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= Articles =
= Articles =
== 2024 ==
|20240905||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/russische-einflussnahme-millionen-finanzierung-fuer-rechte-us-influencer-aufgedeckt-a-60446412-69ed-41b3-9920-6ace0d06ad97 Russische Einflussnahme im US-Wahlkampf Wie der Kreml rechte Influencer für sich eingespannt hat]||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|20240712||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/auswertung-nach-eu-wahl-2024-trollarmeen-verbreiteten-russische-propaganda-in-sozialen-medien-a-e668c1ce-17c0-4a34-8b46-cb6a87d495bd Auswertung nach EU-Wahl Aktivisten fluteten das Netz mit russischer Propaganda]||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|20240704||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/geheimes-strategiepapier-enthuellt-wie-russische-agenten-den-informationskrieg-gewinnen-wollen-a-5c0203d4-b10e-45a8-86f7-a26ce9a817c3 Geheimes Strategiepapier enthüllt / So manipulieren Moskaus Agenten die deutsche Debatte über den Ukrainekrieg - Neidkampagnen gegen ukrainische Flüchtlinge, bezahlte Demonstrationen in Europa: Der Kreml will nach SPIEGEL-Informationen im Westen gezielt Angst schüren – durch Propaganda. Eines der Zielländer: Deutschland.]||[[RU]] / [[RU-DE]] / [[DE-RU]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20240512||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ukraine-bedroht-die-kriegsregierung-die-medienfreiheit-a-dc36c46f-686d-4a50-8e0c-a4c3cda63f52 Kontrolle und Propaganda: »Was ukrainischen Journalisten passiert, ist staatliche Willkür«  / Vom Geheimdienst verfolgte Reporter, eine Selenskyj-Dauerwerbesendung, Desinformationen auf Telegram: Wie frei ist die ukrainische Presse im dritten Kriegsjahr?]||[[UA]] / [[JOURNALISM]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20240224||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/france-says-russian-intelligence-service-behind-antisemitic-graffiti-campaign France Says Russian Intelligence Behind Antisemitic Graffiti Campaign]||[[PROPAGANDA]]
== 2022 ==
|20220506||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/555064-london-consulting-companies-against-moscow/ 'Her Majesty's Russia Unit': How British spies have launched a full-scale propaganda war to demonize Moscow]||[[GB-RU]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[PWC]] / [[MOODYS]]
|20220218||independentaustralia.net||[https://independentaustralia.net/politics/politics-display/john-pilger-war-in-europe-and-the-rise-of-raw-propaganda,16065 JOHN PILGER: War in Europe and the rise of raw propaganda]||[[PROPAGANDA]] / [[PILGER, JOHN]]
|20220218||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/549817-lavrov-western-russia-invasion-fake/ Lavrov labels Western ‘Russia invasion’ claims ‘propaganda, fakes and fiction’ - “If they enjoy it, let them,” the foreign minister told RT regarding claims from officials and media]||[[LAVROV, SERGEY]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[RU-UA]]
== 2021 ==
|20210714||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/fbi-foils-iranian-intelligence-plot-kidnap-dissident-american-soil FBI Foils Iranian Intelligence Plot To Kidnap Dissident On American Soil]||[[VOICE OF AMERICA]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
== 2020 ==
|20210131||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/china-und-propaganda-von-putin-lernen-heisst-luegen-lernen-kolumne-a-89738891-dceb-4f46-9106-aaabbfa18d1a China und die Impfstoffe Von Putin lernen heißt lügen lernen]||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|20200810||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/497647-pompeo-voa-russia-rules/ Rules for thee but not for me: Pompeo denounces proposed Russian law as ‘burdensome’ limitation on US propaganda outlets]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[VOICE OF AMERICA]] / [[RADIO LIBERTY]] / [[RADIO FREE EUROPE]]
|20200807||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/497419-russia-china-iran-trump-election/Damned if you do, damned if you don’t? US intel director warns all election outcomes may be driven by Russia, China or Iran]||[[US]] / [[EVANINA, WILLIAM]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20200807||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/us-spionageabwehr-china-will-dass-trump-die-praesidentschaftswahl-verliert-a-31f188a6-3906-4973-9cdc-931399874004 US-Spionageabwehr China will offenbar Wiederwahl von Trump verhindern]||[[US]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
== 2019 ==
|20191007||watson.ch||[https://www.watson.ch/!489840468 Warum Trump Putins Propaganda kopiert - Das Chaos in der Informationspolitik des Weissen Hauses hat Methode. Warum das so ist, erklärt der Propaganda-Spezialist Peter Pomerantsev.]||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|20190530||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/460674-freedom-gas-fracking-propaganda/ Shhh. It's not fracking, it's freedom gas.]||[[US]] / [[GAS]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20190529||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/460585-us-uk-highly-likely-russia/ ‘Highly likely’ is the new evidence: Five times Western officials had no proof but media fell for it]||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|20190516||antifa-westberlin.org||[http://antifa-westberlin.org/1101/ Gemeinsame Erklärung zum Artikel der NY Times – Antifa Westberlin & North-East Antifascists]||[[NEW YORK TIMES]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20190512||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/12/world/europe/russian-propaganda-influence-campaign-european-elections-far-right.html Russia Is Targeting Europe’s Elections. So Are Far-Right Copycats.]||[[NEW YORK TIMES]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20190316||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-03-15/eu-steadily-moving-towards-creation-1984-style-ministry-truth The EU Is Steadily Moving Towards Creation Of 1984-Style Ministry Of Truth]||[[EU]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
== 2018 ==
|20190310||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-03-10/greenwald-coordinated-lie-over-maduro-burning-aid-trucks-reveals-how-fake-news Greenwald: Coordinated Lie Over Maduro Burning Aid Trucks Reveals How Fake News Spreads]||[[VE]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20181201||caitlinjohnstone.com||[http://caitlinjohnstone.com/2018/12/01/never-ever-forget-the-guardianpolitico-psyop-against-wikileaks/ Never, Ever Forget The Guardian/Politico Psyop Against WikiLeaks]||[[GUARDIAN]] / [[HARDING, LUKE]] / [[MANAFORT, PAUL]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20181106||electronicintifada.net||[https://electronicintifada.net/content/watch-final-episodes-al-jazeera-film-us-israel-lobby/25896 Watch final episodes of Al Jazeera film on US Israel lobby]||[[IL]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[PS]] / [[US]]
|20180528||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/445069-assange-manafort-guardian-russiagate/ Assange-Manafort fabricated story is a plot to extradite WikiLeaks founder – Max Blumenthal]||[[BLUMENTHAL, MAX]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[MANAFORT, PAUL]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20181108||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/443422-saudi-tweet-support-yemen/ Yemen-bombing Saudi Arabia says it ‘stands with' suffering Yemeni children in govt poster]||[[SA]] / [[YE]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20181018||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/twitter-veroeffentlicht-riesigen-datensatz-zu-troll-tweets-aus-russland-und-iran-a-1233871.html Twitter veröffentlicht Propaganda-Archiv So arbeiten russische Internet-Trolle]||[[TWITTER]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20180810||telepolis.de||[https://www.heise.de/tp/features/USA-Wie-mit-angeblichen-russischen-Hacks-und-Beeinflussungsoperationen-Wahlkampf-gemacht-wird-4133516.html USA: Wie mit angeblichen russischen Hacks und Beeinflussungsoperationen Wahlkampf gemacht wird]||[[US]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20180719||bloomberg.com||[https://www.bloomberg.com/features/2018-government-sponsored-cyber-militia-cookbook/ A global guide to state spondored trolling]||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|20180705||medium.com||[https://medium.com/@caityjohnstone/this-is-what-modern-war-propaganda-looks-like-ffb523ce8be This Is What Modern War Propaganda Looks Like]||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|20180531||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-05-31/council-foreign-relations-says-domestic-propaganda-necessary The Council On Foreign Relations Says Domestic Propaganda Is Necessary]||[[COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20180413||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/424047-russian-mod-syria-statement/ Syria 'chemical attack' staged to provoke US airstrike, London pushed perpetrators – Russian MoD]||[[SY]] / [[DOUMA]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[RU MOD]]
|20180413||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-13/russia-has-irrefutable-evidence-uk-staged-syrian-chemical-attack Russia Has "Irrefutable Evidence" UK Staged Syrian Chemical Attack]||[[SY]] / [[DOUMA]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[RU MOD]]
|20180413||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/syrien-russland-wirft-grossbritannien-inszenierung-von-giftgasangriff-vor-a-1202879.html Syrien Moskau wirft Briten Inszenierung von mutmaßlichem Giftgasangriff vor]||[[SY]] / [[DOUMA]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[RU MOD]]
|20180321||heise.de||[https://www.heise.de/tp/features/Die-amerikanische-Beeinflussungsparanoia-4000341.html Die amerikanische Beeinflussungsparanoia]||[[PROPAGANDA]] / [[FACEBOOK]] / [[CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA]]
|20180319||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/421744-british-media-campaign-against-rt/ ‘Campaign against RT is propaganda & McCarthyism’ – journalist John Pilger]||[[GB]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[RT]] / [[PILGER, JOHN]]
|20180122||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/419613-russians-hacked-english-language/ Russians hacked English too? US establishment adopts 'spy' language]||[[RU]] / [[US]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20180213||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/us-geheimdienstdirektor-dan-coats-warnt-vor-russischen-cyberattacken-a-1193347.html Kongresswahlen US-Geheimdienstdirektor warnt vor russischen Cyberattacken]||[[COATS, DAN]] / [[CYBERWAR]] / [[RU]] / [[US]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20180114||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-14/i-paid-see-movie-about-singing-i-got-ninety-minutes-pentagon-propaganda "I Paid To See A Movie About Singing. I Got Ninety Minutes Of Pentagon Propaganda."]||[[PROPAGANDA]] / [[US DOD]] / [[HOLLYWOOD]]
|20180113||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/415784-moby-trump-cia-russia-collusion/ ‘CIA friends’ asked Moby to spread word of Trump-Russia collusion on social media]||[[MOBY]] / [[CIA]] / [[TWITTER]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[RU]]
== 2017 ==
|20171225||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/kremlin-trolls-burned-across-the-internet-as-washington-debated-options/2017/12/23/e7b9dc92-e403-11e7-ab50-621fe0588340_story.html?utm_term=.1a2cfdd017fe National Security: Kremlin trolls burned across the Internet as Washington debated options]||[[PROPAGANDA]] / [[DONOVAN, ALICE]] / [[INFLUENCE OPERATIONS]] / [[FBI]] / [[CIA]] / [[NATO]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]] / [[RT]]
|20171217||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/wissenschaft/mensch/trolle-von-waldimir-putin-propaganda-im-netz-kolumne-a-1183591.html  Netzpropaganda Wie ich einmal Putins Trolle traf]||[[PROPAGANDA]] / [[BREXIT]]
|20171027||thedailybeast.com||[https://www.thedailybeast.com/russias-troll-factory-made-hillary-clinton-sex-tape-ex-worker-claims Russia’s Troll Factory Made ‘Hillary Clinton’ Sex Tape, Ex-Worker Claims]||[[PROPAGANDA]] / [[INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY]] / [[PRIGOZHIN, YEVGENY]] / [[ASLANOV, DZHEYKHUN]]
|20171015||yahoo.com||[https://www.yahoo.com/news/russian-trolls-schooled-house-cards-185648522.html Russian trolls were schooled on ‘House of Cards’]||[[PROPAGANDA]] / [[RU]] / [[US]]
|20170905||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/video/nordkorea-wer-ist-nachrichtensprecherin-ri-chun-hee-video-1795614.html Nordkoreas Nachrichtensprecherin: Die Stimme des Diktators]||[[KP]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20170824||imgur.com||[http://imgur.com/gallery/6flYH Strap in for an awesome investigative Twitter thread]||[[TWITTER]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20170810||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/399249-north-korea-us-conflict-missiles/ Pyongyang may hit US targets in S. Korea if provoked by Americans – Russian general to RT]||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|20170808||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-nur-ein-viertel-der-amerikaner-glaubt-nachrichten-aus-dem-weissen-haus-a-1161821.html Umfrage Nur jeder vierte Amerikaner glaubt Nachrichten aus dem Weißen Haus]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20170511||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-und-sergej-lawrow-so-gelangten-fotos-an-medien-a-1147236.html Fotos zum Lawrow-Besuch US-Regierung wirft Russen Täuschung vor]||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|20170114||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/russland-deutsche-geheimdienste-werfen-moskau-gezielte-stimmungsmache-vor-a-1129853.html Spaltung des Westens BND wirft Russland gezielte Stimmungsmache vor]||[[BND]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[RU]]
|20170106||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/372795-mcafee-dnc-hack-propaganda/ ‘Propaganda intended to incite Americans’: John McAfee to RT on ‘Russian hacking’ claims]||[[MCAFEE, JOHN]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
== 2016 ==
|20161123||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/367922-eu-resolution-russian-media/ 'At war with Russia’: EU Parliament approves resolution to counter Russian media ‘propaganda’]||[[EU]] / [[RU]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[RT]] / [[SPUTNIK]]
|20161028||newmatilda.com||[https://newmatilda.com/2016/10/28/inside-the-invisible-government-john-pilger-on-war-propaganda-clinton-and-trump/ Inside The Invisible Government: John Pilger On War, Propaganda, Clinton And Trump]||[[PROPAGANDA]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]]
|20161002||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/361385-pentagon-pr-firm-terrorist-videos/ Pentagon paid PR firm 540mn to make fake terrorist videos]||[[PENTAGON]] / [[BELL POTTINGER]] / [[CIA]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20160505||unz.com||[http://www.unz.com/tsaker/counter-propaganda-russian-style/ Counter-Propaganda, Russian Style]||[[RU]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20160311||faz.net||[http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/europa/deutsche-sicherheitskreise-werfen-moskau-systematische-schwaechung-der-eu-vor-14117565.html Systematische Schwächung: Sicherheitskreise werfen Moskau gezielte Propaganda gegen EU vor]||[[RU]] / [[DE]] / [[SENSBURG, PATRICK]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20160307||worldnewsdailyreport.com||[http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/edward-snowden-global-warming-is-an-invention-of-the-cia/ Edward Snowden: “Global Warming is an invention of the CIA”]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[CLIMATE]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
== 2015 ==
|20151224||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-12-24/us-national-insecurity-art-blaming-russia-everything US National Insecurity: The Art Of Blaming Russia (For Everything)]||[[US]] / [[RU]] / [[GOMEZ, CHRISTIAN]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20151223||sueddeutsche.de||[http://www.sueddeutsche.de/medien/aerger-um-zdf-doku-ueber-putin-der-falsche-igor-1.2795639 Ärger um ZDF-Doku über Putin - Der falsche Igor]||[[ZDF]] / [[SCHUMANN, DIETMAR]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[RU]] / [[UA]]
|20151223||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/326902-germany-fake-documentary-ukraine/ Caught in the act: German state channel accused of faking Russian soldiers in Ukraine]||[[ZDF]] / [[SCHUMANN, DIETMAR]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[RU]] / [[UA]]
|20151120||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/russland-us-botschaft-verulkt-kreml-propagandisten-a-1063786.html Erfundenes Schwulen-Komplott: US-Botschaft verulkt Kreml-Propagandisten]||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|20151008||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/317971-bellingcat-russia-syria-videos-geolocation/ Bellingcat accuses Russia of faking videos showing jets dropping bombs on ISIS]||[[RU]] / [[SY]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[BELLINGCAT]] / [[HIGGINS, ELIOT]]
|20151005||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/tv/homeland-fuenfte-staffel-in-berlin-a-1056294.html Bomben basteln im Berliner Altbau]||[[PROPAGANDA]] / [[CIA]]
|20150913||reddit.com||[https://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/3komj2/redditor_european88_is_arrested_by_the_fbi_for/ Redditor European88 is arrested by the FBI for pretending to be high profile Jihadist online and turns out to be an American Jew. The subreddits he frequented and the Metasphere react.]||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|20150912||smh.com.au||[http://www.smh.com.au/national/unmasking-a-troll-aussie-jihadist-australi-witness-a-20yearold-american-nerd-20150909-gjil47 Unmasking a troll: Aussie 'jihadist' Australi Witness a 20-year-old American nerd]||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|20150902||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2015/09/02/tv-station-owners-report-unexpected-flood-money-iran-deal-opponents/ TV Station Owners Report Unexpected Flood of Money From Iran Deal Opponents]||[[PROPAGANDA]] / [[IR]] / [[SA]] / [[US]] / [[AIPAC]]
|20150629||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/einestages/benetton-schockwerbung-in-den-neunzigern-pullover-sind-mir-scheissegal-a-1040595.html Benetton-Fotograf Toscani "Pullover sind mir scheißegal!"]||[[PROPAGANDA]] / [[TOSCANI, OLIVIERO]]
|20150603||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/mh17-satellitenbilder-bellingcat-betreibt-kaffeesatzleserei-a-1036874.html Interview zu angeblichen MH17-Manipulationen: "Bellingcat betreibt Kaffeesatzleserei"]||[[MH17]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[BELLINGCAT]]
|20150602||nytinmes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/2015/06/07/magazine/the-agency.html?_r=1 The Agency: From a nondescript office building in St. Petersburg, Russia, an army of well-paid “trolls” has tried to wreak havoc all around the Internet — and in real-life American communities.]||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|20150529||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/russische-trollfabrik-insiderin-ludmilla-sawtschuk-im-interview-a-1036286.html Russische Troll-Bekämpferin: "Diese Scheusale an die Öffentlichkeit zerren"]||[[RU]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20150529||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/russische-trollfabrik-eine-insiderin-berichtet-a-1036139.html Russische Propaganda: Insiderin berichtet aus der Trollfabrik des Kreml]||[[RU]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20150417||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/250717-chomsky-media-ukraine-cuba/ ‘Any reader of Orwell would be perfectly familiar’ with US maneuvers – Chomsky to RT]||[[CHOMSKY, NOAM]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[US]]
|20150416||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/250057-house-weaponized-information-russia/ House panel urges US to fight Russia's ‘weaponized information’]||[[BBG]] / [[US]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20150415||mondbasis.com||[http://mondbasis.com/putintroll.html Der @tagesanzeiger stellt sich selbst ein Bein: Die Mär von der Troll-Fabrik in Sankt Petersburg]||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|20150402||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/apr/02/putin-kremlin-inside-russian-troll-house The Russian troll factory at the heart of the meddling allegations]||[[INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[DISINFORMATION]]
|20150120||dailymail.co.uk||[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2916475/Al-Qaeda-YouTube-video-shows-jihadists-using-Snowden-leaks-evade-Western-surveillance.html Al Qaeda's YouTube guide for jihadists: Security chiefs spooked over terror video that proves extremists are using leaks from US spy Edward Snowden to evade justice]||[[AL QAEDA]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20150115||woz.ch||[http://www.woz.ch/-5892 Dschihadkultur: «Terrorisiere sie, bis sie ihren Glauben überdenken»]||[[ISLAMIC STATE]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
== 2014 ==
|20141228||consortiumnews.com||[https://consortiumnews.com/2014/12/28/the-victory-of-perception-management/ The Victory of ‘Perception Management’]||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|20140503||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/gesellschaft/merkel-bei-obama-in-washington-eine-analyse-der-bildersprache-a-967360.html Bildsprache in der Politik: Die Macht der zwei Finger]||[[MERKEL, ANGELA]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20140422||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ukraine-usa-legen-beweise-fuer-russische-soldaten-in-ostukraine-vor-a-965459.html Ostukraine: USA zeigen umstrittene Beweise für Präsenz von Kreml-Truppen]||[[US]] / [[UA]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20140416||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/facebook-spam-bei-deutschen-medien-unter-namen-anonymous-a-964869.html Facebook-Spam: Russland-Freunde aus der rechten Ecke]||[[PROPAGANDA]] / [[FACEBOOK]]
|20140305||censor.net.ua||[http://censor.net.ua/photo_news/273993/na_maneje_vse_te_je_rossiyiskie_patriotki_gastroliruyut_po_ukraine_fotoreportajvideo На манеже все те же: "российские патриотки" гастролируют по Украине. ФОТОрепортаж+ВИДЕО]||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|20140305||censor.net.ua||[http://censor.net.ua/photo_news/273993/na_maneje_vse_te_je_rossiyiskie_patriotki_gastroliruyut_po_ukraine_fotoreportajvideo На манеже все те же: "российские патриотки" гастролируют по Украине. ФОТОрепортаж+ВИДЕО]||[[PROPAGANDA]]
Line 10: Line 242:
|20140303||firstlook.org||[https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/03/03/venezuela-establishment-media-enables-powerful-vested-interests/ The Washington Post Uses Biased Experts to Promote Propaganda on Venezuela]||[[WASHINGTON POST]] / [[VE]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[MADURO, NICOLAS]] / [[LOPEZ, LEOPOLDO]] / [[USAID]] / [[INTER-AMERICAN DIALOGUE]] /  / [[SHIFTER, MICHAEL]] / [[NAIM, MOISES]]
|20140303||firstlook.org||[https://firstlook.org/theintercept/2014/03/03/venezuela-establishment-media-enables-powerful-vested-interests/ The Washington Post Uses Biased Experts to Promote Propaganda on Venezuela]||[[WASHINGTON POST]] / [[VE]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[MADURO, NICOLAS]] / [[LOPEZ, LEOPOLDO]] / [[USAID]] / [[INTER-AMERICAN DIALOGUE]] /  / [[SHIFTER, MICHAEL]] / [[NAIM, MOISES]]
== 2013 ==
|20131216||huffingtonpost.com||[http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/16/60-minutes-nsa_n_4452568.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000003&ir=Politics '60 Minutes' Trashed For NSA Piece]||[[NSA]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[ALEXANDER, KEITH]] / [[CBS]] / [[MILLER, JOHN]]
|20131216||huffingtonpost.com||[http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/12/16/60-minutes-nsa_n_4452568.html?ncid=edlinkusaolp00000003&ir=Politics '60 Minutes' Trashed For NSA Piece]||[[NSA]] / [[PROPAGANDA]] / [[ALEXANDER, KEITH]] / [[CBS]] / [[MILLER, JOHN]]
Line 18: Line 258:
|20130915||washingtonpost.com||[http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2013/09/15/former-nsa-and-cia-director-says-terrorists-love-using-gmail/ Former NSA and CIA director says terrorists love using Gmail]||[[HAYDEN, MICHAEL]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20130915||washingtonpost.com||[http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-switch/wp/2013/09/15/former-nsa-and-cia-director-says-terrorists-love-using-gmail/ Former NSA and CIA director says terrorists love using Gmail]||[[HAYDEN, MICHAEL]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
== 2012 ==
|20121114||gigaom.com||[http://gigaom.com/2012/11/14/when-armies-become-media-israel-live-blogs-and-tweets-an-attack-on-hamas/ When Armies become media: Israel live blogs and tweets on attack an hamas]||[[IL]] / [[PS]] / [[HAMAS]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|20121114||gigaom.com||[http://gigaom.com/2012/11/14/when-armies-become-media-israel-live-blogs-and-tweets-an-attack-on-hamas/ When Armies become media: Israel live blogs and tweets on attack an hamas]||[[IL]] / [[PS]] / [[HAMAS]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|14.09.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/syrien-assad-gegner-spotten-ueber-wuetende-araber-a-855767.html Mohammed-Schmähvideo: Syrische Aktivisten spotten über wütende Araber]||[[SY]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|14.09.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/syrien-assad-gegner-spotten-ueber-wuetende-araber-a-855767.html Mohammed-Schmähvideo: Syrische Aktivisten spotten über wütende Araber]||[[SY]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
== 2011 ==
|17.03.2011||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/mar/17/us-spy-operation-social-networks Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media: Military's 'sock puppet' software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda]||[[SOCIAL MEDIA]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
|17.03.2011||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2011/mar/17/us-spy-operation-social-networks Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media: Military's 'sock puppet' software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda]||[[SOCIAL MEDIA]] / [[PROPAGANDA]]
== 2008 ==
|20080420||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/gesellschaft/gekaufte-meinung-pentagon-beschaeftigt-pr-armee-fuer-us-tv-a-548519.html Gekaufte Meinung: Pentagon beschäftigt PR-Armee für US-TV]||[[PROPAGANDA]] / [[DISINFORMATION]]
|20080420||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/kultur/gesellschaft/gekaufte-meinung-pentagon-beschaeftigt-pr-armee-fuer-us-tv-a-548519.html Gekaufte Meinung: Pentagon beschäftigt PR-Armee für US-TV]||[[PROPAGANDA]] / [[DISINFORMATION]]
Line 43: Line 307:
|BERNAYS, EDWARD L /MILLER, MARK CRISPIN||Ig Publishing||Propaganda||2004||0-970-312598||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|BERNAYS, EDWARD L /MILLER, MARK CRISPIN||Ig Publishing||Propaganda||2004||0-970-312598||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|BUSSEMER, THYMIAN ||Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag||Propaganda und Populärkultur. Konstruierte Erlebniswelten im Nationalsozialismus.||2000||3-8244-4414-3.||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|BUSSEMER, THYMIAN ||Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag||Propaganda und Populärkultur. Konstruierte Erlebniswelten im Nationalsozialismus.||2000||3-8244-4414-3||[[PROPAGANDA]]
|TYE, LARRY||Crown Publications||Edward L Bernays & the Birth of Public Relations||1998||0-517-704358||
|TYE, LARRY||Crown Publications||Edward L Bernays & the Birth of Public Relations||1998||0-517-704358||
Line 49: Line 313:
= Resources =
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Propaganda_techniques

Latest revision as of 14:18, 7 September 2024



Date Source Title Tags
20240905 spiegel.de Russische Einflussnahme im US-Wahlkampf Wie der Kreml rechte Influencer für sich eingespannt hat PROPAGANDA
20240712 spiegel.de Auswertung nach EU-Wahl Aktivisten fluteten das Netz mit russischer Propaganda PROPAGANDA
20240704 spiegel.de Geheimes Strategiepapier enthüllt / So manipulieren Moskaus Agenten die deutsche Debatte über den Ukrainekrieg - Neidkampagnen gegen ukrainische Flüchtlinge, bezahlte Demonstrationen in Europa: Der Kreml will nach SPIEGEL-Informationen im Westen gezielt Angst schüren – durch Propaganda. Eines der Zielländer: Deutschland. RU / RU-DE / DE-RU / PROPAGANDA
20240512 spiegel.de Kontrolle und Propaganda: »Was ukrainischen Journalisten passiert, ist staatliche Willkür«  / Vom Geheimdienst verfolgte Reporter, eine Selenskyj-Dauerwerbesendung, Desinformationen auf Telegram: Wie frei ist die ukrainische Presse im dritten Kriegsjahr? UA / JOURNALISM / PROPAGANDA
20240224 zerohedge.com France Says Russian Intelligence Behind Antisemitic Graffiti Campaign PROPAGANDA


Date Source Title Tags
20220506 rt.com 'Her Majesty's Russia Unit': How British spies have launched a full-scale propaganda war to demonize Moscow GB-RU / PROPAGANDA / PWC / MOODYS
20220218 independentaustralia.net JOHN PILGER: War in Europe and the rise of raw propaganda PROPAGANDA / PILGER, JOHN
20220218 rt.com Lavrov labels Western ‘Russia invasion’ claims ‘propaganda, fakes and fiction’ - “If they enjoy it, let them,” the foreign minister told RT regarding claims from officials and media LAVROV, SERGEY / PROPAGANDA / RU-UA


Date Source Title Tags
20210714 zerohedge.com FBI Foils Iranian Intelligence Plot To Kidnap Dissident On American Soil VOICE OF AMERICA / PROPAGANDA


Date Source Title Tags
20210131 spiegel.de China und die Impfstoffe Von Putin lernen heißt lügen lernen PROPAGANDA
20200810 rt.com Rules for thee but not for me: Pompeo denounces proposed Russian law as ‘burdensome’ limitation on US propaganda outlets POMPEO, MIKE / PROPAGANDA / VOICE OF AMERICA / RADIO LIBERTY / RADIO FREE EUROPE
20200807 rt.com if you do, damned if you don’t? US intel director warns all election outcomes may be driven by Russia, China or Iran US / EVANINA, WILLIAM / PROPAGANDA
20200807 spiegel.de US-Spionageabwehr China will offenbar Wiederwahl von Trump verhindern US / PROPAGANDA


Date Source Title Tags
20191007 watson.ch Warum Trump Putins Propaganda kopiert - Das Chaos in der Informationspolitik des Weissen Hauses hat Methode. Warum das so ist, erklärt der Propaganda-Spezialist Peter Pomerantsev. PROPAGANDA
20190530 rt.com Shhh. It's not fracking, it's freedom gas. US / GAS / PROPAGANDA
20190529 rt.com ‘Highly likely’ is the new evidence: Five times Western officials had no proof but media fell for it PROPAGANDA
20190516 antifa-westberlin.org Gemeinsame Erklärung zum Artikel der NY Times – Antifa Westberlin & North-East Antifascists NEW YORK TIMES / PROPAGANDA
20190512 nytimes.com Russia Is Targeting Europe’s Elections. So Are Far-Right Copycats. NEW YORK TIMES / PROPAGANDA
20190316 zerohedge.com The EU Is Steadily Moving Towards Creation Of 1984-Style Ministry Of Truth EU / PROPAGANDA


Date Source Titel Tags
20190310 zerohedge.com Greenwald: Coordinated Lie Over Maduro Burning Aid Trucks Reveals How Fake News Spreads VE / PROPAGANDA
20181201 caitlinjohnstone.com Never, Ever Forget The Guardian/Politico Psyop Against WikiLeaks GUARDIAN / HARDING, LUKE / MANAFORT, PAUL / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / PROPAGANDA
20181106 electronicintifada.net Watch final episodes of Al Jazeera film on US Israel lobby IL / PROPAGANDA / PS / US
20180528 rt.com Assange-Manafort fabricated story is a plot to extradite WikiLeaks founder – Max Blumenthal BLUMENTHAL, MAX / ASSANGE, JULIAN / MANAFORT, PAUL / PROPAGANDA
20181108 rt.com Yemen-bombing Saudi Arabia says it ‘stands with' suffering Yemeni children in govt poster SA / YE / PROPAGANDA
20181018 spiegel.de Twitter veröffentlicht Propaganda-Archiv So arbeiten russische Internet-Trolle TWITTER / PROPAGANDA
20180810 telepolis.de USA: Wie mit angeblichen russischen Hacks und Beeinflussungsoperationen Wahlkampf gemacht wird US / PROPAGANDA
20180719 bloomberg.com A global guide to state spondored trolling PROPAGANDA
20180705 medium.com This Is What Modern War Propaganda Looks Like PROPAGANDA
20180531 zerohedge.com The Council On Foreign Relations Says Domestic Propaganda Is Necessary COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS / PROPAGANDA
20180413 rt.com Syria 'chemical attack' staged to provoke US airstrike, London pushed perpetrators – Russian MoD SY / DOUMA / PROPAGANDA / RU MOD
20180413 zerohedge.com Russia Has "Irrefutable Evidence" UK Staged Syrian Chemical Attack SY / DOUMA / PROPAGANDA / RU MOD
20180413 spiegel.de Syrien Moskau wirft Briten Inszenierung von mutmaßlichem Giftgasangriff vor SY / DOUMA / PROPAGANDA / RU MOD
20180321 heise.de Die amerikanische Beeinflussungsparanoia PROPAGANDA / FACEBOOK / CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA
20180319 rt.com ‘Campaign against RT is propaganda & McCarthyism’ – journalist John Pilger GB / PROPAGANDA / RT / PILGER, JOHN
20180122 rt.com Russians hacked English too? US establishment adopts 'spy' language RU / US / PROPAGANDA
20180213 spiegel.de Kongresswahlen US-Geheimdienstdirektor warnt vor russischen Cyberattacken COATS, DAN / CYBERWAR / RU / US / PROPAGANDA
20180114 zerohedge.com "I Paid To See A Movie About Singing. I Got Ninety Minutes Of Pentagon Propaganda." PROPAGANDA / US DOD / HOLLYWOOD
20180113 rt.com ‘CIA friends’ asked Moby to spread word of Trump-Russia collusion on social media MOBY / CIA / TWITTER / PROPAGANDA / TRUMP, DONALD / RU


Date Source Title Tags
20171225 washingtonpost.com National Security: Kremlin trolls burned across the Internet as Washington debated options PROPAGANDA / DONOVAN, ALICE / INFLUENCE OPERATIONS / FBI / CIA / NATO / OBAMA, BARACK / RT
20171217 spiegel.de Netzpropaganda Wie ich einmal Putins Trolle traf PROPAGANDA / BREXIT
20171027 thedailybeast.com Russia’s Troll Factory Made ‘Hillary Clinton’ Sex Tape, Ex-Worker Claims PROPAGANDA / INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY / PRIGOZHIN, YEVGENY / ASLANOV, DZHEYKHUN
20171015 yahoo.com Russian trolls were schooled on ‘House of Cards’ PROPAGANDA / RU / US
20170905 spiegel.de Nordkoreas Nachrichtensprecherin: Die Stimme des Diktators KP / PROPAGANDA
20170824 imgur.com Strap in for an awesome investigative Twitter thread TWITTER / PROPAGANDA
20170810 rt.com Pyongyang may hit US targets in S. Korea if provoked by Americans – Russian general to RT PROPAGANDA
20170808 spiegel.de Umfrage Nur jeder vierte Amerikaner glaubt Nachrichten aus dem Weißen Haus TRUMP, DONALD / PROPAGANDA
20170511 spiegel.de Fotos zum Lawrow-Besuch US-Regierung wirft Russen Täuschung vor PROPAGANDA
20170114 spiegel.de Spaltung des Westens BND wirft Russland gezielte Stimmungsmache vor BND / PROPAGANDA / RU
20170106 rt.com ‘Propaganda intended to incite Americans’: John McAfee to RT on ‘Russian hacking’ claims MCAFEE, JOHN / ATTRIBUTION / PROPAGANDA


Date Source Title Tags
20161123 rt.com 'At war with Russia’: EU Parliament approves resolution to counter Russian media ‘propaganda’ EU / RU / PROPAGANDA / RT / SPUTNIK
20161028 newmatilda.com Inside The Invisible Government: John Pilger On War, Propaganda, Clinton And Trump PROPAGANDA / CLINTON, HILLARY / TRUMP, DONALD / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20161002 rt.com Pentagon paid PR firm 540mn to make fake terrorist videos PENTAGON / BELL POTTINGER / CIA / PROPAGANDA
20160505 unz.com Counter-Propaganda, Russian Style RU / PROPAGANDA
20160311 faz.net Systematische Schwächung: Sicherheitskreise werfen Moskau gezielte Propaganda gegen EU vor RU / DE / SENSBURG, PATRICK / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / PROPAGANDA
20160307 worldnewsdailyreport.com Edward Snowden: “Global Warming is an invention of the CIA” SNOWDEN, EDWARD / CLIMATE / PROPAGANDA


Date Source Title Tags
20151224 zerohedge.com US National Insecurity: The Art Of Blaming Russia (For Everything) US / RU / GOMEZ, CHRISTIAN / PROPAGANDA
20151223 sueddeutsche.de Ärger um ZDF-Doku über Putin - Der falsche Igor ZDF / SCHUMANN, DIETMAR / PROPAGANDA / RU / UA
20151223 rt.com Caught in the act: German state channel accused of faking Russian soldiers in Ukraine ZDF / SCHUMANN, DIETMAR / PROPAGANDA / RU / UA
20151120 spiegel.de Erfundenes Schwulen-Komplott: US-Botschaft verulkt Kreml-Propagandisten PROPAGANDA
20151008 rt.com Bellingcat accuses Russia of faking videos showing jets dropping bombs on ISIS RU / SY / PROPAGANDA / BELLINGCAT / HIGGINS, ELIOT
20151005 spiegel.de Bomben basteln im Berliner Altbau PROPAGANDA / CIA
20150913 reddit.com Redditor European88 is arrested by the FBI for pretending to be high profile Jihadist online and turns out to be an American Jew. The subreddits he frequented and the Metasphere react. PROPAGANDA
20150912 smh.com.au Unmasking a troll: Aussie 'jihadist' Australi Witness a 20-year-old American nerd PROPAGANDA
20150902 theintercept.com TV Station Owners Report Unexpected Flood of Money From Iran Deal Opponents PROPAGANDA / IR / SA / US / AIPAC
20150629 spiegel.de Benetton-Fotograf Toscani "Pullover sind mir scheißegal!" PROPAGANDA / TOSCANI, OLIVIERO
20150603 spiegel.de Interview zu angeblichen MH17-Manipulationen: "Bellingcat betreibt Kaffeesatzleserei" MH17 / PROPAGANDA / BELLINGCAT
20150602 nytinmes.com The Agency: From a nondescript office building in St. Petersburg, Russia, an army of well-paid “trolls” has tried to wreak havoc all around the Internet — and in real-life American communities. PROPAGANDA
20150529 spiegel.de Russische Troll-Bekämpferin: "Diese Scheusale an die Öffentlichkeit zerren" RU / PROPAGANDA
20150529 spiegel.de Russische Propaganda: Insiderin berichtet aus der Trollfabrik des Kreml RU / PROPAGANDA
20150417 rt.com ‘Any reader of Orwell would be perfectly familiar’ with US maneuvers – Chomsky to RT CHOMSKY, NOAM / PROPAGANDA / US
20150416 rt.com House panel urges US to fight Russia's ‘weaponized information’ BBG / US / PROPAGANDA
20150415 mondbasis.com Der @tagesanzeiger stellt sich selbst ein Bein: Die Mär von der Troll-Fabrik in Sankt Petersburg PROPAGANDA
20150402 theguardian.com The Russian troll factory at the heart of the meddling allegations INTERNET RESEARCH AGENCY / PROPAGANDA / DISINFORMATION
20150120 dailymail.co.uk Al Qaeda's YouTube guide for jihadists: Security chiefs spooked over terror video that proves extremists are using leaks from US spy Edward Snowden to evade justice AL QAEDA / PROPAGANDA
20150115 woz.ch Dschihadkultur: «Terrorisiere sie, bis sie ihren Glauben überdenken» ISLAMIC STATE / PROPAGANDA


Date Source Title Tags
20141228 consortiumnews.com The Victory of ‘Perception Management’ PROPAGANDA
20140503 spiegel.de Bildsprache in der Politik: Die Macht der zwei Finger MERKEL, ANGELA / OBAMA, BARACK / PROPAGANDA
20140422 spiegel.de Ostukraine: USA zeigen umstrittene Beweise für Präsenz von Kreml-Truppen US / UA / PROPAGANDA
20140416 spiegel.de Facebook-Spam: Russland-Freunde aus der rechten Ecke PROPAGANDA / FACEBOOK
20140305 censor.net.ua На манеже все те же: "российские патриотки" гастролируют по Украине. ФОТОрепортаж+ВИДЕО PROPAGANDA
20140304 EastOfBrussels/twitter.com #Ukraine: #Putin War propaganda exposed: #Russia media hire SAME "actress" to pose as mi.n 5 diff. Ukrainians #crimea pic.twitter.com/4sLr1qfPvn PROPAGANDA
20140303 firstlook.org The Washington Post Uses Biased Experts to Promote Propaganda on Venezuela WASHINGTON POST / VE / PROPAGANDA / MADURO, NICOLAS / LOPEZ, LEOPOLDO / USAID / INTER-AMERICAN DIALOGUE / / SHIFTER, MICHAEL / NAIM, MOISES


Date Source Title Tags
20131216 huffingtonpost.com '60 Minutes' Trashed For NSA Piece NSA / PROPAGANDA / ALEXANDER, KEITH / CBS / MILLER, JOHN
20131216 theguardian.com NSA goes on 60 Minutes: the definitive facts behind CBS's flawed report: Our take on five things the spy agency would like the public to believe about its vast surveillance powers NSA / PROPAGANDA / ALEXANDER, KEITH
20131103 spiegel.de US-Spähprogramme: Ausreden für Spione NSA / PROPAGANDA / DISTRACTION
20130915 washingtonpost.com Former NSA and CIA director says terrorists love using Gmail HAYDEN, MICHAEL / PROPAGANDA


Date Source Title Tags
20121114 gigaom.com When Armies become media: Israel live blogs and tweets on attack an hamas IL / PS / HAMAS / PROPAGANDA
14.09.2012 spiegel.de Mohammed-Schmähvideo: Syrische Aktivisten spotten über wütende Araber SY / PROPAGANDA


Date Source Title Tags
17.03.2011 guardian.co.uk Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media: Military's 'sock puppet' software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda SOCIAL MEDIA / PROPAGANDA


Date Source Title Tags
20080420 spiegel.de Gekaufte Meinung: Pentagon beschäftigt PR-Armee für US-TV PROPAGANDA / DISINFORMATION
19.04.2008 spiegel.de Riefenstahl-Filme: Die Frau, die den perfekten Nazi-Körper schuf PROPAGANDA


Author Issuer Title Published ISBN Tags
BERNAYS, EDWARD L University Of Oklahoma Press Engineering of Consent 0-806103280 PROPAGANDA CONSENT
BERNAYS, EDWARD L /MILLER, MARK CRISPIN Ig Publishing Propaganda 2004 0-970-312598 PROPAGANDA
BUSSEMER, THYMIAN Wiesbaden: Deutscher Universitäts-Verlag Propaganda und Populärkultur. Konstruierte Erlebniswelten im Nationalsozialismus. 2000 3-8244-4414-3 PROPAGANDA
TYE, LARRY Crown Publications Edward L Bernays & the Birth of Public Relations 1998 0-517-704358
