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|20181024||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/hillary-clinton-ueber-mutmassliche-paketbomben-verstoerende-zeit-a-1234989.html Clinton über mutmaßliche Paketbomben "Es ist eine Zeit tiefer Spaltung"]||[[US]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[CNN]] / [[CLINTON, BILL]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]]
|20180522||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-22/flood-coming-new-comey-mccabe-emails-suggest-cnn-and-fbi-coordination-over-steele "Flood Is Coming": New Comey-McCabe Emails Suggest CNN And FBI Coordination Over Steele Dossier]||[[CNN]] / [[FBI]]
|20180522||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-22/flood-coming-new-comey-mccabe-emails-suggest-cnn-and-fbi-coordination-over-steele "Flood Is Coming": New Comey-McCabe Emails Suggest CNN And FBI Coordination Over Steele Dossier]||[[CNN]] / [[FBI]]

Revision as of 01:42, 25 October 2018


Date Source Title Tags
20181024 spiegel.de Clinton über mutmaßliche Paketbomben "Es ist eine Zeit tiefer Spaltung" US / CLINTON, HILLARY / CNN / CLINTON, BILL / OBAMA, BARACK
20180522 zerohedge.com "Flood Is Coming": New Comey-McCabe Emails Suggest CNN And FBI Coordination Over Steele Dossier CNN / FBI
20171013 spiegel.de Online-Manipulationen Russland soll sogar auf "Pokémon Go" gesetzt haben CNN
20171013 cnn.com Russian meddling extended to Pokemon Go - A CNN investigation of a Russian-linked account shows its tentacles extended to YouTube, Tumblr and even Pokémon Go. CNN's Dylan Byers has more. CNN
20170627 spiegel.de Trump-Russland-Recherche CNN zieht umstrittenen Beitrag zurück CNN
20170321 spiegel.de Abhörvorwürfe gegen Obama Fox News nimmt Experten vom Sender NAPOLITANO, ANDREW / CNN / OBAMA, BARACK / TRUMP, DONALD / GCHQ
20170224 spiegel.de Washington US-Regierung schließt zahlreiche Medien von Pressekonferenz aus SPICER, SEAN / CNN / NEW YORK TIMES / POLITICO / BUZZFEED
20161031 rt.com Brazile out at CNN after WikiLeaks reveals she gave debate questions to Clinton camp BRAZILE, DONNA / CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS / CNN / DNC
20161031 spiegel.de Newsblog zur US-Wahl WikiLeaks-Enthüllung hat Konsequenzen für Clinton-Vertraute BRAZILE, DONNA / CLINTON, HILLARY / WIKILEAKS / CNN / DNC
04.09.2012 guardian.co.uk Why didn't CNN's international arm air its own documentary on Bahrain's Arab Spring repression? A former CNN correspondent defies threats from her former employer to speak out about self-censorship at the network BH / CNN / CENSORSHIP