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Date Source Title Tags
20220929 tagesschau.de Nord-Stream-Lecks Putin spricht von "internationalem Terrorismus" NORD STREAM / PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TERRORISM


Date Source Title Tags
20210124 rt.com Liberals can’t accept US is a ‘leading terrorist state,’ just as Trump supporters can’t accept his election loss – Chomsky to RT CHOMSKY, NOAM / US / TERRORISM


Date Source Title Tags
20190417 zerohedge.com Iran's Parliament Passes Vote Declaring US Central Command A "Terror Organization" IR / US / US CENTCOM / TERRORISM
20190408 spiegel.de Reaktion auf Trump-Erklärung Iran erklärt US-Militär zu Terrororganisation IR / US / TERRORISM


Date Source TItle Tags
20170917 rt.com Jihadists eye ‘train derailments & food poisoning in Europe’ – French media TERRORISM


Date Source Title Tags
20160813 rt.com Germany asks NSA to decipher Bavaria attackers’ chat with ISIS mastermind – report DE / TERRORISM / SA / NSA / BND
20160813 focus.de Attentate in Würzburg und Ansbach NSA knackte verschlüsselte Befehle für Anschläge in Bayern DE / TERRORISM / SA / NSA
20160805 spiegel.de Anschlägen in Bayern: Saudi-Arabien bietet Hilfe bei Ermittlungen an DE / TERRORISM / SA
20160728 spiegel.de Würzburg und Ansbach: Beide Attentäter hatten Kontakte in den Nahen Osten TERRORISM
20160615 rt.com CIA agent on terrorism: ‘Stories manufactured by elite to keep us killing each other’ TERRORISM
20160612 rt.com Erdogan slams US support of Syrian Kurds, lectures Washington on ‘good & bad terrorists’ SY / TR / US / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP / TERRORISM
20160604 rt.com US asks Russia not to target Al-Qaeda branch in Syria – Russian FM Lavrov US / AL QAEDA / SY / AL NUSRA / TERRORISM / LAVROV, SERGEY
20160323 spiegel.de Terror in Belgien: Verdächtiges Personal im Atomkraftwerk BE / BOUGHALAB, ILYASS / NUCLEAR SECURITY / TERRORISM
20160323 spiegel.de Anschläge in Brüssel: Wie man mit Kindern über Terror spricht TERRORISM


Date Source Title Tags
20151202 thenation.com Here´s What a Man Who Studied Every Suicide Attack in the World Says About ISIS' Motives TERRORISM / ISIS / FR / BIN LADEN, OSAMA / PAPE, ROBERT
20150916 rt.com ‘West crying for refugees with one eye, aiming gun with the other’ – Assad (FULL INTERVIEW) AL-ASSAD, BASHAR / SY / REFUGEES / TERRORISM
20150803 spiegel.de Tödliche Angriffe: Der jüdische Terrorismus schockiert Israel IL / TERRORISM
20150704 rt.com Varoufakis accuses Greece’s creditors of ‘terrorism’ ahead of crucial referendum GR / VAROUFAKIS, YANIS / TERRORISM / FINANCIAL WARFARE
20150627 rt.com White Americans bigger terror threat than Islamic extremists – study US / TERRORISM
20150626 spiegel.de Attentate auf drei Kontinenten: Tag des Terrors TERRORISM / TN / FR / KW / SY / SO
20150421 rt.com Assad: France supporting ‘terrorists’ in Syria, acts as Washington’s satellite AL-ASSAD, BASHAR / SY / FR / US / TERRORISM
20150201 cnnpressroom.blogs.cnn.com PRES OBAMA on Fareed Zakaria GPS OBAMA, BARACK / US / DRONES / SA / IL / UA / RU / CN / IN / TERRORISM
20150110 spiegel.de Terror in Frankreich: Al-Qaida-Ableger droht mit weiteren Anschlägen FR 20150107 / AQAP / FR / TERRORISM


Date Source Title Tags
20141225 spiegel.de Verfahren vor Sondertribunal: Frauen am Steuer gelten in Saudi-Arabien als Terroristinnen SA / TERRORISM
20141023 zeit.de Recht subversiv: Aus der Werkstatt eines Anwalts und Menschenrechtlers TERRORISM
20141003 spiegel.de Uno-Resolution zur Terrorbekämpfung: "Das ist Gesetzgebung im Hinterzimmer" UN / DE / TERRORISM
20140805 firstlook.org Barack Obama’s Secret Terrorist-Tracking System, by the Numbers TERRORISM / US
20140724 spiegel.de Leitlinien geleakt: So leicht landen Sie in der US-Terrordatenbank TERRORISM
20140604 theguardian.com Major terrorism trial could be held in secret for first time in UK legal history - Guardian and other organisations challenge orders that ban media from trial and allow names of defendants to be withheld GB / TERRORISM
20140418 dcclothesline.com White House Counterterror Chief: “Confrontational” Children Could be Terrorists MONACO, LISA / WHITE HOUSE / TERRORISM
20140105 irib.ir Russland fordert Saudi-Arabien auf die Terrorliste zu setzen RU / SA / TERRORISM


Date Source Title Tags
20131103 rt.com President Putin signs law requiring terrorists’ relatives to pay for damages PUTIN, VLADIMIR / TERRORISM
20131009 spiegel.de Kampf gegen Terroristen: Obama will auch künftig Spezialeinsätze durchführen US / OBAMA, BARACK / TERRORISM
20130819 theguardian.com Is Glenn Greenwald's journalism now viewed as a 'terrorist' occupation? David Miranda's detention shows that being the partner of the man who interviewed the NSA whistleblower is enough to see you treated like a terrorist GREENWALD, GLENN / MIRANDA, DAVID / JOURNALISM / TERRORISM
20130806 salon.com Cyberscare: Ex-NSA chief calls transparency groups, hackers next terrorists: Michael Hayden equates potential angry reactions to Snowden indictments to al-Qaida operations HAYDEN, MICHAEL / NSA / TRANSPARENCY / HACKER / TERRORISM
20130716 theatlantic.com Mission Creep: When everything is terrorism NSA / TERRORISM / SURVEILLANCE
20130620 globalresearch.ca America Is Running the World’s Largest Terrorist Operation TERRORISM / CHOMSKY, NOAM / OBAMA, BARACK / DRONES / US
20130525 spiegel.de Messerattacke in London: Geheimdienst soll Kontakt zu Attentäter gehabt haben - Der britische Inlandsgeheimdienst soll versucht haben, einen der Attentäter von London anzuwerben. Das sagte ein angeblicher Freund des Täters in einem BBC-Interview. Noch auf dem Sendergelände wurde er anschließend festgenommen. GB / TERRORISM / MI5
20130523 guardian.co.uk Was the London killing of a British soldier 'terrorism'? What definition of the term includes this horrific act of violence but excludes the acts of the US, the UK and its allies? TERRORISM / GB
20130516 jacksonville.com Tipping law enforcement to possible terrorist activity is purpose of 13-county program US / TERRORISM
20130405 behoerden-spiegel.de Verstärkte Bekämpfung des Internationalen Terrorismus CN / BAYERN / TERRORISM
20130111 motherjones.com Inside the Terror Factory: Award-winning journalist Trevor Aaronson digs deep into the FBI’s massive efforts to create fake terrorist plots. FBI / TERRORISM / AL-AWLAKI, ANWAR / STING OPERATIONS


Date Source Title Tags
29.09.2012 spiegel.de Tödliche Attacke auf Konsulat: US-Regierung hält Anschlag in Bengasi jetzt für Terrorangriff LY / TERRORISM / US / LY 20120911 BENGASI
17.09.2012 telepolis.de Wie man einen Terroristen macht US / TERRORISM / STATE DELIVERED EXPLOSIVES / FBI / DAOUD, ADEL
07.08.2012 de.rian.ru Iran setzt bei Bekämpfung des Terrorismus weiter auf Bündnis mit Syrien IR / SY / TERRORISM


Date Source Title Tags
03.01.2011 salon.com Leading conservatives openly support a Terrorist group: How can CNN continue to employ Fran Townsend in light of her pro-terrorism advocacy? TERRORISM


Date Source Title Tags
20101205 theguardian.com WikiLeaks cables portray Saudi Arabia as a cash machine for terrorists - Hillary Clinton memo highlights Gulf states' failure to block funding for groups like al-Qaida, Taliban and Lashkar-e-Taiba SA / WIKILEAKS / TERRORISM / CLINTON, HILLARY / AL QAEDA / TALIBAN / LASHKAR-E-TAIBA


Date Source Title Tags
20070531 globalresearch.ca “Islamic Terrorists” supported by Uncle Sam: Bush Administration “Black Ops” directed against Iran, Lebanon and Syria TERRORISM / US / ISOG / IR / LB / SY / RICE, CONDOLEEZZA / CROCKER, RYAN / BUSH, GEORGE W / CHENEY, DICK / ISI / ABRAMS, ELLIOTT


Date Source Title Tags
25.10.2001 Web.de Im La-Belle-Prozess erneut Mordvorwurf zurückgewiesen TERRORISM/MFS/DE 19860405 La Belle Attack
