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|20160326||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/erdogan-schimpft-ueber-diplomaten-bei-prozess-gegen-journalisten-a-1084251.html Türkei: Erdogan erregt sich über Diplomaten bei Journalisten-Prozess]||[[ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP]] / [[TR]] / [[CUMHURIYET]] / [[FREEDOM OF PRESS]] / [[DE]]
|20160325||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/can-duendar-und-erdem-guel-prozess-gegen-tuerkische-journalisten-beginnt-a-1084149.html Türkei: Erdogan ist Nebenkläger im Prozess gegen "Cumhuriyet"-Journalisten]||[[CUMHURIYET]] / [[ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP]] / [[TR]] / [[FREEDOM OF PRESS]]
|20160325||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/can-duendar-und-erdem-guel-prozess-gegen-tuerkische-journalisten-beginnt-a-1084149.html Türkei: Erdogan ist Nebenkläger im Prozess gegen "Cumhuriyet"-Journalisten]||[[CUMHURIYET]] / [[ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP]] / [[TR]] / [[FREEDOM OF PRESS]]

Revision as of 19:09, 26 March 2016



Date Source Title Tags
20160326 spiegel.de Türkei: Erdogan erregt sich über Diplomaten bei Journalisten-Prozess ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TR / CUMHURIYET / FREEDOM OF PRESS / DE
20160325 spiegel.de Türkei: Erdogan ist Nebenkläger im Prozess gegen "Cumhuriyet"-Journalisten CUMHURIYET / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TR / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20160319 spiegel.de Hasnain Kazim über die Türkei: Ein schmerzlicher Abschied SPIEGEL / TR / KAZIM, HASNAIN / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20160317 spiegel.de In eigener Sache: SPIEGEL-ONLINE-Korrespondent muss Türkei verlassen SPIEGEL / TR / KAZIM, HASNAIN / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20160306 spiegel.de Staatliche Übernahme: Türkei bringt Oppositionsblatt "Zaman" auf Regierungskurs TR / FREEDOM OF PRESS / ZAMAN / GUELEN, FETHULLAH
20160304 spiegel.de Der Kampf um "Zaman": "Das ist ihre Art, sich zu rächen" TR / FREEDOM OF PRESS / ZAMAN
20160304 spiegel.de Istanbul: Polizei stürmt regierungskritische Zeitung "Zaman" TR / FREEDOM OF PRESS / ZAMAN
20160304 spiegel.de "Zaman": Türkische Regierung will Kontrolle über kritische Zeitung übernehmen TR / FREEDOM OF PRESS / ZAMAN
20160204 bangkokpost.com Regime clamps down on foreign journos TH / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20160203 bangkokpost.com Chinese reporter missing in Thailand tells wife he's back in China XIN, LI / CN / FREEDOM OF PRESS


Date Source Title Tags
20160128 pen-international.org Turkey: Cumhuriyet journalists Can Dündar and Erdem Gül facing life imprisonment TR / FREEDOM OF PRESS / CUMHURIYET
20151129 spiegel.de Vorwurf der Spionage: Drei hochrangige Militärs in der Türkei festgenommen TR / SY / FREEDOM OF PRESS / CUMHURIYET
20151127 spiegel.de Vorwurf der Spionage: Haftbefehl gegen zwei türkische Journalisten erlassen TR / FREEDOM OF PRESS / SY / CUMHURIYET
20151126 todayszaman.com Cumhuriyet daily’s Dündar, Gül arrested over report on Syria arms transfer CUMHURIYET / SY / TR / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20150916 spiegel.de "Bedrohung für nationale Sicherheit": Ukraine verhängt Einreisesperren gegen BBC-Reporter UA / FREEDOM OF PRESS / BBC / ROY, ANDREW / RUTZ, MICHAEL
20150813 nachdenkseiten.de „Pressefreiheit ist die Freiheit von zweihundert reichen Leuten, ihre Meinung zu verbreiten.“ FREEDOM OF PRESS / NETZPOLITIK / BECKEDAHL, MARKUS


Date Source Title Tags
20141215 spiegel.de Türkische Regierungsgegner: Erdogan weist EU-Kritik an Verhaftung von Journalisten zurück TR / FREEDOM OF PRESS / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP
20141215 mashable.com At least 25 journalists, police officers detained in Turkey raid TR / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20141018 spiegel.de Eingeschränkte Meinungsfreiheit: Was wurde eigentlich aus Ungarns Mediengesetz? HU / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20141014 rt.com Revealed: Condoleezza Rice prevented NY Times from publishing CIA scoop RISEN, JAMES / RICE, CONDOLEEZZA / NEW YORK TIMES / ABRAMSON, JILL / CIA / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20140819 spiegel.de Krawalle in Ferguson: US-Polizei nimmt deutsche Journalisten fest FREEDOM OF PRESS / US / FERGUSON
20140305 rt.com Anti-leaks legislation coming within weeks, says NSA chief ALEXANDER, KEITH / LEAKS / FREEDOM OF PRESS / US
20140304 freebarrettbrown.org Barrett Brown’s Defense Moves to Protect the Right to Link BROWN, BARRETT / FREEDOM OF PRESS / JOURNALISM
20140304 theguardian.com NSA chief criticises media and suggests UK was right to detain David Miranda - Keith Alexander says revelations have caused ‘grave damage’ and claims officials are making ‘headway’ on ‘media leaks’ ALEXANDER, KEITH / LEAKS / FREEDOM OF PRESS / US / MIRANDA, DAVID / GB
20140201 rt.com UK media alarmed by govt bill allowing seizure of journalists’ notes, files GB / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20140131 theguardian.com Revealed: the day Guardian destroyed Snowden hard drives under watchful eye of GCHQ – video GUARDIAN / GB / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20140131 uk.reuters.com Cameron unhappy newspapers still printing Snowden data leaks CAMERON, DAVID / GB / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / FREEDOM OF PRESS


Date Source Title Tags
20131202 theguardian.com It's outrageous to accuse the Guardian of aiding terrorism by publishing Snowden's revelations: Alan Rusbridger is being grilled by MPs – but he has published nothing that could be a threat to national security FREEDOM OF PRESS / GUARDIAN / GB
20131116 rt.com Frank La Rue UN / LA RUE, FRANK / GB / FREEDOM OF PRESS / GUARDIAN
20131109 SULLIVAN, MARGARET/nytimes.com Lessons in a Surveillance Drama Redux NEW YORK TIMES / US / FREEDOM OF PRESS / LEAKS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20131109 huffingtonpost.com Alan Rusbridger, Guardian Editor, Summoned To Parliament Over Snowden RUSBRIDGER, ALAN / GUARDIAN / GB / FREEDOM OF PRESS / MI5 / MI6 / GCHQ / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20131109 spiegel.de NSA-Affäre: "Guardian"-Chef Rusbridger muss vor Parlament aussagen RUSBRIDGER, ALAN / GUARDIAN / GB / FREEDOM OF PRESS / MI5 / MI6 / GCHQ
20131105 rt.com UK govt has gone ‘way beyond’ prescribed limits of press freedom GB / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20131029 rt.com Cameron hints at ‘tougher measures’ if media continues publishing Snowden leaks CAMERON, DAVID / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / FREEDOM OF PRESS / GB
20131028 reuters.com Britain's Cameron says may act against newspapers over spy leaks GB / FREEDOM OF PRESS / CAMERON, DAVID
20131025 spiegel.de As Europe erupts over US spying, NSA chief says government must stop media - With General Alexander calling for NSA reporting to be halted, US and UK credibility as guardians of press freedom is crushed EU / NSA / ALEXANDER, KEITH / FREEDOM OF PRESS / US / GB
20131016 firedoglake.com British Prime Minister Endorses Parliamentary Investigation into Guardian for Publishing Snowden’s Leaks GUARDIAN / CAMERON, DAVID / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20131013 theguardian.com New York Times's Jill Abramson: 'The First Amendment is first for a reason' - The executive editor on the new challenges facing investigative journalism and the paper's international expansion programme ABRAMSON, JILL / NEW YORK TIMESGB / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20130918 theguardian.com Will Eric Holder guarantee NSA reporters' first amendment rights? The US attorney general vows not to prosecute journalists, but his criminalisation of whistleblowers undermines that assurance HOLDER, ERIC / US / FREEDOM OF PRESS / WHISTLEBLOWING / NSA / MIRANDA, DAVID / FBI / POITRAS, LAURA / GREENWALD, GLENN / US DOJ
20130830 reuters.com UK asked N.Y. Times to destroy Snowden material NEW YORK TIMES / GB / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20130826 spiegel.de Miranda Detention: 'Blatant Attack on Press Freedom' FREEDOM OF PRESS / MIRANDA, DAVID / GREENWALD, GLENN / POITRAS, LAURA
20130820 spiegel.de S.P.O.N. - Die Mensch-Maschine: Angriff auf die Meinungsfreiheit FREEDOM OF PRESS / GUARDIAN
20130820 theguardian.com NSA files: why the Guardian in London destroyed hard drives of leaked files - A threat of legal action by the government that could have stopped reporting on the files leaked by Edward Snowden led to a symbolic act at the Guardian's offices in London GUARDIAN / FREEDOM OF PRESS / NSA / GCHQ / GB
20130820 theguardian.com How the press reacted to Guardian editor's revelation about security pressure - Or should that be - how newspapers didn't react? GUARDIAN / FREEDOM OF PRESS / GCHQ / DAILY TELEGRAPH / THE TIMES / THE INDEPENDENT / DAILY MAIL / WASHINGTON POST / USA TODAY / NEW YORK TIMES / WALL STREET JOURNAL / LE MONDE / RUSSIA TODAY
20130820 spiegel.de Cameron und der Geheimdienst-Skandal: Im Land der schwarzen Helikopter GB / GUARDIAN / GCHQ / CAMERON, DAVID / SURVEILLANCE / MIRANDA, DAVID / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20130820 spiegel.de "Guardian" unter Druck der Geheimdienste: Schikane gegen die Enthüller FREEDOM OF PRESS / GCHQ / GUARDIAN / RUSBRIDGER, ALAN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GB
20130819 theguardian.com David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger that all reporters now face: As the events in a Heathrow transit lounge – and the Guardian offices – have shown, the threat to journalism is real and growing GUARDIAN / RUSBRIDGER, ALAN / FREEDOM OF PRESS / JOURNALISM / GCHQ / GB / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130723 spiegel.de Pressefreiheit in den USA: Der nächste Sündenfall FREEDOM OF PRESS / US / RISEN, JAMES
20130718 jungewelt.de »›Kamera aus oder ich schieß’‹, hieß es«: Pressefreiheit in Deutschland endete für Kameramann gegenüber dem US-Konsulat in Frankfurt am Main. Gespräch mit Romas Dabrukas FREEDOM OF PRESS / DE
20130626 guardian.co.uk Whistleblowers will continue to leak state secrets, warns AP chief - President of global news agency says Obama administration cannot control flow of leaks in wake of Edward Snowden case ASSOCIATED PRESS / WHISTLEBLOWING / LEAKS / FREEDOM OF PRESS / US
20130520 guardian.co.uk Obama DOJ formally accuses journalist in leak case of committing crimes: Yet another serious escalation of the Obama administration's attacks on press freedoms emerge WHISTLEBLOWING / FREEDOM OF PRESS / US / US DOJ / FOX NEWS / ROSEN, JAMES
20130515 globalresearch.ca Freedom of the Press: Obama Justice Department Secretly seized Associated Press Telephone Records FREEDOM OF PRESS / US / ASSOCIATED PRESS
20130220 telepolis.de Schlapphut wichtiger als Pressefreiheit: Bundesverwaltungsgericht: Presserechtlicher Auskunftsanspruch gegen den BND nur im Mindestmaß BND / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20130217 spiegel.de Pressefreiheit vor Gericht: Regierung will Auskunftspflicht einschränken FREEDOM OF PRESS / BND / FRIEDRICH, HANS-PETER


Date Source Title Tags
20100912 civilbeat.com Internet Press Vulnerable After WikiLeaks FREEDOM OF PRESS / WIKILEAKS