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|14.04.2012||faz.net||[http://www.faz.net/aktuell/feuilleton/missbrauchsskandal-in-den-niederlanden-dass-sie-mich-wieder-zu-packen-kriegen-11715604.html Missbrauchsskandal in den Niederlanden: Dass sie mich wieder zu packen kriegen - Späte Enthüllung: Das düstere Bild katholischer Missbrauchsfälle in den Niederlanden wird nun um Fälle von Zwangskastrationen erweitert. Sogar ein ehemaliger Ministerpräsident gerät dabei ins Visier.]||[[NL]] [[CATHOLIC CHURCH]]
|27.10.2010||nisnews.nl||[http://www.nisnews.nl/samples/5/110107_6.htm The AIVD registered Wilders' visits to the embassy and monitored how long his visits lasted, De Telegraaf reported yesterday based on sources close to the intelligence service. "The AIVD suspected that Wilders received instructions at the embassy for his work in parliament.]||[[WILDERS, GEERT]] [[AIVD]] [[NL]]
|27.10.2010||nisnews.nl||[http://www.nisnews.nl/samples/5/110107_6.htm The AIVD registered Wilders' visits to the embassy and monitored how long his visits lasted, De Telegraaf reported yesterday based on sources close to the intelligence service. "The AIVD suspected that Wilders received instructions at the embassy for his work in parliament.]||[[WILDERS, GEERT]] [[AIVD]] [[NL]]

Revision as of 12:05, 18 April 2012