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|20171030||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/paul-manafort-us-gericht-stellt-donald-trump-berater-unter-hausarrest-a-1175694.html Ermittlungen in Russlandaffäre US-Gericht stellt Manafort unter Hausarrest]||[[MANAFORT, PAUL]] / [[GATES, RICHARD]] / [[FBI]]
|20171030||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/408208-paul-manafort-russia-probe/ Ex-Trump campaign manager Manafort indicted in US on 12 counts over Ukraine lobbying]||[[MANAFORT, PAUL]] / [[GATES, RICHARD]] / [[FBI]] / [[UA]]
|20171030||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/408208-paul-manafort-russia-probe/ Ex-Trump campaign manager Manafort indicted in US on 12 counts over Ukraine lobbying]||[[MANAFORT, PAUL]] / [[GATES, RICHARD]] / [[FBI]] / [[UA]]

Revision as of 07:30, 31 October 2017


Date Source Title Tags
20171030 spiegel.de Ermittlungen in Russlandaffäre US-Gericht stellt Manafort unter Hausarrest MANAFORT, PAUL / GATES, RICHARD / FBI
20171030 rt.com Ex-Trump campaign manager Manafort indicted in US on 12 counts over Ukraine lobbying MANAFORT, PAUL / GATES, RICHARD / FBI / UA
20171030 spiegel.de Russlandaffäre Trump-Berater log das FBI an PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE / FBI / MANAFORT, PAUL
20171030 spiegel.de Anklagen in Russlandaffäre: Tricks, Betrug und viele Lüge MUELLER, ROBERT / FBI / MANAFORT, PAUL / GATES, RICHARD / PAPADOPOULOS, GEORGE / JANUKOWITSCH, VIKTOR / UA / RU
20171030 spiegel.de Russlandaffäre Trumps Ex-Wahlkampfchef Manafort stellt sich dem FBI MANAFORT, PAUL / FBI
20171030 spiegel.de Vorwürfe gegen Ermittler Trump beklagt "Hexenjagd" in Russlandaffäre TRUMP, DONALD / MUELLER, ROBERT / FLYNN, MICHAEL / MANAFORT, PAUL
20171014 spiegel.de Trumps Wahlkampfchef Paul Manafort bekam 60 Millionen Dollar aus Russland MANAFORT, PAUL / DERIPASKA, OLEG
20170919 rt.com ‘Trump was right!’ Twitter goes wild after CNN admits FBI wiretapped Trump aide Manafort MANAFORT, PAUL / FBI / TRUMP, DONALD / US
20170721 tageschau.de Trump-Russland-Affäre Ein umsichtig arrangiertes Treffen? TRUMP, DONALD JR. / VESELNITSKAYA, NATALIA / MANAFORT, PAUL / KUSHNER, JARED / GOLDSTONE, ROB / KAVELADZE, IKE / AGALAROV, ARAS / ACHMETSCHIN, RINAT
20170710 washingtonpost.com Donald Trump Jr. just contradicted a whole bunch of White House denials of Russian contacts TRUMP, DONALD JR. / VESELNITSKAYA, NATALIA / MANAFORT, PAUL / KUSHNER, JARED
20170529 rt.com ‘NYT lies’: Russian tycoon denies demanding immunity to testify about Trump-Russia ties DERIPASKA, OLEG / MANAFORT, PAUL / NEW YORK TIMES
20170510 spiegel.de Der Comey-Skandal Trump, Russland und das FBI FBI / COMEY, JAMES / TRUMP, DONALD / FLYNN, MICHAEL / MANAFORT, PAUL / PAGE, CARTER / STONE, ROGER
20170416 patribotics.blog Carter Page Went to Moscow With a Tape of Donald Trump Offering Treason For Hacking PAGE, CARTER / MANAFORT, PAUL / EPSHTEYN, BORIS / TRUMP, DONALD
20170328 rt.com ‘AP’s malicious lie’: Russian tycoon denies dealing with Trump’s ex-aide to ‘benefit Putin’ DERIPASKA, OLEG / MANAFORT, PAUL
20170328 wnyc.org Paul Manafort's Puzzling New York Real Estate Purchases MANAFORT, PAUL
20161201 politico.com Russia accuses Ukraine of sabotaging Trump: A Foreign Ministry official says Ukrainian officials hampered Trump by targeting Manafort. MANAFORT, PAUL / TRUMP, DONALD / UA / RU
20160816 spiegel.de Enthüllungen über Chefberater: Trumps geheime Russland-Connection TRUMP, DONALD / MANAFORT, PAUL / RU
