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|20130707||||[ The NSA's mass and indiscriminate spying on Brazilians - As it does in many non-adversarial countries, the surveillance agency is bulk collecting the communications of millions of citizens of Brazil]||[[NSA]] / [[BR]] / [[GUARDIAN]]
|20130628||||[ US army blocks access to Guardian website to preserve 'network hygiene' - Military admits to filtering reports and content relating to government surveillance programs for thousands of personnel]||[[GUARDIAN]] / [[US ARMY]] / [[CENSORSHIP]] / [[LEAKS]]
|20130628||||[ US army blocks access to Guardian website to preserve 'network hygiene' - Military admits to filtering reports and content relating to government surveillance programs for thousands of personnel]||[[GUARDIAN]] / [[US ARMY]] / [[CENSORSHIP]] / [[LEAKS]]

Revision as of 06:45, 7 July 2013


Date Source Title Tags
20130707 The NSA's mass and indiscriminate spying on Brazilians - As it does in many non-adversarial countries, the surveillance agency is bulk collecting the communications of millions of citizens of Brazil NSA / BR / GUARDIAN
20130628 US army blocks access to Guardian website to preserve 'network hygiene' - Military admits to filtering reports and content relating to government surveillance programs for thousands of personnel GUARDIAN / US ARMY / CENSORSHIP / LEAKS
20130628 Zensur: US-Armee sperrt Zugang zu "Guardian"-Artikeln US / GUARDIAN / CENSORSHIP / US ARMY / LEAKS
20130628 US Army restricts access to Guardian website over secrets in NSA leak stories US / GUARDIAN / CENSORSHIP / US ARMY / LEAKS
20130428 "The Project" in Kazakhstan MURRAY, CRAIG / WIKILEAKS / KZ / ASSANGE, JULIAN / GUARDIAN
20130209 "GUARDIAN" - Genial, geliebt, gefährdet: Der Londoner "Guardian" gilt als eines der besten Nachrichtenmedien im Internet. Aber wenn nichts passiert, ist er bald pleite. Ein Lehrstück GUARDIAN
08.02.2011 WikiLeaks-Berichterstattung: Russland weist britischen Journalisten aus - Russland hat einen Korrespondenten des britischen "Guardian" ausgewiesen. Der Zeitung zufolge wurde ihrem Russland-Experten Luke Harding die Einreise verboten, als er nach zwei Monaten wieder nach Moskau zurückkehren wollte. Er hatte von London aus über die WikiLeaks-Dokumente berichtet. WIKILEAKS GB RU GUARDIAN