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|21.06.2012||telegraph.co.uk||[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/wikileaks/9346865/Julian-Assange-will-be-arrested-regardless-of-Ecuador-asylum-decision.html Julian Assange will be arrested regardless of Ecuador asylum decision - Police will arrest Julian Assange even if he is granted asylum with one legal expert claiming his only way out of the country is becoming Ecuador's representative to the UN.]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|21.06.2012||news.smh.com.au||[http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/assanges-mother-slams-bob-carr-20120621-20qr3.html Assange's mother slams Bob Carr]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]
|21.06.2012||news.smh.com.au||[http://news.smh.com.au/breaking-news-national/assanges-mother-slams-bob-carr-20120621-20qr3.html Assange's mother slams Bob Carr]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]]

Revision as of 20:26, 21 June 2012




Date Source Title Tags
21.06.2012 telegraph.co.uk Julian Assange will be arrested regardless of Ecuador asylum decision - Police will arrest Julian Assange even if he is granted asylum with one legal expert claiming his only way out of the country is becoming Ecuador's representative to the UN. ASSANGE, JULIAN
21.06.2012 news.smh.com.au Assange's mother slams Bob Carr ASSANGE, JULIAN
21.06.2012 rt.com Wikileaks will carry on despite crackdown on whistleblowers - spokesman ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
21.06.2012 smh.com.au Roxon letter spurs Assange flight to Ecuador embassy ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 guardian.co.uk Julian Assange requests asylum at Ecuador embassy - live coverage ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 guardian.co.uk Ecuador's refugees: will Assange be accepted for asylum? The Wikileaks founder has applied for asylum at the Ecuadorean embassy in London. But will Julian Assange be accepted, where do Ecuador's refugees come from - and how many does it produce? ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 guardian.co.uk Julian Assange's right to asylum: Given the travesty that is American justice, WikiLeaks' founder is entitled to seek asylum and well-advised to fear extradition ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 lawyersweekly.com.au Experts say Assange’s asylum bid could work ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 spiegel.de Botschaftsflüchtling Assange: Ausgerechnet Ecuador ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 twitlonger.com JUST RELEASED: Assange requests for protection to the Australian government from UK human rights lawyer Gareth Pierce to Australian government. ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 KOSTAKIDIS, MARY/twitter.com My emailed letter to the Ecuador Ambassador in Canberra ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 ferrada-noli.blogspot.it Ecuador shall most likely grant political asylum to Julian Assange ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 guardian.co.uk Assange risks arrest in London if he leaves Ecuador embassy asylum: WikiLeaks founder faces arrest the moment he leaves the embassy even if he is granted asylum, police have indicated ADDLEY, ESTHER / BOOTH, ROBERT / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 independent.co.uk Julian Assange's celebrity backers 'surprised' but supportive of bail breach bid for political asylum ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 the sydney morning herald Assange felt 'abandoned' by Australian government after letter from Roxon ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 aljazeera.com Assange's appeal to Ecuador is no surprise: The WikiLeak's founder won admiration and gratitude in the South American nation back in 2010. ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 ADDLEY, ESTHER/guardian.co.uk Assange asylum bid driven by fear of life sentence or death penalty in US: Assange's representatives say he was forced to seek asylum because he fears a 'political prosecution' in the US ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 ROZENBERG, JOSHUA/guardian.co.uk Offering Julian Assange asylum in Ecuador could be an empty gesture: While Assange seems to be feeling desperate, the supreme court's ruling on article 8 in extradition cases is more useful to judges than MPs stating the obvious ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 BOOTH, ROBERT/guardian Julian Assange's leading supporters face losing £240,000 in bail money: Sureties posted at Westminster magistrates court by group of celebrities and activists now in jeopardy after WikiLeaks founder seeks asylum in Ecuadorean embassy ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 BOOTH, ROBERT/guardian Julian Assange asylum move is 'a tragedy' for his accusers, says lawyer - Lawyer representing two women who accuse WikiLeaks founder of sexual assault says he still expects extradition to go ahead ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 guardian.co.uk Julian Assange's drama: in the third act, we still don't know what the story is: Is the US really trying to extradite him? Or has he bought into his own hype? A former WikiLeaks staffer parses the latest BALL, JAMES / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 guardian.co.uk Julian Assange: key events leading up to WikiLeaks founder seeking asylum: From arrest warrant over rape allegation to entering the Ecuadorian embassy in London requesting political asylum ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 telegraph.co.uk Julian Assange: celebrities could lose thousands from WikiLeaks founder's bail breach ASSANGE, JULIAN
20.06.2012 sydney morning herald Mother applauds Assange asylum bid ASSANGE, JULIAN
19.06.2012 rt.com Assange asks for political asylum in Ecuador ASSANGE, JULIAN
19.06.2012 twitter.com Police arrive at Ecuadorian Embassy
19.06.2012 salon.com Assange asks Ecuador for asylum: The WikiLeaks founder is motivated by one thing: a desire to avoid extradition to the U.S. Can anyone blame him? ASSANGE, JULIAN
19.06.2012 guardian.co.uk Julian Assange seeking asylum in Ecuadorian embassy in London: WikiLeaks founder walked into the embassy and asked for asylum under the United Nations human rights declaration ASSANGE, JULIAN
19.06.2012 sueddeutsche.de Wikileaks-Gründer bittet um Asyl: Julian Assange flüchtet in Botschaft Ecuadors ASSANGE, JULIAN
19.06.2012 handelsblatt.com WIKILEAKS-GRÜNDER: Assange beantragt politisches Asyl in Ecuador - Der Gründer der Enthüllungsplattform kämpft mit allen Mitteln gegen seine Abschiebung aus Großbritannien nach Schweden, wo ihm sexuelle Nötigung vorgeworfen wird. In London hat er jetzt die Behörden überrascht. ASSANGE, JULIAN
19.06.2012 welt.de 22:42 Wikileaks-Gründer Assange beantragt Asyl in Ecuador: Julian Assange soll in Ecuador um politisches Asyl ersucht haben. Dem Wikilekks-Gründer wird in Schweden Vergewaltigung vorgeworfen. Er wehrt sich gegen seine Auslieferung aus Großbritannien. ASSANGE, JULIAN
19.06.2012 spiegel.de Wikileaks-Gründer: Assange beantragt Asyl in Ecuador ASSANGE, JULIAN
19.06.2012 wikileaks.org Effective Declaration of Abandonment from Australian Government: Legal advisor to Julian Assange, Jennifer Robinson, met with Australian Attorney General Nicola Roxon on May 2 2012, to ask Australia for basic assistance to protect Mr. Assange. The Australian government issued an effective "declaration of abandonment", refusing to protect Mr. Assange, or make any requests on his behalf. ASSANGE, JULIAN AU
14.06.2012 telepolis.de Julian Assange wird nach Schweden ausgeliefert - Der oberste Gerichtshof in Großbritannien lehnt den Antrag auf Neuaufnahme des Falls ab ASSANGE, JULIAN
14.06.2012 spiegel.de Oberstes britisches Gericht: Julian Assange darf nach Schweden ausgeliefert werden ASSANGE, JULIAN
14.06.2012 supremecourt.gov.uk Application to re-open appeal: Julian Assange v Swedish Prosecution Authority ASSANGE, JULIAN
13.06.2012 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Gründer: Assange beantragt neue Verhandlung ASSANGE, JULIAN
12.06.2012 guardian.co.uk Supreme court asked to reopen Julian Assange appeal ASSANGE, JULIAN
07.06.2012 ukhumanrightsblog.com Assange kills off Pupino, but ambiguity remains – Alex Tinsley ASSANGE, JULIAN
30.05.2012 telepolis.de Auslieferung nach Schweden: Assange verliert vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof - kann aber Widerspruch einlegen ASSANGE, JULIAN
30.05.2012 guardian.co.uk Julian Assange loses extradition case – live coverage ASSANGE, JULIAN
30.05.2012 wired.com Loses Appeal, But Granted Stay to Apply to Re-Open Case on Technicality ASSANGE, JULIAN
30.05.2012 heise.de Supreme Court: Julian Assange kann ausgeliefert werden ASSANGE, JULIAN
30.05.2012 spiegel.de Auslieferung nach Schweden: Assanges Endspiel ASSANGE, JULIAN
30.05.2012 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Gründer: Oberstes Gericht stimmt für Assange-Auslieferung ASSANGE, JULIAN SE GB
30.05.2012 surpremecourt.gov.uk JUDGMENT: Assange (Appellant) v The Swedish Prosecution Authority (Respondent) ASSANGE, JULIAN GB SE
29.05.2012 cryptome.org WikiLeaks under threat: Assange extradition judgement tomorrow ASSANGE, JULIAN WIKILEAKS
29.05.2012 rferl.org Tangled Web: As Assange Awaits U.K. Verdict, Link Between WikiLeaks And Hacker Group Revealed ASSANGE, JULIAN ANONYMOUS
29.05.2012 guardian.co.uk Julian Assange to find out extradition fate on Wednesday: WikiLeaks founder faces deportation to Sweden if supreme court rules European arrest warrant is valid ASSANGE, JULIAN
29.05.2012 reuters.com Top UK court to rule on Assange sex case extradition ASSANGE, JULIAN
23.05.2012 veteransforpeace.org CALL OUT – ASSANGE VERDICT – SUPREME COURT – 30 MAY 2012 ASSANGE, JULIAN
19.04.2012 guardian.co.uk Julian Assange's lawyer 'prevented from boarding flight at Heathrow': Jennifer Robinson says she was told she was on a 'watch list' and would need official approval to return to her native Australia WIKILEAKS ASSANGE, JULIAN ROBINSON, JENNIFER
17.04.2012 spiegel.de Talkshow im russischen TV: Julian Assange scheitert an Hisbollah-Chef ASSANGE, JULIAN
17.03.2012 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Gründer: Assange will Senator in Australien werden ASSANGE, JULIAN / AU
24.02.2012 spiegel.de Urteil gegen WikiLeaks-Gründer: Assange kann nach Schweden ausgeliefert werden ASSANGE, JULIAN
23.02.2012 salon.com Julian Assange prepares his next move ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
02.02.2012 johnpilger.com The Assange case means we are all suspects now ASSANGE, JULIAN WIKILEAKS
01.02.2012 spiegel.de Anhörung des WikiLeaks-Aktivisten: Assanges letzter Kampf gegen die Auslieferung ASSANGE, JULIAN
26.01.2012 telepolis.de Julian Assange erhält eine Art Talkshow ASSANGE, JULIAN
25.01.2012 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Gründer: Assanges Talkshow läuft bei russischem Sender] ASSANGE, JULIAN RUSSIA TODAY


Date Source Title Tags
20.12.2011 spiegel.de Manning-Prozess: Neue Spuren führen zu WikiLeaks-Gründer Assange MANNING, BRADLEY ASSANGE, JULIAN
01.05.2011 e-flux.com Hans Ulrich Obrist: In Conversation with Julian Assange, Part I ASSANGE, JULIAN
01.03.2011 themonthly.com.au The Cypherpunk Revolutionary: Julian Assange ASSANGE, JULIAN


Date Source Title Tags
08.12.2010 bbc.co.uk US State Department: 'Assange must return stolen cables' US / US STATE DEPARTMENT / ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS
07.12.2010 oe24.at Showdown in London: Wikileaks-Boss Assange festgenommmen - Julian Assange wird in Schweden Vergewaltigung vorgeworfen. ASSANGE, JULIAN
30.11.2010 bbc.co.uk Ecuador offers Wikileaks founder Assange residency ASSANGE, JULIAN EC