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Date Source Title Tags
20151222 rt.com Turkish labs turn Afghan opium into heroin for shipping to Europe - Russian anti-drug agency TR / AF / OPIUM / HEROIN
20140402 rt.com Afghan H-bomb: Record opium harvest, billions burn in 'war on drugs' AF / OPIUM / HEROIN
20130509 wired.com U.S. Kicks Drug-War Habit, Makes Peace With Afghan Poppies AF / OPIUM / US ARMY
20130415 spiegel.de Illegales Geschäft: Afghanistan erwartet Rekordernte bei Opium AF / OPIUM
20130325 bangkokpost.com Rising drug trade threatens Myanmar's aspirations OPIUM / MM
01.11.2012 bangkokpost.com UN reports huge rise in Myanmar opium production MM / OPIUM
13.01.2012 AFP Opium production soars in Afghanistan: UN AF OPIUM


Author Issuer Title Published ISBN Tags
TROCKI, CARL A. Opium, Empire and the Global Political Economy: A Study of the Asian Opium Trade 10-04125215005 DRUGS OPIUM ASIA