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= Articles =
= Articles =
== 2018 ==
|20180715||telepolis.de||[https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Die-Polizei-hat-eine-Grenze-ueberschritten-4098921.html "Die Polizei hat eine Grenze überschritten"]||[[MET]]
== 2017 ==
|20170628||mspoweruser.com||[https://mspoweruser.com/london-metropolitan-polices-18000-windows-xp-pcs-is-a-disaster-waiting-to-happen/ London Met Police’s 18,000 Windows XP PCs is a disaster waiting to happen]||[[MET]]
== 2014 ==
|20140629||express.co.uk||[http://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/485529/Special-Branch-funded-Paedophile-Information-Exchange-says-Home-Office-whistleblower EXCLUSIVE: Secret service infiltrated paedophile group to 'blackmail establishment']||[[CHILD PORNOGRAPHY]] / [[PIE]] / [[MET]] / [[WATSON, TOM]] / [[SMITH, CYRIL]] / [[RIGHTON, PETER]] / [[DICKENS, GEOFFREY]] / [[HAYMAN, PETER]] / [[MI6]] / [[RAISON, TIM]] / [[HINDLEY, CLIFFORD]]
== 2013 ==
== 2013 ==
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|20130705||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk-news/2013/jul/05/azelle-rodney-death-metropolitan-police Azelle Rodney death: Met police had 'no lawful justification' for shooting - Marksman could be prosecuted over death of unarmed man after official inquiry rules his evidence was 'not to be accepted']||[[MET]] / [[RODNEY, AZELLE]]
|20130704||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2013/jul/03/rupert-murdoch-secret-tape-mp Question Rupert Murdoch over secret tape, urges MP: Recording of News Corp boss during meeting with staff from Sun in March suggests regret at helping with police inquiry]||[[MURDOCH, RUPERT]] / [[NEWS CORP]] / [[CORRUPTION]] / [[MET]]
|20130625||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/jun/25/undercover-police-domestic-extremism-unit Police unit monitors 9,000 'extremists' - Officers familiar with workings of unit indicate that many of campaigners listed on database have no criminal record]||[[MET]]
|20130624||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/2013/jun/24/how-trust-state-spies-citizens How can we invest our trust in a government that spies on us? We should not fear some Orwellian future state where we're subjected to total electronic scrutiny – it's our present reality]||[[MET]] / [[GCHQ]]
|20130624||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/jun/24/stephen-lawrence-cameron-police-smear-claim Stephen Lawrence: Cameron deeply concerned by smear campaign claim - PM calls for investigation into claims undercover police officer was part of operation to smear family of murdered teenager]||[[LAWRENCE, STEPHEN]] / [[MET]] / [[UNDERCOVER INVESTIGATIONS]] / [[SLANDERING]]
|20130624||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/jun/24/undercover-officers-police-chief-met Dozens of undercover officers could face prosecution, says police chief - Chief constable leading investigation also says he will look at claims that Stephen Lawrence campaigners were spied on]||[[MET]] / [[UNDERCOVER INVESTIGATIONS]] / [[LAWRENCE, STEPHEN]]
|20130215||thetimes.co.uk||[http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/news/uk/article3690070.ece Cost of monitoring Julian Assange running at £6m a year]||[[MET]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|20130211||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/feb/11/police-spies-theresa-may-investigation Police spies: Met police calls in outsider to take over investigation - Derbyshire chief constable replaces Met officer at head of investigation into police use of dead children's identities]||[[MET]]
|20130204||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/scotland-yard-verdeckte-ermittler-nutzten-namen-von-toten-kindern-a-881391.html Scotland Yard: Undercover-Ermittler benutzten Namen toter Kinder]||[[MET]] / [[UNDERCOVER INVESTIGATIONS]]
|20130203||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/feb/03/police-spies-identities-dead-children Police spies stole identities of dead children]||[[METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE]] / [[UNDERCOVER INVESTIGATIONS]]
|20130201||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/feb/01/fourth-arrest-plebgate-investigation Third police officer arrested over plebgate investigation - Constable in diplomatic protection squad held on suspicion of leaking to the media]||[[METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE]]
|20130201||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2013/feb/01/police-officer-arrested-investigation-payments Specialist police officer arrested in investigation into corrupt payments: Met police arrest 33-year-old at home in north London as part of Operation Elveden]||[[METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE]] / [[NEWS CORP]]
|20130201||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2013/feb/01/now-reporter-news-corp Ex-NoW reporter blasts News Corp for role in jailing of detective: Tim Wood, whose evidence contributed to case against April Casburn, says publisher should not have revealed its sources]||[[WOOD, TIM]] / [[CASHBURN, APRIL]] / [[METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE]] / [[NEWS CORP]]
|20130201||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2013/feb/01/now-reporter-news-corp Ex-NoW reporter blasts News Corp for role in jailing of detective: Tim Wood, whose evidence contributed to case against April Casburn, says publisher should not have revealed its sources]||[[WOOD, TIM]] / [[CASHBURN, APRIL]] / [[METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE]] / [[NEWS CORP]]
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= Resources =
* https://www.ucpi.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/20180319-TC-Documents_Final_Version.pdf
[[Category:GO]] [[Category:GB]]
[[Category:GO]] [[Category:GB]]

Latest revision as of 20:07, 16 July 2018




Date Source Title Tags
20180715 telepolis.de "Die Polizei hat eine Grenze überschritten" MET


Date Source Title Tags
20170628 mspoweruser.com London Met Police’s 18,000 Windows XP PCs is a disaster waiting to happen MET


Date Source Title Tags
20140629 express.co.uk EXCLUSIVE: Secret service infiltrated paedophile group to 'blackmail establishment' CHILD PORNOGRAPHY / PIE / MET / WATSON, TOM / SMITH, CYRIL / RIGHTON, PETER / DICKENS, GEOFFREY / HAYMAN, PETER / MI6 / RAISON, TIM / HINDLEY, CLIFFORD


Date Source Title Tags
20130705 guardian.co.uk Azelle Rodney death: Met police had 'no lawful justification' for shooting - Marksman could be prosecuted over death of unarmed man after official inquiry rules his evidence was 'not to be accepted' MET / RODNEY, AZELLE
20130704 guardian.co.uk Question Rupert Murdoch over secret tape, urges MP: Recording of News Corp boss during meeting with staff from Sun in March suggests regret at helping with police inquiry MURDOCH, RUPERT / NEWS CORP / CORRUPTION / MET
20130625 guardian.co.uk Police unit monitors 9,000 'extremists' - Officers familiar with workings of unit indicate that many of campaigners listed on database have no criminal record MET
20130624 guardian.co.uk How can we invest our trust in a government that spies on us? We should not fear some Orwellian future state where we're subjected to total electronic scrutiny – it's our present reality MET / GCHQ
20130624 guardian.co.uk Stephen Lawrence: Cameron deeply concerned by smear campaign claim - PM calls for investigation into claims undercover police officer was part of operation to smear family of murdered teenager LAWRENCE, STEPHEN / MET / UNDERCOVER INVESTIGATIONS / SLANDERING
20130624 guardian.co.uk Dozens of undercover officers could face prosecution, says police chief - Chief constable leading investigation also says he will look at claims that Stephen Lawrence campaigners were spied on MET / UNDERCOVER INVESTIGATIONS / LAWRENCE, STEPHEN
20130215 thetimes.co.uk Cost of monitoring Julian Assange running at £6m a year MET / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20130211 guardian.co.uk Police spies: Met police calls in outsider to take over investigation - Derbyshire chief constable replaces Met officer at head of investigation into police use of dead children's identities MET
20130204 spiegel.de Scotland Yard: Undercover-Ermittler benutzten Namen toter Kinder MET / UNDERCOVER INVESTIGATIONS
20130203 guardian.co.uk Police spies stole identities of dead children METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE / UNDERCOVER INVESTIGATIONS
20130201 guardian.co.uk Third police officer arrested over plebgate investigation - Constable in diplomatic protection squad held on suspicion of leaking to the media METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE
20130201 guardian.co.uk Specialist police officer arrested in investigation into corrupt payments: Met police arrest 33-year-old at home in north London as part of Operation Elveden METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE / NEWS CORP
20130201 guardian.co.uk Ex-NoW reporter blasts News Corp for role in jailing of detective: Tim Wood, whose evidence contributed to case against April Casburn, says publisher should not have revealed its sources WOOD, TIM / CASHBURN, APRIL / METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE / NEWS CORP
20130201 guardian.co.uk Senior Met officer sentenced to 15 months for phone-hacking leak: April Casburn given jail term after being found guilty of telling News of the World reporter about hacking inquiry GB Murdoch phone scandal / NEWS OF THE WORLD / CASHBURN, APRIL / METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE / NEWS CORP


Date Source Title Tags
20121223 guardian.co.uk Plebgate: Andrew Mitchell claims he was victim of police 'stitch-up': Former chief whip says he was accused of using 'awful toxic language' in an attempt to destroy his political career METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE / MITCHELL, ANDREW
20121223 guardian.co.uk Plebgate: Met police chief faces battle with Tories over Andrew Mitchell: Bernard Hogan-Howe launches 'ruthless search for the truth' but MPs say he is 'completely compromised' METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE / MITCHELL, ANDREW
20121222 guardian.co.uk Britain's police must reform or lose respect and trust: As the Andrew Mitchell affair and Hillsborough report illustrate, Britain's law enforcers must be held to account METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE
20121222 guardian.co.uk Plebgate: senior Tory slams 'cancer' of corruption in UK police service: Former justice minister Nick Herbert demands urgent reform as crisis over Andrew Mitchell affair intensifies METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE / MITCHELL, ANDREW / HERBERT, NICK
20121220 guardian.co.uk Two arrests as 'plebgate' investigation continues: David Cameron says treatment of Andrew Mitchell, who resigned as Tory chief whip in October, was disturbing METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE / MITCHELL, ANDREW / CAMERON, DAVID
20121219 guardian.co.uk Plebgate rift opens between Tory party and Met police: Friends of former chief whip Andrew Mitchell cast doubts on police version of Downing Street confrontation METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE / MITCHELL, ANDREW
20121101 guardian.co.uk Met police received £23m in corporate sponsorship over five years - UK's biggest police force was given everything from T-shirts to vehicles, freedom of information request reveals METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE
20120825 telegraph.co.uk WikiLeaks: Met police embarrassed as Assange arrest plan revealed - A policeman has accidentally revealed a secret plan to seize Julian Assange “under all circumstances” if he steps outside the Ecuadorian embassy, in an embarrassment for Scotland Yard. ASSANGE, JULIAN / GB / METROPOLITAN POLICE SERVICE
