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Date Source Title Tags
20170620 buzzfeed.com The Secrets Of The Spy In The Bag WILLIAMS, GARETH
20150921 msn.com MI6 spy found dead in locked bag 'probably worked undercover as woman' WILLIAMS, GARETH / MI6
20150831 belfasttelegraph.co.uk MI6 spy Gareth Williams who was found dead in locked bag had 'hacked secret files about US president Bill Clinton' WILLIAMS, GARETH / MI6 / GCHQ / CLINTON, BILL / SAWERS, JOHN
20131113 theguardian.com MI6 spy found dead in bag probably locked himself inside, Met says - Three-year investigation by Scotland Yard concludes Gareth Williams probably died as a result of a tragic accident WILLIAMS, GARETH
03.05.2012 wired.com MI6 Codebreaker Attended U.S. Security Conference Before His Death GB 20100815 Gareth Williams assasination
02.05.2012 wired.com MI6 Codebreaker Found Dead in Bag Was Likely Killed, Coroner Says GB 20100815 Gareth Williams assasination
23.04.2012 guardian.co.uk Gareth Williams inquest told criminal charges still possible over spy's death: Police try to block coroner from publishing video footage, and four intelligence agents granted anonymity at inquest GB 20100815 Gareth Williams assasination
23.04.2012 guardian.co.uk MI6 spy Gareth Williams complained of friction at work, inquest told: Sister says Williams disliked office culture and had been due to return to GCHQ one week after his body was found in holdall GB 20100815 Gareth Williams assasination
23.04.2012 guadian.co.uk Gareth Williams: coroner's inquest over spy found dead in bag - Body of MI6 agent Gareth Williams was found in holdall at his flat in 2010 and family fears secret services were involved GB 20100815 Gareth Williams assasination
30.03.2012 guardian.co.uk Scientists apologise to family of MI6 spy Gareth Williams for DNA error: 'Typographical error' meant police working on mysterious death of GCHQ worker found in sports bag chased phantom suspect GB 20100815 Gareth Williams assasination
30.03.2012 telegraph.co.uk Was MI6 spy-in-a-bag Gareth Williams killed by 'secret service dark arts'? GB 20100815 Gareth Williams assasination
12.01.2011 thesun.co.uk Murdered spook was a cross dresser GB 20100815 Gareth Williams assasination
06.01.2011 wired.com Police Publish Images of Two Sought in Codebreaker’s Death GB 20100815 Gareth Williams assasination
22.12.2010 guardian.co.uk Spy whose body was found in holdall visited bondage websites, police say: MI6 codebreaker viewed sites that showed people bound and tied and included do-it-yourself guides, detectives reveal GB 20100815 Gareth Williams assasination
28.10.2010 guardian.co.uk MI6 spy Gareth Williams had no trace of drugs or poison in body: Toxicology tests on man found dead in holdall in London flat come back negative GB 20100815 Gareth Williams assasination
06.09.2010 guardian.co.uk Police issue CCTV footage of dead MI6 worker: Gareth Williams is pictured at tube station nine days before body was found, as police seek man and woman seen at flats GB 20100815 Gareth Williams assasination
30.08.2010 wired.com Dead Codebreaker Was Linked to NSA Intercept Case NSA / GB 20100815 Gareth Williams assasination
26.08.2010 guardian.co.uk Gareth Williams's parents identify body: Parents return from holiday to speak to police as picture emerges of MI6 officer as private and mild-mannered GB 20100815 Gareth Williams assasination
26.08.2010 guardian.co.uk Gareth Williams murder inquiry reveals intensely private man: Intelligence officer found dead in Pimlico flat never spoke about his job or home life, according to those who knew him GB 20100815 Gareth Williams assasination
26.08.2010 guardian.co.uk Gareth Williams: the sad, fascinating death of a spy: When the intelligence services are involved in a death, we relish glimpsing a world that usually remains hidden GB 20100815 Gareth Williams assasination
