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|20240815||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/new-nord-stream-sabotage-narrative-says-zelenskys-top-general-went-rogue New 'Official' Nord Stream Sabotage Narrative Says Zelensky's Top General Went Rogue]||[[ZALUZHNY, VALERY]] / [[NORD STREAM]] / [[UA]] / [[ZELENSKY, VOLODYMYR]] / [[CIA]] / [[WSJ]] / [[HMX]] / [[MIVD]] / [[DE]] / [[SE]] / [[PL]] / [[HANNING, AUGUST]] / [[ZELENSKY, VOLODYMYR]] / [[DUDA, ANDRZEJ]] / [[PODOLYAK, MYKHAILO]]
|20240815||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/602657-ex-german-intel-chief-poland-nord-stream-blasts/ Poland probably involved in Nord Stream blasts – ex-German spymaster / August Hanning has claimed that there appears to have been a secret arrangement between Kiev and Warsaw]||[[NORD STREAM]] / [[HANNING, AUGUST]] / [[PL]] / [[UA]]
|20240815||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/602657-ex-german-intel-chief-poland-nord-stream-blasts/ Poland probably involved in Nord Stream blasts – ex-German spymaster / August Hanning has claimed that there appears to have been a secret arrangement between Kiev and Warsaw]||[[NORD STREAM]] / [[HANNING, AUGUST]] / [[PL]] / [[UA]]

Revision as of 19:21, 16 August 2024



Date Source Title Tags
20240815 zerohedge.com New 'Official' Nord Stream Sabotage Narrative Says Zelensky's Top General Went Rogue ZALUZHNY, VALERY / NORD STREAM / UA / ZELENSKY, VOLODYMYR / CIA / WSJ / HMX / MIVD / DE / SE / PL / HANNING, AUGUST / ZELENSKY, VOLODYMYR / DUDA, ANDRZEJ / PODOLYAK, MYKHAILO
20240815 rt.com Poland probably involved in Nord Stream blasts – ex-German spymaster / August Hanning has claimed that there appears to have been a secret arrangement between Kiev and Warsaw NORD STREAM / HANNING, AUGUST / PL / UA
20240411 rt.com Polish priest jailed after gay orgy ends badly – media / The cleric has been sentenced to 18 months after a man fainted during a party at his home, according to reports PL / CATHOLIC CHURCH


Date Source Title Tags
20230316 reuters.com Poland breaks up Russian spy network, says minister PL


Date Source Title Tags
20221005 zerohedge.com Poland In Talks With US About Hosting Nuclear Weapons PL / NUCLEAR WEAPONS / PL-US
20220522 rt.com Poland tells Norway to hand over oil revenues / Polish PM Mateusz Morawiecki has accused the Nordic country of making “unjust” oil and gas money amid the Ukraine conflict PL / NO / PL-NO
20220428 rt.com Poland has secret plan for Ukraine, Moscow claims / Warsaw plans to deploy troops to occupy western Ukraine, Russian spy chief alleges PL
20220408 spiegel.de Macron nennt Polens Premierminister »rechtsradikalen Antisemiten« Mateusz Morawiecki kritisierte Emmanuel Macron für seine Telefonate mit Kremlchef Putin. Nun provoziert Frankreichs Präsident in einem Interview den polnischen Premier – und erhebt schwere Vorwürfe. MORAWIECKI, MATEUSZ / MACRON, EMMANUEL / PL / FR / PL-FR
20220403 spiegel.de Vizeregierungschef Kaczyński Polen zeigt sich offen für eine Stationierung amerikanischer Atomwaffen PL


Date Source Title Tags
20190309 zerohedge.com US, Poland Sign 5G Pact Taking Aim At China & Russia Cyber Espionage PL / US / HUAWEI
20190617 rt.com All about ‘freedom gas’? Washington ‘plays Polish card against Germans’ moving US troops east US ARMY / PL / DE
20190612 spiegel.de Nato-Partner Trump erwägt, US-Truppen von Deutschland nach Polen zu verlegen TRUMP, DONALD / US ARMY / DE / PL


Date Source Title Tags
20180630 spiegel.de Medienbericht USA prüfen offenbar Truppenabzug aus Deutschland US / US ARMY / NATO / PL
20180528 rt.com Poland offers $2bn for permanent US base, Moscow warns of ‘dangerous’ consequences PL
20180326 rt.com 14 EU states announce mass co-ordinated expulsion of Russian diplomats over Skripal case SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / RU / DE / FR / PL / NL / DK / IT / LT / LV / EE / FI / SE
20180326 spiegel.de Anschlag auf Ex-Spion Skripal Deutschland weist vier russische Diplomaten aus SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / RU / GB / MAY, THERESA / DE / FR / US / PL / LT / UA / CZ / NL / EE / IT / RO


Date Source Title Tags
20170724 spiegel.de Nein zur Justizreform Dudas Veto erschüttert Polen PL


Date Source Title Tags
20160721 rt.com KickassTorrents offline: Suspected boss of world’s biggest illegal movie website arrested COPYRIGHT / PL / US / UA / EXTRADITION
20160513 spiegel.de Raketenschutzschirm in Osteuropa: Putin sieht Nato-Pläne als weltweite Bedrohung NATO / RO / TR / PL / RU / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20160103 spiegel.de EU-Pläne gegen Warschaus Rechtsregierung: Europa, Polen und die "Atombombe" PL


Date Source TItle Tags
20151223 spiegel.de Neuer Rechtskurs: Polens Nationalkonservative entmachten Verfassungsgericht PL
20151219 spiegel.de Proteste in mehr als 20 Städten: Tausende Polen demonstrieren gegen ihre Regierung PL
20151218 rt.com Poland sends troops to enforce ‘dismissal’ of NATO intel center head PL / NATO
20151218 spiegel.de Nachtaktion: Polnische Militärpolizei holt Chef aus Nato-Spionagezentrum PL / NATO
20151126 juedische-allgemeine.de Polen: Der Mob ist los - Vor dem Breslauer Rathaus verbrennen Nationalisten eine »Juden-Puppe« mit EU-Flagge ANTISEMITISM / PL
20150820 spiegel.de Goldrausch in Polen: Schatzsucher wollen Nazi-Zug entdeckt haben PL / WALBRZYCH
20150504 rt.com NATO & allies stage thousands-strong drills across Europe EE / NATO / US / GB / DE / LV / LT / BE / PL / NL
20150407 rt.com Cockpit transcript confirms crashed Polish presidential plane’s pilots pressured to land in fog RU 20100410 Smolensk / PL
20150406 bbc.com Poland to build Russia border towers at Kaliningrad PL / RU
20150326 rt.com Russia warns NATO drills a ‘problem’ as US attack planes buzz Poland NATO / PL / RU
20150120 spiegel.de Amnesty-Bericht: Diese europäischen Länder halfen der CIA beim Foltern CIA / TORTURE / PL / RO / LT / MK / GB


Date Source Title Tags
20141205 spiegel.de Kritik polnischer Intellektueller: "Die Deutschen fallen dem russischen Bären um den Hals" PL
20141002 rt.com US tanks arrive in Baltics, Poland requests greater US military presence PL / US
20140907 spiegel.de Ukraine-Krise: Westliche Staaten dementieren Waffenlieferungen UA / US / FR / IT / NO / PL
20140829 spiegel.de Zweiter Heimkehrversuch: Russischer Minister darf doch noch über Polen fliegen PL / RU
20140619 welt.de Nach Abhörskandal drohen Neuwahlen in Polen PL
20140618 tagesspiegel.de Abhörskandal in Polen Regierung Tusk unter Druck PL
20140306 rt.com US in tenuous sabre rattling over Ukraine US / UA / NATO / PL
20140302 reuters.com Poland's Tusk says must stop Crimea crisis expanding to regional conflict PL / TUSK, DONALD / UA
20140123 washingtonpost.com The hidden history of the CIA’s prison in Poland PL


Date Source Title Tags
20130925 thelocal.de Ex-President calls for German-Polish state WALESA, LECH / PL / DE
20130702 spiegel.de Snowdens Asyl-Suche: Neun mal Nein und ein Vielleicht SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / AT / BO / BR / CN / CU / EC / FI / FR / DE / IS / IN / IT / IE / NL / NI / NO / PL / RU / ES / CH / VE
20130702 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden asylum: countries approached and their responses: The NSA whistleblower has made 21 applications for asylum worldwide as he flees the US – with little success SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / AT / BO / BR / CN / CU / EC / FI / FR / DE / IS / IN / IT / IE / NL / NI / NO / PL / RU / ES / CH / VE


Date Source Title Tags
20121120 telepolis.de Vier Tonnen Sprengstoff: Terroranschlag auf polnische Regierung vereitelt. Mutmaßungen über Verbindungen zu Breivik PL
21.09.2012 20minuten.ch 13-Jährige lecken Schaum von des Priesters Knien CATHOLIC CHURCH / PL