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|20170403||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/383167-ecuador-elections-moreno-lasso/ Ecuador’s Moreno claims victory in presidential election, rival demands recount]||[[EC]] / [[MORENO, LENIN]] / [[LASSO, GUILLERMO]]
|20170403||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/383167-ecuador-elections-moreno-lasso/ Ecuador’s Moreno claims victory in presidential election, rival demands recount]||[[EC]] / [[MORENO, LENIN]] / [[LASSO, GUILLERMO]]
|20170403||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/apr/03/ecuador-presidential-election-conflicting-exit-polls-signal-tight-finish Ecuador presidential election: conflicting exit polls signal tight finish]||[[EC]]
|20170402||reuters.com||[http://www.reuters.com/article/us-ecuador-election-idUSKBN1740F8 Ecuador chooses between leftist, ex-banker in tight presidential vote]||[[EC]] / [[MORENO, LENIN]] / [[LASSO, GUILLERMO]]
|20170402||reuters.com||[http://www.reuters.com/article/us-ecuador-election-idUSKBN1740F8 Ecuador chooses between leftist, ex-banker in tight presidential vote]||[[EC]] / [[MORENO, LENIN]] / [[LASSO, GUILLERMO]]

Revision as of 19:35, 3 April 2017




Date Source Title Tags
20170403 rt.com Ecuador’s Moreno claims victory in presidential election, rival demands recount EC / MORENO, LENIN / LASSO, GUILLERMO
20170403 theguardian.com Ecuador presidential election: conflicting exit polls signal tight finish EC
20170402 reuters.com Ecuador chooses between leftist, ex-banker in tight presidential vote EC / MORENO, LENIN / LASSO, GUILLERMO
20170326 china.org Will Washington intervene in Ecuador’s election? EC / US
20170222 reuters.com Ecuador presidential election goes to runoff between leftist, ex-banker EC
20170221 rt.com WikiLeaks ‘will not respond to pressure’ from Ecuador’s presidential candidates – Assange ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC / WIKILEAKS


Date Source Title Tags
20161114 rt.com Assange to be questioned over alleged rape case later on Monday ASSANGE, JULIAN / SE / EC
20161101 theindicter.com Pro-Clinton media calls UK to suspend diplomatic immunity of Ecuador Embassy over WikiLeaks publication of Hillary’s emails WIKILEAKS / ASSANGE, JULIAN / CLINTON, HILLARY / GB / EC
20161024 rt.com Anonymous claims it took down Ecuadorian govt webmail after embassy banned Assange from internet ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC / ANONYMOUS
20161019 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Gründer offline Ecuador bestätigt Internet-Sperre für Assange ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC
20161018 cancilleria.gob.ec Comunicado Oficial: Sobre el caso Julian Assange ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC
20161018 twitter.com Ecuador ratifica vigencia de asilo concedido a Julian Assange ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC
20161018 spiegel.de Vorwurf gegen Ecuador Assange hat laut WikiLeaks kein Internet mehr ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC / WIKILEAKS
20161017 dailymail.co.uk Ecuador reaffirms support for Julian Assange after internet access 'severed' EC / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20160811 spiegel.de In Ecuadors Botschaft: Schweden dürfen Assange verhören ASSANGE, JULIAN / SE / EC
20160811 rt.com Ecuador allows Sweden to interview WikiLeaks co-founder Assange in its London embassy EC / SE / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20160809 rt.com Ecuador warned to end Assange asylum by ex-foreign minister after DNC leak AYALA LASSO, JOSE / EC / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20160808 elcomercio.com José Ayala Lasso: Assange, ¡una bomba de tiempo! ASSANGE, JULIAN / AYALA LASSO, JOSE / EC
20160808 thegatewaypundit.com ECUADOR PRESSURED to Censor Julian Assange After DNC Leaks and Criticism of Hillary Clinton ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC
20160421 spiegel.de Südamerika: Eine Deutsche bei Erdbeben in Ecuador umgekommen EC
20160417 spiegel.de Ausnahmezustand: Hunderte Tote bei Erdbeben in Ecuador EC
20160417 spiegel.de Stärke 7,8: Erdbeben erschüttert Ecuador EC


Date Source Title Tags
20151108 amerika21.de Ecuador von Schiedsgericht zu 1,1 Milliarden US-Dollar Strafzahlung verurteilt EC
20151027 panampost.com Censorship Cloud Hangs Over 300 Ecuadorian TV, Radio Stations - Correa to Clear Airwaves of Independent Voices on Technicality, Warns NGO EC
20150828 rt.com Sweden to hold talks with Ecuador over Julian Assange ASSANGE, JULIAN / SE / EC
20150817 telesurtv.net Ecuador Says UK Criticism Over Julian Assange 'Unacceptable' ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC / GB / SE
20150723 theguardian.com Julian Assange: Ecuador and Sweden in tense standoff over interview NY, MARIANNE / ASSANGE, JULIAN / SE / EC


Date Source Title Tags
20141101 spiegel.de Verfassungsreform in Ecuador: Rafael Correa, Präsident auf Lebenszeit EC
20140523 spiegel.de Nationalpark im Amazonasgebiet: Ecuador erteilt Ölbohr-Lizenz für Weltnaturerbe EC


Date Source Title Tags
20131113 accessnow.org Proposed Ecudorean Criminal Code poses serious threat to user-privacy EC
20131022 shareable.net How the FLOK Society brings a commons approach to ecuador´s economy EC / FLOK SOCIETY
20131009 futurezone.at Ecuador will Fall Assange vor internationalem Gericht ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC
20130703 spiegel.de Reaktionen auf Morales' Zwangslandung: Die Angst der Abhängigen BO / MORALES, EVO / EC / VE / BR
20130703 spiegel.de Eklat um Evo Morales: Präsidentenjet verlässt Wien nach Zwölf-Stunden-Stopp SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / MORALES, EVO / AT / EC / UNASUR
20130703 spiegel.de Verwirrung wegen Snowden-Gerüchten: Morales' Zwangsstopp in Wien brüskiert Südamerika MORALES, EVO / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / BO / EC / UY / AR / UNASUR
20130702 spiegel.de Snowdens Asyl-Suche: Neun mal Nein und ein Vielleicht SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / AT / BO / BR / CN / CU / EC / FI / FR / DE / IS / IN / IT / IE / NL / NI / NO / PL / RU / ES / CH / VE
20130702 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden's options dwindle after political asylum rejections - Several countries have denied whistleblower's request to seek asylum and others say he must be on their territory to apply SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / RU / EC / CORREA, RAFAEL / VE / MADURO, NICOLAS / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / LAVROV, SERGEI
20130702 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden asylum: countries approached and their responses: The NSA whistleblower has made 21 applications for asylum worldwide as he flees the US – with little success SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / AT / BO / BR / CN / CU / EC / FI / FR / DE / IS / IN / IT / IE / NL / NI / NO / PL / RU / ES / CH / VE
20130702 guardian.co.uk Rafael Correa not considering Snowden asylum: helping him was a 'mistake' - Ecuador's president reveals travel pass was granted 'without authorisation' and says whistleblower is now Russia's problem SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC / CORREA, RAFAEL
20130702 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden: Obama guilty of deceit over extradition - US president pledged to avoid 'wheeling and dealing' while bullying countries that might grant asylum, says whistleblower SNOWDEN, EDWARD / OBAMA, BARACK / EC / RU / CLAPPER, JAMES
20130701 independent.co.uk Exclusive: 'Incredible strain' in relations between Ecuador and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange over his involvement in Edward Snowden NSA whistleblower affair EC / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20130630 spiegel.de Snowdens Asylantrag: Ecuador schiebt Verantwortung auf Russland ab SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC / RU
20130628 guardian.co.uk Ecuador cools on Edward Snowden asylum as Assange frustration grows - President Correa revokes Snowden's temporary travel document amid concerns WikiLeaks founder is 'running the show' SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC / CORREA, RAFAEL / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20130628 guardian.co.uk Ecuador breaks US trade pact to thwart 'blackmail' over Snowden asylum - Government renounces Andean Trade Preference Act even as Snowden's prospects of reaching Ecuador from Moscow dimmed EC / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20130627 spiegel.de Zollabkommen mit den USA : Ecuador kommt Obama zuvor EC / US / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130627 wsj.com Ecuadorean Disarray Clouds Snowden Bid SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC / ASSANGE, JULIAN
20130627 spiegel.de Asylantrag von Edward Snowden: USA drohen Ecuador mit Handelsstrafen EC / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US
20130626 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden 'not likely to gain asylum in Ecuador for months' - As NSA whistleblower waits at Moscow airport, Ecuadorean foreign minister says entry decision will be considered carefully SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC / RU
20130624 spiegel.de Whistleblower: Assange hilft Snowden bei der Flucht nach Ecuador SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASSANGE, JULIAN / EC
20130624 rt.com 'Who betrayed whom?' Ecuador considering Snowden's asylum, doubts fair trial in US SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC
20130624 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden seeks asylum in Ecuador amid diplomatic storm - Whistleblower escapes from Hong Kong to Moscow on a commercial flight despite a formal US extradition request SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / US / RU / EC / WIKILEAKS
20130624 spiegel.de Snowden-Ziel Ecuador: Flucht zum Presse-Knebler SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC / SLANDERING
20130623 spiegel.de US-Informant: Snowden beantragt Asyl in Ecuador EC / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130623 guardian.co.uk Edward Snowden asks for asylum in Ecuador: live updates - The NSA whistleblower left Hong Kong on an Aeroflot flight to Moscow, two days after the US charged him with espionage, before applying for asylum in Ecuador SNOWDEN, EDWARD / EC / RU
20130623 guardian.co.uk Whistleblower Snowden escapes arrest in Hong Kong thanks to US errors - Edward Snowden heads for Ecuador after flight to Russia leaves authorities in various countries amazed and infuriated SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / RU / EC / US
20130623 guardian.co.uk Venezuela or Ecuador: where next for NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden? Having left Hong Kong for Moscow, Edward Snowden will be assessing a number of criteria as decides on a final destination SNOWDEN, EDWARD / HK / RU / VE / EC
20130623 spiegel.de US-Informant Snowden: Entwischt SNOWDEN, EDWARD / US / RU / EC
20130623 nytimes.com Snowden, in Russia, Seeks Asylum in Ecuador SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / EC
20130623 rt.com Snowden examined by Ecuadorian embassy doctor at Moscow airport upon arrival – RT source SNOWDEN, EDWARD / RU / EC / VE / CU
20130621 rttnews.com [http://www.rttnews.com/2139616/britain-slammed-for-not-granting-free-passage-to-wikileaks-assange.aspx Britain Slammed For Not Granting 'Free Pass

