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= Articles =
= Articles =
== 2024 ==
|20240827||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/603142-biden-demand-covid-censorship-zuckerberg/ Biden demanded Covid censorship – Zuckerberg / The Meta CEO has claimed that the White House pressured the company to remove certain pandemic-related content from social media]||[[FACEBOOK]] / [[INSTAGRAM]] / [[ZUCKERBERG, MARK]] / [[WHITE HOUSE]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20240324||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/rki-journalisten-klagen-erfolgreich-auf-herausgabe-von-corona-protokollen-a-2d6aa52a-e35a-4535-95fe-eeb4ff5f451b Robert Koch-Institut Journalisten klagen erfolgreich auf Herausgabe von Corona-Protokollen / Die Protokolle des RKI-Corona-Krisenstabs galten als Verschlusssache. Nun haben Journalisten erfolgreich auf Herausgabe der Dokumente geklagt. Der Inhalt wirft Fragen über die Entscheidungen in der Pandemie auf.]||[[COVID-19]] / [[RKI]]
== 2023 ==
|20230818||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russian-general-suggests-us-helped-create-covid-19-may-be-plotting-new-pandemic-global Russian General Suggests U.S. Helped Create COVID-19, May Be Plotting New Pandemic For 'Global Control']||[[COVID-19]]
|20230406||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/corona-wuhan-china-bestaetigt-fund-von-marderhund-dna-auf-dem-tiermarkt-a-6a4dd3bb-adf9-44c6-98c6-728690414c15 Genanalysen aus Wuhan China bestätigt Fund von Marderhund-DNA auf Tiermarkt]||[[COVID-19]]
|20230117||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/big-pharma-bullied-twitter-censor-cheap-vaccine-demands-zerohedge-articles Musk Says ZeroHedge Did "Nothing Warranting Suspension" After 'Twitter Files' Expose Big Pharma Bullying]||[[PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY]] / [[TWITTER]] / [[COVID-19]]
== 2022 ==
|20220112||spiked-online.com||[https://www.spiked-online.com/2022/01/12/why-did-scientists-suppress-the-lab-leak-theory/ Why did scientists suppress the lab-leak theory? - In private, they said it was plausible. In public, they called it a conspiracy theory.]||[[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[COVID-19]]
== 2021 ==
|20210913||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/534708-sputnik-vaccine-argentina-study/ Single shot of Sputnik V effective against Covid hospitalization & deaths among elderly – Argentine study published by The Lancet]||[[COVID-19]]
|20210608||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/apps/apotheken-stellen-ab-montag-den-digitalen-impfnachweis-aus-a-f90dd4a9-5a6c-4a02-b553-17411ccfffcd Corona-Schutz Apotheken stellen ab Montag den digitalen Impfnachweis aus]||[[COVID-19]]
|20210515||tagesschau.de||[https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/vitamin-d-corona-101.html BfR ändert Vitamin D könnte bei Covid-19 doch nützlich sein]||[[COVID-19]]
|20210415||ox.ac.uk||[https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2021-04-15-risk-rare-blood-clotting-higher-covid-19-vaccines Risk of rare blood clotting higher for COVID-19 than for vaccines]||[[COVID-19]]
|20210417||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/sputnik-v-so-einfach-kommen-deutsche-touristen-in-russland-an-den-impfstoff-a-548bf4c4-d7d3-4dfb-ad0c-1ad827df7543 Deutsche Impftouristen in Moskau Einmal Sputnik V und zurück]||[[COVID-19]]
|20210318||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/corona-impfungen-in-chile-was-macht-das-land-besser-als-andere-a-1f09f604-7d9c-422f-8a76-588353c21ce8 Erfolgreiche Coronastrategie Warum Chile schneller impft als jedes andere Land]||[[COVID-19]]
|20210318||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/corona-helfen-die-impfungen-auch-gegen-long-covid-a-393bbfe3-2bc1-4f1f-87ae-e0d72dad076f Coronapandemie Helfen Impfungen auch gegen »Long Covid«?]||[[COVID-19]]
|20210130||tagesschau.de||[https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/gesellschaft/post-covid-patientin-101.html Langzeitfolgen von Corona Diagnose: Post-Covid-Syndrom]||[[COVID-19]]
|20210118||nature.com||[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03207-w Evolution of antibody immunity to SARS-CoV-2]||[[COVID-19]]
|20210116||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/512704-who-covid-mutating-race-humanity/ ‘We may never find patient zero’: WHO urges to be ‘careful’ about attributing start of Covid-19 pandemic]||[[WHO]] / [[COVID-19]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20210109||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/corona-ansteckungsgefahr-im-flugzeug-ein-langstreckenflug-vier-ansteckungen-a-980f7fd8-e93f-44c5-9a51-cf05a4aacb02 Corona und Reisen Ein Langstreckenflug, vier Ansteckungen]||[[AIR TRANSPORT]] / [[COVID-19]]
== 2020 ==
== 2020 ==
=== 202012 ===
|20201227||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hunderte-briten-verschwinden-ueber-nacht-aus-schweizer-corona-quarantaene-a-fd789b03-b1bd-4b8d-a800-3c19998801c9Verschärfte Corona-Regeln Hunderte Briten verschwinden aus Schweizer Quarantäne]||[[COVID-19]] / [[CH]]
|20201227||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/oesterreich-massenandrang-von-skifahrern-loest-chaos-aus-a-88cf1e45-69e3-4ec1-8641-e0c0aa69ef2b Staus, Chaos, lange Wartezeiten Massenandrang in Österreichs Skigebieten]||[[COVID-19]] / [[AT]]
|20201218||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/belgien-politikerin-verraet-versehentlich-impfstoffpreise-auf-twitter-a-7313d168-6486-45d5-9fef-b347639e3d03 Auf Twitter Belgische Politikerin verrät versehentlich Impfstoffpreise]||[[COVID-19]]
|20201218||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/510140-eu-vaccine-prices-leak-belgium/ 'A bit too transparent'? Pfizer fumes as Belgian official leaks all VACCINE PRICES for EU in 'unintended' Twitter post]||[[COVID-19]]
=== 202011 ===
|20201115||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/506796-coronavirus-italy-blood-september/ Covid-19 was present in Italy as early as SEPTEMBER 2019, study of lung cancer screenings shows]||[[COVID-19]]
=== 202010 ===
|20201002||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-und-melania-trump-positiv-auf-corona-getestet-a-20559f6a-6e51-4492-94ca-74be0ea882e4 US-Präsident infiziert Donald und Melania Trump positiv auf Corona getestet]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[TRUMP, MELANIA]] / [[COVID-19]]
=== 202009 ===
|20200929||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/gesundheit/diagnose/coronavirus-kann-man-sich-im-flugzeug-mit-dem-coronavirus-anstecken-a-ed3df4c1-60fb-4539-9e6e-6afb2637260b Covid-19 Kann man sich im Flugzeug mit dem Coronavirus anstecken?]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200927||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/corona-spuerhunde-an-flughaefen-hunde-koennten-in-der-pandemie-helfen-a-9c9b7c8d-fd3d-459f-b4c4-a552dad13452 Corona-Spürhunde an Flughäfen "Hunde könnten in der Pandemie helfen"]||[[COVID-19]] / [[SNIFFER DOGS]] / [[DOGS]]
|20200904||reuters.com||[https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-russia-vaccine/results-of-russias-covid-19-vaccine-produced-antibody-response-the-lancet-idUSKBN25V1I2 Russia's COVID-19 vaccine showed antibody response in initial trials]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200903||chrismasterjohnphd.com||[https://chrismasterjohnphd.com/covid-19/finally-confirmed-vitamin-d-nearly-abolishes-icu-risk-in-covid-19 Finally Confirmed! Vitamin D Nearly Abolishes ICU Risk in COVID-19]||[[COVID-19]]
=== 202008 ===
|20200827||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/wenn-wir-die-tests-abschaffen-droht-uns-ein-zweiter-lockdown-a-0ea3b2b2-3553-4570-b1b5-e4d6efbf7298 Lufthansa-Vorstand zu geplanten Reiseregeln "Wenn wir die Tests abschaffen, droht uns ein zweiter Lockdown"]||[[LUFTHANSA]] / [[DE]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200824||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/coronavirus-erster-fall-von-reinfektion-mit-sars-cov-2-bestaetigt-a-f22fe3bd-d910-433c-bd3a-c7fcc1923bbd Immunität Erster Fall von erneuter Infektion mit Sars-CoV-2 bestätigt]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200813||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/497927-russian-covid-vaccine-long-effect/ Russian developer of world's first Covid-19 vaccine says it will protect against killer virus for at least TWO YEARS]||[[COVID-19]]
=== 202007 ===
=== 202007 ===
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|20200812||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/coronavirus-forscher-finden-erstmals-infektioese-viren-in-der-luft-a-dc414f6b-870a-4137-875d-cd125f0806b3 Aerosol-Forschung Wissenschaftler finden erstmals infektiöse Coronaviren in der Luft]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200807||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/497360-russia-first-covid19-vaccine/ Russia has created world’s 1st Covid-19 vaccine, registration expected next week – Health Ministry]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200729||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/coronavirus-russland-behauptet-im-august-den-ersten-impfstoff-zu-haben-a-d3d4bbf1-34e0-4bf3-a931-46da442beba9 Covid-19 Russland behauptet, im August den ersten Impfstoff zu haben]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200726||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3094640/donald-trumps-chinese-lab-theory-may-be-weakened-fdas-bat Donald Trump’s ‘Chinese lab’ theory may be weakened by FDA’s bat coronavirus discovery]||[[FDA]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200723||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/economy/china-economy/article/3094355/chinas-sex-toy-makers-growth-spurt-coronavirus-lockdowns-fuel?li_source=LI&li_medium=homepage_int_edition_top_picks_for_you China’s sex toy makers in growth spurt, as coronavirus lockdowns fuel global appetite]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200722||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/495509-canada-covid-glory-hole/ British Columbia officially endorses GLORY HOLES for safer sex in coronavirus times]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200722||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/psychologie/psychologie-der-corona-krise-die-meisten-werden-das-durchstehen-a-3a1ad82c-396e-41d3-8de6-062cbd38bff5 Psychologie hinter Pandemien "Die meisten werden das durchstehen"]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200717||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/495124-imperial-vaccine-made-uk-hoarding/ Forget Russian hackers: Real danger is the US hoarding UK vaccines, says head of Imperial College study]||[[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200716||wsws.org||[https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/07/16/pris-j16.html Nearly 70,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases in US prisons]||[[US]] / [[PRISONS]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200719||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/world/russia-central-asia/article/3093786/coronavirus-russia-could-have-covid-19-vaccine Coronavirus: Russia ‘could have Covid-19 vaccine by September’, official claims]||[[RU]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200716||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/corona-impfstoff-usa-kanada-und-grossbritannien-werfen-russland-hacker-angriffe-vor-a-44075d66-24fe-4d98-a8a8-8bb60a829e32 Corona-Labors Kampf um Impfstoff - USA, Kanada und Großbritannien werfen Russland Hackerangriffe vor]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200706||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/06/coronavirus-world-treating-symptoms-not-cause-pandemics-un-report Coronavirus: world treating symptoms, not cause of pandemics, says UN - Ongoing destruction of nature will result in stream of animal diseases jumping to humans, says report]||[[COVID-19]] / [[PANDEMICS]] / [[MEAT]]
|20200703||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3091623/us-students-throw-coronavirus-parties-infect-guests US students throw ‘coronavirus parties’ to infect guests, giving prizes to those who catch Covid-19 first]||[[US]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200701||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/remdesivir-usa-haben-weltweiten-bestand-von-moeglichem-covid-19-medikament-fuer-monate-aufgekauft-a-39d8049f-a344-4722-b630-9c50af878d90 Remdesivir: USA kaufen weltweite Bestände von möglichem Corona-Medikament auf]||[[COVID-19]] / [[GILEAD]]
|202007||cdc.gov||[https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/7/20-0885_article Aerosol and Surface Distribution of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 in Hospital Wards, Wuhan, China, 2020]||[[COVID-19]]
|202007||cdc.gov||[https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/26/7/20-0885_article Aerosol and Surface Distribution of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 in Hospital Wards, Wuhan, China, 2020]||[[COVID-19]]
=== 202006 ===
|20200629||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/coronavirus-in-uruguay-eine-oase-im-zentrum-der-pandemie-a-e73055d5-d3ba-465a-a9c6-86488d64981c Uruguay und das Coronavirus Die Oase im Zentrum der Pandemie]||[[UY]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200626||reuters.com||[https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-spain-science/coronavirus-traces-found-in-march-2019-sewage-sample-spanish-study-shows-idUSKBN23X2HQ Coronavirus traces found in March 2019 sewage sample, Spanish study shows]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200617||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/dexamethason-who-nennt-ergebnisse-zu-covid-19-medikament-durchbruch-a-f2c61c7a-ef1d-454a-9dee-dba9d3ace2e0 Studie aus Großbritannien WHO nennt Ergebnisse zu Covid-19-Medikament einen "Durchbruch"]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200608||dw.com||[https://www.dw.com/de/was-haben-blutgruppen-mit-covid-19-zu-tun/a-53727875Was haben Blutgruppen mit COVID-19 zu tun?]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200608||bloomber.com||[https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-06-08/23andme-provides-more-evidence-that-blood-type-plays-role-in-virus 23andMe Provides More Evidence That Blood Type Plays Role in Virus]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200604||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/aerosole-und-coronavirus-die-gefahr-in-der-luft-a-744efba4-6a9f-41f2-acd4-a4749aecb60a Aerosole und Coronavirus Die Gefahr in der Luft]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200603||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/490640-who-destructive-second-wave/ 'Very destructive' SECOND wave of Covid-19 may come as countries lift restrictions, WHO warns]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200603||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/coronavirus-china-hielt-wohl-informationen-mehr-als-eine-woche-zurueck-a-68232648-390f-479d-b6b6-8887f5e5a926 Kampf gegen Coronavirus China hielt wichtige Information wohl mehr als eine Woche zurück]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200602||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/service/uno-luftfahrtorganisation-empfiehlt-ein-meter-abstand-zwischen-passagieren-a-36b4543b-a39e-4e6b-b271-c6186bf47b12 Schutzmaßnahmen gegen das Coronavirus Uno-Luftfahrtorganisation empfiehlt einen Meter Abstand zwischen Passagieren]||[[COVID-19]] / [[ICAO]]
|20200602||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/corona-uebersichtsstudie-so-wirken-mindestabstand-masken-und-augenschutz-a-b13e31a1-f7e8-4c2f-8559-1d6d00559094  Neue Corona-Übersichtsstudie So wirken Mindestabstand, Masken und Augenschutz]||[[COVID-19]]
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|20200531||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/corona-pandemie-warum-steigen-die-fallzahlen-trotz-der-lockerungen-nicht-a-869e1f82-3a10-415c-a01a-4173d8435773 Trotz Corona-Lockerungen Das Rätsel um die niedrigen Fallzahlen]||[[COVID-19]] / [[DE]]
|20200521||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/coronavirus-brasilien-in-der-krise-jair-bolsonaros-realitaetsverlust-a-e73166ef-7a1d-4af8-b6cb-65c2eb72648a Coronavirus in Brasilien Bolsonaros Realitätsverlust]||[[BOLSONARO, JAIR]] / [[BR]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200519||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3084946/t-cells-found-healthy-people-pandemic-may-help T cells found in healthy people before pandemic may help fight coronavirus, study says]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200519||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/19/mps-hear-why-hong-kong-had-no-covid-19-care-home-deaths MPs hear why Hong Kong had no Covid-19 care home deaths]||[[HK]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200519||globaltimes.cn||[https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1188793.shtml China to develop COVID-19 vaccine as global public good, reflects nation's intl generosity: analysts]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200516||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3084699/coronavirus-chinese-virologist-shi-zhengli-publishes-new-paper Coronavirus: Chinese virologist Shi Zhengli publishes new paper on pathogen’s evolution]||[[SHI, ZHENGLI]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200516||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/world/article/3084735/coronavirus-eight-covid-19-vaccine-candidates-are-clinical-trial-who Coronavirus: eight Covid-19 vaccine candidates are in clinical trial, WHO says]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200515||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/china/society/article/3084635/china-confirms-unauthorised-labs-were-told-destroy-early China confirms unauthorised labs were told to destroy early coronavirus samples]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200515||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/world/united-states-canada/article/3084478/us-still-has-no-coronavirus-plan-whistle-blower US still has no coronavirus plan, whistle-blower Rick Bright says, warning that Americans are at risk]||[[BRIGHT, RICK]] / [[US]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200514||sueddeutsche.de||[https://www.sueddeutsche.de/gesundheit/coronavirus-uebertragung-aerosole-1.4907751 Coronavirus: Übertragung durch stehende Raumluft?]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200511||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/coronavirus-spreads-meat-plants-200-usda-inspectors-test-positive As COVID-19 Spreads In Meat Plants, 200 USDA Inspectors Test Positive]||[[US]] / [[MEAT]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200511||berliner-zeitung.de||[https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/gesundheit-oekologie/faktencheck-wurde-sars-cov-2-im-labor-fabriziert-li.83239 Faktencheck : Wurde Sars-CoV-2 im Labor fabriziert?]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200510||jpost.com||[https://www.jpost.com/International/Anti-viral-drug-cocktail-shows-success-clearing-COVID-19-in-seven-days-627532 Anti-viral drug cocktail shows success clearing COVID-19 in 'seven days']||[[INTERFERONS]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200508||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/health-environment/article/3083394/university-hong-kong-study-finds-eyes-are University of Hong Kong study finds eyes are ‘important route’ for coronavirus, up to 100 times more infectious than Sars]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200507||thunertagblatt.ch||[https://www.thunertagblatt.ch/indizien-deuten-auf-erste-corona-faelle-im-herbst-hin-276421860802 Ausbruch der PandemieIndizien deuten auf erste Corona-Fälle im Herbst hin]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200507||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3083211/coronavirus-may-have-jumped-humans-early-october-study-says Coronavirus may have jumped to humans as early as October, study says]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200507||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3083211/coronavirus-may-have-jumped-humans-early-october-study-says Coronavirus may have jumped to humans as early as October, study says]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200506||militarytimes.com||[https://www.militarytimes.com/news/your-military/2020/05/06/coronavirus-survivors-banned-from-joining-the-military/ Coronavirus survivors banned from joining the military]||[[US ARMY]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200506||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/487880-german-scientists-coronavirus-antibody-treatment/ Game changer: German scientists find antibodies that BLOCK coronavirus from spreading further]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200506||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/coronavirus-hat-sich-wohl-schon-ende-2019-weltweit-verbreitet-a-1fae6491-5db2-45cb-bccc-86606ac07ca8 Genanalysen Coronavirus hat sich wohl schon Ende 2019 weltweit verbreitet]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200506||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/coronavirus-hat-sich-wohl-schon-ende-2019-weltweit-verbreitet-a-1fae6491-5db2-45cb-bccc-86606ac07ca8 Genanalysen Coronavirus hat sich wohl schon Ende 2019 weltweit verbreitet]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200506||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/coronavirus-hat-sich-wohl-schon-ende-2019-weltweit-verbreitet-a-1fae6491-5db2-45cb-bccc-86606ac07ca8 Lockerung der Corona-Regeln Das ist in den Bundesländern wieder erlaubt]||[[COVID-19]] / [[DE]]
|20200506||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/coronavirus-hat-sich-wohl-schon-ende-2019-weltweit-verbreitet-a-1fae6491-5db2-45cb-bccc-86606ac07ca8 Lockerung der Corona-Regeln Das ist in den Bundesländern wieder erlaubt]||[[COVID-19]] / [[DE]]
|20200505||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/health/researcher-cusp-covid-19-breakthrough-killed-bizarre-murder-suicide Researcher On Cusp Of COVID-19 Breakthrough Killed In Bizarre Murder-Suicide]||[[COVID-19]] / [[LIU, BING]] / [[GU, HAO]]
|20200505||post-gazette.com||[https://www.post-gazette.com/news/crime-courts/2020/05/04/ross-township-murder-suicide-bing-liu-police-elm-court/stories/202005040082 Pitt researcher who was studying coronavirus was victim in Ross murder-suicide]||[[COVID-19]] / [[LIU, BING]] / [[GU, HAO]]
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|20200430||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/corona-krise-bundesregierung-schafft-voraussetzungen-fuer-immunitaetspass-a-882c9ecc-7d06-4c8d-bd1c-299b6d565532 Corona-Bekämpfung Das Für und Wider eines Immunitätspasses]||[[DE]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200430||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/corona-krise-bundesregierung-schafft-voraussetzungen-fuer-immunitaetspass-a-882c9ecc-7d06-4c8d-bd1c-299b6d565532 Corona-Bekämpfung Das Für und Wider eines Immunitätspasses]||[[DE]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200428||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/china/science/article/3081959/coronavirus-outbreak-france-did-not-come-directly-china-gene Coronavirus outbreak in France did not come directly from China, gene-tracing scientists say]||[[COVID-19]] / [[FR]]
|20200427||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/corona-virus-miserable-bewertungen-fuer-viele-corona-antikoerpertests-a-19f0e4b7-37a2-4d65-bc8d-406dfa70ce8e Viele Corona-Antikörpertests liefern falsche Ergebnisse]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200427||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/corona-virus-miserable-bewertungen-fuer-viele-corona-antikoerpertests-a-19f0e4b7-37a2-4d65-bc8d-406dfa70ce8e Viele Corona-Antikörpertests liefern falsche Ergebnisse]||[[COVID-19]]
Line 330: Line 558:
|20200207||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/coronavirus-krankenhaus-bestaetigt-tod-von-whistleblower-arzt-a-27aa0af7-76d6-4e88-a000-335ebd464812 Coronavirus: Chinesisches Krankenhaus bestätigt Tod von Whistleblower-Arzt / Erste Meldungen über den Tod von Li Wenliang wurden noch dementiert – nun hat sein Krankenhaus bestätigt: Der chinesische Arzt ist am Coronavirus gestorben. Er hatte schon Ende 2019 vor der Krankheit gewarnt.]||[[2019-nCoV]] / [[WENLIANG, LI]] / [[WHISTLEBLOWING]]
|20200207||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/medizin/coronavirus-krankenhaus-bestaetigt-tod-von-whistleblower-arzt-a-27aa0af7-76d6-4e88-a000-335ebd464812 Coronavirus: Chinesisches Krankenhaus bestätigt Tod von Whistleblower-Arzt / Erste Meldungen über den Tod von Li Wenliang wurden noch dementiert – nun hat sein Krankenhaus bestätigt: Der chinesische Arzt ist am Coronavirus gestorben. Er hatte schon Ende 2019 vor der Krankheit gewarnt.]||[[2019-nCoV]] / [[WENLIANG, LI]] / [[WHISTLEBLOWING]]
|20200206||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/health/wuhan-institute-virology-and-chinese-army-submit-patent-gilead-anti-ebola-drug-fight Wuhan Institute Of Virology And Chinese Army Submit Patent For Gilead Anti-Ebola Drug To Fight Coronavirus]||[[WUHAN INSTITUTE OF VIROLOGY]] / [[2019-nCoV]]
|20200206||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/health/wuhan-institute-virology-and-chinese-army-submit-patent-gilead-anti-ebola-drug-fight Wuhan Institute Of Virology And Chinese Army Submit Patent For Gilead Anti-Ebola Drug To Fight Coronavirus]||[[WUHAN INSTITUTE OF VIROLOGY]] / [[2019-nCoV]] / [[GILEAD]]
|20200206||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/health/original-china-virus-whistleblower-doctor-dies Original China Virus Whistleblower Doctor Dies]||[[WENLIANG, LI]] / [[2019-nCoV]]
|20200206||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/health/original-china-virus-whistleblower-doctor-dies Original China Virus Whistleblower Doctor Dies]||[[WENLIANG, LI]] / [[2019-nCoV]]
Line 397: Line 625:
* http://nrg.cs.ucl.ac.uk/mjh/covid19/#covid-world-linear (Growth Rate)
* http://nrg.cs.ucl.ac.uk/mjh/covid19/#covid-world-linear (Growth Rate)
* https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EWn7EBlXQAIugtD?format=jpg&name=large (Comparison to spanish flu)
* https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EWn7EBlXQAIugtD?format=jpg&name=large (Comparison to spanish flu)
* https://www.rki.de/DE/Content/InfAZ/N/Neuartiges_Coronavirus/Risikogebiete_neu.html
= Cognitive Dissonance =
* https://twitter.com/JodiDoering/status/1327771329555292162#m
= Videos =
= Videos =
Line 403: Line 636:
|20210511||youtube.com||[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMF6gAVUt6o Indian doctors warn against cow dung as COVID cure]||[[COVID-19]]
|20200407||youtube.com||[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gdd7dtDaYmM Epoch Times: 1st documentary movie on the origin of CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus]||[[EPOCH TIMES]] / [[COVID-19]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20200407||youtube.com||[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gdd7dtDaYmM Epoch Times: 1st documentary movie on the origin of CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus]||[[EPOCH TIMES]] / [[COVID-19]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]

Latest revision as of 10:49, 30 August 2024

aka as the virus SARS-CoV-2



Date Source Title Tags
20240827 rt.com Biden demanded Covid censorship – Zuckerberg / The Meta CEO has claimed that the White House pressured the company to remove certain pandemic-related content from social media FACEBOOK / INSTAGRAM / ZUCKERBERG, MARK / WHITE HOUSE / COVID-19
20240324 spiegel.de Robert Koch-Institut Journalisten klagen erfolgreich auf Herausgabe von Corona-Protokollen / Die Protokolle des RKI-Corona-Krisenstabs galten als Verschlusssache. Nun haben Journalisten erfolgreich auf Herausgabe der Dokumente geklagt. Der Inhalt wirft Fragen über die Entscheidungen in der Pandemie auf. COVID-19 / RKI


Date Source Title Tags
20230818 zerohedge.com Russian General Suggests U.S. Helped Create COVID-19, May Be Plotting New Pandemic For 'Global Control' COVID-19
20230406 spiegel.de Genanalysen aus Wuhan China bestätigt Fund von Marderhund-DNA auf Tiermarkt COVID-19
20230117 zerohedge.com Musk Says ZeroHedge Did "Nothing Warranting Suspension" After 'Twitter Files' Expose Big Pharma Bullying PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY / TWITTER / COVID-19


Date Source Title Tags
20220112 spiked-online.com Why did scientists suppress the lab-leak theory? - In private, they said it was plausible. In public, they called it a conspiracy theory. ATTRIBUTION / COVID-19


Date Source Title Tags
20210913 rt.com Single shot of Sputnik V effective against Covid hospitalization & deaths among elderly – Argentine study published by The Lancet COVID-19
20210608 spiegel.de Corona-Schutz Apotheken stellen ab Montag den digitalen Impfnachweis aus COVID-19
20210515 tagesschau.de BfR ändert Vitamin D könnte bei Covid-19 doch nützlich sein COVID-19
20210415 ox.ac.uk Risk of rare blood clotting higher for COVID-19 than for vaccines COVID-19
20210417 spiegel.de Deutsche Impftouristen in Moskau Einmal Sputnik V und zurück COVID-19
20210318 spiegel.de Erfolgreiche Coronastrategie Warum Chile schneller impft als jedes andere Land COVID-19
20210318 spiegel.de Coronapandemie Helfen Impfungen auch gegen »Long Covid«? COVID-19
20210130 tagesschau.de Langzeitfolgen von Corona Diagnose: Post-Covid-Syndrom COVID-19
20210118 nature.com Evolution of antibody immunity to SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19
20210116 rt.com ‘We may never find patient zero’: WHO urges to be ‘careful’ about attributing start of Covid-19 pandemic WHO / COVID-19 / ATTRIBUTION
20210109 spiegel.de Corona und Reisen Ein Langstreckenflug, vier Ansteckungen AIR TRANSPORT / COVID-19



Date Source Title Tags
20201227 spiegel.de Corona-Regeln Hunderte Briten verschwinden aus Schweizer Quarantäne COVID-19 / CH
20201227 spiegel.de Staus, Chaos, lange Wartezeiten Massenandrang in Österreichs Skigebieten COVID-19 / AT
20201218 spiegel.de Auf Twitter Belgische Politikerin verrät versehentlich Impfstoffpreise COVID-19
20201218 rt.com 'A bit too transparent'? Pfizer fumes as Belgian official leaks all VACCINE PRICES for EU in 'unintended' Twitter post COVID-19


Date Source Title Tags
20201115 rt.com Covid-19 was present in Italy as early as SEPTEMBER 2019, study of lung cancer screenings shows COVID-19


Date Source Title Tags
20201002 spiegel.de US-Präsident infiziert Donald und Melania Trump positiv auf Corona getestet TRUMP, DONALD / TRUMP, MELANIA / COVID-19


Date Source Title Tags
20200929 spiegel.de Covid-19 Kann man sich im Flugzeug mit dem Coronavirus anstecken? COVID-19
20200927 spiegel.de Corona-Spürhunde an Flughäfen "Hunde könnten in der Pandemie helfen" COVID-19 / SNIFFER DOGS / DOGS
20200904 reuters.com Russia's COVID-19 vaccine showed antibody response in initial trials COVID-19
20200903 chrismasterjohnphd.com Finally Confirmed! Vitamin D Nearly Abolishes ICU Risk in COVID-19 COVID-19


Date Source Title Tags
20200827 spiegel.de Lufthansa-Vorstand zu geplanten Reiseregeln "Wenn wir die Tests abschaffen, droht uns ein zweiter Lockdown" LUFTHANSA / DE / COVID-19
20200824 spiegel.de Immunität Erster Fall von erneuter Infektion mit Sars-CoV-2 bestätigt COVID-19
20200813 rt.com Russian developer of world's first Covid-19 vaccine says it will protect against killer virus for at least TWO YEARS COVID-19


Date Source Title Tags
20200812 spiegel.de Aerosol-Forschung Wissenschaftler finden erstmals infektiöse Coronaviren in der Luft COVID-19
20200807 rt.com Russia has created world’s 1st Covid-19 vaccine, registration expected next week – Health Ministry COVID-19
20200729 spiegel.de Covid-19 Russland behauptet, im August den ersten Impfstoff zu haben COVID-19
20200726 scmp.com Donald Trump’s ‘Chinese lab’ theory may be weakened by FDA’s bat coronavirus discovery FDA / COVID-19
20200723 scmp.com China’s sex toy makers in growth spurt, as coronavirus lockdowns fuel global appetite COVID-19
20200722 rt.com British Columbia officially endorses GLORY HOLES for safer sex in coronavirus times COVID-19
20200722 spiegel.de Psychologie hinter Pandemien "Die meisten werden das durchstehen" COVID-19
20200717 rt.com Forget Russian hackers: Real danger is the US hoarding UK vaccines, says head of Imperial College study ATTRIBUTION / COVID-19
20200716 wsws.org Nearly 70,000 confirmed COVID-19 cases in US prisons US / PRISONS / COVID-19
20200719 scmp.com Coronavirus: Russia ‘could have Covid-19 vaccine by September’, official claims RU / COVID-19
20200716 spiegel.de Corona-Labors Kampf um Impfstoff - USA, Kanada und Großbritannien werfen Russland Hackerangriffe vor COVID-19
20200706 theguardian.com Coronavirus: world treating symptoms, not cause of pandemics, says UN - Ongoing destruction of nature will result in stream of animal diseases jumping to humans, says report COVID-19 / PANDEMICS / MEAT
20200703 scmp.com US students throw ‘coronavirus parties’ to infect guests, giving prizes to those who catch Covid-19 first US / COVID-19
20200701 spiegel.de Remdesivir: USA kaufen weltweite Bestände von möglichem Corona-Medikament auf COVID-19 / GILEAD
202007 cdc.gov Aerosol and Surface Distribution of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 in Hospital Wards, Wuhan, China, 2020 COVID-19


Date Source Title Tags
20200629 spiegel.de Uruguay und das Coronavirus Die Oase im Zentrum der Pandemie UY / COVID-19
20200626 reuters.com Coronavirus traces found in March 2019 sewage sample, Spanish study shows COVID-19
20200617 spiegel.de Studie aus Großbritannien WHO nennt Ergebnisse zu Covid-19-Medikament einen "Durchbruch" COVID-19
20200608 dw.com haben Blutgruppen mit COVID-19 zu tun? COVID-19
20200608 bloomber.com 23andMe Provides More Evidence That Blood Type Plays Role in Virus COVID-19
20200604 spiegel.de Aerosole und Coronavirus Die Gefahr in der Luft COVID-19
20200603 rt.com 'Very destructive' SECOND wave of Covid-19 may come as countries lift restrictions, WHO warns COVID-19
20200603 spiegel.de Kampf gegen Coronavirus China hielt wichtige Information wohl mehr als eine Woche zurück COVID-19
20200602 spiegel.de Schutzmaßnahmen gegen das Coronavirus Uno-Luftfahrtorganisation empfiehlt einen Meter Abstand zwischen Passagieren COVID-19 / ICAO
20200602 spiegel.de Neue Corona-Übersichtsstudie So wirken Mindestabstand, Masken und Augenschutz COVID-19


Date Source Title Tags
20200531 spiegel.de Trotz Corona-Lockerungen Das Rätsel um die niedrigen Fallzahlen COVID-19 / DE
20200521 spiegel.de Coronavirus in Brasilien Bolsonaros Realitätsverlust BOLSONARO, JAIR / BR / COVID-19
20200519 scmp.com T cells found in healthy people before pandemic may help fight coronavirus, study says COVID-19
20200519 theguardian.com MPs hear why Hong Kong had no Covid-19 care home deaths HK / COVID-19
20200519 globaltimes.cn China to develop COVID-19 vaccine as global public good, reflects nation's intl generosity: analysts COVID-19
20200516 scmp.com Coronavirus: Chinese virologist Shi Zhengli publishes new paper on pathogen’s evolution SHI, ZHENGLI / COVID-19
20200516 scmp.com Coronavirus: eight Covid-19 vaccine candidates are in clinical trial, WHO says COVID-19
20200515 scmp.com China confirms unauthorised labs were told to destroy early coronavirus samples COVID-19
20200515 scmp.com US still has no coronavirus plan, whistle-blower Rick Bright says, warning that Americans are at risk BRIGHT, RICK / US / COVID-19
20200514 sueddeutsche.de Coronavirus: Übertragung durch stehende Raumluft? COVID-19
20200511 zerohedge.com As COVID-19 Spreads In Meat Plants, 200 USDA Inspectors Test Positive US / MEAT / COVID-19
20200511 berliner-zeitung.de Faktencheck : Wurde Sars-CoV-2 im Labor fabriziert? COVID-19
20200510 jpost.com Anti-viral drug cocktail shows success clearing COVID-19 in 'seven days' INTERFERONS / COVID-19
20200508 scmp.com University of Hong Kong study finds eyes are ‘important route’ for coronavirus, up to 100 times more infectious than Sars COVID-19
20200507 thunertagblatt.ch Ausbruch der PandemieIndizien deuten auf erste Corona-Fälle im Herbst hin COVID-19
20200507 scmp.com Coronavirus may have jumped to humans as early as October, study says COVID-19
20200506 militarytimes.com Coronavirus survivors banned from joining the military US ARMY / COVID-19
20200506 rt.com Game changer: German scientists find antibodies that BLOCK coronavirus from spreading further COVID-19
20200506 spiegel.de Genanalysen Coronavirus hat sich wohl schon Ende 2019 weltweit verbreitet COVID-19
20200506 spiegel.de Lockerung der Corona-Regeln Das ist in den Bundesländern wieder erlaubt COVID-19 / DE
20200505 zerohedge.com Researcher On Cusp Of COVID-19 Breakthrough Killed In Bizarre Murder-Suicide COVID-19 / LIU, BING / GU, HAO
20200505 post-gazette.com Pitt researcher who was studying coronavirus was victim in Ross murder-suicide COVID-19 / LIU, BING / GU, HAO


Date Source Title Tags
20200430 spiegel.de Corona-Bekämpfung Das Für und Wider eines Immunitätspasses DE / COVID-19
20200428 scmp.com Coronavirus outbreak in France did not come directly from China, gene-tracing scientists say COVID-19 / FR
20200427 spiegel.de Viele Corona-Antikörpertests liefern falsche Ergebnisse COVID-19
20200427 rt.com Covid-19 mortality in French intensive care units THREE to FOUR TIMES HIGHER than official figures – report FR / COVID-19
20200427 rt.com Shock new development as children fall ill with syndrome similar to severe Covid-19 COVID-19
20200426 ft.com Global coronavirus death toll could be 60% higher than reported - Mortality statistics show 122,000 deaths in excess of normal levels across 14 countries analysed by the FT COVID-19
20200424 scmp.com could have Covid-19 vaccine ‘ready for public use early next year’ COVID-19
20200422 spiegel.de Bericht aus China Lüftungsanlagen könnten Corona verbreiten COVID-19
20200421 rt.com Antibody tests suggest Covid-19 may have spread much more than predicted, with possibly HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS infected worldwide COVID-19
20200421 spiegel.de Entzündungen und Blutgerinnung Fünf Theorien, wie Covid-19 Herz und Kreislauf schadet COVID-19
20200421 scmp.com Coronavirus attacks lining of blood vessels all over the body, Swiss study finds COVID-19
20200420 nasdaq.com Aytu BioScience Signs Exclusive Global License with Cedars-Sinai for Potential Coronavirus Treatment COVID-19
20200420 scmp.com Coronavirus’s ability to mutate has been vastly underestimated, and mutations affect deadliness of strains, Chinese study finds COVID-19
20200420 theguardian.com Liverpool v Atlético virus links 'interesting hypothesis', says government scientist LIVERPOOL / MADRID / COVID-19
20200419 medrxiv.org Patient-derived mutations impact pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 COVID-19
20200418 rt.com Neither ‘lab’ nor ‘wet market’? Covid-19 outbreak started months EARLIER and NOT in Wuhan, ongoing Cambridge study indicates COVID-19
20200417 scmp.com Coronavirus outbreak may have started in September, say British scientists COVID-19
20200417 spiegel.de Wirkstoff Remdesivir Möglicher Durchbruch bei Corona-Medikament COVID-19 / REMDESIVIR
20200414 zerohedge.com Chairman Of Jt. Chiefs Admits US Intel Has Taken 'Hard Look' At Wuhan Lab As Origin Of COVID-19 COVID-19 / WUHAN CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION / US DOD
20200414 rt.com 'Immoral & inhumane': Russian FM denounces US sanctions hampering worlds' efforts against Covid-19 pandemic US / SANCTIONS / COVID-19
20200414 reuters.com Exclusive: Nurses at Mexico hospital hit by coronavirus say they were told to avoid masks MX / MASKS / COVID-19
20200411 rt.com Cuba enraged over ‘cruel & genocidal’ US blockade impeding anti-coronavirus efforts US / SANCTIONS / COVID-19 / CU
20200413 zerohedge.com Morgan Stanley Publishes Full Timeline Of Upcoming Coronavirus Milestones; Sees Second Coronavirus Peak In December MORGAN STANLEY / COVID-19
20200411 scmp.com Coronavirus: Jane Goodall believes ‘disrespect for animals’ caused pandemic COVID-19
20200410 consortiumnews.com RAY McGOVERN: What if Ignored Covid-19 Warnings Had Been Leaked to WikiLeaks? WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / US 20010911 / COVID-19
20200408 researchsquare.com The role of Vitamin D in the prevention of Coronavirus Disease 2019 infection and mortality COVID-19
20200408 pnas.org Phylogenetic network analysis of SARS-CoV-2 genomes COVID-19
20200408 medium.com Belgian-Dutch Study: Why in times of COVID-19 you can not walk/run/bike close to each other. COVID-19
20200408 spiegel.de Studie der Uni Göttingen Hochrechnung sieht nur sechs Prozent der weltweiten Corona-Fälle erfasst COVID-19 / STATISTICS
20200408 abcnews.go.com Intelligence report warned of coronavirus crisis as early as November: Sources COVID-19
20200408 spiegel.de Coronavirus in Guayaquil Die Apokalypse von Ecuador COVID-19 / EC / GUAYAQUIL
20200403 theguardian.com 'They're leaving us to die': Ecuadorians' plead for help as virus blazes deadly trail COVID-19 / EC
20200403 rt.com Russian declaration aimed at stopping sanctions amid coronavirus crisis REJECTED at UN General Assembly SANCTIONS / UN / RU / COVID-19
20200402 spiegel.de Überschlagsrechnungen zum Coronavirus Was uns die Zahl der Toten verrät COVID-19 / STATISTICS
20200402 rt.com ‘Criminal blockade’: Cuba outraged as delivery of Covid-19 aid from Alibaba chief aborted ‘at the last minute’ due to US sanctions CU / COVID-19 / CN / SANCTIONS
20200402 spiegel.de Vorwürfe französischer Regionalpolitiker USA sollen Schutzmasken in China weggekauft haben COVID-19 / MASKS / US / FR / CN
20200401 liberation.fr Fair-play: Une commande française de masques détournée vers les Etats-Unis sur un tarmac chinois COVID-19 / MASKS / US / FR / CN
20200401 rt.com US bought France-bound face masks for CASH from China – French official to RT COVID-19 / MASKS / US / FR / CN
20200401 spiegel.de Virus bedroht Italiens Erntehelfer "Die gesamte Lebensmittelproduktion könnte ins Stocken geraten" COVID-19 / IT / FOOD PRICES / FOOD PRODUCTION
20200401 spiegel.de Eine Million Infizierte WHO-Chef besorgt über "schnelle Eskalation und weltweite Ausbreitung" WHO / COVID-19 / MASKS
20200401 spiegel.de Neue Corona-Warn-App Diese Technik soll Europas Infektions-Alarm werden INFECTION TRACKING / COVID-19
20200401 spiegel.de News-Update Zu viele Corona-Infektionen - Münchner Klinik stellt Alltagsbetrieb ein COVID-19
20200401 frag-den-staat.de Wie wir COVID-19 unter Kontrolle bekommen DE / COVID-19


Date Source Title Tags
20200329 rt.com ‘You should NOT leave your home’: Moscow mayor issues strict Covid-19 pandemic order, stopping short of complete lockdown MOSCOW / COVID-19
20200328 spiegel.de Ursprung des Corona-Virus Wer Fleisch isst, steigert das Pandemie-Risiko MEAT / COVID-19
20200328 spiegel.de Coronakrise im Norden: Schweden wählt den Sonderweg SE / COVID-19
20200328 rt.com Russia to ban ALL cross-border travel over Covid-19 pandemic RU / COVID-19
20200328 rt.com Russia presents Covid-19 TREATMENT based on existing anti-malaria drug COVID-19 / FMBA / MEFLOQUINE
20200327 spiegel.de Kampf gegen Covid-19 Vertrauliche Regierungsstudie beschreibt Corona-Szenarien für Deutschland DE / COVID-19
20200327 rt.com UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson tests POSITIVE for Covid-19 infection JOHNSON, BORIS / GB / COVID-19
20200327 heise.de Covid-19: "Smart Distancing" satt "Social Distancing" MASKS / COVID-19
20200327 theguardian.com Coronavirus outbreak: Global condom shortage looms as coronavirus shuts down production COVID-19 / CONDOMS
20200326 bbc.com Coronavirus: Mexicans demand crackdown on Americans crossing the border COVID-19 / MX / US
20200325 spiegel.de Coronakrise und Propaganda Europa verliert den Kampf der Bilder RU / IT / CU / CN / COVID-19
20200327 spiegel.de Dramatische Lage USA melden weltweit höchste Zahl an Corona-Infektionen US / COVID-19
20200325 alarabiya.net Coronavirus: Iceland’s mass testing finds half of carriers show no symptoms IS / COVID-19
20200324 zerohedge.com Pompeo Issues '5 Facts' Claiming Iran Exported COVID-19 To "At Least 5 Countries" POMPEO, MIKE / ATTRIBUTION / COVID-19
20200324 rt.com Assange lawyer Baltasar Garzon hospitalized with coronavirus GARZON, BALTASAR / COVID-19 / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20200324 spiegel.de US-Regierung torpediert G7-Erklärung Streit über "Wuhan-Virus" G7 / TRUMP, DONALD / POMPEO, MIKE / ATTRIBUTION / COVID-19
20200324 spiegel.de Trump und die Coronakrise Präsident im Panikmodus TRUMP, DONALD / COVID-19 / US
20200324 rt.com Coronavirus deaths in Turkey could reach 600,000, claims Turkish professor TR / COVID-19 / BASER, ONUR
20200323 theguardian.com Italian mayor flies his student daughters out of 'unsafe' England: Chief of virus-hit Bergamo says slow British response means they will be safer at home IT / GB / COVID-19
20200323 rt.com UK govt orders three-week lockdown to tackle Covid-19 GB / COVID-19
20200323 zerohedge.com Hell is Coming, 2 Million Americans Could Be Infected In Coming Weeks: Here is the Mathematical Proof US / COVID-19
20200323 spiegel.de Coronakrise in Iran Tod in der Isolation COVID-19 / IR
20200322 reuters.com Exclusive: U.S. axed CDC expert job in China months before virus outbreak CDC / COVID-19 / US
20200322 scmp.com Coronavirus: ‘strange pneumonia’ seen in Lombardy in November, leading Italian doctor says COVID-19 / IT
20200322 berlin.de Verordnung zur Eindämmung des Coronavirus in Berlin - Änderungsverordnungen vom 19. und 21.03. BERLIN / COVID-19
20200322 spiegel.de Corona-Pandemie Kanzlerin Merkel in häuslicher Quarantäne COVID-19 / MERKEL, ANGELA
20200322 spiegel.de Coronakrise Bund und Länder verständigen sich auf umfangreiches Kontaktverbot COVID-19 / DE
20200321 heise.de Masken: Sind die Chinesen übervorsichtig? RKI / COVID-19
20200319 meduza.io ‘They’re walking biological weapons and they don’t understand’ The ‘BBC’ interviewed hospital chief physician Denis Protsenko about Moscow's coronavirus outbreak. Here's a quick summary of what he said. COVID-19 / MOSCOW
20200319 medium.com Coronavirus: The Hammer and the Dance - What the Next 18 Months Can Look Like, if Leaders Buy Us Time COVID-19
20200318 spiegel.de Bürger aus EU-Risikoländern Regierung plant verschärfte Kontrollen für Flugreisende DE / COVID-19
20200318 rt.com US military ‘did not give it to ANYBODY’, coronavirus came from CHINA: Trump gets involved in bioweapon conspiracy spat ATTRIBUTION / COVID-19 / TRUMP, DONALD
20200318 spiegel.de Simulationsstudie Auf jeden bestätigten Corona-Fall kommen bis zu zehn unentdeckte COVID-19
20200316 rt.com ‘We are in a health war’: France severely limits movement for 2 weeks, cancels municipal elections FR / COVID-19
20200316 rt.com Pompeo tells China to quit spreading ‘outlandish rumors’ and blaming US for Covid-19 pandemic POMPEO, MIKE / ATTRIBUTION / COVID-19 / CN
20200316 spiegel.de Coronavirus Bundesregierung und Länder beschließen umfangreiche Einschränkungen COVID-19 / DE
20200316 spiegel.de Merkel über Coronavirus-Bekämpfung "Maßnahmen, die es so in unserem Lande noch nicht gegeben hat" DE / COVID-19 / MERKEL, ANGELA
20200316 tagesschau.de Kampf gegen das Coronavirus: Was noch geht - und was nicht COVID-19 / DE
20200316 bundeskanzlerin.de Vereinbarung zwischen der Bundesregierung und den Regierungschefinnen und Regierungschefs der Bundesländer angesichts der Corona-Epidemie in Deutschland COVID-19 / DE
20200315 theguardian.com UK coronavirus crisis 'to last until spring 2021 and could see 7.9m hospitalised' COVID-19 / GB
20200315 spiegel.de Seehofer zu Grenzschliessungen "Schuldig macht sich, wer nicht handelt" COVID-19 / DE / SEEHOFER, HORST
20200315 spiegel.de Coronakrise Deutsche Impfstoff-Firma wird nicht in die USA verkauft COVID-19 / CUREVAC
20200315 manager-magazin.de "America first" inmitten der Pandemie Deutschland wehrt sich gegen US-Zugriff auf Tübinger Impfstoff-Firma CureVac COVID-19 / CUREVAC
20200315 spiegel.de Coronakrise Trump will deutsche Impfstoff-Firma in die USA locken COVID-19 / CUREVAC
20200315 spiegel.de Notstand wegen Coronavirus Spanien steht still ES / COVID-19
20200314 helenofdestroy.com The Article That Got Me Booted Off Medium.com BUYNISKI, HELEN / COVID-19 / ATTRIBUTION
20200314 medium.com Don’t “Flatten the Curve,” stop it! COVID-19
20200314 berlin.de Verordnung zur Eindämmung des Coronavirus in Berlin - Der Senat von Berlin, 14.03.2020 COVID-19 / BERLIN
20200314 spiegel.de Behördenrechte in Zeiten von Corona "Notfalls dürften Beamte Zwang anwenden" COVID-19 / DE
20200314 rt.com US to suspend all travel to UK & Ireland from Monday night due to pandemic US / COVID-19
20200313 rt.com Beijing won't disown spokesman’s theory of US hand in coronavirus outbreak ATTRIBUTION / CN / COVID-19
20200313 rt.com Russia restricts air travel to EU over coronavirus, leaving only select few flights open COVID-19 / RU
20200313 zerohedge.com Twitter Won't Remove Chinese Official's Conspiracy Theory Suggesting US Army Secretly Infected Wuhan With COVID-19 ATTRIBUTION / COVID-19
20200313 tagesschau.de Ursprung des Coronavirus: China zeigt auf die USA COVID-19 / ATTRIBUTION / CN
20200312 zerohedge.com 'US Army Behind Covid-19 In Wuhan': China's Foreign Ministry Levels Bombastic Charge ATTRIBUTION / COVID-19 / CN
20200312 zeroehedge.com 30,000 US Soldiers Arrive In Europe Without Masks COVID-19 / US ARMY / EU
20200312 spiegel.de Erklärung von Donald Trump USA erlassen wegen Coronavirus 30-tägigen Einreisestopp aus Europa COVID-19 / US / EU
20200311 rt.com Trump admin blames China for 2 months lost in coronavirus prep as experts warn flaws in US health system doom its readiness COVID-19 / ATTRIBUTION
20200311 tagesschau.de Notstandsgesetze wegen Coronavirus? Vorsorge für den Ausnahmefall DE / COVID-19
20200311 reuters.com Exclusive: White House told federal health agency to classify coronavirus deliberations - sources COVID-19 / WHITE HOUSE
20200311 rt.com Expert hermit Snowden chimes in on latest coronavirus-enforced trend ‘social distancing’ COVID-19 / SOCIAL DISTANCING
20200311 spiegel.de Coronavirus WHO erklärt Covid-19 zur Pandemie COVID-19 / WHO
20200310 hispantv.com Médico iraquí: EEUU introdujo coronavirus por gorras infectadas COVID-19 / ATTRIBUTION
20200310 medium.com Coronavirus: Why You Must Act Now COVID-19
20200310 heise.de Zahlen, bitte! 3,4 % Coronavirus-Fallsterblichkeit, eine "false Number"? Etwas Pandemie-Statistik COVID-19
20200309 scmp.com Coronavirus can travel twice as far as official ‘safe distance’ and stay in air for 30 minutes, Chinese study finds COVID-19
20200308 rt.com ‘Everything depends on where you got virus’: US & Russian top specialists explain odds of catching Covid-19 & surviving COVID-19
20200308 rt.com Coronavirus death toll in Italy rises to 366 from 233 in one day, most cases in Lombardy COVID-19 / IT
20200306 zerohedge.com Pompeo Blames China For US Outbreak, Says Lack Of Transparency "Left Us Behind The Curve" COVID-19 / POMPEO, MIKE
20200305 news.com.au Scientists identify second virus strain - As the global coronavirus crisis worsens, Chinese researchers have found that the virus has mutated into a more aggressive strain. COVID-19
20200305 rt.com Сoronavirus may be a product of US ‘biological attack’ aimed at Iran & China, IRGC chief claims COVID-19 / IR / ATTRIBUTION
20200304 spiegel.de Coronavirus-Krisenstab Bundesregierung verbietet Export von Atemmasken COVID-19 / DE
20200303 rt.com Head of Iran’s emergency medical services infected with coronavirus in latest high-profile case COVID-19 / IR
20200303 medium.com Coronavirus, synchronous failure and the global phase-shift - A systems analysis uncovering the light at the end of the tunnel COVID-19
20200302 spiegel.de Buchungen brechen ein Fluggesellschaften streichen wegen Coronavirus weitere Flüge COVID-19


Date Source Title Tags
20200228 spiegel.de Coronavirus in Deutschland Supermarktketten berichten von ersten Hamsterkäufen COVID-19
20200228 scmp.com Chinese laboratory that first shared coronavirus genome with world ordered to close for ‘rectification’, hindering its Covid-19 research COVID-19
20200226 reuters.com The Korean clusters - How coronavirus cases exploded in South Korean churches and hospitals COVID-19 / KR
20200224 jamanetwork.com Characteristics of and Important Lessons From the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Outbreak in China COVID-19
20200224 theatlantic.com You’re Likely to Get the Coronavirus - Most cases are not life-threatening, which is also what makes the virus a historic challenge to contain. COVID-19
20200223 zerohedge.com Chinese Scientists Find Coronavirus Did Not Originate In Wuhan Seafood Market COVID-19
20200221 chinaxiv.org Decoding evolution and transmissions of novel pneumonia coronavirus using the whole genomic data COVID-19
20200220 newsrnd.com Coronavirus: how two Wuhan labs find themselves at the heart of conspiracy theories WUHAN CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION / WUHAN INSTITUTE OF VIROLOGY / COVID-19
20200218 scmp.com China seeks to fast-track ban on trade in wild animals amid coronavirus outbreak CN / MEAT / 2019-nCoV
20200217 scmp.com Coronavirus: China, Asean foreign ministers to hold emergency meeting ASEAN / 2019-nCoV
20200217 scmp.com Two arrested after armed gang makes run for toilet rolls in HK$1,000 heist as coronavirus panic shows no signs of easing HK / 2019-nCoV
20200216 spiegel.de Epidemie Coronavirus fordert bislang mehr als 1600 Todesopfer in China COVID-19
20200213 spiegel.de Coronavirus in China Zahl der Infizierten in Hubei steigt um 14.840 - an einem Tag 2019-nCoV
20200201 iribnews.ir The American crown or biological war against China. COVID-19 / ATTRIBUTION / US
20200210 rt.com Сhina unveils mobile app that DETECTS coronavirus close contact 2019-nCoV / CN / INFECTION TRACKING
20200210 scmp.com Beijing and Shanghai impose new controls on residents as China battles to contain coronavirus 2019-nCoV / BEIJING / SHANGHAI / CN
20200209 zerohedge.com "Tip Of The Iceberg" - WHO Director Warns Of More Widespread Transmission As Virus Death Toll Tops 900, Beijing Under Partial Lock Down 2019-nCoV
20200209 rt.com Coronavirus death toll tops 900 as China's envoy to US dismisses ‘absolutely crazy’ bioweapon rumors 2019-nCoV
20200209 zerohedge.com Angry Chinese Ambassador Slams US Senator For "Absolutely Crazy" Theory Coronavirus Is Biological Weapon 2019-nCoV
20200209 zerohedge.com The Mysterious Origin Of The Wuhan Coronavirus 2019-nCoV
20200207 zerohedge.com White House Asks Scientists To Investigate Whether 2019-nCoV Was Bio-Engineered 2019-nCoV
20200207 spiegel.de Coronavirus: Chinesisches Krankenhaus bestätigt Tod von Whistleblower-Arzt / Erste Meldungen über den Tod von Li Wenliang wurden noch dementiert – nun hat sein Krankenhaus bestätigt: Der chinesische Arzt ist am Coronavirus gestorben. Er hatte schon Ende 2019 vor der Krankheit gewarnt. 2019-nCoV / WENLIANG, LI / WHISTLEBLOWING
20200206 zerohedge.com Wuhan Institute Of Virology And Chinese Army Submit Patent For Gilead Anti-Ebola Drug To Fight Coronavirus WUHAN INSTITUTE OF VIROLOGY / 2019-nCoV / GILEAD
20200206 zerohedge.com Original China Virus Whistleblower Doctor Dies WENLIANG, LI / 2019-nCoV
20200206 spiegel.de Coronavirus Verwirrung um chinesischen Arzt und Whistleblower Li Wenliang 2019-nCoV / WENLIANG, LI
20200205 xinhuanet.com Xinhua Headlines: China penalizes derelict officials in coronavirus fight 2019-nCoV / CN
20200205 scmp.com Coronavirus: mandatory quarantine for all arriving in Hong Kong from mainland China as city leader rebuts claims of slow response HK / 2019-nCoV
20200205 zerohedge.com Did China's Tencent Accidentally Leak The True Terrifying Coronavirus Statistics 2019-nCoV / CN / TENCENT
20200203 zerohedge.com Creator Of US BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon 2019-nCoV / BOYLE, FRANCIS / COTTON, TOM / BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS / ATTRIBUTION
20200203 greatgameindia.com Francis Boyle Creator Of BioWeapons Act Says Coronavirus Is Biological Warfare Weapon BOYLE, FRANCIS / 2019-nCoV / BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS / ATTRIBUTION
20200201 spiegel.de Chronik einer Epidemie Wie aus Lungenentzündungen in China ein weltweiter Notfall wurde 2019-nCoV
20200201 rt.com ZeroHedge banned from Twitter after BuzzFeed accuses it of coronavirus conspiracy and ‘doxxing’ a Chinese scientist ZEROHEDGE / TWITTER / 2019-nCoV


Date Source Title Tags
20200131 zerohedge.com Coronavirus Contains "HIV Insertions", Stoking Fears Over Artificially Created Bioweapon 2019-nCoV
20200131 buzzfeednews.com A Pro-Trump Blog Doxed A Chinese Scientist It Falsely Accused Of Creating The Coronavirus As A Bioweapon 2019-nCoV / BUZZFEED / ZEROHEDGE / IVANDJIISKI, DANIEL
20200129 zerohedge.com Is This The Man Behind The Global Coronavirus Pandemic? 2019-nCoV
20200127 cbc.ca Manitoba - Online claims that Chinese scientists stole coronavirus from Winnipeg lab have 'no factual basis NML CANADA / 2019-nCoV / CN
20200126 biorxiv.org Single-cell RNA expression profiling of ACE2, the putative receptor of Wuhan 2019-nCov COVID-19
20200126 rt.com No more BATS & SNAKES for gourmands: China bans WILDLIFE trade after virus outbreak linked to agricultural producers CN / 2019-nCoV
20200126 greatgameindia.com Coronavirus Bioweapon – How China Stole Coronavirus From Canada And Weaponized It 2019-nCoV / NML CANADA / CN / WUHAN INSTITUTE OF VIROLOGY


Date Source Title Tags
20190723 greatgameindia.com Biological Warfare: Chinese Researchers Caught Stealing Coronavirus From Canadian Lab 2019-nCoV / NML CANADA / CN


Cognitive Dissonance


Date Source Title Tags
20210511 youtube.com Indian doctors warn against cow dung as COVID cure COVID-19
20200407 youtube.com Epoch Times: 1st documentary movie on the origin of CCP virus, Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus EPOCH TIMES / COVID-19 / ATTRIBUTION