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|20130729||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/snowden-russia-immigration-asylum-758/ Spook out of water: What Snowden can expect if Russia grants him asylum]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]]
|20130726||newyorker.com||[http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/closeread/2013/07/holder-we-wont-torture-or-kill-snowden.html?mobify=0 Holder: We Won’t Torture or Kill Snowden]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[HOLDER, ERIC]]
|20130726||newyorker.com||[http://www.newyorker.com/online/blogs/closeread/2013/07/holder-we-wont-torture-or-kill-snowden.html?mobify=0 Holder: We Won’t Torture or Kill Snowden]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[HOLDER, ERIC]]

Revision as of 04:06, 30 July 2013


20130722 - 20130728

Date Source Title Tags
20130729 rt.com Spook out of water: What Snowden can expect if Russia grants him asylum SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130726 newyorker.com Holder: We Won’t Torture or Kill Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HOLDER, ERIC
20130726 spiegel.de NSA-Informant in Moskau: Russischer Geheimdienst verhandelt mit FBI über Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / FBI / FSB
20130726 rt.com Russia won’t extradite Snowden to US – Kremlin SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130726 spiegel.de NSA-Informant: USA schließen Todesstrafe für Snowden aus SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20130724 rt.com Snowden asylum still under review, stays in airport for now SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / RU
20130724 rt.com Edward Snowden's personal safety is top priority – lawyer to RT SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / KUCHERENA, ANATOLY
20130724 spiegel.de Anwalt des NSA-Whistleblowers: "Russland wird Snowden nicht herausgeben" SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / KUCHERENA, ANATOLY / HARRISON, SARAH / WIKILEAKS
20130723 rt.com Snowden plans to settle and work in Russia – lawyer to RT SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU

20130715 - 20130721

Date Source Title Tags
20130720 wsws.org US secretary of state threatens Venezuela over Snowden asylum SNOWDEN, EDWARD / VE / US / KERRY, JOHN
20130720 rt.com President knows nothing of Snowden’s citizenship request - Kremlin SNOWDEN, EDWARD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20130719 spiegel.de "Guardian"-Journalist Greenwald: "Ich trage diese Dokumente immer bei mir" SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / US / GREENWALD, GLENN / DE
20130719 spiegel.de NSA-Spionageskandal: Snowden-Partner Greenwald kündigt neue Enthüllungen an SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GREENWALD, GLENN
20130718 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden new revelations to feature in book about US whistleblower: Journalist Glenn Greenwald will include new insights into NSA surveillance programme in unnamed book due in US in March GREENWALD, GLENN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130718 rt.com ‘Snowden won’t disclose more docs, I have thousands’ – Greenwald SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GREENWALD, GLENN
20130718 nytimes.com Obama May Cancel Moscow Trip as Tensions Build Over Leaker SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / RU / OBAMA, BARACK
20130717 spiegel.de Snowdens E-Mail-Verkehr mit Republikaner: "Auch unter Folter werde ich nichts verraten" SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HUMPHREY, GORDON
20130717 stern.de Spionageaffäre Snowden AP-Reporter grillt US-Außenamtssprecherin: Darf Snowden sich nicht frei äußern? Warum sind die USA sauer auf Russland? Ein AP-Reporter hat dem US-Außenministerium kluge Frage gestellt - und die Sprecherin ordentlich ins Schlingern gebracht. SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASSOCIATED PRESS / US
20130717 bangkokpost.com Putin seeks to calm Snowden tensions with US PUTIN, VLADIMIR / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130717 policymic.com Meet the Journalist Who Connects the Dots Between Wikileaks, Edward Snowden, and the NSA BROWN, BARRETT / WIKILEAKS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA
20130717 rt.com Snowden’s lawyer to RT: ‘He fears torture, execution; never witnessed such persecution by the US’ SNOWDEN, EDWARD / KUCHERENA, ANATOLY / RU / US / HUMAN RIGHTS
20130717 rt.com ‘US-Russian relations above Snowden case' – Putin SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / US / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20130717 rt.com Snowden has no plans to leave Russia, might seek citizenship - lawyer SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / ASYLUM
20130717 spiegel.de Rückkehr-Forderung nach Asylantrag: USA appellieren an Snowdens Mut SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130716 tomdispatch.com Tomgram: Engelhardt, Can Edward Snowden Be Deterred? SNOWDEN, EDWARD / WHISTLEBLOWING / US / MANNING, BRADLEY
20130716 theamericanconservative.com Edward Snowden Is No Traitor: Why treason charges against the NSA whistleblower don't hold up SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130716 guardian.co.uk Email exchange between Edward Snowden and former GOP Senator Gordon Humphrey - 'I believe you have done the right thing in exposing what I regard as massive violation of the United States constitution' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HUMPHREY, GORDON
20130715 rt.com ‘Heroic effort at great personal cost’: Edward Snowden nominated for Nobel Peace Prize SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130715 heise.de Kremlchef Putin gibt USA Schuld an Snowdens auswegloser Lage PUTIN, VLADIMIR / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130715 spiegel.de Snowden Backlash: US Media Get Personal SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GREENWALD, GLENN / PINCUS, WALTER
20130716 spiegel.de NSA-Enthüller: Snowden beantragt offiziell Asyl in Russland SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / RU
20130715 rt.com Putin: Snowden will leave Russia at earliest opportunity PUTIN, VLADIMIR / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130715 spiegel.de Putins Kritik im Fall Snowden: "Die USA haben alle Länder in Angst versetzt" SNOWDEN, EDWARD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / LOKSCHINA, TANJA / HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH
20130715 spiegel.de Journalist Glenn Greenwald: Snowden besitzt "Bauplan der NSA" SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GREENWALD, GLENN
20130715 spiegel.de Fall Snowden und die US-Medien: Gleichschritt der Mitläufer PINCUS, WALTER / GREENWALD, GLENN / WASHINGTON POST / SNOWDEN, EDWARD

20130708 - 20130714

Date Source Title Tags
20130714 pressfreedomfoundation.org Media Continues to Focus on Snowden Rather Than the Information He's Revealed DISTRACTION / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130714 dailymail.co.uk Swedish professor nominates Edward Snowden for the Nobel Peace Prize SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NO
20130714 spiegel.de "Guardian"-Journalist Greenwald: Snowden soll noch viel mehr brisantes Material besitzen SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GREENWALD, GLENN
20130714 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden statement: 'It was the right thing to do and I have no regrets' - Full transcript of the statement made by Edward Snowden, in which he accepts all offers of asylum he has been given SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130713 bagnewsnotes.com in Moscow: “The More Photographed I Am…the More Dangerous my Situation SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130713 sueddeutsche.de Affäre um Edward Snowden: Putin bleibt bei Telefonat mit Obama hart SNOWDEN, EDWARD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / OBAMA, BARACK
20130713 spiegel.de Telefonat mit Putin: Obama schaltet sich persönlich in Fall Snowden ein SNOWDEN, EDWARD / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / OBAMA, BARACK
20130713 bangkokpost.com US warns Moscow on Snowden US / RU / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130713 guardian.co.uk About the Reuters article: The latest effort to distract attention from the NSA revelations is more absurd than most GREENWALD, GLENN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / REUTERS
20130713 salon.com Q&A with Glenn Greenwald: Americans’ reaction “surprising and gratifying” SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GREENWALD, GLENN / NSA / CLAPPER, JAMES
20130713 lanacion.com.ar Glenn Greenwald: "Snowden tiene información para causar más daño" - El periodista que recibió las filtraciones del topo de la CIA dijo que hay más documentos GREENWALD, GLENN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130712 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden inflames US-Russian tensions with Moscow meeting - Obama and Putin to discuss situation after NSA whistleblower meets representatives of human rights agencies in Moscow SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / US / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU
20130712 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden accuses US of illegal, aggressive campaign - Whistleblower uses first public appearance since surveillance leaks to defend decision and praise states that offered asylum SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / US / RU
20130712 reuters.com Obama to speak with Putin on Friday, raise Snowden concerns SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR
20130712 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Veröffentlichung: Das sagte Snowden auf dem Flughafen in Moskau SNOWDEN, EDWARD / WIKILEAKS
20130712 spiegel.de Treffen mit Menschenrechtlern: Russland garantiert Snowden Rechtssicherheit SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130712 spiegel.de Moskauer Flughafen: Snowden bittet um vorübergehendes Asyl in Russland SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / RU
20130712 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden appears at Moscow airport and renews asylum claim – live / NSA whistleblower meets human rights groups / Renews Russia asylum claim in tactic to leave Moscow / Calls on international groups to offer protection / Media scrum at Sheremetyevo airport for meeting SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130712 spiegel.de Informant Snowden: "Er ist ein Glücksfall für die Gesellschaft" SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE / NSA / HECKMANN, DIRK
20130712 guardian.co.uk US 'disappointed' with China for letting Edward Snowden leave Hong Kong - Refusal to extradite NSA whistleblower 'not consistent with the new type of relationship we both seek to build' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / HK
20130712 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden: US officials are preventing me claiming asylum - NSA whistleblower calls meeting with Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch at Sheremetyevo airport SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL / HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH / LOKSCHINA, TATJANA / UN / LUKIN, VLADIMIR
20130712 spiegel.de NSA-Abhörskandal: Snowden will Menschenrechtler in Moskau treffen SNOWDEN, EDWARD / AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL / HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH / LOKSCHINA, TATJANA / UN / LUKIN, VLADIMIR
20130711 spiegel.de Mehrheit der US-Wähler sieht Snowden nicht als Verräter SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / WHISTLEBLOWING
20130711 guardian.co.uk Russian guard service reverts to typewriters after NSA leaks - Leaks by US whistleblower Edward Snowden have fuelled Russian suspicions over electronic communications SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / FSO
20130711 spiegel.de Fall Snowden: Ungewöhnliche Route von russischem Jet entfacht Gerüchte SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130710 guardian.co.uk The journalistic practices of the Washington Post and Walter Pincus: Fifteen hours after acknowledging that an innuendo-filled article is factually false, the Post still has not corrected it PINCUS, WALTER / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / JOURNALISM / WIKILEAKS / WASHINGTON POST
20130710 guardian.co.uk Snowden: I never gave any information to Chinese or Russian governments - As a new poll shows widespread American approval for him, the NSA whistleblower vehemently denies media claims SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CN / RU / NEW YORK TIMES / DISINFORMATION
20130709 spiegel.de Asyl für Snowden: Venezuela ärgert USA mit der "Gringo-Petze" SNOWDEN, EDWARD / VE
20130709 spiegel.de Prism-Enthüller auf der Flucht: Snowden beantragt Asyl in Venezuela SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / VE / NI
20130709 spiegel.de Snowden im Video-Interview: "Amerika ist ein gutes Land" SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130709 PINCUS, WALTER / washingtonpost.com Questions for Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / JOURNALISM / WIKILEAKS
20130708 guardian.co.uk The world must hear from Edward Snowden again - The White House and its media allies are gradually undermining the NSA whistleblower. The cause of liberty needs his advocacy SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130708 ELLSBERG, DANIEL / washingtonpost.com Snowden made the right call when he fled the U.S. SNOWDEN, EDWARD

20130701 - 20130707

Date Source Title Tags
20130707 wikileaks-press.org Edward Snowden and France SNOWDEN, EDWARD / FR
20130707 guardian.co.uk Snowden's Venezuela offer 'last chance' for political asylum – Russian official Alexei Pushkov tweets warning as Martin Dempsey claims whistleblower's leaks have damaged US relations with allies SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / PUSHKOV, ALEXEI / VE
20130706 spiegel.de Asyl-Sucher Snowden: Der unsichtbare Star von Scheremetjewo SNOWDEN, EDWARD / SVO / AEROFLOT
20130706 guardian.co.uk US request for extradition of Edward Snowden - full text - A copy of the request sent to Venezuela to extradite the NSA whistleblower to the US should he arrive in the South American country SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / EXTRADITION / VE
20130706 guardian.co.uk Venezuela, Nicaragua and Bolivia offer asylum to Edward Snowden: President Maduro offers to protect NSA whistleblower 'from persecution by the empire' and rejects US extradition request SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / RU / PUSHKOV, ALEXEI / VE / NI / BO
20130706 spiegel.de NSA-Überwachung: Venezuela und Nicaragua bieten Snowden Asyl SNOWDEN, EDWARD / VE / NI / ASYLUM
20130706 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden offered asylum by Venezuelan president - Nicolás Maduro says whistleblower has 'told the truth in spirit of rebellion', while Nicaragua also weighs asylum offer SNOWDEN, EDWARD / VE / ASYLUM
20130705 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden is a whistleblower, not a spy – but do our leaders care? Legislators and journalists alike have been cavalier in their condemnations of the man responsible for the NSA leaks SNOWDEN, EDWARD / WHISTLEBLOWING / JOURNALISM / SLANDERING
20130705 spiegel.de Politiker und die Snowden-Affäre: Wahre Lügen SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE / JOURNALISM
20130705 guardian.co.uk Oliver Stone defends Edward Snowden over NSA revelations - The outspoken film-maker hails the whistlebower as a 'hero' at Czech film festival and claims that 'the United States has repeatedly violated the fourth amendment' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / STONE, OLIVER
20130705 guardian.co.uk European states were told Snowden was on Morales plane, says Spain - Spanish foreign minister declines to say where information came from that NSA whistleblower was on Bolivian leader's flight SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ES / FR / BO
20130704 spiegel.de US-Überwachung in Deutschland: Gabriel fordert Ermittlungen gegen NSA-Chef GABRIEL, SIGMAR / NSA / DE / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130704 telepolis.de Bolivien streitet die Durchsuchung des Präsidentenflugszeugs in Wien weiter ab - Snowden war nicht im Flugzeug, aber was in Wien geschah, ist weiterhin unklar und aus Boliviens Sicht eine Frage der Würde BO / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20130704 guardian.co.uk Morales returns to Bolivia still seething over plane rerouting - Bolivian president says he regrets offering Edward Snowden asylum, but Europe should free itself from US imperialism MORALES, EVO / BO / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EU
20130703 spiegel.de Asylantrag: Union und SPD verteidigen Absage an Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / SPD / CDU / WIEFELSPUETZ, DIETER 
20130703 telesurtv.net EE.UU. solicitó a Cancillería boliviana extradición de Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / US
20130703 dispatch.com ‘Transit zone’ can mean many things SNOWDEN, EDWARD / TRANSIT ZONE / RU
20130703 spiegel.de Morales' Zwangslandung in Wien: Diplomaten-Drama im VIP-Terminal BO| / MORALES, EVO / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / AT / ES
20130703 spiegel.de Eklat um Morales-Flug: Frankreich und Spanien dementieren Luftraumsperrung SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / MORALES, EVO / FR / ES
20130703 spiegel.de Affäre Snowden: "Die Bundesregierung hat sich gedrückt" SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE / ASYLUM
20130703 spiegel.de Boliviens Präsident Morales in Wien: Zwangsstopp im VIP-Terminal MORALES, EVO / BO / AT / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / FR / PT / IT / ES
20130703 spiegel.de Verwirrung wegen Snowden-Gerüchten: Morales' Zwangsstopp in Wien brüskiert Südamerika MORALES, EVO / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / EC / UY / AR / UNASUR
20130703 guardian.co.uk South American nations furious over diversion of Bolivian president's plane – live SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / MORALES, EVO / AT / UN / UNASUR / FR / ES / PT / IT
20130703 spiegel.de Eklat um Evo Morales: Präsidentenjet verlässt Wien nach Zwölf-Stunden-Stopp SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / MORALES, EVO / AT / EC / UNASUR
20130703 guardian.co.uk South American nations furious over diversion of Bolivian president's plane – live SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / MORALES, EVO / FR / PT / IT / ES / UNASUR / US / CORREA, RAFAEL / SOTO, RUBEN SAAVEDRA
20130703 guardian.co.uk Bolivian president's jet rerouted amid suspicions Edward Snowden on board - France and Portugal accused of refusing entry to their airspace, while plane lands in Vienna with no sign of Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / MORALES, EVO / FR / PT / IT / ES / UNASUR / US
20130703 spiegel.de Verwirrung um Snowden: Flugzeug von Präsident Morales zu Wien-Stopp gezwungen SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / MORALES, EVO / FR / PT / IT / ES / UNASUR 
20130702 tagesspiegel.de Prism-Informant sucht erfolglos Zuflucht - Deutschland will Snowden nicht aufnehmen SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE / ASYLUM
20130702 tagesspiegel.de Asyl-Antrag des Prism-Informanten - Zuflucht für Snowden in Deutschland unwahrscheinlich SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE / ASYLUM
20130702 guardian.co.uk Is Edward Snowden stateless and where can he go? Even if another state grants Snowden asylum and issues him with a letter of passage, Russia would have to agree to accept it SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM
20130702 gawker.com The Washington Post Is a Bitter, Jealous Little Newspaper WASHINGTON POST / LEAKS / JOURNALISM / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130702 spiegel.de NSA-Enthüller: Bundesregierung lehnt Aufnahme Snowdens ab SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE / ASYLUM
20130702 spiegel.de NSA-Enthüller: Bundesregierung prüft Aufenthaltserlaubnis für Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE
20130702 spiegel.de US-Datenskandal: Snowden beantragt Asyl auch in Deutschland SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE
20130702 spiegel.de Snowdens Asyl-Suche: Neun mal Nein und ein Vielleicht SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / AT / BO / BR / CN / CU / EC / FI / FR / DE / IS / IN / IT / IE / NL / NI / NO / PL / RU / ES / CH / VE
20130702 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden's options dwindle after political asylum rejections - Several countries have denied whistleblower's request to seek asylum and others say he must be on their territory to apply SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / RU / EC / CORREA, RAFAEL / VE / MADURO, NICOLAS / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / LAVROV, SERGEI
20130702 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden asylum: countries approached and their responses: The NSA whistleblower has made 21 applications for asylum worldwide as he flees the US – with little success SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / AT / BO / BR / CN / CU / EC / FI / FR / DE / IS / IN / IT / IE / NL / NI / NO / PL / RU / ES / CH / VE
20130702 scmp.com Edward Snowden's bland job title hid his real power - Role gave Edward Snowden access to top-secret documents of US' largest intelligence agency SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA
20130702 spiegel.de Asyl für Snowden: Göring-Eckardt und Trittin machen Druck auf Merkel SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE / TRITTIN, JUERGEN / GOERING-ECKARDT, KATRIN / MERKEL, ANGELA
20130702 guardian.co.uk Rafael Correa not considering Snowden asylum: helping him was a 'mistake' - Ecuador's president reveals travel pass was granted 'without authorisation' and says whistleblower is now Russia's problem SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC / CORREA, RAFAEL
20130702 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden: Obama guilty of deceit over extradition - US president pledged to avoid 'wheeling and dealing' while bullying countries that might grant asylum, says whistleblower SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / EC / RU / CLAPPER, JAMES
20130702 spiegel.de NSA-Whistleblower: Snowden wirft Obama Täuschung und Rechtsbruch vor SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / US
20130701 de.ria.ru Snowden beantragt politisches Asyl in 15 Ländern SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM
20130701 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden's statement released through WikiLeaks – full text - The NSA whistleblower, currently in Moscow, has released a statement through the freedom of information group WikiLeaks SNOWDEN, EDWARD / WIKILEAKS
20130701 wikileaks.org Statement from Edward Snowden in Moscow SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130701 spiegel.de NSA-Whistleblower: Putin bietet Snowden Bleiberecht an - unter einer Bedingung SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / PUTIN, WLADIMIR
20130701 de.ria.ru Fall Snowden: Putin und Obama lassen FSB und FBI eine Lösung finden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / PUTIN, WLADIMIR / FSB / FBI
20130701 de.ria.ru Putin: Snowden darf unter einer Bedingung in Russland bleiben SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / PUTIN, WLADIMIR
20130701 guardian.co.uk Snowden applies for political asylum in Russia - Vladmir Putin says US whistleblower can stay if he stops 'bringing harm to our American partners' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / PUTIN, WLADIMIR / FSB / FBI
20130701 de.ria.ru Hat Snowden Asyl in Russland beantragt? Migrationsamt dementiert SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130701 latimes.com Edward Snowden asking 15 countries for asylum, Russian official says SNOWDEN, EDWARD

20130624 - 20130630

Date Source Title Tags
20130630 nytimes.com Job Title Key to Inner Access Held by Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON
20130630 abcnews.go.com Julian Assange: ‘No Stopping’ Release of Additional NSA Secrets SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASSANGE, JULIAN / NSA / LEAKS
20130630 spiegel.de Kurz-Thriller aus Hongkong: Edward Snowden, der Film SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130630 gulli.com Bundespräsident Gauck: Wenig Verständnis für Edward Snowden GAUCK, JOACHIM / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130630 zdf.de Fall Snowden - Gauck: Kein Verständnis für "puren Verrat" GAUCK, JOACHIM / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130630 spiegel.de Snowdens Asylantrag: Ecuador schiebt Verantwortung auf Russland ab SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC / RU
20130629 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden has not weakened president, says Susan Rice - New US national security adviser says diplomatic consequences of NSA leaks are not that significant SNOWDEN, EDWARD / LEAKS / RICE, SUSANNE / US
20130628 guardian.co.uk Ecuador cools on Edward Snowden asylum as Assange frustration grows - President Correa revokes Snowden's temporary travel document amid concerns WikiLeaks founder is 'running the show' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC / CORREA, RAFAEL / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20130628 spiegel.de NSA-Whistleblower: Vater stellt Snowdens Rückkehr in die USA in Aussicht SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130628 guardian.co.uk Ecuador breaks US trade pact to thwart 'blackmail' over Snowden asylum - Government renounces Andean Trade Preference Act even as Snowden's prospects of reaching Ecuador from Moscow dimmed EC / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20130627 spiegel.de Zollabkommen mit den USA : Ecuador kommt Obama zuvor EC / US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130627 wsj.com Ecuadorean Disarray Clouds Snowden Bid SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20130627 guardian.co.uk Obama: US will not engage in 'wheeling and dealing' over Edward Snowden - US president indicates he won't spend much geopolitical capital to apprehend the NSA surveillance whistleblower SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / OBAMA, BARACK
20130627 spiegel.de Snowdens Flucht aus Hongkong: Name im Haftbefehl soll falsch gewesen sein SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK
20130627 spiegel.de Obama über Snowden: "Ich werde keine Jets schicken, um einen Hacker zu fassen" US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK
20130627 spiegel.de Asylantrag von Edward Snowden: USA drohen Ecuador mit Handelsstrafen EC / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20130626 guardian.co.uk US got NSA leaker Edward Snowden's middle name wrong, says Hong Kong - Justice secretary explains why White House's request for arrest of whistleblower was turned down SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK
20130626 aretechnica.com In 2009, Ed Snowden said leakers “should be shot.” Then he became one SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130626 spiegel.de Whistleblower auf der Flucht: Snowden hat Sicherheitskopien verteilt SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GREENWALD, GLENN
20130626 spiegel.de Snowden-Spekulation in Moskau: Phantom vom Flughafen SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130626 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden 'not likely to gain asylum in Ecuador for months' - As NSA whistleblower waits at Moscow airport, Ecuadorean foreign minister says entry decision will be considered carefully SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC / RU
20130626 guardian.co.uk Latin America is ready to defy the US over Snowden and other issues - Latin America has long lived in the US shadow, but the fact that some countries might take Snowden shows how that's changed SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130626 scmp.com The US is the one with some explaining to do SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / US
20130625 spiegel.de Whistleblower-Affäre: Snowden spaltet Amerika US / WHISTLEBLOWING / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GREENWALD, GLENN / GREGORY, DAVID
20130625 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden has missed the golden era of going on the run - Train robber Ronnie Biggs managed to hide abroad, but then he didn't have the endless publicity of the 24-hour news cycle SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ESCAPE
20130625 thedailybeast.com Greenwald: Snowden’s Files Are Out There if ‘Anything Happens’ to Him GREENWALD, GLENN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130625 guardian.co.uk WikiLeaks' Baltasar Garzón, the man Edward Snowden wants on his side - Best known as the superjudge who ordered the arrest of General Pinochet, the crusading legal head of WikiLeaks has been approached by the NSA whistleblower to represent him GARZON, BALTASAR / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130625 guardian.co.uk China's state newspaper praises Edward Snowden for 'tearing off Washington's sanctimonious mask' - State-run People's Daily says whistleblower has exposed US hypocrisy after Washington blamed Beijing for his escape CN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130625 guardian.co.uk Putin: Edward Snowden in Moscow airport but will not be extradited - Russian president confirms NSA whistleblower is in Moscow airport transit lounge but refuses US calls for cooperation SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / PUTIN, WLADIMIR
20130625 guardian.co.uk Putin confirms Snowden in Moscow airport but denies extradition – live - Vladimir Putin says Snowden is in Moscow airport transit zone and has committed no crime in Russia - Russian president says NSA whistleblower will not be extradited to US SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / PUTIN, WLADIMIR
20130625 guardian.co.uk US scrambles to find Edward Snowden and urges Russia to co-operate - Washington criticises China for allowing NSA whistleblower to leave but Snowden's whereabouts remain a source of confusion SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / CN / RU
20130625 spiegel.de Flucht von Edward Snowden: Pizza, Hühnchen, Pepsi SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK
20130625 spiegel.de Whistleblower Snowden: China wehrt sich gegen Washingtons Fluchthelfer-Vorwürfe SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CN / US
20130624 spiegel.de Whistleblower: Assange hilft Snowden bei der Flucht nach Ecuador SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC
20130624 spiegel.de Whistleblower auf der Flucht: Snowden offenbar nicht im Flugzeug nach Kuba SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130624 amnestyusa.org U.S. Must Not Hunt Down NSA Whistleblower SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL
20130624 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden leaves reporters chasing shadows around an airport - US whistleblower's rumoured arrival then non-departure from Russia leaves many in Moscow asking: was he ever even here? SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130624 spiegel.de Snowden-Affäre: Weißes Haus unterstellt Peking Täuschung US / CN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130624 guardian.co.uk US warns Moscow not to let Edward Snowden escape Russia - Confusion surrounds Snowden's whereabouts as journalists report NSA whistleblower was not on plane bound for Havana US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130624 spiegel.de Affäre um Whistleblower Snowden: Kerry droht China und Russland KERRY, JOHN / US / CN / RU / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130624 rt.com Assange reveals details of 'Snowden Op', slams US 'war on whistleblowers' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20130624 washingtonpost.com Wonkbook: Does Edward Snowden even exist? SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130624 nytimes.com Media Decoder: The Other Snowden Drama: Impugning the Messenger GREENWALD, GLENN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / JOURNALISM
20130624 rt.com Snowden admits taking Booz Allen job to collect data on NSA surveillance SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON
20130624 tnp.no Pirate Party Norway: - Snowden Passed Through Norway to Iceland SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NO / IS
20130624 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden missing after failing to fly to Cuba - live - Whereabouts of former NSA contractor whose leaks to Guardian have caused global controversy a mystery after he does not catch expected flight to Cuba SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / CU / RU
20130624 spiegel.de Prism-Informant: Weißes Haus verlangt Snowdens Auslieferung SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / EXTRADITION
20130624 rt.com 'Who betrayed whom?' Ecuador considering Snowden's asylum, doubts fair trial in US SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC
20130624 rt.com Kerry says would be deeply troubled if China, Russia had known of Snowden's travel plans SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / RU / CU / KERRY, JOHN
20130624 zerohedge.com Moody's Retaliates At Hong Kong For Snowden Insubordination HK / US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130624 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden booked on plane from Moscow to Havana – live coverage SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / CU
20130624 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden seeks asylum in Ecuador amid diplomatic storm - Whistleblower escapes from Hong Kong to Moscow on a commercial flight despite a formal US extradition request SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / US / RU / EC / WIKILEAKS
20130624 spiegel.de Prism-Informant: Weißes Haus verlangt Snowdens Auslieferung SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / RU
20130624 spiegel.de Snowden-Ziel Ecuador: Flucht zum Presse-Knebler SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC / SLANDERING

20130617 - 20130623

Date Source Title Tags
20130623 nytimes.com Offering Snowden Aid, WikiLeaks Gets Back in the Game WIKILEAKS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130623 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden asks for asylum in Ecuador: live updates - The NSA whistleblower left Hong Kong on an Aeroflot flight to Moscow, two days after the US charged him with espionage, before applying for asylum in Ecuador SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC / RU
20130623 guardian.co.uk US politicians issue warning to Russia as Edward Snowden arrives in Moscow - Senator warns Vladimir Putin of 'serious consequences' if country neglects to send NSA whistleblower back to US SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / US
20130623 guardian.co.uk Civil liberties: Guarding the guards - Both the revelations of undercover police spy Peter Francis and NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden speak directly to the issue of trust between citizen and state SNOWDEN, EDWARD / FRANCIS, PETER / WHISTLEBLOWING
20130623 guardian.co.uk Whistleblower Snowden escapes arrest in Hong Kong thanks to US errors - Edward Snowden heads for Ecuador after flight to Russia leaves authorities in various countries amazed and infuriated SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / RU / EC / US
20130623 guardian.co.uk Venezuela or Ecuador: where next for NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden? Having left Hong Kong for Moscow, Edward Snowden will be assessing a number of criteria as decides on a final destination SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / RU / VE / EC
20130623 spiegel.de US-Informant: Snowden beantragt Asyl in Ecuador EC / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130623 spiegel.de US-Informant Snowden: Entwischt SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / RU / EC
20130623 nytimes.com Snowden, in Russia, Seeks Asylum in Ecuador SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / EC
20130623 guardian.co.uk NSA director: Edward Snowden has caused irreversible damage to US - Keith Alexander defends agency's broad surveillance as being in line with Americans' expectations for preventing another 9/11 SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH / US
20130623 wikileaks.org WikiLeaks Statement On Edward Snowden’s Exit From Hong Kong WIKILEAKS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK
20130623 bangkokpost.com Snowden 'booked to Venezuela' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / VE / RU / CU
20130623 rt.com Snowden examined by Ecuadorian embassy doctor at Moscow airport upon arrival – RT source SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / EC / VE / CU
20130623 interfax.com No clarity yet whether Snowden will seek political refuge in Russia - Pushkov SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130623 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden 'arrives in Moscow' - NSA whistleblower lands in Russia after Hong Kong allows him to leave, with WikiLeaks saying it is providing assistance SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / HK
20130623 spiegel.de US-Informant Snowden in Moskau gelandet: Der Kreml als Fluchthelfer SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / RU
20130623 scmp.com Hong Kong has 'no legal basis' to keep Snowden, bound for Venezuela via Moscow and Cuba SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / VE / RU / CU
20130623 spiegel.de US-Informant: Edward Snowden hat Hongkong verlassen SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK
20130623 syracuse.com Former NSA contractor Edward Snowden leaves Hong Kong; he reportedly has ticket to Cuba SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / CU
20130623 info.gov.hk HKSAR Government issues statement on Edward Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK
20130623 bangkokpost.com Hong Kong allows Snowden to leave SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK
20130623 scmp.com China calls US the world's 'biggest villain' as Washington 'expects' Snowden extradition SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / CN / EXTRADITION
20130623 cnn.com U.S. seeks Snowden extradition in NSA leaks case SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EXTRADITION
20130622 newyorker.com U.S. Seemingly Unaware of Irony in Accusing Snowden of Spying SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20130622 cnn.com WikiLeaks' Assange urges support for Snowden, slams Obama 'betrayal' ASSANGE, JULIAN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK
20130622 nytimes.com U.S. Petitions for Extradition in N.S.A. Case SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / US / EXTRADITION
20130622 guardian.co.uk Support NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, says Julian Assange - WikiLeaks founder releases statement after former contract worker is charged with espionage by US prosecutors SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASSANGE, JULIAN / OBAMA, BARACK
20130622 nytimes.com Arrest of N.S.A. Leaker Seen as Easier Than Transfer to U.S. SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130622 spiegel.de Prism-Skandal: US-Justiz beschuldigt Snowden der Spionage SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20130622 guardian.co.uk US files criminal charges against NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden: Charges include theft of government property and unauthorised communication of national defence information SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / NSA
20130621 washingtonpost.com U.S. charges Snowden with espionage SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130621 guardian.co.uk Steve Wozniak: 'I felt about Edward Snowden the way I felt about Daniel Ellsberg' - Apple co-founder says he admires Edward Snowden as much as Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg WOZNIAK, STEVE / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130621 rt.com NSA leaker Snowden may leave Hong Kong for Iceland on private jet SNOWDEN, EDWARD / IS
20130621 spiegel.de Prism-Skandal: WikiLeaks will Whistleblower Snowden im Privatjet nach Island bringen SNOWDEN, EDWARD / IS / DATACELL / SIGURVINSSON, OLAFUR VIGNIR
20130620 newsoficeland.com Edward Snowden could fly to Iceland tomorrow IS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130620 dv.is Með einkaflugvél í startholunum fyrir Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / IS
20130620 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden spoke, so why did the British press turn a deaf ear? SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GB
20130620 washingtonpost.com Snowden extradition may be complicated process if criminal charges are filed SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130619 politico.com The leaker who won’t stop talking SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130619 guardian.co.uk NSA Prism program a game changer on web privacy, says Sir Martin Sorrell - WPP chief says internet companies have to take responsibility for the editorial content appearing on their sites NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / LEAKS / SORRELL, MARTIN / WESTWOOD, VIVIENNE
20130618 theatlantic.com 3 Former NSA Employees Praise Edward Snowden, Corroborate Key Claims - The men, all whistleblowers, say he succeeded where they failed. WHISTLEBLOWING / NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DRAKE, THOMAS / BINNEY, WILLIAM / WIEBE, J. KIRK
20130618 guardian.co.uk NSA director describes surveillance as 'limited, focused' in House hearing: Keith Alexander testifies to Congress that programs revealed by Edward Snowden have stopped 'more than 50' attacks ALEXANDER, KEITH / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / JOYCE, SEAN / NSA
20130618 rt.com Snowden seeks asylum in Iceland through intermediary SNOWDEN, EDWARD / IS / HRAFNSSON, KRISTINN
20130618 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden's father asks him to stop leaking - Lonnie Snowden asks his son to 'measure what you're going to do' but says he disagrees with the US surveillance SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130617 latimes.com Journalistic impartiality tested in NSA leak story NSA / LEAKS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GREENWALD, GLENN / POITRAS, LAURA / GELLMAN, BARTON
20130617 wsj.com Snowden Says Obama’s Failed Promises Motivated Leaks SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / OBAMA, BARACK
20130617 washingtonpost.com Edward Snowden is a coward? No, he’s a media visionary SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130617 nytimes.com N.S.A. Leaker Denies Giving Secrets to China SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130617 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden: the truth about US surveillance will emerge - In a live chat with Guardian readers, NSA whistleblower says US leaders cannot 'cover this up by jailing or murdering me' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA
20130617 guardian.co.uk MoD serves news outlets with D notice over surveillance leaks - BBC and other media groups issued with D notice to limit publication of information that could 'jeopardise national security' GB / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CENSORSHIP
20130617 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden: US government has destroyed any chance of a fair trial - In a live chat with Guardian readers, NSA whistleblower says US leaders cannot 'cover this up by jailing or murdering me' SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130617 spiegel.de Prism-Überwachungsprogramm: Snowden bezichtigt US-Geheimdienste der Lüge SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130617 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden Q and A: NSA whistleblower answers your questions SNOWDEN, EDWARD

20130609 - 20130616

Date Source Title Tags
20130616 guardian.co.uk Civil liberties: surveillance and the state - In unmasking himself as the leaker of the files showing the uses and abuses of western intelligence, Edward Snowden called for a wider public debate SURVEILLANCE / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130615 time.com Potential Blind Spots in Clearance Process that Gave Snowden Top-Secret Access SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130615 guardian.co.uk Prism whistleblower Edward Snowden a hero to 40%, poll finds SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130615 thehill.com NSA leaker Snowden is lying, say leaders of House Intelligence Committee SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HOUSE INTELIGENCE COMMITTEE / ALEXANDER, KEITH / ROGERS, MIKE / RUPPERSBERGER, DUTCH
20130615 rawstory.com Hong Kong protesters back Edward Snowden, denounce allegations of U.S. spying SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK
20130614 correntewire.com Six reasons why choosing Hong Kong is a brilliant move by Edward Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK
20130614 xinhuanet.com Whistleblower welcome in China WHISTLEBLOWING / CN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / MANNING, BRADLEY / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20130614 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden story on way to the big screen - Film about NSA whistleblower already being planned, along with separate feature about Barack Obama's drones programme SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130614 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden's worst fear has not been realised – thankfully - The NSA whistleblower's only concern was that his disclosures would be met with apathy. Instead, they're leading to real reform SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / WHISTLEBLOWING
20130614 guardian.co.uk On PRISM, partisanship and propaganda: Addressing many of the issues arising from last week's NSA stories SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / US
20130614 spiegel.de Kritik an US-Überwachung: Chinas Staatsmedien feiern Prism-Enthüller Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CN / MANNING, BRADLEY / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20130614 guardian.co.uk Don't fly Edward Snowden to UK, airlines told - British government issues travel alert to airlines around the world saying NSA whistleblower likely to be refused entry to UK SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GB
20130613 reason.com NSA Leaker Edward Snowden Has a Higher Approval Rating Than Congress SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130613 washingtonpost.com Why Peter King’s comments on Greenwald threaten the republic KING, PETER / GREENWALD, GLENN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130613 spiegel.de US-Geheimdienst: NSA-Chef verteidigt Schnüffelaktion NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130613 guardian.co.uk Snowden revelations on NSA strain US-China relations, says Beijing: State-run China Daily points to countries' 'soured relationship' on cybersecurity and suggests huge surveillance net is unjustified SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / NSA / CN / CYBERWAR
20130612 nationaljournal.com Why I Don't Care About Edward Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20130612 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden: how the spy story of the age leaked out - The full story behind the scoop and why the whistleblower approached the Guardian SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130612 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden could remain in Hong Kong for years, legal experts say - Whistleblower could make case for rejecting US application for his return on grounds that alleged offence was political SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK
20130612 blogs.reuters.com Edward Snowden and the selective targeting of leaks SNOWDEN, EDWARD / LEAKS / WHISTLEBLOWING / MANNING, BRADLEY / ELLSBERG, DANIEL
20130612 reuters.com More Americans see man who leaked NSA secrets as 'patriot' than traitor: Poll SNOWDEN, EDWARD / WHISTLEBLOWING / US
20130612 guardian.co.uk Snowden saw what I saw: surveillance criminally subverting the constitution - So we refused to be part of the NSA's dark blanket. That is why whistleblowers pay the price for being the backstop of democracy SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DRAKE, THOMAS / WHISTLEBLOWING / NSA / MFS
20130612 spiegel.de Vorwürfe gegen NSA: Snowden berichtet über US-Hacker-Angriffe auf China SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CN / CYBERWAR / NSA / US
20130612 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden vows not to 'hide from justice' amid new hacking claims - NSA whistleblower says he is not in Hong Kong to 'hide from justice' and alleges US hacked hundreds of targets in China SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / CN
20130612 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden on Hong Kong: 'I am not here to hide from justice' – live SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130612 scmp.com EXCLUSIVE: Whistleblower Edward Snowden talks to South China Morning Post SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130612 nzz.ch Bundesrat muss Farbe bekennen: Schweizer Asyl für Whistleblower Snowden? CH / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130611 spiegel.de NSA-Spionageprogramm: IT-Konzern feuert Whistleblower Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON
20130611 washingtonpost.com Investigators looking into how Snowden gained access at NSA SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA
20130611 guardian.co.uk NSA Prism scandal: Russia ‘would consider Edward Snowden asylum claim’ – live coverage SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130611 en.ria.ru Russia May Consider US Spy Leaker’s Asylum Request – Media SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU
20130611 salon.com How we broke the NSA story: Exclusive: Laura Poitras tells Salon about getting contacted by Edward Snowden, and reveals more footage is coming SNOWDEN, EDWARD / POITRAS, LAURA
20130611 spiegel.de Prism-Affäre: Assange empfiehlt Snowden Flucht nach Lateinamerika SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20130611 spiegel.de US-Spitzelei: Obama jagt die Geheimnisverräter US / OBAMA, BARACK / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / WHISTLEBLOWING
20130610 rt.com Alleged US security officials said NSA leaker, journalist should be 'disappeared' – report SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130610 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden: patriotism versus paranoia: The NSA whistleblower is the latest in a long line to resist the paranoid fears that are a recurring feature of US politics SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130610 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden did enlist for special forces, US army confirms - US army confirms to Guardian NSA whistleblower enlisted as a special forces recruit but was discharged four months later SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130610 spiegel.de Whistleblower Snowden und Manning: Die neuen Weltverbesserer SNOWDEN, EDWARD / MANNING, BRADLEY / WHISTLEBLOWING
20130610 nytimes.com Overtures and a Clandestine Meeting Gave Birth to a Blockbuster Story SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130610 guardian.co.uk US lawmakers call for review of Patriot Act after NSA surveillance revelations: White House insists it welcomes 'appropriate debate' after Republican leadership questions implementation of security act SNOWDEN, EDWARD / NSA / US / PATRIOT ACT
20130610 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden's explosive NSA leaks have US in damage control mode - White House refers Snowden's case to Justice Department while Republicans in Congress call for whistleblower's extradition SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / NSA
20130610 guardian.co.uk Julian Assange praises Edward Snowden as a hero - Whistleblower will go down in history for exposing 'formulation of a mass surveillance state', says WikiLeaks founder SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WHISTLEBLOWING
20130610 guardian.co.uk Beyond Hong Kong: Edward Snowden's best options for asylum - Choice of Hong Kong as refuge is admired, but speculation remains that he could seek sanctuary in Iceland SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / IS / JONSDOTTIR, BIRGITTA
20130610 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden: more conscientious objector than common thief - US members of Congress ought to be seeking the earliest opportunity to learn what this brave whistleblower is saying SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130610 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden: what might China do? Whistleblower may have bought time by holing up in Hong Kong, but long-term prospects are uncertain SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CN / HK
20130610 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden: Republicans call for NSA whistleblower to be extradited - Politicians denounce whistleblower's actions while civil libertarians hail him as a courageous hero SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130610 spiegel.de Prism-Whistleblower: "Ich erwarte nicht, mein Zuhause wiederzusehen WHISTLEBLOWING / NSA / SNOWDEN, ED
20130610 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden revealed as NSA whistleblower – reaction live SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130609 guardian.co.uk Booz Allen Hamilton: Edward Snowden's US contracting firm - $6bn company that employed the NSA whistleblower is closely connected to US intelligence community and its leader BOOZ ALLEN HAMILTON / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130609 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden identifies himself as source of NSA leaks - live SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130609 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden: the whistleblower answers the essential questions on the biggest leak in NSA history - Source for the Guardian's NSA files on why he carried out the biggest intelligence leak in a generation – and what comes next SNOWDEN, ED / NSA / WHISTLEBLOWING
20130609 spiegel.de Web-Überwachung durch die NSA: 29-jähriger Techniker verriet Spähprogramm Prism WHISTLEBLOWING / NSA / SNOWDEN, EDWARD



Date Source Title Tags
20130708 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden: 'The US government will say I aided our enemies' – video interview SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130623 youtube.com Sarah Palin on Fox News: Snowden is not the problem, the problem is the government violating our fourth amendment rights PALIN, SARAH / SNOWDEN, EDWARD