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|20210526||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/524811-greta-video-plant-diet-change/ Meat-eaters rebel after Greta Thunberg says world is ‘f***ed’ unless we adopt plant-based diet]||[[MEAT]]
|20200706||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/06/coronavirus-world-treating-symptoms-not-cause-pandemics-un-report Coronavirus: world treating symptoms, not cause of pandemics, says UN - Ongoing destruction of nature will result in stream of animal diseases jumping to humans, says report]||[[COVID-19]] / [[PANDEMICS]] / [[MEAT]]
|20200706||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jul/06/coronavirus-world-treating-symptoms-not-cause-pandemics-un-report Coronavirus: world treating symptoms, not cause of pandemics, says UN - Ongoing destruction of nature will result in stream of animal diseases jumping to humans, says report]||[[COVID-19]] / [[PANDEMICS]] / [[MEAT]]

Latest revision as of 14:30, 26 May 2021


Date Source Title Tags
20210526 rt.com Meat-eaters rebel after Greta Thunberg says world is ‘f***ed’ unless we adopt plant-based diet MEAT
20200706 theguardian.com Coronavirus: world treating symptoms, not cause of pandemics, says UN - Ongoing destruction of nature will result in stream of animal diseases jumping to humans, says report COVID-19 / PANDEMICS / MEAT
20200621 spiegel.de Psychoanalytiker über Tönnies-Skandal Warum wir auch jetzt keine Vegetarier werden MEAT
20200619 spiegel.de Coronakrise Alle Tönnies-Mitarbeiter in Quarantäne - auch Konzernchef Clemens Tönnies MEAT
20200511 zerohedge.com As COVID-19 Spreads In Meat Plants, 200 USDA Inspectors Test Positive US / MEAT / COVID-19
20200328 spiegel.de Ursprung des Corona-Virus Wer Fleisch isst, steigert das Pandemie-Risiko MEAT / COVID-19
20200326 rt.com Better dead than vegan: The foods panic buyers ignore even during a viral pandemic MEAT
20200218 scmp.com China seeks to fast-track ban on trade in wild animals amid coronavirus outbreak CN / MEAT / 2019-nCoV
20160716 spiegel.de Tiere essen: Besser als Sex! MEAT
20151027 spiegel.de Mögliches Krebsrisiko: Fleischindustrie beklagt Wurst-Urteil der WHO MEAT / WHO
20150801 spiegel.de Keime auf Geflügelfleisch: Mangelnde Hygiene in Schlachthöfen alarmiert Regierung MEAT
20150405 spiegel.de Rügenwalder Mühle: "Die Wurst ist die Zigarette der Zukunft" MEAT / VEGETARIANISM
28.08.2012 guardian.co.uk Forget meat – there's a world of vegetarian food out there - As shortages threaten to force meat off the table, you don't need to dust off dreary 1970s cookbooks to find great alternatives MEAT
27.08.2012 spiegel.de Wassermangel: Forscher prophezeien Ende der Fleischkultur MEAT
28.06.2012 telepolis.de Vegetarischer Waldbesitzer darf Jagd verbieten - Der Europäische Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte misst dem Eigentumsschutz mehr Gewicht bei als deutsche Gerichte MEAT
09.01.2012 spiegel.de Stichprobe in Supermärkten: Tierschützer finden gefährliche Keime in Hähnchenfleisch MEAT