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|20140316||wsj.com||[http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702303287804579443262763764766?mod=e2tw&mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB10001424052702303287804579443262763764766.html%3Fmod%3De2tw Aboard a Plane Searching for Flight 370: U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon with Nine-Man Crew Scours 7,500 Square Miles of Sea]||[[MH370]] / [[P-8A]]
|20140316||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/vermisste-boeing-neue-erkenntnisse-zu-flug-mh370-a-958919.htmlFlug MH370: Neue Erkenntnisse rücken Crew ins Zentrum der Ermittlungen]||[[MH370]]
|20140316||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/vermisste-boeing-neue-erkenntnisse-zu-flug-mh370-a-958919.htmlFlug MH370: Neue Erkenntnisse rücken Crew ins Zentrum der Ermittlungen]||[[MH370]]

Revision as of 08:55, 18 March 2014

aka China Southern Airlines Flight 748 on 20140308 from KUL to PEK with a BOEING 777-200ER


20140317 Monday

Date Source Title Tags
20140317 spiegel.de zu Flug MH370: Der letzte Funkspruch des Co-Piloten MH370
20140317 spiegel.de Flug MH370: Nasa sucht Malaysia-Boeing mit der ISS MH370
20140317 reuters.com Planning could hold key to disappearance of Flight MH370 MH370

20140316 Sunday

Date Source Title Tags
20140316 wsj.com Aboard a Plane Searching for Flight 370: U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon with Nine-Man Crew Scours 7,500 Square Miles of Sea MH370 / P-8A
20140316 spiegel.de MH370: Neue Erkenntnisse rücken Crew ins Zentrum der Ermittlungen MH370
20140316 nytimes.com Pilot Spoke to Air Controllers After Shutoff of Data System MH370
20140316 bloomberg.com Flight 370 Pilot Was Opposition Supporter With Love for Aviation MH370 / SHAH, ZAHARIE AHMAD
20140316 marklberry.com High Alert Until MH370 is Found MH370
20140316 spiegel.de Verschwundene Boeing: Die seltsame Rolle des malaysischen Militärs MH370 / MY
20140316 illuminatireview.com Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Patent Issues MH370 / FREESCALE / PATENTS
20140316 timesofisrael.com Ex-El Al expert: Iran likely involved in MH 370 MH370 / EL AL / YEFFET, ISAAC
20140316 theguardian.com Flight MH370: Malaysia appeals for international help as police focus on missing jet's pilots - live updates MH370
20140316 huffingtonpost.com Terrorverdacht: Hat die US-Navy die malaysische Passagiermaschine abgeschossen? MH370 / US NAVY / DIEGO GARCIA
20140316 washingtonpost.com Malaysian authorities examine pilot’s flight simulator MH370
20140316 telegraph.co.uk Malaysia Airlines MH370 live: pilots investigated as fears of '9/11 style plot' grow MH370 / SHAH, ZAHARIE AHMAD / HAMID, FARIQ
20140316 indiatimes.com Was Flight 370 hijacked for 9/11-type attack in India? MH370 / IN
20140316 mirror.co.uk MH370 picture exclusive: Did pilot hijack missing Malaysia Airlines jet as political protest? MH370
20140316 sueddeutsche.de Spuren führen ins Cockpit MH370

20140315 Saturday

Date Source Title Tags
20140315 malaysiaflipflop.blogspot.de MH370 captured by US Navy: Russia “Puzzled” Over Malaysia Airlines “Capture” By US Navy MH370 / US NAVY / RU / GRU / VKO / MV Maersk Alabama / KENNEDY, MARK DANIEL / REYNOLDS, JEFFREY KEITH / TRIDENT GROUP / HAK
20140315 abcnews.go.com Malaysia Airlines Jet Made 'Tactical Aviation Maneuvers': Law Enforcement Officials MH370
20140315 spiegel.de Verschollene Malaysia-Boeing: Neue Flugdaten weisen auf absichtliche Routenänderung hin MH370
20140315 spiegel.de Mutmaßliche Boeing-Entführung: Experten glauben nicht an eine geglückte Landung MH370
20140315 slate.com Why I Think It’s Very Possible That the Missing Airliner Is in Central Asia MH370
20140315 theguardian.com Flight MH370: Malaysians convinced missing airliner was hijacked - People with extensive flight experience switched off controls and diverted plane, anonymous official says, as hunt goes on MH370
20140315 bloomberg.com Missing Malaysian Jet Said Tracked to Ocean Off Australia MH370
20140315 malaysiaairlines.com Saturday, March 15, 05:45 PM MYT +0800 Malaysia Airlines MH370 Flight Incident - 19th Media Statement MH370
20140315 nytimes.com Malaysian Prime Minister Says Missing Jet Was Deliberately Diverted MH370
20140315 reuters.com Satellites scour earth for clues as Malaysia jet mystery deepens MH370
20140315 scribd.com Here is the Full Text of Statement by Prime Minister of Malaysia Today March 15 on Missing Plane #Mh370 MH370 / RAZAK, DATUK SERI NAJIB TUN / MY
20140315 yahoo.com Military data suggests 'skilled' flyer turned Malaysia jet MH370

20140314 Friday

Date Source Title Tags
20140314 wsj.com Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 Probe Sharpens Focus on Sabotage MH370
20140314 spiegel.de Flug MH370: Neue Hinweise auf stundenlangen Boeing-Geisterflug MH370
20140314 spiegel.de Flug MH370: Malaysia-Boeing flog offenbar gezielt nach Westen MH370
20140314 spiegel.de Verschollene Boeing 777-200: Die Satelliten-Spur MH370
20140314 scmp.com Chinese scientists observe 'seismic event' on sea floor, as US points towards Indian Ocean in MH370 mystery MH370

20140313 Thursday

Date Source Title Tags
20140313 cnn.com Transponder's fate may prove key to solving Malaysia Airlines puzzle MH370
20140313 cnn.com Missing Malaysia airliner: Questions and answers MH370
20140313 ap.org Details on ships, planes searching for missing jet MH370
20140313 wsj.com U.S. Investigators Suspect Missing Malaysia Airlines Plane Flew On for Hours MH370
20140313 usnews.com Malaysia plane sent signals to satellite for 4 hours after it went missing MH370
20140313 abcnews.go.com Malaysia Airliner Communications Shut Down Separately: US Officials Say MH370
20140313 telegraph.co.uk Malaysia Airlines live: missing plane may have flown on for four hours MH370
20140313 twitter.com/airwaysmagazine With the WSJ reporting #MH370 was in the air for 4 more hours, it could be anywhere in this circle. MH370
20140313 straitstimes.com US investigators suspect missing Malaysia Airlines MH370 flew for hours: WSJ MH370
20140313 spiegel.de Bericht über Triebwerksdaten: Der angebliche Geisterflug der verschollenen Boeing MH370
20140313 spiegel.de Satellitenbilder von vermisster Boeing: Suchtrupps gehen Trümmer-Fotos nach - ohne Erfolg MH370

20140312 Wednesday

Date Source Title Tags
20140312 theguardian.com MH370: China releases satellite images of possible crash site MH370
20140312 cnn.com Satellite looking into missing Malaysia flight detects 'suspected crash area' MH370
20140312 astroawani.com MH370: Has the focus turned towards Freescale staff onboard? MH370 / FREESCALE
20140312 nst.com MISSING MH370: Military says missing jet changed course MH370
20140312 wcarn.com Malaysia Airlines MH370 Flight Incident - 14th Media Statement MH370
20140312 stasiareport.com In KL, fear turns to anger over Malaysia's response to missing MH370 MH370
20140312 spiegel.de Verschollene Boeing: Chinesischer Satellit entdeckt mögliche Wrackteile MH370
20140312 spiegel.de Suche nach verschollener Boeing: China kritisiert Malaysia für "chaotische" Informationspolitik MH370
20140312 spiegel.de Flug MH370: Botschafter zitiert letzten Funkspruch aus verschollener Maschine MH370

20140311 Tuesday

Date Source Title Tags
20140311 gmanetwork.com US-based satellite imaging company crowdsources search for missing MH370 plane MH370 / DIGITALGLOBE
20140311 voiceofrussia.com Tracking data confirms that missing Boeing reached Straits of Malacca - media MH370
20140311 newscientist.com Malaysian plane sent out engine data before vanishing MH370
20140311 crikey.com.au MH370: Logic says this isn’t mystery it’s claimed to be MH370
20140311 thesundaily.my Conflicting statements from IGP, MAS MH370
20140311 telegraph.co.uk Missing Malaysia Airlines plane flew hundreds of miles off course MH370
20140311 nst.com.my MISSING MH370: Loud noise reported, believed linked to missing plane MH370
20140311 warn.com Interpol "Inclined to Conclude" Malaysia Airlines Disappearance Not Terror MH370
20140311 fmtborneoplus.com MH370: Govt open to using ‘bomohs’ MH370 / MY
20140311 indiatimes.com Indian Navy joins search for missing Malaysian plane in the Malacca Straits MH370
20140311 ap.org Malaysia's air force jet may have turned back MH370
20140311 karlenepetitt.blogspot.de MH 370: Time to Speculate MH370
20140311 nytimes.com Malaysia Jet Changed Course at Time of Disappearance, Officials Say MH370
20140311 nytimes.com Iranian Lawmaker Blames U.S. for Plane Disappearance MH370 / IR / US
20140311 themalaysianinsider.com Malaysia: Malaysian military now reveals it tracked MH370 to Malacca straits MH370
20140311 my.news.yahoo.com Malaysian air force confirms signal of MH370 turning back on Saturday MH370
20140311 news.com.au Missing flight MH370: Co-pilot entertained Melbourne woman and friend on a previous international flight MH370
20140311 reuters.com Missing Malaysian plane last seen at Strait of Malacca: source MH370
20140311 reuters.com Malaysia military tracked missing plane to west coast: source MH370
20140311 aa.com.tr Police say Iranian on flight MH370 not a 'terrorist' MH370
20140311 theguardian.com Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 may have turned back, say authorities MH370
20140311 shanghaiist.com Taiwan alerted China of potential attack on Beijing Int'l Airport in days before MH370 disappearance MH370
20140311 thestar.com.my Missing MH370: Don’t rely on Google Maps to search for plane, says Google MH370 / GOOGLE
20140311 bbc.co.uk Malaysia Airlines MH370: Stolen passport 'no terror link' MH370
20140311 spiegel.de Rätsel um Flug MH370: Iraner buchte Tickets für Passagiere mit falscher Identität MH370

20140310 Monday

Date Source Title Tags
20140310 wantchinatimes.com 'Chinese Martyrs' Brigade' claims responsibility for flight MH370 MH370
20140310 spiegel.de Malaysia-Airlines-Flug MH370: Die schwierige Suche nach dem Boeing-Wrack MH370
20140310 washingtonpost.com Vanished Malaysia Airlines flight leaves relatives with anger and phantom phone calls MH370
20140310 nbcnews.com Who Flew? FBI to Check Thumbprints of Impostor Passengers MH370
20140310 bbc.com China urges Malaysia to intensify search for flight MH370 MH370
20140310 bangkokpost.com Airline's lack of information angers relatives MH370
20140310 bangkokpost.com Stolen passports 'not used in Thailand' MH370
20140310 straitstimes.com Missing Malaysia Airlines plane: 5 things to know about South China Sea and Gulf of Thailand MH370 / SOUTH CHINA SEA / GULF OF THAILAND
20140310 news24.com Bizarre: missing Malaysia Airlines passengers' phones ring, but no one answers MH370
20140310 reuters.com The search for missing Malaysian jet MH370
20140310 theguardian.com Malaysian Airlines plane mystery: how can a flight disappear off radar? Flight MH370's disappearance from tracking could be due to its transponder being stopped deliberately, electrical failure or the plane's disintegration MH370
20140310 thestar.com.my Missing MH370: Ships dispatched to investigate possible life raft sighting, says DCA MH370
20140310 thestar.com.my Missing MH370: Impostors "not Asian-looking," says DCA chief MH370
20140310 ap.org Nuclear test experts to check if plane exploded MH370
20140310 huffingtonpost.com Investigators Chase 'Every Angle' In Missing Malaysia Jet MH370
20140310 ap.org How can jet disappear? In the ocean, it's not hard MH370
20140310 usatoday.com China sends teams to aid Malaysian Airlines probe MH370
20140310 straitstimes.com Missing Malaysian Airlines plane: US sends second ship to help search for Malaysia plane MH370
20140310 bbc.com Malaysia Airlines: What we know about flight MH370 MH370
20140310 washingtonpost.com Fuel, debris determined not from missing Malaysia Airlines flight, as search expands MH370
20140310 maldivesfinest.com Hijackers might have taken MH370 to a remote jungle location and landed on grass runway MH370
20140310 nbcsnews.com Iranian Bought Tickets For Fake Passport Passengers: Report MH370
20140310 spiegel.de Verschollenes Flugzeug: Was geschah mit Flug MH370? MH370
20140310 spiegel.de Vermisste Boeing: Fahnder identifizieren mysteriösen Passagier MH370
20140310 ibtimes.co.uk Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370: Passengers' Mobile Phones Ring But Not Answered MH370
20140310 thestar.com.my Missing MH370: One of two suspects using stolen passports identified, says IGP MH370
20140310 thestar.com.my Missing MH370: Oil slick not from plane, says MMEA MH370
20140310 thestar.com.my RMAF chief: Recordings captured from radar indicate flight deviated from original route MH370
20140310 thestar.com.my Missing MAS flight: DCA not ruling out mid-air explosion theory MH370

20140309 Sunday

Date Source Title Tags
20140309 nst.com.my MISSING MH370: Pilot: I established contact with plane MH370
20140309 spiegel.de Verschollene Boeing: FBI untersucht möglichen Terrorhintergrund MH370 / FBI
20140309 thestar.com.my Missing MAS flight: Authorities not ruling Uighur link out MH370
20140309 spiegel.de Gestohlene Pässe: Interpol übt scharfe Kritik an Malaysia Airlines MH370 / MALAYSIA AIRLINES / INTERPOL
20140309 thestar.com.my Missing MAS flight: Possibility stolen passports used had insufficient security features, says Zahid MH370
20140309 thestar.com.my Missing MAS flight: We are working with anti-terrorism units, says Hisham MH370
20140309 thestar.com.my Missing MAS flight: Air turn back a "possibility" but no signal baffling, says RMAF chief MH370
20140309 phukatwan.com Stolen Phuket Passports: Could They Link to the Fate of Malaysia Flight MH370? MH370 / PHUKET

20140308 Saturday

Date Source Title Tags
20140308 emergenza24.org Incidente aereo Vietnam 08.03.2014 MH370
20140308 spiegel.de Verschollene Boeing: Zwei Passagiere mit gestohlenen Pässen an Bord MH370
20140308 spiegel.de Verschollene Passagiermaschine: Rettungskräfte suchen im Meer vor Vietnam nach Boeing aus Malaysia MH370
20140308 thestar.com.my Flight MH370 bound for Beijing goes missing MH370

Passenger List

Date Source Title Tags
20140308 thestar.com.my Missing MAS flight: Passenger and crew list (Updated) MH370

