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|20141006||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/fbi-chef-james-comey-im-interview-mit-cbs-ueber-cybercrime-a-995590.html Cyberangriffe: FBI-Chef vergleicht chinesische Hacker mit "betrunkenen Einbrechern"]||[[CORNEY, JAMES]] / [[FBI]]
|20140926||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/islamischer-staat-is-fbi-identifiziert-moerder-von-foley-und-sotloff-a-993942.html Islamischer Staat: FBI will Journalisten-Mörder identifiziert haben]||[[ISLAMIC STATE]] / [[FBI]]
|20140926||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/islamischer-staat-is-fbi-identifiziert-moerder-von-foley-und-sotloff-a-993942.html Islamischer Staat: FBI will Journalisten-Mörder identifiziert haben]||[[ISLAMIC STATE]] / [[FBI]]

Revision as of 08:07, 7 October 2014



Date Source Title Tags
20141006 spiegel.de Cyberangriffe: FBI-Chef vergleicht chinesische Hacker mit "betrunkenen Einbrechern" CORNEY, JAMES / FBI
20140926 spiegel.de Islamischer Staat: FBI will Journalisten-Mörder identifiziert haben ISLAMIC STATE / FBI
20140919 theregister.co.uk users become FBI's No.1 hacking target after legal power grab - Be afeared, me hearties, these scoundrels be spying our signals TOR / FBI
20140531 spiegel.de Möglicher Insiderhandel: FBI vermutet Deals zwischen Investor Icahn und Promis ICAHN, CARL / FBI
20140527 foreignpolicy.com Exclusive: Inside the FBI's Fight Against Chinese Cyber-Espionage FBI / ESPIONAGE
20140520 rt.com FBI has active criminal case against WikiLeaks’ Assange – court documents ASSANGE, JULIAN / FBI
20140507 techdirt.com How The US Gov't Destroyed The Lives Of A Muslim American Man's Entire Family After He Refused To Become An Informant FBI / INFORMANTS / US
20140504 rt.com Dozens of FBI, CIA agents in Kiev 'assisting Ukraine security' UA / FBI / CIA
20140423 rt.com FBI ‘intentionally and unlawfully’ used No Fly List to recruit Muslims as informers FBI / INFORMANTS
20140320 bangkokpost.com Malaysia asks FBI for help MH370 / MY / FBI
20140309 spiegel.de Verschollene Boeing: FBI untersucht möglichen Terrorhintergrund MH370 / FBI
20140107 utdocuments.blogspot.com.br 4 points about the 1971 FBI break-in FBI / COINTELPRO
20140107 nytimes.com Burglars Who Took On F.B.I. Abandon Shadows FBI


Date Source Title Tags
20131121 foreignpolicy.com Meet the Spies Doing the NSA's Dirty Work - This obscure FBI unit does the domestic surveillance that no other intelligence agency can touch FBI / NSA
20130918 theguardian.com Will Eric Holder guarantee NSA reporters' first amendment rights? The US attorney general vows not to prosecute journalists, but his criminalisation of whistleblowers undermines that assurance HOLDER, ERIC / US / FREEDOM OF PRESS / WHISTLEBLOWING / NSA / MIRANDA, DAVID / FBI / POITRAS, LAURA / GREENWALD, GLENN / US DOJ
20130909 theguardian.com How to foil NSA sabotage: use a dead man's switch - Registering for nothing-to-see-here deadlines could help to sound the alert when a website has been compromised NSA / FBI / DEAD MAN SWITCH
20130729 rt.com FBI sued for keeping secret their file on journalist Michael Hastings HASTINGS, MICHAEL / FBI
20130727 rt.com FBI admits to flying drones over US without warrants DRONES / FBI
20130726 spiegel.de NSA-Informant in Moskau: Russischer Geheimdienst verhandelt mit FBI über Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / FBI / FSB
20130701 de.ria.ru Fall Snowden: Putin und Obama lassen FSB und FBI eine Lösung finden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / PUTIN, WLADIMIR / FSB / FBI
20130701 guardian.co.uk Snowden applies for political asylum in Russia - Vladmir Putin says US whistleblower can stay if he stops 'bringing harm to our American partners' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / PUTIN, WLADIMIR / FSB / FBI
20130627 wired.com WikiLeaks Volunteer Was a Paid Informant for the FBI WIKILEAKS / FBI / THORDARSON, SIGURDUR / UNDERCOVER INVESTIGATIONS
20130622 huffingtonpost.com Michael Hastings Sent Email About FBI Probe Hours Before Death HASTINGS, MICHAEL / FBI
2013020 cryptome.org Barrett Brown and Michael Hastings v. FBI BROWN, BARRETT / HASTINGS, MICHAEL / FBI
20130620 spiegel.de Überwachung: FBI gibt Drohneneinsatz in den USA zu DRONES / FBI / US
20130525 aljazeera.com FBI identifies consulate attack suspects: The agency is trying to locate five men for the attack on a US consulate in Libya, Al Jazeera reports exclusively LY 20120911 BENGHAZI / FBI
20130523 globalresearch.ca Two FBI Agents Involved in Arrest of Boston Bombing Suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s “FALL” Out of Helicopter and Die COVERUP / FBI / BOSTON
20130523 globalresearch.ca Witness Tied to Boston Bombing Suspect Killed by FBI BOSTON / FBI / COVERUP
20130520 hamptonroads.com FBI: Agents died in fall from helicopter off Va. coast BOSTON / FBI / COVERUP
20130421 channel4.com Did the FBI phone Boston suspect before fatal shootout? BOSTON / FBI
20130417 spiegel.de US-Behörde: FBI veröffentlichte Rezept für hochgiftiges Rizin RIZIN / FBI
20130410 tageswoche.ch «Bommeleeër»-Affäre: «Es war Nato gegen Nato» GLADIO / NATO / BND / MI6 / DE 19800926 Oktoberfest bombing / ALLIED CLANDESTINE COMMITTEE / CHALUPA, LEOPOLD / CIA / FBI / SREL / STAY BEHIND
20130403 spiegel.de New Yorker Bürgermeisterwahl: Dollar für Macht ELECTIONS / CORRUPTION / NEW YORK / SMITH, MALCOLM / HALLORAN, DAN / FBI
20130319 linksunten.indymedia.org Britischer verdeckter Ermittler spioniert auch Netzaktivisten aus – vermutlich im Auftrag des F.B.I. KENNEDY, MARK / FBI / HALPIN, HARRY / COUPAT, JULIEN / LEVY, YILDUNE
20130314 vn.nl FBI-agenten hacken mee met de Nederlandse politie FBI / NL
20130131 clevelandleader.com Iceland kicket out FBI Agents who flew in unannounced to investigate Wikileaks operations in the country IS / FBI
20130131 icelandreview.com FBI Came to Investigate Wikileaks in Iceland WIKILEAKS / IS / FBI
20130127 spiegel.de Stuxnet-Untersuchungen: FBI eröffnet Jagd auf Geheimnisverräter: Die USA starten eine Offensive gegen Whistleblower. Das FBI fahndet laut "Washington Post" verstärkt nach Geheimnisverrätern in Behörden. Auslöser sind Veröffentlichungen über eine mögliche US-Beteiligung am Cyberkrieg gegen iranische Atomanlagen. STUXNET / FBI / WHISTLEBLOWING / LEAKS / PETRAEUS, DAVID / KIRIAKOU, JOHN / HOLDER, ERIC H.
20130126 washingtonpost.com FBI is increasing pressure on suspects in Stuxnet inquiry STUXNET / FBI / WHISTLEBLOWING / LEAKS / PETRAEUS, DAVID / KIRIAKOU, JOHN / HOLDER, ERIC H. / ROSENSTEIN, ROD J. / MACHEN, RONALD C. JR.
20130111 motherjones.com Inside the Terror Factory: Award-winning journalist Trevor Aaronson digs deep into the FBI’s massive efforts to create fake terrorist plots. FBI / TERRORISM / AL-AWLAKI, ANWAR / STING OPERATIONS


Date Source Title Tags
20121222 justiceonline.org FBI Documents Reveal Secret Nationwide Occupy Monitoring: See the released documents here OCCUPY / FBI
20121116 spiegel.de FBI-Agent in Affäre Petraeus Oben-ohne-Bild mit Einschuss FBI / HUMPHRIES, FREDERICK W
20121115 guardian.co.uk Petraeus affair: Agent Shirtless, FBI man who sparked inquiry, is named: Frederick W Humphries II unmasked as investigator who was banned from case because of relationship with Jill Kelley OBAMA, BARACK / PETRAEUS, DAVID / HUMPHRIES, FREDERICK W / FBI
20121114 guardian.co.uk Obama praises Petraeus's record as lawmakers quiz FBI director Mueller: Republicans on Capitol Hill suggest an election week coverup of FBI's investigation into former CIA director's personal life PETRAEUS, DAVID / ALLEN, JOHN / FBI / OBAMA, BARACK
20121112 businessinsider.com The FBI Just Raided Paula Broadwell's House! BROADWELL, PAULA / FBI
20121111 businessinsider.com The FBI Found Classified Documents On Paula Broadwell's Computer BROADWELL, PAULA / FBI
01.11.2012 firedoglake.com Who Bombed Judi Bari? $50,000 Reward for Answers FBI / BARI, JUDI / CHERNEY, DARRYL
13.10.2012 spiegel.de Heilbronner Polizistenmord: Bundesanwaltschaft beendet Spekulationen um FBI-Operation NSU / FBI / BND / DIA
17.09.2012 telepolis.de Wie man einen Terroristen macht US / TERRORISM / STATE DELIVERED EXPLOSIVES / FBI / DAOUD, ADEL
07.09.2012 newscientist.com FBI launches $1 billion face recognition project FACE RECOGNITION / FBI
29.08.2012 bbc.co.uk 'Lulzsec hacker' latest to be arrested in US: A man suspected of being a member of hacking group Lulzsec has been arrested in the US, the FBI has said. LULZSEC / FBI / RIVERA, RAYNALDO
07.05.2012 spiegel.de FBI fordert Schnüffelverordnung für Webangebot FBI
04.05.2012 news.cnet.com FBI: We need wiretap-ready Web sites - now FBI BACKDOORS
28.04.2012 nytimes.com Terrorist Plots, Hatched by the F.B.I FBI
18.04.2012 riseup.net FBI seizes server providing anonymous remailer and many other services from colocation facility. RISEUP FBI
14.03.2012 scribd.com Timeline of ANTISEC as Created and Operated Under FBI Supervision ANTISEC / FBI / SABU
13.03.2012 einetages.spiegel.de Geschichte des FBI: "Amerikanische Gestapo" FBI / US
20120308 foxnews.com Mueller grilled on FBI's release of al-Awlaki in 2002 AL-AWLAKI, ANWAR / MUELLER, ROBERT / FBI
06.03.2012 guardian.co.uk Lulzsec Indictment Documents LULZSEC / FBI
10.02.2012 telepolis.de Das besiegelte Schicksal von Kim Schmitz- Mega-Prison für Megaupload-Betreiber Kim Dotcom und die Rolle des FBI - Teil 1 SCHMITZ, KIM / FBI
03.02.2012 spiegel.de Anonymous-Attacke: Hacker veröffentlichen FBI-Gespräch mit Scotland Yard ANONYMOUS / FBI / SCOTLAND YARD


Date Source Title Tags
20111012 spiegel.de US-Ermittlungen gegen Iraner: Falscher Killer deckt Attentatsplan auf US / SA / DEA / HOLDER, ERIC / MUELLER, ROBERT / AL-DSCHUBEIR, ADEL / ARBABSIAR, MANSSOR / SCHAKURI, GHOLAM / FBI
28.01.2011 spiegel.de Hacker-Attacken: FBI geht gegen WikiLeaks-Unterstützer vor FBI WIKILEAKS


Date Source Title Tags
20041116 spitfirelist.com FTR #484 3rd Interview with Daniel Hopsicker HOPSICKER, DANIEL / US 20010911 / BUSH, JEB / BUSH, NEIL / CIA / COVERUP / FBI / HUFFMAN AVIATION / IR / ATTA, MOHAMED
20040518 villagevoice.com This Made Ashcroft Gag: Translator keeps blowing 9-11 whistle on FBI; U.S. Keeps shutting her up US 20010911 / EDMONDS, SIBEL / FBI / AF / ASHCROFT, JOHN / MUELLER, ROBERT / WHISTLEBLOWING / COVERUP / SECRECY


Date Source Title Tags
19991224 rumormillnews.com CIA Classified Document Links Pan Am 103 Bomb to Iran 19881221 Lockerbie PANAM 103 / CIA / FBI / DEA / FBIS / IR / JIBRIL, AHMED


Date Source Title Tags
07.05.2002 cryptome.org Eyeballing the Federal Bureau of Investigation Academy FBI