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Date Source Title Tags
20181231 zerohedge.com Martin Armstrong Exposes The Dick Cheney / Donald Rumsfeld Conspiracy ARMSTRONG, MARTIN / BUSH, GEORGE W / CHENEY, DICK / RUMSFELD, DONALD / SEC / US 20010911
20170228 spiegel.de Ehemaliger US-Präsident Bush attackiert Trump für Umgang mit Presse BUSH, GEORGE W
20160925 spiegel.de Museumseröffnung in Washington Die Schöne und das Biest OBAMA, MICHELLE / BUSH, GEORGE W
20160706 spiegel.de Blairs Rolle im Irakkrieg: Vertrauensunselig BUSH, GEORGE W / BLAIR, TONY / IQ
20160706 spiegel.de Blair zu Bush im Irakkrieg: "Ich bin an deiner Seite, komme, was wolle" BUSH, GEORGE W / BLAIR, TONY / IQ
20150120 n-tv.de CIA-Folter in Deutschland verfolgen: Wie ein Ex-Richter den US-Terror zerpflückt TORTURE / CIA / NESKOVIC, WOLFGANG / MAAS, HEIKO / BUSH, GEORGE W. / CHENEY, DICK / RUMSFELD, DONALD
20141217 washingtonpost.com Dick Cheney confirms it: Bush deserves blame for CIA torture CHENEY, DICK / BUSH, GEORGE W / TORTURE / CIA
20140421 globalresearch.ca “Crimes against Peace”: Historic Class Action Law Suit against George W. Bush BUSH, GEORGE W / US / IQ
20140418 reuters.com Special Report: How the U.S. made its Putin problem worse US / RU / BUSH, GEORGE W / OBAMA, BARACK / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / NATO / UA
20130616 spiegel.de Rauch im Privatjet: George W. Bush muss notlanden BUSH, GEORGE W
20130422 informationclearinghouse.info He Is Comfortable with Bush’s Inferno BUSH, GEORGE W
20130306 guardian.co.uk From El Salvador to Iraq: Washington's man behind brutal police squads - In 2004, with the war in Iraq going from bad to worse, the US drafted in a veteran of Central America's dirty wars to help set up a new force to fight the insurgency. The result: secret detention centres, torture and a spiral into sectarian carnage TORTURE / SV / IQ / STEELE, JIM / BUCHANAN RENEWABLES / MANNING, BRADLEY / MANWARING, MAX / CASTILLO, CELERINO / PETRAEUS, DAVID / CHENEY, DICK / NORIEGA, MANUEL / PA / GREENTREE, TODD / RUMSFELD, DONALD / BUSH, GEORGE W / COFFMAN, JAMES / THABIT, ADNAN / AL SAMARI, MANTADHER / MAAS, PETER / MOSBACHER, ROBERT
20111122 nationalpost.com George W. Bush, Tony Blair found guilty of war crimes … in Malaysia BLAIR, TONY / BUSH, GEORGE W / MY
20071107 nzz.ch Bush sichert Ankara Hilfe gegen PKK zu: Neuer Aufruf zu Parlamentswahlen in Pakistan US / TR / BUSH, GEORGE W / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP
20071106 nzz.ch Bush sagt Erdogan enge Zusammenarbeit zu: PKK als «gemeinsamer Feind» bezeichnet ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / BUSH, GEORGE W / PKK
20070531 globalresearch.ca “Islamic Terrorists” supported by Uncle Sam: Bush Administration “Black Ops” directed against Iran, Lebanon and Syria TERRORISM / US / ISOG / IR / LB / SY / RICE, CONDOLEEZZA / CROCKER, RYAN / BUSH, GEORGE W / CHENEY, DICK / ISI / ABRAMS, ELLIOTT
20070522 rawstory.com Hersh: Bush administration arranged support for militants attacking Lebanon LB / BUSH, GEORGE W / HERSH, SEYMOUR M. / FATAH AL-ISLAM / CHENEY, DICK / ABRAMS, ELLIOTT / BIN SULTAN, BANDAR
20070305 HERSH, SEYMOUR M./newyorker.com ANNALS OF NATIONAL SECURITY - THE REDIRECTION: Is the Administration’s new policy benefitting our enemies in the war on terrorism? US / SA / IR / LB / SY / BUSH, GEORGE W / CHENEY, DICK / BIN SULTAN, BANDAR / ABRAMS, ELLIOT / KHALILZAD, ZALMAY / GATES, ROBERT / IRAN-CONTRA / SHIITE / SUNNI / NASRALLAH, HASSAN
20010926 cia.gov President George W. Bush’s Remarks CIA Workforce TENET, GEORGE / BUSH, GEORGE WCIA


Date Source Title Tags
20041223 cryptome.org George W. Bush on 9/11 US 20010911 / BUSH, GEORGE W