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= Sources =
= Articles =
== 2023 ==
|20230817||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/africa/581383-libya-gaddafi-murder-mistake/ Killing Gaddafi was a ‘serious mistake’ – Italian FM - The Libyan head of state was executed by US-backed militants during a NATO military intervention]||[[GADDAFI, MOAMMAR]] / [[LY]]
== 2021 ==
|20211203||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/ausland/libyen-sohn-von-muammar-al-gaddafi-darf-doch-bei-praesidentschaftswahl-kandidieren-a-87866872-01a0-4fa7-9e41-dbfa0245efed Libyens Präsidentschaftswahl Gaddafis Sohn darf doch bei Präsidentschaftswahl kandidieren]||[[GADDAFI, SAIF AL-ISLAM]] / [[LY]]
== 2019 ==
|20190510||spiegel.de||[https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/libyen-droht-siemens-und-total-mit-rauswurf-a-1266888.html Druck auf 40 Konzerne Libyens Regierung droht Siemens und Total mit Rauswurf]||[[LY]]
== 2018 ==
|20180524||defenseone.com||[https://www.defenseone.com/threats/2018/05/word-derailed-trump-kim-summit/148479/?oref=d-river The Word That Derailed the Trump-Kim Summit]||[[KP]] / [[KR]] / [[US]] / [[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[LY]]
|20180516||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/343182-libya-safe-locked-money/ Libyan central bank struggles to open Gaddafi golden coins vault, hires safecrackers]||[[LY]]
|20180111||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/kreta-frachter-mit-400-tonnen-sprengstoff-gestoppt-a-1187239.html "Schwimmende Bombe" Frachter mit 400 Tonnen Sprengstoff vor Kreta gestoppt]||[[GR]] / [[TR]] / [[WEAPONTRADE]] / [[LY]]
== 2017 ==
|20170503||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/386982-assange-clinton-butcher-libya/ Assange brands Clinton ‘butcher of Libya’ & requests Sweden scrap detention order]||[[ASSANGE, JULIAN]] / [[WIKILEAKS]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[LY]] / [[SE]]
|20170416||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/libyen-deutsches-rettungsschiff-im-mittelmeer-in-seenot-a-1143531.html Mittelmeer Deutsches Rettungsschiff in Seenot]||[[LY]] / [[REFUGEES]]
|20170323||welt.de||[https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article163180510/Was-das-LKA-bei-Amris-Terror-Chat-mitlas.html Was das LKA bei Amris Terror-Chat mitlas]||[[AMRI, ANIS]] / [[LY]] / [[ISIS]] / [[LKA NRW]]
|20170128||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/donald-trump-verhaengt-einreisestopp-fuer-sieben-muslimische-staaten-a-1132129.html Dekret des US-Präsidenten Trump verhängt Einreisestopp für sieben muslimische Staaten]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[REFUGEES]] / [[SY]] / [[IQ]] / [[SD]] / [[LY]] / [[SO]] / [[YE]] / [[IR]]
|20170128||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/375360-trump-executive-order-syrian-refugees-waiver/ Trump’s executive order bars Syrian refugee program, halts entry for citizens of 7 Arab countries]||[[TRUMP, DONALD]] / [[US]] / [[REFUGEES]] / [[SY]] / [[IQ]] / [[SD]] / [[LY]] / [[SO]] / [[YE]] / [[IR]]
== 2016 ==
|20161013||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/362584-us-libya-arms-clinton/ Ex-arms dealer claims US pinned weapon sales to Libya on him to ‘protect’ Clinton – report]||[[TURI, MARC]] / [[WEAPONTRADE]] / [[CIA]] / [[US]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[LY]]
|20160805||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/muammar-al-gaddafi-und-die-millionen-fuer-einen-berliner-filmemacher-a-1091042.html Internationaler Betrugsfall: Gaddafi und die Millionen für einen Berliner Filmemacher]||[[LY]] / [[SALEH, BASHIR]] / [[AFRIAN LIBYEN PORTFOLIO]]
|20160410||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/339140-libya-obama-worst-mistake/ ‘Worst mistake as president’: Obama admits he had no plan after Libya regime change]||[[LY]] / [[US]] / [[OBAMA, BARACK]]
|20160326||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/337252-sas-libya-king-abdullah/ ‘Terrorist flow to Europe is Turkish policy’ & ‘SAS in Libya’ – Jordanian king’s US briefing leaked]||[[AL-HUSSEIN, ABDULLAH II]] / [[LY]] / [[GB]] / [[TR]] / [[ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP]]
|20160325||theguardian.com||[http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/25/sas-deployed-libya-start-year-leaked-memo-king-abdullah SAS deployed in Libya since start of year, says leaked memo]||[[AL-HUSSEIN, ABDULLAH II]] / [[LY]] / [[GB]] / [[TR]] / [[ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP]]
|20160312||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/335357-libya-arms-embargo-violations/ US-based companies & Turkish arms manufacturers 'breaking Libya embargo' – UN report]||[[LY]] / [[TR]] / [[US]]
|openarab.net - Lybia||http://old.openarab.net/en/node/1632|| ||
|20160225||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/333549-libya-kerry-failed-state/ Kerry warns Libya may become ‘failed state’]||[[LY]]
|20160106||foreignpolicyjournal.com||[http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2016/01/06/new-hillary-emails-reveal-true-motive-for-libya-intervention/ Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention]||[[GADDAFI, MOAMMAR]] / [[LY]] / [[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[BLUMENTHAL, SIDNEY]] / [[NATO]] / [[FR]]
= Articles =
== 2015 ==
|20151219||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/news/326497-gaddafi-cousin-isis-sarin/ ISIS stole sarin gas from Libya stores & has already used it, Gaddafi’s cousin tells RT]||[[ISLAMIC STATE]] / [[SARIN]] / [[LY]]
|20151218||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/usa/326377-usa-special-operations-forces-libya/ Deployment fail: US special ops forces arrive in Libya, immediately told to leave]||[[LY]] / [[US]]
|20151202||rt.com||[https://www.rt.com/uk/324330-gaddafi-hague-libya-call/ ‘Gaddafi phoned me, asked for help suppressing Arab Spring’ – Hague]||[[GADDAFI, MOAMMAR]] / [[LY]] / [[GB]] / [[HAGUE, WILLIAM]]
|20151129||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/ex-us-geheimdienstchef-mike-flynn-ueber-den-is-wir-waren-zu-dumm-a-1065038.html Ex-US-Geheimdienstchef über den IS: "Wir waren zu dumm"]||[[ISIS]] / [[FLYNN, MICHAEL]] / [[US]] / [[IQ]] / [[LY]]
|20151020||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/reise/aktuell/airbus-von-gaddafi-rechtsstreit-in-frankreich-a-1058721.html Frankreich: Rechtsstreit um Gaddafis Luxusflieger]||[[LY]]
|20150907||rt.com||[http://www.rt.com/news/314592-maduro-china-rt-interview/ Europe has to deal with refugee disaster caused by US – Nicolas Maduro to RT]||[[MADURO, NICOLAS]] / [[REFUGEES]] / [[US]] / [[IQ]] / [[LY]] / [[SY]]
|20150804||washingtonpost.com||[https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/08/04/footage-of-gaddafis-son-being-tortured-prompts-investigation-in-libya/ Footage of Gaddafi’s son being tortured prompts investigation in Libya]||[[GADDAFI, SAADI]] / [[LY]] / [[TORTURE]]
|20150526||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/libyen-ministerpraesident-abdullah-al-thani-ueberlebt-attentat-a-1035684.html Abdullah al-Thani: Libyscher Ministerpräsident überlebt Attentat]||[[LY]]
|20150210||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-schliessen-botschaft-im-jemen-a-1017783.html Angespannte Sicherheitslage: USA schließen Botschaft im Jemen]||[[US]] / [[SY]] / [[LY]] / [[YE]]
|20150127||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/libyen-is-kaempfer-toeten-neun-menschen-in-luxushotel-a-1015358.html IS-Anschlag in Tripolis: Mindestens neun Tote in Luxushotel]||[[LY]]
== 2014 ==
|20141111||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/gaddafi-das-schicksal-der-kinder-des-ex-diktators-von-libyen-a-1001598.html Libyens gestürzte Machthaber: Was wurde eigentlich aus dem Gaddafi-Clan?]||[[LY]] / [[GADDAFI, MOAMMAR]] / [[GADDAFI, SAFIA]] / [[GADDAFI, MOHAMMAD]] / [[GADDAFI, HANNIBAL]]
|20140826||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/libyen-vereinigte-emirate-bombardieren-islamisten-in-tripoli-a-988068.html Bombenangriffe in Libyen: Krieg der Scheichs]||[[AE]] / [[LY]] / [[QA]]
|20140726||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/libyen-usa-ziehen-personal-von-botschaft-ab-a-983018.html Gewalt in Libyen: USA ziehen Personal ihrer Botschaft ab]||[[US]] / [[LY]]
|20140317||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/navy-seals-stuermen-von-libyschen-rebellen-kontrollierten-oeltanker-a-959003.html US-Marine: Navy Seals stürmen von libyschen Rebellen beladenen Öltanker]||[[LY]] / [[US NAVY]]
|20140311||dailymail.co.uk||[http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2577930/Iran-blew-Lockerbie-jet-Ayatollah-used-Syrian-based-terror-group-bomb-Pan-Am-108-revenge-attack-airliner.html IRAN blew up Lockerbie jet - not Libya, says defector: Ayatollah 'used Syrian-based terror group to bomb Pan Am 103 in revenge attack']||[[19881221 Lockerbie PANAM 103]] / [[IR]] / [[LY]] / [[MESBAHI, ABOLGHASSEM]]
|20140308||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/libyen-droht-mit-versenkung-von-oel-tanker-a-957646.html Rohstoff-Export: Streit um Libyens Ölreichtum eskaliert]||[[LY]] / [[OIL]]
== 2013 ==
|20130826||rt.com||[http://rt.com/news/libya-gaddafi-fall-anniversary-981/ ‘Violent chaos’: Libya in deep crisis 2 years since rebels took over]||[[LY]]
|20130727||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/a-913518.html Libyen: Massenausbruch aus Gefängnis in Bengasi]||[[LY]] / [[BENGHAZI]]
|20130528||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/libyen-praesident-der-nationalversammlung-tritt-zurueck-a-902138.html Anti-Gaddafi-Gesetz: Präsident der libyschen Nationalversammlung tritt zurück]||[[LY]]
|20130319||rt.com||[http://rt.com/usa/clinton-emails-guccifer-benghazi-492/ Hillary Clinton's hacked Benghazi emails sent to RT]||[[CLINTON, HILLARY]] / [[LY]] / [[DZ]] / [[GUCCIFER]]
|20130124||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/auswaertiges-amt-alle-deutschen-sollen-bengasi-verlassen-a-879550.html Warnung des Auswärtiges Amtes: Alle Deutschen sollen Bengasi sofort verlassen]||[[LY]]
|20130103||nytimes.com||[http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/2013/01/03/world/africa/03reuters-libya-police.html?_r=0 Libyan Police Captain Abducted in Benghazi]||[[LY]]
== 2012 ==
|02.11.2012||theaustralian.com||[http://www.theaustralian.com.au/news/breaking-news/us-intelligence-denies-libya-embassy-delay/story-fn3dxix6-1226509103230 Libya mission was CIA operation: report]||[[LY]] / [[CIA]]
|21.10.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/gaddafis-ex-sprecher-dementiert-angeblich-eigene-festnahme-a-862525.html Angebliche Festnahme: Verwirrung um Gaddafis Ex-Sprecher]||[[LY]] / [[IBRAHIM, MOUSSA]]
|30.09.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/libyen-gaddafi-soll-goldschatz-in-der-wueste-vergraben-haben-a-858810.html Libyscher Ex-Diktator: Gaddafi soll Goldschatz in der Wüste versteckt haben]||[[LY]] / [[GADDAFI, MOAMMAR]]
|29.09.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/terrorismus-us-regierung-revidiert-einschaetzung-des-anschlags-in-bengasi-a-858683.html Tödliche Attacke auf Konsulat: US-Regierung hält Anschlag in Bengasi jetzt für Terrorangriff]||[[LY]] / [[TERRORISM]] / [[US]]
|22.09.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/bengasi-demonstranten-stuermen-lager-islamistischer-milizen-a-857314.html Gewalt in Bengasi: Regierungstreue Libyer stürmen Islamisten-Lager]||[[LY]]
|21.09.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/schmaehvideo-usa-stufen-bengasi-attacke-als-terrorakt-ein-a-857088.html Mohammed-Schmähvideo: USA stufen Bengasi-Attacke als Terrorakt ein]||[[LY]] / [[US]]
|13.09.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/der-angriff-auf-das-us-konsulat-in-bengasi-dauerte-vier-stunden-a-855645.html Chronologie: So lief der Angriff auf das US-Konsulat in Bengasi]||[[LY]] / [[US]]
|12.09.2012||globalresearch.ca||[http://www.globalresearch.ca/us-backed-terrorists-murder-us-ambassador-in-libya/ US-Backed Terrorists Murder US Ambassador in Libya: Murdered US Ambassador exposes Libya "progress" propaganda - provides a warning against US meddling in Syria]||[[LY]] / [[US]]
|12.09.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/mohammed-film-sorgt-fuer-gewaltsame-proteste-in-kairo-und-bengasi-a-855400.html Libyen und Ägypten: Im Hass vereint gegen die USA]||[[LY]] / [[EG]] / [[US]]
|12.09.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/usa-schicken-marines-nach-angriff-auf-botschaft-nach-bengasi-a-855443.html Toter US-Botschafter in Libyen: Obama schickt Marines nach Bengasi]||[[LY]] / [[US]]
|12.09.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/angriff-auf-us-konsulat-in-bengasi-war-offenbar-anschlag-von-al-qaida-a-855501.html Angriff in Bengasi: US-Botschafter starb offenbar bei Qaida-Anschlag]||[[LY]] / [[US]] / [[AL QAEDA]]
|20120912||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/libyen-islamisten-toeten-offenbar-us-botschafter-in-bengasi-a-855357.html Anschläge in Libyen und Ägypten: Islamisten töten US-Botschafter in Bengasi]||[[US]] / [[EG]] / [[LY]] / [[BENGHAZI]] / [[CAIRO]]
|20120912||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/demonstranten-stuermen-us-konsulate-in-bengasi-und-kairo-ein-toter-a-855288.html Kairo und Bengasi: Islamisten stürmen US-Vertretungen]||[[EG]] / [[LY]] / [[US]] / [[BENGHAZI]] / [[CAIRO]]
|06.09.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/libyen-cia-tauschte-gaddafi-gegner-gegen-informationen-a-854340.html CIA-Kooperation mit Gaddafi: Foltern als Freundschaftsdienst]||[[LY]] / [[TORTURE]] / [[CIA]]
|06.09.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/human-rights-watch-gaddafi-gegner-prangern-folter-durch-cia-an-a-854265.html Bericht von Human Rights Watch: Gaddafi-Gegner prangern Folter durch CIA an]||[[HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH]] / [[LY]] / [[CIA]] / [[TORTURE]]
|05.09.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/mauretanien-liefert-gaddafis-frueheren-geheimdienstchef-senussi-aus-a-854042.html Abdullah al-Senussi: Mauretanien liefert Gaddafis früheren Geheimdienstchef aus]||[[LY]] / [[MR]] / [[AL-SENUSSI, ABDULLAH]]
|20120905||bbc.com||[http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-19487228 Mauritania deports Libya spy chief Abdullah al-Senussi]||[[AL-SENUSSI, ABDULLAH]] / [[LY]]
|03.08.2012||guardian.co.uk||[http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2012/aug/03/carole-waugh-police-discover-body Carole Waugh's body found in lock-up garage: Postmortem awaited after body of missing businesswoman found in south-west London with single stab wound]||[[WAUGH, CAROLE]] / [[LY]]
|05.07.2012||english.alarabiya.net||[http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/07/05/224574.html Libya denies extradition of Qaddafi-era spy chief from Mauritania]||[[LY]] / [[MR]] / [[AL-SENUSSI, ABDULLAH]]
|05.07.2012||english.alarabiya.net||[http://english.alarabiya.net/articles/2012/07/05/224574.html Libya denies extradition of Qaddafi-era spy chief from Mauritania]||[[LY]] / [[MR]] / [[AL-SENUSSI, ABDULLAH]]
Line 22: Line 204:
|23.04.2012||not4attribution.blogspot.co.uk||[http://not4attribution.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/mi6.html WESTERN ALLIES OF MI6 'KEPT IN DARK’ OVER MOSQUE STING PLAN: MI6 and Col Muammar Gaddafi’s Libyan intelligence service set up a radical mosque in a Western European city in order to lure in al-Qaeda terrorists, it can be revealed.]||[[LY]] [[GB]] [[MI6]] [[GATHAFI, MOAMMAR]]
|23.04.2012||not4attribution.blogspot.co.uk||[http://not4attribution.blogspot.co.uk/2012/04/mi6.html WESTERN ALLIES OF MI6 'KEPT IN DARK’ OVER MOSQUE STING PLAN: MI6 and Col Muammar Gaddafi’s Libyan intelligence service set up a radical mosque in a Western European city in order to lure in al-Qaeda terrorists, it can be revealed.]||[[LY]] [[GB]] [[MI6]] [[GATHAFI, MOAMMAR]]
|21.04.2012||telegraph.co.uk||[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/libya/9218655/Western-allies-of-MI6-kept-in-dark-over-mosque-sting-plan.html Western allies of MI6 'kept in dark’ over mosque sting plan - MI6 and Col Muammar Gaddafi’s Libyan intelligence service set up a radical mosque in a Western European city in order to lure in al-Qaeda terrorists, it can be revealed.]||[[LY]] [[GB]] [[MI6]] [[GADDAFI, MOAMMAR]]
|28.03.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,824419,00.html Aktien und Immobilien: Italien beschlagnahmt Gaddafis Milliarden-Vermögen]||[[LY]] [[IT]]
|28.03.2012||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/ausland/0,1518,824419,00.html Aktien und Immobilien: Italien beschlagnahmt Gaddafis Milliarden-Vermögen]||[[LY]] [[IT]]
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|27.02.2012||not4attribution.blogspot.de||[http://not4attribution.blogspot.de/2012/02/rendition-did-uk-play-secret-role-new.html MI6: Rendition: did UK play secret role? NEW EVIDENCE HAS EMERGED OF AN ALLEGED COVER-UP OF BRITAIN’S SECRET ROLE IN THE “EXTRAORDINARY RENDITION” OF TERROR SUSPECTS.]||[[LY]] [[GB]] [[MY]] [[TH]] [[DG]] [[RENDITION]] / [[BELHADJ, ABDELHAKIM]] / [[N313P]]
|27.02.2012||not4attribution.blogspot.de||[http://not4attribution.blogspot.de/2012/02/rendition-did-uk-play-secret-role-new.html MI6: Rendition: did UK play secret role? NEW EVIDENCE HAS EMERGED OF AN ALLEGED COVER-UP OF BRITAIN’S SECRET ROLE IN THE “EXTRAORDINARY RENDITION” OF TERROR SUSPECTS.]||[[LY]] [[GB]] [[MY]] [[TH]] [[DG]] [[RENDITION]] / [[BELHADJ, ABDELHAKIM]] / [[N313P]]
== 2011 ==
|19.11.2011||emirates247.com||[http://www.emirates247.com/business/economy-finance/libya-is-7th-largest-investor-in-abu-dhabi-2011-11-19-1.428968 Libya is 7th largest investor in Abu Dhabi: UK tops the list followed by France, Australia and Japan]||[[LY]] [[AE]]
|19.11.2011||emirates247.com||[http://www.emirates247.com/business/economy-finance/libya-is-7th-largest-investor-in-abu-dhabi-2011-11-19-1.428968 Libya is 7th largest investor in Abu Dhabi: UK tops the list followed by France, Australia and Japan]||[[LY]] [[AE]]
Line 45: Line 237:
|10.05.2011||ft.com||[http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/0b430f2e-7a4f-11e0-bc74-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1k5VYNEH3 Libyan rebels meet in Abu Dhabi]||[[AE]] [[LY]]
|10.05.2011||ft.com||[http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/0b430f2e-7a4f-11e0-bc74-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1k5VYNEH3 Libyan rebels meet in Abu Dhabi]||[[AE]] [[LY]]
|21.04.2012||telegraph.co.uk||[http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/africaandindianocean/libya/9218655/Western-allies-of-MI6-kept-in-dark-over-mosque-sting-plan.html Western allies of MI6 'kept in dark’ over mosque sting plan - MI6 and Col Muammar Gaddafi’s Libyan intelligence service set up a radical mosque in a Western European city in order to lure in al-Qaeda terrorists, it can be revealed.]||[[LY]] [[GB]] [[MI6]] [[GATHAFI, MOAMMAR]]
|21.03.2011||bloomberg.com||[http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-03-21/abu-dhabi-shares-gain-on-saudi-spending-libya-intervention.html Abu Dhabi Shares Gain on Saudi Spending, Libya Intervention]||[[AE]] [[LY]]
|21.03.2011||bloomberg.com||[http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-03-21/abu-dhabi-shares-gain-on-saudi-spending-libya-intervention.html Abu Dhabi Shares Gain on Saudi Spending, Libya Intervention]||[[AE]] [[LY]]
== 2010 ==
|26.12.2010||thenational.ae||[http://www.thenational.ae/business/energy/abu-dhabi-company-lands-3bn-libyan-power-contract Abu Dhabi company lands $3bn Libyan power contract]||[[AE]] [[LY]]
|26.12.2010||thenational.ae||[http://www.thenational.ae/business/energy/abu-dhabi-company-lands-3bn-libyan-power-contract Abu Dhabi company lands $3bn Libyan power contract]||[[AE]] [[LY]]
== 2001 ==
|20010521||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/spiegel/print/d-19237182.html AUSSENPOLITIK: Doppelfehler im Amt]||[[DE 19860405 La Belle Attack]] / [[CHROBOG, JUERGEN]] / [[SCHROEDER, GERHARD]] / [[BUSH, GEORGE]] / [[AUSWAERTIGES AMT]] / [[STEINER, MICHAEL]] / [[GADDAFI, MOAMMAR]] / [[LY]]
|20010515||spiegel.de||[http://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/gaddafi-terror-gestaendnis-beim-kanzler-berater-a-134039.html Gaddafi Terror-Geständnis beim Kanzler-Berater?]||[[DE 19860405 La Belle Attack]] / [[LY]] / [[GADDAFI, MOAMMAR]] / [[SCHULZ, ANDREAS]] / [[STEINER, MICHAEL]] / [[HEYE, UWE-KARSTEN]] / [[MEHLIS, DETLEV]]
[[Category:Countries]] [[Category:LY]]
[[Category:Countries]] [[Category:LY]]

Latest revision as of 06:28, 17 August 2023




Date Source Title Tags
20230817 rt.com Killing Gaddafi was a ‘serious mistake’ – Italian FM - The Libyan head of state was executed by US-backed militants during a NATO military intervention GADDAFI, MOAMMAR / LY


Date Source Title Tags
20211203 spiegel.de Libyens Präsidentschaftswahl Gaddafis Sohn darf doch bei Präsidentschaftswahl kandidieren GADDAFI, SAIF AL-ISLAM / LY


Date Source Title Tags
20190510 spiegel.de Druck auf 40 Konzerne Libyens Regierung droht Siemens und Total mit Rauswurf LY


Date Source Title Tags
20180524 defenseone.com The Word That Derailed the Trump-Kim Summit KP / KR / US / TRUMP, DONALD / LY
20180516 rt.com Libyan central bank struggles to open Gaddafi golden coins vault, hires safecrackers LY
20180111 spiegel.de "Schwimmende Bombe" Frachter mit 400 Tonnen Sprengstoff vor Kreta gestoppt GR / TR / WEAPONTRADE / LY


Date Source Title Tags
20170503 rt.com Assange brands Clinton ‘butcher of Libya’ & requests Sweden scrap detention order ASSANGE, JULIAN / WIKILEAKS / CLINTON, HILLARY / LY / SE
20170416 spiegel.de Mittelmeer Deutsches Rettungsschiff in Seenot LY / REFUGEES
20170323 welt.de Was das LKA bei Amris Terror-Chat mitlas AMRI, ANIS / LY / ISIS / LKA NRW
20170128 spiegel.de Dekret des US-Präsidenten Trump verhängt Einreisestopp für sieben muslimische Staaten TRUMP, DONALD / US / REFUGEES / SY / IQ / SD / LY / SO / YE / IR
20170128 rt.com Trump’s executive order bars Syrian refugee program, halts entry for citizens of 7 Arab countries TRUMP, DONALD / US / REFUGEES / SY / IQ / SD / LY / SO / YE / IR


Date Source Title Tags
20161013 rt.com Ex-arms dealer claims US pinned weapon sales to Libya on him to ‘protect’ Clinton – report TURI, MARC / WEAPONTRADE / CIA / US / CLINTON, HILLARY / LY
20160805 spiegel.de Internationaler Betrugsfall: Gaddafi und die Millionen für einen Berliner Filmemacher LY / SALEH, BASHIR / AFRIAN LIBYEN PORTFOLIO
20160410 rt.com ‘Worst mistake as president’: Obama admits he had no plan after Libya regime change LY / US / OBAMA, BARACK
20160326 rt.com ‘Terrorist flow to Europe is Turkish policy’ & ‘SAS in Libya’ – Jordanian king’s US briefing leaked AL-HUSSEIN, ABDULLAH II / LY / GB / TR / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP
20160325 theguardian.com SAS deployed in Libya since start of year, says leaked memo AL-HUSSEIN, ABDULLAH II / LY / GB / TR / ERDOGAN, RECEP TAYYIP
20160312 rt.com US-based companies & Turkish arms manufacturers 'breaking Libya embargo' – UN report LY / TR / US
20160225 rt.com Kerry warns Libya may become ‘failed state’ LY
20160106 foreignpolicyjournal.com Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention GADDAFI, MOAMMAR / LY / CLINTON, HILLARY / BLUMENTHAL, SIDNEY / NATO / FR


Date Source Title Tags
20151219 rt.com ISIS stole sarin gas from Libya stores & has already used it, Gaddafi’s cousin tells RT ISLAMIC STATE / SARIN / LY
20151218 rt.com Deployment fail: US special ops forces arrive in Libya, immediately told to leave LY / US
20151202 rt.com ‘Gaddafi phoned me, asked for help suppressing Arab Spring’ – Hague GADDAFI, MOAMMAR / LY / GB / HAGUE, WILLIAM
20151129 spiegel.de Ex-US-Geheimdienstchef über den IS: "Wir waren zu dumm" ISIS / FLYNN, MICHAEL / US / IQ / LY
20151020 spiegel.de Frankreich: Rechtsstreit um Gaddafis Luxusflieger LY
20150907 rt.com Europe has to deal with refugee disaster caused by US – Nicolas Maduro to RT MADURO, NICOLAS / REFUGEES / US / IQ / LY / SY
20150804 washingtonpost.com Footage of Gaddafi’s son being tortured prompts investigation in Libya GADDAFI, SAADI / LY / TORTURE
20150526 spiegel.de Abdullah al-Thani: Libyscher Ministerpräsident überlebt Attentat LY
20150210 spiegel.de Angespannte Sicherheitslage: USA schließen Botschaft im Jemen US / SY / LY / YE
20150127 spiegel.de IS-Anschlag in Tripolis: Mindestens neun Tote in Luxushotel LY


Date Source Title Tags
20141111 spiegel.de Libyens gestürzte Machthaber: Was wurde eigentlich aus dem Gaddafi-Clan? LY / GADDAFI, MOAMMAR / GADDAFI, SAFIA / GADDAFI, MOHAMMAD / GADDAFI, HANNIBAL
20140826 spiegel.de Bombenangriffe in Libyen: Krieg der Scheichs AE / LY / QA
20140726 spiegel.de Gewalt in Libyen: USA ziehen Personal ihrer Botschaft ab US / LY
20140317 spiegel.de US-Marine: Navy Seals stürmen von libyschen Rebellen beladenen Öltanker LY / US NAVY
20140311 dailymail.co.uk IRAN blew up Lockerbie jet - not Libya, says defector: Ayatollah 'used Syrian-based terror group to bomb Pan Am 103 in revenge attack' 19881221 Lockerbie PANAM 103 / IR / LY / MESBAHI, ABOLGHASSEM
20140308 spiegel.de Rohstoff-Export: Streit um Libyens Ölreichtum eskaliert LY / OIL


Date Source Title Tags
20130826 rt.com ‘Violent chaos’: Libya in deep crisis 2 years since rebels took over LY
20130727 spiegel.de Libyen: Massenausbruch aus Gefängnis in Bengasi LY / BENGHAZI
20130528 spiegel.de Anti-Gaddafi-Gesetz: Präsident der libyschen Nationalversammlung tritt zurück LY
20130319 rt.com Hillary Clinton's hacked Benghazi emails sent to RT CLINTON, HILLARY / LY / DZ / GUCCIFER
20130124 spiegel.de Warnung des Auswärtiges Amtes: Alle Deutschen sollen Bengasi sofort verlassen LY
20130103 nytimes.com Libyan Police Captain Abducted in Benghazi LY


Date Source Title Tags
02.11.2012 theaustralian.com Libya mission was CIA operation: report LY / CIA
21.10.2012 spiegel.de Angebliche Festnahme: Verwirrung um Gaddafis Ex-Sprecher LY / IBRAHIM, MOUSSA
30.09.2012 spiegel.de Libyscher Ex-Diktator: Gaddafi soll Goldschatz in der Wüste versteckt haben LY / GADDAFI, MOAMMAR
29.09.2012 spiegel.de Tödliche Attacke auf Konsulat: US-Regierung hält Anschlag in Bengasi jetzt für Terrorangriff LY / TERRORISM / US
22.09.2012 spiegel.de Gewalt in Bengasi: Regierungstreue Libyer stürmen Islamisten-Lager LY
21.09.2012 spiegel.de Mohammed-Schmähvideo: USA stufen Bengasi-Attacke als Terrorakt ein LY / US
13.09.2012 spiegel.de Chronologie: So lief der Angriff auf das US-Konsulat in Bengasi LY / US
12.09.2012 globalresearch.ca US-Backed Terrorists Murder US Ambassador in Libya: Murdered US Ambassador exposes Libya "progress" propaganda - provides a warning against US meddling in Syria LY / US
12.09.2012 spiegel.de Libyen und Ägypten: Im Hass vereint gegen die USA LY / EG / US
12.09.2012 spiegel.de Toter US-Botschafter in Libyen: Obama schickt Marines nach Bengasi LY / US
12.09.2012 spiegel.de Angriff in Bengasi: US-Botschafter starb offenbar bei Qaida-Anschlag LY / US / AL QAEDA
20120912 spiegel.de Anschläge in Libyen und Ägypten: Islamisten töten US-Botschafter in Bengasi US / EG / LY / BENGHAZI / CAIRO
20120912 spiegel.de Kairo und Bengasi: Islamisten stürmen US-Vertretungen EG / LY / US / BENGHAZI / CAIRO
06.09.2012 spiegel.de CIA-Kooperation mit Gaddafi: Foltern als Freundschaftsdienst LY / TORTURE / CIA
06.09.2012 spiegel.de Bericht von Human Rights Watch: Gaddafi-Gegner prangern Folter durch CIA an HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH / LY / CIA / TORTURE
05.09.2012 spiegel.de Abdullah al-Senussi: Mauretanien liefert Gaddafis früheren Geheimdienstchef aus LY / MR / AL-SENUSSI, ABDULLAH
20120905 bbc.com Mauritania deports Libya spy chief Abdullah al-Senussi AL-SENUSSI, ABDULLAH / LY
03.08.2012 guardian.co.uk Carole Waugh's body found in lock-up garage: Postmortem awaited after body of missing businesswoman found in south-west London with single stab wound WAUGH, CAROLE / LY
05.07.2012 english.alarabiya.net Libya denies extradition of Qaddafi-era spy chief from Mauritania LY / MR / AL-SENUSSI, ABDULLAH
29.04.2012 spiegel.de Wien: Gaddafis früherer Ölminister tot in der Donau entdeckt LY AT GHANEM, SHUKRI
23.04.2012 not4attribution.blogspot.co.uk WESTERN ALLIES OF MI6 'KEPT IN DARK’ OVER MOSQUE STING PLAN: MI6 and Col Muammar Gaddafi’s Libyan intelligence service set up a radical mosque in a Western European city in order to lure in al-Qaeda terrorists, it can be revealed. LY GB MI6 GATHAFI, MOAMMAR
21.04.2012 telegraph.co.uk Western allies of MI6 'kept in dark’ over mosque sting plan - MI6 and Col Muammar Gaddafi’s Libyan intelligence service set up a radical mosque in a Western European city in order to lure in al-Qaeda terrorists, it can be revealed. LY GB MI6 GADDAFI, MOAMMAR
28.03.2012 spiegel.de Aktien und Immobilien: Italien beschlagnahmt Gaddafis Milliarden-Vermögen LY IT
17.03.2012 spiegel.de Zugriff in Mauretanien: Gaddafis Ex-Geheimdienstchef Senussi gefasst LY / MR / AL-SENUSSI, ABDULLAH


Date Source Title Tags
19.11.2011 emirates247.com Libya is 7th largest investor in Abu Dhabi: UK tops the list followed by France, Australia and Japan LY AE
04.09.2011 hellwegeranzeiger.de Welche Geheimdienste kooperierten mit Gaddafi? In Libyen gefundene Dokumente enthüllen nach Presseberichten teils enge Kooperationen zwischen westlichen Geheimdiensten und dem Gaddafi-Regime. SCHMIDBAUER, BERND LY BND
02.07.2011 thehill.com Libyan rebels hire Washington’s No. 1 lobby firm for 'advice and assistance' LY PATTON BOGGS
09.06.2011 secretaryclinton.wordpress.com Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Abu Dhabi: Video Remarks on Libya LY CLINTON, HILLARY
09.06.2011 aljazeera.com Libya Contact Group meets in Abu Dhabi: Conference to discuss what post-Gaddafi country will look like as pressure continues to mount on the Libyan leader. LY
09.06.2011 bbc.co.uk Libya crisis: Allies step up funding to rebels LY
09.06.2011 Ministry of Foreign Affairs (IT) Focus-Libya: Contact Group (Abu Dhabi) - Italian model for aid to the NTC approved IT AE LY
10.05.2011 ft.com Libyan rebels meet in Abu Dhabi AE LY
21.03.2011 bloomberg.com Abu Dhabi Shares Gain on Saudi Spending, Libya Intervention AE LY


Date Source Title Tags
26.12.2010 thenational.ae Abu Dhabi company lands $3bn Libyan power contract AE LY


Date Source Title Tags
20010515 spiegel.de Gaddafi Terror-Geständnis beim Kanzler-Berater? DE 19860405 La Belle Attack / LY / GADDAFI, MOAMMAR / SCHULZ, ANDREAS / STEINER, MICHAEL / HEYE, UWE-KARSTEN / MEHLIS, DETLEV