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|20191112||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/473261-morales-mexico-saved-my-life/ Ousted Bolivian President Evo Morales thanks Mexico for saving HIS LIFE, pledges to carry on fight despite coup]||[[MORALES, EVO]] / [[MX]]
|20191111||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/473109-jeremy-corbyn-bolivia-coup-morales/ ‘Coup against Bolivian people’ forced Morales out of office, Corbyn says]||[[MORALES, EVO]] / [[BO]]
|20191111||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/473109-jeremy-corbyn-bolivia-coup-morales/ ‘Coup against Bolivian people’ forced Morales out of office, Corbyn says]||[[MORALES, EVO]] / [[BO]]

Revision as of 20:34, 12 November 2019


Date Source Title Tags
20191112 rt.com Ousted Bolivian President Evo Morales thanks Mexico for saving HIS LIFE, pledges to carry on fight despite coup MORALES, EVO / MX
20191111 rt.com ‘Coup against Bolivian people’ forced Morales out of office, Corbyn says MORALES, EVO / BO
20191110 rt.com ‘Morales’ resignation undermines claims he is dictator, US may be behind push to oust him’ MORALES, EVO / BO
20191110 rt.com Bolivian President Morales announces his resignation MORALES, EVO / BO
20191111 rt.com Ex-Ecuador leader Correa says Bolivia’s Morales was forced out in ‘coup’ and OAS is ‘an instrument of US domination’ CORREA, RAFAEL / MORALES, EVO
20190411 rt.com Bolivian president condemns ‘persecution of Assange over US’ murders & spying’ MORALES, EVO / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20170730 rt.com Bolivian president calls US ‘threat to international law, UN’ over ‘unilateral’ Russia sanctions MORALES, EVO
20150830 spiegel.de NSA-Enthüller: Snowden sollte mit Evo Morales aus Moskau fliehen SNOWDEN, EDWARD / MORALES, EVO / BO / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20150709 spiegel.de Besuch in Bolivien: Koka-Blätter für Papst Franziskus MORALES, EVO / BERGOGLIO, JORGE MARIO / COCA
20130705 guardian.co.uk Evo Morales threatens to close US embassy in Bolivia as leaders weigh in - Anger at US and EU from Bolivia's left-leaning South American allies at meeting to discuss rerouting of Morales' plane BO / MORALES, EVO / US
20130704 guardian.co.uk Morales returns to Bolivia still seething over plane rerouting - Bolivian president says he regrets offering Edward Snowden asylum, but Europe should free itself from US imperialism MORALES, EVO / BO / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EU
20130703 spiegel.de Reaktionen auf Morales' Zwangslandung: Die Angst der Abhängigen BO / MORALES, EVO / EC / VE / BR
20130703 storify.com "Ich weiß nicht, ob ich lachen oder weinen soll." - Präsidentin Kirchner twittert #snowden. 20 nächtliche Tweets übersetzt aus dem Spanischen. MORALES, EVO / BO / AR / KIRCHNER, CRISTINA
20130703 spiegel.de Morales' Zwangslandung in Wien: Diplomaten-Drama im VIP-Terminal BO| / MORALES, EVO / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / AT / ES
20130703 spiegel.de Eklat um Morales-Flug: Frankreich und Spanien dementieren Luftraumsperrung SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / MORALES, EVO / FR / ES
20130703 spiegel.de Morales-Eklat: Juristen geben Überflug-Verweigerern recht MORALES, EVO / BO / EU
20130703 spiegel.de Boliviens Präsident Morales in Wien: Zwangsstopp im VIP-Terminal MORALES, EVO / BO / AT / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / FR / PT / IT / ES
20130703 spiegel.de Verwirrung wegen Snowden-Gerüchten: Morales' Zwangsstopp in Wien brüskiert Südamerika MORALES, EVO / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / EC / UY / AR / UNASUR
20130703 guardian.co.uk South American nations furious over diversion of Bolivian president's plane – live SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / MORALES, EVO / AT / UN / UNASUR / FR / ES / PT / IT
20130703 spiegel.de Eklat um Evo Morales: Präsidentenjet verlässt Wien nach Zwölf-Stunden-Stopp SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / MORALES, EVO / AT / EC / UNASUR
20130703 guardian.co.uk South American nations furious over diversion of Bolivian president's plane – live SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / MORALES, EVO / FR / PT / IT / ES / UNASUR / US / CORREA, RAFAEL / SOTO, RUBEN SAAVEDRA
20130703 guardian.co.uk Bolivian president's jet rerouted amid suspicions Edward Snowden on board - France and Portugal accused of refusing entry to their airspace, while plane lands in Vienna with no sign of Snowden SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / MORALES, EVO / FR / PT / IT / ES / UNASUR / US
20130703 spiegel.de Verwirrung um Snowden: Flugzeug von Präsident Morales zu Wien-Stopp gezwungen SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / MORALES, EVO / FR / PT / IT / ES / UNASUR