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Date Source Title Tags
20130702 Is Edward Snowden stateless and where can he go? Even if another state grants Snowden asylum and issues him with a letter of passage, Russia would have to agree to accept it SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM
20130702 NSA-Enthüller: Bundesregierung lehnt Aufnahme Snowdens ab SNOWDEN, EDWARD / DE / ASYLUM
20130702 Snowdens Asyl-Suche: Neun mal Nein und ein Vielleicht SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / AT / BO / BR / CN / CU / EC / FI / FR / DE / IS / IN / IT / IE / NL / NI / NO / PL / RU / ES / CH / VE
20130702 Edward Snowden's options dwindle after political asylum rejections - Several countries have denied whistleblower's request to seek asylum and others say he must be on their territory to apply SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / RU / EC / CORREA, RAFAEL / VE / MADURO, NICOLAS / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / LAVROV, SERGEI
20130702 Edward Snowden asylum: countries approached and their responses: The NSA whistleblower has made 21 applications for asylum worldwide as he flees the US – with little success SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM / AT / BO / BR / CN / CU / EC / FI / FR / DE / IS / IN / IT / IE / NL / NI / NO / PL / RU / ES / CH / VE
20130701 Snowden beantragt politisches Asyl in 15 Ländern SNOWDEN, EDWARD / ASYLUM
20130609 Referendum: Große Mehrheit der Schweizer für verschärftes Asylgesetz ASYLUM / CH
30.04.2012 Gimme Shelter: So, how do you take refuge in an embassy, anyway? ASYLUM