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= Articles =
|20160405||sueddeutsche.de||[http://www.sueddeutsche.de/politik/panama-papers-diese-offshore-laender-gehoeren-ausgetrocknet-1.2935896 Panama Papers: "Diese Offshore-Länder gehören ausgetrocknet"]||[[PANAMAPAPERS]] / [[ZIEGLER, JEAN]] / [[OFFSHORE]]
|20130412||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/steuerparadiese-steinbrueck-will-anonyme-briefkastenfirmen-verbieten-a-893937.html Steuerparadiese: Steinbrück will Briefkastenfirmen verbieten]||[[OFFSHORE]]
|20121128||icij.org||[http://www.icij.org/offshore/nominee-directors-linked-intelligence-military SECRECY FOR SALE: INSIDE THE GLOBAL OFFSHORE MONEY MAZE Nominee Directors Linked to Intelligence, Military]||[[OFFSHORE]]
|20121128||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2012/nov/28/offshore-secrets-government-act-disclosures Offshore secrets: government refuses to act on disclosures - UK Land Registry allows buyers to conceal identities by recording anonymous offshore entity as the purchaser]||[[OFFSHORE]] / [[GB]]
|20121128||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2012/nov/28/offshore-secrets-government-act-disclosures Offshore secrets: government refuses to act on disclosures - UK Land Registry allows buyers to conceal identities by recording anonymous offshore entity as the purchaser]||[[OFFSHORE]] / [[GB]]
|20121127||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2012/nov/27/offshore-companies-thai-villas-boom Offshore companies and the boom in villas on Phuket - .BVI companies have helped British buyers snap up luxury villas in Thailand – not for tax avoidance, they say, but to avoid Thai curbs on foreign owners]||[[OFFSHORE]] / [[TH]]
|20121127||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2012/nov/27/offshore-companies-thai-villas-boom Offshore companies and the boom in villas on Phuket - .BVI companies have helped British buyers snap up luxury villas in Thailand – not for tax avoidance, they say, but to avoid Thai curbs on foreign owners]||[[OFFSHORE]] / [[TH]]
|20090203||telepolis.de||[http://www.heise.de/tp/artikel/29/29654/1.html Herr der Steueroasen: Beim britischen Premier Gordon Brown klaffen Wort und Tat auseinander]||[[OFFSHORE]] / [[AI]] / [[BM]] / [[KY]] / [[TC]] / [[GI]] / [[VG]] / [[MS]] / [[BROWN, GORDON]]

Latest revision as of 19:48, 5 April 2016