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MOPA.GOV.SY EMAIL LEAK #1 (sorry for shitty translations lol) brought to your lulzy attention by #SolSec after a killer leak by #LulzFinancial <-----Shout Out to You Guys!!!


b.shaaban@mopa.gov.sy (more to come lol)


You curse Rouho to Keep Halorth, and got us Bhik people do not OPML not all. I suggested champion fill

On Mon 6/02/12 7:16 AM , 3ayeef 7aloo <3ayeef@googlemail.com> wrote:

( I curse your soul Haaaaafez) >

Msg sent via @Mail - http://atmail.com/

Phew you You and Luck

On Mon 6/02/12 7:17 AM , bassam.skheta@mopa.gov.sy wrote:

Curse your soul Keep my Halgehh
> Alkhalaftwooowo

> ---- Msg sent via @Mail - http://atmail.com/ > >

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Dear Alexander,

You are always welcome in Syria.

According to Kuwait Times, I regret the unprofessionality and irresopnsibility of some mass media in Gulf region. It is obvious that such news has no relevence to reality and can not be said either by me or by any other Syrian officials. Needless to say that no other mass media has paid attention to such false statements that might pup up every now and then .

All the best,

Bouthaina Shaaban

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ From: Marquardt, Alexander [Alexander.Marquardt@abc.com] Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2011 11:14 AM To: b.shaaban@mopa.gov.sy Subject: True?

Dr. Bouthaina,

I was a real pleasure meeting you last week, thank you again for hosting us in Damascus and for letting me travel to Daraa.

As I’m sure you’ve seen, there are some comments attributed to you in the Kuwait Times today that I wanted to ask you about. Is this true? Could you expand a little on what it is you have?

Kuwait Times:

Meanwhile, the Syrian President's advisor Buthaina Shaaban has allegedly threatened to expose sex tapes involving rulers from Gulf countries. Shaaban briefed a delegation from the Syrian community residing in region after a meeting was held with Bashar Al-Asad. The advisor reportedly said, "officials from Gulf countries will be shown what 'trump' cards we have after we release their sex tapes to internet websites.”

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Dear Mr. Nabil Kuzbari Esquire

Thank you very much for congratulating stones and ask God to bless you and you in all holiday and you always give it back to health and wellness and more sparkle and to our dear good and safety ..
Every year, you best be fine ..
With love

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On Tue 26/07/11 12:41 PM , Isabel beatris Ali <beatrisisabel@yahoo.com> wrote:

> مطلوب مترجم > > Links: > ------ > [1] > http://us.mc449.mail.yahoo.com/mc/compose?to=HYPERLINK "javascript:top.opencompose('beatrisisabel@yahoo.com',,,'1')"beatrisisabel@yahoo.com > [2] > http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_182266375160903#!/home.php?sk=gro > up_182266375160903[3] > http://www.facebook.com/pages/Palestine-is-Jordan-and-Jordan-is-Palestine-O > ne-people/125298127554736?ref=ts[4] http://groups.google.com/group/ArabBDM?hl=ar?hl=en > >

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Mr. Rami Rustum Esquire

The authenticity, I was very gentle and the contents of the feelings of a sincere love of the homeland and driven to seek his service. The joy was great to meet you here in Syria and trust you and your precious our community in the United States.
We may actually be proud of the children of our country from people like you who are still failing hearts of love and longing to their home country despite the distance and concerns in the Diaspora.
I am confident that our country will emerge from this crisis stronger than before thanks to the efforts of the loyal sons of sons like you, whether at home or observing a pure scientific Zamathm honorable abroad.
Thank you for your interest and sincerity I wish you success, God willing.

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Dear Sir Jeffrey,

How assuring it is for me to hear your opinion in what I've said: Thank you for taking the time to write to me; I truly appreciate it. Have a good time in France.

With my very best wishes to you and your family.

Bouthaina Shaaban

Original Message-----

From: jeffreyjowell@aol.com [jeffreyjowell@aol.com] Sent: Friday, July 08, 2011 4:24 PM To: Bouthaina Shaaban Subject: Your broadcast

My dear Bouthaina I am in France and have just seen you on BBC World. I agreed with every word you said about the quite out-of-order US action. And how clearly and well you said it! With warm wishes. Jeffrey

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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HE Dr. Shaaban respectable Greetings, Here the most important points discussed in the meeting with the Turkish ambassador on Sunday, July 3, 2011 First, Refugees was emphasized by us as a problematic issue it is useful to make Ankara's efforts to Hlhaltha. He said: The Turkish government has not given refugee status of the Syrians "refugee" to now to cut the road to international interventions, but they will provide aid to them as long as they are. He believes that a number of them will soon return to their country because of the hostile attitude of the state in Syria. It was clear that "Turkey does not want to internationalize the issue of Syrian citizens who are on the Turkish territory in order not to disturb Damascus," but added that this crisis is "the crisis number one" for Turkey today is believed to be solved will not be easy in the near future. As was addressed by the smuggling of weapons. He said: that weapons smuggling because of a request from inside Syria. The proposal was the possibility of cooperation to prevent the smuggling of arms and Ankara to make additional efforts in this context. He also admitted that the weapons actually come to Syria through Turkish territory, but without the consent of the Turkish government. Effort in this area should be bilateral or internal pressure Turkey to control the border without the full cooperation of the Syrian border security agencies. Second, the "Muslim Brotherhood": we confirmed the importance of not insisting on Turkey to open a dialogue with the Syrian "brothers" because the Syrians are very sensitive. He said: For Turkey, it believes that a dialogue with a "Brotherhood" will strengthen the Islamic moderation, otherwise the Islamist underground will live and work secretly against Syria. Turkey does not want to strengthen the organization of the brothers, but you want to adjust their activities inside and outside Syria, and brought into the national dialogue to serve Syrian interests. Third, the Turkish model: we should not insist on the Turkish government the "Turkish model" because the Syrians want their own model. It was also emphasized by us of the need not to make public statements explain in Syria as a superstructure. The visit of Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu: He suggested to the Minister Davutoglu to Damascus to come before the meeting of the consultative dialogue. There is a difficulty because Erdogan's government needs to adopt and become a government statement to the Government of normal and not a caretaker. Mostly Turkish minister will come to Damascus after the consultative meeting, within the limits of any mid-month. Turkish Ambassador intends to arrange a dinner meeting at his house for officials, opponents and independent, which is proposed to include: Dr. Shaaban, Michel Kilo, Hussein Awdat, Louay Hussein, Riad Seif, Sami Moubayed, Ibrahim Hamidi. Writing in the Turkish press: Enthusiasm for the idea to write Sami in Turkish press, to express the Syrian position, and uncle of the need to maintain strategic Syrian-Turkish relations without preconditions, but the Turkish language, where articles will be translated by the Turkish Embassy in Damascus.

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Dear Mr. Fallaha, This is my personal email and it is me who checks it always.

On Sat 28/05/11 7:30 AM , "Ammar Fallaha" <ammar.fallaha@automata4.com> wrote: > Dear Dr. Shaaban: > > Is it really you who reads this email box or someone else. > > I would like to send you a confidential email if you are the one who > read this email. > Thanks > Ammar H. Fallaha > President/CEO > ----------------------------------------------------- > AUTOMATA4 Group > A CMMI LEVEL 3 seeking company > P.O.Box: 13746 > Aleppo - Syrian Arab Republic > +963 21 212-3508 Phone > +963 21 212-0824 Fax > +963 93 445-0000 Mobile > ammar.fallaha@automata4.com > www.automata4.com > Skype: ammar_fallaha > ----------------------------------------------------- > Note: > The information contained in this message may be privileged and > confidential and protected from disclosure. If the reader of this > message is not the intended recipient, or an employee or agent > responsible for delivering this message to the intended recipient, > you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or > copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have > received this communication in error, please notify me immediately by > replying to the message and deleting it from your computer. > > E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free > as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, > arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender therefore > does not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents > of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If > verification is required please request a hard-copy version. > > The recipient should check this email and any attachments for the > presence of viruses. We will not accept any liability for any damage > caused by any virus transmitted by this email > > >

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Dear Ms. Fahdi,

We received your email and passed it to Dr. Shaaban who is currently investigating into your husband’s case. Could you please give us more information regarding the man who called you and asked to pay for your husband’s realease (name, telephone number, …) as this info will help speeding the work up.

Best regards,

Office of Dr. Bouthiana Shaaban

From: Fahdi Angela [angela.fahdi@umontreal.ca] Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 8:17 PM To: b.shaaban@mopa.gov.sy Subject: Emergency Importance: High

Dr. Shaaban,

Good morning,

My name is Angela Fahdi holder of a diploma in civil engineering of Aleppo where I taught during 15 years at the Faculty of civil engineering of Aleppo, at present I work at the Faculty of the higher education and postdoctorales at the University of Montreal in the sector of the scholarship where I manage scholarships for the international and Canadian students who are registered on a program of master's degree or Ph. D. at the University of Montreal. I am married to Wahid Jean Mardenli awarded a diploma by the Faculty of Medicine of Aleppo and holder of Ph. D. in paediatrics from France and student at the University of Montreal. Wahid is an only son his father died for a long time and he has a religious sister Leila Mardenli who was rewarded by the first Lady Asmaa Alassad on the occasion of the Mother's Day two years ago, because Leila takes care of the orphanage of the Roman Catholic Church in Aleppo for years.

Since January 19th, 2011 we live a nightmare, I do not have any news of my husband Wahid, he was arrested in Aleppo then transferred in Damascus with 16 doctors. There is a few days somebody calls me to announce that all other doctors are freed except Wahid and if I want that he is freed released I have to pay!!!!

I know nobody whom I can address, there is a big mistake (we live in Canada since 2007), I ask you Dr Shaba to intervene to remove the injustice that we undergo and to end our nightmare.

Respectful regards from Montreal.

Angela Fahdi Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales Université de Montréal Tel : 514 343-6111 # 1530 Cel. : 514 577-7944 2910, Édouard Montpetit # 228 angela.fahdi@umontreal.ca

P S. I tried to contact you repeatedly unsuccessfully, is there a way to speak to You?

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Dear Bob,

Thank you so much for your kind and warm message which I relayed to H. E the President. I do feel proud to be your friend and I know how much the president enjoys your company and appreciates your friendship. Your message came at a time that Syria is getting out of the tunnel. HE the president will address the Syrian People tomorrow and today millions of Syrians went out on the streets in most towns to say: NO to sectarianism, and YES to Syria, but during these difficult days we were able to discover our true and lasting friends and allow me to say you are top on the list.

I hope that you and your family will visit us in the near future and I shall let you know when Ronnie Kasrils will be here as I would love both of you to meet. My very best wishes to Elaine, Shane and Tess with my warm regards to you, My personal phone is 00963944005559

Bouthaina Shaaban

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ From: Robert Sager [bobby@teamsager.org] Sent: Monday, March 28, 2011 11:24 PM To: bouthaina@bouthainashaaban.com; b.shaaban@mopa.gov.sy Subject: Important: Following Up on Our Meeting Importance: High

March 25, 2011

Dear Dr. Bouthaina, I have been very moved by the time I spent with you and with President Assad. I take the many insights from our conversations and combine them with first hand perspective I gained from my time spent at Umayyad mosque, the souk, the coffee shops and even the hammam. I leave Syria with a profound sense of connection and a desire to share my understanding with influential friends in the United States and around the world. The Syria that I spent last week in does not resemble the sensationalist images that are endlessly played and replayed by the international media. Of course there are demonstrations and things that need to be changed, but is the relevant story that thousands of people are demonstrating? Or is it that in a country of approximately 21 million people that less than 1 out of 1000 are participating? The scintillating picture for TV is the mob scene, but the informed perspective is the statistic. My first hand understanding, without the distorting filters of the media or the haze of distance, compels me to speak out about what I have seen and heard and especially how different my experience has been from the images I have seen on TV. I feel privileged to consider you and President Assad as friends. As friends, we all find ourselves in a moment of history that requires people of real commitment to stand up and speak loudly in support of constructive change and engagement. History teaches that to be ahead of the curve is to lead the change. I am confident that the change will come in as thoughtful and as prompt a manner as the complex situation allows. What is important now is for committed friends to be vocal in their support of President Assad’s leadership. After all, real friends stand up and speak the truth when it matters most. I will take my first hand understanding into the world and argue loudly and convincingly that President Assad, far from being the problem, is actually the most critical part of the solution. Syria’s moment of inspiration and quantum leap forward is at hand. Being ahead of the curve is critical. I stand ready to help in any way, at any time, and in any place.

With respect, your friend, Bobby Sager

P.S. Dearest Dr. Bouthaina, Please feel free to share this note with President Assad if you feel it is appropriate. If at any time you want to talk to me directly, my personal mobile is +1 857-544-3671.

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Been detected recently about the balance of President Bashar al-Assad found that a score close to 24 million heart Syrian Bashar al-Assad love spring, and was also detected that it is impossible to freeze this balance because it is not in Switzerland, it is in the hearts of the Syrians.

Love that cherished. Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is the love has no limits, love can not be shaken because it is fixed and rooted in the hearts of the Syrians, because they stem from the heart of originality displayed by the people, because Mr. President in the eyes of the Syrians is the hope, and in their hearts, please, and on the their lips prayer, and the pride and their front Alhmokh.
This balance can not win no matter how it plots Vmahbh Syrians to Mr. President a stronger and larger than that expect to receive their own hatred.
24 million center, unified, coherent, pulsing with love, loyalty, and determination of men, this is the balance Nebaha by the United, and we are every day more than willing to pay this balance forward to bypass all the indicators and all measures to keep the title that we carry in our hearts and our souls and our blood is the title of one written blood (Mnhpk).

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Dear Rossini,

I was so delighted to hear from you. Feel so guilty as I do not keep in touch with you and Mary thought you are always in my thoughts. I have been frantically busy this year and here we are one year older!! I have been following the economic situation in Ireland wih my thoughts fixed on you and Mary.

May I wish you and Mary a Merry Christmas and very Happy New Year.. With my love and very best wishes..

Bouthaina Shaaban

On Tue 7/12/10 8:54 PM , Roisin Nevin <ronevin@gmail.com> wrote: > ---------- Forwarded message ---------- > From: ROISIN NEVIN > Date: 6 December 2010 15:36 > Subject: Greetings from Dublin ! > To: > Dear Bouthaina, > Its been a long time but hope you and the family are keeping well?How > are they all? > I was looking back on some photos of our time in Syria with fond > memories and I thought Id drop you an email to say hello. > As you may know Ireland is going through an economic crisis here and > it recently hit its lowest ebb. It really was not managed all that > well here and there are lots of lessons our Government must learn. > But the Irish people are resilient and we will get through this. > I had been out of work for a short time last year but I was helping > friends with speeches as some of them are in politics ans there had > been Local /EU elections last year. Now we maybe faced with a general > elections early next year but that is no harm at all. I'm now > working in Trinity University Dublin in Research until middle of next > year, its a project looking at how people grow old, its very > interesting. > Mary Mullin is keeping well too, I was talking to her last Saturday, > we went to a concert in Dublin, a very enjoyable evening. We are > always meeting up even since the Mid Ulster Film Festival ended, we > all made such fabulous friends as a result that would included you > and all who we met in Syria as part of our friends. > How is your work going at the moment, I'm sure you are very busy > ? It would be great to hear from you! > With kindest regards, > Roisin Nevin, > Dublin > --------------------------------------------------------------------------- > ---------------------------------------------------- >

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On Sun 19/12/10 7:04 PM , ziad hamzeh <ziad@hamzehmystiquefilms.com> wrote:

> FW: Woman Thought you might like to know... > -- > Ziad > Ziad@hamzehmystiquefilms.com > On Dec 19, 2010, at 11:37 AM, Bert wrote: > FYI - through my friend, Jeanne Hind. > - B > Bert Brown > VP Production > Hamzeh Mystique Films > 860-434-0309 > bert@hamzehmystiquefilms.com > www.hamzehmystiquefilms.com [1] > ----- Original Message ----- > FROM: Halliday, Birgit > TO: Bert > SENT: Thursday, December 16, 2010 11:21 PM > SUBJECT: RE: Woman > Dear Bert, > Thank you very much for your help getting in touch with the > distributor and being able to purchase the copies f the WOMAN DVD. I > am very excited about this movie and will cherish it very much, since > it has been my hope to go to Syria someday to continue my Arabic > studies. Seeing the movie really confirmed this desire, it is so > beautifully done! > Happy holidays to you and thank you so much for your kindness! > Sincerely, > Birgit Halliday > ------------------------- > FROM: Bert [bert@hamzehmystiquefilms.com] > SENT: Thursday, December 16, 2010 2:36 PM > TO: Halliday, Birgit > CC: Ziad; Marc Sandler > SUBJECT: Re: Woman > Dear Bridgit, > Here is the information to get two copies of the WOMAN DVD. Contact > our distributor, John Sinno at Arab Films/TypecastFilms > (John@typecastfilms.com) and mention that I had you asked to e-mail > the request to him directly. Jeanne is a personal friend of mine and > it would be an honor to fulfill this order. I can't give you the > pricing information, but John certainly. I hope you and your friends > truly enjoy the film. And have a happy holiday! Also tell him it's a > gift and ask him to expedite the shipment. Thank you for your > request. > Sincerely > Bert Brown > VP Production > Hamzeh Mystique Films > 860-434-0309 > bert@hamzehmystiquefilms.com > www.hamzehmystiquefilms.com [4] > ----- Original Message ----- > FROM: Halliday, Birgit > TO: bert@hamzehmystiquefilms.com > SENT: Wednesday, December 15, 2010 4:29 PM > SUBJECT: Woman > Dear Bert, > I hope this message finds you well! > Jeanne Hindt lent me her copy of the film "Woman" and I really loved > it. Can you tell how I may order the movie? > Would like to order two copies, one to give as a gift and one to > keep. > Thank you very much for your order instructions and response! > With best wishes, > Birgit Halliday > ------ End of Forwarded Message > > > Links: > ------ > [1] http://www.hamzehmystiquefilms.com > [4] http://www.hamzehmystiquefilms.com > >

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On Fri 3/12/10 10:04 PM , michel samaha <mfsamaha33@hotmail.com> wrote: > http://www.haaretz.com/misc/article-print-page/lebanon-defense-minister-off > ered-invasion-advice-for-israel-1.328521?trailingPath=2.169%2C2.216%2C2.217 > %2C[1] > Subject: Haaretz.Com > From: "Saved by Windows Internet Explorer 8" > To: > Date: Fri 3/12/10 9:56 PM > ? Haaretz.Com > * > * > *Home [2] > *Article Print Page [3] > > jQuery().ready(function() { initServiceInstanceId('1.328521'); > }); > *Published 04:36 03.12.10 > *Latest update 04:36 03.12.10 > LEBANON DEFENSE MINISTER \'OFFERED INVASION ADVICE FOR ISRAEL\' > ELIAS MURR ADVISED U.S. DIPLOMATS ON HOW ISRAEL COULD \'CLEAN OUT\' > HEZBOLLAH FROM SOUTHERN LEBANON, WIKILEAKS CABLE SHOWS. > > By Haaretz Service Tags: Israel news Lebanon WikiLeaks > > Lebanon's Defense Minister offered advice on how Israel could defeat > Hezbollah if a new war erupted on Israel's northern border, a > classified U.S. diplomatic cable shows. > > In a future replay of its 2006 invasion of southern Lebanon, Israel > should take care not to antagonize local Christian communities, > Elias Murr told the United States embassy in Beirut, according to a > document released by the WikiLeaks group. > > "Israel cannot bomb bridges and infrastructure in the Christian > areas," Murr was quoted as saying in the cable, sent by a U.S. > diplomat to the State Department in Washington. "The Christians were > supporting Israel in 2006 until they started bombing their bridges." > > Israel fought a month-long war with Hezbollah militants in the > summer of 2006, sending ground troops into southern Lebanon and > bombing infrastructure targets as far north as Beirut. > > In the run-up to an invasion, the Israel Defense Forces should also > take care not to enter a United Nations-controlled buffer zone along > the border, Murr said. He said Hezbollah would use any Israeli > violation of UN Security Council 1701, which brought an end to the > 2006 war, to "flood" the area with fighters and weapons. > > Murr also told the diplomat that Hezbollah, despite claiming victory > in 2006, when it inflicted heavy IDF casualties, was far less > confident of holding off another Israeli attack. > > "I am sure Hezbollah is scared and they are preparing for a severe > lesson this time," he was quoted as saying. > > He said Hezbollah felt it had no choice but to respond to the > assassination of Imad Mughniyeh, a militant commander killed in > Damascus in 2008. Hezbollah has accused Israel of the attack. > > "Murr thinks that an attack in West Africa or South America would be > easier for Hezbollah but he thinks [the goup's spiritual leader > Hassan] Nasrallah would prefer to attack inside of Israel if > possible," Murr said. "Hezbollah will attempt to bring in Syria to > absorb some of the Israeli response to their attack." > > While Israel and Lebanon each classify the other as a hostile > nation, Murr said that if war broke out, his main concern would be > to keep the Lebanese Army out of the fighting. > > "Murr was especially concerned for members of the 1st and 8th > Brigades in the Beka'a valley. Murr thinks that these units will be > cut off from HQ support while Israel is conducting operations > against Hezbollah," the diplomat reported. > > "They will have to turn to the local populace for food, water etc. > Since the populace is mainly Hizballah supporters, Murr is afraid > that these two units could be dragged into the fight, the ultimate > disaster Murr hopes to avoid." > > Later in the meeting, Murr sought information on how long invading > Israeli troops might take to "clean out" Hezbollah so that supplies > could be stored for Lebanese units operating in Hezbollah-controlled > areas. > > The defense minister also said he had told the army's commander at > the time, Michel Sleiman – currently Lebanon's president – to > keep out of the fighting "when Israel comes". > > "Murr's opinion is that an Israeli action against Hizballah would > not be a war against Lebanon and that Syria and Iran did not ask > Lebanon's permission to equip Hezballah with its rockets," the > report said. > > "As such, the Lebanese Army has been ordered to not get involved > with any fighting." > > For Murr, the army's strategic objective was to survive a three week > war "completely intact" and able to take over once Hizballah's > militia has been destroyed, the report said. > > "I do not want thousands of our soldiers to die for no reason," Murr > was quoted as saying. > More on this topic > *Will Hezbollah go to war against Israel to avoid civil strife > in Lebanon? > *WikiLeaks founder: Netanyahu believes exposé will aid Mideast > peace > *WikiLeaks cable warns of 'widening crime war' in Israel > *Print Page > *Send to a friend > *Comments > *Share var addthis_options = 'delicious,stumbleupon, facebook, > myspace, twitter, ask, digg, fark, reddit, more'; var addthis_brand = > "HAARETZ.com"; var addthis_header_color = "#ffffff"; var > addthis_header_background = "#0099ff"; > *Text Size +|- > *Follow us on Twitter [4] > *Become a Haaretz.com Facebook friend > SEND TO A FRIEND > > close Recipient's e-mail Your e-mail Message Send me a > copy > > Mandatory field alert. > > SEND TO A FRIEND > > close > Your message has been sent. > window.print(); > > Links: > ------ > [1] > http://www.haaretz.com/misc/article-print-page/lebanon-defense-minister-off > ered-invasion-advice-for-israel-1.328521?trailingPath=2.169%2C2.216%2C2.217 > %2C[2] http://www.haaretz.com/ > [3] http://www.haaretz.com/misc/article-print-page > [4] http://twitter.com/haaretzonline > >

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Subject: Haaretz.Com From: "Saved by Windows Internet Explorer 8" To: Date: Fri 03/12/10 9:56 PM


On Wed 24/11/10 2:43 PM , Akram Elias <elias@capcomgroup.com> wrote: > Re: Greetings Dear Dr. Bouthaina, It was great seeing you earlier > this morning. Attached are two documents (one I handed to you and the > other one we discussed). Let me know what time is most convenient to > you for us to meet tomorrow morning. My global mobile number is +1 > (202) 439-2606. > ************************************************************************** > Akram R. Elias President Capital Communications Group, Inc. 1701 > Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 300 Washington, DC 20006 Telephone: + > 1 (202) 349-1444 Fax: +1 (202) 349-1445 Email: ORDO AB CHAO > ------------------------- > FROM: b.shaaban@mopa.gov.sy > SENT: Mon 10/18/2010 11:36 PM > TO: Akram Elias; b.shaaban@mopa.gov.sy > SUBJECT: Re: Greetings > Dear Mr. Elias, > > Thank you for your email. We can meet on Wednesday November 24th at > 11.00 at my office. If you have any questions you call my office > 011-3341716 / 011-3341550: Mr. Majed or Ms. Raghad who can be of good > assist to you > > With best regards, > > Dr. Bouthaina > On Sat 16/10/10 11:46 PM , "Akram Elias" wrote: > > Dear Dr. Shaaban, > > I truly enjoyed our meeting and conversation in Damascus last > month. > > As a follow up to the exchange of ideas that we had, I am > preparing a > > comprehensive document with a proposed action plan that covers in > > depth the subject matter we discussed. I plan to be in the region > > from November 23rd through November 27th. Would it be possible to > > meet with you on one those dates? Please let me know at your > > earliest convenience. All the best! > > > ************************************************************************** > > > > > > AKRAM R. ELIAS > > > > President > > > > CAPITAL COMMUNICATIONS GROUP, INC. > > > > 1701 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 300 > > > > Washington, DC 20006 > > > > Telephone: + 1 (202) 349-1444 > > > > Fax: +1 (202) 349-1445 > > > > Email: > > > > Website: www.capcomgroup.com [2] > > _ORDO AB CHAO_ > > > > > > > > Links: > > ------ > > [2] http://www.capcomgroup.com/ [2] > > > > > ---- Msg sent via @Mail - http://atmail.com/ [3] > > > Links: > ------ > [2] http://www.capcomgroup.com/ > [3] http://atmail.com/ > >

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Dear Dr. Radi: Thank you for your email. I wish you too a happy Adha.

I would like also to share with you the attached letter and see what you think of such a project. I already told them to keep their contact exclusively with Damascus University as it is the party concerned with such issue. Could you please let me know of your opinion about such a project, especially given the fact that the Catalonian Region in Spain has some separatist aspirations. Best Wishes, Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban Political and media advisor at the Syrian Presidency


On Tue 16/11/10 2:48 PM , upc@upc-eu.com wrote: > Find the inclosed attachment, please. > Dr. Radi Al-Shuaibi > >

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Dear Emma, Thank you for your email regarding the appeal to ban (FGM). I highly commend your efforts with all the other participants to get to worldwide ban on such a phenomenon which should not take place anywhere in the world in the 21st century. However such an issue is does not exist in our country. And therefore I think it would be more effective if you have the votes of those who are most affected by this practice. I wish you all success in such an honest undertaking. Best Regards,

Dr. Bouthaina Shaaban Political and Media Advisor at the Syrian Presidency

On Sat 16/10/10 3:11 PM , emma.bonino@senato.it wrote: > Dear Bouthaina, > On behalf of H.E. Mrs Chantal Compaoré, First Lady of Burkina > Faso, Dr. > Moushira Khattab, Egytian Minister of State for Family and > Population, and > myself, please find below the appeal for a worldwide ban on Female > Genital > Mutilations (FGM). > Thanks to the commitment of Arab and African activists, we are now > on the > verge of a truly historic achievement: the possibility for millions > of > women to witness the adoption of a United Nations General Assembly > Resolution banning FGM. > We are honored to invite you to join your voice to those of the > activists > in this final sprint and hope you will accept to sign the appeal. > Thank you very much in advance and best regards. > Emma > Appeal for a worldwide ban on Female Genital Mutilation by the > United > Nations General Assembly in 2010 > We, the undersigned, human rights activists and citizens worldwide, > joining > together after years of struggle for female genital mutilation to be > recognized and condemned as a violation of the human right to > physical > integrity, and conscious that a United Nations ban will give new > strength > and impetus to the efforts that are still needed to end the practice > worldwide; > - call upon the 65th session of the United Nations General Assembly > to > adopt a Resolution to ban female genital mutilation worldwide; > - call upon all governments, and upon all international and regional > organizations, to support and promote the adoption of this > Resolution in > 2010; > - invite all citizens of the world to support this initiative and > sign the > petition to put an end to this widespread and systematic form of > violence > committed against women and girls, in violation of their > fundamental right > to physical and personal integrity. > >

On Thu 16/09/10 10:07 PM , Abdulsalam Haykal <a@haykal.com> wrote: > Dear Dr. Bouthaina: > I hope you are well. Please find the email and attached document. I > hope we can discuss it early next week. > Very sincerely, > Abdulsalam > > From: Matthew Miller/World Economic Forum > To: Abdulsalam Haykal > Date: 07/09/2010 18:23 > Subject: Re: From the World Economic Forum > ------------------------- > Dear Abdul. > It was such a pleasure meeting you and speaking with you on Sunday. > Thank you for making the time. I enjoyed our conversation on matters > of mutual concern and hope that we can continue the discussion at > some point in the near future. > As discussed, the Forum is embarking on the Panel on the Middle East > under Conditions of Peace and having consulted internally we would > like to invite you to share your perspectives and those of Syria. I > sincerely hope that you will be able to join the Panel and in early > October. If not we can discuss other options for involving you but I > am certain that your personal participation would be highly valuable > and extremely important. > Many thanks, > Matt > Matthew A. Miller > Global Leadership Fellow, Middle East > _______________________ > World Economic Forum > 91-93 route de la Capite > CH-1223 Cologny/Geneva > T: +41(22) 869 3706 > M:+41(79) 571 8204 > F: +41(22) 786 2744 > E-mail: > Visit our website at http://www.weforum.org [3] > > > Links: > ------ > [3] http://www.weforum.org/ > >

Your Excellency dear Ambassador and honourable lady Dr Shaaban,

Assalam o Aleukum. Thank you for your beautiful reply. I knew that I could rely on you and the last Arab country in this historic endeavour. Given the shortness of the time (we leave London Casablanca Doha on September 18th, and these three columns joined by big contingents from Turkey Jordan and Lebanon hope to sail from Latakia aboard the Mavi Marmara between October 5-7th) can I respectfully request that you task officials in Damascus and and Latakia to make contact with my comrades in advance of your arrival back to Syria? I remind you they are Kevin Ovenden kevin.ovenden@gmail.com and Dr Zaher Birawi zkb2002@hotmail.com This would be very helpful to us. I hope you are enjoying your travels and have a safe journey back to Damascus. With all my good wishes, Yours fraternally George Galloway VivaPalestinaArabia

Your Excellency:


As you will remember, I had previously mentioned to you that I am sponsoring the costs of researching and printing a report on the Golan Heights to be done by ADC of Washington DC (American-Arab Antidiscrimination Committee) and sent you on April 19th a copy of their preliminary proposal.

The report will be sent to:

· White House

· State Department

· Congress

· U.S. and International media, Arab-American media

· Church groups and Peace and Justice Organizations and Activists

· Library of Congress/Congressional Research Service

· Middle East Studies Departments at Universities

· ADC Members and Chapters

and posted on the ADC website.

Now they have sent their final draft, enclosed please find same for your perusal. I realize that you personally have very limited spare time, but perhaps you could have one of your expert staff take a careful look and let me know soonest (by latest August 20th as they will start publication on August 25th) if any changes should be made.

I look forward to hearing from you and remain

With best personal regards

Nabil R. Kuzbari

Vimpex Handelsges.m.b.H.

Kärntner Ring 4

1010 Vienna


Tel: +431 / 501 51-0

Fax: +431 / 501 511

web: www.vimpex.at

GOLAN DRAFT 8 8 10.doc 589.5 kb

Dear George Thank you very much for your email which I was delighted to receive. God bless your amazing efforts and I will be honored to be part and parcel of it and to be the catalyst for my country too. I am now abroad for about 10 days and expected to be back in Syria on August 24. If we can touch base then and get further details about what is really required and from whom in more details you will find me happy to put my time and energy to help with this most important cause of the Twenty Firtst Century. I hope you are following my writings in Counter Punch. Take care and God bless you and your efforts. As ever Bouthaina

On Wed 11/08/10 3:05 PM , Ayesha Bajwa <office@georgegalloway.com> wrote: > Your Excellency Dr Bouthaina Sha'aban > Special Advisor to President Bashar al Asad > President of the Syrian Arab Republic > Damascus > By e-mail > > > Your Excellency, dear Dr Sha'aban > > I hope this letter finds you well. Please be assured of my warmest > fraternal greetings always. I am writing on behalf of Viva Palestina > whose world-wide family of solidarity organisiations and registered > charities will soon be setting out for beseiged Gaza again with our > fifth convoy of aid. You will recall the outstanding assistance > afforded us in Syria on previous occasions over the last period. I am > writing once again to ask for Syria's co-operation although I do > not doubt it for one moment. Syria is as I have often said is the > last castle of Arab dignity. My only regret is to have to ask for > your help again. > > This convoy sets out simulataneously on September 18th 2010 from > London, from Casablanca and from the Gulf. The London and Gulf > columns of vehicles would like to converge on Latakia and sail from > there to Al Arish. The Casablanca column hopes to join us in Al Arish > and we hope all three columns - hundreds of vehicles strong - will > enter Gaza through Rafah without hinderance. > > The aid on board the vehicles will be 50% medical equipment and 50% > educational, construction and other aid. > > The organisers of the convoy are Viva Palestina UK, Viva Palestina > USA, Viva Palestina Arabia, Viva Palestina Malaysia, Viva Palestina > Ireland, the Turkish NGO IHH,the International Committee to break the > Seige on Gaza, Kia Ora - the Viva Palestina sister organisation in New > Zealand, Viva Palestina Australia, Viva Palestina South Africa, Viva > Palestina Spain, Viva Palestina Italia, and Viva Palestina France. > > It is intended that the vehicles and passengers should sail to Al > Arish on board the Mavi Marmara, which as you know is owned by IHH. > > If His Excellency the President Bashar al Asad and his government can > accept this proposal in principle perhaps you could nominate partner > organisation(s) and individuals with whom my colleagues could liaise > about the practical details? The liaison from our side would be Mr > Kevin Ovenden and Mr Zaher Birawi of Viva Palestina UK (as we believe > 2 is enough). > > In any case please convey my respect and my admiration to His > Excellency the President. > > With all good wishes > > George Galloway >

Dear Mr. Hamdan,

Thank you for your email.

With regard to your request for hosting one of your summits in Syria, the normal procedure would be for your organization to kindly write to the Syrian embassy in Washington, which in turn would inform the Syrian Foreign Ministry to consider your request.

We appreciate your interest in having such summits in Syria and would love to see that happen.

We also referred your letter to the office of the first lady regarding the mentioned award.

Best wishes

Bouthaina Shaaban

On Mon 15/03/10 9:17 AM , Sam Hamdan <shamdan@gltweb.com> wrote: > Inquiry - Office of the President Dear Bouthaina, > I hope this email reaches you under the best of circumstances. > We have spoken briefly in 2006— when you were appointed to > represent the Syrian Presidency at the US-Arab Economic Forum. > Unfortunately, we have not met due to the need for you to stay in > Syria for an official engagement. > I am writing you today, as my last resort to reach the Office of the > President, or the First Lady. I have tried many channels— > unfortunately many promises— and no success. We have also > attempted to issue The Most Innovative People Award to the first lady > last November — a very prestigious award alongside the President > of Finland, Bill Gates, Demond Tutu, and many more. Yet, no luck > reaching the office of the first lady through contacts in the United > States. > I am the Chairman of, Global Leadership Team (GLT), a management > consulting organization, headquartered in NY. GLT has an alliance > management and lobbying practice focused on building bridges between > governments and the private sector, and bringing global innovations > to local industry. As a result, we plan and produce two world > summits— the world summit on innovation (www.wsie.org), and the > future capitals world summit (www.futurecapitals.org). Other summits > include The US-Arab Summit, and the Creative Future. > Bottom line, I am interested in hosting one of our summits in Syria > in Q4, 2010, or Q1, 2011. > Who do you recommend I contact? And where can you assist in > connecting me with the right people? > As an American of Lebanese-Syrian decent, I find it very frustrating > that my team can reach the office of every Head of State— yet > not the Presidents of my roots, Lebanon, or Syria. > I do hope you can assist, or lead me to one serious channel who can > take our call to action forward. > Until we communicate, or meet in person, please accept my most > sincere regards. > All the Best, > Sam Hamdan > Executive Chairman > _________________________________________________________________ > Global Leadership Team > Empire State Building, 350 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1103, New York, NY > 10118, USA > Direct: + 1 248 613 9111 (US), + 971 50 2500 771 (UAE) > >

Dear Dr. Khairallah,

I would like to express to you my sincerest thanks for your most kind and useful email.

Once again I am so sorry that i am loading you with extra work, but you are the best who can offer this help.

With my best regards,

As usual

Bouthaina Shaaban

Quoting "Khairallah, Daoud" <dkhairallah@washdc.whitecase.com>:

> Dear Dr Shaaban, > > Attached is a second installment of documents that I believe would be helpful > to regulators or designers of academic courses on media and > telecommunication regulation and policy. They emanate, mostly, from the US > National Telecommunication and Information Administration (NTIA). > The first document titled "Promotion of Infrastructure and Use of Internet in > Developing Countries" contains important guidelines for a study on > telecommunication regulation and policies and contains a link to the full > study. > The rest are slide decks for NITA's 2009 course on policy making, and one > from 2008 that goes over basic legal and policy concepts. > I am expecting a couple of more documents which I will send to you upon their > receipt. > > With very warm regards > > D. Khairallah > 701 13th Street N.W. > Washington, D.C. 20005-3807 > Tel: (202) 626-3653 > Fax: (202) 639-9355 > E-mail: dkhairallah@whitecase.com > > ============================================================================== > > PLEASE NOTE: The information contained in this message is > privileged and confidential, and is intended only for the use of the > individual named above and others who have been specifically > authorized to receive it. If you are not the intended recipient, you > are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying > of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received > this communication in error, or if any problems occur > with transmission, please contact sender or call (202) 626-3600. Thank you. > > ============================================================================== >

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Your Excellency Minister Walid al Muallem

I am writing to brief you on the forthcoming visit to Damascus (5- 9 January 2009) of an American Delegation from the Center of the Study of the Presidency under the auspices of the British Syrian Society . The objectives of this visit are primarily focused on initiating a dialogue with the US so as to foster warmer relations and to demonstrate a Syrian commitment to the reform programme lead by H.E. President Bashar al Assad. These objectives also aim to identify collaborative opportunitive in the Health, Education and Science sectors in Syria.

There will be three working groups (WGs) each will be Co Chaired by a Syrian and an American member of the two delegations. These WGs will deal separately with Scientific, Healthcare and Education issues.

In my capacity as a healthcare professional I identified a few topics for discussion for the Healthcare Working Group that could include: The Healthcare System; private and public; accreditation and affiliation; continuous proficiency development CPD and continuous medical education CME; nursing and technical revamp, students and staff exchange programme. It is also important to focus on human resources and infrastructure. We will also raise awareness of the effects of the embargo and high politics on all of the above. The proposals on Education and Science are forthcoming.

The programme (attached) includes three meetings of these WGs (also attached) and three plenary sessions for general discussion and in the final plenary session we will discuss the findings of the WGs in order to reach a common ground for recommendations.

I hope the information provided will be of help to you and I will endeavour to up-date you with any progress.

With my kindest regards


PS. Sahar and I would like to take this opportunity to offer you and your family our warmest wishes for a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year full of joy and successes.

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Forwarded message from DAVID.LESCH@Trinity.edu -----

Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2008 13:17:56 -0600 From: "Lesch, David" <DAVID.LESCH@Trinity.edu> Reply-To: "Lesch, David" <DAVID.LESCH@Trinity.edu> Subject: December event To: b.shaaban@mopa.gov.sy Cc: Tyler Norris <tyler@tylernorris.com>, Daniel Adamson <daniel.silas@virgin.net>

Dear Bouthaina,

I have heard from Hrair Balian, President Carter's representative, and Nabil Kuzbari regarding their meetings with you. I know you are traveling to Great Britain as well as Vienna over the next week, so I know that, as usual, you are very busy.

Hrair told me that President Bashar and President Carter's walk along a small segment of the Syrian Cultural Walking Trail (SCWT) in Maalula should be coordinated through the Ministry of Tourism. When a member of our team contacted the Ministry, it had no knowledge about the visit by President Carter or the walk. We will try to inform them of everything that we know of to this point. As we discussed in our last meeting together on October 20th, we have been less than satisfied with the assistance of the Ministry of Tourism, although we consider it to be a friendly and necessary partner in all of this. As I told you, the Ministry has not even replied to our e-mails or helped us arrange our past visits to begin to establish the SCWT. If this lack of help continues in this way, I do not think the December event will be a success for anyone. However, I have every hope that the Ministry of Tourism will be more forthcoming, cooperative, and efficient in helping us make the most of this unique and important event. Anything your office can do to ensure this would be very much appreciated.

We really, really NEED as soon as possible your comments/action regarding the following questions, because there is still ambiguity surrounding some very important details about the planned walk:

1) We need confirmation that the short walk of the two presidents will, indeed, occur in Maalula.

2) We need confirmation that this walk will, as requested by President Carter, occur on the morning of Sunday, December 14; if this can not happen at this time and another time has been chosen by President Bashar, we need to know as soon as possible in order to adequately plan other events associated with the walk.

3) We need to know whether or not we can officially invite Prince al-Waleed bin Talal to the event (he has given indication that he would like to come, but he would have to be invited). I believe Nabil Kuzbari will be handing you a list of our desired invitees to the walk and associated events for your approval (I will also send you an e-mail of the list).

4) We need to know what the role of the Ministry of Tourism is in all of this since we only received this information second-hand through President Carter's representative. Does the Ministry have the authority to authorize events we are planning as well as invited guests?

5) How do we coordinate regional and global media for this event? Through your office or the Ministry of Tourism?

6) We are checking with President Carter if he could make a brief appearance at the dinner Nabil Kuzbari would like to host on the night of the 13th or 14th associated with the walk. If President Carter can make a brief appearance, would President Bashar also like to do so?

7) Finally, we need permission to organize a small youth walk (about 20-30 young adults/children ranging from 16-25 years old or so). The participants would gather at Deir Mar Musa and be led by Father Frans Vanderlugt, who, as you probably know, runs a center at Al Ard and has led numerous such walks for kids for years; indeed, Fares Kallas told us he went on one of Father Frans' walks, and he is also a good friend of Yasser Hourieh. In the short amount of time between now and December 14, Father Frans is the only one who has the knowledge and infrastructure in place to organize this walk quickly. The participants will probably go by bus to Yabrud to begin a day long, 10-12 mile walk to Maalula on December 13th, arriving in Maalula on the 14th in time to greet the two presidents at Mar Sarkis and walk with the two presidents down the siq in the canyon toward the town. The SCWT is in many ways about the youth; they are our future, so this would be very appropriate for this event. BUT, we need permission from you or some relevant authority to do this. By the way, my 18-year old son, Michael, will most likely be going on this walk and meet me at Maalula, and as he has done in the past, also say hello to President Bashar, who asked about Michael when we met on October 19.


Thank you, Bouthaina, for your time and attention to this. I would very, very much appreciate a response to this e-mail.

Take care and be well,

Your friend,


P.S. I am copying Mr. Tyler Norris, the Executive Director of our organization with this e-mail. You met with him on one of our trips to Damascus, and I believe his son played with your child on one occasion, and I am copying Mr. Daniel Adamson, our organization's Director of Path Development and our lead on the ground for this event-he is in Beirut.

David W. Lesch, Ph.D.

Professor of Middle East History and Chair

Department of History

Trinity University

One Trinity Place

San Antonio, TX 78212-7200

210-999-7631; fax 210-999-8334

dlesch@trinity.edu <dlesch@trinity.edu>

Short biographical sketch at: www.trinity.edu/departments/history/html/faculty/lesch.htm <http://www.trinity.edu/departments/history/html/faculty/lesch.htm>; .

End forwarded message -----

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Dear Bouthaina,

I have heard from Hrair Balian, President Carter's representative, and Nabil Kuzbari regarding their meetings with you. I know you are traveling to Great Britain as well as Vienna over the next week, so I know that, as usual, you are very busy.

Hrair told me that President Bashar and President Carter's walk along a small segment of the Syrian Cultural Walking Trail (SCWT) in Maalula should be coordinated through the Ministry of Tourism. When a member of our team contacted the Ministry, it had no knowledge about the visit by President Carter or the walk. We will try to inform them of everything that we know of to this point. As we discussed in our last meeting together on October 20th, we have been less than satisfied with the assistance of the Ministry of Tourism, although we consider it to be a friendly and necessary partner in all of this. As I told you, the Ministry has not even replied to our e-mails or helped us arrange our past visits to begin to establish the SCWT. If this lack of help continues in this way, I do not think the December event will be a success for anyone. However, I have every hope that the Ministry of Tourism will be more forthcoming, cooperative, and efficient in helping us make the most of this unique and important event. Anything your office can do to ensure this would be very much appreciated.

We really, really NEED as soon as possible your comments/action regarding the following questions, because there is still ambiguity surrounding some very important details about the planned walk:

1) We need confirmation that the short walk of the two presidents will, indeed, occur in Maalula.

2) We need confirmation that this walk will, as requested by President Carter, occur on the morning of Sunday, December 14; if this can not happen at this time and another time has been chosen by President Bashar, we need to know as soon as possible in order to adequately plan other events associated with the walk.

3) We need to know whether or not we can officially invite Prince al-Waleed bin Talal to the event (he has given indication that he would like to come, but he would have to be invited). I believe Nabil Kuzbari will be handing you a list of our desired invitees to the walk and associated events for your approval (I will also send you an e-mail of the list).

4) We need to know what the role of the Ministry of Tourism is in all of this since we only received this information second-hand through President Carter's representative. Does the Ministry have the authority to authorize events we are planning as well as invited guests?

5) How do we coordinate regional and global media for this event? Through your office or the Ministry of Tourism?

6) We are checking with President Carter if he could make a brief appearance at the dinner Nabil Kuzbari would like to host on the night of the 13th or 14th associated with the walk. If President Carter can make a brief appearance, would President Bashar also like to do so?

7) Finally, we need permission to organize a small youth walk (about 20-30 young adults/children ranging from 16-25 years old or so). The participants would gather at Deir Mar Musa and be led by Father Frans Vanderlugt, who, as you probably know, runs a center at Al Ard and has led numerous such walks for kids for years; indeed, Fares Kallas told us he went on one of Father Frans' walks, and he is also a good friend of Yasser Hourieh. In the short amount of time between now and December 14, Father Frans is the only one who has the knowledge and infrastructure in place to organize this walk quickly. The participants will probably go by bus to Yabrud to begin a day long, 10-12 mile walk to Maalula on December 13th, arriving in Maalula on the 14th in time to greet the two presidents at Mar Sarkis and walk with the two presidents down the siq in the canyon toward the town. The SCWT is in many ways about the youth; they are our future, so this would be very appropriate for this event. BUT, we need permission from you or some relevant authority to do this. By the way, my 18-year old son, Michael, will most likely be going on this walk and meet me at Maalula, and as he has done in the past, also say hello to President Bashar, who asked about Michael when we met on October 19.


Thank you, Bouthaina, for your time and attention to this. I would very, very much appreciate a response to this e-mail.

Take care and be well,

Your friend,


P.S. I am copying Mr. Tyler Norris, the Executive Director of our organization with this e-mail. You met with him on one of our trips to Damascus, and I believe his son played with your child on one occasion, and I am copying Mr. Daniel Adamson, our organization's Director of Path Development and our lead on the ground for this event-he is in Beirut.

David W. Lesch, Ph.D.

Professor of Middle East History and Chair

Department of History

Trinity University

One Trinity Place

San Antonio, TX 78212-7200

210-999-7631; fax 210-999-8334

dlesch@trinity.edu <dlesch@trinity.edu>

Short biographical sketch at: www.trinity.edu/departments/history/html/faculty/lesch.htm <http://www.trinity.edu/departments/history/html/faculty/lesch.htm>; .

[Attachment stripped: Original attachment type: "text/html", name: "unnamed"]

To: His Excellency Dr. Saadalla Agha Al Kalaa

From: Tyler Norris

Re: Presidential Inauguration of the Syrian Cultural Walking Trail on Dec 14, 2008

Date: November 13, 2008


Your Excellency,

I trust this letter finds you and your family well. It was a delight to see you again this summer when there with my family.

Thanks to the support which we have received from you and your Ministry, and from the President of Syria His Excellency Bashar al-Assad -- we are able to report strong progress in developing the Syrian Cultural Walking Trail. You have likely reviewed our detailed report from our combined-staff’s field work in September.

At a private meeting on October 19, 2008 between Dr. David Lesch and President Bashar Al Assad -- President Al Assad has confirmed with President Jimmy Carter, that they will inaugurate the Syrian Cultural Walking Trail by walking together into the historic town of Maalula. This event has now been scheduled to take place on the morning of December 14th 2008. A dinner for special guests is to be held the evening of Dec 14 (or on the 13th to provide for the President’s prospective attendance) the at the Four Seasons -- generously hosted by our mutual friend, Mr. Nabil Kuzbari.

Attached are important documents related to this inaugural event – promoting Syria’s legacy of harmony as an example to the world.

- Letter to the HE the Minister

- Event overview

- DRAFT International invite list

- DRAFT Syrian invite list

- A media plan will be forthcoming

We write you to assure you are well-informed of this opportunity, and per the direction of the President’s office, to request the active assistance of the Ministry of Tourism in making this a complete success. As ever, we are grateful for your counsel and leadership.

Kind regards,

Tyler Norris

Boulder, Colorado, USA

+1-303-475-4979 – cell


HE Ms. Bouthaina Shaaban

Ambassador Imad Moustafa

Mr. Nabil Kuzbari

Dr. Hrair Balian, Carter Center

Dr. William Ury

Dr. David Lesch

Eng. Bassam Barsik

Hi Mazen

this is a very important email. please pass to H.E



Forwarded message from DAVID.LESCH@Trinity.edu -----

Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 13:37:42 -0500 From: "Lesch, David" <DAVID.LESCH@Trinity.edu> Reply-To: "Lesch, David" <DAVID.LESCH@Trinity.edu> Subject: thank you To: b.shaaban@mopa.gov.sy

Dear Dr. Bouthaina,

As always, it was a great pleasure to visit with you in Damascus. I am so very pleased that you are in your new position. It bodes well for President Bashar and the country as a whole.

Regarding President Carter's visit in December, you will soon receive an e-mail from a member of President Carter's team, Hrair Balian, with whom I just spoke. He will then follow up with a phone call to you to begin to plan the visit. It looks to be a truly wonderful event, but I will let Hrair talk to you about it.

I also wish you the best of luck in finding some funding for the PR/communication firm we spoke about so that we can have the adequate mechanism to prepare coverage for the event in December, but also to improve the US-Syrian relationship at a crucial time before the next administration comes into office, to improve the image of Syria and President Bashar in the United States, and help with other forms of cooperation. As I mentioned, this group's fee is US $150,000 per month. Although it envisions at least a two year relationship, it can do a 6-month contract to be paid in two segments: US $450,000 upon the signing of a contract, and then another $450,000 half way through the six months. So in an immediate sense, only $450,000 is needed up front. It can do six-month contracts after that as well based on satisfactory results. Hopefully something can be done over the next couple of weeks to activate the process. This is all part of the Syrian Cultural Walking Trail's attempts to provide the proper coverage for the December event.

Take care, and I look forward to seeing you again in December. I will definitely be attending the event.



David W. Lesch, Ph.D.

Professor of Middle East History and Chair

Department of History

Trinity University

One Trinity Place

San Antonio, TX 78212-7200

210-999-7631; fax 210-999-8334

dlesch@trinity.edu <dlesch@trinity.edu>

Short biographical sketch at: www.trinity.edu/departments/history/html/faculty/lesch.htm.

End forwarded message -----

This message was sent using IMP, the Internet Messaging Program.

Dear Dr. Bouthaina,

As always, it was a great pleasure to visit with you in Damascus. I am so very pleased that you are in your new position. It bodes well for President Bashar and the country as a whole.

Regarding President Carter's visit in December, you will soon receive an e-mail from a member of President Carter's team, Hrair Balian, with whom I just spoke. He will then follow up with a phone call to you to begin to plan the visit. It looks to be a truly wonderful event, but I will let Hrair talk to you about it.

I also wish you the best of luck in finding some funding for the PR/communication firm we spoke about so that we can have the adequate mechanism to prepare coverage for the event in December, but also to improve the US-Syrian relationship at a crucial time before the next administration comes into office, to improve the image of Syria and President Bashar in the United States, and help with other forms of cooperation. As I mentioned, this group's fee is US $150,000 per month. Although it envisions at least a two year relationship, it can do a 6-month contract to be paid in two segments: US $450,000 upon the signing of a contract, and then another $450,000 half way through the six months. So in an immediate sense, only $450,000 is needed up front. It can do six-month contracts after that as well based on satisfactory results. Hopefully something can be done over the next couple of weeks to activate the process. This is all part of the Syrian Cultural Walking Trail's attempts to provide the proper coverage for the December event.

Take care, and I look forward to seeing you again in December. I will definitely be attending the event.



David W. Lesch, Ph.D.

Professor of Middle East History and Chair

Department of History

Trinity University

One Trinity Place

San Antonio, TX 78212-7200

210-999-7631; fax 210-999-8334

dlesch@trinity.edu <dlesch@trinity.edu>

Short biographical sketch at: www.trinity.edu/departments/history/html/faculty/lesch.htm.

[Attachment stripped: Original attachment type: "text/html", name: "unnamed"]