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|20240913||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/603994-pat-ryder-russia-gaffe/ Pentagon voices support for ‘Russia’s sovereignty’ (VIDEO) / The US will defend Russia from Russia, a senior general has declared]||[[US-RU]]
|20240911||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ukraine-russland-krieg-usa-erwaegen-freigabe-fuer-angriffe-auf-russisches-gebiet-a-0e9366fd-5159-4d23-8acf-6f022ca1d1c2 Attacken auch auf russischem Gebiet? USA erwägen Freigabe von Langstreckenwaffen für ukrainische Angriffe / Die USA könnten Kiew bald weitreichende Angriffe auf Russlands Territorium erlauben. Außenminister der USA und Großbritanniens in Kiew erwartet. Und: Selenskyj fordert mehr Einsatz von seinen Diplomaten. Der Überblick.]||[[US-RU]] / [[UA]]
|20240909||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/603734-biden-is-out-to-get-me/ ‘Biden is out to get me’: A Russian-American TV host facing 60 years in a US jail speaks out / Dimitri Simes claims that the current US government – which he accuses of “lawlessness and blatant lies” – doesn’t believe in the First Amendment]||[[SIMES, DIMITRI]] / [[SANCTIONS]] / [[US-RU]]
|20240830||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/603285-ukraine-us-weapons-zakharova/ US to give Zelensky ‘free hand’ on strikes deep inside Russia – Moscow / Washington has effectively become a party to the Ukraine conflict, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova has said]||[[US-RU]] / [[RU-US]] / [[RU MFA]] / [[ZAKHAROVA, MARIA]]
|20240823||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/602973-ukraine-us-kursk-antonov/ US preparing to lift ban on strikes deep inside Russia – Moscow / Washington cannot be trusted over claims that Ukraine is prohibited from using certain weapons, Russian envoy Anatoly Antonov has said]||[[US-RU]]
|20240810||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/pentagon-refuses-rule-out-strikes-moscow-shocking-exchange-ukraines-incursion-kursk Pentagon Refuses To Rule Out Strikes On Moscow In Shocking Exchange On Ukraine's Incursion Into Kursk]||[[PENTAGON]] / [[US-RU]] / [[UA]]
|20240711||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/600855-us-missiles-germany-threat-russia/ US plan to deploy missiles in Germany a ‘direct threat’ – Moscow / Washington’s announcement could revive the arms race and deal a blow to global stability, Ambassador Anatoly Antonov has said]||[[US-RU]] / [[RU-US]] / [[RU-DE]] / [[DE-RU]] / [[ANTONOV, ANATOLY]]
|20240604||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/598716-us-ukraine-long-range-strikes-russia/ US won’t rule out Ukrainian strikes deeper inside Russia / Washington’s support for Kiev “evolves” constantly, the national security spokesman has argued]||[[US-RU]]
|20240530||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/598509-biden-ukraine-permission-us-weapons-russia/ Biden ‘secretly’ allows Ukraine to launch long-range strikes on Russia – Politico / The change in policy applies to a limited stretch of land near the Ukrainian border]||[[BLINKEN, ANTHONY]] / [[US-RU]] / [[UA-RU]]
|20240530||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ukraine-krieg-joe-biden-erlaubt-ukraine-offenbar-angriffe-auf-russische-ziele-a-54836263-3f82-4c23-8fee-254feb5d11c5 Verteidigung von Charkiw Biden erlaubt Ukraine begrenzten Einsatz von US-Waffen in Russland / Kurswechsel im Weißen Haus: US-Präsident Biden gibt der Ukraine grünes Licht, US-Waffen auch gegen Ziele in Russland einzusetzen – allerdings nur zur Verteidigung der ostukrainischen Großstadt Charkiw.]||[[US-RU]] / [[NATO]] / [[NATO-RU]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20240530||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/598509-biden-ukraine-permission-us-weapons-russia/ Biden ‘secretly’ allows Ukraine to launch long-range strikes on Russia – Politico / The change in policy applies to a limited stretch of land near the Ukrainian border]||[[US-RU]]
|20240530||politico.com||[https://www.politico.com/news/2024/05/30/ukraine-russia-us-weapons-00160684 Exclusive: US military sees ‘value’ in letting Ukraine strike Russia with US weapons / The Biden administration is under increasing pressure to lift restrictions on U.S.-supplied long-range weapons.]||[[US-RU]] / [[UA-RU]]
|20240528||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ukraine-usa-lehnen-einsatz-von-us-waffen-auf-ziele-in-russland-noch-ab-a-8c4ffbf1-a203-4aee-a650-3e5a47c7d471 Nach Macrons Vorstoß: USA lehnen ukrainischen Einsatz amerikanischer Waffen auf Ziele in Russland noch ab / Frankreichs Präsident Macron befürwortet, dass die Ukraine militärische Stellungen in Russland mit westlichen Waffen angreifen darf. Die USA sprechen sich »zu diesem Zeitpunkt« dagegen aus.]||[[US-UA]] / [[US-RU]]
|20240523||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ukraine-antony-blinken-will-das-abfeuern-von-us-waffen-auf-russland-erlauben-a-c5257774-95d1-4dc9-95ac-a5e6526a4481 »New York Times«-Bericht: US-Außenminister Blinken will Kiew das Abfeuern von US-Waffen auf Russland erlauben ]||[[BLINKEN, ANTHONY]] / [[US-RU]] / [[UA-RU]]
|20240522||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/598034-pentagon-says-russia-launched-space-weapon-satellite/ Pentagon accuses Russia of launching space weapon / Moscow has called such remarks by officials in Washington “a fake”]||[[US-RU]]
|20240518||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/597812-ukraine-us-highlight-russian/ Ukraine asks US to help locate targets in Russia – media / Ukrainian lawmakers are also pushing for the use of US weapons in cross-border strikes, the New York Times said]||[[UA-US]] / [[US-RU]]
|20240424||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/596527-atacms-secret-delivery-ukraine/ US secretly shipped ATACMS missiles to Ukraine – media / President Biden personally approved the delivery, an anonymous official has said]||[[US-RU]] / [[UA]] / [[BIDEN, JOSEPH]] / [[SULLIVAN, JAKE]] / [[AUSTIN, LLOYD]] / [[BLINKEN, ANTHONY]] / [[BROWN, CHARLES Q]] / [[ATACMS]]
|20240411||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/595720-pentagon-ukraine-investment-pay-off/ Pentagon warns US could miss Ukraine ‘pay off’ / Kiev urgently needs more aid to “prevent Russian success,” US military officials have claimed]||[[PENTAGON]] / [[US-RU]] / [[UA]]
|20240223||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/usa-planen-sanktionen-gegen-500-ziele-in-russland-und-verfahren-gegen-oligarchen-a-b9fdc40e-b8cc-4bcc-94b9-1cd587926204 Invasion in der Ukraine USA planen Sanktionen gegen 500 Ziele in Russland – und Verfahren gegen Oligarchen ]||[[US-RU]] / [[SANCTIONS]]
|20230324||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/573513-ukraine-counteroffensive-shock-world/ Ukrainian counter-offensive ‘will shock the world’ – US adviser / Kiev’s forces will be in better shape they were a year ago, Dan Rice predicts]||[[US-RU]] / [[UA]]
|20230823||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/news-zum-russland-ukraine-krieg-das-geschah-in-der-nacht-zu-mittwoch-23-august-a-3b067701-a95c-4f42-872d-bcfc6312b519 Drohnen auf Moskau - USA: Keine Unterstützung für Angriffe in Russland]||[[US-RU]] / [[UA]]
|20230323||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/573481-ukraine-cia-satellite-specops/ Ukrainian special forces getting military targets from CIA satellite – Times / The data is used to launch drone attacks against Russian servicemen, a unit commander told the outlet]||[[UA]] / [[CIA]] / [[US-RU]]
|20221001||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/563861-blinken-nord-stream-opportunity/ Nord Stream explosions are a ‘tremendous opportunity’ – US / Washington can now step in as Europe’s top supplier of LNG, the Biden administration explained]||[[BLINKEN, ANTHONY]] / [[NORD STREAM]] / [[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[US-RU]] / [[RU-US]] / [[GAS]]
|20220902||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/white-house-asks-congress-137b-additional-ukraine-related-funding White House Asks Congress For $13.7B In Additional Ukraine-Related Funding]||[[US-RU]] / [[UA]]
|20220821||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/561242-us-excalibur-missiles-ukraine/ US to send GPS-guided munitions to Kiev – Politico / The Excalibur shells can be fired from M777 howitzers already used by Ukrainian troops]||[[UA]] / [[US-RU]]
|20220726||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/559386-foreign-agent-registration-document/ How professional lobbyists have worked to generate enthusiasm in Washington for a long proxy military conflict in Ukraine / Kiev's influence blitz in Washington is exposed as revealing Foreign Agent registration figures emerge]||[[US-RU]]
|20220622||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/russland-ukraine-news-am-mittwoch-marina-owsjannikowa-fuerchtet-verhaftung-a-a339ede0-6050-40a6-87b7-e7b78271fabf Russland kündigt nach Landeverbot in den USA Vergeltung an / Die USA haben einem russischen Flugzeug untersagt zu landen, um Diplomaten auszufliegen. Der Kreml droht mit Gegenmaßnahmen. Und: EKD-Ratsvorsitzende wirft Patriarch Kyrill Gotteslästerung vor. Die News.]||[[US-RU]]
|20220530||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/556349-biden-ukraine-missiles-supply/ US won’t send long-range rocket systems to Ukraine / Earlier reports had suggested Washington was likely to provide the equipment for Kiev’s fight against Russia]||[[US-RU]]
|20220519||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ukraine-krieg-usa-werfen-russischen-streitkraeften-schwere-misshandlungen-in-mariupol-vor-a-8ec8ac29-49f4-446d-8ce2-d79f49b343cf Krieg in Osteuropa US-Generalstabschef Milley ruft in Moskau an – erstmals seit Kriegsbeginn]||[[US-RU]]
|20220507||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ukraine-duma-sprecher-wirft-usa-direkte-beteiligung-an-kriegshandlungen-vor-a-53d56bdf-d3d1-43d8-bdfb-d2ff75abbdc3 »Washington koordiniert Operationen« Duma-Sprecher Wolodin wirft USA direkte Beteiligung an Kriegshandlungen vor]||[[RU-US]] / [[US-RU]] / [[RU]] / [[US]]
|20220505||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/555044-pentagon-ukraine-intel-sharing/ Pentagon denies sharing intel with Ukraine to ‘kill’ Russian generals - However, it provides “battlefield intelligence” to help Kiev “defend” the country]||[[PENTAGON]] / [[US-RU]]
|20220505||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/555044-pentagon-ukraine-intel-sharing/ Pentagon denies sharing intel with Ukraine to ‘kill’ Russian generals - However, it provides “battlefield intelligence” to help Kiev “defend” the country]||[[PENTAGON]] / [[US-RU]]
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|20220222||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/550304-biden-russia-new-sanctions/ Biden announces ‘first tranche’ of new Russia sanctions - The US president announced severe sanctions on Russia and its “elite” in response to “the beginning of an invasion” of Ukraine]||[[BIDEN, JOSEPH]] / [[US-RU]] / [[SANCTIONS]]
|20220222||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/550304-biden-russia-new-sanctions/ Biden announces ‘first tranche’ of new Russia sanctions - The US president announced severe sanctions on Russia and its “elite” in response to “the beginning of an invasion” of Ukraine]||[[BIDEN, JOSEPH]] / [[US-RU]] / [[SANCTIONS]]
|20220208||reuters.com||[https://www.reuters.com/world/biden-germanys-scholz-stress-unified-front-against-any-russian-aggression-toward-2022-02-07/ Biden pledges end to Nord Stream 2 if Russia invades Ukraine]||[[NORD STREAM 2]] / [[BIDEN, JOSEPH]] / [[US-RU]] / [[US-DE]]
|20220131||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/547807-us-keep-sanctions-secret/ US has secret weapon against Russia – Nuland / If Washington discloses its sanctions in advance, Moscow will take steps to get around them, a top officials warns]||[[NULAND, VICTORIA]] / [[US-RU]]
|20220131||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/547807-us-keep-sanctions-secret/ US has secret weapon against Russia – Nuland / If Washington discloses its sanctions in advance, Moscow will take steps to get around them, a top officials warns]||[[NULAND, VICTORIA]] / [[US-RU]]
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[[Category:International Relations]]
[[Category:Bilateral Relations]]

Latest revision as of 14:44, 15 September 2024


Date Source Title Tags
20240913 rt.com Pentagon voices support for ‘Russia’s sovereignty’ (VIDEO) / The US will defend Russia from Russia, a senior general has declared US-RU
20240911 spiegel.de Attacken auch auf russischem Gebiet? USA erwägen Freigabe von Langstreckenwaffen für ukrainische Angriffe / Die USA könnten Kiew bald weitreichende Angriffe auf Russlands Territorium erlauben. Außenminister der USA und Großbritanniens in Kiew erwartet. Und: Selenskyj fordert mehr Einsatz von seinen Diplomaten. Der Überblick. US-RU / UA
20240909 rt.com ‘Biden is out to get me’: A Russian-American TV host facing 60 years in a US jail speaks out / Dimitri Simes claims that the current US government – which he accuses of “lawlessness and blatant lies” – doesn’t believe in the First Amendment SIMES, DIMITRI / SANCTIONS / US-RU
20240830 rt.com US to give Zelensky ‘free hand’ on strikes deep inside Russia – Moscow / Washington has effectively become a party to the Ukraine conflict, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zakharova has said US-RU / RU-US / RU MFA / ZAKHAROVA, MARIA
20240823 rt.com US preparing to lift ban on strikes deep inside Russia – Moscow / Washington cannot be trusted over claims that Ukraine is prohibited from using certain weapons, Russian envoy Anatoly Antonov has said US-RU
20240810 zerohedge.com Pentagon Refuses To Rule Out Strikes On Moscow In Shocking Exchange On Ukraine's Incursion Into Kursk PENTAGON / US-RU / UA
20240711 rt.com US plan to deploy missiles in Germany a ‘direct threat’ – Moscow / Washington’s announcement could revive the arms race and deal a blow to global stability, Ambassador Anatoly Antonov has said US-RU / RU-US / RU-DE / DE-RU / ANTONOV, ANATOLY
20240604 rt.com US won’t rule out Ukrainian strikes deeper inside Russia / Washington’s support for Kiev “evolves” constantly, the national security spokesman has argued US-RU
20240530 rt.com Biden ‘secretly’ allows Ukraine to launch long-range strikes on Russia – Politico / The change in policy applies to a limited stretch of land near the Ukrainian border BLINKEN, ANTHONY / US-RU / UA-RU
20240530 spiegel.de Verteidigung von Charkiw Biden erlaubt Ukraine begrenzten Einsatz von US-Waffen in Russland / Kurswechsel im Weißen Haus: US-Präsident Biden gibt der Ukraine grünes Licht, US-Waffen auch gegen Ziele in Russland einzusetzen – allerdings nur zur Verteidigung der ostukrainischen Großstadt Charkiw. US-RU / NATO / NATO-RU / TRUMP, DONALD
20240530 rt.com Biden ‘secretly’ allows Ukraine to launch long-range strikes on Russia – Politico / The change in policy applies to a limited stretch of land near the Ukrainian border US-RU
20240530 politico.com Exclusive: US military sees ‘value’ in letting Ukraine strike Russia with US weapons / The Biden administration is under increasing pressure to lift restrictions on U.S.-supplied long-range weapons. US-RU / UA-RU
20240528 spiegel.de Nach Macrons Vorstoß: USA lehnen ukrainischen Einsatz amerikanischer Waffen auf Ziele in Russland noch ab / Frankreichs Präsident Macron befürwortet, dass die Ukraine militärische Stellungen in Russland mit westlichen Waffen angreifen darf. Die USA sprechen sich »zu diesem Zeitpunkt« dagegen aus. US-UA / US-RU
20240523 spiegel.de »New York Times«-Bericht: US-Außenminister Blinken will Kiew das Abfeuern von US-Waffen auf Russland erlauben BLINKEN, ANTHONY / US-RU / UA-RU
20240522 rt.com Pentagon accuses Russia of launching space weapon / Moscow has called such remarks by officials in Washington “a fake” US-RU
20240518 rt.com Ukraine asks US to help locate targets in Russia – media / Ukrainian lawmakers are also pushing for the use of US weapons in cross-border strikes, the New York Times said UA-US / US-RU
20240424 rt.com US secretly shipped ATACMS missiles to Ukraine – media / President Biden personally approved the delivery, an anonymous official has said US-RU / UA / BIDEN, JOSEPH / SULLIVAN, JAKE / AUSTIN, LLOYD / BLINKEN, ANTHONY / BROWN, CHARLES Q / ATACMS
20240411 rt.com Pentagon warns US could miss Ukraine ‘pay off’ / Kiev urgently needs more aid to “prevent Russian success,” US military officials have claimed PENTAGON / US-RU / UA
20240223 spiegel.de Invasion in der Ukraine USA planen Sanktionen gegen 500 Ziele in Russland – und Verfahren gegen Oligarchen US-RU / SANCTIONS
20230324 rt.com Ukrainian counter-offensive ‘will shock the world’ – US adviser / Kiev’s forces will be in better shape they were a year ago, Dan Rice predicts US-RU / UA
20230823 spiegel.de Drohnen auf Moskau - USA: Keine Unterstützung für Angriffe in Russland US-RU / UA
20230323 rt.com Ukrainian special forces getting military targets from CIA satellite – Times / The data is used to launch drone attacks against Russian servicemen, a unit commander told the outlet UA / CIA / US-RU
20221001 rt.com Nord Stream explosions are a ‘tremendous opportunity’ – US / Washington can now step in as Europe’s top supplier of LNG, the Biden administration explained BLINKEN, ANTHONY / NORD STREAM / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US-RU / RU-US / GAS
20220902 zerohedge.com White House Asks Congress For $13.7B In Additional Ukraine-Related Funding US-RU / UA
20220821 rt.com US to send GPS-guided munitions to Kiev – Politico / The Excalibur shells can be fired from M777 howitzers already used by Ukrainian troops UA / US-RU
20220726 rt.com How professional lobbyists have worked to generate enthusiasm in Washington for a long proxy military conflict in Ukraine / Kiev's influence blitz in Washington is exposed as revealing Foreign Agent registration figures emerge US-RU
20220622 spiegel.de Russland kündigt nach Landeverbot in den USA Vergeltung an / Die USA haben einem russischen Flugzeug untersagt zu landen, um Diplomaten auszufliegen. Der Kreml droht mit Gegenmaßnahmen. Und: EKD-Ratsvorsitzende wirft Patriarch Kyrill Gotteslästerung vor. Die News. US-RU
20220530 rt.com US won’t send long-range rocket systems to Ukraine / Earlier reports had suggested Washington was likely to provide the equipment for Kiev’s fight against Russia US-RU
20220519 spiegel.de Krieg in Osteuropa US-Generalstabschef Milley ruft in Moskau an – erstmals seit Kriegsbeginn US-RU
20220507 spiegel.de »Washington koordiniert Operationen« Duma-Sprecher Wolodin wirft USA direkte Beteiligung an Kriegshandlungen vor RU-US / US-RU / RU / US
20220505 rt.com Pentagon denies sharing intel with Ukraine to ‘kill’ Russian generals - However, it provides “battlefield intelligence” to help Kiev “defend” the country PENTAGON / US-RU
20220505 rt.com helped Ukraine ‘kill’ Russian generals – NYT / Washington provided Kiev with intelligence on the location of high-ranking Russian officers, the newspaper has claimed US-RU
20220427 rt.com WATCH exchange of jailed Russian pilot for ex-US marine / Family of the US national have said the exchange looked like a scene straight from a spy movie RU-US / US-RU
20220410 rt.com US boasts of sending weapons to Ukraine ‘every day’ - Biden’s top security advisor says US will give Kiev all that it needs to help weaken Russia SULLIVAN, JAKE / US / UA / US-RU
20220606 rt.com West targets Russian darknet market / The “world’s largest” dark web market and a major cryptocurrency exchange were shut down in a crackdown on “cybercrime,” officials said US / US-RU / HYDRA / GARANTEX
20220405 treasury.gov Treasury Sanctions Russia-Based Hydra, World’s Largest Darknet Market, and Ransomware-Enabling Virtual Currency Exchange Garantex US / US-RU / HYDRA / GARANTEX
20220331 rt.com US tells Americans in Russia and Ukraine to leave immediately - State Department says Russia is targeting Americans after basketball star is jailed on drug charges US / US-UA / US-RU
20220316 spiegel.de Krieg in Osteuropa USA warnen Moskau vor Einsatz von Massenvernichtungswaffen SULLIVAN, JAKE / US-RU
20220308 spiegel.de Reaktion auf Ukrainekrieg USA wollen Energie-Importe aus Russland stoppen US / US-RU / SANCTIONS / OIL / GAS
20220308 rt.com White House warns China over sanctions - Beijing called Russia its “most important” partner despite the West’s backlash to the military campaign in Ukraine SANCTIONS / US / US-RU / US-CN
20220222 rt.com Biden announces ‘first tranche’ of new Russia sanctions - The US president announced severe sanctions on Russia and its “elite” in response to “the beginning of an invasion” of Ukraine BIDEN, JOSEPH / US-RU / SANCTIONS
20220208 reuters.com Biden pledges end to Nord Stream 2 if Russia invades Ukraine NORD STREAM 2 / BIDEN, JOSEPH / US-RU / US-DE
20220131 rt.com US has secret weapon against Russia – Nuland / If Washington discloses its sanctions in advance, Moscow will take steps to get around them, a top officials warns NULAND, VICTORIA / US-RU
20220101 zerohedge.com "Imperialist Russia?" Four Western Provocations That Led To The Current US-Russia Crisis US-RU
20211201 spiegel.de US-Außenminister Blinken USA haben angeblich »Beweise« für russische Pläne gegen die Ukraine US-RU
20211125 rt.com CIA warns Russia over ‘Havana Syndrome’ – report CIA / US EMBASSY HAVANA / US-RU
20210713 rt.com US diplomat at center of railway sign theft scandal was flown back by Washington to avoid facing charges in Russia, Moscow claims US-RU / RU-US / WILSON, PARKER
20210712 rt.com Derailing relations? American embassy employee accused of STEALING Russian train station sign & ‘endangering lives of passengers’ US-RU / RU-US
20210709 rt.com Putin tells Biden that Russia is ready to cooperate on cybersecurity, but claims no specific requests have come from Washington PUTIN, VLADIMIR / BIDEN, JOSEPH / RU-US / US-RU / CYBERSECURITY
20210613 rt.com By painting Russia as an enemy, Biden is now caught in a trap of his own making ahead of his crucial Geneva showdown with Putin US-RU
20210317 spiegel.de Russland und die US-Wahl Biden hält Putin für einen »Mörder« BIDEN, JOSEPH / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US-RU
20210119 zerohedge.com US Cuts Off Telephone Line To Russian Consulate In New York Day Before Inauguration RU Consulate New York / US-RU
20201219 spiegel.de Diplomatische Vertretung USA schließen verbleibende Konsulate in Russland US-RU / RU-US
20200421 rt.com Another ‘worst deal ever’? US withdrawal from crucial Open Skies treaty is done deal, Russian FM believes OPEN SKIES / LAVROV, SERGEY / US-RU
20190611 rt.com ‘They will pay a price’: Bolton says US has expanded ‘offensive cyber operations’ against Russia BOLTON, JOHN / CYBERWAR / US / RU / US-RU
20190514 rt.com It's time to restore US-Russia ties, Putin tells Pompeo POMPEO, MIKE / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US-RU
20190329 zerohedge.com Why There'll Be No US-Russia Reset Post-Mueller US-RU
20181004 zerohegde.com US Openly Threatens Russia With War: Goodbye Diplomacy, Hello Stone Age US-RU
20180717 zerohedge.com Pepe Escobar: Russophobia Is A 24/7 Industry DNC / US-RU
20180717 zerohegde.com Paul Craig Roberts: "Is President Trump A Traitor Because He Wants Peace With Russia?" TRUMP, DONALD / US / RU / US-RU
20180717 zerohedge.com Mish: "Mass Hysteria" US / TRUMP, DONALD / US-RU
20180716 spiegel.de Minutenprotokoll So lief das Gipfeltreffen zwischen Trump und Putin TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US-RU
20180716 spiegel.de Gipfeltreffen US-Präsident Trump lobt verbesserte Beziehungen zu Russland TRUMP, DONALD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / US-RU
20171202 rt.com ‘US owes Russia explanation over property seizure’ – Former US envoy McFaul US-RU
20171019 rt.com ‘We gave you uranium, you repaid us by bombing Belgrade’: Putin slams US over nuclear treaties RU-US / US-RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20170911 yahoo.com Sputnik, the Russian news agency, is under investigation by the FBI SPUTNIK / FBI / US-RU
20170903 rt.com ‘Illegal, meaningless clownery’: Russia condemns US searches of diplomatic property US-RU
20170903 rt.com US raid of Russian diplomatic sites a ‘parade of power to reassert claim for global dominion’ US-RU
20170902 rt.com Russian diplomatic property in US ‘inviolable’, Assange tells US US-RU / UN / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20170902 rt.com Wild theories & hot takes: Smoke from Russian consulate in SF causes Twitter frenzy SAN FRANCISCO / US-RU
20170902 rt.com Moscow hands in note of protest to US over plan to search trade mission in Washington US / RU / US-RU
20170901 rt.com US security services to search Russian consulate in San Francisco on Saturday – Moscow US-RU / US / RU / SAN FRANCISCO
20170901 zerohedge.com Firefighters Scramble After Smoke Pours From Russian Consulate Chimney In San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO / US-RU
20170831 zerohedge.com Russia Responds: "The US Has Declared The Hot Phase Of Diplomatic War" US-RU
20170831 spiegel.de Diplomatische Krise Russland muss Konsulat in San Francisco schließen US / RU / US-RU / SAN FRANCISCO
20170831 rt.com US orders closure of Russian Consulate in San Francisco – State Department US / RU / US-RU / SAN FRANCISCO