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Date Source Title Tags
20131007 ANNALS OF COMMUNICATIONSFREEDOM OF INFORMATIONA British newspaper wants to take its aggressive investigations global, but money is running out. GUARDIAN
20130916 Guardian Story on Israel and N.S.A. Is Not ‘Surprising’ Enough to Cover GUARDIAN / NEW YORK TIMES / NSA / US / IL
20130823 Snowden-Enthüllungen: "Guardian" holt "New York Times" ins Boot GUARDIAN / NEW YORK TIMES
20130823 New York Times And Guardian Will Publish More Snowden Revelations: “A climate of intense pressure.” GUARDIAN / NEW YORK TIMES / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130823 Guardian partners with New York Times over Snowden GCHQ files - Some of Edward Snowden cache shared with US paper after 'climate of intense pressure' from UK government GUARDIAN / NEW YORK TIMES / GCHQ
20130823 Snowden 'not the source' of Middle East surveillance leak – Guardian SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GB / GCHQ / GREENWALD, GLENN / GUARDIAN / THE INDEPENDENT
20130821 "Guardian"-Chef Rusbridger: "Die Regierung wollte die Polizei zu uns schicken" RUSBRIDGER, ALAN / GUARDIAN
20130821 "Guardian"-Affäre um Snowden erreicht Cameron CAMERON, DAVID / GUARDIAN
20130821 Druck auf den "Guardian": Cameron soll Schikanen angeordnet haben CAMERON, DAVID / HEYWOOD, JEREMY / GUARDIAN
20130820 S.P.O.N. - Die Mensch-Maschine: Angriff auf die Meinungsfreiheit FREEDOM OF PRESS / GUARDIAN
20130820 Miranda’s detention: Intimidating journalists and their families new norm? MIRANDA, DAVID / JOURNALISM / RUSBRIDGER, ALAN / GUARDIAN
20130820 David Cameron told Cabinet Secretary to get Guardian to hand over Edward Snowden documents: PM instructed Sir Jeremy Heywood to request The Guardian hand over classified material CAMERON, DAVID / HEYWOOD, JEREMY / GUARDIAN
20130820 How the press reacted to Guardian editor's revelation about security pressure - Or should that be - how newspapers didn't react? GUARDIAN / FREEDOM OF PRESS / GCHQ / DAILY TELEGRAPH / THE TIMES / THE INDEPENDENT / DAILY MAIL / WASHINGTON POST / USA TODAY / NEW YORK TIMES / WALL STREET JOURNAL / LE MONDE / RUSSIA TODAY
20130820 Druck auf "Guardian" nach Snowden-Enthüllungen: Angriff auf die Aufklärer GUARDIAN / GB
20130820 Der „Guardian“: David gegen die Goliaths „News of the World“, NSA, Miranda, Besuch vom Geheimdienst: Wie der „Guardian“ zu einer Quelle von Auf- und Anregern wurde. GUARDIAN
20130820 Cameron und der Geheimdienst-Skandal: Im Land der schwarzen Helikopter GB / GUARDIAN / GCHQ / CAMERON, DAVID / SURVEILLANCE / MIRANDA, DAVID / FREEDOM OF PRESS
20130820 "Guardian" unter Druck der Geheimdienste: Schikane gegen die Enthüller FREEDOM OF PRESS / GCHQ / GUARDIAN / RUSBRIDGER, ALAN / SNOWDEN, EDWARD / GB
20130820 NSA files: why the Guardian in London destroyed hard drives of leaked files - A threat of legal action by the government that could have stopped reporting on the files leaked by Edward Snowden led to a symbolic act at the Guardian's offices in London GUARDIAN / FREEDOM OF PRESS / NSA / GCHQ / GB
20130819 Still wondering why we need a stateless media entity like WikiLeaks? This is why JOURNALISM / WIKILEAKS / GUARDIAN
20130819 David Miranda, schedule 7 and the danger that all reporters now face: As the events in a Heathrow transit lounge – and the Guardian offices – have shown, the threat to journalism is real and growing GUARDIAN / RUSBRIDGER, ALAN / FREEDOM OF PRESS / JOURNALISM / GCHQ / GB / SNOWDEN, EDWARD
20130819 "Guardian"-Journalist Greenwald: Partner von Snowden-Vertrautem in London festgehalten GREENWALD, GLENN / MIRANDA, DAVID / LHR / GUARDIAN
20130707 The NSA's mass and indiscriminate spying on Brazilians - As it does in many non-adversarial countries, the surveillance agency is bulk collecting the communications of millions of citizens of Brazil NSA / BR / GUARDIAN
20130628 US army blocks access to Guardian website to preserve 'network hygiene' - Military admits to filtering reports and content relating to government surveillance programs for thousands of personnel GUARDIAN / US ARMY / CENSORSHIP / LEAKS
20130628 Zensur: US-Armee sperrt Zugang zu "Guardian"-Artikeln US / GUARDIAN / CENSORSHIP / US ARMY / LEAKS
20130628 US Army restricts access to Guardian website over secrets in NSA leak stories US / GUARDIAN / CENSORSHIP / US ARMY / LEAKS
20130428 "The Project" in Kazakhstan MURRAY, CRAIG / WIKILEAKS / KZ / ASSANGE, JULIAN / GUARDIAN
20130209 "GUARDIAN" - Genial, geliebt, gefährdet: Der Londoner "Guardian" gilt als eines der besten Nachrichtenmedien im Internet. Aber wenn nichts passiert, ist er bald pleite. Ein Lehrstück GUARDIAN
08.02.2011 WikiLeaks-Berichterstattung: Russland weist britischen Journalisten aus - Russland hat einen Korrespondenten des britischen "Guardian" ausgewiesen. Der Zeitung zufolge wurde ihrem Russland-Experten Luke Harding die Einreise verboten, als er nach zwei Monaten wieder nach Moskau zurückkehren wollte. Er hatte von London aus über die WikiLeaks-Dokumente berichtet. WIKILEAKS GB RU GUARDIAN


Date Source Title Tags
20130820 Alan Rusbridger: I would rather destroy the copied files than hand them back to the NSA and GCHQ - video GUARDIAN / RUSBRIDGER, ALAN