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= [[:Category:IN Articles|Articles]] =
= [[:Category:IN Articles|Articles]] =
== 2024 ==
|20240826||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/india/603079-india-telegram-investigation-ban/ Telegram under investigation in India – media / The messaging app’s founder Pavel Durov has been arrested in France over reported accusations of failing to moderate the platform]||[[IN]] / [[TELEGRAM]]
== 2023 ==
== 2023 ==

Revision as of 20:09, 28 August 2024




Date Source Title Tags
20240826 rt.com Telegram under investigation in India – media / The messaging app’s founder Pavel Durov has been arrested in France over reported accusations of failing to moderate the platform IN / TELEGRAM


Date Source Title Tags
20231005 rt.com Indian spy agency has ‘no mandate’ for targeted killings – report / Security officials have denied that the Research and Analysis Wing could have been involved in the killing of a Sikh leader in Canada RAW / IN / CA / NIJJAR, HARDEEP SINGH / HEALY, DAVID / IN_20081126_MUMBAI


Date Source Title Tags
20220518 rt.com US wants to lure India away from Russia – Bloomberg / A $500 million military aid package would reportedly be aimed at ‘weaning’ India off of Russia IN
20220514 rt.com India bans wheat exports / New Delhi had previously claimed it could “feed the world” in the wake of the conflict in Ukraine WHEAT / FOOD / IN


Date Source Title Tags
20210306 rt.com India threatens to jail Facebook, WhatsApp & Twitter staff over refusal to wipe data that ‘undermines national security’ – reports IN
20210205 rt.com Pfizer withdraws application for Covid-19 vaccine emergency use in India after regulator requests more data PFIZER / IN


Date Source Title Tags
20200705 scmp.com Coronavirus bling bling: Indian businessman wears US$4,000 custom gold mask for protection IN
20200420 rt.com How India is using the Covid-19 catastrophe to start fixing its crumbling healthcare system IN
20200320 cnn.com A police officer is wearing a coronavirus helmet to warn people to stay inside during India's lockdown IN
20200115 rt.com India seeks to strengthen relationships with Iran and Russia as US-made chaos threatens New Delhi IN / IN-IR / IN-RU


Date Source Title Tags
20191031 rt.com Artificial wall broken down’: Kashmir’s autonomy in India officially ceases to exist IN
20190806 zerohedge.com Pakistan's Army "Prepared" To Support Kashmir As PM Khan Warns "More Suicide Attacks" Coming IN / PK
20190704 cnn.com Are parts of India becoming too hot for humans? IN
20190701 rt.com Let them drink water? Indian celeb backtracks after criticism over pool photo during water crisis IN
20190625 rt.com Huawei ready to ink ‘no-back-door’ agreement with Indian govt to abate spying fears HUAWEI / IN
20190621 rt.com Rahul Gandhi simultaneously insults Indian Army, dogs and International Yoga Day GANDHI, RAHUL / IN
20190619 rt.com Indian heatwave kills 92 as temperatures soar to 50C IN
20190615 rt.com India to slap tariffs on 28 US products on Sunday – statement IN / US / IN-US
20190610 rt.com India calls out Britain for continuing to harbor its financial criminals IN / GB / IN-GB
20190305 rt.com Trump to terminate India trade benefits, demands ‘equitable & reasonable’ access to its markets TRUMP, DONALD / US / IN


Date Source Title Tags
20180729 thehindu.com TRAI chief's Aadhar dare backfires, personal details put online IN
20180704 spiegel.de Fake News und ihre Folgen Ein Gerücht, 23 Tote IN
20180703 boomlive.in Dhule Lynching Takes Death Toll Due To Fake News To 23: 5 Things To Know - BOOM traced 18 cases of mob lynching triggered by child-lifting rumours in India. Death toll has reached 23 with the Dhule lynching. IN
20180603 spiegel.de Erzfeinde Pakistan und Indien Das Buch der Spione DURRANI, ASSAD / ISI / PK / DAULAT, AMARJIT SINGH / RAW / IN
20180526 tagesschau.de Tödliche Viren in Indien WHO warnt vor Nipah-Erreger WHO / IN / NIPAH
20180523 theguardian.com Police in south India accused of mass murder after shooting dead protesters IN
20180520 rt.com Bypassing US sanctions, countering China: Why Modi's 'no agenda' meeting with Putin is anything but IN-RU / IN / RU / CN
20180412 globaltimes.cn India’s adjustment of China policy a good start CN / IN
20180405 zerohedge.com India Bans Bitcoin Wallets, Bank Funding, All Cryptocurrency Services IN / BTC
20180328 qz.com Mapped: The breathtaking global reach of Cambridge Analytica’s parent company CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA / US / GB / AR / CO / GY / UY / TT / GD / VC / LC / KN / AG / CY / NG / GA / KY / ZM / ZA / LV / LT / UA / RO / IT / MD / AL / IN / PK / NP / TH / ID / PH / MU
20180314 orfonline.org The sobering arithmetic of a two-front war IN / PK / CN
20180201 rt.com Cryptocurrencies crash after India vows to eliminate their use BTC / IN


Date Source Title Tags
20170927 spiegel.de Feminismus in Indien "Irgendwann dachte ich: Fuck this shit!" IN
20170614 rt.com Iraq takes Saudi crown to become oil king of key Asian market OIL / IQ / SA / IN
20170516 spiegel.de Brexit, Probleme in Indien Vodafone macht 6,1 Milliarden Euro Verlust VODAFONE / IN / BREXIT


Date Source Title Tags
20160920 mt.de Mann aus Ostwestfalen der Spionage für indischen Geheimdienst angeklagt DE / IN
20160109 spiegel.de PR-Schlacht: Facebook will Indien mit Gratis-Internet zwangsbeglücken FACEBOOK / IN


Date Source Title Tags
20150813 spiegel.de Indien: Wie ein Bettler Leben rettet IN
20150812 derstandard.at Nestlé: Maggi-Krise weitet sich aus NESTLE / IN
20150808 spiegel.de Umstrittener Apple-Zulieferer: Foxconn will für fünf Milliarden Dollar Fabriken in Indien bauen FOXCONN / IN
20150730 spiegel.de Tod am Galgen: Indien exekutiert verurteilten Planer der Mumbai-Anschläge von 1993 IN 20081126 MUMBAI / IN / MEMON, YAKUB
20150528 spiegel.de Extremtemperaturen in Indien: Mörderische Hitze IN
20150526 spiegel.de 48 Grad: Über tausend Tote bei Hitzewelle in Indien IN
20150421 spiegel.de Delhis erste Busfahrerin: "Die Leute fanden es ungewöhnlich" IN / NEW DELHI
20150403 indiatimes.com Now, drones to be used to disperse mobs in Lucknow IN/ DRONES
20150407 tech.firstpost.com Airtel Zero’s net neutrality problem: Why India should be worried IN
20150201 cnnpressroom.blogs.cnn.com PRES OBAMA on Fareed Zakaria GPS OBAMA, BARACK / US / DRONES / SA / IL / UA / RU / CN / IN / TERRORISM


Date Source Title Tags
20140605 spiegel.de Sexuelle Gewalt gegen Frauen: Indischer Minister nennt Vergewaltigungen richtig IN
20140526 pando.com REVEALED: The head of Omidyar Network in India had a secret second job… Helping elect Narendra Modi OMIDYAR NETWORK / USAID / MODI, NARENDRA / SINHA, JAYANT / IN
20140316 indiatimes.com Was Flight 370 hijacked for 9/11-type attack in India? MH370 / IN


Date Source Title Tags
20131218 spiegel.de Streit mit den USA: Festnahme von Diplomatin in New York erzürnt Indiens Regierung US / IN / KHOBRAGADE, DEVYANI
20131106 cis-india.org Interview with Caspar Bowden - Privacy Advocate and former Chief Privacy Adviser at Microsoft BOWDEN, CASPAR / IN
20131013 indiatimes.com Soon, voice samples to help identify criminals IN / BIOMETRICS
20130702 spiegel.de Snowdens Asyl-Suche: Neun mal Nein und ein Vielleicht SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / AT / BO / BR / CN / CU / EC / FI / FR / DE / IS / IN / IT / IE / NL / NI / NO / PL / RU / ES / CH / VE
20130702 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden asylum: countries approached and their responses: The NSA whistleblower has made 21 applications for asylum worldwide as he flees the US – with little success SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / AT / BO / BR / CN / CU / EC / FI / FR / DE / IS / IN / IT / IE / NL / NI / NO / PL / RU / ES / CH / VE
20130317 spiegel.de Gruppenvergewaltigung in Indien: Minister gibt Schweizer Touristenpaar Teilschuld RAPE / IN
20130318 spiegel.de Goldman-Sachs-Banker O'Neill: "Ich bin Außenseiter in meinem Beruf" GOLDMAN SACHS / ONEIL, JIM / BR / RU / IN / CN
20130114 spiegel.de Kaschmir-Konflikt: Indiens Armeechef droht Pakistan mit Rache PK / IN
20130106 spiegel.de Schusswechsel in Kaschmir: Pakistan wirft Indien Angriff auf Militärposten vor IN / PK
20130104 spiegel.de Massenvergewaltigung in Indien: Jüngster Beschuldigter soll besonders brutal gewesen sein IN
20130103 spiegel.de Vergewaltigung in Indien: Fünf Männer in Neu-Delhi des Mordes angeklagt IN


Date Source Title Tags
20121223 spiegel.de Reise nach Neu-Delhi: Putin plant milliardenschweren Waffendeal mit Indien RU / IN / WEAPONTRADE / PUTIN, WLADIMIR
20121218 spiegel.de Indien: Studentin nach Gruppenvergewaltigung in Lebensgefahr IN
20121206 smallwarsjournal.com Counter-Insurgency Best Practices: Applicability to Northeast India COUNTERINSURGENCY / IN
20121121 spiegel.de Todesstrafe für Terroristen: Indien richtet Attentäter von Mumbai hin IN / IN 20081126 MUMBAI
21.10.2012 dailymail.co.uk Akhilesh to use CCTV surveillance on his own cabinet IN / CCTV
17.08.2012 spiegel.de Reaktion auf Massenpanik: Indien schränkt SMS-Versand ein IN
13.08.2012 spiegel.de Steigende Getreidepreise: Jahrhundert-Dürre gefährdet die Welternährung US / IN / DROUGHT / BIOFUEL
31.07.2012 spiegel.de Mega-Blackout Stromausfall in halb Indien IN POWER OUTAGE
25.07.2012 spiegel.de Unruhen im Nordosten: Indiens Militär marschiert in Krisenzone ein IN
05.07.2012 rawstory.com Indian police are still using ‘truth serum’ IN TORTURE
19.04.2012 spiegel.de Nukleare Aufrüstung: Indien testet atomwaffenfähige Langstreckenrakete IN
13.04.2012 spiegel.de Einreise-Schikane: USA entschuldigen sich bei Bollywoodstar US IN
10.04.2012 spiegel.de Sumatra: Orang-Utan-Wald steht in Flammen IN
02.03.2012 aljazeera.com Who was behind the Delhi bombing? The bombing of an Israeli diplomat's car in India isn't consistent with Iranian or Hezbollah involvement. IN IL
13.02.2012 sueddeutsche.de Bombenanschlag auf israelische Diplomaten: Netanjahu beschuldigt Iran IR IL IN GE
12.01.2012 stratfor.com India: Business With Iran Will Continue - Official IR IN


Date Source Title Tags
20061128 hindustantimes.com to marry tree first IN / BACHHAN, AISHWARYA / MARRIAGE


