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|20200916||scmp.com||[https://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/law-and-crime/article/3101839/former-jpmorgan-bankers-job-offer-son-company-chairman Former JPMorgan banker’s job offer to son of company chairman was not done in secret, Hong Kong court hears]||[[JP MORGAN CHASE]]
|20200722||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/jpmorgan-managed-millions-ghislaine-maxwell-despite-booting-epstein-2013 JPMorgan Managed Millions For Ghislaine Maxwell Despite Booting Epstein In 2013]||[[JP MORGAN CHASE]] / [[MAXWELL, GHISLAINE]]
|20190326||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-03-26/two-whistleblowers-awarded-50-million-massive-enforcement-action-against-jpmorgan Two Whistleblowers Awarded $50 Million In "Massive Enforcement Action" Against JPMorgan]||[[JP MORGAN CHASE]]
|20170919||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/business/403771-jpmorgan-dimon-bitcoin-trading/ JPMorgan involved in bitcoin-related trading while boss calls it good for drug dealers & murderers]||[[JP MORGAN CHASE]] / [[DIMON, JAMIE]] / [[BTC]]
|20170916||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-09-16/if-jamie-dimon-hates-it-so-much-then-why-jpmorgan-buying-bitcoin-europe If Jamie Dimon Hates It So Much, Why Is JPMorgan Buying Bitcoin In Europe?]||[[DIMON, JAMIE]] / [[JP MORGAN CHASE]] / [[BTC]]
|20170914||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/business/403290-bitcoin-bubble-jpmorgan-dimon-keiser/ Max Keiser: Why JPMorgan is in a bubble and not bitcoin]||[[JP MORGAN CHASE]] / [[BTC]]
|20170913||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/business/403173-bitcoin-fraud-collapse-jp-dimon/ Bitcoin is fraud and will blow up – JP Morgan CEO]||[[JP MORGAN CHASE]] / [[BTC]]
|20170913||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-09-13/jpmorgan-goes-bitcoin-kolanovic-asks-are-cryptocurrencies-pyramid-scheme JPMorgan Goes In On Bitcoin: Kolanovic Asks "Are Cryptocurrencies A Pyramid Scheme?"]||[[JP MORGAN CHASE]] / [[BTC]]
|20170912||zerohedge.com||[http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-09-12/bitcoin-tumbles-after-jamie-dimon-calls-it-fraud-would-fire-anyone-trading-it Bitcoin Tumbles After Jamie Dimon Calls It A Fraud: "Would Fire Anyone Trading It"]||[[BTC]] / [[DIMON, JAMIE]] / [[JP MORGAN CHASE]]
|20170906||vanityfair.com||[https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/09/jamie-dimon-billion-dollar-secret-jp-morgan Behind The Fraud: Jamie Dimon’s $13 Billion Secret—Revealed]||[[DIMON, JAMIE]] / [[JP MORGAN CHASE]]
|20170906||vanityfair.com||[https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2017/09/jamie-dimon-billion-dollar-secret-jp-morgan Behind The Fraud: Jamie Dimon’s $13 Billion Secret—Revealed]||[[DIMON, JAMIE]] / [[JP MORGAN CHASE]]
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|20141002||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/jp-morgan-hackerangriff-betraf-76-millionen-haushalte-a-995198.html Cyber-Angriff auf JP Morgan: Mehr als 80 Millionen Konten bei US-Großbank gehackt]||[[JP MORGAN CHASE]]
|20141002||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/jp-morgan-hackerangriff-betraf-76-millionen-haushalte-a-995198.html Cyber-Angriff auf JP Morgan: Mehr als 80 Millionen Konten bei US-Großbank gehackt]||[[JP MORGAN CHASE]]
|20140225||wsj.com||[https://blogs.wsj.com/moneybeat/2014/02/25/dimon-sees-threat-from-silicon-valley/ Dimon Sees Threat From Silicon Valley]||[[DIMON, JAMIE]] / [[JP MORGAN CHASE]]
|20140128||dailymail.co.uk||[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2547684/TWO-senior-American-bankers-working-London-commit-suicide-just-two-days-one-jumped-500ft-death-JP-Morgan-skyscraper.html Two top American bankers commit suicide in London as one jumps 500ft to his death from JP Morgan skyscraper and another hangs himself in luxury home]||[[JP MORGAN CHASE]] / [[DEUTSCHE BANK]] / [[MAGEE, GABRIEL]] / [[BROEKSMIT, WILLIAM]]
|20140128||dailymail.co.uk||[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2547684/TWO-senior-American-bankers-working-London-commit-suicide-just-two-days-one-jumped-500ft-death-JP-Morgan-skyscraper.html Two top American bankers commit suicide in London as one jumps 500ft to his death from JP Morgan skyscraper and another hangs himself in luxury home]||[[JP MORGAN CHASE]] / [[DEUTSCHE BANK]] / [[MAGEE, GABRIEL]] / [[BROEKSMIT, WILLIAM]]

Latest revision as of 05:30, 18 September 2020


Date Source Title Tags
20200916 scmp.com Former JPMorgan banker’s job offer to son of company chairman was not done in secret, Hong Kong court hears JP MORGAN CHASE
20200722 zerohedge.com JPMorgan Managed Millions For Ghislaine Maxwell Despite Booting Epstein In 2013 JP MORGAN CHASE / MAXWELL, GHISLAINE
20190326 zerohedge.com Two Whistleblowers Awarded $50 Million In "Massive Enforcement Action" Against JPMorgan JP MORGAN CHASE
20170919 rt.com JPMorgan involved in bitcoin-related trading while boss calls it good for drug dealers & murderers JP MORGAN CHASE / DIMON, JAMIE / BTC
20170916 zerohedge.com If Jamie Dimon Hates It So Much, Why Is JPMorgan Buying Bitcoin In Europe? DIMON, JAMIE / JP MORGAN CHASE / BTC
20170914 rt.com Max Keiser: Why JPMorgan is in a bubble and not bitcoin JP MORGAN CHASE / BTC
20170913 rt.com Bitcoin is fraud and will blow up – JP Morgan CEO JP MORGAN CHASE / BTC
20170913 zerohedge.com JPMorgan Goes In On Bitcoin: Kolanovic Asks "Are Cryptocurrencies A Pyramid Scheme?" JP MORGAN CHASE / BTC
20170912 zerohedge.com Bitcoin Tumbles After Jamie Dimon Calls It A Fraud: "Would Fire Anyone Trading It" BTC / DIMON, JAMIE / JP MORGAN CHASE
20170906 vanityfair.com Behind The Fraud: Jamie Dimon’s $13 Billion Secret—Revealed DIMON, JAMIE / JP MORGAN CHASE
20141003 bloomberg.com JPMorgan Says Data Breach Affected 76 Million Households JP MORGAN CHASE
20141002 spiegel.de Cyber-Angriff auf JP Morgan: Mehr als 80 Millionen Konten bei US-Großbank gehackt JP MORGAN CHASE
20140225 wsj.com Dimon Sees Threat From Silicon Valley DIMON, JAMIE / JP MORGAN CHASE
20140128 dailymail.co.uk Two top American bankers commit suicide in London as one jumps 500ft to his death from JP Morgan skyscraper and another hangs himself in luxury home JP MORGAN CHASE / DEUTSCHE BANK / MAGEE, GABRIEL / BROEKSMIT, WILLIAM
20131230 spiegel.de JP Morgan in China: E-Mails stützen Verdacht auf Vetternwirtschaft JP MORGAN CHASE / CN
20131019 spiegel.de Hypothekenstreit: JP Morgan soll nun sogar 13 Milliarden Dollar Strafe zahlen JP MORGAN CHASE
20130926 spiegel.de Geschäfte mit Ramschhypotheken: JP Morgan will sich mit elf Milliarden Dollar freikaufen JP MORGAN CHASE
20130607 euobserver.com JP Morgan to eurozone periphery: “Get rid of your pinko, anti-fascist constitutions” JP MORGAN CHASE / EU / FASCISM
20130625 taxresearch.org.uk JP Morgan wants Europe to be rid of social rights, democracy, employee rights and the right to protest JP MORGAN CHASE
20130503 spiegel.de Vorwürfe gegen JP Morgan: Der Wall-Street-Gigant wankt JP MORGAN CHASE
13.06.2012 spiegel.de JP Morgan Chase: Bankchef Dimon spielt Milliardenverluste herunter JP MORGAN CHASE