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|20130816||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/16/nsa-violated-privacy-rules-audit NSA under renewed fire after report finds it violated its own privacy rules - Revelations that NSA collected records it was not permitted to acquire pile further pressure on intelligence chief James Clapper]||[[NSA]] / [[CLAPPER, JAMES]] / [[WYDEN, RON]]
|20130816||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/16/nsa-revelations-privacy-breaches-udall-wyden NSA revelations of privacy breaches 'the tip of the iceberg' – Senate duo - Leading critics of NSA Ron Wyden and Mark Udall say 'public deserves to know more about violations of secret court orders']||[[NSA]] / [[WYDEN, RON]] / [[UDALL, MARK]]
|20130816||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/16/nsa-revelations-privacy-breaches-udall-wyden NSA revelations of privacy breaches 'the tip of the iceberg' – Senate duo - Leading critics of NSA Ron Wyden and Mark Udall say 'public deserves to know more about violations of secret court orders']||[[NSA]] / [[WYDEN, RON]] / [[UDALL, MARK]]

Revision as of 07:00, 17 August 2013