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|20171219||elperiodico.com||[https://www.elperiodico.com/es/politica/20171219/encapuchados-asaltan-despacho-baltasar-garzon-6504830 SUCESO: Varios encapuchados asaltan el despacho en Madrid del exjuez Baltasar Garzón]||[[GARZON, BALTASAR]]
|20171219||elperiodico.com||[https://www.elperiodico.com/es/politica/20171219/encapuchados-asaltan-despacho-baltasar-garzon-6504830 SUCESO: Varios encapuchados asaltan el despacho en Madrid del exjuez Baltasar Garzón]||[[GARZON, BALTASAR]]
|20171219||cadenaser.com||[https://cadenaser.com/ser/2017/12/19/tribunales/1513665844_902009.html Garzón, tras el asalto a su despacho: "No se han llevado lo que hayan ido a buscar"]||[[GARZON, BALTASAR]]

Revision as of 19:33, 9 November 2021




Date Source Title Tags
20200324 rt.com Assange lawyer Baltasar Garzon hospitalized with coronavirus GARZON, BALTASAR / COVID-19 / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20200220 zerohedge.com Assange Seeks Asylum In France As Extradition Trial Approaches ASSANGE, JULIAN / FR / DUPONT-MORETTI, ERIC / GARZON, BALTASAR / ROHRABACHER, DANA


Date Source Title Tags
20180615 disobedientmedia.com From Pinochet To Assange: A Tale Of Two Extraditions ASSANGE, JULIAN / PINOCHET, AUGUSTO / MONTGOMERY, CLARE / GARZON, BALTASAR
20180324 rt.com WikiLeaks lawyer talks corruption & more on ex-Ecuadorian President’s RT show GARZON, BALTASAR / CORREA, RAFAEL


Date Source Title Tags
20171220 rt.com WikiLeaks lawyer’s office stormed by hooded raiders in ‘attempted robbery’ GARZON, BALTASAR / ES / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
20171219 elpais.com Varios encapuchados entran en el despacho del exjuez Baltasar Garzón - Los presuntos ladrones cegaron las cámaras de seguridad y no se llevaron dinero GARZON, BALTASAR
20171219 elperiodico.com SUCESO: Varios encapuchados asaltan el despacho en Madrid del exjuez Baltasar Garzón GARZON, BALTASAR
20171219 cadenaser.com Garzón, tras el asalto a su despacho: "No se han llevado lo que hayan ido a buscar" GARZON, BALTASAR


Date Source Title Tags
20130625 guardian.co.uk WikiLeaks' Baltasar Garzón, the man Edward Snowden wants on his side - Best known as the superjudge who ordered the arrest of General Pinochet, the crusading legal head of WikiLeaks has been approached by the NSA whistleblower to represent him GARZON, BALTASAR / SNOWDEN, EDWARD


Date Source Title Tags
17.08.2012 theaustralian.com Assange to appeal if Britain blocks exit ASSANGE, JULIAN / GB / EC / GARZON, BALTASAR
25.07.2012 guardian.co.uk Julian Assange defence to be led by Spanish jurist Baltasar Garzón: WikiLeaks founder hires renowned human rights investigator who indicted Augusto Pinochet to fight extradition to Sweden WIKILEAKS / GARZON, BALTASAR
24.07.2012 twitlonger.com PRESS RELEASE: Baltasar Garzón, will lead the legal team representing Julian Assange and WikiLeaks. WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / GARZON, BALTASAR
27.02.2012 guardian.co.uk Baltasar Garzón cleared over his Franco-era crimes inquiry: Disbarred Spanish judge escapes second conviction, but court declares he was wrong to investigate deaths under dictatorship GARZON, BALTASAR
14.02.2012 faz.net Berufsverbot für Baltasar Garzón - Keine Rosen für den Staatsanwalt: Baltasar Garzón ermittelte gegen Korruption, Drogenkartelle und Folter. Jetzt wird ihm im eigenen Land der Prozess gemacht: Elf Jahre Berufsverbot hat er schon, zwanzig sollen noch folgen. GARZON, BALTASAR
24.01.2012 tagesspiegel.de Richter Furchtlos: Prozess gegen Baltasar Garzón spaltet Spanien GARZON, BALTASAR
09.01.2012 dissidentvoice.org The Spanish Judge Who Needs Our Support GARZON, BALTASAR