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|20141031||dissenter.firedoglage.com||[http://dissenter.firedoglake.com/2014/10/31/former-cia-analyst-ray-mcgovern-arrested-while-trying-to-attend-david-petraeus-event-in-new-york/ Former CIA Analyst Ray McGovern Arrested While Trying to Attend David Petraeus Event in New York]||[[MCGOVERN, RAY]] / [[CIA]] / [[PETRAEUS, DAVID]]
|20140101||rt.com||[http://rt.com/op-edge/nsa-violate-constitution-mcgovern-047/ NSA stands for ‘No Such Amendment’: Intelligence agency violates US Constitution]||[[NSA]] / [[US]] / [[MCGOVERN, RAY]] / [[CIA]] / [[SWARTZ, AARON]] / [[MANNING, CHELSEA]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]]
|20140101||rt.com||[http://rt.com/op-edge/nsa-violate-constitution-mcgovern-047/ NSA stands for ‘No Such Amendment’: Intelligence agency violates US Constitution]||[[NSA]] / [[US]] / [[MCGOVERN, RAY]] / [[CIA]] / [[SWARTZ, AARON]] / [[MANNING, CHELSEA]] / [[SNOWDEN, EDWARD]]

Revision as of 19:02, 4 November 2014