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Date Source Title Tags
20240909 rt.com Software giant names world’s most cyber-attacked country / Russia has consistently been the top target for hackers in recent years, according to Kaspersky Lab - Software giant names world’s most cyber-attacked country KASPERSKY


Date Source Title Tags
20230228 heise.de Nach Kaspersky-Klage: Apple zahlt 11,4 Millionen Euro Strafe an Russland / Umgerechnet 11,4 Millionen Euro hat Apple an die Russische Föderation überwiesen. Stein des Anstoßes war ein App-Store-Streit mit Kaspersky Lab. KASPERSKY


Date Source Title Tags
20220805 spiegel.de Interne Dokumente / Wie Kaspersky offiziell zur Bedrohung erklärt wurde KASPERSKY / BSI / BMI
20220428 spiegel.de Russisches IT-Sicherheitsunternehmen Kaspersky scheitert vor Oberverwaltungsgericht mit Beschwerde gegen BSI-Warnung KASPERSKY
20220316 spiegel.de Warnung vor russischer Antivirensoftware Kaspersky wirft Bundesamt »ungerechtfertigten Angriff« vor KASPERSKY
20220315 spiegel.de Computersicherheit Bundesamt warnt jetzt doch vor russischer Kaspersky-Software KASPERSKY
20220315 bsi.bund.de BSI warnt vor dem Einsatz von Kaspersky-Virenschutzprodukten KASPERSKY


20211202 kommersant.ru Военно-полевой смартфон: В России разработали очередной гаджет спецназначения KASPERSKY


Date Source Title Tags
20190606 rt.com ‘EU strongly backed us amid US spy claims’: Kaspersky Lab boss on friends, hackers & cyber-awareness KASPERSKY
20190109 rt.com Russian cyber firm hounded in US helped NSA bust 50TB data breach – report KASPERSKY
20190109 politico.com Cybersecurity: Exclusive: How a Russian firm helped catch an alleged NSA data thief - The U.S. has accused Kaspersky Lab of working with Russian spies. But sources say the company exposed a massive breach that U.S. authorities missed. MARTIN, HAL / KASPERSKY / NSA


Date Source Title Tags
20180522 vice.com Who's Afraid of Kaspersky? KASPERSKY
20180515 spiegel.de Antivirensoftware-Hersteller Niederlande verbannen Kaspersky-Software aus Behörden KASPERSKY / NL
20180322 rt.com ‘Pentagon cyber-espionage op’: US reportedly behind Slingshot malware targeting Mid East & Africa KASPERSKY / PENTAGON / US / ATTRIBUTION
20180320 cyberscoop.com Kaspersky's 'Slingshot' report burned an ISIS-focused intelligence operation KASPERSKY / PENTAGON / US / ATTRIBUTION
20180223 wired.com Facebook's Mandatory Malware Scan Is an Intrusive Mess FACEBOOK / ESET / TREND MICRO / KASPERSKY


Date Source Title Tags
20171129 rt.com Kaspersky CEO ‘would leave if Russia asked him to spy’ KASPERSKY, EUGENE / KASPERSKY
20171110 scmagazine.com WikiLeaks: CIA impersonated Kaspersky Labs as a cover for its malware operations WIKILEAKS / CIA / KASPERSKY
20171110 rt.com ‘Kaspersky Lab in crosshairs since exposing US & Israeli spies behind Stuxnet’ – fmr MI5 agent KASPERSKY / CIA / WIKILEAKS / STUXNET
20171109 rt.com CIA wrote code 'to impersonate' Russia’s Kaspersky Lab anti-virus company, WikiLeaks says WIKILEAKS / CIA / KASPERSKY
20171102 rt.com Kaspersky Lab detects virus that steals bitcoin & other cryptocurrencies KASPERSKY
20171025 spiegel.de Kaspersky und die NSA-Werkzeuge Gelöscht, auf Anweisung des Chefs KASPERSKY
20171010 nytimes.com How Israel Caught Russian Hackers Scouring the World for U.S. Secrets KASPERSKY / IL / RU / US
20170919 rt.com Kaspersky Lab says it does not spy for any government KASPERSKY
20170916 spiegel.de Kaspersky-Chef "Wir schützen unsere Kunden vor Malware - sei sie nun russisch oder amerikanisch" KASPERSKY
20170914 spiegel.de Nach Vorwürfen aus den USA BSI lobt "vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit" mit Kaspersky KASPERSKY
20170913 spiegel.de Angst vor Spionage US-Behörden verbieten russische Kaspersky-Software KASPERSKY
20170913 rt.com DHS orders departments & agencies to remove Kaspersky products over 'Russian intelligence ties' KASPERSKY / DHS
20170830 arstechnica.com Kaspersky Lab turns the tables, forces “patent troll” to pay cash to end case “Why don’t you pay us $10,000?” KASPERSKY
20170817 cyberscoop.com Government: FBI pushes private sector to cut ties with Kaspersky KASPERSKY
20170810 rt.com Kaspersky Lab withdraws antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft in EU & Russia KASPERSKY
20170711 bloomberg.com Kaspersky Lab Has Been Working With Russian Intelligence KASPERSKY / RU / KASPERSKY, EUGENE / CHEKUNOV, IGOR / STOYANOV, RUSLAN
20170703 rt.com ‘We stay on bright side’: Kaspersky ready to give source code to US govt KASPERSKY
20170509 abcnews.go.com Officials fear Russia could try to target US through popular software firm under FBI scrutiny KASPERSKY / US
20170202 buzzfeed.com There’s Something Very Weird Happening Inside Russia’s Cybersecurity World - The arrest of several of Russia’s top cybersecurity figures has led to speculation that there’s a shake-up inside the country’s national security service related to hacks surrounding the US election. STOYANOV, RUSLAN / KASPERSKY / RU / FSB / MIKHAILOV, SERGEI / DOKUCHAZEV, DMITRY
20170201 rt.com Moscow charges ex-FSB & Kaspersky staff with treason ‘in interests of US’ – lawyer KASPERSKY / STOYANOV, RUSLAN / MIKHAILOV, SERGEY / DOKUCHAYEV, DMITRY
20170125 forbes.com Russia Arrests Kaspersky Cybercrime Hunter In 'Treason Probe' STOYANOV, RUSLAN / RU / KASPERSKY
20170106 theguardian.com Young Russian denies she aided election hackers: ‘I never work with douchebags’ SHEVCHENKO, ALISA / ESAGE LAB / ZOR / RU / US / DIALOGNAUKA / BRIAN BARTHOLOMEW / KASPERSKY / ATTRIBUTION


Date Source Title Tags
20160904 heise.de Quadsys-Skandal: Kaspersky beendet seinen Vertrag KASPERSKY


Date Source Title Tags
20150319 bloomberg.com The Company Securing Your Internet Has Close Ties to Russian Spies - Kaspersky Lab has published reports on alleged electronic espionage by the U.S., Israel, and the U.K.—but it’s yet to look at Russia KASPERSKY