / [[FBI]] / [[CIA]] / [[RU]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20161216||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/barack-obama-kuendigt-vergeltung-fuer-russische-hackerangriffe-an-a-1126143.html Radio-Interview Obama kündigt Vergeltung für russische Hackerangriffe an]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]]
|20161215||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hacker-angriff-auf-demokraten-wladimir-putin-soll-beteiligt-sein-a-1125973.html US-Demokraten Putin soll in Hackerangriff involviert gewesen sein]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]]
|20161215||nbcnews.com||[http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/u-s-officials-putin-personally-involved-u-s-election-hack-n696146 U.S. Officials: Putin Personally Involved in U.S. Election Hack]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]] / [[MCFAUL, MICHAEL]]
|20161213||reuters.com||[http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-intelligence-idUSKBN14204E Exclusive: Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking - sources]||[[CIA]] / [[RU]] / [[ODNI]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20161213||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/370097-odni-abstain-cia-russian-hack-election/ Top US spy agency abstains on CIA assessment of Russian hack of 2016 election]||[[ODNI]] / [[CIA]] / [[US]]
|20161212||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-der-russland-krimi-belastet-trump-a-1125439.html Angebliche Hilfe aus Moskau Der Russland-Krimi belastet Trump]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]] / [[RU]]
|20161211||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/369944-russia-hackers-trump-reaction/ ‘It’s ridiculous’: Trump on CIA claims that Moscow helped him win US Presidency]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]] / [[RU]]
|20161211||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-cia-bericht-ueber-russische-wahlhilfe-laecherlich-a-1125426.html Angebliche Wahlhilfe durch Russland Trump nennt CIA-Bericht "lächerlich"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[CIA]] / [[RU]]
|20161210||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/dec/10/cia-concludes-russia-interfered-to-help-trump-win-election-report?CMP=share_btn_tw CIA concludes Russia interfered to help Trump win election, say reports]||[[CIA]] / [[RU]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20161210||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hacker-angriffe-moskau-wollte-laut-cia-trump-zum-wahlsieg-verhelfen-a-1125307.html Hacker-Angriffe Moskau wollte laut CIA Trump zum Sieg verhelfen]||[[CIA]] / [[RU]] / [[US]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20161209||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/obama-orders-review-of-russian-hacking-during-presidential-campaign/2016/12/09/31d6b300-be2a-11e6-94ac-3d324840106c_story.html?utm_term=.84dea7903ed8 National Security: Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House]||[[CIA]] / [[RU]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]]
|20161111||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2016/11/11/trump-cia-torture/ Donald Trump May Select an Architect of Bush’s Torture Program to Run CIA]||[[RODRIGUEZ, JOSE]] / [[CIA]] / [[TORTURE]]
|20161015||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/362847-cia-cyber-attack-putin/ CIA working on ‘clandestine’ cyberattack against Russia – report]||[[US]] / [[RU]] / [[BIDEN, JOSEPH]] / [[CIA]]
|20161015||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/moeglicher-cyber-angriff-us-vizepraesident-joe-biden-droht-russland-a-1116764.html Möglicher Cyber-Angriff "Botschaft mit größter Wirkung" - USA drohen Russland]||[[US]] / [[RU]] / [[BIDEN, JOSEPH]] / [[CIA]] / [[PODESTA, JOHN]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20161014||nbcnews.com||[http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/cia-prepping-possible-cyber-strike-against-russia-n666636 CIA Prepping for Possible Cyber Strike Against Russia]||[[US]] / [[RU]] / [[CIA]] / [[BIDEN, JOE]]
|20161013||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/362584-us-libya-arms-clinton/ Ex-arms dealer claims US pinned weapon sales to Libya on him to ‘protect’ Clinton – report]||[[TURI, MARC]] / [[WEAPONTRADE]] / [[CIA]] / [[US]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[LY]]
|20161002||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/361385-pentagon-pr-firm-terrorist-videos/ Pentagon paid PR firm 540mn to make fake terrorist videos]||[[PENTAGON]] / [[BELL POTTINGER]] / [[CIA]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20160904||bangkokpost.com||[http://www.bangkokpost.com/news/special-reports/1077984/cia-spook-recalls-thailands-role-in-secret-war CIA spook recalls Thailand's role in secret war]||[[CIA]] / [[PARKER, JAMES]] / [[TH]]
|20160820||deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de||[http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2016/08/20/us-botschafter-zu-tuerkei-putsch-guelen-ist-ein-mann-der-cia/ US-Botschafter zu Türkei-Putsch: Gülen ist ein Mann der CIA]||[[GUELEN, FETHULLAH]] / [[CIA]] / [[HUGHES, ARTHUR H.]] / [[ABRAMOWITZ, MORTON]] / [[FULLER, GRAHAM]] / [[FIDAS, GEORGE]] / [[KARLOUTSOS, ALEXANDER]] / [[TENET, GEORGE]] / [[TR]] / [[US]]
|20160817||euractiv.com||[http://www.euractiv.com/section/global-europe/opinion/will-ankara-take-aim-at-patriarch-bartholomew/ Will Ankara take aim at Patriarch Bartholomew?]||[[GUELEN, FETHULLAH]] / [[CIA]] / [[HUGHES, ARTHUR H.]] / [[ABRAMOWITZ, MORTON]] / [[FULLER, GRAHAM]] / [[FIDAS, GEORGE]] / [[PATRIARCH BARTHOLOMEW]] / [[KARLOUTSOS, ALEXANDER]] / [[TENET, GEORGE]] / [[TR]] / [[US]]
|20160809||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/355291-morrell-kill-russians-clinton/ ‘Kill Russians and Iranians, threaten Assad,’ says ex-CIA chief backing Clinton]||[[MORELL, MICHAEL]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[CIA]]
|20160630||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/349058-cia-us-embassy-moscow/ CIA agent attacked US Embassy guard in Moscow – Russian Foreign Ministry]||[[US EMBASSY MOSCOW]] / [[CIA]] / [[RU-US]]
|20160626||motherboard.vice.com||[http://motherboard.vice.com/read/-tor-project-battled-over-hiring-ex-cia-agent-chat-logs-show Tor Project Battled Over Hiring Ex-CIA Agent, Chat Logs Show]||[[TOR]] / [[CIA]]
|20160602||breitbart.com||[http://www.breitbart.com/2016-presidential-race/2016/06/02/hillary-clinton-exchanged-cia-officers-names-private-server/ EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Posted Names of Hidden Intelligence Officials On Her Email]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[CIA]]
|20160516||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/343233-cia-watchdog-destroys-torture-report/ Oops! CIA watchdog ‘inadvertently’ destroys its only copy of torture report]||[[CIA]] / [[TORTURE]]
|20160515||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/343096-cia-nelson-mandela-arrest/ CIA tip led to arrest of 'dangerous communist' Nelson Mandela, says former US spy]||[[MANDELA, NELSON]] / [[CIA]] / [[RICKARD, DONALD]]
|20160515||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/343078-report-cia-torture-foia/ Report on CIA torture won't be revealed under Freedom of Information Act]||[[TORTURE]] / [[CIA]]
|20160515||thetimes.co.uk||[http://www.thetimes.co.uk/edition/news/cia-tip-off-led-to-jailing-of-mandela-9mwcsdq9c CIA admits: We sent Mandela to jail]||[[MANDELA, NELSON]] / [[CIA]] / [[RICKARD, DONALD]]
|20160427||telegraph.co.uk||[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2016/04/27/the-european-union-always-was-a-cia-project-as-brexiteers-discov/ The European Union always was a CIA project, as Brexiteers discover]||[[EU]] / [[CIA]]
|20160403||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/338276-cia-plan-topple-assad/ Obama ditched CIA plan to topple Assad in 2012 – former agent]||[[AL-ASSAD, BASHAR]] / [[CIA]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]]
|20160331||sputniknews.com||[http://de.sputniknews.com/panorama/20160331/308851999/sbu-cia-fsb-spion.html FSB meldet Festnahme von ukrainischem „Doppelagenten“ – auch CIA im Spiel]||[[FSB]] / [[SBU]] / [[CIA]]
|20160128||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/330486-snowden-snatch-plane-denmark/ New docs confirm CIA had rendition flight lurking in Europe to catch Snowden]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[CIA]] / [[DK]] / [[N977GA]]
|20160123||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/329882-guantanamo-prisoners-suicide-cia/ ‘They caused problems’: CIA involved with Gitmo inmates’ suicides – former guard to RT]||[[GUANTANAMO BAY]] / [[CIA]] / [[SOCALLEDSUICIDE]] / [[US]]
== 2015 ==
|20151215||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/jovica-stanisic-prozess-zweiter-anlauf-gegen-den-eisigen-a-1067399.html Jugoslawien-Tribunal in Den Haag: Zweiter Anlauf gegen Milosevics "eisigen" Geheimdienstchef]||[[STANISIC, JOVICA]] / [[SIMATOVIC, FRANKO]] / [[RS]] / [[KGB]] / [[CIA]] / [[ICTY]] / [[UN]] / [[HOFFMANN, KLAUS]] / [[YU]]
|20151209||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2015/12/09/one-year-after-the-senate-torture-report-no-ones-read-it-and-it-might-be-destroyed/ One Year After the Senate Torture Report, No One’s Read It and It Might Be Destroyed]||[[TORTURE]] / [[CIA]] / [[US]]
|20151116||br.de||[http://www.br.de/nachrichten/bnd-prozess-cia-100.html Aus Frust BND verraten: Der gelangweilte Spion]||[[BND]] / [[CIA]]
|20151116||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/bundesnachrichtendienst-ex-bnd-mitarbeiter-gesteht-spionage-fuer-cia-a-1063072.html Geheimdienste: BND zu "langweilig" - ehemaliger Mitarbeiter gesteht Spitzeltätigkeit für CIA]||[[BND]] / [[CIA]]
|20151112||politico.com||[http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/11/cia-directors-documentary-911-bush-213353?o=1 ‘The Attacks Will Be Spectacular’ - An exclusive look at how the Bush administration ignored this warning from the CIA months before 9/11, along with others that were far more detailed than previously revealed.]||[[US 20010911]] / [[CIA]]
|20151021||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/319307-wikileaks-cia-chief-email/ Leaked documents from CIA director’s email reveal thoughts on torture, Iran, Afghanistan]||[[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[CIA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20151005||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/tv/homeland-fuenfte-staffel-in-berlin-a-1056294.html Bomben basteln im Berliner Altbau]||[[PROPAGANDA]] / [[CIA]]
|20150704||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/ueberwachung-hans-christian-stroebele-zu-spiegel-bespitzelung-a-1042071.html Ströbele zu Spähvorwürfen: "Die Bundesregierung kuscht vor den USA"]||[[STROEBELE, HANS-CHRISTIAN]] / [[DE PUA NSA]] / [[DE]] / [[KANZLERAMT]] / [[CIA]] / [[HEISS, GUENTER]] / [[VORBECK, HANS JOSEF]]
|20150703||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/the-nsa-and-american-spies-targeted-spiegel-a-1042023.html An Attack on Press Freedom: SPIEGEL Targeted by US Intelligence]||[[FREEDOM OF PRESS]] / [[SPIEGEL]] / [[CIA]] / [[NSA]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[HEISS, GUENTER]] / [[VORBECK, HANS JOSEF]] / [[KURNAZ, MURAT]] / [[ZAMMAR, MOHAMMED HAYDAR]] / [[MANNING, CHELSEA]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[APPELBAUM, JACOB]] / [[CLAPPER, JAMES]] / [[ALTMAIER, PETER]] / [[DE]]
|20150703||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/der-spiegel-ist-im-visier-von-us-geheimdiensten-a-1041985.html Überwachung: SPIEGEL im Visier von US-Geheimdiensten]||[[SPIEGEL]] / [[CIA]] / [[KANZLERAMT]] / [[HEISS, GUENTHER]] / [[VORBECK, HANS JOSEF]]
|20150703||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/how-the-cia-ran-a-billion-dollar-spy-in-soviet-era-moscow/2015/07/02/3f9734f8-1050-11e5-9726-49d6fa26a8c6_story.html National Security: How the CIA ran a ‘billion dollar spy’ in Moscow]||[[CIA]] / [[RU]]
|20150622||danisch.de||[http://www.danisch.de/blog/2015/06/22/die-frauen-der-krieg-und-die-propaganda/ Die Frauen, der Krieg und die Propaganda]||[[CIA]] / [[FEMINISM]]
|20150622||telepolis.de||[http://www.heise.de/tp/artikel/45/45221/1.html Geleaktes CIA-Dokument belegt Kriegspropaganda]||[[FEMINISM]] / [[CIA]]
|20150612||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/266902-cia-documents-9-11-release/ CIA releases 9/11-related internal documents]||[[US 20010911]] / [[CIA]]
|20150516||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/bnd-und-osama-bin-laden-deutscher-tipp-fuehrte-angeblich-zur-ergreifung-a-1034092.html Medienbericht: BND soll CIA angeblich Hinweis auf Bin-Laden-Versteck gegeben haben]||[[BIN LADEN, OSAMA]] / [[BND]] / [[CIA]]
|20150507||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/re-publica-wenn-tiere-als-spione-arbeiten-a-1032507.html Spionierende Tiere: Die Miezen von der CIA]||[[CIA]]
|20150422||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/cia-foltergefaengnisse-in-rumaenien-ion-iliescu-gibt-existenz-zu-a-1028917.html Folter in Rumänien: Ex-Staatschef Iliescu gibt Existenz von CIA-Gefängnis zu]||[[RO]] / [[CIA]] / [[TORTURE]]
|201520407||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2015/04/07/world/asia/ap-pakistan-cia.html?_r=0 Pakistan Judge: Charge CIA Lawyer, Officer for Drone Strike]||[[DRONES]] / [[PK]] / [[CIA]]
|20150404||thedailybeast.com||[http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/04/04/the-shrinks-who-only-see-cia-officers.html The Shrinks Who Only See CIA Officers - Some U.S. intelligence analysts spend days scouring ISIS beheading videos and jihadists’ porn. When it gets to be too much, there’s a cadre of therapists on call.]||[[PORN]] / [[CIA]] / [[NSA]]
|20150314||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/cia-in-afghanistan-million-dollar-fuer-al-qaida-a-1023581.html Afghanistan: Wie eine CIA-Million bei al-Qaida landete]||[[AF]] / [[KARZAI, HAMID]] / [[CIA]] / [[AL QAEDA]]
|20150306||washingtonpost.com||[http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/cia-plans-major-reorganization-and-a-focus-on-digital-espionage/2015/03/06/87e94a1e-c2aa-11e4-9ec2-b418f57a4a99_story.html CIA plans major reorganization and a focus on digital espionage]||[[CIA]]
|20150306||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/238537-cia-reform-cyber-directorate/ CIA reshuffle features ‘mission centers’, cyber-warfare to 'cover the entire universe']||[[CIA]]
|20150301||pando.com||[http://pando.com/2015/03/01/internet-privacy-funded-by-spooks-a-brief-history-of-the-bbg/ Internet privacy, funded by spooks: A brief history of the BBG]||[[OTF]] / [[BBG]] / [[TOR]] / [[RADIO FREE ASIA]] / [[CIA]]
|20150221||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/234271-cia-nuclear-evidence-iran-iaea/ CIA-planted ‘evidence’ may force IAEA review of Iran’s alleged nuke arms program – report]||[[IR]] / [[CIA]] / [[STERLING, JEFFREY]] / [[IAEA]]
|20150220||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ddr-cia-finanzierte-sabotage-und-anschlaege-a-1019554.html Kalter Krieg: CIA finanzierte Sabotage und Anschläge in der DDR]||[[DD]] / [[CIA]]
|20150130||washingtonpost.com||[http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/cia-and-mossad-killed-senior-hezbollah-figure-in-car-bombing/2015/01/30/ebb88682-968a-11e4-8005-1924ede3e54a_story.html National Security: CIA and Mossad killed senior Hezbollah figure in car bombing]||[[MUGHNIYAH, IMAD]] / [[HEZBOLLAH]] / [[CIA]] / [[MOSSAD]]
|20150122||medium.com||[https://medium.com/@NafeezAhmed/how-the-cia-made-google-e836451a959e How the CIA made Google: Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet]||[[GOOGLE]] / [[CIA]] / [[HIGHLANDS FORUM]] / [[ISLAND FORUM]] / [[WELLS, LINTON]] / [[O'NEILL, RICHARD PATRICK]] / [[MARSHALL, ANDREW]] / [[TETHER, ANTHONY J.]] / [[PERCEPTION MANAGEMENT]] / [[PERRY, WILLIAM]] / [[COOPER, JEFFREY]] / [[SAIC]] / [[BRIN, SERGEY]] / [[PAGE, LARRY]] / [[THURAISINGHAM, BHAVANI]] / [[STEINHEISER, RICK]] / [[MITRE]] / / [[MDDS]] / [[NSA]] / [[DARPA]] / [[POINDEXTER, JOHN]] / [[DUGAN, REGINA]]
|20150120||n-tv.de||[http://www.n-tv.de/politik/Wie-ein-Ex-Richter-den-US-Terror-zerpflueckt-article14351796.html CIA-Folter in Deutschland verfolgen: Wie ein Ex-Richter den US-Terror zerpflückt]||[[TORTURE]] / [[CIA]] / [[NESKOVIC, WOLFGANG]] / [[MAAS, HEIKO]] / [[BUSH, GEORGE W.]] / [[CHENEY, DICK]] / [[RUMSFELD, DONALD]]
|20150120||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/cia-folter-amnesty-international-wirft-europa-vertuschung-vor-a-1013871.html Amnesty-Bericht: Diese europäischen Länder halfen der CIA beim Foltern]||[[CIA]] / [[TORTURE]] / [[PL]] / [[RO]] / [[LT]] / [[MK]] / [[GB]]
== 2014 ==
|20141231||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/218899-stone-kiev-massacre-cia/ ‘CIA fingerprints’ all over Kiev massacre – Oliver Stone]||[[UA]] / [[CIA]]
|20141217||washingtonpost.com||[http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/post-partisan/wp/2014/12/17/dick-cheney-confirms-it-bush-deserves-blame-for-cia-torture/ Dick Cheney confirms it: Bush deserves blame for CIA torture]||[[CHENEY, DICK]] / [[BUSH, GEORGE W]] / [[TORTURE]] / [[CIA]]
|20141216||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/folter-in-cia-lagern-gregor-gysi-erstattet-strafanzeige-a-1008723.html Folter in US-Lagern: Gysi erstattet Strafanzeige gegen CIA-Mitarbeiter]||[[GYSI, GREGOR]] / [[CIA]] / [[TORTURE]]
|20141215||firstlook.org||[https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/12/15/charmed-life-cia-torturer/ The Charmed Life of a CIA Torturer: How Fate Diverged for Matthew Zirbel, aka CIA Officer 1, and Gul Rahman]||[[CIA]] / [[TORTURE]] / [[ZIRBEL, MATTHEW]] / [[RAHMAN, GUL]]
|20141218||sueddeutsche.de||[http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/cia-dokument-anleitung-zum-gezielten-toeten-1.2273037 CIA-Dokument: Anleitung zum gezielten Töten]||[[CIA]]
|20141214||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/cia-folterbericht-briten-wollen-mehr-einsicht-a-1008391.html CIA-Verhöre: Briten wollen kompletten US-Folterbericht sehen]||[[TORTURE]] / [[GB]] / [[CIA]]
|20141214||washingtonsblog.com||[http://www.washingtonsblog.com/2014/12/square-pegs-round-holes.html Square Pegs in Round Holes]||[[RENDITION]] / [[TORTURE]] / [[CIA]]
|20141212||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/cia-folterbericht-feinstein-nimmt-cia-chef-auf-twitter-auseinander-a-1008092.html US-Folterbericht: US-Senatorin Feinstein nimmt CIA-Chef auf Twitter auseinander]||[[FEINSTEIN, DIANNE]] / [[CIA]] / [[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[US]] / [[TORTURE]]
|20141201||politico.com||[http://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2014/12/secret-showdown-in-leak-case-199352.html Secret showdown in CIA leak case]||[[LEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[STERLING, JEFFREY]]
|20141031||dissenter.firedoglage.com||[http://dissenter.firedoglake.com/2014/10/31/former-cia-analyst-ray-mcgovern-arrested-while-trying-to-attend-david-petraeus-event-in-new-york/ Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Arrested While Trying to Attend David Petraeus Event in New York]||[[MCGOVERN, RAY]] / [[CIA]] / [[PETRAEUS, DAVID]]
|20141014||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/195920-condoleezza-rice-risen-times/ Revealed: Condoleezza Rice prevented NY Times from publishing CIA scoop]||[[RISEN, JAMES]] / [[RICE, CONDOLEEZZA]] / [[NEW YORK TIMES]] / [[ABRAMSON, JILL]] / [[CIA]] / [[FREEDOM OF PRESS]]
|20140930||constoriumnews.com||[http://consortiumnews.com/2014/09/30/oh-what-a-webb-we-weave/ Oh, What a Webb We Weave…]||[[COCAINE]] / [[CIA]]
|20140926||consortiumnews.com||[http://consortiumnews.com/2014/09/26/the-ciamsm-contra-cocaine-cover-up/The CIA/MSM Contra-Cocaine Cover-up]||[[COCAINE]] / [[CIA]]
|20140925||firstlook.org/theintercept||[https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/09/25/managing-nightmare-cia-media-destruction-gary-webb/ MANAGING A NIGHTMARE: HOW THE CIA WATCHED OVER THE DESTRUCTION OF GARY WEBB]||[[WEBB, GARY]] / [[CIA]]
|20140920||nytimes.com||[http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/09/21/world/middleeast/suspicions-run-deep-in-iraq-that-cia-and-the-islamic-state-are-united.html?_r=0 Suspicions Run Deep in Iraq That C.I.A. and the Islamic State Are United]||[[ISLAMIC STATE]] / [[CIA]]
|20140914||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/cia-bnd-ermittler-koennen-spionage-laptop-nicht-knacken-a-991472.html Mutmaßlicher CIA-Agent: Ermittler scheitern an Spionage-Laptop]||[[BND]] / [[CIA]]
|20140804||pressdemocrat.com||[http://www.pressdemocrat.com/opinion/2464212-181/bloomberg-cia-caught-spying-on Bloomberg: CIA caught spying on its overseers]||[[CIA]] / [[US]]
|20140801||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/barack-obama-zu-cia-und-9-11-wir-haben-ein-paar-leute-gefoltert-a-984131.html Obama zu CIA und 9/11: "Wir haben ein paar Leute gefoltert"]||[[OBAMA, BARACK]] / [[US]] / [[CIA]] / [[TORTURE]]
|20140731||firstlook.org||[https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/07/31/lying/ It’s About the Lying]||[[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[CIA]] / [[US]]
|20140729||20committee.com||[http://20committee.com/2014/07/29/german-counterintelligence-and-the-american-threat/ German Counterintelligence and the American Threat]||[[CIA]] / [[BND]] / [[BFV]] / [[MAASSEN, HANS-GEORG]]
|20140720||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/174176-prosecute-americans-german-spies/ Berlin wants to prosecute US handlers of German spies]||[[DE]] / [[US]] / [[DAF]] / [[CIA]] / [[BND]] / [[MAAS, HEIKO]] / [[M., ANDREW]] / [[MERKEL, ANGELA]] / [[KIPPING, KATJA]] / [[HAHN, ANDRE]]
|20140715||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/spionage-affaere-berliner-cia-chef-soll-noch-diese-woche-ausreisen-a-981193.html Spionageaffäre: Berliner CIA-Chef soll noch diese Woche ausreisen]||[[DE]] / [[US]] / [[DAF]] / [[CIA]]
|20140712||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/172212-second-german-spy-friendship/ Suspected German spy was in contact with friend at State Dept - US officials]||[[BMVG]] / [[US STATE DEPARTMENT]] / [[MAD]] / [[CIA]] / [[STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER]]
|20140712||bundeskanzlerin.de||[http://www.bundeskanzlerin.de/Content/DE/Interview/2014/07/2014-07-12-maas-frankfurter-rundschau.html Die Ausspähung muss endlich ein Ende haben]||[[MAAS, HEIKO]] / [[MERKEL, ANGELA]] / [[DE]] / [[US]] / [[NSA]] / [[CIA]] / [[DAF]]
|20140712||bloomberg.com||[http://mobile.bloomberg.com/news/2014-07-11/berlin-spying-prompted-u-s-offer-too-late-to-sway-merkel.html U.S. Offered Berlin 'Five Eyes' Pact. Merkel Was Done With It]||[[DE]] / [[US]] / [[DAF]] / [[BND]] / [[NSA]] / [[CIA]] / [[EMERSON, JOHN]] / [[SEIBERT, STEFFEN]] / [[STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER]] / [[KERRY, JOHN]] / [[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[STEINLEIN, STEPHAN]] / [[EARNEST, JOSH]] / [[ROYCE, ED]] / [[UDALL, MARK]] / [[SCHAEUBLE, WOLFGANG]]
|20140712||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/spionage-affaere-bnd-spitzel-wurde-aus-us-botschaft-in-wien-gefuehrt-a-980676.html Spionage-Affäre beim BND: Mutmaßlicher US-Spion bekam aus Wien Befehle]||[[BND]] / [[CIA]] / [[DE]] / [[US]] / [[DAF]] / [[US Embassy Vienna]] / [[MERKEL, ANGELA]] / [[R., MARKUS]] / [[SCHROTH, KLAUS]]
|20140711||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/spionageaffaere-fahnder-finden-link-zwischen-spitzel-faellen-a-980647.html Spionageaffäre: Fahnder finden Link zwischen Spitzel-Fällen]||[[BND]] / [[CIA]] / [[BMVG]]
|20140711||sueddeutsche.de||[http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/geheimdienst-affaere-in-deutschland-kuriose-verbindung-zwischen-spionagefaellen-1.2041674 Geheimdienst-Affäre in Deutschland: Kuriose Verbindung zwischen Spionagefällen]||[[BND]] / [[CIA]] / [[BMVG]]
|20140710||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/11/us/politics/justice-dept-declines-to-investigate-rival-claims-of-cia-and-senate-panel.html?_r=0 Justice Dept. Declines to Investigate C.I.A. Review]||[[US]] / [[CIA]] / [[CARR, PETER]] / [[FEINSTEIN, DIANNE]] / [[HOLDER, ERIC]] / [[BOYD, DEAN]]
|20140710||washingtonpost.com||[http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/europe/germany-expels-us-intelligence-station-chief-over-spying-allegations/2014/07/10/dc60b1f0-083c-11e4-8a6a-19355c7e870a_story.html Europe: Germany orders CIA station chief to leave over spying allegations]||[[DE]] / [[DAF]] / [[US]] / [[CIA]] / [[SEIBERT, STEFFEN]] / [[RIZZO, JOHN A.]] / [[BND]] / [[STROEBELE, HANS-CHRISTIAN]]
|20140710||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/spionageaffaere-usa-kuendigen-gespraeche-mit-deutschland-an-a-980423.html Spionage-Vorwürfe: USA kündigen Gespräche mit Deutschland an]||[[US]] / [[DE]] / [[DAF]] / [[KERRY, JOHN]] / [[STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER]] / [[PSAKI, JEN]] / [[CIA]] / [[BRENNAN, JOHN]]
|20140710||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/spionage-bundesregierung-fordert-cia-vertreter-zur-ausreise-auf-a-980342.html Reaktion auf Spionage-Affäre: Rausschmiss erster Klasse]||[[DE]] / [[US]] / [[DAF]] / [[CIA]] / [[NSA]]
|20140710||faz.net||[http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/nach-neuem-spionagefall-berlin-erwaegt-ausweisung-der-mutmasslichen-cia-kontaktperson-13038277.html Nach neuem Spionagefall: Berlin erwägt Ausweisung der mutmaßlichen CIA-Kontaktperson]||[[DE]] / [[CIA]] / [[DAF]] / [[BND]]
|20140707||reuters.com||[http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/07/07/us-germany-usa-spying-cia-idUSKBN0FC21920140707 Exclusive: CIA had role in Germany spy affair]||[[CIA]] / [[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[EARNEST, JOSH]] / [[MERKEL, ANGELA]]
|20140707||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/bnd-affaere-usa-wollen-laut-reuters-cia-beteiligung-einraeumen-a-979775.html BND-Spitzelaffäre: USA wollen offenbar CIA-Beteiligung eingestehen]||[[BND]] / [[CIA]] / [[EARNEST, JOSH]] / [[MERKEL, ANGELA]] / [[DE]] / [[US]]
|20140706||welt.de||[http://www.welt.de/print/wams/article129835399/Digitale-Besatzungsmacht.html "Digitale Besatzungsmacht" - Große Empörung über Spionagefall – doch bisher gibt es keine Beweise für den Kontakt eines BND-Manns zur CIA]||[[BND]] / [[CIA]] / [[DRAKE, THOMAS]] / [[UHL, HANS-PETER]] / [[RENNER, MARTINA]] / [[GAUCK, JOACHIM]] / [[EMERSON, JOHN B.]]
|20140705||faz.net||[http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/enttarnter-agent-beim-bnd-ein-naivling-mit-geltungssucht-13029626.html Enttarnter Agent beim BND: Ein „Naivling“ mit Geltungssucht?]||[[BND]] / [[CIA]] / [[NSA]]
|20140704||washingtonpost.com||[http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/cia-employees-quest-to-release-information-destroyed-my-entire-career/2014/07/04/e95f7802-0209-11e4-8572-4b1b969b6322_story.html?hpid=z5 National Security: CIA employee’s quest to release information ‘destroyed my entire career’]||[[FOIA]] / [[CIA]] / [[SCUDDER, JEFFREY]]
|20140702||ibtimes.co.uk||[http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/scopolamine-devil-s-breath-nasa-use-medical-342346 'Devil's Breath' Drug Scopolamine Used By NASA and CIA - "Devil's Breath" branded the world's most terrifying drug has a number of alternative uses.]||[[SCOPOLAMINE]] / [[CIA]]
|20140613||theregister.co.uk||[http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/06/13/cia_rendition_jet_was_waiting_in_europe_to_snatch_snowden/ CIA rendition jet was waiting in Europe to SNATCH SNOWDEN - Unmarked Gulfstream tracked as it passed above UK]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[CIA]]
|20140606||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/164336-cia-joins-social-media-2014/ CIA joins social media, is immediately trolled]||[[CIA]]
|20140606||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/cia-amerikanischer-geheimdienst-lernt-das-twittern-a-973965.html Kurznachricht in Agenten-Sprech: @CIA setzt seinen ersten Tweet ab]||[[CIA]]
|20140603||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/2014/06/04/books/the-director-by-david-ignatius-a-novel-about-the-cia.html?_r=1 A C.I.A. Mole Hunt In the Era of Hackers - The Director,’ by David Ignatius, a Novel About the C.I.A]||[[CIA]]
|20140526||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/weisses-haus-enttarnt-versehentlich-cia-chef-in-kabul-a-971646.html Datenpanne: Weißes Haus enttarnt versehentlich CIA-Chef in Kabul]||[[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[CIA]]
|20140504||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/156692-ukraine-cia-fbi-agents/ Dozens of FBI, CIA agents in Kiev 'assisting Ukraine security']||[[UA]] / [[FBI]] / [[CIA]]
|20140424||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/wladimir-putin-das-internet-ist-ein-cia-projekt-a-966022.html Medienforum: Putin nennt Internet "CIA-Spezialprojekt"]||[[INTERNET]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[CIA]]
|20140417||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/apr/17/guantanamo-judge-cia-treatment-detainee-al-nashiri Guantánamo trial judge orders CIA to account for treatment of detainee]||[[GUANTANAMO BAY]] / [[CIA]]
|20140415||techdirt.com||[http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20140415/01123026915/wackiest-response-to-pulitzers-yet-guy-who-authorized-cia-torture.shtml The Most Bizarre Response To The Pulitzers Yet, From The Guy Who Authorized CIA Torture]||[[YOO, JOHN]] / [[CIA]] / [[TORTURE]] / [[NSA]]
|20140415||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ukraine-cia-chef-brennan-sprach-in-kiew-mit-geheimdienstbeamten-a-964489.html Brennan in der Ukraine: Was machte der CIA-Chef in Kiew?]||[[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[CIA]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[UA]]
|20140414||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/white-house-confirms-cia-ukraine-448/ White House confirms CIA director visited Ukraine over weekend]||[[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[CIA]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[UA]]
|20140413||schweizmagazin.ch||[http://www.schweizmagazin.ch/nachrichten/ausland/18983-CIA-Chef-Kiew.html CIA-Chef in Kiew]||[[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[CIA]] / [[UA]]
|20140412||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/cia-interrogation-senate-legal-040/ CIA deceived government on torture program according to Senate report]||[[CIA]] / [[TORTURE]] / [[US]]
|20140410||au.ibtimes.com||[http://au.ibtimes.com/articles/547457/20140410/mh370-conspiracy-theory-cia-involved-malaysia-airlines.htm MH370 Latest Conspiracy Theory: CIA Allegedly Involved in Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight’s Disappearance?]||[[MH370]] / [[CIA]]
|20140408||alternet.org||[http://www.alternet.org/world/americas-coup-machine-destroying-democracy-1953?page=0%2C0&paging=off America's Coup Machine: Destroying Democracy Since 1953 U.S. efforts to overthrow foreign governments leave the world less peaceful, less just and less hopeful.]||[[US]] / [[CIA]] / [[UA]] / [[US EMBASSY KIEV]] / [[COUP D´ETAT]]
|20140406||themalaysianinsider.com||[http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/malaysia/article/utusan-sees-truth-in-theory-blaming-cia-for-mh370s-disappearance Malaysia: Utusan sees truth in theory blaming CIA for MH370’s disappearance]||[[MH370]] / [[MY]] / [[CIA]]
|20140401||bangkokpost.com||[http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/402863/cia-misled-on-thai-black-site CIA 'misled' on Thai black site]||[[CIA]] / [[US]] / [[TH]]
|20140313||tumblr.com||[http://mattstoller.tumblr.com/post/79503748901/in-1975-the-cia-director-told-congress-that-enemies-of In 1975, the CIA Director Told Congress That Enemies of America Could Destroy the CIA with Freedom of Information Act Requests]||[[FOIA]] / [[CIA]]
|20140305||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/cia-soll-cia-kontrollgremium-im-senat-ueberwacht-haben-a-957135.html Nach Untersuchung illegaler Verhörmethoden: CIA soll CIA-Kontrollgremium überwacht haben]||[[CIA]] / [[INTELLIGENCE OVERSIGHT]]
|20140304||nytimes.com||[http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014/03/05/us/new-inquiry-into-cia-employees-amid-clashes-over-interrogation-program.html C.I.A. Employees Face New Inquiry Amid Clashes on Detention Program]||[[CIA]] / [[US]] / [[TORTURE]] / [[INTELLIGENCE OVERSIGHT]]
|20140101||rt.com||[http://rt.com/op-edge/nsa-violate-constitution-mcgovern-047/ NSA stands for ‘No Such Amendment’: Intelligence agency violates US Constitution]||[[NSA]] / [[US]] / [[MCGOVERN, RAY]] / [[CIA]] / [[SWARTZ, AARON]] / [[MANNING, CHELSEA]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]]
== 2013 ==
|20131222||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/geheimkrieg-cia-unterstuetzte-kolumbien-beim-toeten-von-rebellen-a-940583.html Geheimkrieg in Südamerika: CIA unterstützte Kolumbien beim Töten von Rebellen]||[[CO]] / [[CIA]] / [[REYE, RAUL]]
|20131221||washingtonpost.com||[http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/investigative/2013/12/21/covert-action-in-colombia/ Covert action in Colombia: U.S. intelligence, GPS bomb kits help Latin American nation cripple rebel forces]||[[CO]] / [[CIA]] / [[FARC]] / [[REYE, RAUL]]
|20131218||counterpunch.org||[http://www.counterpunch.org/2013/12/18/the-cia-and-the-washington-post/ Doing Business: The CIA and the Washington Post]||[[BEZOS, JEFF]] / [[WASHINGTON POST]] / [[CIA]] / [[AMAZON]]
|20131213||gwu.edu||[http://www2.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB450/ CIA Bay of Pigs Secrecy Case Reaches Appeals Court: National Security Archive Lawsuit Seeks Last Volume of CIA "Official History" - CIA claims release would "confuse the public"]||[[CIA]]
|20131126||ap.org||[http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_TERRORIST_DOUBLE_AGENTS?SITE=MYPSP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2013-11-26-00-18-18 Penny Lane: Gitmo's other secret CIA facility]||[[GUANTANAMO BAY]] / [[CIA]]
|20131106||dradio.de||[http://www.dradio.de/dlf/sendungen/interview_dlf/2311461/ Wippl: NSA-Spionage "wird jetzt beendet" - Ex-Chef von CIA in Deutschland für Erweiterung des Five-Eyes-Spionagebündnisses]||[[CIA]] / [[WIPPL, JOSEPH]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[DE]] / [[US]]
|20131011||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/edward-snowden-fiel-der-cia-bereits-vor-jahren-auf-a-927357.html Datenzugriff: Edward Snowden fiel der CIA bereits vor Jahren auf - Der US-Geheimdienst CIA soll bereits 2009 auf ihren damaligen Mitarbeiter Edward Snowden aufmerksam geworden sein - weil er unberechtigterweise auf Daten zugreifen wollte.]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[CIA]]
|20131011||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/12/us/cia-disputes-early-suspicions-on-snowden.html?_r=0 C.I.A. Disputes Early Suspicions on Snowden]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[CIA]] / [[GENEVA]] / [[EBITZ, TODD]]
|20131010||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/2013/10/11/us/cia-warning-on-snowden-in-09-said-to-slip-through-the-cracks.html C.I.A. Warning on Snowden in ’09 Said to Slip Through the Cracks]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[CIA]] / [[GENEVA]]
|20131008||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/cia-bundesregierung-schweigt-sich-zu-geheimdienstprojekt-aus-a-926675.html Geheimdienste: Regierung verweigert Auskünfte über CIA-Projekt in Deutschland]||[[CIA]] / [[BFV]] / [[DE]] / [[BND]] / [[PROJEKT 6]]
|20130913||wsj.com||[http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324576304579071530823140604.html?mod=rss_mobile_uber_feed Robert Seldon Lady: The Antiterror Spy Left Out in the Cold - Caught up in a terrorist rendition debacle, Robert Lady is wanted in Italy, lost his house and marriage, and says he has been abandoned by the CIA.]||[[LADY, ROBERT SELDON]] / [[RENDITION]] / [[OMAR, ABU]] / [[CIA]]
|20130909||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-111320036.html CIA, Außenstelle Neuss]||[[CIA]] / [[NEUSS]] / [[BFV]] / [[BND]] / [[P6]]
|20130908||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/cia-und-deutsche-dienste-betrieben-jahrelanges-geheimprojekt-in-neuss-a-920958.html Datenbank PX: CIA und deutsche Dienste betrieben jahrelang Geheimprojekt]||[[CIA]] / [[BND]] / [[BFV]] / [[PX]]
|20130829||washingtonpost.com||[http://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/black-budget-summary-details-us-spy-networks-successes-failures-and-objectives/2013/08/29/7e57bb78-10ab-11e3-8cdd-bcdc09410972_story.html U.S. spy network’s successes, failures and objectives detailed in ‘black budget’ summary]||[[US]] / [[CIA]] / [[NSA]]
|20130826||foreignpolicy.com||[http://foreignpolicy.com/2013/08/26/exclusive-cia-files-prove-america-helped-saddam-as-he-gassed-iran/amp/ Investigation - Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran]||[[HUSSEIN, SADDAM]] / [[CIA]] / [[IR]] / [[CHEMICAL WEAPONS]]
|20130822||motherboard.vice.com||[http://motherboard.vice.com/blog/the-cia-is-closing-the-office-that-declassifies-historical-documents The CIA Is Closing the Office That Declassifies Historical Documents]||[[TRANSPARENCY]] / [[CIA]]
|20130814||forbes.com||[http://www.forbes.com/sites/andygreenberg/2013/08/14/agent-of-intelligence-how-a-deviant-philosopher-built-palantir-a-cia-funded-data-mining-juggernaut/ How A 'Deviant' Philosopher Built Palantir, A CIA-Funded Data-Mining Juggernaut]||[[THIEL, PETER]] / [[CIA]] / [[PALANTIR]] / [[KARP, ALEX]] / [[NSA]] / [[FBI]] / [[RICE, CONDOLEEZZA]] / [[TENET, GEORGE]] / [[LANGONE, KEN]] / [[DRUCKENMILLER, STANLEY]] / [[GESHER, ARI]] / [[LONSDALE, JOE]] / [[COHEN, STEPHEN]] / [[GETTINGS, NATHAN]] / [[IN-Q-TEL]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20130813||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/chomsky-cia-file-destroy-457/ CIA ‘admits’ to having file on Chomsky, might have destroyed it]||[[CHOMSKY, NOAM]] / [[CIA]]
|20130806||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.theguardian.com/technology/2013/aug/06/nsa-director-cyber-terrorism-snowden Former NSA chief warns of cyber-terror attacks if Snowden apprehended: Michael Hayden, who also headed the CIA, speculates on global hacker response if Edward Snowden brought back to US]||[[HAYDEN, MICHAEL]] / [[US]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[NSA]] / [[CIA]]
|20130804||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/angst-vor-terrorattacken-us-geheimdienst-soll-al-qaida-abhoeren-a-914698.html Angst vor Terrorattacken: US-Geheimdienst hörte angeblich Qaida-Gespräche ab]||[[TERRORWARNING]] / [[AL QAEDA]] / [[DISTRACTION]] / [[NSA]] / [[CIA]]
|20130803||whatdoesitmean.com||[http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index1694.htm Switzerland Warning Against Obama Regime Stuns Russia]||[[CH]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[NDB]] / [[MI6]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[GRU]] / [[CIA]]
|20130802||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/cia-benghazi-agents-attack-968/ CIA had dozens of operatives in Benghazi during consulate attack]||[[LY 20120911 BENGHAZI]] / [[CIA]]
|20130802||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/telefon-ueberwachung-metadaten-verraten-illegale-cia-operation-a-914470.html Telefonüberwachung: Handy-Daten verraten illegale CIA-Operation]||[[OMAR, ABU]] / [[CIA]]
|20130727||mcclatchydc.com||[http://www.mcclatchydc.com/2013/07/27/197823/us-allowed-italian-kidnap-prosecution.html U.S. allowed Italian kidnap prosecution to shield higher-ups, ex-CIA officer says]||[[CIA]] / [[IT]] / [[RENDITION]] / [[OMAR, ABU]] / [[DE SOUSA, SABRINA]] / [[CASTELLI, JEFFREY]] / [[TENET, GEORGE]]
|20130719||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jul/19/huawei-spied-chinese-government-ex-cia-boss Huawei has spied for Chinese government, ex-CIA boss says - Michael Hayden, also former head of NSA, says he is aware of hard evidence of spying activity by world's No 2 telecoms firm]||[[HUAWEI]] / [[CIA]] / [[HAYDEN, MICHAEL]]
|20130718||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/cia-milan-panama-chief-276/ Ex-CIA station chief in Milan detained in Panama http://rt.com/usa/cia-milan-panama-chief-276/]||[[CIA]] / [[IT]] / [[LADY, ROBERT SELDON]]
|20130627||reuters.com||[http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/06/27/us-usa-security-snowden-switzerland-idUSBRE95Q0RV20130627 Swiss to press U.S. further on Snowden's time in Geneva]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[CIA]] / [[GENEVA]]
|20130619||zeit.de||[http://www.zeit.de/2013/25/edward-snowden-cia-genf WHISTLEBLOWER: Gute Freunde - Wenn die Geschichte stimmt, die der Whistleblower Edward Snowden über das Treiben der CIA in Genf erzählt, haben wir alle ein Problem.]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[CIA]] / [[BIRKENFELD, BRADLEY]] / [[FALCIANI, HERVE]]
|20130612||abcnews.go.com||[http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/headlines/2013/06/switzerland-questions-u-s-over-cia-drunk-driving-gambit/ Snowden’s CIA Drunk Driving Claim Questioned]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[CIA]] / [[GENEVA]]
|20130612||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/stellvertretender-cia-chef-michael-morell-wird-von-avril-haines-beerbt-a-905427.html US-Auslandsgeheimdienst: Stellvertretender CIA-Chef Morell zieht sich zurück]||[[CIA]] / [[MORELL, MICHAEL]] / [[HAINES, AVRIL]]
|20130611||tagesanzeiger.ch||[http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/schweiz/standard/Bern-interveniert-nach-Snowdens-Aussagen-bei-USBotschaft/story/28980552 Bern interveniert nach Snowdens Aussagen bei US-Botschaft]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[CIA]] / [[GENEVA]]
|20130610||reason.com||[http://reason.com/blog/2013/06/10/switzerland-furious-about-snowdens-charg Switzerland Furious About Snowden’s Charge That the CIA Conducts Economic Espionage Against Formerly Secret Swiss Banks]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[CH]] / [[CIA]] / [[GENEVA]]
|20130610||tagesanzeiger.ch||[http://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/ausland/amerika/Snowden-CIA-lockte-Genfer-Banker-in-die-Falle/story/19429925 Snowden: CIA lockte Genfer Banker in die Falle]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[CIA]] / [[GENEVA]] / [[BIRKENFELD, BRADLEY]]
|20130610||finews.ch||[http://www.finews.ch/news/finanzplatz/12195-cia-schweizer-banken-edward-snowden-2 Die CIA und der betrunkene Schweizer Banker]||[[BIRKENFELD, BRADLEY]] / [[CIA]] / [[GENEVA]]
|20130610||genevalunch.com||[http://genevalunch.com/2013/06/10/whistleblower-snowdens-geneva-days-subject-of-speculation/ Whistleblower Snowden’s Geneva days subject of speculation (Update)]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[CIA]] / [[GENEVA]]
|20130610||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/prism-enthuellung-wie-die-cia-einen-schweizer-banker-anwarb-a-904911.html Prism-Enthüllung: Wie die CIA einen Schweizer Banker anwarb]||[[CIA]] / [[CH]]
|20130609||businessinsider.com||[http://www.businessinsider.com/edward-snowden-describes-cia-tricks-2013-6 Whistleblower Edward Snowden Describes The Time The CIA Got A Swiss Banker Drunk And Put Him Behind The Wheel]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[CIA]]
|20130607||[[HASTINGS, MICHAEL]]/buzzfeed.com||[http://www.buzzfeed.com/mhastings/why-democrats-love-to-spy-on-americans Why Democrats Love To Spy On Americans]||[[CIA]] / [[NSA]] / [[WYDEN, RON]] / [[UDALL, MARK]]
|20130523||globalresearch.ca||[http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-global-rendition-system-major-study-sheds-new-light-on-cia-secret-prisons/5336097 “The Global Rendition System”: Major Study Sheds New Light on CIA Secret Prisons]||[[RENDITION]] / [[CIA]]
|20130520||globalresearch.ca||[http://www.globalresearch.ca/cia-troublemaking-in-caucasus/5335788 CIA Troublemaking in Caucasus]||[[CIA]] / [[FSB]] / [[FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER]] / [[DILLON, BENJAMIN]] / [[HOLMES, STEPHEN]] / [[JAMESTOWN FOUNDATION]] / [[CLANCY, TOM]] / [[HOWARD, GLEN E.]] / [[FULLER, GRAHAM]] / [[CAUCASUS]]
|20130518||globalresearch.ca||[http://www.globalresearch.ca/gloves-off-russia-names-cia-station-chief-in-moscow/5335580 Gloves Off: Russia Names CIA Station Chief in Moscow]||[[RU]] / [[FSB]] / [[CIA]] / [[HOLMES, STEPHEN]] / [[DILLON, BENJAMIN]] / [[FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER]]
|20130518||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/cia-chef-in-moskau-russischer-geheimdienst-laesst-us-spione-auffliegen-a-900647.html CIA in Moskau: Russischer Geheimdienst lässt US-Spione auffliegen]||[[CIA]] / [[RU]] / [[FSB]]
|20130517||telegraph.co.uk||[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/russia/10064414/Russias-FSB-reveals-identity-of-CIA-Moscow-station-chief.html Russia's FSB reveals identity of CIA Moscow station chief]||[[FSB]] / [[CIA]] / [[FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER]]
|20130517||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/spy-fsb-warning-cia-437/ FSB: CIA crossed ‘red line’ with agent Fogle]||[[CIA]] / [[RU]] / [[FSB]]
|20130515||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/spy-cia-russia-evidence-325/ FSB releases tapes of 'CIA agent' talking to officer he wanted to recruit (VIDEO)]||[[FSB]] / [[CIA]]
|20130515||counterpunch.org||[http://www.counterpunch.org/2013/05/15/the-real-benghazi-scandal/ Another CIA Debacle: The Real Benghazi Scandal]||[[LY 20120911 BENGHAZI]] / [[CIA]]
|20130514||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-05-14/russia-captures-us-embassy-worker-act-cia-recruitment Russia Captures US Embassy Worker In Act Of CIA Recruitment; CIA's "Dropbox" Gmail Address Revealed]||[[FSB]] / [[FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER]] / [[CIA]]
|20130514||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/fsb-detain-cia-agent-253/ Cloak, dagger and a blond wig? FSB says CIA agent nabbed in Moscow (VIDEO, PHOTOS]||[[HUMINT]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[FSB]] / [[CIA]] / [[FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER]]
|20130514||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/russland-nimmt-us-buerger-wegen-spionageverdacht-fest-a-899750.html Geheimdienst-Affäre: Russland nimmt US-Diplomat wegen Spionageverdacht fest]||[[HUMINT]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[FSB]] / [[CIA]] / [[FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER]]
|20130514||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/russland-nimmt-us-diplomat-wegen-spionageverdacht-fest-a-899783.html Spionage-Thriller in Moskau: Kreml führt angeblichen Spion im Staats-TV vor]||[[HUMINT]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[FSB]] / [[CIA]] / [[FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER]]
|20130504||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/afghanistan-die-spur-der-cia-dollar-a-898043.html Afghanistan: Die Spur der CIA-Dollar]||[[AF]] / [[CIA]]
|20130503||zlv.lu||[http://zlv.lu/spip/spip.php?article9503 »Fragen zum CIA-Terrorismus sind tabu«]||[[GANSER, DANIELE]] / [[CIA]] / [[STAY BEHIND]]
|20130429||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/cia-brachte-millionen-in-afghanisches-praesidialamt-a-897073.html CIA-Dollars für Afghanistan: Geistergeld in Tüten]||[[AF]] / [[CIA]] / [[KARZAI, HAMID]] / [[ROMAN, KHALIL]] / [[TALIBAN]] / [[KARZAI, AHMED WALI]] / [[KANDAHAR STRIKE FORCE]]
|20130428||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/29/world/asia/cia-delivers-cash-to-afghan-leaders-office.html With Bags of Cash, C.I.A. Seeks Influence in Afghanistan]||[[AF]] / [[CIA]] / [[KARZAI, HAMID]] / [[ROMAN, KHALIL]] / [[TALIBAN]] / [[KARZAI, AHMED WALI]] / [[KANDAHAR STRIKE FORCE]] / [[IR]] / [[CORRUPTION]]
|20130424||dailymail.co.uk||[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2313925/LulzSec-leader-arrested-Police-hold-self-proclaimed-head-hacking-group-infiltrated-CIA-website.html Australian police arrest 24-year-old 'leader' of hacking group LulzSec which was behind attack on CIA website]||[[LULZSEC]] / [[CIA]] / [[AU]]
|20130425||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/cia-wollte-tamerlan-zarnajew-auf-liste-mit-terrorverdaechtigen-setzen-a-896388.html Attentat in Boston: CIA wollte Tamerlan Zarnajew auf Terrorliste setzen]||[[BOSTON]] / [[CIA]] / [[ZARNAJEW, TAMERLAN]]
|20130416||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/16/world/us-practiced-torture-after-9-11-nonpartisan-review-concludes.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 U.S. Engaged in Torture After 9/11, Review Concludes]||[[US]] / [[TORTURE]] / [[CIA]]
|20130410||tageswoche.ch||[http://www.tageswoche.ch/de/2013_14/international/530669/es-war-nato-gegen-nato.htm «Bommeleeër»-Affäre: «Es war Nato gegen Nato»]||[[GLADIO]] / [[NATO]] / [[BND]] / [[MI6]] / [[DE 19800926 Oktoberfest bombing]] / [[ALLIED CLANDESTINE COMMITTEE]] / [[CHALUPA, LEOPOLD]] / [[CIA]] / [[FBI]] / [[SREL]] / [[STAY BEHIND]]
|20130408||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/wie-amerika-pakistan-zum-drohnenkrieg-ueberredete-a-893038.html Geheimabkommen: Pakistans Drohnendeal mit der CIA]||[[CIA]] / [[DRONES]] / [[PK]]
|20130406||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/2013/04/07/world/asia/origins-of-cias-not-so-secret-drone-war-in-pakistan.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0 RISE OF THE PREDATORS: A Secret Deal on Drones, Sealed in Blood]||[[PK]] / [[DRONES]] / [[CIA]]
|20130324||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/2013/03/25/world/middleeast/arms-airlift-to-syrian-rebels-expands-with-cia-aid.html?_r=0 Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With C.I.A. Aid]||[[SY]] / [[CIA]]
|20130321||rawstory.com||[http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2013/03/21/cias-big-data-mission-collect-everything-and-hang-onto-it-forever/ CIA’s big data mission: ‘Collect everything and hang onto it forever’]||[[CIA]]
|20130315||thelocal.se||[http://www.thelocal.se/46746/20130315/#.UUSwwsjLeTJ Bildt accused of leaking secrets to the US]||[[BILDT, CARL]] / [[CIA]]
|20130315||latimes.com||[http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/world/middleeast/la-fg-cia-syria-20130316,0,3989647.story CIA begins sizing up Islamic extremists in Syria for drone strikes]||[[SY]] / [[CIA]] / [[DRONES]]
|20130307||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/bin-ladens-schwiegersohn-abu-gheith-wird-in-usa-angeklagt-a-887568.html Verschwörung zum Mord: Bin Ladens Schwiegersohn muss vor US-Gericht]||[[US 20010911]] / [[ABU GEITH, SULEIMAN]] / [[BIN LADEN, OSAMA]] / [[TR]] / [[JO]] / [[KW]] / [[CIA]]
|20130305||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/geheimdienstausschuss-bestaetigt-brennan-als-cia-chef-a-887107.html Nachfolger von David Petraeus: Senatsausschuss bestätigt Brennan als CIA-Chef]||[[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[PETRAEUS, DAVID]] / [[CIA]]
|20130210||thedailybeast.com||[http://www.thedailybeast.com/newsweek/2013/02/11/the-double-agent-who-infiltrated-al-qaeda.html The Double Agent Who Infiltrated Al Qaeda]||[[STORM, MORTEN]] / [[PET]] /  [[AL QAEDA]] / [[AL-AWLAKI, ANWAR]] / [[CIA]]
|20130206||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/feb/06/cia-using-saudi-base-drone-yemen CIA using Saudi base for drone assassinations in Yemen: Disclosure comes as architect of programme, John Brennan, prepares for Senate confirmation hearing to become CIA director]||[[CIA]] / [[US]] / [[SA]] / [[YE]] / [[DRONES]] / [[BRENNAN, JOHN]] / [[AQAP]]
|20130206||bangkokpost.com||[http://www.bangkokpost.com/breakingnews/334623/rights-groups-want-ecret-jail-truths Activists want 'CIA jail' truths]||[[CIA]] / [[RENDITION]] / [[BLACK SITES]] / [[TH]] / [[TORTURE]]
|20130205||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/feb/05/cia-rendition-countries-covert-support CIA rendition: more than a quarter of countries 'offered covert support': Report finds at least 54 countries co-operated with global kidnap, detention and torture operation mounted after 9/11 attacks]||[[RENDITION]] / [[CIA]]
|20130205||spiegel.de||[http://einestages.spiegel.de/s/tb/27322/ddr-spion-werner-stiller-vom-stasi-mann-zum-broker.html Doppelagent Werner Stiller: Der enttäuschte Egomane]||[[MFS]] / [[CIA]] / [[STILLER, WERNER]]
|20130125||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/geheimdienstaffaere-ehemaliger-cia-agent-zu-gefaengnisstrafe-verurteilt-a-879781.html Geheimdienstaffäre: Ehemaliger CIA-Agent zu Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt - In den USA ist ein ehemaliger Mitarbeiter der CIA zu mehr als zwei Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Der Ex-Agent soll einen Geheimdienstkollegen verraten haben. Es ist das erste Mal seit fast 30 Jahren, dass jemand in den Staaten wegen Agenten-Enttarnung ins Gefängnis muss.]||[[CIA]] / [[KIRIKAOU, JOHN]] / [[TORTURE]] / [[SUBEIDA, ABU]]
|20130117||foreignpolicy.com||[http://www.foreignpolicy.com/articles/2013/01/17/the_dynamite_pentagon_interview_behind_zero_dark_thirty The 'Dynamite' Pentagon Interview Behind 'Zero Dark Thirty']||[[BIN LADEN, OSAMA]] / [[CIA]] / [[MCRAVEN, WILLIAM H.]]
== 2012 ==
== 2012 ==
Line 70: Line 1,356:
|12.04.2012||wired.com||[http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2012/04/cia-spies-biometric-tech/all/1 CIA’s Secret Fear: High-Tech Border Checks Will Blow Spies’ Cover]||[[CIA]]
|12.04.2012||wired.com||[http://www.wired.com/dangerroom/2012/04/cia-spies-biometric-tech/all/1 CIA’s Secret Fear: High-Tech Border Checks Will Blow Spies’ Cover]||[[CIA]]
|20120327||www.bollyn.com||[http://www.bollyn.com/13697/ 9-11 and Alvin Krongard - Israel's Agent at the CIA]||[[KRONGARD, A.B.]] / [[CIA]] / [[US 20010911]] / [[ALEX BROWN INC]] / [[SCITEX]] / [[SHAMIR, YAIR]] / [[GIZA GROUP]] / [[ORCKIT COMMUNICATIONS LTD]] / [[UNIT 8200]] / [[PANETH, ERIC]] / [[TAMIR, YITZHAK]] / [[SHATTUCK, MAYO]]
|18.03.2012||haaretz.com||[http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/mossad-cia-agree-iran-has-yet-to-decide-to-build-nuclear-weapon-1.419300 'Mossad, CIA agree Iran has yet to decide to build nuclear weapon']||[[IR]] / [[CIA]] / [[MOSSAD]]
|18.03.2012||haaretz.com||[http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/mossad-cia-agree-iran-has-yet-to-decide-to-build-nuclear-weapon-1.419300 'Mossad, CIA agree Iran has yet to decide to build nuclear weapon']||[[IR]] / [[CIA]] / [[MOSSAD]]
Line 88: Line 1,376:
|20111218||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/dec/18/border-agency-deals-cia-rendition-firm Award of Border Agency work to CIA rendition firm must be investigated, say protesters: Court documents reveal CSC, the company charged with boosting UK border security, was involved in rendition cases]||[[CIA]] / [[CSC]] / [[RENDITION]]
|22.11.2011||thenational.ae||[http://www.thenational.ae/news/world/middle-east/cias-lebanese-spy-network-exposed-despite-warning CIA's Lebanese spy network exposed despite warning]||[[CIA]] / [[LB]]
|22.11.2011||thenational.ae||[http://www.thenational.ae/news/world/middle-east/cias-lebanese-spy-network-exposed-despite-warning CIA's Lebanese spy network exposed despite warning]||[[CIA]] / [[LB]]
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|21.11.1011||dailymail.co.uk||[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2064286/CIA-spies-captured-Iran-Lebanon-Hezbollah-feared-executed.html 'I don't think we'll ever see them again:' More than a dozen CIA spies captured in Iran and Lebanon 'feared executed']||[[CIA]] / [[IR]] / [[LB]]
|21.11.1011||dailymail.co.uk||[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2064286/CIA-spies-captured-Iran-Lebanon-Hezbollah-feared-executed.html 'I don't think we'll ever see them again:' More than a dozen CIA spies captured in Iran and Lebanon 'feared executed']||[[CIA]] / [[IR]] / [[LB]]
|20110922||gawker.com||[http://gawker.com/5842912/chief-of-cias-global-jihad-unit-revealed-online Chief of CIA’s ‘Global Jihad Unit’ Revealed Online]||[[CIA]] / [[BIKOWSKY, ALFREDA FRANCES]] / [[BLEE, RICHARD]] / [[BAER, BOB]] / [[CASEY, MICHAEL ANNE]]
|28.06.2011||biyokulule.com||[http://www.biyokulule.com/view_content.php?articleid=3627 Expert Views CIA`s Ways of Recruiting, Training Hizballah Agents]||[[CIA]] / [[HEZBOLLAH]]
|28.06.2011||biyokulule.com||[http://www.biyokulule.com/view_content.php?articleid=3627 Expert Views CIA`s Ways of Recruiting, Training Hizballah Agents]||[[CIA]] / [[HEZBOLLAH]]
|20110106||boilingfrogspost.com||[http://www.boilingfrogspost.com/2011/01/06/turkish-intel-chief-exposes-cia-operations-via-islamic-group-in-central-asia/ Turkish Intel Chief Exposes CIA Operations via Islamic Group in Central Asia]||[[TR]] / [[GUNDES, OSMAN NURI]] / [[CIA]] / [[GULEN, FETHULLAH]] / [[FULLER, GRAHAM]] / [[KZ]] / [[UZ]] / [[GROSSMANN, MARC]]
== 2010 ==
== 2010 ==
|20100327||salon.com||[http://www.salon.com/2010/03/27/wikileaks/singleton/ The war on WikiLeaks and why it matters - The U.S. government escalates its campaign to harass and destroy a key whistle-blowing site]||[[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[AF]] / [[DE]] / [[FR]] / [[NL]]
== 2009 ==
== 2009 ==
Line 108: Line 1,410:
|30.01.2009||cryptome.org||[http://cryptome.org/anwar-alawlaki/09-0130.htm Two Muslim Women Raped by CIA Station Chief in Algeria]||[[DZ]] [[CIA]]
|30.01.2009||cryptome.org||[http://cryptome.org/anwar-alawlaki/09-0130.htm Two Muslim Women Raped by CIA Station Chief in Algeria]||[[DZ]] [[CIA]]
== 2008 ==
|20080925||telepolis.de||[http://www.heise.de/tp/artikel/28/28766/1.html Inszenierter Terror - Interview mit Daniele Ganser über die NATO-Armee Gladio. Teil 1]||[[GLADIO]] / [[GANSER, DANIELE]] / [[SIFAR]] / [[CIA]] / [[NATO]] / [[STAY BEHIND]] / [[ALLIED CLANDESTINE COMMITEE]] / [[CLANDESTINE PLANNING COMMITTEE]] / [[CIC]] / [[VINCIGUERRA, VINCENZO]] / [[CASSON, FELICE]] / [[ANDREOTTI, GIULIO]] / [[P 26]] / [[SDRA 8]] / [[BDJTD]] / [[MORO, ALDO]]
== 2007 ==
|20070816||reuters.com||[https://www.reuters.com/article/us-security-wikipedia/cia-fbi-computers-used-for-wikipedia-edits-idUSN1642896020070816 CIA, FBI computers used for Wikipedia edits]||[[WIKIPEDIA]] / [[CIA]] / [[FBI]]
Line 116: Line 1,438:
|20061211||madcowprod.com||[http://www.madcowprod.com/120112006.html Was Mohamed Atta "close Associate" a CIA pilot?]||[[ATTA, MOHAMED]] / [[BOHRINGER, WOLFGANG]] / [[CIA]] / [[FLIEGERVEREIN MUENCHEN]]
|10.11.2006||hrw.org||[http://www.hrw.org/news/2006/11/09/sweden-violated-torture-ban-cia-rendition Sweden Violated Torture Ban in CIA Rendition: Diplomatic Assurances Against Torture Offer No Protection From Abuse]||[[SE]] / [[TORTURE]] / [[UN]] / [[CIA]]
|10.11.2006||hrw.org||[http://www.hrw.org/news/2006/11/09/sweden-violated-torture-ban-cia-rendition Sweden Violated Torture Ban in CIA Rendition: Diplomatic Assurances Against Torture Offer No Protection From Abuse]||[[SE]] / [[TORTURE]] / [[UN]] / [[CIA]]
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|00.00.1965||youtube.com||[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnbTnbW2d14 CIA Indonesia 1965 (with english subtitle)]||[[CIA]] [[ID]]
|00.00.1965||youtube.com||[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnbTnbW2d14 CIA Indonesia 1965 (with english subtitle)]||[[CIA]] [[ID]]
== 2004 ==
|20041116||spitfirelist.com||[http://spitfirelist.com/for-the-record/ftr-484-3rd-interview-with-daniel-hopsicker/ FTR #484 3rd Interview with Daniel Hopsicker]||[[HOPSICKER, DANIEL]] / [[US 20010911]] / [[BUSH, JEB]] / [[BUSH, NEIL]] / [[CIA]] / [[COVERUP]] / [[FBI]] / [[HUFFMAN AVIATION]] / [[IR]] / [[ATTA, MOHAMED]]
== 2002 ==
|20020728||rense.com||[http://rense.com/general27/devour.htm Bush Would Send SWAT Teams To Journalists' Homes - CIA Expert - Leaks of Classified Information Must Stop]||[[LEAKS]] / [[CIA]] / [[BRUCE, JAMES B.]]
|20020620||[[CHOSSUDOVSKY, MICHEL]]/globalresearch.ca||[http://globalresearch.ca/articles/CHO206A.html Political Deception: The Missing Link behind 9-11]||[[US 20010911]] / [[AHMED, MAHMOUD]] / [[ISI]] / [[GRAHAM, BOB]] / [[GOSS, PORTER]] / [[AL QAEDA]] / [[CIA]] / [[BIN LADEN, OSAMA]] / [[ATTA, MOHAMMED]] / [[SHEIKH, AHMAD UMAR]] / [[MUSHARAF, PERVEZ]]  / [[KYL, JOHN]] / [[LODHI, MALEEHA]] / [[ARMITAGE, RICHARD]] / [[POWELL, COLIN]] / [[BIDEN, JOSEPH]] / [[RICE, CONDOLEEZZA]] / [[GOSS, PORTER]] / [[TENET, GEORGE]]
== 2001 ==
|200112||[[GUYATT, DAVID G.]]/rense.com||[http://rense.com/general20/proj.htm Project Hammer - Covert Finance And The Parallel Economy]||[[PROJECT HAMMER]] / [[COCKE, ERLE]] / [[PHILLIPS, EUGENE]] / [[COCKE & PHILLIPS INTERNATIONAL]] / [[TASK FORCE 157]] / [[KWITNY, JONATHAN]] / [[INMAN, BOBBY RAY]] / [[WILSON, EDWIN]] / [[NUGAN HAND BANK]] / [[BLACK, EDWARD]] / [[SHRINER MASON]] / [[KNIGHTS OF MALTA]] / [[WORLD BANK]] / [[CITIBANK]] / [[REED, JOHN]] / [[ROMANA, SEVERINO GARCIA SANTA]] / [[MARCOS, FERDINAND]] / [[CIA]] / [[LANDSDALE, EDWARD]] / [[UBS]]
|20011101||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/2001/11/01/nyregion/a-nation-challenged-the-vault-below-ground-zero-silver-and-gold.html A NATION CHALLENGED: THE VAULT; Below Ground Zero, Silver and Gold]||[[WTC 4]] / [[WTC 6]] / [[CIA]] / [[BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA]]
|20010926||cia.gov||[https://www.cia.gov/news-information/speeches-testimony/2001/bush_speech_09262001.html President George W. Bush’s Remarks CIA Workforce]||[[TENET, GEORGE]] / [[BUSH, GEORGE W]] / [[CIA]]
== 1999 ==
|19991224||rumormillnews.com||[http://rumormillnews.com/pam1.htm CIA Classified Document Links Pan Am 103 Bomb to Iran]||[[19881221 Lockerbie PANAM 103]] / [[CIA]] / [[FBI]] / [[DEA]] / [[FBIS]] / [[IR]] / [[JIBRIL, AHMED]]
== 1993 ==
|19931030||focus.de||[http://www.focus.de/politik/deutschland/falschgeld-der-super-dollar_aid_140691.html FALSCHGELD: Der Super-Dollar - Der CIA beschuldigt den Iran, perfekte Blüten herzustellen. Verbreitung auch in Deutschland]||[[SUPERDOLLAR]] / [[CIA]] / [[IR]]
|19930809||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-13681158.html Spionage: AUF DEN KNIEN ZUR CIA]||[[RUPP, RAINER]] / [[MFS]] / [[HVA]] / [[BFV]] / [[WERTHEBACH, ECKART]] / [[SCHMIDBAUER, BERND]] / [[LORENZEN, URSEL]] / [[WILL, DIETER]] / [[CIA]] / [[OPERATION ROSEWOOD]]
== 1991 ==
|19911007||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-13490935.html Waffenhandel: Deal hinterm Bahnhof - Internationale Terrorgruppen wurden von einer Waffenhandelszentrale in Ost-Berlin versorgt - auch die CIA bediente sich.]||[[WEAPONTRADE]] / [[BCCI]] / [[MFS]] / [[ROYAL ORDNANCE]] / [[NIDAL, ABU]] / [[ZIBADO]] / [[IMES]] / [[MARAKA, ISSAM]] / [[SAS TRADE & INVESTMENT]] / [[EL-SILWANI, DIWAR ABD EL-FATTAH]] / [[CIA]] / [[MEEHAN, FRANCIS J.]] / [[ST. LUCIA AIRWAYS]] / [[SINGLAUB, JOHN]] / [[EL-DIN, SAMIR NADSCHM]]
== 1990 ==
|19900610||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/1990/06/10/world/cia-tie-reported-in-mandela-arrest.html C.I.A. TIE REPORTED IN MANDELA ARREST]||[[MANDELA, NELSON]] / [[CIA]]
== 1989 ==
|19890623||copi.com||[http://www.copi.com/octopus/temp/fbis.html CIA / NSA Foreknowledge of Planning and Activities Leading to Pan Am 103 Bombing]||[[19881221 Lockerbie PANAM 103]] / [[CIA]] / [[NSA]] / [[FBIS]] / [[IR]] / [[SY]] / [[LB]]
== 1988 ==
|19881220||ohmynews.com||[http://english.english.ohmynews.com/articleview/article_view.asp?menu=c10400&no=384508&rel_no=1 US Double Agent Tips Tehran Regarding McKee Travel Plan]||[[MCKEE, CHARLES]] / [[MOSSAD]] / [[BKA]] / [[CIA]] / [[19881221 Lockerbie Planebomb]] / [[BANNERMAN, JOEL]] / [[GANNON, MATTHEW]] / [[LARIVIERRE, RONALD ALBERT]] / [[JAAFAR, KHALID]] / [[ZADEH, ALI NURI]] / [[MONTAZERI, HUSSEIN-ALI]] / [[QARAI, RASUl QASSAB]] / [[VELAYATI, ALI AKBAR]] / [[GIAKA, MAGID]] / [[AL-MEGRAHI, ABDEL BASSET ALI]]
== 1987 ==
|19870104||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/1987/01/04/business/the-company-as-big-business.html?pagewanted=all 'THE COMPANY' AS BIG BUSINESS]||[[SOUTHERN AIR TRANSPORT]] / [[CIA]] / [[HASENFUS, EUGENE]] / [[WILLIAMS, STANLEY G.]] / [[BASTIAN, JAMES H.]]
== 1986 ==
|19860116||rollingstone.com||[https://www.rollingstone.com/culture/culture-features/secret-agent-man-52557/ Secret Agent Man: No wonder Miles Copeland’s kids formed the Police]||[[COPELAND, MILES]] / [[CIA]]
== 1977 ==
|19771022||carlbernstein.com||[http://www.carlbernstein.com/magazine_cia_and_media.php THE CIA AND THE MEDIA: How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up]||[[BERNSTEIN, CARL]] / [[CIA]]
|19770228||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-40941945.html BRANDT: Lügenhafte Kampagne - Hat Willy Brandt Geld von der CIA bekommen? Berichte in den USA über Kontakte Brandts mit dem amerikanischen Geheimdienst vermengen Wahres mit Falschem.]||[[CIA]] / [[BRANDT, WILLY]] / [[LOHMANN, ROPERT]] / [[MARCHETTI, VICTOR]] / [[WOODWARD, BOB]] / [[BAHR, EGON]] / [[JOHNSON, HERSCHEL V.]] / [[BRADEN, THOMAS]]
Line 133: Line 1,587:
|EICHNER, KLAUS/DOBBERT, ANDREAS||edition ost||Headquarters Germany||||3-360-01024-8||[[CIA]] [[DE]] [[MFS]]
|[[EICHNER, KLAUS]] / [[DOBBERT, ANDREAS]]||edition ost||Headquarters Germany||||3-360-01024-8||[[CIA]] [[DE]] [[MFS]]
|FELDBAUER, GERHARD||PapyRossa, luxemburger 202, 50937 köln||Agenten, Terror, Statskomplott - Der Mord an Aldo Moro, Rote Brigaden und CIA||2000||3-89438-207-4||[[GLADIO]] [[IT]] [[CIA]]
|FELDBAUER, GERHARD||PapyRossa, luxemburger 202, 50937 köln||Agenten, Terror, Statskomplott - Der Mord an Aldo Moro, Rote Brigaden und CIA||2000||3-89438-207-4||[[GLADIO]] [[IT]] [[CIA]]
|KOCH, EGMONT R./WECH, MICHAEL||C. Bertelsmann||Deckname Artischocke - Die geheimen Menschenversuche der CIA||||3-570-00662-X||[[CIA]]
|[[KHALILI, RHEZA]]||Threshold Editions||A Time to Betray - The Astonishing Double Life of a CIA Agent Inside the Revolutionary Guards of Iran||2010||978-1439189030||[[IR]] / [[CIA]]
|[[KIRIAKOU, JOHN]] / [[RUBY, MICHAEL]] / [[RIEDEL, BRUCE]]||Skyhorse Publishing||Reluctant Spy: My Secret Life in the CIA's War on Terror||2012||978-1616086282||[[CIA]] / [[TORTURE]]
|[[KOCH, EGMONT R.]] / [[WECH, MICHAEL]]||C. Bertelsmann||Deckname Artischocke - Die geheimen Menschenversuche der CIA||||3-570-00662-X||[[CIA]]
|RICHELON, JEFFREY||||US Intelligence Community||||||[[US]] [[NSA]] [[CIA]]
|RICHELON, JEFFREY||||US Intelligence Community||||||[[US]] [[NSA]] [[CIA]]
|[[HOPSICKER, DANIEL]]||Trineday Llc||Welcome to Terrorland: Mohamed Atta & the 9/11 Cover-Up in Florida||2007||978-0975290675||[[US 20010911]] / [[ATTA, MOHAMED]] / [[HUFFMAN AVIATION]] / [[CIA]] / [[DEKKERS, RUDI]] / [[KRUITHOF, ARNE]] / [[SCHREIER, PASCAL]]
|SMITH, THOMAS W||Sonlight Christian M||Central Intelligence Agency, Encyclopedia of the (Facts on File Library of American History)||2003||978-0816046669||[[CIA]]
|[[LEDEEN, MICHAEL]]||Charles Scribner's Sons||PERILOUS STATECRAFT An Insider's Account of the Iran-Contra Affair||1988||0-684-18994-1||[[IRAN-CONTRA]] / [[NIR, AMIRAM]] / [[NORTH, OLIVER]] / [[CIA]] / [[NSC]]
= Resources =
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deputy_Director_for_Operations
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Central_Intelligence_Agency
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Central_Intelligence_Agency_operations
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Clandestine_Service
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Director_of_Central_Intelligence
* http://en.citizendium.org/wiki/Director_of_Central_Intelligence
* https://www.wyden.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/wyden-cybersecurity-lapses-letter-to-dni.pdf
= Videos =
|20120328||youtube.com||[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rnbMjAN7Bws CIA Insider Tells 911 truth. Time to re-examine your World-view, America!]||[[CIA]] / [[US 20010911]]
[[Category:GO]] [[Category:US]]
[[Category:GO]] [[Category:US]] [[Category:Intelligence Services]]

Latest revision as of 08:27, 11 September 2024


Persons Involved




Date Source Title Tags
20240908 rt.com CIA and MI6 chiefs warn of threats to ‘world order’ / The US and UK spy bosses have named China and Russia as the main challengers to the status quo MOORE, RICHARD / MI6 / BURNS, WILLIAM / CIA
20240829 spiegel.de Bericht der CIA Absage von Taylor-Swift-Konzerten in Wien soll Zehntausende Tote verhindert haben / Rund drei Wochen ist es her, dass Taylor Swift ihre Auftritte in Wien wegen islamistischen Terrorverdachts absagen musste. Jetzt heißt es von der CIA: Die mutmaßlichen Attentäter planten ein großes Blutbad. TAYLOR SWIFT / CIA
20240815 zerohedge.com New 'Official' Nord Stream Sabotage Narrative Says Zelensky's Top General Went Rogue ZALUZHNY, VALERY / NORD STREAM / UA / ZELENSKY, VOLODYMYR / CIA / WSJ / HMX / MIVD / CIA / DE / SE / PL / HANNING, AUGUST / ZELENSKY, VOLODYMYR / DUDA, ANDRZEJ / PODOLYAK, MYKHAILO
20240815 wsj.com A Drunken Evening, a Rented Yacht: The Real Story of the Nord Stream Pipeline Sabotage NORD STREAM / ZELENSKY, VOLODYMYR / ZALUZHNY, VALERY / CIA / MIVD / PL / BND
20240815 welt.de „Bin sehr sicher, dass Herr Selenskyj davon gewusst hat“, sagt Ex-BND-Chef Hanning HANNING, AUGUST / ZELENSKY, VOLODYMYR / DUDA, ANDRZEJ / NORD STREAM / STATE TERRORISM / CIA / UA-PL / UA-DE / PL-DE
20240815 rt.com Zelensky gave initial order for Nord Stream attack – WSJ / The paper claims the CIA pressured the Ukrainian leader to withdraw permission to target the key pipelines in 2022 ZELENSKY, VOLODYMYR / UA / NORD STREAM / CIA / ZALUZHNY, VALERY / WSJ
20240813 spiegel.de Fall von Kabul / Sie kämpften mit dem Westen gegen die Taliban. Dann wurden sie im Stich gelassen AF / CIA / BND
20240730 rt.com Leaked emails reveal ‘civil war’ at CIA regime-change cutout / An embarrassing interview has exposed rifts at the National Endowment for Democracy NED / CIA / UA
20240619 elpais.com Files disappear from the phone of the former Spanish soldier who spied on Julian Assange for the CIA / The police did not hand over David Morales’ WhatsApp, Signal, Telegram, Proton Mail and Skype conversations to the judge. The magistrate has ordered their immediate recovery MORALES, DAVID / UC GLOBAL / CIA
20240527 zerohedge.com Exposing The CIA's Secret Effort To Seize Control Of Social Media JANKOWICZ, NINA / CIA / SOCIAL MEDIA
20240401 spiegel.de Rätselhaftes Havanna-Syndrom / Setzten russische Agenten Mikrowellenwaffen gegen US-Diplomaten ein? Rasender Kopfschmerz, Übelkeit, Schwindel: US-Diplomaten und Spione wurden in den vergangenen Jahren offenbar Opfer mysteriöser Attacken. SPIEGEL-Recherchen zeigen nun, dass russische Geheimdienste damit zu tun haben könnten HAVANA SYNDROME / POLYMEROPOULOS, MARC / CIA
20240330 rt.com How America’s top spymaster sees the world and why it’s so disappointing / The CIA head’s vision for the future of America’s ongoing confrontation with Russia is depressingly shortsighted CIA
20240328 rt.com US didn’t share full intelligence on Moscow terror attack – NYT / Washington’s “adversarial relationship” with Russia prevented full disclosure of what it knew, sources told the newspaper RU 20240322 / CIA
20240315 rt.com Trump ordered CIA operation against China – report / The social media influencing campaign was intended to foster ‘paranoia’ among top leaders in Beijing, Reuters reported CIA / TRUMP, DONALD / DISINFORMATION
20240225 rt.com CIA has built vast anti-Russian spy network in Ukraine – NYT / The US intelligence agency has aided Kiev in setting 12 secret bases along the border, the paper has reported CIA / UA / UA-RU / KONDRATIUK, VALERY / NALIVAICHENKO, VALENTIN
20240221 rt.com The story of the biggest CIA failure in history and the man behind it / Thirty years ago, one man’s greed almost destroyed the information network of one of the world’s most powerful intelligence services. His love of the good life led to the greatest KGB success of the ‘80s. AMES, ALDRICH / CIA
20240208 rt.com US behind Nord Stream sabotage – Putin / The Russian president said the CIA is to blame for blowing up the Baltic Sea gas pipelines in 2022 PUTIN, VLADIMIR / NORD STREAM / CIA
20240202 rt.com CIA staffer sentenced to 40 years for ‘espionage’ SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20240202 spiegel.de Daten an WikiLeaks übergeben Ex-Hacker der CIA muss 40 Jahre ins Gefängnis SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20240201 cnn.com Former CIA employee sentenced to 40 years in prison after carrying out largest data leak in agency’s history SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20240201 spiegel.de Kampagne in sozialen Medien CIA wirbt mit emotionalem Video um russische Informanten CIA


Date Source Title Tags
20231216 rt.com Top secret Russia documents went missing, American spies claim / Former President Donald Trump wanted to declassify the files, but the FBI and CIA fought to prevent this TRUMP, DONALD / FBI / CIA / CLASSIFICATION / RUSSIAGATE / GRENELL, RICHARD
20231215 rt.com Russia’s top spy warns of new CIA scheme / US spooks are considering the creation of a fake Russian government-in-exile, Sergey Naryshkin has claimed NARYSHKIN, SERGEY / CIA / RU
20231128 rt.com CIA retrieved ‘intact’ UFOs – Daily Mail - A “secretive” office of the US spy agency has reportedly recovered nine “non-human craft” UFO / OGA / CIA
20231110 zerohedge.com Ukraine's CIA-Backed Military Intelligence Boasts Of New Car Bombing Assassination UA / CIA
20231023 washingtonpost.com Ukrainian spies with deep ties to CIA wage shadow war against Russia CIA / MI6 / UA / GUR / SBU / DUGINA, DARYA
20230421 rt.com Former CIA head reveals efforts to help Biden win 2020 election / Dozens of former intelligence officials penned a letter falsely claiming the Hunter Biden laptop story was likely “Russian disinformation” BIDEN, HUNTER / BIDEN, JOSEPH / CIA / MORELL, MIKE
20230417 rt.com Former Mexican president worked for CIA – declassified papers / The revelation comes as the US releases more documents relating to the probe into the John F. Kennedy assassination LOPEZ PORTILLO, JOSE / CIA
20230323 rt.com Ukrainian special forces getting military targets from CIA satellite – Times / The data is used to launch drone attacks against Russian servicemen, a unit commander told the outlet UA / CIA / US-RU
20230225 tareqhaddad.com Is the CIA hunting Assange's supporters? CIA / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20230223 spiegel.de Druck auf Helfer des WikiLeaks-Gründers / Jagt die CIA Assanges Unterstützer? - Einbrüche, Observationen, Abhöraktionen: In der Unterstützerszene des WikiLeaks-Gründers Julian Assange häufen sich seit Jahren Merkwürdigkeiten. Wer dahintersteckt, ist unklar – aber die Betroffenen haben Vermutungen. CIA / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN


Date Source Title Tags
20221123 rt.com CIA reveals plan for disgruntled Russians / The US spy agency wants to recruit disaffected Russian officials and business executives CIA
20220929 theguardian.com Covert CIA websites could have been found by an ‘amateur’, research finds CIA
20220927 spiegel.de CIA warnte Bundesregierung vor Anschlag auf Ostsee-Pipelines / Es verdichten sich die Anzeichen auf eine geplante Attacke gegen die beiden Nord-Stream-Gasleitungen. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen gab es bereits im Vorfeld Hinweise darauf aus den USA. NORD STREAM 1 / NORD STREAM 2 / CIA
20220925 rt.com From respect to resentment: My history with the CIA / The US Central Intelligence Agency recently turned 75. I have my reasons to wish it doesn’t see another birthday RITTER, SCOTT / CIA
20220912 covertactionmagazine.com Ukraine: The CIA’s 75-year-old Proxy UA / CIA
20220816 spiegel.de Unerlaubte Bespitzelung Anwältinnen von Julian Assange verklagen CIA und deren Ex-Chef Pompeo ASSANGE, JULIAN / CIA
20220816 rt.com Assange’s lawyers and journalists sue CIA / A new lawsuit alleges that America’s top spy agency snooped on visitors to Julian Assange ASSANGE, JULIAN / CIA
20220815 newsweek.com CIA spying on Assange "illegally" swept up US lawyers, journalists: Lawsuit ASSANGE, JULIAN / CIA / POMPEO, MIKE
20220606 newyorker.com The Surreal Case of a C.I.A. Hacker’s Revenge CIA / OSB / SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM
20220603 rt.com Ex-CIA director called to testify on US plot to kill Assange — media / A Spanish court has summoned Mike Pompeo, according to ABC POMPEO, MIKE / ASSANGE, JULIAN / CIA
20220505 zerohedge.com CIA Trying To Contact Russians Who Are Against Ukraine War Via Dark Web CIA
20220502 spiegel.de US-Geheimdienst Die CIA bietet Russen Kontaktaufnahme über das Darknet an CIA / TOR
20220309 spiegel.de CIA-Chef Burns »Putin ist im Moment wütend und frustriert« BURNS, WILLIAM / CIA
20220210 senate.gov Wyden and Heinrich: Newly Declassified Documents Reveal Previously Secret CIA Bulk Collection, Problems With CIA Handling of Americans’ Information Senators Call for Critically Needed Transparency About CIA Bulk Collection; Documents Declassified at Wyden and Heinrich’s Request CIA
20220125 spiegel.de »Detention Site Violet« Litauen verkauft ehemaliges CIA-Foltergefängnis LT / CIA / TORTURE
20220121 rt.com New ‘Mission: Impossible’ invokes decades-old CIA-Hollywood link CIA
20220114 rt.com CIA-trained special ops could fight Russians in case of Ukrainian invasion – report / The rigorous program has seen Kiev’s forces receive elite training CIA / UA


Date Source Title Tags
20211230 zerohedge.com CIA Experimented On 100s Of Orphans, Torturing Them To Reveal Psychopathic Traits; Report CIA / DK
20211229 thefreethoughtproject.com CIA Experimented on Hundreds of Orphans, Torturing Them to Reveal Psychopathic Traits—Report CIA / DK
20211207 rt.com Papers reveal what CIA did to captives in Afghanistan CIA / AF
20211202 rt.com CIA hushed up own child sex crimes, newly-released documents reveal CIA
20211128 rt.com Guardian accused of sitting on bombshell story about Assange GUARDIAN / CIA / KIRCHGAESSNER, STEPHANIE / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20211126 yahoo.com U.S. stonewalls probe into security firm that allegedly spied on Assange for CIA, says Spanish judge ASSANGE, JULIAN / CIA / ES
20211125 rt.com CIA warns Russia over ‘Havana Syndrome’ – report CIA / US EMBASSY HAVANA / US-RU
20211022 rt.com Congress is investigating CIA plans to kidnap & kill Julian Assange – but don't hold your breath for the truth coming out CIA / ASSANGE, JULIAN / US
20211019 yahoo.com Adam Schiff asks intelligence agencies for information about CIA's targeting of WikiLeaks SCHIFF, ADAM / CIA / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20211006 yahoo.com U.S. prosecution of alleged WikiLeaks 'Vault 7' source hits multiple roadblocks CIA / SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20211005 rt.com CIA informants overseas get killed, captured or compromised by dozens, according to media citing TOP SECRET cable CIA
20210930 yahoo.com Pompeo: Sources for Yahoo News WikiLeaks report 'should all be prosecuted' CIA / POMPEO, MIKE / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20210928 spiegel.de US-Geheimdienst CIA soll Bericht zufolge Ermordung von Assange erwogen haben ASSANGE, JULIAN / CIA
20210926 jornada.com.mx Revelan que la CIA planeó secuestrar y asesinar a Assange en Londres ASSANGE, JULIAN / CIA
20210926 freedom.press After shocking story about CIA illegal acts, Biden admin must drop Assange charges immediately ASSANGE, JULIAN / CIA
20210926 rt.com CIA was ready to wage gun battle in London streets against Russian operatives to kill or snatch Assange, bombshell report claims CIA / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20210926 dailymail.co.uk CIA 'made secret plans to kidnap or assassinate Julian Assange after Wikileaks published sensitive hacking tools - and even plotted to shoot plane tires if he tried to flee embassy in 2017' CIA / POMPEO, MIKE / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20210926 news.yahoo.com Kidnapping, assassination and a London shoot-out: Inside the CIA's secret war plans against WikiLeaks CIA / POMPEO, MIKE / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20210824 zerohedge.com CIA Chief Met "Secretly" With Taliban Leader On Monday CIA
20210621 rt.com Documents reveal how Ben Affleck got into the CIA, promising to ‘do the Agency proud’ AFFLECK, BEN / CIA
20210204 spiegel.de Neue US-Regierung Biden nominiert früheren Vizeaußenminister Burns als CIA-Direktor BURNS, WILLIAM / CIA
20210127 theguardian.com CIA file on Russian ESP experiments released – but you knew that, didn't you? CIA / ESP
20210111 rt.com William Burns, ex-envoy to Russia who accused Putin of using judo-like tactics to ‘sow chaos’ in US, named as Biden’s CIA director BURNS, WILLIAM / CIA
20210106 spiegel.de Verwirrspiel um neues Logo Darum wird die CIA plötzlich in einem Atemzug mit Techno und Porno genannt CIA


Date Source Title Tags
20200918 thegrayzone.com Mainstream US reporters silent about being spied on by apparent CIA contractor that targeted Assange UNDERCOVER GLOBAL S.L. / CIA / ASSANGE, JULIAN / NAKASHIMA, ELLEN
20200914 zerohedge.com CIA Threat Memo Says Iran Plotting To Assassinate Ambassador In Revenge For Soleimani CIA
20200820 zerohedge.com The CIA Versus The Kennedys CIA / KENNEDY, JOHN F.
20200818 spiegel.de US-Geheimdienst Ehemaliger CIA-Mitarbeiter soll für China spioniert haben MA, ALEXANDER YUK CHING / CIA
20200817 rt.com Former CIA officer arrested & charged with spying for China, told FBI sting op he wanted ‘the motherland’ to succeed MA, ALEXANDER YUK CHING / CIA
20200814 strategic-culture.org Behind Guccifer & Russiagate – a Plausible Scenario BINNEY, WILLIAM / CIA / GUCCIFER 2.0 / DNC
20200811 yahoo.com The CIA Built a Nuclear Bird Drone to Spy on Communists. Now It's Declassified. CIA / DRONES
20200809 nytimes.com Feature: Unwanted Truths: Inside Trump’s Battles With U.S. Intelligence Agencies - Last year, intelligence officials gathered to write a classified report on Russia’s interest in the 2020 election. An investigation from the magazine uncovered what happened next. TRUMP, DONALD / DNI / CIA
20200805 theguardian.com Interview: Coups, lies, dirty tricks: The Police's Stewart Copeland on his CIA agent father CIA / COPELAND, MILES
20200720 spiegel.de Iran Angeblicher CIA-Mossad-Agent hingerichtet MADSCHID, MAHMUD MUSSAWI / CIA / IR
20200716 zerohedge.com Trump Secretly Authorized CIA To Run "Very Aggressive" Cyberwar Ops With No Oversight TRUMP, DONALD / US / CYBERWAR / CIA
20200715 yahoo.com Exclusive: Secret Trump order gives CIA more powers to launch cyberattacks CIA
20200622 heise.de/tp - CIA: Spanischer Sozialdemokrat González war "Señor X" der Todesschwadronen PSOE / GONZALEZ, FELIPE / GAL / CIA
20200617 rt.com Who needs ‘Russian hackers’? Report reveals CIA incompetence to blame for Vault 7 breach CIA
20200617 spiegel.de Datendiebstahl bei US-Geheimdienst CIA-System offenbar besorgniserregend schlecht geschützt CIA
20200616 zerohedge.com CIA Was So Focused On Developing Cyber Weapons That "Woefully Lax" Security Led To Vault 7 Leak CIA
20200326 nytimes.com Ex-F.B.I. Agent Who Vanished on C.I.A. Mission to Iran Is Most Likely Dead, U.S. Concludes - The retired agent, Robert Levinson, was said to be the longest-held American hostage in history. A scandal erupted inside the C.I.A. over his disappearance. LEVINSON, ROBERT / CIA / IR / DERIPASKA, OLEG
20200312 granma.cu Operation Condor: The CIA is not innocent - Recent disclosures linked to the Crypto AG company confirm that the CIA did not learn about Operation Condor via espionage. The gruesome extermination plan was planned, advised and implemented by U.S. intelligence services OPERATION CONDOR / CIA / CRYPTO AG
20200310 rt.com Assange trial rehearsal? Hung jury results in mistrial for former CIA tech accused of handing ‘Vault 7’ docs to WikiLeaks SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM / CIA
20200305 theregister.co.uk Alleged Vault 7 leaker trial finale: Want to know the CIA's password for its top-secret hacking tools? 123ABCdef - Tales of terrible security, poor compartmentalization, and more, emerge from the Schulte hearings CIA / SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM
20200303 rt.com CIA has been hacking China for 11 YEARS, says Chinese cybersecurity firm citing Vault 7 leak CIA / CN / WIKILEAKS
20200303 zdnet.com Chinese security firm says CIA hacked Chinese targets for the past 11 years - Qihoo 360 becomes second Chinese security vendor to blame the CIA for hacks against its civil aviation sector. CIA / CN
20200302 360.cn The CIA Hacking Group (APT-C-39) Conducts Cyber-Espionage Operation on China's Critical Industries for 11 Years CIA / CN / SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM
20200302 apnews.com Coder charged in massive CIA leak portrayed as vindictive SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM / CIA
20200212 rt.com ‘Intel coup of the century’: CIA used Swiss encryption firm to spy on dozens of nations for decades – reports CRYPTO AG / CIA / BND
20200211 washingtonpost.com ‘The intelligence coup of the century’ - For decades, the CIA read the encrypted communications of allies and adversaries. CRYPTO AG / CIA / BND
20200211 zdf.de "Operation 'Rubikon'" - #Cryptoleaks: Wie BND und CIA alle täuschten CRYPTO AG / CIA / BND
20200125 theguardian.com Guantánamo Bay: Chilling role of 'the Preacher' confirmed at CIA waterboarding hearing in Guantánamo - Two contractors give evidence of ‘The Preacher’, one of three authorised to carry out torture method, who has still not been identified after 17 years CIA / TORTURE / GUANTANAMO BAY
20200113 thehill.com Will alleged CIA misbehavior set Julian Assange free? ASSANGE, JULIAN / CIA / UNDERCOVER GLOBAL S.L. / ELLSBERG, DANIEL


Date Source Title Tags
20191104 rt.com Turkish-Backed Jihadists Filmed Using CIA-Supplied Missiles Against Syrian Kurds CIA / SY
20191101 rt.com CIA-backed paramilitary ‘death squads’ guilty of war crimes in Afghanistan – HRW CIA / AF / HRW
20191031 zerohedge.com Anti-Trump CIA Whistleblower Invited 'Meddling' DNC Operative To Obama White House In 2015 CIARAMELLA, ERIC / CIA / DNC
20191021 spiegel.de Geheimdienst CIA / »Eindeutig völkerrechtswidrige Aktionen« - Wie legal agiert der Geheimdienst CIA? Wie kamen US-Spione zu ihrem Heldenimage – und sind Geheimagenten überhaupt mit der Demokratie zu vereinbaren? Der Historiker Philipp Gassert hat Antworten. CIA
20191009 rt.com Security firm at Ecuadorian embassy created ‘profiles’ on Russian & American visitors to Julian Assange, gave info to CIA – report ASSANGE, JULIAN / UNDERCOVER GLOBAL S.L. / MORALES, DAVID / CIA
20191009 elpais.com Detenido el director de la empresa de seguridad española que espió a Assange - El propietario de UC Global quedó en libertad condicional y está siendo investigado por violar el secreto de las reuniones del ciberactivista con sus abogados ASSANGE, JULIAN / UNDERCOVER GLOBAL S.L. / MORALES, DAVID / CIA
20191004 medium.com The CIA’s War On WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange CIA / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / UC GLOBAL / MORALES, DAVID
20190930 qianxin.com 美国中央情报局网络武器库分析与披露 CIA
20190927 dw.com Spanish security firm spied on Julian Assange for CIA — report UNDERCOVER GLOBAL S.L. / MORALES, DAVID / CIA / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20190806 zerohedge.com More British Complicity Exposed In Latest "CIA Torture Unredacted" Report TORTURE / CIA / GB
20190806 rt.com Britain’s ‘central & widespread’ role in CIA torture program exposed in damning report CIA / TORTURE
20190728 zerohedge.com No Accountability In Washington. The CIA Wants To Hide All Its 'Assets CIA / IIPA
20190723 rt.com Intelligence act will protect CIA agents who ‘commit war crimes,’ whistleblower Kiriakou tells RT KIRIAKOU, JOHN / CIA / IIPA
20190722 rt.com Iranian media releases 1st PHOTOS of ‘captured CIA-linked spies’ IR / CIA
20190722 spiegel.de Konflikt mit den USA Iran will CIA-Netzwerk aufgedeckt haben IR / CIA
20190722 rt.com Iran busted 17 spies linked to CIA, some received death sentence – media IR / CIA
20190722 zerohedge.com CIA Wants To Make It Easier To Jail Journalists, & Congress Isn't Stopping It CIA / IIPA
20190717 techdirt.com The CIA Wants To Make It Easier To Jail Journalists And No One In Congress Is Stopping It From Happening CIA / FREEDOM OF PRESS / SCHIFF, ADAM / IIPA
20190627 zerohedge.com CIA Finances Another Group Of Fraudsters: The Venezuelan "Opposition" CIA / VE / GUAIDO, JUAN
20190628 zerohedge.com You Heard Of The CIA’s Iran Mission Center? CIA / IR
20190617 rt.com Iranian admiral urges ‘destabilizing’ US to leave Persian Gulf, reveals arrests of CIA-run agents IR / US / CIA
20190602 politico.com Assange won’t face charges over role in devastating CIA leak ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / CIA / SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM / US DOJ
20190523 zerohedge.com Trump Orders FBI, CIA To "Fully Cooperate" With Barr; Grants "Full And Complete Authority To Declassify" TRUMP, DONALD / FBI / CIA / BARR, WILLIAM
20190516 zerohedge.com FBI-CIA Dispute Erupts Over Whether Comey Or Brennan Pushed Steele Dossier MUELLER, ROBERT / COMEY, JAMES / FBI / BRENNAN, JOHN / CIA / STEELE, CHRISTOPHER
20190512 zerohedge.com CIA Briefed Colleagues Of Khashoggi That Saudis Are Now Targeting Them KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / CIA
20190511 rt.com Venezuela's Maduro says turncoat general 'recruited by CIA' was mastermind of failed coup VE / CIA
20190503 rt.com Papadopoulos describes intel agency’s scavenging for scraps on Russian collusion in Trump campaign PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE / FBI / CIA / HONEYPOT / TURK, AZRA / TR
20190502 nytimes.com F.B.I. Sent Investigator Posing as Assistant to Meet With Trump Aide in 2016 HALPER, STEFAN / FBI / CIA / PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE / TURK, AZRA
20190422 zerohedge.com Watergate's Woodward: FBI, CIA Handling Of Dossier "Needs To Be Investigated" STEELE, CHRISTOPHER / FBI / CIA / WOODWARD, BOB
20190421 rt.com Assange arrest shows Moreno is ‘CIA asset,’ turning Ecuador into ‘vassal’ – former FM PATINO, RICARDO / ASSANGE, JULIAN / MORENO, LENIN / CIA
20190424 rt.com ‘We lied, we cheated, we stole’: Pompeo offers honest, if disturbing admission about CIA activity POMPEO, MIKE / CIA
20190421 zerohedge.com "I Was The CIA Director - We Lied, We Cheated, We Stole" POMPEO, MIKE / CIA
20190417 rt.com CIA showed Trump photos of sick kids & dead ducks so he would expel Russian diplomats – NYT HASPEL, GINA / CIA / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / TRUMP, DONALD
20190329 rt.com US asks Chile to extradite arms dealer who sold weapons to Iraq... in deals ‘set up by CIA’ CARDOEN, CARLOS / CIA / IQ / HUSSEIN, SADDAM / WEAPONTRADE
20190329 zerohedge.com 8 Cases That Prove The FBI & CIA Were Out Of Control Long Before Russiagate CIA / FBI
20190328 zerohedge.com CIA-Linked Nellie Ohr Gave Extensive Anti-Trump Research To High-Ranking DOJ Husband: Transcripts OHR, NELLIE / OHR, BRUCE / CIA / FUSION GPS
20190316 rt.com Dissident group unrelated to CIA: WaPo pitches new version of N.Korea embassy break-in KP / CIA / WASHINGTON POST
20190314 spiegel.de "El País"-Bericht CIA könnte in Angriff auf nordkoreanische Botschaft verwickelt sein CIA / ES / KP
20190313 zerohedge.com CIA Implicated In 'Especially Violent' Attack On North Korean Embassy In Madrid CIA / ES / KP
20190313 rt.com CIA may be behind February attack on North Korean embassy in Spain – reports CIA / ES / KP
20190313 elpais.com CIA implicated in attack on North Korean embassy in Madrid: According to Spanish investigators, two of the men who broke into the diplomatic headquarters have connections to the US intelligence service CIA / ES / KP
20190214 zerohedge.com US Company That Smuggled Weapons Into Venezuela Linked To CIA "Black Site" Renditions VE / N881YV / 21 AIR / GEMINI AIR CARGO / MORENO, ADOLFO / STEINKE, MICHAEL / CIA
20190214 rt.com CIA says MBS ordered Khashoggi hit, but don’t expect Saudi-US relations to change – John Kiriakou BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / CIA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL


Date Source Title Tags
20181214 rt.com ‘Thanks for independence’: Ukraine’s schismatic Patriarch bestows highest award on ex-CIA ops chief DEVINE, JACK / UA / CIA
20181210 zerohedge.com Former CIA Chief Of Disguise Explains How Spy Agency Trains Agents To Blend In CIA
20181210 rt.com Blackmailed to lie? Roger Stone associate sues Mueller, intel agencies for $350mn CORSI, JEROME / STONE, ROGER / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / PODESTA, JOHN / MUELLER, ROBERT / FBI / CIA / NSA
20181205 spiegel.de "Er ist gefährlich" US-Senatoren beschuldigen saudischen Kronprinz im Fall Khashoggi KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / CIA / US / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED
20181204 zerohegde.com Senators Convinced By CIA's "Smoking Saw" Evidence Crown Prince Orchestrated Khashoggi Murder KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / CIA / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED
20181204 rt.com ‘Smoking saw’: After CIA briefing, Senators confident MBS behind Khashoggi killing KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / CIA / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED
20181202 nytimes.com Intercepts Solidify C.I.A. Assessment That Saudi Prince Ordered Khashoggi Killing KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / CIA / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED
20181201 spiegel.de Mordfall Khashoggi Neue CIA-Dokumente belasten saudischen Kronprinzen KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / CIA / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED
20181129 rt.com Russia again! Twitter mocks nameless CIA agent who blames Kremlin for dubious Manafort-Assange story FINLEY, ALEX / CIA / POLITICO / MANAFORT, PAUL / ASSANGE, JULIAN / GUARDIAN / HARDING, LUKE / COLLYNS, DAN
20181122 nytimes.com Rebuffing C.I.A., Trump Says It Only Has ‘Feelings’ About Khashoggi Killing BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / SA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20181122 washingtonpost.com Trump brushes aside CIA assertion that crown prince ordered killing, defends him and Saudi Arabia BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / SA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20181122 spiegel.de Fall Khashoggi CIA soll Tonband besitzen, das saudischen Kronprinzen schwer belasten BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / CIA
20181118 rt.com Premature but possible? Trump awaits ‘full report’ on Khashoggi murder after CIA implicates MbS TRUMP, DONALD / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / CIA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL
20181117 nytimes.com ‘We Were Told That He Did Not Play a Role’ in Khashoggi Killing, Trump Says of Saudi Crown Prince BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / TRUMP, DONALD / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / CIA
20181117 spiegel.de Mohammed bin Salman CIA macht saudischen Kronprinzen für Khashoggi-Mord verantwortlich BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / CIA
20181116 nytimes.com C.I.A. Concludes That Saudi Crown Prince Ordered Khashoggi Killed KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / CIA
20181116 rt.com CIA ‘concludes with high confidence’ Saudi Crown Prince ordered Khashoggi murder – reports BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / CIA
20181116 zerohedge.com CIA Believes Saudi Crown Prince Ordered Khashoggi's Killing: WaPo BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / CIA
20181116 washingtonpost.com CIA concludes Saudi crown prince ordered Jamal Khashoggi’s assassination BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / CIA
20181103 rt.com CIA’s secret communication network was cracked by Iranians using… Google Search? CIA / IR
20181102 zerohegde.com Obama's CIA Secretly Intercepted Congressional Communications About Whistleblowers CIA
20181031 rt.com Coder charged with leaking CIA hacking secrets to WikiLeaks says he’s being tortured in prison SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM / TORTURE / CIA / WIKILEAKS / WHISTLEBLOWING
20181028 zerohedge.com Regime Change In Riyadh? The CIA Has Just Publicly Dumped MbS SA / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / CIA / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL
20181022 washingtonpost.com CIA director flies to Turkey amid growing controversy over Jamal Khashoggi killing HASPEL, GINA / CIA / US / SA / TR / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL
20180824 nytimes.com Kremlin Sources Go Quiet, Leaving C.I.A. in the Dark About Putin’s Plans for Midterms CIA / RU
20180815 foreignpolicy.com Botched CIA Communications System Helped Blow Cover of Chinese Agents CIA / OPSEC
20180810 counterpunch.org The CIA’s Double Standard Revisited CIA
20180720 zerohedge.com "Democratic Institutions?" – 10 Lessons From History That Will Destroy Your Trust In The CIA CIA
20180619 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Enthüllungen "Vault 7" Ex-CIA-Mitarbeiter wegen Datenweitergabe angeklagt SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM / CIA
20180619 rt.com Alleged WikiLeaks source who helped expose CIA hacking tricks faces 135 years in prison SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM / CIA
20180618 zerohedge.com DOJ Indicts "Vault 7" Leak Suspect; WikiLeaks Release Was Largest Breach In CIA History SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM / CIA
20180618 justice.gov Joshua Adam Schulte Charged With The Unauthorized Disclosure Of Classified Information And Other Offenses Relating To The Theft Of Classified Material From The Central Intelligence Agency SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM / CIA
20180606 spiegel.de Mieze mit Mission Die Cyborg-Katze der CIA CIA
20180525 spectator.org Special Report: The London-to-Langley Spy Ring TRUMP, DONALD / MI6 / CIA
20180522 zerohedge.com Ron Paul: Haspel Is Not The Problem...The CIA Is The Problem PAUL, RON / CIA / HASPEL, GINA
20180519 zerohedge.com FBI Spy-Op Exposed, Trump Campaign Infiltrated By Longtime CIA And MI6 Asset HALPER, STEFAN / CIA / MI6 / PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE / PAGE, CARTER / TRUMP, DONALD
20180519 rt.com Halper – Latest character in Russiagate drama spied for the CIA in the 80s HALPER, STEFAN / CIA / FBI / PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE / PAGE, CARTER / TRUMP, DONALD
20180517 motherboard.vice.com Alleged CIA Leaker Joshua Schulte Has Some of the Worst Opsec I’ve Ever Seen SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM / CIA
20180517 spiegel.de Trumps Kandidatin US-Senat bestätigt Gina Haspel als neue CIA-Chefin HASPEL, GINA / CIA
20180515 washingtonpost.com National Security - U.S. identifies suspect in major leak of CIA hacking tools CIA / SCHULTE, JOSHUA ADAM / WIKILEAKS
20180509 zerohedge.com Mastermind Behind 9/11 Attacks Wants To Chime In On Haspel CIA Confirmation SHEIKH MOHAMMED, KHALID / HASPEL, GINA / CIA / US
20180509 spiegel.de Gina Haspel Designierte CIA-Chefin schwört Foltermethoden ab HASPEL, GINA / CIA
20180427 aclu.org The CIA Gives a Highly Sanitized View of Gina Haspel While Keeping Her Torture Record Secret HASPEL, GINA / CIA / TORTURE
20180408 rt.com CIA & MI6 may offer Skripals new IDs, relocation to Five Eyes country – report SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / SKRIPAL, YULIA / CIA / MI6
20180315 propublica.org Correction: Trump’s Pick to Head CIA Did Not Oversee Waterboarding of Abu Zubaydah ZUBAYDAH, ABU / TORTURE / CIA / TH / HASPEL, GINA / AL-RAHIM AL-NASHIRI, ABD
20180314 bangkokpost.com New CIA chief ran Thailand's secret waterboarding site HASPEL, GINA / CIA / TORTURE / TH
20180313 thecipherbrief.com Haspel Nominated to Lead CIA, Pompeo to Replace Tillerson HASPEL, GINA / CIA
20180313 spiegel.de USA Trump entlässt Außenminister Rex Tillerson US / TRUMP, DONALD / TILLERSON, REX / POMPEO, MIKE / HASPEL, GINA / CIA
20180313 nytimes.com Rex Tillerson Out as Trump’s Secretary of State, Replaced by Mike Pompeo US / TRUMP, DONALD / TILLERSON, REX / POMPEO, MIKE / HASPEL, GINA / CIA
20180217 zerohedge.com CIA Argues The Public Can't See Classified Information It Has Already Leaked To Favored Reporters LEAKS / CIA
20180217 nytimes.com Russia Isn’t the Only One Meddling in Elections. We Do It, Too. CIA / RU / JOHNSON, LOCH K. / HALL, STEVEN L. / ELECTIONS
20180213 rt.com ‘If we don’t work together we should be fired’: Ex-CIA agent calls for closer ties with Russia CIA / MOWATT-LARSSEN, ROLF / RU
20180210 rt.com US spies paid ‘Russians’ $100k for stolen NSA tools, but got dud ‘Trump secrets’ they didn’t want? SHADOW BROKERS / NSA / CIA / RU
20180209 theintercept.com U.S. Secretly Negotiated With Russians to Buy Stolen NSA Documents — and the Russians Offered Trump-Related Material, Too SHADOW BROKERS / NSA / CIA / BERLIN / RU
20180206 politico.com The Spies Who Came in to the TV Studio - Former intelligence officials are enjoying second acts as television pundits. Here’s why that should bother us. CIA / BRENNAN, JOHN / NBC / CLAPPER, JAMES / CNN / HAYDEN, MICHAEL / ROSENBERG, CHUCK / DEA / FBI / FIGLIUZZI, FRANK / ZARATE, JUAN / TOWNSEND, FRAN
20180205 rt.com ‘News directly from the CIA’: Ex-director Brennan hired by NBC https://www.rt.com/usa/417937-cia-john-brennan-nbc/ CIA / BRENNAN, JOHN / NBC
20180204 spiegel.de Enttarnte Militärbasen Fitness-Leaks: Eine Fitness-App hat diese Woche wohl für Panik und Wutausbrüche im Pentagon, bei der CIA und anderswo gesorgt. Strava hat versehentlich geheime Standorte verraten - aber noch weit mehr enthüllt. CIA
20180203 zerohedge.com CIA, FBI Agents Respond To Nunes' Memo FISA / NUNES, DEVIN / CIA / FBI / MCGOVERN, RAY
20180125 reuters.com Dutch intelligence agency spied on Russian hacking group: media AIVD / COZY BEAR / DNC / ATTRIBUTION / RU / CIA / NSA
20180119 telegraph.co.uk British 15-year-old gained access to intelligence operations in Afghanistan and Iran by pretending to be head of CIA, court hears CIA / SOCIAL ENGENEERING / GAMBLE, KANE
20180117 rt.com Ex-CIA officer arrested for trying to pass classified information to China CIA / CN / LEE, JERRY CHUN SHING
20180116 zerohedge.com Ex-CIA Officer Suspected Of Helping China Assassinate US Informants Arrested At JFK CIA / CN / LEE, JERRY CHUN SHING
20180113 rt.com ‘CIA friends’ asked Moby to spread word of Trump-Russia collusion on social media MOBY / CIA / TWITTER / PROPAGANDA / TRUMP, DONALD / RU
20180112 pitchfork.com Moby Says CIA Agents Asked Him to Spread the Word About Trump and Russia MOBY / CIA
20180112 zerohedge.com "We Know Who They Are": Putin Claims "State Provocateur" Behind "Terrorist Drones" In Syria SY / US / DRONES / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / TR / CIA / MORELL, MICHAEL


Date Source Title Tags
20171225 washingtonpost.com National Security: Kremlin trolls burned across the Internet as Washington debated options PROPAGANDA / DONOVAN, ALICE / INFLUENCE OPERATIONS / FBI / CIA / NATO / OBAMA, BARACK / RT
20171220 zerohedge.com In From The Cold: CIA Gesture Indicates Thawing US-Russia Ties PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20171217 rt.com Putin thanked Trump for CIA tip-off which helped Russia prevent terror attack PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD / FSB / CIA / ST. PETERSBURG
20171217 rt.com Trump to Putin: US was glad to save many lives in Russia by helping foil major terrorist attack PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / POMPEO, MIKE
20171211 politico.com Ex-Spy Chief: Russia’s Election Hacking Was An ‘Intelligence Failure’ MORELL, MICHAEL / RU / DNC / ATTRIBUTION / CIA
20171210 wnd.com CIA veterans: Spooks know names of DNC leakers - 'WikiLeaks can't protect their sources – we have too many ways to uncover those sources' DNC / CIA / WIKILEAKS / RUSTMANN, FRED / POMPEO, MIKE / ROHRABACHER, DANA / ASSANGE, JULIAN / TRUMP, DONALD
20171203 rt.com ‘Assange shouldn’t be confident of protecting WikiLeaks sources’ - CIA Chief Pompeo POMPEO, MIKE / WIKILEAKS / CIA
20171120 zerohedge.com Amazon Announces "AWS Secret" Service For The CIA, US Intelligence AMAZON / CIA
20171110 scmagazine.com WikiLeaks: CIA impersonated Kaspersky Labs as a cover for its malware operations WIKILEAKS / CIA / KASPERSKY
20171110 rt.com ‘Kaspersky Lab in crosshairs since exposing US & Israeli spies behind Stuxnet’ – fmr MI5 agent KASPERSKY / CIA / WIKILEAKS / STUXNET
20171109 rt.com CIA wrote code 'to impersonate' Russia’s Kaspersky Lab anti-virus company, WikiLeaks says WIKILEAKS / CIA / KASPERSKY
20171107 theintercept.com CIA Director Met Advocate of Disputed DNC Hack Theory — at Trump’s Request POMPEO, MIKE / CIA / BINNEY, WILLIAM / DNC / RICH, SETH
20171101 rt.com Manhattan attack wouldn't have happened if CIA ‘spent less time’ arming terrorists – Assange ASSANGE, JULIAN / CIA
20171020 washingtontimes.com CIA ‘working to take down’ WikiLeaks threat, agency chief says POMPEO, MIKE / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20171018 zerohedge.com CIA Urges Trump To Delay Release Of 3,000 Never-Before-Seen Documents On JFK Assassination KENNEDY, JOHN F. / CIA
20170930 rt.com 'Doublethink required?' Twitterati mock CIA’s Russian-speaker recruitment drive CIA
20170917 zerohedge.com Ex-CIA Head Proposed Law That Would Make Reading Leaked Material A Crime CASEY, WILLIAM / CIA / LEAKS
20170916 spiegel.de Gegen Einwände des Pentagons CIA will eigenen Drohnenkrieg starten CIA / DRONES / US / AF
20170831 heise.de CIA-Warnung zu Anschlägen in Barcelona gefälscht? BARCELONA / CIA / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20170831 rt.com CIA sneak undetectable ‘malicious’ implants onto Windows OS - WikiLeaks CIA
20170825 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Enthüllung CIA soll Partnerbehörden mit Schnüffelsoftware ausgespäht haben CIA / WIKILEAKS / BIOMETRICS
20170824 washingtonpost.com At CIA, a watchful eye on Mike Pompeo, the president’s ardent ally US / CIA / POMPEO, MIKE / RU / MUELLER, ROBERT 
20170824 rt.com CIA’s secret spy tool helps agency steal data from NSA & FBI, WikiLeaks reveals CIA / WIKILEAKS / BIOMETRICS
20170823 rt.com Outed CIA agent seeks to raise $1bn to buy Twitter and ban Trump PLAME WILSON, VALERIE / CIA / TWITTER / TRUMP, DONALD
20170803 zerohedge.com Wikileaks Reveals "Dumbo": Tool That Allows CIA To Shut Down Cameras And Microphones CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170802 zerohedge.com Seymour Hersh: "RussiaGate Is A CIA-Planted Lie, Revenge Against Trump" HERSH, SEYMOUR M. / CIA
20170801 muckrock.com In internal memos, CIA Inspector General portrayed the media as Agency’s “principal villains” CIA
20170731 zerohedge.com Trump Saw A Disturbing Video, Then He Shut Down The CIA's Covert Syria Program CIA / SY / US / TRUMP, DONALD
20210721 washingtontimes.com WikiLeaks will ‘take down America any way they can’: Mike Pompeo, CIA Director WIKILEAKS / CIA / POMPEO, MIKE
20170721 rt.com US special operations chief confirms end of CIA support for anti-Assad forces in Syria SY / CIA
20170719 washingtonpost.com Trump ends covert CIA program to arm anti-Assad rebels in Syria, a move sought by Moscow SY / CIA / TRUMP, DONALD
20170719 rt.com CIA plans to destroy old files related to leaks CIA
20170714 DMITRY, BAXTER/informationclearinghouse.info CIA Agent Confesses On Deathbed: ‘We Blew Up WTC7 On 9/11’ US 20010911 / CIA / HOWARD, MALCOLM
20170628 rt.com CIA can hack & track Windows devices via their wifi connections CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170623 washingtonpost.com Obama’s secret struggle to punish Russia for Putin’s election assault US / CIA / RU / OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / BRENNAN, JOHN / JOHNSON, JEH / BORTNIKOV, ALEXANDER / HAINES, AVRIL / RICE, SUSAN / MCDONOUGH, DENIS / NSA / FBI / CYBERWAR
20170621 buzzfeed.com A Bunch Of CIA Staff Got Fired For Stealing Snacks From Vending Machines CIA
20170616 rt.com Documents shedding light on CIA-orchestrated Iranian coup of ’53 released by State Dept IR / US / CIA
20170615 repubblica.it WikiLeaks rivela Cherry Blossom, il malware della Cia per compromettere i router WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170603 dailymail.co.uk Putin tells NBC's Megyn Kelly that hacking of Democratic Party during last year's election may have been CIA-run false flag operation designed to incriminate Russia PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / US / DNC / ATTRIBUTION / CIA
20170602 rt.com ‘WikiLeaks’ Vault 7 cache shows US – not Russia – hacked past French elections’ MACHON, ANNIE / CIA / WIKILEAKS / ATTRIBUTION
20170601 rt.com #Vault7: CIA’s ‘Pandemic’ turns file servers into ‘Patient Zero’ WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170601 repubblica.it Wikileaks rivela la pandemia creata dalla Cia WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170523 washingtonpost.com The Latest: Ex-CIA head says he warned Russia about meddling BRENNAN, JOHN / CIA / RU
201705 zeitgeschichte-online.de Linksterrorismus fremdgesteuert ? Die Kooperation von RAF, Roten Brigaden, CIA und KGB BRIGATE ROSSE / RAF / CIA / KGB
20170520 nytimes.com Killing C.I.A. Informants, China Crippled U.S. Spying Operations CIA / CN / US
20170519 rt.com #Vault7 ‘Athena’: CIA’s anti-Windows malware ‘better than bombing things’ WIKILEAKS / CIA / SIEGE TECHNOLOGIES / MICROSOFT
20170516 rt.com CIA is world’s most dangerously incompetent spy agency – Assange CIA / HORNIAK, HEATHER FRITZ / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / MCGOVERN, RAY
20170510 rt.com CIA consolidates assets, expertise & ‘creativity’ against ‘North Korea target’ US / CIA / KP
20170505 rt.com ‘Vicious plot’: Pyongyang claims CIA planning biochem attack against Kim Jong-un JONG UN, KIM / KP / CIA
20170505 rt.com Archimedes: WikiLeaks drops latest #Vault7 batch detailing network hacking tool WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170505 mediapart.fr Comment la CIA s'attaque aux réseaux internes des entreprises WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170505 repubblica.it Archimedes, l'infiltrato della Cia nei computer di università e aziende WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170429 democracynow.org Chomsky: CIA Targeting of Julian Assange of WikiLeaks is "Disgraceful Act" CHOMSKY, NOAM / CIA / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20170428 repubblica.it WikiLeaks beffa la Cia: rivelato Scribbles, il software che doveva proteggerla da fughe e furti di documenti segreti WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170425 cnn.com CIA director Mike Pompeo repeatedly cited WikiLeaks to attack Clinton during campaign POMPEO, MIKE / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170422 newshub.co.nz CIA plane spotted in Wellington CIA / 10030 / NZ / FIVE EYES
20170421 liberation.fr WikiLeaks : comment le MI5 et la CIA ont transformé des télés Samsung en micros espions WIKILEAKS / CIA / MI5 / SAMSUNG
20170421 repubblica.it Wikileaks rivela il manuale segreto per spiare le smart tv WIKILEAKS / CIA / MI5
20170420 washingtonpost.com National Security - Justice Dept. debating charges against WikiLeaks members in revelations of diplomatic, CIA materials US DOJ / WIKILEAKS / US STATE DEPARTMENT / CIA / ASSANGE, JULIAN / POMPEO, MIKE
20170420 rt.com Manhunt underway for CIA ‘traitor’ who leaked ‘Vault 7’ to WikiLeaks – report CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170419 theintercept.com Intercepted Podcast: Julian Assange Speaks Out as Trump’s CIA Director Threatens to “End” WikiLeaks ASSANGE, JULIAN / CIA / POMPEO, MIKE
20170419 cbsnews.com CIA, FBI launch manhunt for leaker who gave top-secret documents to WikiLeaks CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170414 rt.com ‘Brought to you by agency which produced Al-Qaeda & ISIS' – Assange trolls CIA chief ASSANGE, JULIAN / POMPEO, MIKE / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170414 rt.com ‘Top secret CIA virus control system’: WikiLeaks releases ‘Hive’ from #Vault7 series WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170414 rt.com ‘CIA chief Pompeo treats American people as enemies’ POMPEO, MIKE / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170414 spiegel.de Hackerangriffe CIA-Chef nennt WikiLeaks "feindlichen Geheimdienst" POMPEO, MIKE / CIA / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20170413 washingtontimes.com Mike Pompeo, CIA chief, calls WikiLeaks ‘a hostile intelligence service’ POMPEO, MIKE / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170413 zerohedge.com CIA Director Accuses Wikileaks Of Being A "Hostile Intelligence Service" POMPEO, MIKE / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170413 rt.com WikiLeaks 'hostile intel,' Assange & his followers 'demons': CIA chief goes rogue POMPEO, MIKE / CIA / WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20170410 zerohedge.com 1983 CIA Document Reveals Plan To Destroy Syria, Foreshadows Current Crisis CIA / SY
20170410 rt.com 40 targets in 16 countries: Scale of CIA-linked #Vault7 hacking tools revealed by Symantec WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170410 spiegel.de Durch WikiLeaks-Dokumente - Sicherheitsexperten könnten CIA-Hackergruppe enttarnt haben CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170410 vice.com Vault 7: CIA's Alleged Hacking Tools Now Linked to 40 Hacks Around the World WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170410 symantec.com Longhorn: Tools used by cyberespionage group linked to Vault 7 WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170408 thenextweb.com WikiLeaks reveals Grasshopper, the CIA’s Windows hacking tool WIKILEAKS / CIA / MICROSOFT
20170408 spiegel.de Entführungsfall el-Masri Ermittlungen gegen mutmaßlichen CIA-Agenten eingestellt EL-MASRI, KHALED / CIA / DE
20170408 newsweek.com Tech & Science: Privacy Experts Say CIA Left Americans Open to Cyber Attacks IT SECURITY / CIA / US / WIKILEAKS
20170407 twitlonger.com James Bamford to La Repubblica on #WikiLeaks #CIA #Vault7 BAMFORD, JAMES / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170407 mediapart.fr Wikileaks, nuovo colpo alla Cia: "Ecco come riesce a infettare tanti computer senza farsi scoprire WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170407 repubblica.it Wikileaks, nuovo colpo alla Cia: "Ecco come riesce a infettare tanti computer senza farsi scoprire WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170403 heise.de Vault 7: Von Wikileaks veröffentlichte CIA-Werkzeuge könnten Geheimoperationen enttarnen WIKILEAKS / CIA / ATTRIBUTION
20170403 bbc.com CIA operations may be disrupted by new Wikileaks' data release WIKILEAKS / CIA / ATTRIBUTION
20170403 zdnet.de Wikileaks macht Tool zur Erkennung von CIA-Malware öffentlich WIKILEAKS / CIA / ATTRIBUTION
20170402 arstechnica.com Risk Assessment — Wikileaks releases code that could unmask CIA hacking operations WIKILEAKS / CIA / ATTRIBUTION
20170331 washingtonpost.com National Security - WikiLeaks’ latest release of CIA cyber-tools could blow the cover on agency hacking operations WIKILEAKS / CIA / ATTRIBUTION
20170331 steemit.com WikiLeaks Vault 7 part III - Marble Framework - The CIA's cloaking device for hackers WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170331 liberation.fr Espionnage: WikiLeaks joue à cache-cache avec la CIA WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170331 repubblica.it WikiLeaks, così la Cia depista i raid nei computer: svelato il 'Marble Framework' WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170331 rt.com #Vault7: WikiLeaks reveals ‘Marble’ tool could mask CIA hacks with Russian, Chinese, Arabic WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170324 spiegel.de Reaktion auf Wikileaks-Enthüllung CIA-Angriff funktionierte nur bei Uralt-iPhones CIA / APPLE / WIKILEAKS
20170324 theintercept.com Apple Says It Fixed CIA Vulnerabilities Years Ago APPLE / CIA
20170324 heise.de Apple: Keine Verhandlungen mit Wikileaks über "Vault 7" APPLE / WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170324 rt.com #DarkMatter: Apple’s fix for CIA hacks disputed by WikiLeaks WIKILEAKS / APPLE / CIA
20170324 bangkokpost.com CIA also can bug your Apple - WikiLeaks WIKILEAKS / CIA / APPLE
20170323 nytimes.com C.I.A. Developed Tools to Spy on Mac Computers, WikiLeaks Disclosure Shows WIKILEAKS / CIA / APPLE
20170323 rt.com Apple’s achilles heel: CIA hacks Macbook computers with ‘Sonic Screwdriver’ WIKILEAKS / CIA / APPLE
20170323 rt.com CIA’s NightSkies tool can hack, remotely control iPhones without user knowing WIKILEAKS / CIA / APPLE
20170323 rt.com #DarkSeaSkies: CIA’s tool to hack MacBook Air in under 29 seconds exposed WIKILEAKS / CIA / APPLE
20170323 reddit.com What is the bakery? WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170323 repubblica.it Wikileaks, i primi segreti dal "Vault 7": ecco come la Cia entrava nelle Smart Tv e nei Mac WIKILEAKS / CIA / APPLE
20170323 rt.com #Vault7: WikiLeaks releases ‘Dark Matter’ batch of CIA hacking tactics for Apple products WIKILEAKS / APPLE / CIA
20170323 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Enthüllung: So kann die CIA angeblich auf Apple-Laptops zugreifen WIKILEAKS / CIA / APPLE
20170320 extremetech.com More than 300 Cisco switch models vulnerable to CIA hack CISCO / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170320 spiegel.de NSU-Ausschuss Anwältin befeuert Geheimdienst-Gerüchte um Kiesewetter-Mord KIESEWETTER, MICHELE / MIT / CIA / K., MEVLUET
20170315 arstechnica.com The CIA uses board games to train officers—and I got to play them - Also: why the CIA embraces training game cheaters, whether El Chapo hit a fire alarm. CIA
20170314 rt.com Trump gave CIA power to authorize drone strikes – report CIA / PENTAGON / TRUMP, DONALD / US / DRONES / ASSASSINATIONS
20170313 rt.com 'CIA dilemma: Must hire millennials, very group that respects the Constitution’ MCGOVERN, RAY / CIA
20170311 rt.com #Vault7: Key revelations from WikiLeaks’ release of CIA hacking tools WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170311 rt.com #Vault7 hacking leak clearly an 'inside job' – former CIA deputy director WIKILEAKS / CIA / MORELL, MIKE
20170311 zerohedge.com We've Created A Monster - Ron Paul Says It's "Fantastic" That WikiLeaks Exposed The CIA PAUL, RON / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170311 heise.de Kommentar: Vault 7 – ein Erdbebchen WIKILEAKS / CIA / DE
20170310 economist.com Fly like a spy: Leaked travel advice for spooks from the CIA AIRPORT SECURITY / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170310 heise.de "Vault 7"-Leaks: Apple will verbliebene Lücken stopfen APPLE / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170310 rt.com In light of CIA cyber arsenal, Trump’s wiretap claims are totally plausible TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170310 rt.com McAfee on #Vault7: The CIA has failed its mandate to protect the American people MCAFEE, JOHN / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170310 rt.com ‘Great threat to global security’: Russia urges US to explain CIA hacking exposed by WikiLeaks WIKILEAKS / CIA / RU
20170310 theguardian.com Silicon Valley shrugs off Julian Assange's help – and questions his motives WIKILEAKS / CIA / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20170310 spiegel.de Details zu CIA-Werkzeugen Tech-Firmen hadern mit WikiLeaks-Angebot WIKILEAKS / CIA / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20170310 rt.com #Vault7: US will use ‘full force of law’ if WikiLeaks dump contains factual info, Pence warns PENCE, MIKE / WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170310 rt.com ‘CIA is now a paramilitary, cyber-military organization’ – ex-CIA officer Kiriakou KIRIAKOU, JOHN / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170309 apnews.com WikiLeaks: We'll work with tech firms to defeat CIA hacking WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170309 zeit.de Assange will CIA-Informationen an Hersteller weitergeben WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / CIA
20170309 zeit.de WikiLeaks: CIA sieht US-Bürger in Gefahr WIKILEAKS / CIA / HORNIAK, HEATHER
20170309 faz.net Wikileaks-Enthüllungen Jetzt kann jeder NSA GAYCKEN, SANDRO / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170309 pcworld.com After CIA leak, Intel Security releases detection tool for EFI rootkits WIKILEAKS / CIA / INTEL
20170309 heise.de Vault 7: Wikileaks will von CIA gefundene Sicherheitslücken an Hersteller geben CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170309 infowars.com Truman Was Right About the CIA: Regretted creation of Agency during his administration TRUMAN, HARRY / CIA
20170309 rt.com WikiLeaks will give tech companies exclusive access to CIA #Vault7 hacking tools - Assange (VIDEO) WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170309 rt.com ‘Not exactly a bastion of truth’: CIA hits back at Assange after WikiLeaks #Vault7 release CIA / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20170309 rt.com China urges US to stop hacking other countries following #Vault7 release WIKILEAKS / CIA / CN
20170309 washingtontimes.com China blasts CIA after WikiLeaks reveals extent of agency’s hacking abilities WIKILEAKS / CIA / CN
20170309 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Enthüllungen CIA sieht US-Bürger in Gefahr CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170309 faz.net Nach Wikileaks-Enthüllungen Ist es paranoid, die eigene Webcam abzukleben? CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170309 faz.net Wikileaks-Enthüllungen Ist ein Hackerangriff auf ein Auto möglich? CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170308 orf.at CIA als neue Großmacht für Schadsoftware CIA
20170308 theintercept.com CIA’s New “Digital Innovation” Division Can’t Seem to Keep Its Own Secrets CIA
20170308 zeit.de WikiLeaks: Die CIA kann jedes Telefon hacken, aber nicht gleichzeitig CIA / WIKILEAKS / VEP / BND / ANINSKI
20170308 ZETTER, KIM/theintercept.com WikiLeaks Files Show the CIA Repurposing Hacking Code To Save Time, Not To Frame Russia WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170308 notepad-plus-plus.org Notepad v 7.3.3 - Fix CIA Hacking Notepad++ Issue CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170308 webfoundation.org Governments should be protecting our online privacy, not destroying it WEB FOUNDATION / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170308 heise.de WikiLeaks stellt CIA wegen umfangreicher Hackprogramme an den Pranger CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170308 faz.net "Zero Day Exploits" Schwunghafter Handel mit Sicherheitslücken CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170308 wsj.com New WikiLeaks Documents Fuel Tension Between Intelligence Agencies, Tech Sector - Documents renew questions about what responsibility the government has to notify companies of security flaws in their products CIA / WIKILEAKS / APPLE / GOOGLE / MICROSOFT / SAMSUNG
20170308 ft.com WikiLeaks revelations: Samsung looking into security of devices after WikiLeaks report SAMSUNG / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170308 rt.com German prosecutor ‘looking carefully’ into WikiLeaks CIA files, could launch probe WIKILEAKS / CIA / DE
20170308 reuters.com Wikileaks' CIA hacking dump sends tech firms scrambling for fixes CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170308 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Enthüllungen zu "Vault 7" Wie gefährlich sind die Cyberwaffen der CIA? WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170308 rt.com WikiLeaks says just 1% of #Vault7 covert documents released so far WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170308 rt.com CIA, MI5 turned Samsung TVs into spying devices, even when switched off SAMSUNG / CIA / MI5 / WIKILEAKS
20170308 rt.com #Vault7: ‘Pocket Putin’ – CIA’s covert listening tool revealed CIA / WIKILEAKS / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20170308 rt.com CIA knew #Vault7 was coming, focus turns to contractors as source of leak - officials ATTRIBUTION / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170308 faz.net CIA entblößt Im Bett mit dem Spion WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170307 theintercept.com CIA Has an “Impressive List” of Ways to Hack Into Your Smartphone, WikiLeaks Files Indicate CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170307 zeit.de Wikileaks: CIA steuert angeblich von Frankfurt aus Hackerangriffe WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170307 wikileaks.org Flying United: My condolences, but at least you are earning a United leg towards a status increase. CIA / UNITED AIRLINES
20170307 wsj.com WikiLeaks Dumps Trove of Purported CIA Hacking Tools WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170307 bbc.com Wikileaks: CIA has tools to snoop via TVs WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170307 milo.yiannopoulos.net Vault 7: What you need to know WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170307 rt.com How the CIA steals hacking fingerprints to cover its tracks WIKILEAKS / CIA / ATTRIBUTION
20170307 theintercept.com Wikileaks Dump Shows CIA Could Turn Smart TVs into Listening Devices CIA / SAMSUNG / WIKILEAKS
20170307 rt.com Snowden on WikiLeaks Year Zero: Evidence US govt pays to keep 'software unsafe' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170307 rt.com Apple, Samsung, Microsoft: WikiLeaks blows lid on scale of CIA’s hacking arsenal WIKILEAKS / CIA / APPLE / SAMSUNG / MICROSOFT
20170307 zerohedge.com Snowden: What The Wikileaks Revelations Show Is "Reckless Beyond Words" WIKILEAKS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CIA
20170307 zerohedge.com Wikileaks Unveils 'Vault 7': "The Largest Ever Publication Of Confidential CIA Documents"; Another Snowden Emerges WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170307 tagesschau.de WikiLeaks-Enthüllung CIA betreibt offenbar Hacker-Einheit in Frankfurt WIKILEAKS / CIA / FRANKFURT
20170307 rt.com WikiLeaks publishes 'entire hacking capacity of the CIA' WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170307 nytimes.com Europe: WikiLeaks Releases Trove of Alleged C.I.A. Hacking Documents WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170307 spiegel.de Neue WikiLeaks-Enthüllungen CIA-Hacker spionieren offenbar von Frankfurt aus WIKILEAKS / CIA / FRANKFURT
20170307 repubblica.it WikiLeaks' files reveal major security breach at the CIA WIKILEAKS / CIA
20170228 theguardian.com Ex-CIA officer pardoned for role in 2003 kidnapping of terrorism suspect DE SOUSA, SABRINA / CIA / IT
20170224 justsecurity.org A Look at the Case of the ex-CIA Officer Being Extradited to Italy for Her Role in a 2003 Rendition DE SOUSA, SABRINA / CIA / IT / PT / LADY, ROBERT SELDON / PA / US
20170220 washingtonpost.com I didn’t think I’d ever leave the CIA. But because of Trump, I quit. PRICE, EDWARD / CIA
20170219 telepolis.de CIA-Chef Pompeo zeichnet Saudi-Arabien aus POMPEO, MICHAEL / US / CIA / SA / BIN NAYEF, MUHAMMAD
20170218 rt.com ‘CIA leaks like a sieve, Obama’s holdovers should be probed' - Roger Stone, former Trump adviser STONE, ROGER / CIA / RU / US / FLYNN, MICHAEL
20170217 cbsnews.com Trump yells at CIA director over reports intel officials are keeping info from him TRUMP, DONALD / POMPEO, MIKE / CIA
20170203 bangkokpost.com Seasoned spymaster named deputy CIA director CIA / TH / HASPEL, GINA / TORTURE / BLACKSITES
20170202 theintercept.com Gina Haspel, Trump’s Pick for CIA Director, Ran a Black Site for Torture HASPEL, GINA / CIA / TORTURE
20170123 cbsnews.com Sources say Trump's CIA visit made relations with intel community worse CIA / TRUMP, DONALD
20170121 docs.google.com President Trump Remarks Given at CIA Headquarters (as delivered) TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20170121 rt.com Trump to CIA: Media made it sound like I had a feud with intelligence community TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20170121 spiegel.de Donald Trump Versöhnungsbesuch im CIA-Hauptquartier TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20170120 rt.com CIA planned to hand Falklands to Argentina & airlift islanders to Scotland CIA
20170119 zerohedge.com Trump Versus The CIA CIA / TRUMP, DONALD
20170116 rt.com Trump calls CIA chief ‘fake news leaker’ after Brennan warns him about ‘talking & tweeting’ BRENNAN, JOHN / CIA / TRUMP, DONALD
20170114 businessinsider.com Report: CIA set up task-force in 2016 to investigate possible Russian funding of Trump's campaign TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / RU
20170113 foxnews.com Glenn Greenwald: Democrats hoping intelligence agencies will 'undermine and subvert' Trump presidency TRUMP, DONALD / GREENWALD, GLENN / US / CIA
20170108 spiegel.de Hacking-Verdacht Abgeordnete zweifeln an Trumps Kuschelkurs mit Russland TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / CIA / FBI / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20161217 rt.com CIA meddled in ‘hundreds’ of elections: Ron Paul talks Russia-blaming, fake news and more on RT PAUL, RON / CIA
20161217 rt.com FBI chief agrees with CIA on Russia’s alleged election help for Trump – report US / FBI / CIA / RU / TRUMP, DONALD
20161216 spiegel.de Radio-Interview Obama kündigt Vergeltung für russische Hackerangriffe an PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20161215 spiegel.de US-Demokraten Putin soll in Hackerangriff involviert gewesen sein PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA
20161215 nbcnews.com U.S. Officials: Putin Personally Involved in U.S. Election Hack PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / MCFAUL, MICHAEL
20161213 reuters.com Exclusive: Top U.S. spy agency has not embraced CIA assessment on Russia hacking - sources CIA / RU / ODNI / TRUMP, DONALD
20161213 rt.com Top US spy agency abstains on CIA assessment of Russian hack of 2016 election ODNI / CIA / US
20161212 spiegel.de Angebliche Hilfe aus Moskau Der Russland-Krimi belastet Trump TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / RU
20161211 rt.com ‘It’s ridiculous’: Trump on CIA claims that Moscow helped him win US Presidency TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / RU
20161211 spiegel.de Angebliche Wahlhilfe durch Russland Trump nennt CIA-Bericht "lächerlich" TRUMP, DONALD / CIA / RU
20161210 theguardian.com CIA concludes Russia interfered to help Trump win election, say reports CIA / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20161210 spiegel.de Hacker-Angriffe Moskau wollte laut CIA Trump zum Sieg verhelfen CIA / RU / US / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD / WIKILEAKS
20161209 washingtonpost.com National Security: Secret CIA assessment says Russia was trying to help Trump win White House CIA / RU / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20161111 theintercept.com Donald Trump May Select an Architect of Bush’s Torture Program to Run CIA RODRIGUEZ, JOSE / CIA / TORTURE
20161015 rt.com CIA working on ‘clandestine’ cyberattack against Russia – report US / RU / BIDEN, JOSEPH / CIA
20161015 spiegel.de Möglicher Cyber-Angriff "Botschaft mit größter Wirkung" - USA drohen Russland US / RU / BIDEN, JOSEPH / CIA / PODESTA, JOHN / CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS
20161014 nbcnews.com CIA Prepping for Possible Cyber Strike Against Russia US / RU / CIA / BIDEN, JOE
20161013 rt.com Ex-arms dealer claims US pinned weapon sales to Libya on him to ‘protect’ Clinton – report TURI, MARC / WEAPONTRADE / CIA / US / CLINTON, HILLARY / LY
20161002 rt.com Pentagon paid PR firm 540mn to make fake terrorist videos PENTAGON / BELL POTTINGER / CIA / PROPAGANDA
20160904 bangkokpost.com CIA spook recalls Thailand's role in secret war CIA / PARKER, JAMES / TH
20160820 deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de US-Botschafter zu Türkei-Putsch: Gülen ist ein Mann der CIA GUELEN, FETHULLAH / CIA / HUGHES, ARTHUR H. / ABRAMOWITZ, MORTON / FULLER, GRAHAM / FIDAS, GEORGE / KARLOUTSOS, ALEXANDER / TENET, GEORGE / TR / US
20160809 rt.com ‘Kill Russians and Iranians, threaten Assad,’ says ex-CIA chief backing Clinton MORELL, MICHAEL / CLINTON, HILLARY / CIA
20160630 rt.com CIA agent attacked US Embassy guard in Moscow – Russian Foreign Ministry US EMBASSY MOSCOW / CIA / RU-US
20160626 motherboard.vice.com Tor Project Battled Over Hiring Ex-CIA Agent, Chat Logs Show TOR / CIA
20160602 breitbart.com EXCLUSIVE: Hillary Clinton Posted Names of Hidden Intelligence Officials On Her Email CLINTON, HILLARY / CIA
20160516 rt.com Oops! CIA watchdog ‘inadvertently’ destroys its only copy of torture report CIA / TORTURE
20160515 rt.com CIA tip led to arrest of 'dangerous communist' Nelson Mandela, says former US spy MANDELA, NELSON / CIA / RICKARD, DONALD
20160515 rt.com Report on CIA torture won't be revealed under Freedom of Information Act TORTURE / CIA
20160515 thetimes.co.uk CIA admits: We sent Mandela to jail MANDELA, NELSON / CIA / RICKARD, DONALD
20160427 telegraph.co.uk The European Union always was a CIA project, as Brexiteers discover EU / CIA
20160403 rt.com Obama ditched CIA plan to topple Assad in 2012 – former agent AL-ASSAD, BASHAR / CIA / OBAMA, BARACK
20160331 sputniknews.com FSB meldet Festnahme von ukrainischem „Doppelagenten“ – auch CIA im Spiel FSB / SBU / CIA
20160128 rt.com New docs confirm CIA had rendition flight lurking in Europe to catch Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CIA / DK / N977GA
20160123 rt.com ‘They caused problems’: CIA involved with Gitmo inmates’ suicides – former guard to RT GUANTANAMO BAY / CIA / SOCALLEDSUICIDE / US


Date Source Title Tags
20151215 spiegel.de Jugoslawien-Tribunal in Den Haag: Zweiter Anlauf gegen Milosevics "eisigen" Geheimdienstchef STANISIC, JOVICA / SIMATOVIC, FRANKO / RS / KGB / CIA / ICTY / UN / HOFFMANN, KLAUS / YU
20151209 theintercept.com One Year After the Senate Torture Report, No One’s Read It and It Might Be Destroyed TORTURE / CIA / US
20151116 br.de Aus Frust BND verraten: Der gelangweilte Spion BND / CIA
20151116 spiegel.de Geheimdienste: BND zu "langweilig" - ehemaliger Mitarbeiter gesteht Spitzeltätigkeit für CIA BND / CIA
20151112 politico.com ‘The Attacks Will Be Spectacular’ - An exclusive look at how the Bush administration ignored this warning from the CIA months before 9/11, along with others that were far more detailed than previously revealed. US 20010911 / CIA
20151021 rt.com Leaked documents from CIA director’s email reveal thoughts on torture, Iran, Afghanistan BRENNAN, JOHN / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20151005 spiegel.de Bomben basteln im Berliner Altbau PROPAGANDA / CIA
20150704 spiegel.de Ströbele zu Spähvorwürfen: "Die Bundesregierung kuscht vor den USA" STROEBELE, HANS-CHRISTIAN / DE PUA NSA / DE / KANZLERAMT / CIA / HEISS, GUENTER / VORBECK, HANS JOSEF
20150703 spiegel.de Überwachung: SPIEGEL im Visier von US-Geheimdiensten SPIEGEL / CIA / KANZLERAMT / HEISS, GUENTHER / VORBECK, HANS JOSEF
20150703 washingtonpost.com National Security: How the CIA ran a ‘billion dollar spy’ in Moscow CIA / RU
20150622 danisch.de Die Frauen, der Krieg und die Propaganda CIA / FEMINISM
20150622 telepolis.de Geleaktes CIA-Dokument belegt Kriegspropaganda FEMINISM / CIA
20150612 rt.com CIA releases 9/11-related internal documents US 20010911 / CIA
20150516 spiegel.de Medienbericht: BND soll CIA angeblich Hinweis auf Bin-Laden-Versteck gegeben haben BIN LADEN, OSAMA / BND / CIA
20150507 spiegel.de Spionierende Tiere: Die Miezen von der CIA CIA
20150422 spiegel.de Folter in Rumänien: Ex-Staatschef Iliescu gibt Existenz von CIA-Gefängnis zu RO / CIA / TORTURE
201520407 nytimes.com Pakistan Judge: Charge CIA Lawyer, Officer for Drone Strike DRONES / PK / CIA
20150404 thedailybeast.com The Shrinks Who Only See CIA Officers - Some U.S. intelligence analysts spend days scouring ISIS beheading videos and jihadists’ porn. When it gets to be too much, there’s a cadre of therapists on call. PORN / CIA / NSA
20150314 spiegel.de Afghanistan: Wie eine CIA-Million bei al-Qaida landete AF / KARZAI, HAMID / CIA / AL QAEDA
20150306 washingtonpost.com CIA plans major reorganization and a focus on digital espionage CIA
20150306 rt.com CIA reshuffle features ‘mission centers’, cyber-warfare to 'cover the entire universe' CIA
20150301 pando.com Internet privacy, funded by spooks: A brief history of the BBG OTF / BBG / TOR / RADIO FREE ASIA / CIA
20150221 rt.com CIA-planted ‘evidence’ may force IAEA review of Iran’s alleged nuke arms program – report IR / CIA / STERLING, JEFFREY / IAEA
20150220 spiegel.de Kalter Krieg: CIA finanzierte Sabotage und Anschläge in der DDR DD / CIA
20150130 washingtonpost.com National Security: CIA and Mossad killed senior Hezbollah figure in car bombing MUGHNIYAH, IMAD / HEZBOLLAH / CIA / MOSSAD
20150120 n-tv.de CIA-Folter in Deutschland verfolgen: Wie ein Ex-Richter den US-Terror zerpflückt TORTURE / CIA / NESKOVIC, WOLFGANG / MAAS, HEIKO / BUSH, GEORGE W. / CHENEY, DICK / RUMSFELD, DONALD
20150120 spiegel.de Amnesty-Bericht: Diese europäischen Länder halfen der CIA beim Foltern CIA / TORTURE / PL / RO / LT / MK / GB


Date Source Title Tags
20141231 rt.com ‘CIA fingerprints’ all over Kiev massacre – Oliver Stone UA / CIA
20141217 washingtonpost.com Dick Cheney confirms it: Bush deserves blame for CIA torture CHENEY, DICK / BUSH, GEORGE W / TORTURE / CIA
20141216 spiegel.de Folter in US-Lagern: Gysi erstattet Strafanzeige gegen CIA-Mitarbeiter GYSI, GREGOR / CIA / TORTURE
20141215 firstlook.org The Charmed Life of a CIA Torturer: How Fate Diverged for Matthew Zirbel, aka CIA Officer 1, and Gul Rahman CIA / TORTURE / ZIRBEL, MATTHEW / RAHMAN, GUL
20141218 sueddeutsche.de CIA-Dokument: Anleitung zum gezielten Töten CIA
20141214 spiegel.de CIA-Verhöre: Briten wollen kompletten US-Folterbericht sehen TORTURE / GB / CIA
20141214 washingtonsblog.com Square Pegs in Round Holes RENDITION / TORTURE / CIA
20141212 spiegel.de US-Folterbericht: US-Senatorin Feinstein nimmt CIA-Chef auf Twitter auseinander FEINSTEIN, DIANNE / CIA / BRENNAN, JOHN / US / TORTURE
20141201 politico.com Secret showdown in CIA leak case LEAKS / CIA / STERLING, JEFFREY
20141031 dissenter.firedoglage.com Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Arrested While Trying to Attend David Petraeus Event in New York MCGOVERN, RAY / CIA / PETRAEUS, DAVID
20141014 rt.com Revealed: Condoleezza Rice prevented NY Times from publishing CIA scoop RISEN, JAMES / RICE, CONDOLEEZZA / NEW YORK TIMES / ABRAMSON, JILL / CIA / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20140930 constoriumnews.com Oh, What a Webb We Weave… COCAINE / CIA
20140926 consortiumnews.com CIA/MSM Contra-Cocaine Cover-up COCAINE / CIA
20140920 nytimes.com Suspicions Run Deep in Iraq That C.I.A. and the Islamic State Are United ISLAMIC STATE / CIA
20140914 spiegel.de Mutmaßlicher CIA-Agent: Ermittler scheitern an Spionage-Laptop BND / CIA
20140804 pressdemocrat.com Bloomberg: CIA caught spying on its overseers CIA / US
20140801 spiegel.de Obama zu CIA und 9/11: "Wir haben ein paar Leute gefoltert" OBAMA, BARACK / US / CIA / TORTURE
20140731 firstlook.org It’s About the Lying BRENNAN, JOHN / CIA / US
20140729 20committee.com German Counterintelligence and the American Threat CIA / BND / BFV / MAASSEN, HANS-GEORG
20140720 rt.com Berlin wants to prosecute US handlers of German spies DE / US / DAF / CIA / BND / MAAS, HEIKO / M., ANDREW / MERKEL, ANGELA / KIPPING, KATJA / HAHN, ANDRE
20140715 spiegel.de Spionageaffäre: Berliner CIA-Chef soll noch diese Woche ausreisen DE / US / DAF / CIA
20140712 rt.com Suspected German spy was in contact with friend at State Dept - US officials BMVG / US STATE DEPARTMENT / MAD / CIA / STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER
20140712 bundeskanzlerin.de Die Ausspähung muss endlich ein Ende haben MAAS, HEIKO / MERKEL, ANGELA / DE / US / NSA / CIA / DAF
20140712 spiegel.de Spionage-Affäre beim BND: Mutmaßlicher US-Spion bekam aus Wien Befehle BND / CIA / DE / US / DAF / US Embassy Vienna / MERKEL, ANGELA / R., MARKUS / SCHROTH, KLAUS
20140711 spiegel.de Spionageaffäre: Fahnder finden Link zwischen Spitzel-Fällen BND / CIA / BMVG
20140711 sueddeutsche.de Geheimdienst-Affäre in Deutschland: Kuriose Verbindung zwischen Spionagefällen BND / CIA / BMVG
20140710 nytimes.com Justice Dept. Declines to Investigate C.I.A. Review US / CIA / CARR, PETER / FEINSTEIN, DIANNE / HOLDER, ERIC / BOYD, DEAN
20140710 washingtonpost.com Europe: Germany orders CIA station chief to leave over spying allegations DE / DAF / US / CIA / SEIBERT, STEFFEN / RIZZO, JOHN A. / BND / STROEBELE, HANS-CHRISTIAN
20140710 spiegel.de Spionage-Vorwürfe: USA kündigen Gespräche mit Deutschland an US / DE / DAF / KERRY, JOHN / STEINMEIER, FRANK-WALTER / PSAKI, JEN / CIA / BRENNAN, JOHN
20140710 spiegel.de Reaktion auf Spionage-Affäre: Rausschmiss erster Klasse DE / US / DAF / CIA / NSA
20140710 faz.net Nach neuem Spionagefall: Berlin erwägt Ausweisung der mutmaßlichen CIA-Kontaktperson DE / CIA / DAF / BND
20140707 reuters.com Exclusive: CIA had role in Germany spy affair CIA / BRENNAN, JOHN / EARNEST, JOSH / MERKEL, ANGELA
20140707 spiegel.de BND-Spitzelaffäre: USA wollen offenbar CIA-Beteiligung eingestehen BND / CIA / EARNEST, JOSH / MERKEL, ANGELA / DE / US
20140706 welt.de "Digitale Besatzungsmacht" - Große Empörung über Spionagefall – doch bisher gibt es keine Beweise für den Kontakt eines BND-Manns zur CIA BND / CIA / DRAKE, THOMAS / UHL, HANS-PETER / RENNER, MARTINA / GAUCK, JOACHIM / EMERSON, JOHN B.
20140705 faz.net Enttarnter Agent beim BND: Ein „Naivling“ mit Geltungssucht? BND / CIA / NSA
20140704 washingtonpost.com National Security: CIA employee’s quest to release information ‘destroyed my entire career’ FOIA / CIA / SCUDDER, JEFFREY
20140702 ibtimes.co.uk 'Devil's Breath' Drug Scopolamine Used By NASA and CIA - "Devil's Breath" branded the world's most terrifying drug has a number of alternative uses. SCOPOLAMINE / CIA
20140613 theregister.co.uk CIA rendition jet was waiting in Europe to SNATCH SNOWDEN - Unmarked Gulfstream tracked as it passed above UK SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CIA
20140606 rt.com CIA joins social media, is immediately trolled CIA
20140606 spiegel.de Kurznachricht in Agenten-Sprech: @CIA setzt seinen ersten Tweet ab CIA
20140603 nytimes.com A C.I.A. Mole Hunt In the Era of Hackers - The Director,’ by David Ignatius, a Novel About the C.I.A CIA
20140526 spiegel.de Datenpanne: Weißes Haus enttarnt versehentlich CIA-Chef in Kabul WHITE HOUSE / CIA
20140504 rt.com Dozens of FBI, CIA agents in Kiev 'assisting Ukraine security' UA / FBI / CIA
20140424 spiegel.de Medienforum: Putin nennt Internet "CIA-Spezialprojekt" INTERNET / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / CIA
20140417 theguardian.com Guantánamo trial judge orders CIA to account for treatment of detainee GUANTANAMO BAY / CIA
20140415 techdirt.com The Most Bizarre Response To The Pulitzers Yet, From The Guy Who Authorized CIA Torture YOO, JOHN / CIA / TORTURE / NSA
20140415 spiegel.de Brennan in der Ukraine: Was machte der CIA-Chef in Kiew? BRENNAN, JOHN / CIA / WHITE HOUSE / UA
20140414 rt.com White House confirms CIA director visited Ukraine over weekend BRENNAN, JOHN / CIA / WHITE HOUSE / UA
20140413 schweizmagazin.ch CIA-Chef in Kiew BRENNAN, JOHN / CIA / UA
20140412 rt.com CIA deceived government on torture program according to Senate report CIA / TORTURE / US
20140410 au.ibtimes.com MH370 Latest Conspiracy Theory: CIA Allegedly Involved in Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight’s Disappearance? MH370 / CIA
20140408 alternet.org America's Coup Machine: Destroying Democracy Since 1953 U.S. efforts to overthrow foreign governments leave the world less peaceful, less just and less hopeful. US / CIA / UA / US EMBASSY KIEV / COUP D´ETAT
20140406 themalaysianinsider.com Malaysia: Utusan sees truth in theory blaming CIA for MH370’s disappearance MH370 / MY / CIA
20140401 bangkokpost.com CIA 'misled' on Thai black site CIA / US / TH
20140313 tumblr.com In 1975, the CIA Director Told Congress That Enemies of America Could Destroy the CIA with Freedom of Information Act Requests FOIA / CIA
20140305 spiegel.de Nach Untersuchung illegaler Verhörmethoden: CIA soll CIA-Kontrollgremium überwacht haben CIA / INTELLIGENCE OVERSIGHT
20140304 nytimes.com C.I.A. Employees Face New Inquiry Amid Clashes on Detention Program CIA / US / TORTURE / INTELLIGENCE OVERSIGHT
20140101 rt.com NSA stands for ‘No Such Amendment’: Intelligence agency violates US Constitution NSA / US / MCGOVERN, RAY / CIA / SWARTZ, AARON / MANNING, CHELSEA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD


Date Source Title Tags
20131222 spiegel.de Geheimkrieg in Südamerika: CIA unterstützte Kolumbien beim Töten von Rebellen CO / CIA / REYE, RAUL
20131221 washingtonpost.com Covert action in Colombia: U.S. intelligence, GPS bomb kits help Latin American nation cripple rebel forces CO / CIA / FARC / REYE, RAUL
20131218 counterpunch.org Doing Business: The CIA and the Washington Post BEZOS, JEFF / WASHINGTON POST / CIA / AMAZON
20131213 gwu.edu CIA Bay of Pigs Secrecy Case Reaches Appeals Court: National Security Archive Lawsuit Seeks Last Volume of CIA "Official History" - CIA claims release would "confuse the public" CIA
20131126 ap.org Penny Lane: Gitmo's other secret CIA facility GUANTANAMO BAY / CIA
20131106 dradio.de Wippl: NSA-Spionage "wird jetzt beendet" - Ex-Chef von CIA in Deutschland für Erweiterung des Five-Eyes-Spionagebündnisses CIA / WIPPL, JOSEPH / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE / US
20131011 spiegel.de Datenzugriff: Edward Snowden fiel der CIA bereits vor Jahren auf - Der US-Geheimdienst CIA soll bereits 2009 auf ihren damaligen Mitarbeiter Edward Snowden aufmerksam geworden sein - weil er unberechtigterweise auf Daten zugreifen wollte. SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CIA
20131011 nytimes.com C.I.A. Disputes Early Suspicions on Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CIA / GENEVA / EBITZ, TODD
20131010 nytimes.com C.I.A. Warning on Snowden in ’09 Said to Slip Through the Cracks SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CIA / GENEVA
20131008 spiegel.de Geheimdienste: Regierung verweigert Auskünfte über CIA-Projekt in Deutschland CIA / BFV / DE / BND / PROJEKT 6
20130913 wsj.com Robert Seldon Lady: The Antiterror Spy Left Out in the Cold - Caught up in a terrorist rendition debacle, Robert Lady is wanted in Italy, lost his house and marriage, and says he has been abandoned by the CIA. LADY, ROBERT SELDON / RENDITION / OMAR, ABU / CIA
20130909 spiegel.de CIA, Außenstelle Neuss CIA / NEUSS / BFV / BND / P6
20130908 spiegel.de Datenbank PX: CIA und deutsche Dienste betrieben jahrelang Geheimprojekt CIA / BND / BFV / PX
20130829 washingtonpost.com U.S. spy network’s successes, failures and objectives detailed in ‘black budget’ summary US / CIA / NSA
20130826 foreignpolicy.com Investigation - Exclusive: CIA Files Prove America Helped Saddam as He Gassed Iran HUSSEIN, SADDAM / CIA / IR / CHEMICAL WEAPONS
20130822 motherboard.vice.com The CIA Is Closing the Office That Declassifies Historical Documents TRANSPARENCY / CIA
20130813 rt.com CIA ‘admits’ to having file on Chomsky, might have destroyed it CHOMSKY, NOAM / CIA
20130806 guardian.co.uk Former NSA chief warns of cyber-terror attacks if Snowden apprehended: Michael Hayden, who also headed the CIA, speculates on global hacker response if Edward Snowden brought back to US HAYDEN, MICHAEL / US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / CIA
20130804 spiegel.de Angst vor Terrorattacken: US-Geheimdienst hörte angeblich Qaida-Gespräche ab TERRORWARNING / AL QAEDA / DISTRACTION / NSA / CIA
20130803 whatdoesitmean.com Switzerland Warning Against Obama Regime Stuns Russia CH / US / RU / NDB / MI6 / WIKILEAKS / GRU / CIA
20130802 rt.com CIA had dozens of operatives in Benghazi during consulate attack LY 20120911 BENGHAZI / CIA
20130802 spiegel.de Telefonüberwachung: Handy-Daten verraten illegale CIA-Operation OMAR, ABU / CIA
20130727 mcclatchydc.com U.S. allowed Italian kidnap prosecution to shield higher-ups, ex-CIA officer says CIA / IT / RENDITION / OMAR, ABU / DE SOUSA, SABRINA / CASTELLI, JEFFREY / TENET, GEORGE
20130719 guardian.co.uk Huawei has spied for Chinese government, ex-CIA boss says - Michael Hayden, also former head of NSA, says he is aware of hard evidence of spying activity by world's No 2 telecoms firm HUAWEI / CIA / HAYDEN, MICHAEL
20130718 rt.com Ex-CIA station chief in Milan detained in Panama http://rt.com/usa/cia-milan-panama-chief-276/ CIA / IT / LADY, ROBERT SELDON
20130627 reuters.com Swiss to press U.S. further on Snowden's time in Geneva SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CIA / GENEVA
20130619 zeit.de WHISTLEBLOWER: Gute Freunde - Wenn die Geschichte stimmt, die der Whistleblower Edward Snowden über das Treiben der CIA in Genf erzählt, haben wir alle ein Problem. SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CIA / BIRKENFELD, BRADLEY / FALCIANI, HERVE
20130612 abcnews.go.com Snowden’s CIA Drunk Driving Claim Questioned SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CIA / GENEVA
20130612 spiegel.de US-Auslandsgeheimdienst: Stellvertretender CIA-Chef Morell zieht sich zurück CIA / MORELL, MICHAEL / HAINES, AVRIL
20130611 tagesanzeiger.ch Bern interveniert nach Snowdens Aussagen bei US-Botschaft SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CIA / GENEVA
20130610 reason.com Switzerland Furious About Snowden’s Charge That the CIA Conducts Economic Espionage Against Formerly Secret Swiss Banks SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CH / CIA / GENEVA
20130610 tagesanzeiger.ch Snowden: CIA lockte Genfer Banker in die Falle SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CIA / GENEVA / BIRKENFELD, BRADLEY
20130610 finews.ch Die CIA und der betrunkene Schweizer Banker BIRKENFELD, BRADLEY / CIA / GENEVA
20130610 genevalunch.com Whistleblower Snowden’s Geneva days subject of speculation (Update) SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CIA / GENEVA
20130610 spiegel.de Prism-Enthüllung: Wie die CIA einen Schweizer Banker anwarb CIA / CH
20130609 businessinsider.com Whistleblower Edward Snowden Describes The Time The CIA Got A Swiss Banker Drunk And Put Him Behind The Wheel SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CIA
20130607 HASTINGS, MICHAEL/buzzfeed.com Why Democrats Love To Spy On Americans CIA / NSA / WYDEN, RON / UDALL, MARK
20130523 globalresearch.ca “The Global Rendition System”: Major Study Sheds New Light on CIA Secret Prisons RENDITION / CIA
20130518 globalresearch.ca Gloves Off: Russia Names CIA Station Chief in Moscow RU / FSB / CIA / HOLMES, STEPHEN / DILLON, BENJAMIN / FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER
20130518 spiegel.de CIA in Moskau: Russischer Geheimdienst lässt US-Spione auffliegen CIA / RU / FSB
20130517 telegraph.co.uk Russia's FSB reveals identity of CIA Moscow station chief FSB / CIA / FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER
20130517 rt.com FSB: CIA crossed ‘red line’ with agent Fogle CIA / RU / FSB
20130515 rt.com FSB releases tapes of 'CIA agent' talking to officer he wanted to recruit (VIDEO) FSB / CIA
20130515 counterpunch.org Another CIA Debacle: The Real Benghazi Scandal LY 20120911 BENGHAZI / CIA
20130514 zerohedge.com Russia Captures US Embassy Worker In Act Of CIA Recruitment; CIA's "Dropbox" Gmail Address Revealed FSB / FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER / CIA
20130514 rt.com Cloak, dagger and a blond wig? FSB says CIA agent nabbed in Moscow (VIDEO, PHOTOS HUMINT / US / RU / FSB / CIA / FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER
20130514 spiegel.de Geheimdienst-Affäre: Russland nimmt US-Diplomat wegen Spionageverdacht fest HUMINT / US / RU / FSB / CIA / FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER
20130514 spiegel.de Spionage-Thriller in Moskau: Kreml führt angeblichen Spion im Staats-TV vor HUMINT / US / RU / FSB / CIA / FOGLE, RYAN CHRISTOPHER
20130504 spiegel.de Afghanistan: Die Spur der CIA-Dollar AF / CIA
20130503 zlv.lu »Fragen zum CIA-Terrorismus sind tabu« GANSER, DANIELE / CIA / STAY BEHIND
20130429 spiegel.de CIA-Dollars für Afghanistan: Geistergeld in Tüten AF / CIA / KARZAI, HAMID / ROMAN, KHALIL / TALIBAN / KARZAI, AHMED WALI / KANDAHAR STRIKE FORCE
20130428 nytimes.com With Bags of Cash, C.I.A. Seeks Influence in Afghanistan AF / CIA / KARZAI, HAMID / ROMAN, KHALIL / TALIBAN / KARZAI, AHMED WALI / KANDAHAR STRIKE FORCE / IR / CORRUPTION
20130424 dailymail.co.uk Australian police arrest 24-year-old 'leader' of hacking group LulzSec which was behind attack on CIA website LULZSEC / CIA / AU
20130425 spiegel.de Attentat in Boston: CIA wollte Tamerlan Zarnajew auf Terrorliste setzen BOSTON / CIA / ZARNAJEW, TAMERLAN
20130416 nytimes.com U.S. Engaged in Torture After 9/11, Review Concludes US / TORTURE / CIA
20130410 tageswoche.ch «Bommeleeër»-Affäre: «Es war Nato gegen Nato» GLADIO / NATO / BND / MI6 / DE 19800926 Oktoberfest bombing / ALLIED CLANDESTINE COMMITTEE / CHALUPA, LEOPOLD / CIA / FBI / SREL / STAY BEHIND
20130408 spiegel.de Geheimabkommen: Pakistans Drohnendeal mit der CIA CIA / DRONES / PK
20130406 nytimes.com RISE OF THE PREDATORS: A Secret Deal on Drones, Sealed in Blood PK / DRONES / CIA
20130324 nytimes.com Arms Airlift to Syria Rebels Expands, With C.I.A. Aid SY / CIA
20130321 rawstory.com CIA’s big data mission: ‘Collect everything and hang onto it forever’ CIA
20130315 thelocal.se Bildt accused of leaking secrets to the US BILDT, CARL / CIA
20130315 latimes.com CIA begins sizing up Islamic extremists in Syria for drone strikes SY / CIA / DRONES
20130307 spiegel.de Verschwörung zum Mord: Bin Ladens Schwiegersohn muss vor US-Gericht US 20010911 / ABU GEITH, SULEIMAN / BIN LADEN, OSAMA / TR / JO / KW / CIA
20130305 spiegel.de Nachfolger von David Petraeus: Senatsausschuss bestätigt Brennan als CIA-Chef BRENNAN, JOHN / PETRAEUS, DAVID / CIA
20130210 thedailybeast.com The Double Agent Who Infiltrated Al Qaeda STORM, MORTEN / PET / AL QAEDA / AL-AWLAKI, ANWAR / CIA
20130206 guardian.co.uk CIA using Saudi base for drone assassinations in Yemen: Disclosure comes as architect of programme, John Brennan, prepares for Senate confirmation hearing to become CIA director CIA / US / SA / YE / DRONES / BRENNAN, JOHN / AQAP
20130206 bangkokpost.com Activists want 'CIA jail' truths CIA / RENDITION / BLACK SITES / TH / TORTURE
20130205 guardian.co.uk CIA rendition: more than a quarter of countries 'offered covert support': Report finds at least 54 countries co-operated with global kidnap, detention and torture operation mounted after 9/11 attacks RENDITION / CIA
20130205 spiegel.de Doppelagent Werner Stiller: Der enttäuschte Egomane MFS / CIA / STILLER, WERNER
20130125 spiegel.de Geheimdienstaffäre: Ehemaliger CIA-Agent zu Gefängnisstrafe verurteilt - In den USA ist ein ehemaliger Mitarbeiter der CIA zu mehr als zwei Jahren Haft verurteilt worden. Der Ex-Agent soll einen Geheimdienstkollegen verraten haben. Es ist das erste Mal seit fast 30 Jahren, dass jemand in den Staaten wegen Agenten-Enttarnung ins Gefängnis muss. CIA / KIRIKAOU, JOHN / TORTURE / SUBEIDA, ABU
20130117 foreignpolicy.com The 'Dynamite' Pentagon Interview Behind 'Zero Dark Thirty' BIN LADEN, OSAMA / CIA / MCRAVEN, WILLIAM H.


Date Source Title Tags
20130107 spiegel.de US-Militärpolitik: Obamas neue Schattenkrieger US / OBAMA, BARACK / HAGEL, CHUCK / BRENNAN, JOHN / CIA
20121231 telepolis.de Geheime US-Geheimdiensttruppe: CIA-Mitarbeiter werden durch eine supergeheime bewaffnete Einheit im Ausland bei riskanten Missionen geschützt CIA / GRS
20121223 businessinsider.com The CIA Thinks 'Zero Dark Thirty' Is So 'Inaccurate' It Issued This Statement To All Agency Employees BIN LADEN, OSAMA / CIA / MORELL, MICHAEL
20121204 telegraph.co.uk MI6 secrets threatened as Swiss spy steals a mountain of data - MI6 and the CIA have been warned that intelligence may have been compromised by an agent in Switzerland who downloaded vast quantities of data onto portable hard drives and carried it out of a secure building. NDB / MI6 / CIA
20121109 spiegel.de US-Geheimdienst: Außereheliche Affäre - CIA-Chef Petraeus tritt zurück CIA / PETRAEUS, DAVID
02.11.2012 theaustralian.com Libya mission was CIA operation: report LY / CIA
31.10.2012 huffingtonpost.com Climate Change Security Report Delayed Due To Hurricane Sandy CLIMATE / CIA
20.10.2012 telepolis.de Die CIA will mehr bewaffnete Drohnen: Der US-Geheimdienst will seine Position beim weltweiten Jagen und Töten von mutmaßlichen Terroristen sichern DRONES / CIA
16.10.2012 spiegel.de Qaida-Terrorist auf Brautschau: Liebesgrüße aus Kopenhagen CIA / PET / AL-AWLAKI, ANWAR
01.10.2012 smithsoniamag.com The CIA Burglar Who Went Rogue: Douglas Groat thought he understood the risks of his job—until he took on his own employer CIA / GROAT, DOUGLAS
22.09.2012 cryptome.org Undercover Agents in Iran CIA / IR
19.09.2012 spiegel.de CIA-Folterskandal: Italiens Justiz bestätigt Urteile gegen US-Bürger OMAR, ABU / IT / CIA / TORTURE / LADY, ROBERT SELDON
18.09.2012 telepolis.de US-Auslandsgeheimdienst im Pensionsalter CIA
06.09.2012 spiegel.de CIA-Kooperation mit Gaddafi: Foltern als Freundschaftsdienst LY / TORTURE / CIA
06.09.2012 spiegel.de Bericht von Human Rights Watch: Gaddafi-Gegner prangern Folter durch CIA an HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH / LY / CIA / TORTURE
28.08.2012 gawker.com New York Times Reporter Gave CIA Flack a Sneak Peak at Maureen Dowd’s Column CIA / MAZZETTI, MARK / DOWD, MAUREEN / NEW YORK TIMES
12.08.2012 spiegel.de Spektakuläre Satelliten-Panne: Das versunkene Geheimnis der CIA CIA
24.07.2012 aljazeera.com Mexican official: CIA 'manages' drug trade: Spokesman for Chihuahua state says US agencies don't want to end drug trade, a claim denied by other Mexican officials. MX / CIA
18.07.2012 theatlantic.com The Terrifying Background of the Man Who Ran a CIA Assassination Unit CIA / BLACKWATER / PRADO, ENRIQUE / ASSASINATIONS
23.06.2012 telepolis.de CIA-Akten zum 9/11-Commission Report freigegeben: Zentrale Dokumente zu den Anschlägen noch immer geheim US 20010911 CIA
22.06.2012 presstv.ir Press TV's interview with US spies IR / CIA
19.06.2012 National Security Archive The Central Intelligence Agency's 9/11 File: Top Secret CIA Documents on Osama bin Laden Declassified US 20010911 CIA
30.05.2012 taz.de DIPLOMATEN-DEPESCHEN VON WIKILEAKS: Die CIA als Kronzeugin - Viele der von Wikileaks veröffentlichten Depeschen enthalten brisante, aber getarnte Informationen der CIA. Eine taz-Recherche offenbart nun den Tarnnamen des Geheimdienstes. WIKILEAKS CIA
23.05.2012 spiegel.de Urteil in Pakistan: Keine Gnade für Doktor CIA PK CIA ISI BIN LADEN, OSAMA
09.05.2012 chicagotribune.com Intelligence officials reviewing bomb plot leaks CIA
08.05.2012 spiegel.de Jemen: CIA vereitelt offenbar Qaida-Anschlag auf Flugzeug US YE CIA AL QAEDA
08.05.2012 spiegel.de Einsatz im Jemen: CIA verhindert offenbar Qaida-Anschlag auf US-Flugzeug US YE CIA AL QAEDA
12.04.2012 wired.com CIA’s Secret Fear: High-Tech Border Checks Will Blow Spies’ Cover CIA
20120327 www.bollyn.com 9-11 and Alvin Krongard - Israel's Agent at the CIA KRONGARD, A.B. / CIA / US 20010911 / ALEX BROWN INC / SCITEX / SHAMIR, YAIR / GIZA GROUP / ORCKIT COMMUNICATIONS LTD / UNIT 8200 / PANETH, ERIC / TAMIR, YITZHAK / SHATTUCK, MAYO
18.03.2012 haaretz.com 'Mossad, CIA agree Iran has yet to decide to build nuclear weapon' IR / CIA / MOSSAD
25.02.2012 spiegel.de Iran-Atomprogramm: CIA glaubt nicht an Teherans Bombe IR CIA
13.02.2012 cryptome.org CIA Kabul Chief of Station Named AF / CIA / VOGEL, GREGORY
20.01.2012 rawstory.com Accused war criminal Charles Taylor worked for CIA: report TAYLOR, CHARLES CIA
14.01.2012 AFP Mossad agents posed as CIA in operation: report PK CIA MOSSAD


Date Source Title Tags
20111218 guardian.co.uk Award of Border Agency work to CIA rendition firm must be investigated, say protesters: Court documents reveal CSC, the company charged with boosting UK border security, was involved in rendition cases CIA / CSC / RENDITION
22.11.2011 thenational.ae CIA's Lebanese spy network exposed despite warning CIA / LB
21.11.2011 salon.com AP Exclusive: Spies Outed, CIA Suffers In Lebanon CIA LB
21.11.1011 dailymail.co.uk 'I don't think we'll ever see them again:' More than a dozen CIA spies captured in Iran and Lebanon 'feared executed' CIA / IR / LB
20110922 gawker.com Chief of CIA’s ‘Global Jihad Unit’ Revealed Online CIA / BIKOWSKY, ALFREDA FRANCES / BLEE, RICHARD / BAER, BOB / CASEY, MICHAEL ANNE
28.06.2011 biyokulule.com Expert Views CIA`s Ways of Recruiting, Training Hizballah Agents CIA / HEZBOLLAH
20110106 boilingfrogspost.com Turkish Intel Chief Exposes CIA Operations via Islamic Group in Central Asia TR / GUNDES, OSMAN NURI / CIA / GULEN, FETHULLAH / FULLER, GRAHAM / KZ / UZ / GROSSMANN, MARC


Date Source Title Tags
20100327 salon.com The war on WikiLeaks and why it matters - The U.S. government escalates its campaign to harass and destroy a key whistle-blowing site WIKILEAKS / CIA / AF / DE / FR / NL


Date Source Title Tags
30.01.2009 cryptome.org Two Muslim Women Raped by CIA Station Chief in Algeria DZ CIA


Date Source Title Tags


Date Source Title Tags
20070816 reuters.com CIA, FBI computers used for Wikipedia edits WIKIPEDIA / CIA / FBI


Date Source Title Tags
20061211 madcowprod.com Was Mohamed Atta "close Associate" a CIA pilot? ATTA, MOHAMED / BOHRINGER, WOLFGANG / CIA / FLIEGERVEREIN MUENCHEN
10.11.2006 hrw.org Sweden Violated Torture Ban in CIA Rendition: Diplomatic Assurances Against Torture Offer No Protection From Abuse SE / TORTURE / UN / CIA
23.03.2002 cryptome.org The CIA's Death Squad Body Count Continues to Pile Up CIA
04.05.1992 spiegel.de Gute Kunden von der CIA: Die DDR war bis zu ihrem Untergang Drehscheibe des weltweiten Waffenhandels. Westliche Geheimdienste kauften beim SED-Staat ebenso ein wie nahöstliche Terroristen. Die Genossen verhandelten über die Vermittlung mörderischer Geschäfte sogar mit dem Milliardär Adnan Kaschoggi. KASCHOGGI, ADNAN / EL-KASSAR, MUNDHIR / CIA / DD / IMES / SCHALCK-GOLODKOWSKI, ALEXANDER / UHLIG, DIETER / CUMMINGS, SAMUEL / INTERARMS / OLIVER, ROBERT L. / AMMOURI, TAHSIN / TECHAID INTERNATIONAL / JOHANNESSON, LOFTUR / WIECHERT, ERHARD / CONTRADE
00.00.1965 youtube.com CIA Indonesia 1965 (with english subtitle) CIA ID


Date Source Title Tags
20041116 spitfirelist.com FTR #484 3rd Interview with Daniel Hopsicker HOPSICKER, DANIEL / US 20010911 / BUSH, JEB / BUSH, NEIL / CIA / COVERUP / FBI / HUFFMAN AVIATION / IR / ATTA, MOHAMED


Date Source Title Tags
20020728 rense.com Bush Would Send SWAT Teams To Journalists' Homes - CIA Expert - Leaks of Classified Information Must Stop LEAKS / CIA / BRUCE, JAMES B.


Date Source Title Tags
20011101 nytimes.com A NATION CHALLENGED: THE VAULT; Below Ground Zero, Silver and Gold WTC 4 / WTC 6 / CIA / BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA
20010926 cia.gov President George W. Bush’s Remarks CIA Workforce TENET, GEORGE / BUSH, GEORGE WCIA


Date Source Title Tags
19991224 rumormillnews.com CIA Classified Document Links Pan Am 103 Bomb to Iran 19881221 Lockerbie PANAM 103 / CIA / FBI / DEA / FBIS / IR / JIBRIL, AHMED


Date Source Title Tags
19931030 focus.de FALSCHGELD: Der Super-Dollar - Der CIA beschuldigt den Iran, perfekte Blüten herzustellen. Verbreitung auch in Deutschland SUPERDOLLAR / CIA / IR


Date Source Title Tags
19911007 spiegel.de Waffenhandel: Deal hinterm Bahnhof - Internationale Terrorgruppen wurden von einer Waffenhandelszentrale in Ost-Berlin versorgt - auch die CIA bediente sich. WEAPONTRADE / BCCI / MFS / ROYAL ORDNANCE / NIDAL, ABU / ZIBADO / IMES / MARAKA, ISSAM / SAS TRADE & INVESTMENT / EL-SILWANI, DIWAR ABD EL-FATTAH / CIA / MEEHAN, FRANCIS J. / ST. LUCIA AIRWAYS / SINGLAUB, JOHN / EL-DIN, SAMIR NADSCHM


Date Source Title Tags


Date Source Title Tags
19890623 copi.com CIA / NSA Foreknowledge of Planning and Activities Leading to Pan Am 103 Bombing 19881221 Lockerbie PANAM 103 / CIA / NSA / FBIS / IR / SY / LB


Date Source Title Tags


Date Source Title Tags


Date Source Title Tags
19860116 rollingstone.com Secret Agent Man: No wonder Miles Copeland’s kids formed the Police COPELAND, MILES / CIA


Date Source Title Tags
19771022 carlbernstein.com THE CIA AND THE MEDIA: How Americas Most Powerful News Media Worked Hand in Glove with the Central Intelligence Agency and Why the Church Committee Covered It Up BERNSTEIN, CARL / CIA
19770228 spiegel.de BRANDT: Lügenhafte Kampagne - Hat Willy Brandt Geld von der CIA bekommen? Berichte in den USA über Kontakte Brandts mit dem amerikanischen Geheimdienst vermengen Wahres mit Falschem. CIA / BRANDT, WILLY / LOHMANN, ROPERT / MARCHETTI, VICTOR / WOODWARD, BOB / BAHR, EGON / JOHNSON, HERSCHEL V. / BRADEN, THOMAS


Author Issuer Title Published ISBN Tags
EICHNER, KLAUS / DOBBERT, ANDREAS edition ost Headquarters Germany 3-360-01024-8 CIA DE MFS
FELDBAUER, GERHARD PapyRossa, luxemburger 202, 50937 köln Agenten, Terror, Statskomplott - Der Mord an Aldo Moro, Rote Brigaden und CIA 2000 3-89438-207-4 GLADIO IT CIA
KHALILI, RHEZA Threshold Editions A Time to Betray - The Astonishing Double Life of a CIA Agent Inside the Revolutionary Guards of Iran 2010 978-1439189030 IR / CIA
KIRIAKOU, JOHN / RUBY, MICHAEL / RIEDEL, BRUCE Skyhorse Publishing Reluctant Spy: My Secret Life in the CIA's War on Terror 2012 978-1616086282 CIA / TORTURE
KOCH, EGMONT R. / WECH, MICHAEL C. Bertelsmann Deckname Artischocke - Die geheimen Menschenversuche der CIA 3-570-00662-X CIA
RICHELON, JEFFREY US Intelligence Community US NSA CIA
HOPSICKER, DANIEL Trineday Llc Welcome to Terrorland: Mohamed Atta & the 9/11 Cover-Up in Florida 2007 978-0975290675 US 20010911 / ATTA, MOHAMED / HUFFMAN AVIATION / CIA / DEKKERS, RUDI / KRUITHOF, ARNE / SCHREIER, PASCAL
SMITH, THOMAS W Sonlight Christian M Central Intelligence Agency, Encyclopedia of the (Facts on File Library of American History) 2003 978-0816046669 CIA
LEDEEN, MICHAEL Charles Scribner's Sons PERILOUS STATECRAFT An Insider's Account of the Iran-Contra Affair 1988 0-684-18994-1 IRAN-CONTRA / NIR, AMIRAM / NORTH, OLIVER / CIA / NSC



Date Source Title Tags
20120328 youtube.com CIA Insider Tells 911 truth. Time to re-examine your World-view, America! CIA / US 20010911