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|20190815||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-08-15/us-customs-continues-modernize-its-system-include-biometrics-all-passengers U.S. Customs Continues To "Modernize" Its System To Include Biometrics For All Passengers]||[[BIOMETRICS]]
|20190627||technologyreview.com||[https://www.technologyreview.com/s/613891/the-pentagon-has-a-laser-that-can-identify-people-from-a-distanceby-their-heartbeat/ The Pentagon has a laser that can identify people from a distance—by their heartbeat - The Jetson prototype can pick up on a unique cardiac signature from 200 meters away, even through clothes.]||[[BIOMETRICS]]
|20190627||technologyreview.com||[https://www.technologyreview.com/s/613891/the-pentagon-has-a-laser-that-can-identify-people-from-a-distanceby-their-heartbeat/ The Pentagon has a laser that can identify people from a distance—by their heartbeat - The Jetson prototype can pick up on a unique cardiac signature from 200 meters away, even through clothes.]||[[BIOMETRICS]]

Revision as of 10:49, 16 August 2019


Date Source Title Tags
20190815 zerohedge.com U.S. Customs Continues To "Modernize" Its System To Include Biometrics For All Passengers BIOMETRICS
20190627 technologyreview.com The Pentagon has a laser that can identify people from a distance—by their heartbeat - The Jetson prototype can pick up on a unique cardiac signature from 200 meters away, even through clothes. BIOMETRICS
20181227 spiegel.de Biometrie Hacker tricksen Venenscanner mit Wachs aus BIOMETRICS / CCC
20180902 businessinsider.de This new AI can track 200 eye movements to determine your personality traits BIOMETRICS
20170825 spiegel.de WikiLeaks-Enthüllung CIA soll Partnerbehörden mit Schnüffelsoftware ausgespäht haben CIA / WIKILEAKS / BIOMETRICS
20170824 rt.com CIA’s secret spy tool helps agency steal data from NSA & FBI, WikiLeaks reveals CIA / WIKILEAKS / BIOMETRICS
20141119 rt.com Bill to have all Russians fingerprinted and DNA profiled submitted to parliament KHUDYAKOV, ROMAN / BIOMETRICS
20141118 zeit.de Geheimdienst: BND möchte sich vor Gesichtserkennung schützen BND / BIOMETRICS
20141031 spiegel.de Fingerabdruck-Scanner: US-Strafverfolger können Verdächtige zum Smartphone-Entsperren zwingen BIOMETRICS / US
20140219 zdnet.com No, you can't store people's fingerprints in a central database, Dutch court rules BIOMETRICS / NL
20131013 indiatimes.com Soon, voice samples to help identify criminals IN / BIOMETRICS
20131002 usatoday.com MasterCard joining push for fingerprint ID standard MASTERCARD / BIOMETRICS
20130924 bangkokpost.com German group claims iPhone fingerprint hack CCC / BIOMETRICS
20130915 spiegel.de Touch ID: Datenschützer warnt vor Fingerscanner in iPhone APPLE / BIOMETRICS