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|20240826||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/603070-telegram-durov-detention-extended-france/ France extends Durov arrest – media / The Telegram founder and CEO was detained upon arriving in Paris]||[[DUROV, PAVEL]] / [[TELEGRAM]]
|20240826||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/603070-telegram-durov-detention-extended-france/ France extends Durov arrest – media / The Telegram founder and CEO was detained upon arriving in Paris]||[[DUROV, PAVEL]] / [[TELEGRAM]]
|20240825||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/603041-durov-telegram-france-zakharova/ Moscow calls out Western human rights groups over Durov arrest / When the Telegram messaging app had legal issues in Russia, its founder remained free, the foreign ministry’s spokeswoman noted]||[[RU MFA]] / [[ZAKHAROVA, MARIA]] / [[TELEGRAM]]
|20240825||reuters.com||[https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/telegram-messaging-app-ceo-pavel-durov-arrested-france-tf1-tv-says-2024-08-24/ Telegram messaging app CEO Durov arrested in France]||[[DUROV, PAVEL]] / [[TELEGRAM]]
|20240825||reuters.com||[https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/telegram-messaging-app-ceo-pavel-durov-arrested-france-tf1-tv-says-2024-08-24/ Telegram messaging app CEO Durov arrested in France]||[[DUROV, PAVEL]] / [[TELEGRAM]]

Revision as of 10:33, 30 August 2024


Date Source Title Tags
20240829 spiegel.de Juristische Hebel gegen den Telegram-Chef / Darum geht Frankreich so scharf gegen Pawel Durow vor - Der Telegram-Chef darf Frankreich vorerst nicht verlassen. Die französische Justiz hat Pawel Durow nur unter strengen Auflagen auf freien Fuß gesetzt. Experten halten das Vorgehen der Staatsanwaltschaft für gewagt. DUROV, PAVEL / TELEGRAM / FR
20240829 spiegel.de Pawel Durow: Deshalb ist Telegram für Russland so wichtig / Lange war die Staatsmacht Russlands mit Pawel Durow verfeindet. Doch die Festnahme des russischen Telegram-Gründers versetzt Moskau in Aufruhr. Denn der Messenger wurde in Kriegszeiten zu einem viel genutzten Werkzeug. TELEGRAM / DUROV, PAVEL
20240828 zerohedge.com Telegram CEO Durov Transferred To Paris Court, Criminal Indictment Looms DUROV, PAVEL / TELEGRAM
20240828 rt.com France issued arrest warrants for Durov, his brother in spring – media / Court papers contradict claims that the probe against the Telegram CEO was launched in July, Politico has reported DUROV, PAVEL / TELEGRAM
20240828 rt.com Durov taken to French court – media / The Telegram CEO was arrested in France as part of a probe into his alleged complicity in numerous criminal activities on the platform DUROV, PAVEL / TELEGRAM / MACRON, EMMANUEL
20240828 zerohedge.com Escobar: EUR To Telegram - We're Coming To Get You! TELEGRAM
20240827 spiegel.de Festgenommener Telegram-Gründer Untersuchungshaft von Pawel Durow bis Mittwoch verlängert / Der in Frankreich festgenommene Pawel Durow bleibt wohl bis Mittwochabend in Haft. Auch die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate wollen ihn konsularisch betreuen. Und ein russischer Politiker verbreitet Verschwörungsmythen. DUROV, PAVEL / TELEGRAM / FR
20240827 rt.com Fyodor Lukyanov: The arrest of Durov isn’t just about Telegram / Big changes are coming to the global information sphere, and the Telegram founder’s standing is a canary in the coal mine LUKYANOV, FYODOR / DUROV, PAVEL / TELEGRAM
20240826 rt.com Telegram under investigation in India – media / The messaging app’s founder Pavel Durov has been arrested in France over reported accusations of failing to moderate the platform IN / TELEGRAM / MONEYCONTROL
20240826 bbc.com Telegram says arrested CEO Durov has 'nothing to hide' TELEGRAM
20240826 rt.com Rumble boss flees EU after Durov arrest / Chris Pavlovski’s video hosting platform has been embroiled in a long-running legal battle with the French authorities RUMBLE / PAVLOVSKI, CHRIS / DUROV, PAVEL / TELEGRAM / SACKS, DAVID
20240826 rt.com France wants to ‘shut down’ Telegram – Russian human rights chief / Tatyana Moskalkova has blasted the arrest of Pavel Durov as a violation of free speech MOSKALKOVA, TATYANA / TELEGRAM / DUROV, PAVEL
20240826 rt.com France extends Durov arrest – media / The Telegram founder and CEO was detained upon arriving in Paris DUROV, PAVEL / TELEGRAM
20240825 rt.com Moscow calls out Western human rights groups over Durov arrest / When the Telegram messaging app had legal issues in Russia, its founder remained free, the foreign ministry’s spokeswoman noted RU MFA / ZAKHAROVA, MARIA / TELEGRAM
20240825 reuters.com Telegram messaging app CEO Durov arrested in France DUROV, PAVEL / TELEGRAM
20240825 rt.com ‘Imagine if it were Moscow?’ How prominent Russians reacted to arrest of Telegram founder Durov / Some believe the St. Petersburg-born tycoon has paid for his naivety, others want his homeland to intervene DUROV, PAVEL / TELEGRAM / MEDVEDEV, DMITRY / LUKYANOV, FYODOR / MEDVEDEV, ANDREY / PRIMAKOV, EVGENY / SIMONYAN, MARGARITA / BOVT, GEORGY / DAVANKOV, VYACHESLAV
20240825 rt.com Protest held at Moscow’s French embassy to demand Durov’s release (PHOTOS) / Demonstrators have placed hundreds of paper airplanes in front of the diplomatic mission in support of the detained Telegram founder DUROV, PAVEL / TELEGRAM / RU-FR / FR EMBASSY MOSCOW
20240825 nytimes.com Telegram Becomes Free Speech Flashpoint After Founder’s Arrest / Pavel Durov, the founder of the app, which has more than 900 million users, was taken into custody by the French authorities. DUROV, PAVEL / TELEGRAM
20240825 rt.com US orchestrated Durov arrest – former spokesman / The Telegram CEO wouldn’t have landed in Paris if he thought he was in danger, Georgy Loboushkin has told RT DUROV, PAVEL / TELEGRAM / LOBOUSHKIN, GEORGY / US
20240824 reuters.com Telegram messaging app CEO Pavel Durov arrested in France, French media say DUROV, PAVEL / TELEGRAM
20240824 rt.com Telegram founder Durov arrested by French police / Pavel Durov has been detained at Paris-Le Bourget Airport, according to local broadcaster LCI DUROV, PAVEL / TELEGRAM
20240819 rt.com EU capital’s government bans Telegram / The messaging app is subject to the risk of espionage, the municipality of Amsterdam has claimed TELEGRAM / AMSTERDAM
20240417 rt.com US government wanted backdoor to Telegram – founder / Russian-born IT entrepreneur Pavel Durov said that he was “pressured” by the FBI during his stays in America DUROV, PAVEL / TELEGRAM / FBI
20220603 spiegel.de Umstrittener Messengerdienst Telegram hält sich neuerdings an Gesetze, zumindest ein bisschen TELEGRAM
20220112 spiegel.de Kampf gegen Extremismus Innenministerin Faeser droht Telegram mit Abschaltung FAESER, NANCY / TELEGRAM
20210610 spiegel.de Messenger-Gründer Pawel Durow: Der Telegram-Milliardär und sein dunkles Imperium / Telegram ist eine der populärsten Chat-Apps der Welt – und womöglich die gefährlichste. Die Plattform ist kaum reguliert und deshalb auch bei Kriminellen und Terroristen beliebt. Wer ist der Kopf dahinter? DUROV, PAVEL / TELEGRAM
20200618 rt.com Russia lifts ban on Telegram messenger after two years of failing to effectively restrict access TELEGRAM
20190325 heise.de Telegram-Nutzer können Nachrichten jederzeit löschen TELEGRAM
20181230 heise.de 35C3: Telegram-Blockade – Frontbericht vom "russischen zivilen Cyberkrieg" TELEGRAM / 35C3
20181108 rt.com Telegram not ready to assist Russian security services in tackling terrorist threat – FSB head TELEGRAM
20180614 welt.de Anschlag am Breitscheidplatz - Der Einflüsterer von Anis Amri TELEGRAM / AMRI, ANIS
20180525 rt.com Terrorists used Telegram messenger in all recent attacks, head of Russian watchdog claims TELEGRAM
20180510 zerohedge.com Five "Most Wanted" ISIS Leaders Captured, Trapped Using Smartphone App ISLAMIC STATE / TELEGRAM
20180416 bleepingcomputer.com Russia Bans 1.8 Million Amazon and Google IPs in Attempt to Block Telegram TELEGRAM / RU
20180413 tass.com Court rules to block Telegram messenger in Russia RU / TELEGRAM
20180413 spiegel.de Chat-App Russisches Gericht lässt Telegram blockieren TELEGRAM / RU
20180331 spiegel.de Beliebteste Messenger-App im Land Iran will Telegram sperren TELEGRAM / IR
20171208 motherboard.vice.com Exklusiv: BKA-Mitarbeiter verrät, wie Staatshacker illegal Telegram knacken TELEGRAM
20170927 meduza.io Russian federal agents have ordered Telegram to decipher all your correspondence TELEGRAM
20170927 rferl.org Telegram CEO Durov Says Russia's FSB Demands Messenger's Encryption Keys TELEGRAM
20170327 vice.com Anis Amri verriet seine Terrorpläne in Telegram-Chats und trotzdem passierte nichts AMRI, ANIS / TELEGRAM
20170316 rt.com WhatsApp, Telegram ‘severe’ security flaw pinpointed following #Vault7 release WIKILEAKS / TELEGRAM / WHATSAPP
20160922 rt.com Snowden, Durov argue over security of WhatsApp & Telegram DUROV, PAVEL / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / WHATSAPP / TELEGRAM
20151118 medium.com Operational Telegram TELEGRAM
20151118 spiegel.de Messenger Telegram: Lieblings-App der IS-Terroristen sperrt Propaganda-Kanäle TELEGRAM
