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= Articles =
= Articles =
== 2024 ==
|20240911||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/uno-konvoi-an-israelischem-kontrollpunkt-beschossen-und-von-bulldozer-gerammt-a-ba5f1e48-377a-4137-aa9b-e47e2405fec1 Impfkampagne in Gaza Uno-Konvoi an israelischem Kontrollpunkt beschossen und von Bulldozer gerammt / »Die Situation eskalierte sehr schnell«: Mitarbeiter der Vereinten Nationen sind an der Grenze zum Gazastreifen von der israelischen Armee aufgehalten worden. Bei dem Vorfall fielen Schüsse.]||[[UN]] / [[GAZA]] / [[PS]] / [[IL]]
|20240528||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/israel-gaza-krieg-uno-sicherheitsrat-beraet-ueber-israelischen-luftangriff-in-rafah-a-85657ef9-ebfb-43d7-bd50-1b9cc42d3c60Krieg im Nahen Osten Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen tagt zu Luftangriff in Rafah / Dutzende Frauen und Kinder sind offenbar bei einem israelischen Luftangriff auf ein Flüchtlingslager in der Nähe von Rafah ums Leben gekommen. Nun soll der Uno-Sicherheitsrat über die Lage beraten – auf Antrag Algeriens.]||[[UN]] / [[IL]] / [[IL-PS]]
|20240419||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/israel-gaza-konflikt-usa-blockieren-uno-resolution-fuer-palaestina-mitgliedschaft-a-d6365738-ac63-475d-a5df-1bfab6cc9c29 Veto im Uno-Sicherheitsrat USA blockieren Uno-Vollmitgliedschaft von Palästina / Schon 2011 hatte Mahmud Abbas vor der Uno die Vollmitgliedschaft Palästinas beantragt. Jetzt wurde ein neuer Anlauf gestartet – der an einem Veto der USA scheiterte.]||[[PS]] / [[UN]] / [[US]]
|20240403||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/595368-palestine-applies-un-membership/ Palestine asks for UN membership / The Palestinian Authority has relaunched its bid to join the UN after a failed attempt in 2011]||[[PS]] / [[UN]]
|20240216||news.un.org||[https://news.un.org/en/interview/2024/02/1146567 From extradition risks to broader implications: Human rights expert breaks down Assange case]||[[UN]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20240207||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/592027-uk-assange-extradition-us/ UN warns Assange may be tortured if extradited to US / The WikiLeaks founder faces up to 175 years in prison if his extradition to the United States is approved]||[[UN]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20240206||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/julian-assange-uno-expertin-warnt-bei-auslieferung-an-die-usa-vor-moeglicher-folter-a-2121fb55-f943-42a2-884e-d45ce35a2f64 Auslieferung an die USA Uno-Expertin warnt vor möglicher Folter von Julian Assange]||[[UN]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20240206||ohchr.org||[https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2024/02/un-special-rapporteur-torture-urges-uk-government-halt-imminent-extradition UN Special Rapporteur on Torture urges UK government to halt imminent extradition of Julian Assange]||[[UN]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
== 2023 ==
|20231223||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/krieg-in-nahost-generalsekretaer-guterres-gedenkt-getoeteter-uno-mitarbeiter-in-gaza-a-376b12a6-4105-47a3-8c2f-c102ec6222e5 Krieg in Nahost Generalsekretär Guterres gedenkt getöteter Uno-Mitarbeiter in Gaza]||[[UN]] / [[GAZA]]
|20230419||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/575021-us-spying-on-un-chief/ Up to their old tricks again: New intelligence leaks expose American spying on UN chief Gutteres / Spying on your enemies is one thing, but when it’s directed at supposed friends who can blame them for being annoyed?]||[[GUTERRES, ANTONIO]] / [[UN]] / [[US]]
|20230223||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/uno-vollversammlung-fordert-russlands-rueckzug-aus-der-ukraine-a-09ca85e8-e37c-4d08-8ca7-2bf5c0415956 Breite Unterstützung für Resolution Uno-Vollversammlung fordert Russlands Rückzug aus der Ukraine]||[[UN]]
== 2022 ==
|20220828||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/561675-assange-un-human-rights/ UN voices concern over Assange extradition case - The prosecution of the WikiLeaks co-founder could hurt future whistleblowers, the UN’s top human rights official says]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UN]] / [[BACHELET, MICHELLE]]
|20220426||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ukraine-krieg-uno-generalsekretaer-guterres-fordert-untersuchung-der-russland-zugeschriebenen-kriegsverbrechen-a-308b8cde-0951-4c83-878c-6bafea3b4ae7 Uno-Generalsekretär in Russland Guterres bietet in Moskau Hilfe für Mariupol an]||[[GUTERRES, ANTONIO]] / [[UN]] / [[RU]] / [[LAVROV, SERGEY]]
|20220404||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/russland-ukraine-krieg-die-news-nancy-faeser-spricht-von-rund-400-straftaten-mit-kriegsbezug-in-deutschland-a-ba1bbfcc-a8ba-489b-be0b-1fe1f986ff43 News zum Krieg in Osteuropa - USA wollen Russland aus Uno-Menschenrechtsrat werfen]||[[UN]]
|20220316||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/hoechstes-un-gericht-russland-muss-krieg-in-ukraine-stoppen-a-a1907df8-24a6-48aa-9de0-5cb894216818 Internationaler Gerichtshof Höchstes Uno-Gericht ordnet Stopp des Kriegs in der Ukraine an]||[[UN]] / [[INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE]] / [[RU]] / [[UA]]
|20220302||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/uno-vollversammlung-verurteilt-russischen-einmarsch-in-die-ukraine-a-110c607e-3870-42b9-8404-07b7b833ba76 Große Mehrheit Uno-Vollversammlung verurteilt russischen Einmarsch in die Ukraine]||[[UN]] / [[RU]] / [[UA]]
|20220302||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/551092-un-resolution-condemns-russian-ukraine-invasion/ UN General Assembly votes on Russian offensive in Ukraine - A nonbinding resolution was passed overwhelmingly, condemning Russia for its assault on Ukraine and calling for its immediate exit]||[[UN]] / [[RU]] / [[UA]]
|20220301||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/russland-ukraine-news-am-dienstag-kanada-stoppt-oelimporte-aus-russland-a-500222c5-28c9-46f4-954a-f10c24c01888 Dutzende Länder verlassen bei Lawrow-Rede im Uno-Menschenrechtsrat den Saal - Aus Protest gegen Russlands Invasion in die Ukraine haben mehrere Länder während der Rede des russischen Außenministers den Saal des Uno-Organs verlassen – auch Deutschland. Und: Italien evakuiert Botschaft in Kiew. Die News.]||[[UN]]
== 2021 ==
|20210323||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/mar/23/top-saudi-official-issued-death-threat-against-uns-khashoggi-investigator Jamal Khashoggi: Top Saudi official issued death threat against UN's Khashoggi investigator]||[[SA]] / [[UN]] / [[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[CALLAMARD, AGNES]]
== 2020 ==
|20200922||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/501416-trump-covid-pandemic-china-un/ Washington & Beijing in standoff at UN over Covid-19 as Trump blames China for spread of coronavirus]||[[UN]]
|20200922||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/china/diplomacy/article/3102539/china-vs-us-welcome-two-new-world-orders-un-turns-75 US vs China: two new world orders on display as the UN turns 75, with Xi calling for collaboration and Trump slamming Beijing for coronavirus pandemic]||[[UN]]
|20200419||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/coronavirus-who-weltkrankheitsorganisation-a-29c74432-aea1-4f9a-b1ff-fcc4bb43cc4e Wachsender chinesischer Einfluss auf Uno-Organe Kranke Macht]||[[UN]]
|20200410||tagesschau.de||[https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/un-sicherheitsrat-bioterror-101.html UN-Generalsekretär Antonio Guterres /  UN-Sicherheitsrat zu Corona Guterres warnt vor Viren als Waffe]||[[GUTERRES, ANTONIO]] / [[UN]]
|20200403||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/484850-russia-un-resolution-coronavirus-sanctions/ Russian declaration aimed at stopping sanctions amid coronavirus crisis REJECTED at UN General Assembly]||[[SANCTIONS]] / [[UN]] / [[RU]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200202||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/479893-trumps-questionably-viable-mideast-plan/ Trump's ‘deal of the century’ contradicts UN resolutions - Kremlin]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN]] / [[IL]] / [[PS]] / [[UN]] / [[RU]]
|20200122||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2020/jan/22/jeff-bezos-un-calls-for-investigation-into-alleged-saudi-hack UN experts demand US inquiry into Jeff Bezos Saudi hacking claims]||[[UN]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[BEZOS, JEFF]] / [[SA]] / [[WASHINGTON POST]]
|2020122||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/uno-urteil-bundesregierung-will-nichts-von-klimafluechtlingen-wissen-a-4a902b1f-ca8a-422b-846e-0c4b7b75e40d Nach Uno-Beschluss Bundesregierung will keine Klimaflüchtlinge anerkennen Ein Menschenrechtsausschuss der Uno hat entschieden, dass Klimaflüchtlinge Anspruch auf Asyl haben können, wenn ihr Leben in Gefahr ist. Die Bundesregierung widerspricht.]||[[CLIMATE]] / [[UN]] / [[ASYLUM]] / [[DE]]
|20200107||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/477610-zarif-denied-visa-un-iran/ US denies Iran’s FM Zarif visa to address Security Council in violation of UN treaty]||[[US]] / [[IR]] / [[UN]]
== 2019 ==
|20191023||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/471645-iraq-pleads-un-help-us-troops/‘Taking legal action’: Iraq pleads with UN to kick unauthorized US forces out of country]||[[IQ]] / [[UN]] / [[US ARMY]]
|20191007||spcommreports.ohchr.org||[https://spcommreports.ohchr.org/TMResultsBase/DownLoadFile?gId=34906 Letter from the UK Mission Geneva to the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhumna or degrading treatment or punishment Nils Melzer]||[[UN]] / [[MELZER, NILS]] / [[GB]] / [[BRAITHWAITE, JULIAN]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20190920||morningstaronline.co.uk||[https://morningstaronline.co.uk/article/f/julian-assange-justice-denied Julian Assange: justice denied - UN Special Rapporteur on Torture NILS MELZER talks to Ceren Sagir about the ongoing fears for the journalist’s health]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[MELZER, NILS]] / [[UN]] / [[TORTURE]]
|20190923||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/climate-action-summit-das-bringt-der-uno-gipfel-in-new-york-a-1288108.html "Climate Action Summit" Was vom kleinen Klimagipfel in New York zu erwarten ist]||[[CLIMATE ACTION SUMMIT]] / [[UN]] / [[THUNBERG, GRETA]]
|20190813||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/466358-pompeo-countdown-clock-iran-embargo/ Pompeo to UN: ‘Time is running out’ to kick Iran while it’s down]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[US]] / [[UN]] / [[IR]]
|20190619||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/uno-weltfluechtlingsbericht-2018-70-millionen-menschen-auf-der-flucht-a-1273005.html Uno-Bericht Mehr als 70 Millionen Menschen sind weltweit auf der Flucht]||[[REFUGEES]] / [[UN]]
|20190619||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/jamal-khashoggi-uno-bericht-liefert-grausame-details-zum-mord-im-konsulat-a-1273261.html Uno-Bericht zum Khashoggi-Mord "Ist das Opfertier eingetroffen?"]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[UN]]
|20190619||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/fall-khashoggi-uno-sieht-hinweise-auf-saudischen-kronprinzen-a-1273199.html Saudi-Arabien Mord an Jamal Khashoggi - Uno sieht Hinweise auf saudischen Kronprinzen]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[UN]]
|20190619||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/462214-jamal-khashoggi-un-report/ Saudi Arabia responsible for ‘premediated execution’ of Khashoggi – UN]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[SA]] / [[UN]]
|20190619||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-19/un-report-finds-credible-evidence-mbs-ordered-khashoggi-murder-new-audio-content UN Finds "Credible Evidence" MbS Ordered Khashoggi Murder; Shocking Audio Detailed]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED]] / [[UN]]
|20190602||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/460901-un-torture-bbc-sky-assange/ UN expert says Sky News & BBC World dropped his interview on Assange torture]||[[MELZER, NILS]] / [[UN]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[SKY NEWS]] / [[BBC]]
|20190531||ohchr.org||[https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=24665 UN expert says "collective persecution" of Julian Assange must end now]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UN]]
|20190531||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/460738-un-torture-rapporteur-assange-hunt/ Assange as free to leave as someone ‘on a rubber boat in a sharkpool’ – UN's Melzer destroys Hunt]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[GB]] / [[HUNT, JEREMY]] / [[UN]] / [[MELZER, NILS]]
|20190531||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/julian-assange-war-laut-un-sonderberichterstatter-psychologischer-folter-ausgesetzt-a-1270191.html Gesundheit von Julian Assange UN-Sonderberichterstatter spricht von "psychologischer Folter"]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UN]] / [[TORTURE]]
|20190527||spcommreports.ohchr.org||[https://spcommreports.ohchr.org/TMResultsBase/DownLoadPublicCommunicationFile?gId=24631 UA SWE 2/2019 and related cases UA GBR 3/2019; UA USA 14/2019 and UA ECU 10/2019 stand modified by a follow-up letter issued by the SR on Torture to clarify some of the points in the original letter following disclosure of new facts as they became available through further research on the case. Please read the original letter in conjunction with the follow-up letter number OL SWE 3/2019.]||[[UN]] / [[MELZER, NILS]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[GB]]
|20190531||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/460721-nils-melzer-assange-torture/ Assange psychologically tortured to ‘breaking point’ by ‘democratic states,’ UN rapporteur tells RT]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UN]] / [[TORTURE]]
|20190511||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/heiko-maas-vereinte-nationen-behandeln-israel-unfair-a-1266969.html "Schmerzlich und unbefriedigend" Maas beklagt Ausgrenzung Israels durch Uno]||[[MAAS, HEIKO]] / [[IL]] / [[UN]]
|20190425||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/457546-assange-privacy-un-rapporteur/ UN Special Rapporteur meets Assange in ‘British Gitmo’ jail to discuss breach of privacy claims]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UN]]
|20190405||ohchr.org||[https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=24454&LangID=E UN expert on torture alarmed at reports Assange may soon be expelled from Ecuador embassy]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UN]]
|20190402||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/uno-sicherheitsrat-deutschland-uebernimmt-vorsitz-heiko-maas-hat-viel-vor-a-1260772.html Deutscher Vorsitz im Uno-Sicherheitsrat Für einen Monat am Tisch der Mächtigen]||[[UN]]
|20190328||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/454934-golan-heights-south-carolina/ 'Why not give Israel North & South Carolina?' Syrian envoy asks US at UN]||[[SY]] / [[IL]] / [[UN]]
== 2018 ==
|20181222||thehill.com||[https://thehill.com/policy/international/human-rights/422587-un-calls-on-british-authorities-to-allow-assange-to-leave UN calls on British authorities to allow Assange to leave Ecuadorian Embassy]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UN]] / [[GB]]
|20181221||ohchr.org||[https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=24042&LangID=E UN experts urge UK to honour rights obligations and let Mr. Julian Assange leave Ecuador embassy in London freely]||[[UN]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20181030||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2018/oct/30/saudis-demanded-good-publicity-over-yemen-aid-leaked-un-document-shows Saudis demanded good publicity over Yemen aid, leaked UN document shows]||[[SA]] / [[YE]] / [[UN]]
|20181021||middleeasteye.net||[https://www.middleeasteye.net/columns/britain-punishing-assange-revelations-about-uk-policy-middle-east-273676961 Julian Assange should be thanked - not smeared - for Wikileaks' service to journalism]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UN]] / [[GB]]
|20181016||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/441399-khashoggi-un-saudi-immunity/ Saudi diplomatic immunity must be waived over Khashoggi case - UN rights chief]||[[KHASHOGGI, JAMAL]] / [[SA]] / [[UN]]
|20180605||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/newsline/428803-ecuador-espinosa-un-assembly/ Ecuadorean FM Espinosa to be UN General Assembly president after rare contested election]||[[ESPINOSA GARCES, MARIA FERNANDA]] / [[UN]]
|20180601||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/428509-us-veto-unsc-palestine/ ‘Why does Israel get impunity?’ UNSC call for protection of Palestinians vetoed by US]||[[HALEY, NIKKI]] / [[US]] / [[UN]] / [[PS]] / [[IL]]
|20180515||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/gaza-konflikt-macron-verurteilt-israelische-gewalt-gegen-demonstranten-a-1207735.html Dutzende Tote im Gazastreifen Macron verurteilt israelische Gewalt gegen Demonstranten]||[[MACRON, EMMANUEL]] / [[FR]] / [[IL]] / [[UN]]
|20180419||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/424542-skripal-evidence-unsc-nebenzia/ London systematically destroying evidence in Skripal case – Russia’s UN envoy]||[[RU]] / [[UN]] / [[SKRIPAL, SERGEJ]]
|20180415||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/424185-security-council-strikes-concerns/ 'Security Council, unite’: US, UK & France want UN to back their illegal Syria strikes]||[[UN]] / [[US]] / [[GB]] / [[FR]] / [[SY]]
|20180414||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/syrien-russland-vergleicht-usa-nach-luftangriffen-mit-hooligans-a-1202956.html Dringlichkeitssitzung des Uno-Sicherheitsrats Russland wirft USA "neokoloniales Auftreten" vor]||[[SY]] / [[UN]] / [[RU]] / [[US]]
|20180412||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/syrien-uno-generalsekretaer-antonio-guterres-warnt-vor-kontrollverlust-a-1202480.html Appell an Sicherheitsrat Uno-Generalsekretär warnt vor Kontrollverlust im Syrien-Konflikt]||[[SY]] / [[UN]]
|20180406||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/423431-gaza-un-israel-killings/ ‘Willful killing’: UN warns Israel not to shoot at Palestinian protestors]||[[UN]] / [[IL]] / [[PS]]
|20180405||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/423329-unsc-meeting-skripal-case/ 'Theater of absurd': Russian envoy shows UK version of Skripal case 'falls apart' (VIDEO)]||[[UN]] / [[RU]] / [[SKRIPAL, SERGEJ]] / [[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20180404||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/sergej-skripal-russland-fordert-sitzung-des-uno-sicherheitsrats-a-1201282.html Vorwürfe im Fall Skripal Russland fordert Sitzung des Uno-Sicherheitsrats]||[[SKRIPAL, SERGEJ]] / [[GB]] / [[RU]] / [[UN]]
|20180321||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/uno-chinesischer-diplomat-versucht-dissidenten-zum-schweigen-zu-bringen-a-1199149.html Uno-Menschenrechtsrat Chinesischer Diplomat versucht, Dissidenten zum Schweigen zu bringen]||[[UN]]
|20180315||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/421340-uk-block-un-skripal/ UK blocks Russia's draft UN Security Council statement on Skripal poisoning case]||[[UN]] / [[GB]] / [[RU]] / [[SKRIPAL, SERGEJ]]
|20180314||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/421316-russia-uk-may-unsc/ West launches massive campaign to kick ‘inconvenient’ Russia out of UN Security Council – Senator]||[[RU]] / [[UN]]
|20180314||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/421325-nothing-to-hide-nebenzya-unsc/ ‘We have nothing to hide’: Russia’s UN envoy calls for more critical thinking in Skripal case]||[[RU]] / [[GB]] / [[SKRIPAL, SERGEJ]] / [[UN]] / [[OPCW]] / [[CHEMICAL WEAPONS]]
|20180314||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/421325-nothing-to-hide-nebenzya-unsc/ ‘We have nothing to hide’: Russia’s UN envoy calls for more critical thinking in Skripal case]||[[RU]] / [[GB]] / [[SKRIPAL, SERGEJ]] / [[UN]] / [[OPCW]] / [[CHEMICAL WEAPONS]]
|20180314||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/421257-spy-attack-salisbury-unsc/ Britain seeks urgent UN Security Council meeting over Salisbury spy attack]||[[GB]] / [[RU]] / [[SKRIPAL, SERGEJ]] / [[UN]]
|20180108||heise.de||[https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/UN-Sicherheitsrat-verlangt-weltweit-Abgleich-von-Fluggastdaten-und-Fingerabdruecken-3936354.html UN-Sicherheitsrat verlangt weltweit Abgleich von Fluggastdaten und Fingerabdrücken]||[[UN SECURITY COUNCIL]] / [[UN]] / [[PNR]] / [[API]]
== 2017 ==
|20171221||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/uno-usa-sollen-jerusalem-entscheidung-von-donald-trump-zuruecknehmen-a-1184581.html Abstimmung der Uno USA sollen Jerusalem-Entscheidung zurücknehmen]||[[JERUSALEM]] / [[UN]]
|20170902||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/401847-russia-us-diplomatic-property-assange/ Russian diplomatic property in US ‘inviolable’, Assange tells US]||[[US-RU]] / [[UN]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20170711||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/gaza-streifen-uno-bezeichnet-kuestenabschnitt-als-unbewohnbar-a-1157263.html Nahostkonflikt Uno bezeichnet Gazastreifen als unbewohnbar]||[[GAZA]] / [[UN]] / [[PS]]
|20170709||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/395791-north-korea-russia-un/ Moscow offers evidence to UN that N. Korea tested mid-range missile, not ICBM]||[[KP]] / [[RU]] / [[UN]]
|20170705||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/nordkorea-usa-beantragen-sitzung-des-uno-sicherheitsrats-a-1155983.html Konflikt mit Nordkorea USA beantragen Sitzung des Uno-Sicherheitsrats]||[[US]] / [[KP]] / [[UN]]
|20170522||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/may/22/un-experts-hacked-sanctions-north-korea-cyber-attack UN experts hacked while investigating violations of sanctions on North Korea - Member of North Korea sanctions committee, known as the 1718 committee, warns of ‘sustained cyber campaign’ after hackers breached expert’s computer]||[[KP]] / [[UN]]
|20170418||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/law/2017/apr/18/opening-un-holocaust-files-archive-war-crimes-commission Opening of UN files on Holocaust will 'rewrite chapters of history' - Archive used in prosecution of Nazis reveals detailed evidence of death camps and genocide previously unseen by public]||[[WAR CRIMES]] / [[UN]]
|20170413||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-edge/384614-un-resolution-syria-russia/ ‘I don’t believe a word of it’ – CIA whistleblower on US intelligence about Syria chemical attack]||[[KIRIAKOU, JOHN]] / [[UN]] / [[SY]]
|20170410||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/384211-trump-decision-un-framework/ Trump’s decision to hit Syrian airfield was outside UN framework – Belgian foreign minister]||[[REYNDERS, DIDIER]] / [[BE]] / [[US]] / [[SY]] / [[UN]]
|20170407||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/viral/383979-bolivia-un-syria-us-wmd/ Bolivia mercilessly trolls US over Iraq WMD lie in front of UN Security Council (VIDEO)]||[[BO]] / [[US]] / [[UN]] / [[IQ]] / [[SY]] / [[ISIS]]
|20170220||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/377988-russian-ambassador-churkin-un-dies/ Russian ambassador to UN Vitaly Churkin dies day before turning 65]||[[CHURKIN, VITALY]] / [[RU]] / [[UN]]
|20170128||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/375391-trump-order-reaction-un/ UN urges Trump to backtrack on banning refugees]||[[UN]] / [[US]] / [[REFUGEES]]
== 2016 ==
|20160508||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/jemen-uno-wirft-kriegsparteien-voelkerrechtsverletzungen-vor-a-1106258.html Vertraulicher Bericht: Kriegsparteien im Jemen verstoßen laut Uno gegen das Völkerrecht]||[[YE]] / [[UN]]
|20160401||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/338038-isis-weapons-turkey-churkin/ Turkey is key supplier of weapons, military hardware to ISIS - Russian envoy to UN]||[[TR]] / [[ISIS]] / [[RU]] / [[UN]]
|20160322||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-redet-von-drittem-weltkrieg-mit-russland-a-1083525.html US-Wahlkampf: Trump fabuliert von "Drittem Weltkrieg mit Russland"]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[AIPAC]] / [[IL]] / [[PS]] / [[JERUSALEM]] / [[UN]]
|20160205||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-edge/331418-assange-un-uk-sweden/ UN panel decision on Assange – ‘sharp rebuke to British & Swedish govts’]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UN]] / [[GB]] / [[SE]]
|20160205||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/331435-assange-visctory-sweden-lost/ ‘UN decision undeniable victory, Sweden & UK lost,’ Assange tells crowds in London]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20160205||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/julian-assange-zu-uno-gutachten-ein-wirklich-wichtiger-sieg-a-1075866.html Julian Assange zu Uno-Gutachten: "Ein wirklich wichtiger Sieg"]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UN]] / [[GB]] / [[SE]]
|20160205||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/julian-assange-grossbritannien-haelt-uno-urteil-fuer-laecherlich-a-1075839.html Uno-Bericht: Britische Regierung nennt Assange-Urteil lächerlich]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UN]] / [[GB]] / [[SE]]
|20160205||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-edge/331328-freeing-assange-john-pilger/ Freeing Julian Assange: The last chapter – John Pilger]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UN]] / [[GB]] / [[SE]]
|20160205||gov.uk||[https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-disputes-un-working-group-opinion-on-julian-assange UK disputes UN working group opinion on Julian Assange]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UN]] / [[GB]] / [[SE]]
|20160205||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/331385-sweden-uk-reject-assange/ UK, Sweden reject UN panel ruling in favor of Julian Assange]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UN]] / [[GB]] / [[SE]]
|20160205||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/331371-assange-arbitrarily-detained-un/ UN panel rules Julian Assange arbitrarily detained, entitled to liberty & compensation]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UN]] / [[GB]] / [[SE]]
|20160205||un.org||[https://news.un.org/en/story/2016/02/521632-wikileaks-founder-julian-assange-arbitrarily-detained-sweden-and-uk-un-panel WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arbitrarily detained by Sweden and the UK, UN panel finds]||[[UN]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20160205||ohchr.org||[https://www.ohchr.org/EN/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=17013 Julian Assange arbitrarily detained by Sweden and the UK, UN expert panel finds]||[[UN]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20160204||sputniknews.com||[http://sputniknews.com/europe/20160204/1034204275/un-assange-.html OHCHR Refuses to Confirm Deeming Assange Detention Illegal]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UN]] / [[OHCHR]] / [[BBC]]
|20160204||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/331240-assange-un-panel-decision/ WikiLeaks 'waiting for official confirmation' after BBC report UN ruled in Assange's favor]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[UN]] / [[OHCHR]] / [[BBC]]
== 2015 ==
== 2015 ==
Line 14: Line 282:
|20151215||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/jovica-stanisic-prozess-zweiter-anlauf-gegen-den-eisigen-a-1067399.html Jugoslawien-Tribunal in Den Haag: Zweiter Anlauf gegen Milosevics "eisigen" Geheimdienstchef]||[[STANISIC, JOVICA]] / [[SIMATOVIC, FRANKO]] / [[RS]] / [[KGB]] / [[CIA]] / [[ICTY]] / [[UN]] / [[HOFFMANN, KLAUS]] / [[YU]]
|20151122||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/322931-un-resolution-fight-terrorism-isis/ UN calls on world to fight ISIS as Security Council unanimously adopts French-drafted resolution]||[[UN]] / [[ISIS]]
|20151004||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/kunduz-aerzte-ohne-grenzen-spricht-von-kriegsverbrechen-a-1056120.html US-Luftangriff in Kunduz: Ärzte ohne Grenzen spricht von Kriegsverbrechen]||[[AF]] / [[US]] / [[MSF]] / [[UN]]
|20151003||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/kunduz-uno-verurteilt-us-angriff-auf-krankenhaus-a-1056061.html Kampf um Kunduz: Uno nennt US-Angriff auf Krankenhaus "unentschuldbar"]||[[AF]] / [[US]] / [[MSF]] / [[UN]]
|20151003||zeit.de||[http://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2015-10/kundus-krankenhaus-aerzte-ohne-grenzen-bombenangriff Ärzte ohne Grenzen: UN halten Angriff für "unentschuldbar und vielleicht sogar kriminell"]||[[AF]] / [[US]] / [[MSF]] / [[UN]]
|20151003||rt.com||[http://www.rt.com/news/317542-kunduz-hospital-bombing-msf/ ‘Inexcusable, possibly even criminal’: UN rights chief says Kunduz bombing may be war crime]||[[AF]] / [[US]] / [[MSF]] / [[UN]]
|20150930||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/abbas-kuendigt-osloer-nahost-friedensprozess-auf-a-1055570.html Nahostkonflikt: Palästinenserpräsident Abbas kündigt Osloer Friedensprozess auf]||[[PS]] / [[IL]] / [[UN]]
|20150831||rt.com||[http://www.rt.com/politics/313883-un-headquarters-must-be-moved/ Move UN HQ to neutral country, says Russian MP]||[[UN]]
|20150611||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/atomgespraeche-mit-iran-ermittlungen-wegen-spionageverdacht-a-1038412.html Spionageverdacht bei Atomverhandlungen: Israel weist Verstrickungen zurück]||[[UN]] / [[IR]] / [[IL]] / [[CH]] / [[AT]]
|20150611||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/atomgespraeche-mit-iran-ermittlungen-wegen-spionageverdacht-a-1038412.html Spionageverdacht bei Atomverhandlungen: Israel weist Verstrickungen zurück]||[[UN]] / [[IR]] / [[IL]] / [[CH]] / [[AT]]
Line 43: Line 327:
|20131027||faz.net||[http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/spionage-affaere-merkel-und-rousseff-bereiten-un-resolution-gegen-amerika-vor-12636077.html Spionage-Affäre: Merkel und Rousseff bereiten UN-Resolution gegen Amerika vor]||[[MERKEL, ANGELA]] / [[ROUSSEFF, DILMA]] / [[UN]]
|20131027||faz.net||[http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/spionage-affaere-merkel-und-rousseff-bereiten-un-resolution-gegen-amerika-vor-12636077.html Spionage-Affäre: Merkel und Rousseff bereiten UN-Resolution gegen Amerika vor]||[[MERKEL, ANGELA]] / [[ROUSSEFF, DILMA]] / [[UN]]
|20131020||aljazeera.com||[http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2013/10/gcc-backs-saudi-arabia-rejection-un-seat-2013102022651363292.html GCC backs Saudi Arabia rejection of UN seat - Group's head praises Saudi stance, while Qatar backs neighbour's reasons for turning down place on Security Council.]||[[UN]] / [[SA]] / [[QA]]
|20131020||aljazeera.com||[http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2013/10/gcc-backs-saudi-arabia-rejection-un-seat-2013102022651363292.html GCC backs Saudi Arabia rejection of UN seat - Group's head praises Saudi stance, while Qatar backs neighbour's reasons for turning down place on Security Council.]||[[UN]] / [[SA]] / [[QA]] / [[GCC]]
|20130920||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/20/brazil-dilma-rousseff-internet-us-control Brazil's controversial plan to extricate the internet from US control - President Rousseff expected to bring the conversation about the continued role of US-based supernetworks to the UN this month]||[[BR]] / [[US]] / [[UN]]
|20130920||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/sep/20/brazil-dilma-rousseff-internet-us-control Brazil's controversial plan to extricate the internet from US control - President Rousseff expected to bring the conversation about the continued role of US-based supernetworks to the UN this month]||[[BR]] / [[US]] / [[UN]]
Line 50: Line 334:
|20130902||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/syria-un-us-aggression-plea-285/ Syria urges UN to prevent ‘US-led foreign aggression’]||[[SY]] / [[UN]] / [[US]]
|20130902||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/syria-un-us-aggression-plea-285/ Syria urges UN to prevent ‘US-led foreign aggression’]||[[SY]] / [[UN]] / [[US]]
|20130826||ctvnews.ca||[https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/un-says-nations-are-banned-from-spying-on-it-will-address-snowden-leak-1.1427019 UN says nations are banned from spying on it, will address Snowden leak]||[[UN]] / [[VIENNA CONVENTION]] / [[NSA]]
|20130826||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/giftgas-untersuchung-uno-inspektoren-sammeln-proben-in-syrien-a-918737.html Giftgas-Untersuchung in Syrien: Uno-Inspektoren sammeln "wertvolle Daten"]||[[SY]] / [[UN]]
|20130826||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/giftgas-untersuchung-uno-inspektoren-sammeln-proben-in-syrien-a-918737.html Giftgas-Untersuchung in Syrien: Uno-Inspektoren sammeln "wertvolle Daten"]||[[SY]] / [[UN]]
Line 125: Line 411:
== 2001 ==
|20011003||un.org||[https://www.un.org/documents/ga/docs/56/a56164a1.pdf Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security]||[[CYBERWAR]] / [[UN]]
[[Category:Supranational Organizations]]
[[Category:Supranational Organizations]]

Latest revision as of 20:14, 11 September 2024

United Nations



Date Source Title Tags
20240911 spiegel.de Impfkampagne in Gaza Uno-Konvoi an israelischem Kontrollpunkt beschossen und von Bulldozer gerammt / »Die Situation eskalierte sehr schnell«: Mitarbeiter der Vereinten Nationen sind an der Grenze zum Gazastreifen von der israelischen Armee aufgehalten worden. Bei dem Vorfall fielen Schüsse. UN / GAZA / PS / IL
20240528 spiegel.de im Nahen Osten Sicherheitsrat der Vereinten Nationen tagt zu Luftangriff in Rafah / Dutzende Frauen und Kinder sind offenbar bei einem israelischen Luftangriff auf ein Flüchtlingslager in der Nähe von Rafah ums Leben gekommen. Nun soll der Uno-Sicherheitsrat über die Lage beraten – auf Antrag Algeriens. UN / IL / IL-PS
20240419 spiegel.de Veto im Uno-Sicherheitsrat USA blockieren Uno-Vollmitgliedschaft von Palästina / Schon 2011 hatte Mahmud Abbas vor der Uno die Vollmitgliedschaft Palästinas beantragt. Jetzt wurde ein neuer Anlauf gestartet – der an einem Veto der USA scheiterte. PS / UN / US
20240403 rt.com Palestine asks for UN membership / The Palestinian Authority has relaunched its bid to join the UN after a failed attempt in 2011 PS / UN
20240216 news.un.org From extradition risks to broader implications: Human rights expert breaks down Assange case UN / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20240207 rt.com UN warns Assange may be tortured if extradited to US / The WikiLeaks founder faces up to 175 years in prison if his extradition to the United States is approved UN / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20240206 spiegel.de Auslieferung an die USA Uno-Expertin warnt vor möglicher Folter von Julian Assange UN / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20240206 ohchr.org UN Special Rapporteur on Torture urges UK government to halt imminent extradition of Julian Assange UN / ASSANGE, JULIAN


Date Source Title Tags
20231223 spiegel.de Krieg in Nahost Generalsekretär Guterres gedenkt getöteter Uno-Mitarbeiter in Gaza UN / GAZA
20230419 rt.com Up to their old tricks again: New intelligence leaks expose American spying on UN chief Gutteres / Spying on your enemies is one thing, but when it’s directed at supposed friends who can blame them for being annoyed? GUTERRES, ANTONIO / UN / US
20230223 spiegel.de Breite Unterstützung für Resolution Uno-Vollversammlung fordert Russlands Rückzug aus der Ukraine UN


Date Source Title Tags
20220828 rt.com UN voices concern over Assange extradition case - The prosecution of the WikiLeaks co-founder could hurt future whistleblowers, the UN’s top human rights official says ASSANGE, JULIAN / UN / BACHELET, MICHELLE
20220426 spiegel.de Uno-Generalsekretär in Russland Guterres bietet in Moskau Hilfe für Mariupol an GUTERRES, ANTONIO / UN / RU / LAVROV, SERGEY
20220404 spiegel.de News zum Krieg in Osteuropa - USA wollen Russland aus Uno-Menschenrechtsrat werfen UN
20220316 spiegel.de Internationaler Gerichtshof Höchstes Uno-Gericht ordnet Stopp des Kriegs in der Ukraine an UN / INTERNATIONAL COURT OF JUSTICE / RU / UA
20220302 spiegel.de Große Mehrheit Uno-Vollversammlung verurteilt russischen Einmarsch in die Ukraine UN / RU / UA
20220302 rt.com UN General Assembly votes on Russian offensive in Ukraine - A nonbinding resolution was passed overwhelmingly, condemning Russia for its assault on Ukraine and calling for its immediate exit UN / RU / UA
20220301 spiegel.de Dutzende Länder verlassen bei Lawrow-Rede im Uno-Menschenrechtsrat den Saal - Aus Protest gegen Russlands Invasion in die Ukraine haben mehrere Länder während der Rede des russischen Außenministers den Saal des Uno-Organs verlassen – auch Deutschland. Und: Italien evakuiert Botschaft in Kiew. Die News. UN


Date Source Title Tags
20210323 theguardian.com Jamal Khashoggi: Top Saudi official issued death threat against UN's Khashoggi investigator SA / UN / KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / CALLAMARD, AGNES


Date Source Title Tags
20200922 rt.com Washington & Beijing in standoff at UN over Covid-19 as Trump blames China for spread of coronavirus UN
20200922 scmp.com US vs China: two new world orders on display as the UN turns 75, with Xi calling for collaboration and Trump slamming Beijing for coronavirus pandemic UN
20200419 spiegel.de Wachsender chinesischer Einfluss auf Uno-Organe Kranke Macht UN
20200410 tagesschau.de UN-Generalsekretär Antonio Guterres / UN-Sicherheitsrat zu Corona Guterres warnt vor Viren als Waffe GUTERRES, ANTONIO / UN
20200403 rt.com Russian declaration aimed at stopping sanctions amid coronavirus crisis REJECTED at UN General Assembly SANCTIONS / UN / RU / COVID-19
20200202 rt.com Trump's ‘deal of the century’ contradicts UN resolutions - Kremlin TRUMP, DONALD / NETANYAHU, BENJAMIN / IL / PS / UN / RU
20200122 theguardian.com UN experts demand US inquiry into Jeff Bezos Saudi hacking claims UN / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / BEZOS, JEFF / SA / WASHINGTON POST
2020122 spiegel.de Nach Uno-Beschluss Bundesregierung will keine Klimaflüchtlinge anerkennen Ein Menschenrechtsausschuss der Uno hat entschieden, dass Klimaflüchtlinge Anspruch auf Asyl haben können, wenn ihr Leben in Gefahr ist. Die Bundesregierung widerspricht. CLIMATE / UN / ASYLUM / DE
20200107 rt.com US denies Iran’s FM Zarif visa to address Security Council in violation of UN treaty US / IR / UN


Date Source Title Tags
20191023 rt.com legal action’: Iraq pleads with UN to kick unauthorized US forces out of country IQ / UN / US ARMY
20191007 spcommreports.ohchr.org Letter from the UK Mission Geneva to the Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhumna or degrading treatment or punishment Nils Melzer UN / MELZER, NILS / GB / BRAITHWAITE, JULIAN / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20190920 morningstaronline.co.uk Julian Assange: justice denied - UN Special Rapporteur on Torture NILS MELZER talks to Ceren Sagir about the ongoing fears for the journalist’s health ASSANGE, JULIAN / MELZER, NILS / UN / TORTURE
20190923 spiegel.de "Climate Action Summit" Was vom kleinen Klimagipfel in New York zu erwarten ist CLIMATE ACTION SUMMIT / UN / THUNBERG, GRETA
20190813 rt.com Pompeo to UN: ‘Time is running out’ to kick Iran while it’s down POMPEO, MIKE / US / UN / IR
20190619 spiegel.de Uno-Bericht Mehr als 70 Millionen Menschen sind weltweit auf der Flucht REFUGEES / UN
20190619 spiegel.de Uno-Bericht zum Khashoggi-Mord "Ist das Opfertier eingetroffen?" KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / UN
20190619 spiegel.de Saudi-Arabien Mord an Jamal Khashoggi - Uno sieht Hinweise auf saudischen Kronprinzen KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / UN
20190619 rt.com Saudi Arabia responsible for ‘premediated execution’ of Khashoggi – UN KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / SA / UN
20190619 zerohedge.com UN Finds "Credible Evidence" MbS Ordered Khashoggi Murder; Shocking Audio Detailed KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / BIN SALMAN AL SAUD, MOHAMMED / UN
20190602 rt.com UN expert says Sky News & BBC World dropped his interview on Assange torture MELZER, NILS / UN / ASSANGE, JULIAN / SKY NEWS / BBC
20190531 ohchr.org UN expert says "collective persecution" of Julian Assange must end now ASSANGE, JULIAN / UN
20190531 rt.com Assange as free to leave as someone ‘on a rubber boat in a sharkpool’ – UN's Melzer destroys Hunt ASSANGE, JULIAN / GB / HUNT, JEREMY / UN / MELZER, NILS
20190531 spiegel.de Gesundheit von Julian Assange UN-Sonderberichterstatter spricht von "psychologischer Folter" ASSANGE, JULIAN / UN / TORTURE
20190527 spcommreports.ohchr.org UA SWE 2/2019 and related cases UA GBR 3/2019; UA USA 14/2019 and UA ECU 10/2019 stand modified by a follow-up letter issued by the SR on Torture to clarify some of the points in the original letter following disclosure of new facts as they became available through further research on the case. Please read the original letter in conjunction with the follow-up letter number OL SWE 3/2019. UN / MELZER, NILS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / GB
20190531 rt.com Assange psychologically tortured to ‘breaking point’ by ‘democratic states,’ UN rapporteur tells RT ASSANGE, JULIAN / UN / TORTURE
20190511 spiegel.de "Schmerzlich und unbefriedigend" Maas beklagt Ausgrenzung Israels durch Uno MAAS, HEIKO / IL / UN
20190425 rt.com UN Special Rapporteur meets Assange in ‘British Gitmo’ jail to discuss breach of privacy claims ASSANGE, JULIAN / UN
20190405 ohchr.org UN expert on torture alarmed at reports Assange may soon be expelled from Ecuador embassy ASSANGE, JULIAN / UN
20190402 spiegel.de Deutscher Vorsitz im Uno-Sicherheitsrat Für einen Monat am Tisch der Mächtigen UN
20190328 rt.com 'Why not give Israel North & South Carolina?' Syrian envoy asks US at UN SY / IL / UN


Date Source Title Tags
20181222 thehill.com UN calls on British authorities to allow Assange to leave Ecuadorian Embassy ASSANGE, JULIAN / UN / GB
20181221 ohchr.org UN experts urge UK to honour rights obligations and let Mr. Julian Assange leave Ecuador embassy in London freely UN / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20181030 theguardian.com Saudis demanded good publicity over Yemen aid, leaked UN document shows SA / YE / UN
20181021 middleeasteye.net Julian Assange should be thanked - not smeared - for Wikileaks' service to journalism ASSANGE, JULIAN / UN / GB
20181016 rt.com Saudi diplomatic immunity must be waived over Khashoggi case - UN rights chief KHASHOGGI, JAMAL / SA / UN
20180605 rt.com Ecuadorean FM Espinosa to be UN General Assembly president after rare contested election ESPINOSA GARCES, MARIA FERNANDA / UN
20180601 rt.com ‘Why does Israel get impunity?’ UNSC call for protection of Palestinians vetoed by US HALEY, NIKKI / US / UN / PS / IL
20180515 spiegel.de Dutzende Tote im Gazastreifen Macron verurteilt israelische Gewalt gegen Demonstranten MACRON, EMMANUEL / FR / IL / UN
20180419 rt.com London systematically destroying evidence in Skripal case – Russia’s UN envoy RU / UN / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ
20180415 rt.com 'Security Council, unite’: US, UK & France want UN to back their illegal Syria strikes UN / US / GB / FR / SY
20180414 spiegel.de Dringlichkeitssitzung des Uno-Sicherheitsrats Russland wirft USA "neokoloniales Auftreten" vor SY / UN / RU / US
20180412 spiegel.de Appell an Sicherheitsrat Uno-Generalsekretär warnt vor Kontrollverlust im Syrien-Konflikt SY / UN
20180406 rt.com ‘Willful killing’: UN warns Israel not to shoot at Palestinian protestors UN / IL / PS
20180405 rt.com 'Theater of absurd': Russian envoy shows UK version of Skripal case 'falls apart' (VIDEO) UN / RU / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / JOHNSON, BORIS
20180404 spiegel.de Vorwürfe im Fall Skripal Russland fordert Sitzung des Uno-Sicherheitsrats SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / GB / RU / UN
20180321 spiegel.de Uno-Menschenrechtsrat Chinesischer Diplomat versucht, Dissidenten zum Schweigen zu bringen UN
20180315 rt.com UK blocks Russia's draft UN Security Council statement on Skripal poisoning case UN / GB / RU / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ
20180314 rt.com West launches massive campaign to kick ‘inconvenient’ Russia out of UN Security Council – Senator RU / UN
20180314 rt.com ‘We have nothing to hide’: Russia’s UN envoy calls for more critical thinking in Skripal case RU / GB / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / UN / OPCW / CHEMICAL WEAPONS
20180314 rt.com ‘We have nothing to hide’: Russia’s UN envoy calls for more critical thinking in Skripal case RU / GB / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / UN / OPCW / CHEMICAL WEAPONS
20180314 rt.com Britain seeks urgent UN Security Council meeting over Salisbury spy attack GB / RU / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / UN
20180108 heise.de UN-Sicherheitsrat verlangt weltweit Abgleich von Fluggastdaten und Fingerabdrücken UN SECURITY COUNCIL / UN / PNR / API


Date Source Title Tags
20171221 spiegel.de Abstimmung der Uno USA sollen Jerusalem-Entscheidung zurücknehmen JERUSALEM / UN
20170902 rt.com Russian diplomatic property in US ‘inviolable’, Assange tells US US-RU / UN / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20170711 spiegel.de Nahostkonflikt Uno bezeichnet Gazastreifen als unbewohnbar GAZA / UN / PS
20170709 rt.com Moscow offers evidence to UN that N. Korea tested mid-range missile, not ICBM KP / RU / UN
20170705 spiegel.de Konflikt mit Nordkorea USA beantragen Sitzung des Uno-Sicherheitsrats US / KP / UN
20170522 theguardian.com UN experts hacked while investigating violations of sanctions on North Korea - Member of North Korea sanctions committee, known as the 1718 committee, warns of ‘sustained cyber campaign’ after hackers breached expert’s computer KP / UN
20170418 theguardian.com Opening of UN files on Holocaust will 'rewrite chapters of history' - Archive used in prosecution of Nazis reveals detailed evidence of death camps and genocide previously unseen by public WAR CRIMES / UN
20170413 rt.com ‘I don’t believe a word of it’ – CIA whistleblower on US intelligence about Syria chemical attack KIRIAKOU, JOHN / UN / SY
20170410 rt.com Trump’s decision to hit Syrian airfield was outside UN framework – Belgian foreign minister REYNDERS, DIDIER / BE / US / SY / UN
20170407 rt.com Bolivia mercilessly trolls US over Iraq WMD lie in front of UN Security Council (VIDEO) BO / US / UN / IQ / SY / ISIS
20170220 rt.com Russian ambassador to UN Vitaly Churkin dies day before turning 65 CHURKIN, VITALY / RU / UN
20170128 rt.com UN urges Trump to backtrack on banning refugees UN / US / REFUGEES


Date Source Title Tags
20160508 spiegel.de Vertraulicher Bericht: Kriegsparteien im Jemen verstoßen laut Uno gegen das Völkerrecht YE / UN
20160401 rt.com Turkey is key supplier of weapons, military hardware to ISIS - Russian envoy to UN TR / ISIS / RU / UN
20160322 spiegel.de US-Wahlkampf: Trump fabuliert von "Drittem Weltkrieg mit Russland" TRUMP, DONALD / AIPAC / IL / PS / JERUSALEM / UN
20160205 rt.com UN panel decision on Assange – ‘sharp rebuke to British & Swedish govts’ ASSANGE, JULIAN / UN / GB / SE
20160205 rt.com ‘UN decision undeniable victory, Sweden & UK lost,’ Assange tells crowds in London ASSANGE, JULIAN
20160205 spiegel.de Julian Assange zu Uno-Gutachten: "Ein wirklich wichtiger Sieg" ASSANGE, JULIAN / UN / GB / SE
20160205 spiegel.de Uno-Bericht: Britische Regierung nennt Assange-Urteil lächerlich ASSANGE, JULIAN / UN / GB / SE
20160205 rt.com Freeing Julian Assange: The last chapter – John Pilger ASSANGE, JULIAN / UN / GB / SE
20160205 gov.uk UK disputes UN working group opinion on Julian Assange ASSANGE, JULIAN / UN / GB / SE
20160205 rt.com UK, Sweden reject UN panel ruling in favor of Julian Assange ASSANGE, JULIAN / UN / GB / SE
20160205 rt.com UN panel rules Julian Assange arbitrarily detained, entitled to liberty & compensation ASSANGE, JULIAN / UN / GB / SE
20160205 un.org WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange arbitrarily detained by Sweden and the UK, UN panel finds UN / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20160205 ohchr.org Julian Assange arbitrarily detained by Sweden and the UK, UN expert panel finds UN / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20160204 sputniknews.com OHCHR Refuses to Confirm Deeming Assange Detention Illegal ASSANGE, JULIAN / UN / OHCHR / BBC
20160204 rt.com WikiLeaks 'waiting for official confirmation' after BBC report UN ruled in Assange's favor ASSANGE, JULIAN / UN / OHCHR / BBC


Date Source Title Tags
20151215 spiegel.de Jugoslawien-Tribunal in Den Haag: Zweiter Anlauf gegen Milosevics "eisigen" Geheimdienstchef STANISIC, JOVICA / SIMATOVIC, FRANKO / RS / KGB / CIA / ICTY / UN / HOFFMANN, KLAUS / YU
20151122 rt.com UN calls on world to fight ISIS as Security Council unanimously adopts French-drafted resolution UN / ISIS
20151004 spiegel.de US-Luftangriff in Kunduz: Ärzte ohne Grenzen spricht von Kriegsverbrechen AF / US / MSF / UN
20151003 spiegel.de Kampf um Kunduz: Uno nennt US-Angriff auf Krankenhaus "unentschuldbar" AF / US / MSF / UN
20151003 zeit.de Ärzte ohne Grenzen: UN halten Angriff für "unentschuldbar und vielleicht sogar kriminell" AF / US / MSF / UN
20151003 rt.com ‘Inexcusable, possibly even criminal’: UN rights chief says Kunduz bombing may be war crime AF / US / MSF / UN
20150930 spiegel.de Nahostkonflikt: Palästinenserpräsident Abbas kündigt Osloer Friedensprozess auf PS / IL / UN
20150831 rt.com Move UN HQ to neutral country, says Russian MP UN
20150611 spiegel.de Spionageverdacht bei Atomverhandlungen: Israel weist Verstrickungen zurück UN / IR / IL / CH / AT


Date Source Title Tags
20141003 spiegel.de Uno-Resolution zur Terrorbekämpfung: "Das ist Gesetzgebung im Hinterzimmer" UN / DE / TERRORISM
20140414 spiegel.de Konflikt in der Ostukraine: Russland im Sicherheitsrat isoliert RU / UN / UA


Date Source Title Tags
20131120 foreignpolicy.com Exclusive: Inside America's Plan to Kill Online Privacy Rights Everywhere DE / BR / UN / US / NSA / SURVEILLANCE / PRIVACY
20131116 rt.com Frank La Rue UN / LA RUE, FRANK / GB / FREEDOM OF PRESS / GUARDIAN
20131027 faz.net Spionage-Affäre: Merkel und Rousseff bereiten UN-Resolution gegen Amerika vor MERKEL, ANGELA / ROUSSEFF, DILMA / UN
20131020 aljazeera.com GCC backs Saudi Arabia rejection of UN seat - Group's head praises Saudi stance, while Qatar backs neighbour's reasons for turning down place on Security Council. UN / SA / QA / GCC
20130920 theguardian.com Brazil's controversial plan to extricate the internet from US control - President Rousseff expected to bring the conversation about the continued role of US-based supernetworks to the UN this month BR / US / UN
20130913 spiegel.de Generalsekretär Ban: Uno-Inspektoren werden Chemiewaffeneinsatz in Syrien bestätigten UN / SY
20130902 rt.com Syria urges UN to prevent ‘US-led foreign aggression’ SY / UN / US
20130826 ctvnews.ca UN says nations are banned from spying on it, will address Snowden leak UN / VIENNA CONVENTION / NSA
20130826 spiegel.de Giftgas-Untersuchung in Syrien: Uno-Inspektoren sammeln "wertvolle Daten" SY / UN
20130712 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden: US officials are preventing me claiming asylum - NSA whistleblower calls meeting with Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch at Sheremetyevo airport SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL / HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH / LOKSCHINA, TATJANA / UN / LUKIN, VLADIMIR
20130712 spiegel.de NSA-Abhörskandal: Snowden will Menschenrechtler in Moskau treffen SNOWDEN, EDWARD / AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL / HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH / LOKSCHINA, TATJANA / UN / LUKIN, VLADIMIR
20130703 guardian.co.uk South American nations furious over diversion of Bolivian president's plane – live SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / MORALES, EVO / AT / UN / UNASUR / FR / ES / PT / IT
20130516 counterpunch.org Betrayed by the Human Rights Community: European Silence Over Bradley Manning MANNING, BRADLEY / AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL / EU / UN
20130402 spiegel.de Vollversammlung in New York: Uno verabschiedet erstes globales Abkommen zu Waffenhandel WEAPONTRADE / UN


Date Source Title Tags
20121221 jpost.com Netanyahu: Jerusalem is ours, I don't care what the UN says IL / NETANJAHU, BENJAMIN / UN
20121204 guardian.co.uk UN tells Israel to let in nuclear inspectors: As nuclear peace talks are cancelled, overwhelming vote by general assembly calls for Israel to join nonproliferation treaty IL / UN / NUCLEAR WEAPONS
20121130 spiegel.de Palästinas Anerkennung: Uno-Schlappe entzweit Israelis PS / UN / IL
20121129 spiegel.de Abstimmung über Beobachterstatus: Uno erkennt Palästina als Staat an UN / PS
20121114 spiegel.de Konflikt in Gaza: Ägypten zieht Botschafter aus Israel ab IL / EG / UN
20121113 aljazeera.com An internet conference in a surveillance state: Given Azerbaijan's notorious record on censorship, holding the Internet Governance Forum in Baku raised some eyebrows AZ / IGF / UN / CENSORSHIP
20121112 spiegel.de Uno-Antrag von Abbas: Berlin sperrt sich gegen Aufwertung der Palästinenser PS / DE / UN
20121111 guardian.co.uk UN 'may use torture evidence to impose sanctions on terror suspects' - United Nations' special rapporteur on counter-terrorism questions integrity of security council's enforcement regime UN / TORTURE
22.10.2012 news.cnet.com U.N. calls for 'anti-terror' Internet surveillance: United Nations report calls for Internet surveillance, saying lack of "internationally agreed framework for retention of data" is a problem, as are open Wi-Fi networks in airports, cafes, and libraries. UN / UNODC
21.09.2012 dawn.com UN team opposes new powers for spy agencies PK / UN
25.07.2012 taz.de UN-Konferenz zum Waffenhandel: Löcheriges Abkommen zum Schluss: Die UN-Verhandlungen zur Regulierung und Reduzierung des weltweiten Waffenhandels sind quasi gescheitert. Der Schlussvertrag hat riesige Schlupflöcher. WEAPONS UN
15.07.2012 spiegel.de Angriff auf Tremseh: Syriens Regime bezichtigt Annan der Lüge SY UN
14.07.2012 spiegel.de Massaker an Zivilisten: Uno-Fahnder berichten von Blutlachen in Tremse SY UN
28.06.2012 spiegel.de Friedensplan für Syrien: Russland geht auf Distanz zu Assad SY RU UN
03.03.2012 aljazeera.com UN chief criticises Syria for Homs assault UN SY


Date Source Title Tags
20110610 wikileaks.org Sarkozy Determined to Proceed With Mideast Initiative, May Pressure U.S. President (TS//SI-G//OC/NF) SARKOZY, NICOLAS / IL / PS / JUPPE, ALAIN / UN / KI-MOON, BAN / LAVROV, SERGEY / MEDVEDEV, DMITRIY / OBAMA, BARACK


Date Source Title Tags
10.11.2006 hrw.org Sweden Violated Torture Ban in CIA Rendition: Diplomatic Assurances Against Torture Offer No Protection From Abuse SE / TORTURE / UN / CIA
2006 wikileaks.org (TS//SI-G//OC) French President Presses for Selection of Roed-Larsen as Deputy UNSYG CHIRAC, JACQUES / DOUSTE-BLAZY, PHILIPPE / ROED-LARSEN, TERJE / UN


Date Source Title Tags
20011003 un.org Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security CYBERWAR / UN