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|20200630||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/30/us/politics/russian-bounties-afghanistan-intelligence.html Suspicions of Russian Bounties Were Bolstered by Data on Financial Transfers - Analysts have used other evidence to conclude that the transfers were likely part of an effort to offer payments to Taliban-linked militants to kill American and coalition troops in Afghanistan.]||[[TALIBAN]]
|20200630||nytimes.com||[https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/30/us/politics/russian-bounties-afghanistan-intelligence.html Suspicions of Russian Bounties Were Bolstered by Data on Financial Transfers - Analysts have used other evidence to conclude that the transfers were likely part of an effort to offer payments to Taliban-linked militants to kill American and coalition troops in Afghanistan.]||[[TALIBAN]]
|20200629||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jun/29/russian-bounties-white-house-briefs-house-republicans-intelligence White House briefs House Republicans on 'Russian bounties' intelligence]||[[TALIBAN]]
|20200629||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/493305-no-consensus-russia-bounties/ WH spokeswoman says ‘no intelligence consensus’ on Russia bounty story, tells NYT & WaPo to ‘return Pulitzers’ for misreporting]||[[TALIBAN]]
|20200629||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/493305-no-consensus-russia-bounties/ WH spokeswoman says ‘no intelligence consensus’ on Russia bounty story, tells NYT & WaPo to ‘return Pulitzers’ for misreporting]||[[TALIBAN]]

Revision as of 06:36, 1 July 2020


Date Source Title Tags
20200630 nytimes.com Suspicions of Russian Bounties Were Bolstered by Data on Financial Transfers - Analysts have used other evidence to conclude that the transfers were likely part of an effort to offer payments to Taliban-linked militants to kill American and coalition troops in Afghanistan. TALIBAN
20200629 theguardian.com White House briefs House Republicans on 'Russian bounties' intelligence TALIBAN
20200629 rt.com WH spokeswoman says ‘no intelligence consensus’ on Russia bounty story, tells NYT & WaPo to ‘return Pulitzers’ for misreporting TALIBAN
20200228 spiegel.de Afghanistan Trump bestätigt baldige Unterzeichnung von Abkommen mit den Taliban TRUMP, DONALD / TALIBAN / AF
20190817 zerohedge.com Trump Reviews Controversial US-Taliban Peace Deal Which Critics Call A "Betrayal" TRUMP, DONALD / US / TALIBAN
20160327 spiegel.de Pakistan: Taliban bekennt sich zu Anschlag PK / TALIBAN
20140531 spiegel.de Geiselhaft in Afghanistan: USA tauschen gefangenen Soldaten gegen fünf Taliban aus TALIBAN / AF / US
20131102 spiegel.de Drohnenschlag gegen Taliban-Führer: Pakistan bestellt US-Botschafter ein PK / TALIBAN / US / DRONES
20131102 spiegel.de Getöteter Taliban-Chef Mehsud: Der Feind ist tot, die Gefahr lebt PK / US / DRONES / TALIBAN / MEHSUD, HAKIMULLAH
20130702 spiegel.de Gewalt in Kabul: Taliban attackieren Logistikzentrum von Nato-Partner AF / TALIBAN / NATO
20130429 spiegel.de CIA-Dollars für Afghanistan: Geistergeld in Tüten AF / CIA / KARZAI, HAMID / ROMAN, KHALIL / TALIBAN / KARZAI, AHMED WALI / KANDAHAR STRIKE FORCE
20130428 nytimes.com With Bags of Cash, C.I.A. Seeks Influence in Afghanistan AF / CIA / KARZAI, HAMID / ROMAN, KHALIL / TALIBAN / KARZAI, AHMED WALI / KANDAHAR STRIKE FORCE / IR / CORRUPTION
20130311 spiegel.de Afghanistan: USA empört über Karzais Verschwörungstheorie KARZAI, HAMID / AF / TALIBAN / US
19.09.2012 spiegel.de Reaktion auf Mohammed-Film in Pakistan: "Damit das Blut kocht" PK / TALIBAN / AZIZ GHAZI, ABDUL
27.08.2012 spiegel.de Gewalt in Afghanistan: Taliban enthaupten 17 Menschen, weil sie Musik hörten AF / TALIBAN
20101205 theguardian.com WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine for terrorists - Hillary Clinton memo highlights Gulf states' failure to block funding for groups like al-Qaida, Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba SA / WIKILEAKS / TERRORISM / CLINTON, HILLARY / AL QAEDA / TALIBAN / LASHKAR-E-TAIBA


Author Issuer Title Published ISBN Tags
RASHID, AHMED I.B. Tauris Taliban - Islam, Pol and the New Great Game in Central Asia 1-86064-417-1 TALIBAN