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|20240221||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/592821-tucker-johnson-million-dollars/ Boris Johnson wanted $1 million for interview – Tucker Carlson / The former Fox host accused Britain’s ex-prime minister of attempting a “shakedown”]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]] / [[CARLSON, TUCKER]]
|20231124||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/russia/587948-peace-deal-boris-johnson/ Boris Johnson derailed Ukraine peace deal – key Zelensky ally / Early on in the conflict, he told the country to “just continue fighting,” top Ukrainian MP David Arakhamia claims]||[[UA-RU]] / [[ARAKHAMIA, DAVID]] / [[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20231026||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/585910-boris-johnson-cepa-lobbyist/ Boris Johnson hired by arms industry-funded pro-NATO lobbyists - The former Tory MP was hired by the US-based think tank CEPA]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]] / [[CEPA]] / [[POLYAKOVA, ALINA]] / [[LUCAS, EDWARD]] / [[VOLKER, KURT]] / [[HENDRIk, TOOMAS]]
|20220727||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/559682-johnson-uk-nato-ukriaine/ Boris Johnson tipped for NATO job – reports / The outgoing UK prime minister could replace Jens Stoltenberg as secretary general of the alliance next year, The Telegraph says]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20220525||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/partygate-affaere-um-boris-johnson-sue-gray-konstatiert-fuehrungsversagen-in-downing-street-a-8aa0fb00-04ff-4325-b937-7b484ec073d0 Skandal um Lockdownverstöße Scharfe Kritik an Johnsons politischer Führung in »Partygate«-Bericht ]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20220523||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/boris-johnson-neue-trink-fotos-belasten-britische-premier-a-9491e22c-f217-4eac-b647-7eec8e0b16f2 Verstöße gegen Coronaregeln Neue Partyfotos belasten Boris Johnson]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20220406||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/553369-boris-johnson-russians-vpn/ UK prime minister tells Russians to use VPN - British leader addressed Russian citizens directly for the second time since the conflict with Ukraine started]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20220306||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/johnson-will-druck-auf-moskau-erhoehen-a-4586e61d-6b6b-46b3-a43d-7663a3d16ae1 Krieg gegen die Ukraine Johnson will Druck auf Moskau erhöhen]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20220225||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/25/boris-johnson-russian-money-britain-mafia-state-security Boris Johnson claims the UK is rooting out dirty Russian money. That’s ludicrous]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20220130||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/ukraine-konflikt-boris-johnson-will-zahl-der-britischen-soldaten-in-osteuropa-verdoppeln-deutliche-botschaft-an-den-kreml-a-c1dfcf82-662f-4eab-af4b-d22370c24cdd »Deutliche Botschaft an den Kreml« Johnson will Zahl der britischen Soldaten in Osteuropa verdoppeln]||[[GB]] / [[JOHNSON, BORIS]] / [[GB-RU]]
|20211130||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/boris-johnson-witzelt-mossad-koennte-kompromittierende-party-videos-von-ihm-haben-a-ed257f23-f077-431c-b8c6-0a47aacb3260 In Tel Aviv auf den Tischen getanzt Johnson witzelt über Party-Aufnahmen beim Mossad]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20210526||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/524896-dominic-cummings-boris-johnson-select-committee/ Chaotic reign of Boris Johnson blamed for ‘tens of thousands’ of unnecessary Covid deaths by an all guns blazing Dominic Cummings]||[[CUMMINGS, DOMINIC]] / [[GB]] / [[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20210526||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/grossbritannien-david-cummings-prangert-inkompetenz-von-ministern-in-covidkrise-an-a-a5ba91eb-9672-4182-9dd3-04ad7083863d Brisante Aussagen im Unterhaus Johnson als Premierminister? Ex-Berater Cummings nennt das »irre«]||[[CUMMINGS, DOMINIC]] / [[GB]] / [[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20201224||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/510678-boris-johnson-brexit-deal-delight/ ‘We have taken back control of laws and our destiny’: Prime Minister Boris Johnson delights in Brexit deal]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20201224||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/510674-boris-johnson-brexit-deal-done/‘The deal is done!’ Boris Johnson tweets triumphant photo after Brexit agreement struck]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20200910||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/sep/10/boris-johnson-oven-ready-brexit-cummings-withdrawal-agreementoris Johnson's 'oven-ready' Brexit had a secret footnote: we'll rehash it later]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20200615||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/brexit-gespraeche-mit-eu-fuehrung-johnson-will-gas-geben-a-fa5ff888-9195-424e-acf4-fe85e88f4cfc Brexit-Videokonferenz mit EU-Führung Johnson will den Tiger im Tank]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20200511||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/health/boris-johnson-there-may-never-be-covid-19-vaccine Boris Johnson: There May 'Never' Be A COVID-19 Vaccine]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20200506||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/487913-johnson-covid19-international-comparisons/ International comparisons on Covid-19 not helpful ‘at this stage,’ PM Johnson says as UK deaths soar to highest in Europe]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20200408||bbc.com||[https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-52208156 Coronavirus: Boris Johnson 'responding to treatment' in intensive care]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20200406||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/grossbritannien-boris-johnson-auf-intensivstation-verlegt-a-b8de10c6-e289-4e27-8d85-5616a9a51109 Coronavirus Britischer Premier Johnson auf Intensivstation verlegt]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20200403||theguardian.com||[https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2020/apr/03/coronavirus-symptoms-force-boris-johnson-to-stay-in-self-isolation Boris Johnson - Coronavirus symptoms force Boris Johnson to stay in self-isolation]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20200329||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/coronavirus-boris-johnson-stimmt-briten-auf-schwere-zeiten-ein-a-e232cacf-8f06-4945-985c-4a7844af0d8f Brief an die Nation Premier Johnson stimmt Briten auf schwere Zeiten ein]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]] / [[GB]]
|20200327||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/coronavirus-boris-johnsons-infizierung-verschaerft-krise-in-grossbritannien-a-d2bfaec9-9091-434e-b9ef-5f4d8e17a970 Boris Johnsons Corona-Infizierung Einsam in Downing Street]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20200331||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/484596-galloway-boris-johnson-covid19/ Galloway’s Rogues Gallery: Boris Johnson, a champagne-swilling cad who routed political opponents only to be sunk low by Covid-19]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20200327||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/484272-boris-johnson-positive-coronavirus/ UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson tests POSITIVE for Covid-19 infection]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]] / [[GB]] / [[COVID-19]]
|20200327||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/boris-johnson-positiv-auf-coronavirus-getestet-a-bc851563-d8d2-4889-b151-072be2372ec6 Britischer Premier Boris Johnson positiv auf Coronavirus getestet]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]] / [[GB]]
|20200222||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/481443-free-assange-march-roger-waters/ ‘Disgusting joke’ & mockery of the law: Julian Assange has ZERO chance of fair trial if extradited to US, Roger Waters tells RT]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[WATERS, ROGER]] / [[EXTRADITION]] / [[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20190814||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/brexit-boris-johnson-wirft-abgeordneten-kollaboration-mit-eu-vor-a-1281901.html Brexit Johnson wirft Abgeordneten "schreckliche Zusammenarbeit" mit EU vor]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]] / [[GB]] / [[BREXIT]]
|20190814||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/466477-boris-collaboration-eu-brexit/ ‘Terrible collaboration’: PM Boris Johnson accuses lawmakers of working with EU to stop Brexit]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]] / [[GB]] / [[BREXIT]]
|20190731||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/boris-johnsons-ankunft-in-der-brexit-realitaet-a-1279870.html Ärger mit Schottland, Wales, Irland und den USA Johnsons Ankunft in der Brexit-Realität]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]] / [[BREXIT]] / [[GB]] / [[IE]]
|20190730||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/465404-ireland-johnson-brexit-border/ Boris Johnson rattles Irish peace, but his arrogance may backfire with Irish reunification]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20190729||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/brexit-boris-johnson-stellt-bedingung-fuer-eu-gespraeche-a-1279556.html Großbritanniens neuer Premier Johnson stellt Bedingung für EU-Gespräche]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]] / [[EU]] / [[BREXIT]]
|20190725||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/op-ed/465056-boris-johnson-cabinet-ministers/ BoJo's cabinet - a free market Taliban unleashed]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20190725||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/boris-johnson-der-populist-in-der-downing-street-a-1278863.html Regierungswechsel in Großbritannien Stilbruch]||[[GB]] / [[MAY, THERESA]] / [[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20190628||zerohedge.com||[https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2019-06-27/brexit-do-or-die-game-theory-johnson-lying-hunt-ireland-eu Brexit "Do-Or-Die" Game Theory: Is Johnson Lying? Hunt? Ireland? EU?]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20190625||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/brexit-boris-johnson-setzt-auf-kooperation-mit-der-eu-a-1274136.html Brexit Boris Johnson setzt auf "Kooperation" mit der EU]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20190622||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/leute/boris-johnson-moeglicher-streit-mit-freundin-loest-polizeieinsatz-aus-a-1273782.html Besorgter Nachbar Polizeieinsatz bei Boris Johnson]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20190618||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/grossbritannien-tory-machtkampf-boris-johnson-liegt-weiter-vorne-a-1273097.html Kampf um May-Nachfolge Johnson baut Vorsprung bei den Tories aus]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20190616||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/462021-johnson-brexit-used-cars/ Brits won’t buy used car from Boris Johnson – but think he’ll be the one to steer them into Brexit]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20190609||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/461439-boris-johnson-brexit-bill-binned/ ‘Money is a great solvent’: Boris Johnson pledges to withhold £39bn Brexit bill to push new EU deal]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]] / [[BREXIT]]
|20190516||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/brexit-boris-johnson-bringt-sich-als-nachfolger-von-theresa-may-ins-gespraech-a-1267815.html May-Nachfolge Boris Johnson will Premierminister werden]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20181210||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/446047-boris-haircut-leadership-challenge/ Boris Johnson’s new haircut fires up rumor mill about Tory leadership challenge (PHOTOS)]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20181109||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/443498-boris-johnson-saudis-khashoggi/ Find Khashoggi’s killer or you’ll be helping Iran, Boris Johnson tells Saudis]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]] / [[SA]]
|20181031||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/442781-boris-johnson-saudi-trip/ Boris Johnson was treated by Saudis to £14,000 trip two weeks before Khashoggi murder]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]] / [[SA]]
|20180712||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/432908-trump-boris-johnson-great-pm/ Trump says his ‘talented’ friend Boris Johnson would be a ‘great’ PM, ahead of meeting with UK’s May]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[JOHNSON, BORIS]] / [[MAY, THERESA]]
|20180709||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/432424-jeremy-hunt-foreign-secretary/ Jeremy Hunt appointed new Foreign Secretary after Boris Johnson quits]||[[HUNT, JEREMY]] / [[JOHNSON, BORIS]] / [[GB]]
|20180709||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/boris-johnson-beklagt-sterbenden-traum-vom-brexit-a-1217537.html Boris Johnson begründet Abgang "Der Brexit-Traum stirbt"]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
|20180709||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/boris-johnson-beklagt-sterbenden-traum-vom-brexit-a-1217537.html Boris Johnson begründet Abgang "Der Brexit-Traum stirbt"]||[[JOHNSON, BORIS]]
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= Videos =
* https://twitter.com/TalkTV/status/1549724093536210945
= Pictures =
* https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/NINTCHDBPICT000704319595.jpg
[[Category:Persons]] [[Category:GB]]
[[Category:Persons]] [[Category:GB]]

Revision as of 12:08, 22 February 2024


Date Source Title Tags
20240221 rt.com Boris Johnson wanted $1 million for interview – Tucker Carlson / The former Fox host accused Britain’s ex-prime minister of attempting a “shakedown” JOHNSON, BORIS / CARLSON, TUCKER
20231124 rt.com Boris Johnson derailed Ukraine peace deal – key Zelensky ally / Early on in the conflict, he told the country to “just continue fighting,” top Ukrainian MP David Arakhamia claims UA-RU / ARAKHAMIA, DAVID / JOHNSON, BORIS
20231026 rt.com Boris Johnson hired by arms industry-funded pro-NATO lobbyists - The former Tory MP was hired by the US-based think tank CEPA JOHNSON, BORIS / CEPA / POLYAKOVA, ALINA / LUCAS, EDWARD / VOLKER, KURT / HENDRIk, TOOMAS
20220727 rt.com Boris Johnson tipped for NATO job – reports / The outgoing UK prime minister could replace Jens Stoltenberg as secretary general of the alliance next year, The Telegraph says JOHNSON, BORIS
20220525 spiegel.de Skandal um Lockdownverstöße Scharfe Kritik an Johnsons politischer Führung in »Partygate«-Bericht JOHNSON, BORIS
20220523 spiegel.de Verstöße gegen Coronaregeln Neue Partyfotos belasten Boris Johnson JOHNSON, BORIS
20220406 rt.com UK prime minister tells Russians to use VPN - British leader addressed Russian citizens directly for the second time since the conflict with Ukraine started JOHNSON, BORIS
20220306 spiegel.de Krieg gegen die Ukraine Johnson will Druck auf Moskau erhöhen JOHNSON, BORIS
20220225 theguardian.com Boris Johnson claims the UK is rooting out dirty Russian money. That’s ludicrous JOHNSON, BORIS
20220130 spiegel.de »Deutliche Botschaft an den Kreml« Johnson will Zahl der britischen Soldaten in Osteuropa verdoppeln GB / JOHNSON, BORIS / GB-RU
20211130 spiegel.de In Tel Aviv auf den Tischen getanzt Johnson witzelt über Party-Aufnahmen beim Mossad JOHNSON, BORIS
20210526 rt.com Chaotic reign of Boris Johnson blamed for ‘tens of thousands’ of unnecessary Covid deaths by an all guns blazing Dominic Cummings CUMMINGS, DOMINIC / GB / JOHNSON, BORIS
20210526 spiegel.de Brisante Aussagen im Unterhaus Johnson als Premierminister? Ex-Berater Cummings nennt das »irre« CUMMINGS, DOMINIC / GB / JOHNSON, BORIS
20201224 rt.com ‘We have taken back control of laws and our destiny’: Prime Minister Boris Johnson delights in Brexit deal JOHNSON, BORIS
20201224 rt.com deal is done!’ Boris Johnson tweets triumphant photo after Brexit agreement struck JOHNSON, BORIS
20200910 theguardian.com Johnson's 'oven-ready' Brexit had a secret footnote: we'll rehash it later JOHNSON, BORIS
20200615 spiegel.de Brexit-Videokonferenz mit EU-Führung Johnson will den Tiger im Tank JOHNSON, BORIS
20200511 zerohedge.com Boris Johnson: There May 'Never' Be A COVID-19 Vaccine JOHNSON, BORIS
20200506 rt.com International comparisons on Covid-19 not helpful ‘at this stage,’ PM Johnson says as UK deaths soar to highest in Europe JOHNSON, BORIS
20200408 bbc.com Coronavirus: Boris Johnson 'responding to treatment' in intensive care JOHNSON, BORIS
20200406 spiegel.de Coronavirus Britischer Premier Johnson auf Intensivstation verlegt JOHNSON, BORIS
20200403 theguardian.com Boris Johnson - Coronavirus symptoms force Boris Johnson to stay in self-isolation JOHNSON, BORIS
20200329 spiegel.de Brief an die Nation Premier Johnson stimmt Briten auf schwere Zeiten ein JOHNSON, BORIS / GB
20200327 spiegel.de Boris Johnsons Corona-Infizierung Einsam in Downing Street JOHNSON, BORIS
20200331 rt.com Galloway’s Rogues Gallery: Boris Johnson, a champagne-swilling cad who routed political opponents only to be sunk low by Covid-19 JOHNSON, BORIS
20200327 rt.com UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson tests POSITIVE for Covid-19 infection JOHNSON, BORIS / GB / COVID-19
20200327 spiegel.de Britischer Premier Boris Johnson positiv auf Coronavirus getestet JOHNSON, BORIS / GB
20200222 rt.com ‘Disgusting joke’ & mockery of the law: Julian Assange has ZERO chance of fair trial if extradited to US, Roger Waters tells RT ASSANGE, JULIAN / WATERS, ROGER / EXTRADITION / JOHNSON, BORIS
20190814 spiegel.de Brexit Johnson wirft Abgeordneten "schreckliche Zusammenarbeit" mit EU vor JOHNSON, BORIS / GB / BREXIT
20190814 rt.com ‘Terrible collaboration’: PM Boris Johnson accuses lawmakers of working with EU to stop Brexit JOHNSON, BORIS / GB / BREXIT
20190731 spiegel.de Ärger mit Schottland, Wales, Irland und den USA Johnsons Ankunft in der Brexit-Realität JOHNSON, BORIS / BREXIT / GB / IE
20190730 rt.com Boris Johnson rattles Irish peace, but his arrogance may backfire with Irish reunification JOHNSON, BORIS
20190729 spiegel.de Großbritanniens neuer Premier Johnson stellt Bedingung für EU-Gespräche JOHNSON, BORIS / EU / BREXIT
20190725 rt.com BoJo's cabinet - a free market Taliban unleashed JOHNSON, BORIS
20190725 spiegel.de Regierungswechsel in Großbritannien Stilbruch GB / MAY, THERESA / JOHNSON, BORIS
20190628 zerohedge.com Brexit "Do-Or-Die" Game Theory: Is Johnson Lying? Hunt? Ireland? EU? JOHNSON, BORIS
20190625 spiegel.de Brexit Boris Johnson setzt auf "Kooperation" mit der EU JOHNSON, BORIS
20190622 spiegel.de Besorgter Nachbar Polizeieinsatz bei Boris Johnson JOHNSON, BORIS
20190618 spiegel.de Kampf um May-Nachfolge Johnson baut Vorsprung bei den Tories aus JOHNSON, BORIS
20190616 rt.com Brits won’t buy used car from Boris Johnson – but think he’ll be the one to steer them into Brexit JOHNSON, BORIS
20190609 rt.com ‘Money is a great solvent’: Boris Johnson pledges to withhold £39bn Brexit bill to push new EU deal JOHNSON, BORIS / BREXIT
20190516 spiegel.de May-Nachfolge Boris Johnson will Premierminister werden JOHNSON, BORIS
20181210 rt.com Boris Johnson’s new haircut fires up rumor mill about Tory leadership challenge (PHOTOS) JOHNSON, BORIS
20181109 rt.com Find Khashoggi’s killer or you’ll be helping Iran, Boris Johnson tells Saudis JOHNSON, BORIS / SA
20181031 rt.com Boris Johnson was treated by Saudis to £14,000 trip two weeks before Khashoggi murder JOHNSON, BORIS / SA
20180712 rt.com Trump says his ‘talented’ friend Boris Johnson would be a ‘great’ PM, ahead of meeting with UK’s May TRUMP, DONALD / JOHNSON, BORIS / MAY, THERESA
20180709 rt.com Jeremy Hunt appointed new Foreign Secretary after Boris Johnson quits HUNT, JEREMY / JOHNSON, BORIS / GB
20180709 spiegel.de Boris Johnson begründet Abgang "Der Brexit-Traum stirbt" JOHNSON, BORIS
20180709 rt.com From bulldozers to bodies: Bojo’s gaffes as Foreign Secretary JOHNSON, BORIS
20180709 rt.com UK Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson resigns amid cabinet squabbling over Brexit JOHNSON, BORIS / GB
20180607 buzzfeed.com Let Trump Handle Brexit: An Explosive Leaked Recording Reveals Boris Johnson’s Private Views About Britain’s Foreign Policy - “I am increasingly admiring of Donald Trump. I have become more and more convinced that there is method in his madness.” JOHNSON, BORIS
20180508 spiegel.de Streit über Zollunion Johnson bezeichnet Regierungspläne als "verrückt" JOHNSON, BORIS / BREXIT
20180405 rt.com 'Theater of absurd': Russian envoy shows UK version of Skripal case 'falls apart' (VIDEO) UN / RU / SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / JOHNSON, BORIS
20180403 theguardian.com Porton Down experts unable to verify precise source of novichok: Defence lab unable to definitively say where nerve agent that poisoned Sergei Skripal and his daughter came from SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / SKRIPAL, YULIA / NOVICHOK / CHEMICAL WEAPONS / GB / RU / OPCW / PORTON DOWN / AITKENHEAD, GARY / MAY, THERESA / JOHNSON, BORIS
20180316 rt.com Boris Johnson: Likely ‘Putin's decision’ to order use of nerve agent in UK SKRIPAL, SERGEJ / GB / JOHNSON, BORIS
20171222 rt.com Boris Johnson the 'committed Russophile' goes native on first official trip to Moscow JOHNSON, BORIS / RU
20170513 spiegel.de Britischer Außenminister Boris Johnson will Brüssel Brexit-Kosten aufbürden JOHNSON, BORIS / BREXIT
20161016 spiegel.de Großbritannien Geheimer Artikel zeigt Boris Johnsons Brexit-Spiel JOHNSON, BORIS / BREXIT
20151116 rt.com ‘Edward Snowden taught terrorists how to avoid being caught’ – Boris Johnson JOHNSON, BORIS / SNOWDEN, EDWARD

