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|20141114||willyloman.wordpress.com||[http://willyloman.wordpress.com/2014/11/14/meet-sharon-weinberger-the-intercepts-new-national-security-editor-and-former-dov-s-zakheim-associate/ Meet Sharon Weinberger: The Intercept’s New “National Security” Editor and Former Dov S. Zakheim Associate]||[[OMIDYAR, PIERRE]] / [[THE INTERCEPT]] / [[TAIBBI, MATT]] / [[GREENWALD, GLENN]] / [[ZALISHCHUK, SVITLANA]] / [[USAID]] / [[WEINBERGER, SHARON]] / [[COOK, JOHN]] / [[ZAKHEIM, DOV S.]] / [[CSIS]] / [[SPC]]
|20130209||log.nadim.cc||[http://log.nadim.cc/?p=110 I am under surveillance by Canadian agents, my computer has been backdoored]||[[KOBEISSI, NADIM]] / [[CSIS]]
|20130209||log.nadim.cc||[http://log.nadim.cc/?p=110 I am under surveillance by Canadian agents, my computer has been backdoored]||[[KOBEISSI, NADIM]] / [[CSIS]]

Latest revision as of 14:22, 18 November 2014