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= Articles =
= Articles =
== 2020 ==
|20200325||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/484115-pompeo-g7-china-coronavirus/ Pompeo’s focus on blaming China for coronavirus derails joint G-7 statement]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[G7]]
|20200324||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/streit-um-wuhan-virus-a-6bb570bb-9f2b-4cd1-a895-fdeabf53f6b4 US-Regierung torpediert G7-Erklärung Streit über "Wuhan-Virus"]||[[G7]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200324||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/pompeo-issues-5-facts-says-iran-imported-covid-19-least-5-countries Pompeo Issues '5 Facts' Claiming Iran Exported COVID-19 To "At Least 5 Countries"]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200318||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/483371-trump-china-virus-conspiracy/ US military ‘did not give it to ANYBODY’, coronavirus came from CHINA: Trump gets involved in bioweapon conspiracy spat]||[[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[COVID-19]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]]
|20200316||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/483269-pompeo-china-covid19-rumors/ Pompeo tells China to quit spreading ‘outlandish rumors’ and blaming US for Covid-19 pandemic]||[[POMPEO, MIKE]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[COVID-19]] / [[CN]]
|20200313||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/483018-china-us-theory-coronavirus-spokesman/ Beijing won't disown spokesman’s theory of US hand in coronavirus outbreak]||[[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[CN]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200313||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/political/twitter-wont-remove-chinese-officials-conspiracy-theory-suggesting-us-army-secretly Twitter Won't Remove Chinese Official's Conspiracy Theory Suggesting US Army Secretly Infected Wuhan With COVID-19]||[[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200313||tagesschau.de||[https://www.tagesschau.de/ausland/corona-china-usa-101.html Ursprung des Coronavirus: China zeigt auf die USA]||[[COVID-19]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[CN]]
|20200312||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-army-behind-covid-19-wuhan-chinas-foreign-ministry-levels-bombastic-charge 'US Army Behind Covid-19 In Wuhan': China's Foreign Ministry Levels Bombastic Charge]||[[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[COVID-19]] / [[CN]]
|20200311||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/482866-blame-china-coronavirus-response-lacking/ Trump admin blames China for 2 months lost in coronavirus prep as experts warn flaws in US health system doom its readiness]||[[COVID-19]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20200305||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/482405-iran-coronavirus-us-biological-weapon/ Сoronavirus may be a product of US ‘biological attack’ aimed at Iran & China, IRGC chief claims]||[[COVID-19]] / [[IR]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
== 2019 ==
|20190621||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/462433-iran-hackers-crowdstrike-fireeye/ Cyber-sleuths responsible for Russiagate now warn of ‘Iranian hackers’]||[[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20190618||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/462145-nyt-power-grid-attack-russia/ Solar flare, aging infrastructure or Russia: Who gets blamed when the US has a massive power outage?]||[[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[US]]
== 2018 ==
|20810821||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/436519-microsoft-russian-hacking-assumption/ ‘Faith-based attribution': Microsoft unable to identify those behind pre-midterm hacking – experts]||[[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20180503||401trg.pw||[https://401trg.pw/burning-umbrella/ Burning Umbrella: An Intelligence Report on the Winnti Umbrella and Associated State-Sponsored Attackers]||[[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[CN]]
|20180322||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/422030-pentagon-cyberespionage-burned-kaspersky/ ‘Pentagon cyber-espionage op’: US reportedly behind Slingshot malware targeting Mid East & Africa]||[[KASPERSKY]] / [[PENTAGON]] / [[US]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20180322||thedailybeast.com||[https://www.thedailybeast.com/exclusive-lone-dnc-hacker-guccifer-20-slipped-up-and-revealed-he-was-a-russian-intelligence-officer GRU’D UP - EXCLUSIVE: ‘Lone DNC Hacker’ Guccifer 2.0 Slipped Up and Revealed He Was a Russian Intelligence Officer]||[[GUCCIFER 2.0]] / [[GRU]] / [[DNC]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[STONE, ROGER]]
|20180320||cyberscoop.com||[https://www.cyberscoop.com/kaspersky-slingshot-isis-operation-socom-five-eyes/ Kaspersky's 'Slingshot' report burned an ISIS-focused intelligence operation]||[[KASPERSKY]] / [[PENTAGON]] / [[US]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20180315||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/15/us/politics/russia-cyberattacks.html Cyberattacks Put Russian Fingers on the Switch at Power Plants, U.S. Says]||[[US]] / [[CYBERWAR]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[RU]]
|20180310||apnews.com||[https://apnews.com/6d9fe9f1e1c341e7b5617b29cc887c3a/Putin-on-alleged-US-election-interference:-I-don't-care Putin on alleged US election interference: I don’t care]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[RU]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20180307||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2018/03/06/leaked-files-show-how-nsa-tracks-other-countries-hackers/ Leaked Files Show How the NSA Tracks Other Countries’ Hackers]||[[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20180226||talosintelligence.com||[http://blog.talosintelligence.com/2018/02/who-wasnt-responsible-for-olympic.html Who Wasn’t Responsible for Olympic Destroyer?]||[[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20180219||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/a-consensus-emerges-russia-committed-an-act-of-war-on-par-with-pearl-harbor-and-911-should-the-u-s-response-be-similar/ A Consensus Emerges: Russia Committed an “Act of War” on Par With Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Should the U.S. Response Be Similar?]||[[DNC]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[US]] / [[RU]]
|20180126||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-26/dutch-cozy-bear-farce-does-not-show-dnc-emails-were-hacked-russians Dutch ‘Cozy Bear’ Farce Does Not Show DNC Emails Were Hacked By Russians]||[[AIVD]] / [[COZY BEAR]] / [[DNC]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[FSB]] / [[GRU]]
|20180126||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/russland-affaere-niederlande-haben-russische-hacker-cozy-bear-ausspioniert-a-1189925.html Cozy Bear Niederländischer Geheimdienst soll russische Hacker überwacht haben]||[[AIVD]] / [[COZY BEAR]] / [[DNC]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20180125||reuters.com||[https://www.reuters.com/article/us-netherlands-russia-cybercrime/dutch-intelligence-agency-spied-on-russian-hacking-group-media-idUSKBN1FE34W? Dutch intelligence agency spied on Russian hacking group: media]||[[AIVD]] / [[COZY BEAR]] / [[DNC]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[RU]] / [[CIA]] / [[NSA]]
|20180123||heise.de||[https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/DLD18-Cybersecurity-als-Aufgabe-fuer-Staat-Unternehmen-und-die-Buerger-3948758.html DLD18: Cybersecurity als Aufgabe für Staat, Unternehmen und die Bürger]||[[CROWDSTRIKE]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
== 2017 ==
|20171219||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/wannacry-attacke-usa-machen-nordkorea-verantwortlich-a-1184011.html Erpressersoftware USA machen Nordkorea für "WannaCry"-Attacke verantwortlich]||[[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[US]] / [[KP]]
|20171211||politico.com||[https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2017/12/11/the-full-transcript-michael-morell-216061 Ex-Spy Chief: Russia’s Election Hacking Was An ‘Intelligence Failure’]||[[MORELL, MICHAEL]] / [[RU]] / [[DNC]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[CIA]]
|20171004||theintercept.com||[https://theintercept.com/2017/10/04/masquerading-hackers-are-forcing-a-rethink-of-how-attacks-are-traced/ Masquerading Hackers Are Forcing a Rethink of How Attacks Are Traced]||[[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20170911||tagesanzeiger.ch||[https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/ausland/europa/unsere-angst-macht-putin-stark/story/18742600 Unsere Angst macht Putin stark - Die Warnungen vor russischen Hackerangriffen nehmen im Westen hysterische Züge an. Besser könnte es für Moskaus Geheimdienst gar nicht laufen.]||[[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[RU]]
|20170704||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/web/verfassungsschutz-fuerchtet-mehr-cyberattacken-aus-russland-und-china-a-1155811.html Neuer Bericht: Verfassungsschutz fürchtet mehr Cyberattacken aus Russland und China]||[[MAASSEN, HANS-GEORG]] / [[DE MAZIERE, THOMAS]] / [[BFV]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[RU]] / [[CN]]
|20170621||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/russische-cyberattacke-auf-us-wahl-angeblich-angriff-auf-21-us-bundesstaaten-a-1153418.html Cyberattacke Russische Hacker sollen US-Wahlsystem in 21 Bundesstaaten angegriffen haben]||[[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20170609||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/391499-russia-us-hacking-kremlin/ Russia doesn’t cry ‘Washington hackers’ despite daily attacks from US territory – Kremlin]||[[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20170607||cnn.com||[http://edition.cnn.com/2017/06/06/politics/russian-hackers-planted-fake-news-qatar-crisis/index.html CNN Exclusive: US suspects Russian hackers planted fake news behind Qatar crisis]||[[QA]] / [[FBI]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20170603||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/390681-putin-quotes-spief-press-kelly/ ‘Saying it’s Russians’ fault like blaming everything on Jews’ – Putin’s best quotes at SPIEF]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
|20170603||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/390681-putin-quotes-spief-press-kelly/ ‘Saying it’s Russians’ fault like blaming everything on Jews’ – Putin’s best quotes at SPIEF]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]
Line 46: Line 142:
|20170101||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/372448-washingtonpost-retracts-russian-hackers/ Facts force Washington Post to backtrack on report that Russia hacked US power grid]||[[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[GRIZZLY STEPPE]] / [[BURLINGTON ELECTRIC]]
|20170101||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/372448-washingtonpost-retracts-russian-hackers/ Facts force Washington Post to backtrack on report that Russia hacked US power grid]||[[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[GRIZZLY STEPPE]] / [[BURLINGTON ELECTRIC]]
== 2016 ==
|20161231||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/usa-russische-hacker-sollen-stromversorger-angegriffen-haben-a-1128123.html "Grizzly Steppe" Russische Hacker sollen US-Stromversorger angegriffen haben]||[[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[GRIZZLY STEPPE]] / [[BURLINGTON ELECTRIC]]
|20161231||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/netzwelt/netzpolitik/usa-russische-hacker-sollen-stromversorger-angegriffen-haben-a-1128123.html "Grizzly Steppe" Russische Hacker sollen US-Stromversorger angegriffen haben]||[[ATTRIBUTION]] / [[US]] / [[RU]] / [[GRIZZLY STEPPE]] / [[BURLINGTON ELECTRIC]]
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* https://twitter.com/Snowden/status/765515087062982656
* https://twitter.com/Snowden/status/765515087062982656
= Videos =
|20170604||youtube.com||[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8AeBAV4EIY President Vladimir Putin On Russian Election Interference (Full Exclusive) Megyn Kelly - NBC News]||[[PUTIN, VLADIMIR]] / [[KELLY, MEGYN]] / [[ATTRIBUTION]]

Revision as of 01:54, 30 March 2020



Date Source Title Tags
20200325 rt.com Pompeo’s focus on blaming China for coronavirus derails joint G-7 statement POMPEO, MIKE / ATTRIBUTION / G7
20200324 spiegel.de US-Regierung torpediert G7-Erklärung Streit über "Wuhan-Virus" G7 / TRUMP, DONALD / POMPEO, MIKE / ATTRIBUTION / COVID-19
20200324 zerohedge.com Pompeo Issues '5 Facts' Claiming Iran Exported COVID-19 To "At Least 5 Countries" POMPEO, MIKE / ATTRIBUTION / COVID-19
20200318 rt.com US military ‘did not give it to ANYBODY’, coronavirus came from CHINA: Trump gets involved in bioweapon conspiracy spat ATTRIBUTION / COVID-19 / TRUMP, DONALD
20200316 rt.com Pompeo tells China to quit spreading ‘outlandish rumors’ and blaming US for Covid-19 pandemic POMPEO, MIKE / ATTRIBUTION / COVID-19 / CN
20200313 rt.com Beijing won't disown spokesman’s theory of US hand in coronavirus outbreak ATTRIBUTION / CN / COVID-19
20200313 zerohedge.com Twitter Won't Remove Chinese Official's Conspiracy Theory Suggesting US Army Secretly Infected Wuhan With COVID-19 ATTRIBUTION / COVID-19
20200313 tagesschau.de Ursprung des Coronavirus: China zeigt auf die USA COVID-19 / ATTRIBUTION / CN
20200312 zerohedge.com 'US Army Behind Covid-19 In Wuhan': China's Foreign Ministry Levels Bombastic Charge ATTRIBUTION / COVID-19 / CN
20200311 rt.com Trump admin blames China for 2 months lost in coronavirus prep as experts warn flaws in US health system doom its readiness COVID-19 / ATTRIBUTION
20200305 rt.com Сoronavirus may be a product of US ‘biological attack’ aimed at Iran & China, IRGC chief claims COVID-19 / IR / ATTRIBUTION


Date Source Title Tags
20190621 rt.com Cyber-sleuths responsible for Russiagate now warn of ‘Iranian hackers’ ATTRIBUTION
20190618 rt.com Solar flare, aging infrastructure or Russia: Who gets blamed when the US has a massive power outage? ATTRIBUTION / US


Date Source Title Tags
20810821 rt.com ‘Faith-based attribution': Microsoft unable to identify those behind pre-midterm hacking – experts ATTRIBUTION
20180503 401trg.pw Burning Umbrella: An Intelligence Report on the Winnti Umbrella and Associated State-Sponsored Attackers ATTRIBUTION / CN
20180322 rt.com ‘Pentagon cyber-espionage op’: US reportedly behind Slingshot malware targeting Mid East & Africa KASPERSKY / PENTAGON / US / ATTRIBUTION
20180322 thedailybeast.com GRU’D UP - EXCLUSIVE: ‘Lone DNC Hacker’ Guccifer 2.0 Slipped Up and Revealed He Was a Russian Intelligence Officer GUCCIFER 2.0 / GRU / DNC / ATTRIBUTION / STONE, ROGER
20180320 cyberscoop.com Kaspersky's 'Slingshot' report burned an ISIS-focused intelligence operation KASPERSKY / PENTAGON / US / ATTRIBUTION
20180315 nytimes.com Cyberattacks Put Russian Fingers on the Switch at Power Plants, U.S. Says US / CYBERWAR / ATTRIBUTION / RU
20180310 apnews.com Putin on alleged US election interference: I don’t care PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / ATTRIBUTION
20180307 theintercept.com Leaked Files Show How the NSA Tracks Other Countries’ Hackers ATTRIBUTION
20180226 talosintelligence.com Who Wasn’t Responsible for Olympic Destroyer? ATTRIBUTION
20180219 theintercept.com A Consensus Emerges: Russia Committed an “Act of War” on Par With Pearl Harbor and 9/11. Should the U.S. Response Be Similar? DNC / ATTRIBUTION / US / RU
20180126 zerohedge.com Dutch ‘Cozy Bear’ Farce Does Not Show DNC Emails Were Hacked By Russians AIVD / COZY BEAR / DNC / ATTRIBUTION / FSB / GRU
20180126 spiegel.de Cozy Bear Niederländischer Geheimdienst soll russische Hacker überwacht haben AIVD / COZY BEAR / DNC / ATTRIBUTION
20180125 reuters.com Dutch intelligence agency spied on Russian hacking group: media AIVD / COZY BEAR / DNC / ATTRIBUTION / RU / CIA / NSA
20180123 heise.de DLD18: Cybersecurity als Aufgabe für Staat, Unternehmen und die Bürger CROWDSTRIKE / ATTRIBUTION


Date Source Title Tags
20171219 spiegel.de Erpressersoftware USA machen Nordkorea für "WannaCry"-Attacke verantwortlich ATTRIBUTION / US / KP
20171211 politico.com Ex-Spy Chief: Russia’s Election Hacking Was An ‘Intelligence Failure’ MORELL, MICHAEL / RU / DNC / ATTRIBUTION / CIA
20171004 theintercept.com Masquerading Hackers Are Forcing a Rethink of How Attacks Are Traced ATTRIBUTION
20170911 tagesanzeiger.ch Unsere Angst macht Putin stark - Die Warnungen vor russischen Hackerangriffen nehmen im Westen hysterische Züge an. Besser könnte es für Moskaus Geheimdienst gar nicht laufen. ATTRIBUTION / RU
20170704 spiegel.de Neuer Bericht: Verfassungsschutz fürchtet mehr Cyberattacken aus Russland und China MAASSEN, HANS-GEORG / DE MAZIERE, THOMAS / BFV / ATTRIBUTION / RU / CN
20170621 spiegel.de Cyberattacke Russische Hacker sollen US-Wahlsystem in 21 Bundesstaaten angegriffen haben ATTRIBUTION
20170609 rt.com Russia doesn’t cry ‘Washington hackers’ despite daily attacks from US territory – Kremlin ATTRIBUTION
20170607 cnn.com CNN Exclusive: US suspects Russian hackers planted fake news behind Qatar crisis QA / FBI / ATTRIBUTION
20170603 rt.com ‘Saying it’s Russians’ fault like blaming everything on Jews’ – Putin’s best quotes at SPIEF PUTIN, VLADIMIR / ATTRIBUTION
20170603 dailymail.co.uk Putin tells NBC's Megyn Kelly that hacking of Democratic Party during last year's election may have been CIA-run false flag operation designed to incriminate Russia PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / US / DNC / ATTRIBUTION / CIA
20170602 rt.com ‘WikiLeaks’ Vault 7 cache shows US – not Russia – hacked past French elections’ MACHON, ANNIE / CIA / WIKILEAKS / ATTRIBUTION
20170601 nytimes.com Maybe Private Russian Hackers Meddled in Election, Putin Says PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / DNC / ATTRIBUTION / US / CYBERWAR
20170601 rt.com Putin: ‘Patriotic hackers’ could exist, but ‘Russia does not order state level cyberattacks’ PUTIN, VLADIMIR / RU / CYBERWAR / ATTRIBUTION
20170601 spiegel.de Putin zu Cyberangriffen "Auf staatlicher Ebene machen wir so etwas nicht" PUTIN, VLADIMIR / CYBERWAR / ATTRIBUTION
20170517 spiegel.de Weltweiter Hackerangriff So arbeiten die "WannaCry"-Jäger FORENSICS / ATTRIBUTION / RANSOMWARE
20170516 spiegel.de Spekulationen über "WannaCry"-Attacke Was ist dran an der Nordkorea-Spur RANSOMWARE / ATTRIBUTION / KP
20170403 heise.de Vault 7: Von Wikileaks veröffentlichte CIA-Werkzeuge könnten Geheimoperationen enttarnen WIKILEAKS / CIA / ATTRIBUTION
20170403 bbc.com CIA operations may be disrupted by new Wikileaks' data release WIKILEAKS / CIA / ATTRIBUTION
20170403 zdnet.de Wikileaks macht Tool zur Erkennung von CIA-Malware öffentlich WIKILEAKS / CIA / ATTRIBUTION
20170402 arstechnica.com Risk Assessment — Wikileaks releases code that could unmask CIA hacking operations WIKILEAKS / CIA / ATTRIBUTION
20170331 washingtonpost.com National Security - WikiLeaks’ latest release of CIA cyber-tools could blow the cover on agency hacking operations WIKILEAKS / CIA / ATTRIBUTION
20170308 rt.com CIA knew #Vault7 was coming, focus turns to contractors as source of leak - officials ATTRIBUTION / CIA / WIKILEAKS
20170307 rt.com How the CIA steals hacking fingerprints to cover its tracks WIKILEAKS / CIA / ATTRIBUTION
20170110 blick.ch FBI verwechselt die Schweiz mit Swasiland ATTRIBUTION
20170107 zeit.de US-Geheimdienst: Der Putin-Report ATTRIBUTION / US / RU
20170106 rt.com ‘Propaganda intended to incite Americans’: John McAfee to RT on ‘Russian hacking’ claims MCAFEE, JOHN / ATTRIBUTION / PROPAGANDA
20170106 theguardian.com Young Russian denies she aided election hackers: ‘I never work with douchebags’ SHEVCHENKO, ALISA / ESAGE LAB / ZOR / RU / US / DIALOGNAUKA / BRIAN BARTHOLOMEW / KASPERSKY / ATTRIBUTION
20170106 nytimes.com Putin Ordered ‘Influence Campaign’ Aimed at U.S. Election, Report Says US / RU / ATTRIBUTION / DNC / WIKILEAKS
20170101 rt.com Facts force Washington Post to backtrack on report that Russia hacked US power grid ATTRIBUTION / US / RU / GRIZZLY STEPPE / BURLINGTON ELECTRIC


Date Source Title Tags
20161231 spiegel.de "Grizzly Steppe" Russische Hacker sollen US-Stromversorger angegriffen haben ATTRIBUTION / US / RU / GRIZZLY STEPPE / BURLINGTON ELECTRIC
20161230 rollingstone.com Something About This Russia Story Stinks ATTRIBUTION / US / RU / CYBERWAR
20161231 rt.com ‘Russian hackers’ penetrate US power grid with ‘outdated Ukrainian malware’ ATTRIBUTION / US / RU
20161230 washingtonsblog.com Creator of NSA’s Global Surveillance System Calls B.S. On Russian Hacking Report ATTRIBUTION / DNC / US / RU / WIKILEAKS / BINNEY, WILLIAM
20161021 csoonline.com John McAfee: 'Iran hacked the DNC, and North Korea hacked DYN' MCAFEE, JOHN / DNC / DYN / IR / KP / RU / ATTRIBUTION



Date Source Title Tags
20170604 youtube.com President Vladimir Putin On Russian Election Interference (Full Exclusive) Megyn Kelly - NBC News PUTIN, VLADIMIR / KELLY, MEGYN / ATTRIBUTION