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|20130712||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/jul/12/edward-snowden-amnesty-international Edward Snowden: US officials are preventing me claiming asylum - NSA whistleblower calls meeting with Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch at Sheremetyevo airport]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[ASYLUM]] / [[AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL]] / [[HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH]] / [[LOKSCHINA, TATJANA]] / [[UN]] / [[LUKIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20130712||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/edward-snowden-trifft-sich-in-moskau-mit-menschenrechtlern-a-910740.html NSA-Abhörskandal: Snowden will Menschenrechtler in Moskau treffen]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL]] / [[HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH]] / [[LOKSCHINA, TATJANA]] / [[UN]] / [[LUKIN, VLADIMIR]]
|20130712||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/edward-snowden-trifft-sich-in-moskau-mit-menschenrechtlern-a-910740.html NSA-Abhörskandal: Snowden will Menschenrechtler in Moskau treffen]||[[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]] / [[AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL]] / [[HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH]] / [[LOKSCHINA, TATJANA]] / [[UN]] / [[LUKIN, VLADIMIR]]

Revision as of 12:18, 12 July 2013

United Nations


Date Source Title Tags
20130712 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden: US officials are preventing me claiming asylum - NSA whistleblower calls meeting with Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch at Sheremetyevo airport SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL / HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH / LOKSCHINA, TATJANA / UN / LUKIN, VLADIMIR
20130712 spiegel.de NSA-Abhörskandal: Snowden will Menschenrechtler in Moskau treffen SNOWDEN, EDWARD / AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL / HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH / LOKSCHINA, TATJANA / UN / LUKIN, VLADIMIR
20130703 guardian.co.uk South American nations furious over diversion of Bolivian president's plane – live SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / MORALES, EVO / AT / UN / UNASUR / FR / ES / PT / IT
20130516 counterpunch.org Betrayed by the Human Rights Community: European Silence Over Bradley Manning MANNING, BRADLEY / AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL / EU / UN
20130402 spiegel.de Vollversammlung in New York: Uno verabschiedet erstes globales Abkommen zu Waffenhandel WEAPONTRADE / UN
20121221 jpost.com Netanyahu: Jerusalem is ours, I don't care what the UN says IL / NETANJAHU, BENJAMIN / UN
20121204 guardian.co.uk UN tells Israel to let in nuclear inspectors: As nuclear peace talks are cancelled, overwhelming vote by general assembly calls for Israel to join nonproliferation treaty IL / UN / NUCLEAR WEAPONS
20121130 spiegel.de Palästinas Anerkennung: Uno-Schlappe entzweit Israelis PS / UN / IL
20121129 spiegel.de Abstimmung über Beobachterstatus: Uno erkennt Palästina als Staat an UN / PS
20121114 spiegel.de Konflikt in Gaza: Ägypten zieht Botschafter aus Israel ab IL / EG / UN
20121113 aljazeera.com An internet conference in a surveillance state: Given Azerbaijan's notorious record on censorship, holding the Internet Governance Forum in Baku raised some eyebrows AZ / IGF / UN / CENSORSHIP
20121112 spiegel.de Uno-Antrag von Abbas: Berlin sperrt sich gegen Aufwertung der Palästinenser PS / DE / UN
20121111 guardian.co.uk UN 'may use torture evidence to impose sanctions on terror suspects' - United Nations' special rapporteur on counter-terrorism questions integrity of security council's enforcement regime UN / TORTURE
22.10.2012 news.cnet.com U.N. calls for 'anti-terror' Internet surveillance: United Nations report calls for Internet surveillance, saying lack of "internationally agreed framework for retention of data" is a problem, as are open Wi-Fi networks in airports, cafes, and libraries. UN / UNODC
21.09.2012 dawn.com UN team opposes new powers for spy agencies PK / UN
25.07.2012 taz.de UN-Konferenz zum Waffenhandel: Löcheriges Abkommen zum Schluss: Die UN-Verhandlungen zur Regulierung und Reduzierung des weltweiten Waffenhandels sind quasi gescheitert. Der Schlussvertrag hat riesige Schlupflöcher. WEAPONS UN
15.07.2012 spiegel.de Angriff auf Tremseh: Syriens Regime bezichtigt Annan der Lüge SY UN
14.07.2012 spiegel.de Massaker an Zivilisten: Uno-Fahnder berichten von Blutlachen in Tremse SY UN
28.06.2012 spiegel.de Friedensplan für Syrien: Russland geht auf Distanz zu Assad SY RU UN
03.03.2012 aljazeera.com UN chief criticises Syria for Homs assault UN SY
10.11.2006 hrw.org Sweden Violated Torture Ban in CIA Rendition: Diplomatic Assurances Against Torture Offer No Protection From Abuse SE / TORTURE / UN / CIA