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Date Source Title Tags
20130324 spiegel.de Israel: Mossad-Agent verriet Geheimnisse an Hisbollah ZYGIER, BEN
20130219 spiegel.de Mossad-Affäre: "Häftling X" soll sich in der Dusche erhängt haben ZYGIER, BEN
20130218 spiegel.de Agenten-Affäre: "Gefangener X" soll Mossad-Geheimnisse verraten haben ZYGIER, BEN / MOSSAD / ASIO / IT
20130215 guardian.co.uk Israeli government 'to compensate family of Prisoner X' - Reports of deal emerge as calls mount for the Mossad and Israeli prison service to be investigated over death in custody ZYGIER, BEN
20130215 spiegel.de Agenten-Affäre: Israel bietet Zygier-Familie Entschädigung an ZYGIER, BEN
20130215 smh.com.au Zygier 'planned to expose deadly use of passports' ZYGIER, BEN
20130215 haaretz.com First reporter to snoop around Zygier is 'surprised' at outcome - Jason Koutsoukis had first called Zygier in late 2009 following a tip-off he received from a source with intelligence connections in Australia. ZYGIER, BEN / KATSOUKIS, JASON
20130214 timesofisrael.com Israeli TV: Zygier had nothing to do with Mabhouh affair / Dubai police chief says Emirates did not turn reported Mossad spy; Melbourne-born agent was arrested a few days after he denied to an Australian reporter that he was spying for Israel ZYGIER, BEN
20130214 timesofisrael.com Zygier ‘ran Mossad front company selling electronics to Iran’Alleged Australian-Israeli agent, who reportedly killed himself in jail here in 2010, said to have been held in solitary on suspicion of treason ZYGIER, BEN / MOSSAD / ASIO
20130214 nytimes.com Israel’s Prisoner X Is Linked to Dubai Assassination in a New Report ZYGIER, BEN / AE 20100119 AL-MABHOUH Assassination
20130214 rt.com 'Prisoner X' took part in Mossad operation of killing Hamas operative in Dubai? ZYGIER, BEN / AE 20100119 AL-MABHOUH Assassination
20130214 timesofisrael.com Kuwaiti daily: Zygier betrayed Mossad to Dubai, was kidnapped by IsraelAl-Jarida claims that ‘Prisoner X’ divulged information on the 2010 assassination of Hamas weapons importer Mabhouh ZYGIER, BEN / AE 20100119 AL-MABHOUH Assassination / AL-MABHOUH, MAHMOUD ABDEL RAUF
20130214 guardian.co.uk Israel admits it was holding Prisoner X after court eases gagging order - Prisoner who died in Israeli prison in 2010 held Australian and Israeli citizenship and is said to have been agent of the Mossad ZYGIER, BEN / MOSSAD / CARR, BOB
20130214 guardian.co.uk Israel's Prisoner X driven to suicide by interrogation, lawyer suggests - Lawyer for Australian-Israeli Ben Zygier says his client was discussing plea bargain just before his death in prison in 2010 ZYGIER, BEN / ASIO
20130214 spiegel.de Israels Agenten-Affäre: Mossad im Feindesland ZYGIER, BEN / MOSSAD
20130214 spiegel.de Mutmaßlicher Mossad-Agent: Der rätselhafte Suizid des Gefangenen X ZYGIER, BEN
20130213 timesofisrael.com ‘Aussie authorities suspected Prisoner X was Israeli spy’Before his death in prison, Ben Zygier reportedly visited Iran, Syria and Lebanon; was grilled over alleged connection to top Hamas operative’s killing ZYGIER, BEN / IR / SY / LB
20130213 guardian.co.uk Mossad and Australian spies: how Fairfax reporter homed in on Zygier: Tip-off for journalist Jason Katsoukis led to espionage trail of Australian-Israeli spies, false passports and Zygier interview ZYGIER, BEN / KATSOUKIS, JASON
20130213 guardian.co.uk Israel's 'Prisoner X' was Australian Mossad agent, documentary claims - Israel has never acknowledged prisoner's existence and has gone to extraordinary lengths to stifle media coverage of case ZYGIER, BEN / MOSSAD
20130212 abc.net.au Prisoner X - The Australian Connection (Transcript) ZYGIER, BEN / PRISONER X / BORMANN, TREVOR
20130212 richardsilverstein.com Fallout from Zygier Case SILVERSTEIN, RICHARD / ZYGIER, BEN
20130212 www.abc.net.au Australian suspected of Mossad links dies in Israeli jail ZYGIER, BEN / SHIN BET / ASIO / MOSSAD / REED, WARREN / ASIS / CARR, BOB / VAN ESVELD, BILL / YAKIR, DAN
20130212 nytimes.com A Real-Life Spy Mystery Unfolding in Israel PRISONER X / CENSORSHIP / BENN, ALUF / HAARETZ / ZYGIER, BEN / ALON, BEN / IL
20100227 smh.com.au ASIO targets new spy suspects ZYGIER, BEN / ASIO